Osh - exact time with seconds! Osh region (Kyrgyzstan): area, population, districts. Kyrgyzstan, Osh city Exact time in Osh city

Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Time and time zones

The length of an earthly day is determined by the time it takes the Earth to rotate around its axis, and is 24 hours. Local solar time corresponds to the apparent position of the Sun and is constantly changing due to the rotation of the Earth. When moving from west to east by 15° longitude, local solar time increases by 1 hour.

Formal language is used in everyday life local time, which is different from the solar one. The entire surface of the Earth is divided into time zones (in other terminology - time zones). Within the same time zone, the same time is used. The boundaries of time zones, as a rule, coincide with interstate or administrative boundaries. The time difference between adjacent time zones is usually one hour, although in some cases the time in adjacent time zones differs by two hours, 30 or 45 minutes.

For most countries in the world, the entire territory of the country is within the same time zone. The territory of countries that extend from west to east over a considerable distance, such as Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil and a number of others, is usually divided into several time zones. The exception is China, throughout which Beijing time is used.

The reference point for determining the time zone offset is Coordinated Universal Time or UTC. UTC corresponds to the mean solar time at the prime or Greenwich meridian. Time zone offsets relative to UTC range from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00.

Almost all countries in Europe and North America, as well as a number of other countries, move their clocks forward an hour in the spring, to summer time, and in the fall - an hour back, to winter time. The offset of the respective time zones relative to UTC changes twice a year. In most countries of the world, the transition to summer and winter time is not practiced.

The city of Osh is located in the foothills of the Tien Shan, it is one of the pearls Fergana Valley. Osh is called the southern capital of Kyrgyzstan. Scientists consider it the oldest Kyrgyz city; the first settlements were here 3,000 years ago, but the founding date of the city is considered to be the 9th century. The city infrastructure is well developed. There are many cozy hotels and guest houses in Osh; in restaurants and cafes you can eat tasty and not very expensive food. Air tickets to this city can be bought online on Tutu.ru.

The climate here is dry continental, characterized by warm summers, the average temperature is +25 - 26 degrees, and not cold winters with a temperature of -2 degrees.

The first meeting of arriving passengers with the city takes place at Osh Airport, one of the largest and modern airports in the Fergana Valley. It operates 24 hours a day and belongs to class “B”. During the year, up to 900 thousand people pass through the airport terminal. The infrastructure here is well developed, it includes: a mother and child room, a first-aid post where a pediatrician works, a playroom; a prayer room is equipped for believers; For the convenience of passengers, there are recreation areas, cafes and restaurants, and many shops. You can get to the city by bus, minibus or taxi in 20 minutes.

Prices for air tickets to Osh depend on the air carrier company, therefore, when planning a flight to Osh, choose the most convenient flights and reasonable prices.

Osh is a city with more than a thousand years of history, but it does not have a large number of historical monuments, at the same time, this city is unique and cannot be confused with any other. Having visited Osh, you should get acquainted with at least some historical and natural monuments. Cheap plane tickets to Osh are selling like hot cakes.

In the center of the city rises Mount Suleiman Too - one of the main attractions of the city. It is an object of pilgrimage for Muslims. According to legend, the prophet Suleiman prayed here.

On the same mountain, in one of the caves, there is an ethnographic museum, another memorial place which is advisable to visit. Its exposition is dedicated to the life and everyday life of the population of the Fergana Valley.

In the vicinity of Osh there are many beautiful natural protected areas. One of the wonderful places is the Upshir-Ata Milk Waterfall. The spectacle it presents is simply fantastic: a milky-white stream flows from a narrow crevice and, falling from a height of 12 meters, flows into the Upshire-Say River.

Osh Bazaar is a place you can’t miss. Stretching for a kilometer along the river, it is a real oriental bazaar with its noise, color, and abundance of oriental goods.

Educated Osh region was not too long ago - in 1939, and today it is one of the administrative units of Kyrgyzstan. What is remarkable about this territory and this region? Let's get curious.

History of settlements

Once upon a time, even before the 10th century, Indo-European tribes with Iranian roots lived on the very territory where the Osh region is currently located. Almost two-thirds of this population was assimilated into the Turkic environment during mass migrations in the 11th-16th centuries. As a result, the vast majority of settlers were Kyrgyz nomads, as well as Turkic peoples with Mongoloid influence engaged in cattle breeding. And Turkic farmers settled on the lands of the plains, and, in fact, it was from them that the Uzbek ethnic group was subsequently formed. Now in the region, in addition to the Kyrgyz (63.8%), who are the main population, there is a large share of Uzbeks (31.1%), and small nationalities such as Russians (1.3%), Uighurs (0.9 %), Turks (0.9%), Tajiks (0.5%), Tatars (0.6%) and other nationalities.

Mountainous terrain

Osh region has its own administrative center. This is the city of Osh. The northeastern part of the regional territory is located on the Fergana ridge of the Tien Shan spurs, and its southwestern part is located on the Turkestan, Trans-Alay and Alai ridges Pamir-Altai mountains.

The territorial zone of the region includes such districts as Kara-Suu, Alai, Kara-Kuldzha, Nookat, Aravan, Uzgen and Chon-Alai. The Kara-Suu region also includes the Barak enclave, which has an area of ​​only 4 sq. km.

Climatic conditions

Osh region is a region with a sharply continental climate. Two large rivers - Karadarya and Naryn - flow through the local territory. They meet and merge into a single stream, forming together a single the Syrdarya River. The waters of all three streams are used to irrigate fields and also as a source of electricity at hydroelectric power plants.

The climate here in the winter is formed as a result of the influence of air masses coming from temperate latitudes, and in the summer from tropical masses formed above Central Asia. At an altitude of 600 to 1100 above sea level, a warm semi-desert climate prevails. Summer at altitudes is hot and dry. The temperature sometimes reaches 40°C. Winters here, unlike the cold plains, are short, with an average temperature of 3-4°C.

Kyrgyzstan according to the latest data

In 2017, Kyrgyzstan reached a population of 6 million 140.2 thousand people. According to official data, Osh region is the leader in terms of the number of citizens living on its territory. Kyrgyzstan in this region alone has a population of 1 million 287.5 thousand people. In second place is the Jalal-Abad region with the number of citizens 1 million 168.7 thousand, followed by Bishkek - 980.4 thousand. Chui region is in fourth place, 905.2 thousand.

The ranks of sparsely populated regions included Talas - 255.2 thousand and Naryn - 281 thousand inhabitants. And the Batken and Issyk-Kul regions surprised with their consistency of indicators. The first, as before, is home to 503.5 thousand people, the second - 476.8 thousand citizens.

By the way, do you know which region has enriched Kyrgyzstan with its six million inhabitants? Osh city - it was in this administrative center that the “anniversary” citizen was born on November 25, 2016.

Osh region and the areas of its districts

The region itself covers an area of ​​29,200 sq/km. In addition to Osh, it includes 3 more cities. These are Kara Suu, whose area is 387 hectares, Uzgen - 9.2 sq. km, and Nookat - 3.26 sq. km. These cities belong to settlements directly under regional subordination. Besides them, there are two more urban village, which are called Naiman and Sary-Tash, 79 villages and numerous villages of the Osh region, the number of which reaches 469 units.

The seven districts included in the region occupy the following areas: Alai - 7582 sq/km, Aravan - 1340 sq/km, Kara-Kuldzha - 5712 sq/km and Kara-Suu - 3616 sq/km, Nookat - 3179 sq/km, Uzgen - 3400 sq/km and Chon-Alai - 4860 sq/km.

Investment opportunities

It so happened historically that, first of all, the Osh region is an agricultural region. As a result, most attention is paid here agriculture and processing industry. The region hopes for mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia, for its help and support in the development of entrepreneurship, especially small and medium-sized businesses. Manufacturers really count on help in selling their own products.

Rich in development opportunities, the areas of this region represent ideal investment potential. For example, the high-mountainous Alai region has very significant reserves of land, water, energy and mineral resources, the development of which is beneficial for the development of the entire region and for those wishing to engage in business. Livestock farming is the most favorable area on which the economy of the region is primarily based.

In the depression

Nookat district, Osh region, hell The administrative center of which is the city of Nookat, was formed in 1928. On its territory there are also the town of Naiman and 16 rural districts. Above sea level, the center of this zone is at an altitude of approximately 1802 m and therefore a wide part of the territory is located in the Nookat depression. But in the west it lies in the Karavan-Kok-Jar depression. South part The area is occupied by the slopes of the Kichik-Alai ridge. Well, the mountainous area of ​​the valley is only 12%. The Abshir-Sai, Khoshchan, Kyrgyz-Ata, Shankol and Chile rivers flow through the area.

The industrial production of this area is represented by enterprises and woodworking production, coal, light and food industries. The development of ecotourism is becoming more and more valuable. The Ak Tala tourist sites already operating in the Nookat region in the Kozho-Kelen Gorge and Abshir-Ata hospitably welcome tourists. The Sahoba Park, located in the town of Zhany Nookat, is also attractive for recreation.

Tempting business prospects

In the Aravan region, which is considered small in area, the leading industries are, nevertheless, the cultivation of cotton fiber and tobacco. These export-oriented products are cotton fiber and tobacco, which account for 70% of the total industry. Besides, local residents skillfully use favorable climatic conditions their region, because fruits and vegetables ripen here earlier than in any other regions.

Today, before cotton growers, tobacco growers and field farmers and other workers representing population of Osh region, The issue of product processing is acute. Selling not raw materials, but finished goods will allow you to make a good profit. And this is precisely what the regional leadership is trying to focus on.

For development

Environmentally friendly products are famous far beyond the borders of Kyrgyzstan; for example, such agricultural products as Alai and Nookat potatoes and Uzgen rice are well known. To date, more than two hundred major interstate agreements and treaties have been concluded between Russia and Kyrgyzstan. And if earlier the partnership was hampered by internecine troubles in Kyrgyzstan (the Tulip Revolution), now the local population has realized that only the brotherhood of peoples, mutual respect and cooperation will provide truly real chances for prosperity.

There is another factor that brings the Osh region and Russia closer together - labor migration. This fact is a product modern world, which is impossible to ignore. And why, because there are people to work at new enterprises. The largest in terms of labor resources is considered to be Osh region. Kyrgyzstan Today, it has thoroughly taken up the development of vocational education in the region, realizing the importance of its role.

Osh city

This city has become a major cultural, industrial and religious center of Kyrgyzstan. Osh is called southern capital countries. This city is very ancient, so it is replete with sights that are worth a look. Half of the population here are Uzbeks.

IN in terms of tourism the city is extremely interesting. Osh region, districts , cities and towns throughout Kyrgyzstan are proud of the main attraction of Osh - Sulaiman-Too. This beautiful picturesque mountain, the slopes of which are decorated with many historical monuments.The Sulaiman-Too Museum-Reserve is the first facility in the country World Heritage UNESCO. There are two mosques here, Takhty Sulaiman and Rawat Abdullahan. Muslims have made pilgrimages here since the ancient Middle Ages. Here you can see the remains of ancient baths, mysterious caves, Babur’s house and rocks covered with ancient hieroglyphs.

Osh is also famous big amount religious buildings, which include the Church of the Archangel Michael, the Sheyit Debe Mosque, Acha Bazar, Shehid Deba, Sadyk Bay, Muhammad Yusuf Baizhodzhi-Ogly (1909). In addition, here you will find an 11th century mausoleum, the Great Silk Road museum complex, a local history museum and the ruins of the Ak-Bura fortress. There are also modern creations, for example, a 24-meter monument to Manas (the country’s national hero), erected in 2012. Cultural modern life The regional philharmonic and 2 theaters also provide citizens with food.


Osh region is a land rich in mineral resources. Traditions of the Great silk road and today they help develop transport links. Road transport in conditions mountainous terrain takes on special significance.The area has significant potential for attracting not only regional, but also international tourists and travelers. Here with Climbers, glider pilots, and mountain tourists who are attracted by the peaks of Pobeda and Lenin will find their highlight - these are seven-thousand-meter mountains that are considered difficult to climb. There are also the Pamir and Tien Shan mountain ranges. U Base camps with a well-developed service sector have been built at their feet, and helicopter flights have been established.

As you can see, the field of activity is huge, and the potential is quite large. A region with a three-thousand-year history does not stand still today.