Why is a long-term flood dangerous? Flood. Flood emergencies

The main causes of most floods are:
. prolonged intense rains and downpours as a result of the passage of cyclones;
. rapid snow melting, ice jams, breakthroughs of intraglacial and dam lakes;
. strong winds and tsunami waves;
. deforestation, unsustainable farming;
. dam breaks, dam destruction, etc.

The first task is to warn those who can take care of themselves while they know what the danger is and what they must do to ensure their safety. The second task is to organize assistance that is broader than individual assistance, where possible to secure common property, evacuate and help immediately after a flood, etc. both systems are closely related and their effectiveness depends on the degree of cooperation between them.

Flood warning systems

The purpose of the Flood Warning System is to provide residents and users of floodplains with the means to take measures that reduce the risk to life and health and, where possible, limit damage to property. Flood warning systems consist of the following.

From historical chronicles we know, for example, the flood that occurred in England on June 19, 1725 as a result of heavy rains, which caused severe river floods in almost all areas of England, flooding the first floors of buildings and causing significant material damage.

The first mention of the Moscow River flood dates back to the spring flood of 1496. Frequent floods in Moscow led to the creation of a drainage canal in the 17th century. However, despite this, in April 1908, the flood of the Moscow and Yauza rivers led to the flooding of 20% of the entire city territory. Examples of catastrophic floods are also the flood in England in March 1936 and the flood in 1993 in the Mississippi River basin (USA).

Forecast the size and timing of the flood Identify areas that may be flooded by calling for alerts - Individuals and agencies threaten to send out warnings Monitor people's response to the warning. The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management is responsible for flood forecasts in Poland based on the national rainfall and water monitoring network.

The purpose of this task is to determine which area is likely to be inundated by floods and what is there: buildings, institutions, companies, etc. This type of work can be done before the flood: one possibility is to prepare several scenario scenarios based on the analysis model. Another option is to use the flood range of the last major flood. This latter option provides a reasonably good basis for operation in the absence of model analysis - the warning system has been applied to the Thames River basin in England.

Flash floods occur mainly in high latitudes with some regularity in the spring when snow melts quickly or there is heavy rainfall. Since at this time the frozen soil practically does not absorb water, excess water rushes into the river, the level of which can rise by several meters in a matter of hours. In Russia, such events are especially frequent in Siberia.

In addition, a list of people, institutions and companies that should be warned should be prepared before the flood for each of the developed floodplain scenarios. It should include addresses, telephone numbers or other means of contacting building owners or occupants. It is also necessary to take into account contact at non-standard times: at night, during holidays; holidays, etc.

The content of the message is one of the elements that determines the effectiveness of the warning. It is generally believed that an effective message should be short but still meaningful. A description of the current situation that should be expected and when it should be observed. . Warnings can be divided into two types: general and detailed.

Short-term floods are possible in areas with a special type of relief and in the presence of many hours of intense rainfall. Conditions for the occurrence of such floods exist in large cities and mountainous areas. In cities, when there is heavy rainfall, storm drains cannot cope with the removal of water and, as a result, its level quickly rises. A similar effect can be observed in mountain gorges. In both cases, accumulated water can rush through the free space at high speed, destroying buildings or causing landslides and other adverse events. A typical example is the flood caused by many hours of heavy rainfall in the American city of Rapid in 1972, as a result of which a wave 9 meters high rushed many kilometers from the place of precipitation and led to the death of 237 people.

General warnings address entire communities or regions and provide information about the possibility of flooding in the near future. They are used for distribution: radio, television, Internet. Specific warnings are addressed to parts of the community or individuals, and their purpose is to describe what may happen in the near future. In this case, dissemination efforts must be faster and address endangered species more directly. These include alarm sirens or church bells, telephone alerts, neighborhood assistance notifications, and police or city fire alarms.

Floods resulting from ice jams are also very dangerous. They arise quite quickly as a result of the overflow of the river bed, and their energy begins to influence with increasing force the buildings, dams, plants, structures, bridges, vehicles, etc. located in the river basin. Typical examples of such floods are the Yukon River flood in Alaska in 1992 and the Lena River flood in 2001. In the latter case, the city of Lensk was flooded, and the water level in the river rose by 20.13 m.

It is important that warnings reach people from multiple sources rather than from one source, which increases their effectiveness. The purpose of flood response systems is to organize measures to protect life, health and protect objects and property in the flood zone during and immediately after a flood. The directions of such systems are as follows.

Temporary protection of selected objects using bags of soft brain-Gluvno or other types of protection from the movement of some streets and bridges, turn off the power to the risk of flooding areas, evacuation management and evacuation organization, full or partial provision of the necessary equipment and materials to carry out this control of shares of measuring instruments and flood safety. The operation of such a system is based on the experience of previous floods associated with the state of water in the river and the consequences of this state of water.

Another reason that causes flooding is strong winds and storms that drive high waves onto land. As noted by K. Kondratiev, V. Krapivin and I. Potapov, in this case, depending on the combination of wind speed and the amount of air resistance to moving water, water rises of over 6 meters may occur. In September 1900, a similar wave accompanied by a simultaneous storm and hurricane killed about 6 thousand people on the coast of Texas (USA). A similar disaster flooded the city of New Orleans and a number of other settlements in 2005.

However, it should be noted that the system of preventive measures for various reasons does not always guarantee the complete elimination of an emergency situation in a particular area associated with flooding. In this case, the system for carrying out rescue and other urgent work in the emergency area comes into effect.

The response system must control the flow of counterproductive activities carried out in companies and institutions whose proper functioning is important to the local community. Typically these are objects that are important for the proper functioning of the security system.

In terms of the number of floods, Asia consistently ranks first, with a significant lead from other continents. At the same time, China is the leading country, in which only in three years from 1998 to 2000. There were 58 floods, with the United States in second place (52). In Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Somalia, Russia and Romania, more than 10 have occurred in each country. But of all the countries in the world, Bangladesh suffers the most from floods, where the plains, flooded by the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna and small rivers, account for approximately 2/3 of the country's total area.

It is necessary to take an active part in public works for sanitary cleaning of the territory and restoration of roads

Crisis response team headquarters, police departments, city guards, and fire brigades have selected bridges and road sections necessary to manage the company's companies that supply goods and services necessary for the operation of government buildings. And facilities that may pose a threat to users or damage from secondary flooding.

Storage of medicines, fuels, sewage treatment plants water treatment plants garbage waste schools and nursing homes commercial and industrial facilities. Owners or managers of these properties must develop their own flood response plans.

On all continents, floods occur in all months of the year. The greatest number of them occurs in April, May and June, during the melting of snow in the Northern Hemisphere, the smallest - in December, January, February, when most rivers are frozen. The overwhelming majority of floods last no more than three days, with a slightly smaller number lasting four to seven days. For the period 1997-1999. 20 floods lasted more than 30 days.

Ensuring the safety of existing facilities

Floodplain construction cannot be eliminated, and because people have lived in these areas for generations, and despite the threat of flooding, they do not want to leave. However, for properties that are prone to frequent flooding and flooding, try to buy, demolish or relocate them. Other buildings can be protected from damage or destruction in different ways. The most common methods include.

Buy land and demolish building

Preventing water from entering the interior of a building - sealing the construction preparation of buildings and locating equipment so that water flows into them does not cause particular performance of damage around buildings of various types of permanent screens or temporary use of building materials, structural finishes and waterproofing. This is a cost-effective method for the municipality, especially when the site has been flooded several times and its use continues to endanger human lives. The acquired land becomes the property of the municipality and can be used as a meadow or recreation area.

All over the world, including Russia, there is a tendency for a significant increase in damage from floods, caused by irrational management of river valleys, increased development of flood-prone areas and climate warming. Among the most recent severe floods is the flood of December 10-17, 1999 in Venezuela, which killed more than 100 people in Caracas alone, and about 10 thousand people died throughout the country. Another major flood occurred in England, Switzerland, France, Italy and Spain between October 10 and November 5, 2000, causing property damage of $8 billion. 43 thousand people were evacuated from dangerous areas, more than 100 became victims of the disaster.

Move the building to a higher site

Moving a building is the most effective way to protect it. Unfortunately, it is expensive, so it is difficult to count on the activity of building owners. Some governments offer special programs that allow them to finance such operations.

It consists of raising the level of a residential building to a safe level, for example, several tens of centimeters above one hundred years. The space under the building is reserved for economic purposes so that flowing water does not cause any serious loss or damage to the structure. This is an effective method in areas where the tank depth is shallow. Its use in Poland is difficult due to heavy construction and the lack of specialized companies.

On November 20, 2000, one of the worst floods occurred in Australia. After 2 weeks of continuous rain, 12 Australian rivers overflowed their banks and flooded the states of New South Wales and Queensland. More than 200 thousand square kilometers of fields, towns and cities were under water, the damage amounted to about 250 million US dollars. In the same year, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Great Britain, and Switzerland suffered floods. In May 2001, severe flooding flooded the Russian city of Lensk, as well as the villages of Batamai, Saldykel, South Nyuya, Natora, and Turukta. The total damage from the natural disaster amounted to 6 billion rubles.

Prevent water from entering the building's interior - Seal the facility

Buildings in floodplain areas can be sealed so that floodwaters do not penetrate inside. Unfortunately, this method gives good results only to a certain depth of the tank, about 90 cm - at higher depths, the water pressure on the walls of the sealed building may damage their design.

Waterproofing of building interiors and equipment

This depends, of course, on the thickness of the walls of the building and on the materials from which it was made. This method involves creating free water through the building and providing conditions such that there may be little equipment in the area. Very good results are also transferred just before the flow of furniture and more valuable equipment to the upper floor. This method is used as a last resort when other options fail.

As for Russia, in recent decades there has been a constant increase in the number of floods in the North Caucasus, Siberia, and the Far East. At the same time, in the central regions (for example, the Moscow region) there have been no major floods in recent years. Moreover, experts note a significant deepening of the groundwater level. The total number of floods in Russia in recent years has reached 19% of the total number of catastrophic natural phenomena.

Use of permanent or temporary protection

But it gives very good results: depending on the effort, it reduces the number of losses. This method can be used in areas where the expected flooding is not deep. It is based on the winding of a building with a low shaft or ceiling wall. The scope of practice undertaken varies widely, from providing external access to the basement of a building to ensuring building safety. Due to the problem of drainage and filtration, under normal conditions individual safety measures of more than one meter are not used.

Thus, in the summer of 2002, a severe flood occurred in the North Caucasus in the basins of the Terek, Kuban, Kuma, and Podkumok rivers, killing 104 people. The Tisza River basin in Hungary is flooded quite regularly (1993, 1995, 2000, 2001). Severe floods occurred in June 2005 in 22 provinces in China. The disaster killed 536 people and left another 137 missing. The total damage was $2.45 billion. On August 1, 2005, floods and landslides caused by heavy rains in western India killed about 1 thousand people. More than 10 thousand people were evacuated from dangerous areas.

Use of waterproof building materials

Retrofitting, modernizing or renovating a building located in a floodplain is a good opportunity to use building and finishing materials that will reduce future flooding. Materials that are resistant to water include: concrete, glass, metal, ceramics. Materials that do not contain water include, but are not limited to, gypsum and wood.

One of the main causes of loss is water or wastewater entering buildings through the sewer system. Therefore, it is worth using a device that allows you to disconnect the installation inside the building from the sewer system. This will bring good results not only during floods, but also during heavy rains.

In 2012, severe flooding occurred in the North Caucasus. The city of Krymsk was the most heavily flooded, where the exact number of dead and injured people has not yet been established. This year, due to heavy rains, settlements in the Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory, and Jewish Autonomous Region suffered severe flooding.

Significant damage is caused by poor drainage networks. This applies to both rural and suburban areas. Drivers in three cities were heavily impacted by storms last week. The hour-long downpour caused complete paralysis and traffic chaos. Flood offers will probably appear in advertising services soon.

Has water ever flooded your car? Yes, after the flood the car was suitable for scrap metal. Yes, fortunately, the car still works without major losses. The constantly changing climate is causing European countries to experience floods more frequently. Typically, innocent cloud damage transforms into floods and floods, which in turn results in millions of losses. The cataclysm is devastating on roads, buildings and uninsured portfolios. This vehicle is for scrap metal only.

To protect against floods, it is planned to build dams. Their height and location are calculated taking into account flood statistics in a particular area and ensuring a certain level of risk. Engineering calculations during the construction of a dam must also include protection of the dam itself from destruction, since when it is destroyed, huge masses of water rush downstream, demolishing everything in its path. Considering the negative experience of recent years, I would like to believe that relevant officials and government services would pay more serious attention to the condition of hydraulic structures and preventive measures to protect settlements from floods, and government authorities would pay more serious attention to the financing of these activities.

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Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management and Business

Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences

in the discipline: "Life Safety"

Topic: "Flood"

Completed by: 2nd year student

Faculty of Economics

Thrush Evgeniya Victorovna


assistant professor Lukonin Alexei Nikolaevich

Nizhny Novgorod


  • Introduction
  • 6. Actions after a flood
  • Conclusion


Water is the source and basis of life on the planet; it is the most common substance, covering most of the planet. In its normal state, water lives in the ocean, rivers, and lakes, gradually changing the topography of the earth's surface. This process occurs steadily over thousands of years. However, at times, water also falls into extremely painful states, when it becomes a real formidable weapon, bringing destruction and death to all living things in its path. The destructive power of water lies in natural disasters associated with the loss of control over the situation in rivers, seas and oceans.

Subject of this abstract: "Flood". Relevance The problem of flooding is due to the fact that flooding is the most common attack of water elements, which happens almost every year. This is a very dangerous natural phenomenon, which is a possible source of an emergency if flooding of an area with water causes material damage, harms public health, or leads to the death of people, farm animals and plants. At the same time, the number of victims during severe floods largely depends not only on the provision of scientific and technical means for monitoring, warning, and evacuation of the population, but also on the ability of the population to act in emergency situations. This is especially important for areas with high population density, and without the necessary means to carry out preventive measures and save people.

Target This abstract is to study flooding, as one of the most frequent and dangerous emergency situations, as well as the actions of the population before, during and after the flood. Based on the intended goal, the author is faced with the following: tasks:

characterize the flood, its types and causes,

characterize the Nizhny Novgorod region from the point of view of the risk of floods,

consider a set of necessary measures to protect the population and facilities from flooding,

give clear recommendations on how a person should act before, during and after a flood to save himself, as well as provide self- and mutual assistance in the current conditions.

Object The study of this abstract is flood as an emergency situation. As subject The research will focus on the actions of the population and measures to prevent or reduce negative consequences on humans.

The information base for writing the work will be scientific, educational and special literature, instructions, scientific publications and articles, materials from Internet resources.

flood emergency

1. General characteristics of floods as an emergency situation

A flood is the intense inundation of a large area with water above annual levels, and is one of the most common natural disasters. Occurs during floods, floods, and dam and dam breaks. Moreover, among all natural disasters, in terms of recurrence, area of ​​distribution and general material damage, floods in our country are in first place, and in terms of human casualties and damage per unit area of ​​distribution, they are in second place behind earthquakes. At the same time, floods threaten almost 3/4 of the earth's land. In Russia, floods pose the greatest danger - 35% of all types of emergencies; more than 746 settlements are prone to floods. Lukonin A.N., S.V. Tumanov Life safety: Textbook. - Nizhny Novgorod: NIMB, 2010. - 103 p. In Russia, vast areas are flooded every year. The area of ​​flooded zones in the country as a whole is about 15 million hectares. During a flood, water quickly rises and floods the surrounding area.

Flooding is the covering of the surrounding area with a layer of water, flooding courtyards, streets of populated areas and the lower floors of buildings.

Flooding is the penetration of water into the basements of buildings through the sewer network (when the sewer is connected to the river), through various kinds of ditches and trenches, as well as due to significant backwater of groundwater.

During floods, depending on the level of water rise, the basements of buildings, courtyards located below the streets are first flooded, then the streets and the first floors of buildings. The area is covered with a continuous layer of water. In case of large floods, in the very first hours, transport communications are disrupted, the power supply system and telephone communications fail.

The scale and consequences of floods depend on their duration, terrain, the nature of the soil layer, the degree of development of the settlement and population density, time of year and weather, the speed of movement and height of water rise, the composition of the water flow, the condition of hydraulic engineering and reclamation structures, the accuracy of the forecast and efficiency of search and rescue activities in the flood zone. In addition, the scale of the consequences is influenced by the level of preparation for actions in flood conditions of management personnel, personnel of enterprises and organizations, emergency rescue forces, as well as the population.

According to their strength and scale, all floods are divided by hydrologists into four types (Table 1):

Table 1

occur on lowland rivers and occur approximately once every 5-10 years, practically without disturbing the rhythm of life with the necessary preparation

are capable of flooding fairly large areas of river valleys and sometimes significantly disrupt the rhythm of life; evacuation of the population may be required; they occur approximately once every 20-25 years.


flood at least 50% of agricultural land, cities and towns, require mass evacuation of the population, occur approximately once every 50-100 years


severe flooding of several river systems occurs at once, the rhythm of life of the population of entire regions is completely disrupted, and can occur approximately once every 100-200 years:

Based on the reasons for their occurrence and the nature of their manifestation, the following types of floods are distinguished (Table 2): Akimov V.A. Life safety. Safety in emergency situations of natural and man-made nature: Textbook / V.A. Akimov, Yu.L. Vorobyov, M.I. Faleev et al. 2nd edition, revised - M.: Higher School, 2007. - 592 p.

table 2

Types of floods


Nature of manifestation

High water

Heavy melting of snow in spring on the plains or melting snow and rainfall in the mountains in spring and summer

Occur periodically in the same season. Characterized by a significant (2-3 meters on small rivers, 15-20 or more on large rivers) and prolonged rise in water level (up to 15-20 days on small rivers, 2-3 months on large rivers)

Intense precipitation and snow melting during winter thaws

It is characterized by an intense, relatively short-lived rise in water level (15-20 days on small rivers, several days on mountain rivers). There is no clearly defined frequency of occurrence.

Jams, gluttony floods

Strong resistance to water flow, in some areas of river beds, which arises when ice accumulates in narrow places of rivers or on bends during freeze-up (jazzhi) or ice drift (jams)

Floods caused by congestion on rivers occur in late winter and early spring. They are characterized by a high (3-4 meters, rarely up to 6-8) and relatively short-lived (up to 4-5 days) rise in water level. Floods caused by ice jams occur at the beginning of winter and are characterized by a less severe rise in water level than during a jam and a longer duration.

Surge floods

Wind surges of water at the mouths of rivers flowing into the seas and on windy areas of the sea coast. Can also occur on large lakes and reservoirs

They are characterized by a significant rise in water level (from 2-3 to 10-12 meters) and the absence of any frequency of occurrence. Likely throughout the year.

Floods as a result of dam and dam failures

A spill of water from a reservoir that occurs as a result of a break in a pressure front structure or during an emergency release of water from a reservoir or a break in natural dams

Characterized by the formation of a breakthrough wave, leading to flooding of large areas and destruction or damage to objects encountered along its path (buildings, structures, etc.)

The specific features of the situation that arises during floods are: the rapid increase in the parameters of damaging factors, the destructive nature of the emergency situation, the difficulty of access to the victims, the limited survival time of the victims, the need to use special floating devices, and sometimes also very bad weather conditions. Damage caused by flooding is associated with various primary and secondary damaging factors, including the following:

rapid rise of water and a sharp increase in flow speed, leading to flooding of the territory, death of people and livestock, destruction of property, raw materials, food, crops, vegetable gardens, etc.;

low water temperature, exposure to which can lead to illness and death;

loss of strength of structures, residential and industrial buildings;

transport accidents,

fires (due to breaks and short circuits of electrical cables and wires);

diseases of people and farm animals (due to contamination of drinking water and food),

washing away of fertile soil and silting of crops,

landslides and collapses,

pollution of the territory.

The danger of floods for human life is expressed in the flooding of homes, industrial and agricultural facilities, and the destruction of buildings and structures. During floods in cities and towns, depending on the level of water rise, first the basements of buildings, courtyards located below the streets are flooded, then the streets and the first floors of buildings. The area is covered with a continuous layer of water. In case of large floods, in the very first hours, transport communications are disrupted, the power supply system and telephone communications fail. Many wooden buildings are falling apart and being carried away by the current. Life safety: Textbook for universities / S.V. Belov, V.A. Devisilov, A.V. Ilnitskaya. - 8th edition, stereotypical - M.: Higher School, 2009. - 616 p.

Flooding of populated areas, agricultural lands and natural complexes is accompanied by negative consequences: as a result of the influence of water and its rapid flow, people, farm and wild animals die; buildings, structures, communications are destroyed or damaged; material and cultural values ​​are lost; agricultural activities are interrupted; crops perish, fertile soils are washed away or flooded; the landscape changes.

Secondary consequences of floods: reduction in the strength of structures as a result of erosion and undermining; transfer of harmful substances spilled from damaged storage facilities by water and their contamination of vast areas; complication of the sanitary and epidemiological situation; swamping of the area.

Due to uneven subsidence of the soil during a flood, numerous ruptures of sewer and water pipes, gas lines, electrical, telegraph and telephone cables occur, damage to buildings and roads. Therefore, as a rule, the smaller the city, the less material damage from flooding. The population endures summer floods and its consequences more easily than spring floods, and even more so winter ones.

In rural areas, the timing (season) and duration of flooding are critical. This is due, first of all, to the seasonality of agricultural work. But any flooding of areas intended for growing crops with water leads to the displacement of air from the soil. At the same time, normal gas exchange in the soil stops and carbon dioxide enters the water from the roots of the plants, which has a harmful effect on the plants. This circumstance is the main reason for the decline in yield or loss of crops as a result of flooding.

Serious consequences of rare floods are sometimes changes in river channels: new channels appear or old ones deepen. The fertile top layer of soil in plowed areas of the floodplain is partially and sometimes completely washed away or covered with silt, which significantly impairs land use and reduces productivity.

2. Characteristics of flood hazard in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The Nizhny Novgorod region is at risk of floods, and according to some experts, it still remains defenseless against this disaster. Especially in areas that are historically located in areas of constant flooding and whose economic activity is highly dependent on a set of protective measures. There is a threat that the Nizhny Novgorod region could suffer greatly in the event of a strong flood, intense or prolonged rainfall, or a breach of the Gorky hydroelectric power station dam. 60 km north of Nizhny Novgorod is the reservoir of the Gorky Hydroelectric Power Station. The area of ​​the mirror is 159 sq. km, the water reserve is 8,790 cubic meters. m. When the dams are destroyed, a catastrophic flood zone with an area of ​​1424 sq. km is formed, where three categorized cities with a population of 160 thousand people and more than 850 settlements with 80 thousand inhabitants are located.

The passage of floods in the region is observed from the end of March to May. In terms of the degree of danger, floods in the region are of the moderately dangerous type, when the maximum levels of water rise are 0.8 - 1.5 m higher than the levels at which flooding begins, flooding of coastal areas (emergency situations at the municipal level). The flood area of ​​the river floodplain is 40 - 60%.

For example, one of the most flooded areas of the Volga region is the Zarechnaya part of Nizhny Novgorod. It occupies almost 60% of the city's territory, five of the eight districts of the metropolis are located here and the bulk of the city's residents with a population of 1 million 300 thousand people live here, the largest industrial enterprises, a railway station, and the metro are located here. And this entire territory is at risk, as our ancestors well remembered. Settled areas are usually subject to partial flooding. The frequency of water level exceeding the critical level is every 10 - 20 years. Excesses of critical levels on most rivers in the region were recorded in 1994 and 2005. To one degree or another, 38 districts of the region are exposed to hydrological processes during the spring flood period. The results of the processes are flooding and flooding of residential buildings, livestock and agricultural complexes, destruction of sections of roads, bridges, dams, dams, damage to power lines, and increased landslides. According to recent data, the areas most susceptible to flood phenomena were Arzamas, Bolsheboldinsky, Buturlinsky, Vorotynsky, Gaginsky, Kstovsky, Perevozsky, Pavlovsky, Pochinkovsky, Pilninsky, Semenovsky, Sosnovsky, Urensky and Shatkovsky.

Increased ice thickness can cause congestion on rivers during the break-up period. The number of ice jams on the region's rivers averages 3-4 per year. The flooding (flooding) caused by them is most likely in populated areas located along the banks of rivers flowing from south to north, the opening of which occurs in the direction from the source to the mouth.

The last, most severe floods occurred in 1908 and 1926, a significant part of the urban area of ​​Nizhny Novgorod was then flooded, wooden houses simply floated down the river, and there were deaths. So, in 1926, the water rose to 76.1 m and even reached the Upland part of the city, residents crossed the streets in boats. The part of the city beyond the river went under water almost completely, with all the buildings. Hydrologists believe that under certain unfavorable factors such a flood may recur. Such floods occur approximately once every hundred years. The territory of Nizhny Novgorod with an area of ​​400 sq. km may be in the risk zone, and 700 thousand people may be in the flood zone.

The consequences will be much more serious than those we observed in the summer of 2013 in the Far East. Multi-storey residential buildings, industrial enterprises, and subways will be flooded. For comparison, in the spring of 2012, the water level in the Volga in the city area rose to a maximum of 70.77 m - and at the same time several streets with private houses were flooded, which caused numerous complaints from residents. But during a flood that occurs once every 100 years, the water level will be almost 6 meters higher! Of course, the Rybinsk and Gorky reservoirs have significantly reduced the threat of floods on the Volga, but the danger emanating from the Oka has not disappeared. There are no reservoirs on the Oka, and as the experience of the 1908 flood showed, there can be so much water in it that the Volga at its confluence will flow backwards.

Many experts are inclined to believe that the main problem of the Zarechnaya part of Nizhny Novgorod is the weak engineering protection of this territory. Most of the engineering protection structures in flood areas were not completed in the 90s, and those that exist are dilapidated and in an abandoned state. There is no protection at all from heavy floods.

In addition to the threat of flooding during severe floods, the city constantly suffers from flooding - high groundwater levels that flood basements and destroy communications. On average, about a third of the Zarechnaya part is flooded, and even more in the spring. The problem also lies in the fact that the most flooded areas are not in the Volga region, but further from it. Near the Volga there is a so-called riverbed levee: this is when, immediately beyond the riverbed, the relief begins to increase due to sediment washed up by the river. But further on the city stood in a swampy lowland. In the Zarechnaya part of the city, many industrial enterprises, multi-storey housing, and private houses have been built since the 30s of the last century. Due to the fact that these areas are densely built up, the filtration of groundwater into the river is difficult. At the same time, no attention was paid to the development of the drainage system in this part of the city; there is practically no storm drainage system. In this regard, there is a constant risk of flooding, and at times, flooding of these areas.

3. Measures to protect the population from floods

Protection against emergency situations is a set of organizational, economic, engineering, technical, environmental and special measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of an emergency situation, overcoming the dangers caused by it and eliminating them in order to preserve the life and health of people, reduce damage to the national economy and personal property of citizens and the natural environment.

Protecting the population from the consequences of floods includes a whole range of different measures. Flood forecasting is carried out. When forecasting, they strive to identify possible zones of catastrophic flooding. To forecast the situation, data obtained using ground-based and satellite means is used. Based on forecasts, long-term methods of protection against catastrophic flooding are implemented and measures are taken to reduce their consequences. Along with general long-term methods of protecting the population from the consequences of floods, seasonal specific measures are also carried out, which include spring flood control measures.

Measures to protect the population are an integral part of preventive measures and measures to eliminate emergency situations and, therefore, are carried out both in a preventive (precautionary) and operational manner, taking into account possible dangers and threats. This takes into account the peculiarities of human settlement, natural, climatic and other local conditions, as well as economic opportunities for the preparation and implementation of protective measures. Measures to prepare the country to protect the population are carried out according to the territorial production principle. Measures to protect the population from emergency situations are carried out by the forces and means of enterprises, institutions, organizations, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which an emergency situation is possible or has occurred. Protection of the population from emergency situations. Internet resource. URL: http: //www.grandars.ru/shkola/bezopasnost-zhiznedeyatelnosti/zashchita-naseleniya-ot-chs.html

Many settlements and economic facilities are located in river floodplains, where flooding occurs during the spring melting of snow year after year. To ensure the safety of the population living in these places, dams are filled in a timely manner, existing dams are maintained in working order, bank protection structures are strengthened, and preventive ice blasting is organized, especially at bridge locations. Hydraulic structures and sluices are being inspected, and water is being released from reservoirs on a preventive basis.

Every year at the end of February, the issue of organizing the protection of the population from spring floods is considered in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and at the federal level. At the beginning of the flood season, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations holds a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations Related to Floods. Every year, an Interdepartmental Task Force is formed whose tasks include forecasting and tracking floods, monitoring the development of emerging emergencies and organizing emergency rescue operations. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, meetings of regional emergency commissions are being held, the necessary material and technical resources are being accumulated, and reserves of explosives are being created to blow up ice jams on rivers. Due to constantly recurring floods caused by spring floods, measures are being taken to provide engineering protection against flooding.

However, it should be noted that the system of preventive measures for various reasons does not always guarantee the complete elimination of an emergency situation in a particular area associated with flooding. In this case, the system for carrying out rescue and other urgent work in the emergency area comes into effect.

Thus, to protect the population from the consequences of floods, within the framework of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS), preventive and operational measures are envisaged and implemented (forecast of flood occurrence and its consequences for the population, warning the population about the threat of flooding, evacuation of the population, engineering protection , carrying out rescue and other urgent work in the flood area and a number of other activities).

The Crisis Management Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region is engaged in solving problems in the event of a threat and in the event of emergency situations in the Nizhny Novgorod region. It also carries out the functions of an information and analytical body that provides operational management of the forces and means of the Nizhny Novgorod regional subsystem for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of the unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of the Russian Federation. TsUKS: collects, processes, summarizes and analyzes operational information about emergency situations in the region and predicts their possible development; collects data on measures to localize and eliminate emergencies, and the state of the forces and means involved; collects data on the state of potentially dangerous objects, the environmental situation, the availability and condition of the region’s reserves of material and financial resources intended for emergency response; carries out processing of received recommendations and decision options on prevention and action in emergency situations from specialists of the Main Directorate divisions and submits them to the emergency response management headquarters; prepares draft decisions of the Chairman of the CoES and OPB for the liquidation of emergency situations.

A set of measures to prevent and mitigate the consequences of floods by authorities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and special forces includes:

strengthening railways and roads that fall into areas of possible flooding; preparation of temporary bypass routes;

strengthening bank protection structures, backfilling dams, dams and other hydraulic structures in order to prevent hydrodynamic accidents;

creating, improving and ensuring the functioning of a system for continuous monitoring of the hydrological situation on rivers and reservoirs, early and prompt warning of the danger of flooding;

formation of reserves of funds to eliminate the consequences of floods;

forecasting the possible situation during an expected flood and notifying authorities, organizations, and emergency technical services about the results of the forecast;

preparation for providing medical assistance to affected people, for priority life support, as well as for the protection of farm animals in the event of a threat of flooding and flooding;

preparation and planning of actions to establish temporary crossings using crossing facilities available locally;

preparatory measures for the evacuation of the population and material assets from areas of possible flooding and its advance implementation in the event of a threat of flooding;

preparatory measures for the restoration of flood-damaged water, heat, energy supply and communications systems, railways and roads;

preparatory measures for emergency drainage of flood waters, dredging and channel straightening work on river rapids and shallows in order to counteract the formation of ice jams and ice jams;

inspection and strengthening of bridges, creation of reserves of materials and means for their restoration;

monitoring the condition of meteorological service bodies on the rivers and reservoirs of the territory and taking measures to strengthen and improve them;

control over the functioning of reservoirs to receive flood waters and regulate flow;

weakening the ice cover, preventing the formation of jams and jams, combating jams and jams.

At the same time, it must be emphasized that each person must take care of his own safety in the event of a threat and during a flood. To do this, you need to be well aware of the recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations specialists on the rules of behavior during a flood.

4. Actions in case of flood threat

If your area of ​​residence is prone to flooding, you should study and remember the boundaries of possible flooding, places on high ground that usually do not flood during floods, as well as the shortest routes to them. These places must be located in close proximity to the place of residence. It is also necessary to find out and remember the storage locations for boats, rafts and building materials for their manufacture. It is also necessary to familiarize all family members with the rules of behavior during organized and individual evacuation, as well as in the event of a sudden and rapidly developing flood.

It is advisable to make a list of everything necessary (documents, things, food, valuables, property and medicines) that you will need to take with you during evacuation. All this must be placed in a special suitcase or backpack. Also have a fully charged mobile phone and a camping flashlight (or other items to provide light signals) ready.

Next, you need to listen to forecasts and information from the city’s civil defense emergency management department on TV channels and radio stations. The forecast, as a rule, should contain information about the expected time and limits of flooding, and in addition - recommendations to the population or evacuation procedures. Life safety: Textbook for universities / S.V. Belov, V.A. Devisilov, A.V. Ilnitskaya. - 8th edition, stereotypical - M.: Higher School, 2009. - 616 p.

If you receive a signal (message) about the threat of flooding and evacuation of the population, you must:

turn on the TV or radio, they may receive important information;

inform neighbors and loved ones in the area of ​​the phenomenon about the threat;

turn off gas, water and electricity;

extinguish the fire in the stoves;

move valuable items to the upper floors and attics;

release animals from the premises, untie dogs;

close windows and doors; if necessary, board up the windows and doors of the first floors with boards or plywood.

prepare warm, comfortable clothes, boots, blankets, money and valuables;

collect a three-day supply of food;

Prepare a first aid kit and the medications you usually use;

wrap your passport and other documents in a waterproof bag;

Bring toiletries and bed linen;

calmly and immediately, in accordance with the established procedure, leave the dangerous area and arrive by the established date at the gathering places for registration and temporary accommodation. Gostyushin A.V. Encyclopedia of extreme situations. - M.: Mirror, 1996.

Having received a warning signal about the threat of flooding and evacuation, you must immediately, without panic, in the prescribed manner, leave or leave the danger zone of possible catastrophic flooding to a designated safe area or to elevated areas, areas, taking with you documents, valuables, necessary things and a two-day supply of non-perishable items food products. Upon arrival at the evacuation point, you must register.

5. Actions during a flood

In the event of a sudden flood, it is necessary to immediately take the nearest safe, elevated place and prepare for an organized evacuation by water using various floating devices or on foot along fords. In such a situation, under no circumstances should you lose your composure and give in to panic. Until help arrives, people caught in the flood zone should remain on the upper floors and roofs of buildings, trees and other elevated places. Typically, staying in a flood zone lasts until the water subsides or help arrives. Measures should also be taken to help rescuers promptly detect people cut off by water and in need of help. During daylight hours, this is achieved by hanging a white or colored cloth in a high place, and at night, by giving light signals and periodically using a voice.

When the rescuers arrive calmly, without fuss or panic, taking precautions, you should get into the swimming craft. At the same time, it is important to comply with all the requirements of rescuers, and also to prevent overloading of floating equipment. When moving, you should not leave the designated places or board the aircraft, strictly following the requirements of the crew. An important rule for people who find themselves in a flooded area is not to eat food that has come into contact with the incoming water, and not to drink unboiled water. Use wet electrical appliances only after thoroughly drying them. People standing in water or in a damp area are prohibited from touching electrical wiring or electrical appliances.

It is recommended to get out of the flooded area yourself only if there are such serious reasons as the need to provide medical assistance to the victims, a continuing rise in the water level, or if there is a threat of flooding of the upper floors (attic). The decision to independently evacuate must be carefully thought out and well prepared: floatation equipment, protection from the cold, route and consideration of the situation (current, rise or fall of water, absence of signs of rescuers, etc.). When moving independently, you must continue to send a distress signal. It is imperative to provide assistance to people floating in water and drowning. Mastryukov B.S. Safety in emergency situations. - Ed. 5th, revised - M.: Academy, 2008. - 334 p.

If you find yourself in water as a result of a flood, it is important not to panic or lose composure. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

it is necessary to hold on to various floating objects,

If possible, you can knit a raft from floating objects and climb onto it.

if your feet do not reach the bottom, you must remove all heavy clothing and shoes,

When in water, you should push dangerous objects that have sharp protruding parts away from you,

you should try to swim to the nearest actually accessible unflooded place, taking into account the drift of the current, moving at an angle to it.

It is important to know the permissible time spent in water:

Water temperature (degrees C)

Residence time (min.)

A drowning man needs help. You need to react and act very quickly. You need to throw him a floating object, encourage him, call for help. When reaching the victim by swimming, it is necessary to take into account the direction and strength of the current. If a drowning person does not control his actions, you need to swim up to him from behind and, grabbing him by the hair, tow him to the shore. It must be remembered that a drowning person does not control himself and can easily be prevented from swimming and even pulled under water, and it will be very difficult to free himself from his convulsive grip. If the drowning person has already completely immersed himself in the water, you need to swim to him along the bottom and at the same time take into account the direction of the current and its speed. When the drowning person is within reach, you need to take him under the armpits, by the arm or by the hair and pull him out of the water. In this case, it is important to push off strongly enough from the bottom and actively work with your free arm and legs. After surfacing, it is important to keep the drowning person's head above the surface of the water. After this, you must try to deliver the victim as quickly as possible to an unflooded place or a floating device to provide first aid.

Renderingfirsthelp. In the event of drowning, even if the victim is conscious and feels relatively well, you must always try to call rescuers. But before they arrive, you need to try to provide first aid to the victim, and the first thing to do is check his vital signs. If breathing and pulse are present, then you need to lay the person on a hard, dry surface and lower his head. Be sure to rid him of wet clothes, rub him and warm him up, if he can drink, give him a warm drink. If the victim is unconscious, then after removing him from the water, you can try to clean his mouth and nose, pull his tongue out of his mouth and begin artificial respiration. You can often hear recommendations for removing water from the lungs, but this is not necessary; in most cases, there is either very little water or no water at all, since it has already been absorbed into the blood.

Typically, artificial respiration begins with exhalation. If the chest rises, then everything is normal and the air is passing through; you can make several blows, pressing on the stomach after each blow to help the air escape. If the victim does not have a heartbeat, it is important to perform indirect cardiac massage in parallel with artificial respiration. To do this, you need to place your palm at a distance of two fingers from the base of the sternum and cover the second. Then press quite hard, using your body weight, 4-5 times and inflate. The speed of pressing should depend on the age of the victim. For infants, pressure is applied with two fingers at a speed of 120 pressures per minute, for children under 8 years old at a speed of 100 times per minute, and for adults - 60-70 times per minute. In this case, the sternum of an adult should bend by 4-5 centimeters, and in a child under 8 years old - 3-4 cm, in an infant - 1.5-2 cm.

It is necessary to carry out resuscitation until breathing and pulse are restored on their own or until undeniable signs of death appear, such as rigor or cadaveric spots. One of the most common mistakes when providing first aid is premature termination of resuscitation measures.

Usually, when performing artificial respiration, water is released from the respiratory tract, which got there during drowning. In such a situation, it is necessary to turn the victim’s head to the side so as to allow the water to flow out and continue resuscitation. If resuscitation is performed correctly, water will flow out of the lungs on its own, so squeezing it out or lifting the victim upside down makes no sense.

After the victim comes to his senses and breathing is restored, it is necessary to take him to the hospital, since deterioration of his condition after improvement is practically the norm for drowning. The victim should not be left unattended for a single minute, as swelling of the brain or lungs, respiratory and cardiac arrest can begin at any minute. There are quite a lot of prejudices and rumors associated with rescuing drowning people. Therefore, you should remember some rules and features of resuscitation measures for drowning, which must be used in a real situation.

Resuscitation measures must be carried out even if a person has been under water for a long time. Cases of revival with complete restoration of the patient’s condition even after an hour of being under water are described. Therefore, if a person spent 10-20 minutes under water, this does not mean that he died and there is no need to save him, this is especially important when resuscitating children.

If during resuscitation measures the stomach contents are released into the oropharynx, it is necessary to carefully turn the victim to one side, trying to ensure that the relative position of the head, neck and torso does not change, then clear the mouth and, turning it to its original position, continue resuscitation.

If there is a suspicion of damage to the spine, especially its cervical region, then airway patency must be ensured without tilting the victim’s head, but simply by using the technique of “pushing the lower jaw forward.” If this action does not help, then you can throw back your head, despite suspicions of spinal injuries, since ensuring airway patency is a priority action when rescuing unconscious patients.

Resuscitation efforts can only be stopped if signs of respiratory failure have completely disappeared. If there is a violation of the respiratory rhythm, rapid breathing or severe cyanosis, it is necessary to continue resuscitation efforts. First aid for drowning people. Internet resource. URL: http: //medvoice.ru/pervaya-pomoshh-utopayushhim/

6. Actions after a flood

After the water subsides, you should beware of torn and sagging electrical wires. Food and drinking water supplies that have entered the water must be checked by sanitary inspectors before use, and existing water wells must be drained by pumping. Before entering a house (or building) after a flood, you should make sure that its structures have not undergone obvious damage and do not pose a danger. Then you need to ventilate it for a few minutes by opening the entrance doors or windows. When inspecting interior rooms, it is not recommended to use matches or lamps as a light source due to the possible presence of gas in the air; battery-powered electric flashlights should be used for these purposes. Until specialists check the condition of the electrical network, it is prohibited to use sources of electricity for lighting or other needs. After opening all doors and windows, removing debris and excess moisture, it is necessary to dry the building. Do not eat foods that have been in contact with water.

After a flood you should:

listen to the radio and follow the instructions of the rescue services,

If necessary, get a first aid kit and help the wounded.

When approaching your home, beware of torn and sagging electrical wires.

Do not use electrical appliances until specialists check the condition of the electrical network.

be careful when entering the house, check the reliability of all its structures (walls, floors),

When inspecting interior rooms, do not use open fire as a light source: matches, candles, etc. due to the possible presence of gas in the air, use battery-powered electric flashlights.

products and drinking water supplies that have entered the water must be checked by representatives of the sanitary inspection before use,

pump out water from the basement, but not all at once (this can damage the foundation) - about a third of the total volume of water should be pumped out every day.

existing wells must be drained by pumping,

living spaces must be ventilated and dried,

contaminated dishes and furniture surfaces must be disinfected with boiling water or a special product,

you should not raise the air temperature in the house above +4 0 C unless all standing water is drained away,

remove remaining silt and dirt, throw away contaminated bedding, clothing, furniture and other items,

it is necessary to take an active part in public works for sanitary cleaning of the territory and restoration of roads.

For the first visit to the house, it is advisable to wait until the water has completely subsided, but you can make an initial assessment of the consequences when its level drops to 50-60 cm. The main thing is not to forget about your own safety. After all, floods and high waters have repeated peaks. Therefore, you need to take a portable radio with you to keep abreast of all events and alerts. You will also need a flashlight and a set of necessary tools (crowbar, hammer, saw, keys and screwdrivers). You need to check if your mobile phone is well charged. You should wear protective overalls or a raincoat, put on waterproof boots, and take with you a respirator or mask (an unpleasant and even hazardous odor may spread in the premises). It is advisable to take a construction helmet. Finally, a set of garbage bags will come in handy. Mastryukov B.S. Safety in emergency situations. - Ed. 5th, revised - M.: Academy, 2008. - 334 p.

First of all, the condition of the walls and basement is assessed from the outside, and the roof overhangs are inspected. They pay attention to even the slightest cracks, and if there is serious damage, they do not go inside on their own. First, a professional builder, foreman or designer is invited. The specialist must assess the degree of danger of being in the structure and its resistance. All potentially dangerous places are covered with boards at least 2 cm thick.


So, water is not always a source of life and an ally for man. Moreover, among all natural disasters, in terms of recurrence, area of ​​distribution and general material damage, flooding in our country is the leader among disasters. Therefore, residents of many regions, including Nizhny Novgorod residents, should be prepared for possible confrontation with the water element. To do this, you need to know how to act in an emergency situation caused by a flood.

This abstract gave a general description of the flood, listed its causes and possible consequences. The importance and relevance of the problem directly in the Nizhny Novgorod region was noted - as a region with a fairly high probability of flooding. A set of necessary measures taken to protect the population and facilities from floods was described. In addition, the work contains general and specific recommendations - how the population should act in the event of a flood threat, during a flood and after it, as well as recommendations for providing self- and mutual assistance in the current conditions.

Ensuring human safety and protecting him from emergency situations is a problem and task not only of the state, but also of the person himself. Therefore, everyone should know how to act in extreme conditions, while maintaining restraint and composure, and this requires certain practical experience and theoretical knowledge. At the same time, I would like to note that the primary importance in any emergency situation is not what should be done, but what should not be done. The main danger lies in our hasty, thoughtless actions. Therefore, first of all, it is important to maintain calm and composure in any extreme situation in order to effectively and quickly analyze the current situation and determine further actions and tactics. Everyone knows that nature can bring many troubles, surprises and trials, sometimes crippling and destroying. Everyone needs to prepare to survive accidents, disasters and other emergencies. It is never too late to study and train, learn and master the basics of survival in emergency situations, and sometimes it is useful and necessary.

List of used literature


1. Akimov V.A. Life safety. Safety in emergency situations of natural and man-made nature: Textbook / V.A. Akimov, Yu.L. Vorobyov, M.I. Faleev et al. 2nd edition, revised - M.: Higher School, 2007. - 592 p.

2. Life safety: Textbook for universities / S.V. Belov, V.A. Devisilov, A.V. Ilnitskaya. - 8th edition, stereotypical - M.: Higher School, 2009. - 616 p.

3. Gavrilenko V.N., Skrypnichenko O.A., Sheremetova O.V. Protection of the population and economic facilities in emergency situations. A manual for students of economic specialties, - M.: Smysl, 2004.

4. Gostyushin A.V. Encyclopedia of extreme situations. - M.: Mirror, 1996. - 260 p.

5. Lukonin A.N., S.V. Tumanov Life safety: Textbook. - Nizhny Novgorod: NIMB, 2010. - 103 p.

6. Mastryukov B.S. Safety in emergency situations. - 5th edition, revised. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 334 p.

Internet resources

7. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod region. Internet resource. URL: http://52. mchs.gov.ru/folder/1576746

8. Protection of the population from emergency situations. Internet resource. URL: http://www.grandars.ru/shkola/bezopasnost-zhiznedeyatelnosti/zashchita-naseleniya-ot-chs.html

9. First aid for drowning people. Internet resource. URL: http://medvoice.ru/pervaya-pomoshh-utopayushhim

Posted on Allbest.ru

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