Regions of Italy. Region of Emilia-Romagna. Emilia Romagna - the birthplace of engines, currency cheese and unique frescoes Map of Italy Emilia Romagna

The Emilia-Romagna region extends across the Apennine Peninsula from the Adriatic coast in the east, just shy of the Ligurian Sea in the west; the minimum straight line distance from the coast to the westernmost part of the region is less than 20 km. About 386 thousand people live in the administrative center of the city (Bologna). This is one of the largest regions of the country, it is divided into nine provinces and historically consists of two parts, Emilia in the northwest and Romagna in the southeast.

Active settlement of the region began several millennia BC; Etruscans, Celts, Romans lived here; the latter had a particularly great influence on the development of these lands, laying roads and building cities. In the 4th century AD, the region played an important political role after the capital was moved to Ravenna.

The region became part of the united Italian kingdom in 1860.

Emilia-Romagna is one of the most prosperous regions not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. There is a very low unemployment rate here, and the incomes of citizens are very high. The food and textile industries are well developed, Agriculture, automotive industry (there are factories of such prestigious car brands as , Ferrari, i, etc.) and other industries. It is in Emilia-Romagna that the main production of tractors used for agricultural purposes is concentrated; This branch of mechanical engineering is Italy's specialty on the world market.

It is convenient to get to Bologna by train from: the fastest trains take 35 minutes, ticket prices start from 13 euros. Departures are every 15 minutes. The trip from there will take at least an hour and a half (12-16 euros). In just an hour you can drive from; this is perhaps the most profitable option if you want to save on air tickets: a train ticket costs from 22 euros, you can find more low prices, but then spend at least two hours on the road.


Not everyone is familiar with the name of the region, but few have not heard of the resort town of Rimini, located in the southeast of Emilia-Romagna in close proximity from an independent state (San-Marino). Less known, but no worse, are the cities of Cattolica, Cervia and others.


The largest resort in Italy on the Adriatic coast, Rimini is located 130 km from Bologna. But it’s just a stone’s throw from San Marino – only 20 km. The city's beaches, known as La Marina, stretch for 15 km. A hotel on the beach in high season will cost 1000 euros per week (Baldinini Hotel); apartments for the same period can be rented at half the price (Residence Cigno). Every July, Rimini becomes the center of the Pink Night festival (La Notte Rosa); You should take care of tickets for the event in advance.

From Rimini you can travel to San Marino. Railway connection not available, but you can use buses ( The interval between flights is 1 hour 15 minutes, the trip duration is 45 minutes. Ticket price – 5 euros.


Cattolica, located on the border with the Marche region, is one of the southernmost cities in the region. The beach here is small, its length is only two kilometers, but very clean, and the developed infrastructure can be the envy of the largest resorts. Many places have special playgrounds for children, staffed by professional animators and nannies.

The main attraction is the aquarium, Acquario di Cattolica, where kids can get acquainted with the life of marine life. Accommodation prices are quite high; a week's stay in a room designed for two adults and a child, depending on the star rating of the hotel, will cost 1,300 euros (Hotel Sayonara) or 2,400 euros (Hotel Luxor Beach).


In the opposite direction from Rimini, 30 km north, is the resort of Cervia, which was popular back in the 19th century. There are wide sandy beaches, and the town itself is quite quiet, so it is preferred by adult couples. However, directly beyond Cervia begins the territory of Milano Marittima, where you can have fun on numerous dance floors.

People with high incomes prefer to stay here, since the local beaches are more spacious and less crowded than in Rimini.

One of best options accommodation in Cervia, with access to the beach and marine species– four-star hotel Conchiglia. With some luck, you can rent a room for two for a week for 965 euros.


Another 60 km north, past Ravenna, and you come to Comacchio, an amazing port city built on islands, making it vaguely similar to Venice. In close proximity to the city center is one of the local fashionable resorts - Porto Garibaldi. No less popular are Lido degli Scacchi and Lido degli Estensi; the first one is more suitable for quiet family vacation, the second, on the contrary, is distinguished by a large amount of entertainment for every taste.

Apartments in Lido degli Estensi can be rented for 760 euros per week (Residence Cleo); a small hotel room in Porto Garibaldi will cost 560 euros (Hotel Cinzia).


Those who like to combine walks along the ancient streets of Italian cities with gastronomic pleasures should come to Emilia-Romagna in the fall, when the region hosts a food and wine festival. But at any other time of the year, especially from April to October, your stay here will be full of impressions.


Magnificent Bologna is a city not only of students, but also of rich culinary traditions. “Bolognese” comes from here. Bologna is also known as a city of galleries, or covered porticos. Their total length is 38 km, and the length of the most famous of them is almost 4 km. It has 666 arches and leads from the city gate of Saragozza (Porta Saragozza), built in the 13th century, to the Sanctuary of the Madonna of St. Luke (Santuario della Madonna di San Luca). The number of arches symbolizes the tempting serpent defeated by the Mother of God.

Another famous landmark of the city is the two leaning towers (Due Torri), Asinelli (Asinelli) with a height of more than 97 meters and the 48-meter Garisenda (Garisenda), built at the beginning of the 12th century. Only 20 towers have survived to this day in Bologna; once there were from 80 to 100 of them, according to other sources - up to 180.


The city of Parma, the center of the province of the same name, the second largest in the region, is mentioned in Stendhal’s novel “The Monastery of Parma”. The author also describes one of the famous historical buildings of the city, the fortress (Cittadella) of the late 16th century. Now all that remains of the former barracks and prison are walls and ditches, and there is a park around it. As for the Parma monastery itself (Certosa di Parma), the Carthusian monastery, it is located some distance from the city center. The original buildings, which appeared at the end of the 13th century, have not survived. What we see now dates back to the 16th-18th centuries.

One of the most beautiful churches in the city is the Basilica of Our Lady of the Wall (Basilica di Santa Maria della Steccata). It was built at the beginning of the 16th century. The crypt of the basilica contains the burial places of the Dukes of Parma.

Church of St. Vitale (Chiesa di San Vitale) is ancient; The generally accepted version, based on official documents, dates it to the 11th century, but there is an opinion that the church was built two centuries earlier. In 1996, the building was closed for 10 years for restoration.


The city of Modena is the second largest in the region after Bologna. A Roman colony was founded here in 183 BC. In the 7th century, the city was destroyed by a flood, and the residents who escaped death founded a new settlement. Modena is known as the city where Enzo Ferrari, the founder of the company named after him, was born.

The symbol of Modena is the Ghirlandina, the city's bell tower. cathedral. Its height is 86 meters. The tower was built at the end of the 12th century and later completed. You can go up here and get a bird's eye view of the city. The cathedral itself (Duomo di Modena) appeared in the 11th century. This is one of the main Italian monuments of Romanesque architecture. Stones from ancient Roman ruins were used for its construction - excavations were carried out not far from the site of the cathedral's construction, and a lot of suitable material was discovered. Inside the cathedral there are valuable sculptures and frescoes of the 14th-15th centuries.

Another building that can also serve as an example of the style is the Baroque Ducal Palace (Palazzo Ducale) from the early 17th century. There once stood a castle here that belonged to the d'Este dynasty, an ancient princely family of Italy that ruled Modena and Ferrara for more than half a millennium.


Continuing the story about the princes d’Este, we cannot ignore Ferrara, a city whose heyday occurred in the 13th-16th centuries. Art actively developed here, and its own unique painting style emerged, called the “Ferrara school” (Scuola Ferrarese). Its most prominent representatives were Cosmè Tura, Lorenzo Costa the Elder and others.

A reminder of the power of the d’Este dynasty is the grandiose Castello Estense, built at the end of the 14th century.. He originally played the role defensive structure, but by the end of the 15th century it had become a family residence, the splendor of which was not inferior to many royal palaces in Europe. Now it houses the city administration, and tourists are allowed into some rooms and the courtyard.

In Ferrara, an entire street built in the Middle Ages has remained intact. It is called the Street of Vaults (Via delle Volte), since most of it passes through numerous arches. The earliest buildings date back to the 7th-11th centuries; total length of the street - approx.
two kilometers.


Today, just over 100 thousand people live in Piacenza, the center of the province of the same name in Emilia-Romagna. And already in 187 BC it was a thriving city, lying on the way from Rome to Northern Europe; The Via Emilia, built by the ancient Romans, passed through it. The legacy of that time is the layout of city streets.

The city has many attractions, of which the Church of San Sisto, or St. Sixtus (Chiesa di San Sisto), deserves special mention; for her (Raffaello Santi), commissioned by Pope Julius II, he wrote the “Sistine Madonna” (Madonna Sistina). More than two centuries later, the painting was sold to the then King of Poland, Augustus III, and now a copy of it hangs in the church.

Among other religious buildings, one cannot fail to mention the majestic Basilica of St. Antonino (Basilica di Sant’Antonino), built in honor of the patron saint of Piacenza. The first building appeared here in the 4th century; subsequently it was reconstructed more than once. Around the 11th century, it acquired the form in which it has survived to this day. A huge arch in front of the entrance to the church appeared in 1350.

Medieval architecture is represented by the Palace of the Commune (Palazzo Comunale), or Gothic Palace, built at the end of the 13th century. The lower part of the palace with high arches is lined with pink marble; the upper one, with battlements and turrets, is made of brick. In one of the towers hangs a bell that used to be used in emergency situations convened the inhabitants of the city.

Another palace, built during the Renaissance, belonged to the Landi family (Palazzo Landi). It now houses a court.

Perhaps the most interesting city in the region is Ravenna, former capital several states that successively arose on the territory of modern Italy. The city has eight architectural monuments of the early Christian period, built no later than the 6th century and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is, first of all, the mausoleum of Galla Placidia (Mausoleo di Galla Placidia), the daughter of one of the Roman emperors, whose residence was located here in Ravenna. Another mausoleum, this time Ostrogothic, is the burial place of King Theodoric the Great (Mausoleo di Teodorico); until 526 he ruled the Ostrogothic Empire, and Ravenna was the capital of his possessions.

Under him, a second one was built in the city, it is usually called the new Basilica of St. Apollinaris (Basilica di Sant’Apollinare Nuovo). The relics of the saint were temporarily transferred into it from former suburb Equal to Classe. The interiors of the basilica are decorated with three rows of Byzantine mosaic frescoes of the 5th-6th centuries, which are the outstanding work of art ever created by mankind.

Thanks to the incredible concentration of unique cultural and architectural monuments, Ravenna has always attracted people of art. The names associated with it are (Dante Alighieri), Lord Byron (George Byron), Alexander Blok. And Ravenna is very beautiful city, located on the seashore; it means that cultural recreation here you can combine it with the beach. The most modern of them is Lido Adriano. A wild beach Casalborsetti is suitable for those who prefer a holiday away from civilization.

Emilia Romagna is the birthplace of balsamic vinegar, Parmesan cheese and the famous Parma ham. It is also a treasure trove of attractions and best resorts Italy.

Brief information about the region

Additional Information! Emilia-Romagna is one of the largest administrative regions in Italy with a population of 4,446 people. This area includes 9 provinces with 340 communes. The administrative center of the region is Bologna.

On the map of Italy, the territory of Emilia-Romagna extends east from the Adriatic Sea through the Apennine Mountains. In the west the region does not reach the Ligurian Sea and borders Lombardy and Venice, in the south with Tuscany and Macre. In the east, the territory of Emilia-Romagna is washed by the Adriatic Sea.

The region consists of two historical parts: Emilia (northwestern territory) and Romagna (southeastern territory).

Emilia Romagna

There are three types of climate in Emilia Romagna:

  • continental. This type of climate prevails in the flat zone with characteristic cold winters and hot summers;
  • Alpine. The climate is typical for the mountain zone. These areas have cold winters and cool summers;
  • moderate. It predominates in the coastal zone, which is characterized by cold north-easterly winds.

The main airport, Guglielmo Marconi, is located in the administrative center of the region - Bologna. It receives flights from other cities in Italy and Europe. Another Federico Fellini airport serving the Adriatic coast is located in Rimini.

You can also get to Bologna by high speed train from Florence, Venice and Milan. Trains depart every 15 minutes. The travel time will be from 35 m to 1.5 hours. Train ticket prices start from 13 euros. Travel time and cost depend on the point of departure.

Guglielmo Marconi Airport

Sights of the region

Emilia-Romagna can safely be called a region of continuous attractions. Each of its provinces has something to do and see.

Porticoes that unite streets, towers and palaces are the main Business Cards Bologna. The city is imbued with the spirit of student life: it is home to one of the oldest universities in Italy. Arriving in Bologna, you should definitely visit:

  • the leaning towers of Asinelli and Grisenda. The buildings are considered the most famous of the two dozen towers that have survived to this day. They were built in the 12th century. The height of the towers is about 100 and 48 m. Climbing to the top you can admire Bologna from a bird's eye view;
  • Porticoes of San Luca. It has 666 arches, the number of the tempting serpent. Considered the most famous. It leads from the city center to the Church of San Luca. The total length of all porticoes of the city, which are covered galleries, is 40 km.
  • Piazza Maggiore. It is the main venue for events of various types and is located in the center of Bologna. The following historical monuments of the city are located near the square;
  • Basilica of St. Petronius;
  • Saint Paul's Cathedral;
  • Neptune Square with a bronze statue of the god Neptune.

In Modena, you should definitely visit the Ferrari Museum. Here you can see a collection of legendary cars, including the very first model from 1947. The area of ​​the museum is 300 sq.m.

Church of Saint Vincent

In addition, examples of Romanesque architecture in Modena deserve attention. Of interest are the complex of buildings of the city cathedral, central square Piazza Grande and the Ghirlandina bell tower standing on it. This architectural trio has been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Also worth a visit:

  • Palace of Museums;
  • Church of St. Vincent;
  • city ​​theater;
  • Ducal Palace.

For lovers of classical music, Parma is of undoubted interest. This province of Emilia-Romagna is one of the world capitals of classical music. The following places are worth visiting:

  • Concert Hall named after Paganini;
  • House of Music;
  • house-museum of Arthur Toscanini;
  • house of sound;
  • Theater "Reggio"

Teatro Reggio

Parma is also interesting for its ancient historical buildings:

  • an octagonal baptistery built of pink marble;
  • Bishop's Palace - built in the 11th century;
  • Church of St. John the Evangelist. Distinctive feature buildings - frescoes;
  • Church of Madonna della Steccata. Parmigianino's work can be seen here;
  • the Benedictine Monastery, where the Hall of St. Paul with masterpieces by Correggio is of interest;
  • The National Gallery, where you can see the works of many famous painters.

And, of course, you can’t leave this province without trying the famous Parma ham. Parma is the birthplace of this Italian delicacy.

Church of St. John the Evangelist


You can get acquainted with the sights of the region by booking excursions.

Science Museum of the University of Bologna. The cost of this excursion is 84 euros*. Duration – 1.5 hours.

Additional Information! The cost of a ticket to the museum is 5 euros per adult and 3 euros per child.

Tour of Ferrara. Its cost is 140 euros. Duration – 2.5 hours.

Museums of Modena. The cost of the excursion is 150 euros. Duration – 2.5 hours

Tickets to the museum and test drive at the Ferrari Museum are paid additionally.

The price of all excursions is for 1 – 10 people. The cost is stable and does not depend on the number of people in the group.

Types of holidays in Emilia-Romagna

The beaches of Emilia-Romagna are impressive in size and popular among tourists. The most famous resorts in Emilia Romagna:

  • Rimini. The resort is suitable for families with children. Rimini's white sand beaches offer all kinds of attractions and playgrounds for children;
  • Cattolica. Length sandy beaches this resort is 2000 m. Near the beaches there are health complexes and spa centers;
  • Riccione. The resort is aimed at lovers of active entertainment. On the coast there are sports centers and many clubs and bars where the fun never ends;
  • Misano Adriatico. The resort is popular among yachting enthusiasts. Here you can rent a yacht and go on a sea voyage. The total length of the beaches is 3000 m;

Misano Adriatico

  • Cesenatico. The resort is not large in size and is famous for its thermal baths. Here you can combine beach holiday with wellness treatments;
  • Comacchio. Resort town located in the vicinity of Ferrara and located in the Po delta. Many canals run through its territory. The beaches of this resort are not large;
  • Ravenna. Here are some of the most clean beaches Emilia-Romagna, which is surrounded by pine forests. The place is suitable for relaxing with a child.

In addition to relaxing on the beaches, the region has a lot of entertainment attractions that will not let either adults or children get bored:

  • Not far from Rimini is the Fiabilandia amusement park. Open from April to September. Opening hours: 10.00 to 19.00. From July to August, opening hours are extended to 12:00;
  • Dolphinarium of Rimini. Open from April to September every day.
  • Not far from the small village of Viserba is the amusement park “Italy in Miniature”. Ticket prices range from 10 to 20 euros.

Misano Adriatico

Useful information for tourists

Anyone visiting Emilia Romagna should consider national characteristics region.

  • Italians have a special relationship with food. For them, this is a whole ritual that requires attention and time.
  • It's common to talk a lot in the region Best place For practical learning of the Italian language and making new acquaintances, you can’t find it.
  • The concept of punctuality is poorly developed in this region. Everyone here is always late.
  • In any establishment in Emilia-Romagna there is a high chair and everything a small child needs.
  • An order in a restaurant or cafe must be paid in advance, even before it is delivered.
  • Museums, shops, restaurants may not be open during these hours.
  • From September to October there is a food and wine festival.

The destination Emilia-Romagna Italy is of great interest to tourists. In this region you can enjoy a comfortable holiday on the best white beaches in Italy, as well as see a lot of historical attractions and cultural monuments region.

*Prices are current as of September 2018.

Emilia-Romagna! Agree, even the name sounds charming. Therefore, if you go on a trip to Italy, do not deprive this wonderful region of your attention.

On the map of Italy, Emilia-Romagna occupies the northern part of the country and extends from the Adriatic Sea in the east of the region and almost to the Ligurian coast in the west.

The southern part of Emilia-Romagna borders with and Marche, while its northern part borders with Lombardy and.

Location of the Emilia-Romagna region on the map of Italy

The Neolithic era was the starting point in the history of Emilia-Romagna. The Etruscans lived in the region, then the Celts, and in the 3rd century AD. e. The region was conquered by the Romans.

In fact, the region received its name Emilia in honor of the Roman military leader Marcus Aemilius Lepidus.

It was the Romans who created and developed these territories. They paved the road from modern Rimini to modern Piacenza. And they built cities along this road that became the main cities of the region: Ravenna and Ferrara. In the 18th century, the region's territories were occupied by French troops. It was only in 1860 that Emilia-Romagna became part of Italy.

Emilia-Romagna – region of attractions

Emilia-Romagna is a region that brings together the most fabulous and picturesque cities which are rich in beautiful sights. Therefore, if you want not to miss anything, the best way is to rent a car in which you can visit all the attractions of Emilia-Romagna. Emilia-Romagna is simply overflowing with interesting places!

You will learn all the details about the Emilia-Romagna region from the video:


So, this is a city that was once the capital of the region. The most popular attraction here is Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. In reality, this building is not a mausoleum, since Galla Placidia is buried in Rome. But the building has enormous historical value, since it was erected in the 5th century. In addition, by visiting it, you will receive great aesthetic pleasure from the interior design of the building. This object is included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO.

The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site


Bologna is the capital of Emilia-Romagna, which attracts tourists with its architecture and picturesque nature. The main attractions here are the leaning towers of Asinelli and Garisenda. The height of the first is 97 meters; to climb to its top you need to overcome 498 steps. The height of Garisenda is 48 meters.
Another attraction of the city that every educated inhabitant of the planet knows about is University of Bologna.

The University of Bologna is famous all over the world

The modern university began many years ago as a law school, which has left its mark on its modern development. After all, the main direction of the university remains legal.

Don't neglect and Archaeological Museum of Bologna, and Museum of the Middle Ages of Bologna. The exhibits will take you back far into the history of the city. The Archaeological Museum presents Egyptian and Etruscan collections, which are very important for Europe. The Museum of the Middle Ages will immerse you in the history of the city. You will be able to get acquainted with the items that were used in everyday life by the ruling elite.

The Church of San Giacomo Maggiore is famous for its paintings and frescoes by famous Italian artists of the 15th century. Here you can admire paintings by Lorenzo Costa, Amico Aspertini and Francesco Francia.

Based on this, Bologna as a whole can be considered a city of interest. And such status can be given to this city only for the arched galleries that stretch for 40 kilometers. Thanks to them, city residents and tourists are protected from heat in summer, and from precipitation in autumn and winter.

You can admire the sights of Bologna by watching the video:


In Modena you can visit Ferrari museums. Here you can feel like a car designer in Enzo Ferrari's personal office, preserved with almost historical accuracy.

You will also get acquainted with the fascinating history of cars of this brand and the life story of Enzo himself.

In summer, the museum is open from April 1 to October 31 every day from 9.30 to 19.00. From November 1 to March 31, the museum is open an hour less – until 18.00. On Christmas and New Year the museum is closed.
The ticket price for one person is 20 euros and can be ordered via the link The ticket can be used within a year from the date of purchase.

At the Ferrari Museum you can feel like a car designer


It is worth seeing the Palazzo della Pilotta, which hides on its territory the National Gallery, the Archaeological Museum, the Academy of Fine Arts, and the Farnese Theater.

In addition to architectural and historical monuments, Emilia-Romagna has so-called thermal baths - these are thermal centers, the territory of which is surrounded by nature reserves and sea coasts. There are a total of 23 such centers in the region (Castrocaro, Tabiano, Bagno di Romagna, etc.).

Now the thermal baths are gaining immense popularity among tourists, as they treat various diseases, such as diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, gynecological, rheumatic, dermatological and other diseases.

Many diseases can be cured in the thermal centers of Emilia Romagna

To go around everything interesting places Emilia-Romagna, you will have to spend more than one day or even a week. But visiting all these places will bring you amazing aesthetic pleasure and will leave a deep imprint on your memories.

Emilia-Romagna - wine region

Except huge amount attractions and picturesque landscapes, the region is famous for its winemaking craft.

The hallmark of Emilia-Romagna is the red sparkling Lambrusco. This is due to the fact that Emilia-Romagna is very well located and has a favorable climate for growing many varieties of grapes.

The main grape variety in Emilia-Romagna is Lambrusco, which produces a light wine suitable for effervescent types.

The famous red sparkling wine Lambrusco is produced in Emilia-Romagna

Trebbiano and Malvasia varieties are used to produce white wine. To make red wine, Bonard and Barber grapes are used. Many wines from Emilia-Romagna are classified as frizzante. This is due to the fact that wine that has not reached final fermentation is placed in bottles, resulting in sparkling wines.

Where to stay in Emilia Romagna

There are a huge number of hotels in Emilia-Romagna.

You can also rent apartments here for a family holiday. Despite the large selection of hotels, when traveling to this region you should book a hotel room in advance.

For example, in Rimini there is an excellent three star hotel Marittima. A tour to Rimini with accommodation in this hotel for two people for 7 days will cost about 60 thousand rubles.

Another optimal accommodation option in Emilia Romagna is three-star hotel Mirador Rimini. In this hotel, a double room will cost your wallet about 6 thousand rubles.

The three-star Hotel Mirador Rimini is one of budget hotels in Rimini

Another economy hotel in Rimini Bamby marina centro. Three stars doesn't make it any less comfortable. Here you will find a wide range of services, as well as excellent and comfortable living conditions. The room rates at this hotel vary in the same range as the previous two.

Festivals and holidays

In addition to all the sights and architectural monuments, when you come to Emilia-Romagna, you can become part of its culture and traditions.

If you come to Rimini in early July, you can witness a magical spectacle when the entire city turns pink. In addition to buildings, tourists and local residents must wear pink clothing or have at least one pink element.

Every weekend in September, Emilia-Romagna hosts Festival of Parma Ham.

At the Parma Ham Festival you will learn how this delicacy is made.

Concerts and exhibitions are offered as entertainment, but the most important thing is the opportunity to visit the factory where this amazing product is produced, as well as its historical museum.
Traditional Food and Wine Festival has been taking place in several cities in Emilia-Romagna for several years. WITH detailed information The festival can be found on the website

How to get to Emilia Romagna

You can get to the regional capital Bologna in various ways:

  • by plane;
  • by train;
  • by bus.

Guglielmo Marconi Airport is located six kilometers from the center of Bologna. From there there are regular bus services into the city that pass through the train and bus stations. Trains go to Bologna from all big cities Italy, since Bologna is considered the transport hub of the region.

From Bologna you can get to the city in just half an hour using rail transport. And from Ferrara by train to Ravenna it takes a little more than one hour. All cities of Emilia-Romagna are connected bus routes, so traveling around this region will not be tiring and difficult.

If you want to enjoy the enchanting views of Italy and become part of its history, head to Emilia Romagna.

Here you will find exciting festivals, educational museums and scenic views. Travel, expand your horizons and enjoy life!