Marche Italy. Twelve best beach resorts in the Italian Marche region. For lovers of relaxation and spa

The Marche region is located in eastern Italy, on the Adriatic coast. Its capital is the city (Ancona). Over the course of its history, these lands successively passed from hand to hand: first it was owned by the ancient Greeks, then by the Romans, and after them the Goths invaded. After Byzantine rule, the lands passed to the ancient Germans, from whom they received their name (mark - region). There is a lot in Mark shipyards, tourism, trade, and fishing are well developed. The region is famous for its developed light industry: fashionable Italian shoes, popular all over the world, are mostly made by Marche craftsmen, so at least it’s worth visiting for shopping.

The administrative center of one of the five provinces of the region, Ancona is the capital and largest city of Marche with a population of about 100 thousand people. This is a large port and a world-famous balneological resort. There are many ancient monuments in Ancona, preserved from ancient times. The city is very popular among tourists, but Italians themselves also come here, some to improve their health, others to take a walk in the surrounding hills. Not far from Ancona, in the late 1940s, speleologists discovered the Frasassi Caves (Grotte di Frasassi), which became one of the main attractions of the region. The total length of the underground labyrinth is about 30 kilometers; in one of the caves there was once a monastery of the Catholic order of the Sylvestrines.

Monuments of Ancona that date back to the ancient Roman era - the Arch of Trajan (Arco di Traiano) and the dilapidated amphitheater (Anfiteatro romano). It is to them that many tourists go first; It’s not every day that you see a work of human hands, created at the dawn of our era, in the year 115 (the amphitheater is even older).

Traditional for everyone Italian city the cathedral, several churches of the 10th-11th centuries, ancient palazzos - There is a lot to see in Ancona. Its convenient location makes the city attractive even for those who initially did not plan a trip here: it is difficult to resist the temptation to spend only 2-3 hours on the road and see unique buildings and architectural monuments. The nearest popular resort is located just 100 km away. The road from Rimini to Ancona along the coast will take you about 1.5 hours, and about an hour.

Big cities

In addition to the province of Ancona with the center of the same name, Marche includes four more. The city of Pesaro is the second largest in Marche (it has a population of just over 90 thousand people), it is the center of the province of Pesaro e Urbino (Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino). Next in descending order are Fano, Ascoli Piceno - the center of the province with the same name, Macerata and Fermo. The last two cities are the centers of the provinces of the same name.

Pesaro is primarily a resort town. It is not hot here in summer, quite warm in winter, and 8 km of beaches attract citizens and visitors.
It is easily accessible by train from and Ancona; Regular bus services connect the city with Rome and Ancona.

Gioachino Rossini was born in Pesaro, so the main “lure” for tourists is his house. Price entrance ticket– from 8 to 10 euros. It is not surprising that the city theater (Teatro Rossini) is named after the famous composer.

From others interesting places In Pesaro, you should pay attention to the ancient Villa Imperiale (La Villa Imperiale). It is famous for having served for several decades as home to the Sforza Dukes, the main rivals of the Medici dynasty. A beautiful mansion located on the top of a hill overlooking beautiful view to the city.

When going to Pesaro, arrange your schedule so that your stay in the city coincides with the third Sunday of the month. On this day, the city festival La Stradomenica takes place here. You can not only have fun among the townspeople, but also take advantage of the nearby advantageous offers: During the holiday, sales are held, city markets open, and cafes and restaurants serve their customers at special prices.


The city of Fano was well known back in . In those days it was called the “Temple of Fortune” (Fanum Fortunae). Evidence of the city’s ancient past is the city wall, partially preserved to this day, as well as the Arch of Augustus (Arco d’Augusto). It was built by Emperor Augustus in the first years of our era. Today the arch represents the symbolic gateway of the city and is its main tourist attraction.

Another gate, Porta della Mandria, is less often mentioned in guidebooks and less known to tourists, but no less interesting. They are part of the old city walls with which the Romans surrounded the city, and were in ruins until 1925.

One of the obligatory points of the program when visiting Fano is the Malatesta Castle (Palazzo Malatesta). The palazzo was erected at the beginning of the 14th-15th centuries by order of Pandolfo Malatesta, a representative of a noble family who ruled the city for 200 years, known for his cruelty and rejection of church laws. Now the castle houses an archaeological museum with an extensive and interesting exhibition.

The ancient and beautiful Ascoli Piceno is not always given much attention in guidebooks around the country, although there are a large number of unique historical and architectural monuments here.

The city is rightfully considered perhaps the most beautiful in the region due to the fact that many buildings in its center are built from travertine, beige-colored limestone tuff.

To understand what we are talking about, imagine, also made of travertine. The entire center of Ascoli, including squares and sidewalks, is exactly like this - beige, with either a pink or pearl-gray tint.

The heart of the city is Piazza del Popolo, or People's Square. She is elegant and formally solemn, it is not for nothing that many consider her one of the most beautiful in Italy. Closed along the perimeter by the walls of monumental historical buildings, it looks like a state hall, above which there is no ceiling - only the bright blue sky. The effect is stunning, especially if you stand facing the hills that can be seen behind the buildings surrounding the square.

Cathedral The city, named after the patron saint of Ascoli Piceno, Saint Emigdius (Cattedrale di Sant’Emidio), is radically different from the main churches of other Italian cities. Religious buildings were located on the site of the cathedral in the 4th-5th centuries, and its oldest parts date back to the 8th-9th centuries. In the 11th century, a crypt was built for the relics of the saint. The cathedral acquired its current appearance in the 1530s, when its façade was dismantled and rebuilt.

There are many ancient monuments in the city. Entire streets built by the ancient Romans have been preserved here, and walking along them you understand very well how old this city is. One of the surviving buildings from that era is the bridge over the Tronto River. Its length is 62 meters, width - 6.5 m. Experts believe that the bridge was built during the reign of Emperor Augustus, that is, no later than the second decade of our era.

Among the most famous buildings in the city of Macerata, it is worth noting the university, founded in 1290 by Pope Nicholas IV. It is considered one of the oldest in Europe.

One of amazing places in the city, which has no analogues - Sferisterio (Arena Sferisterio). The arena, somewhat similar to ancient Roman circuses, was built in 1829. It was intended for a sports game that has been popular in Italy since ancient times. At the beginning of the 20th century, interest in this entertainment faded, and now the building is used for opera and ballet performances and music festivals.

Another unusual building in Macerata is the so-called Diamond Palace (Palazzo dei Diamanti). It was built in the 16th century and got its name thanks to its external cladding. The facade of the building is completely covered with stones, cut in a special way - as if faceted.

Small Urbino – unique city, a must visit. Its peculiarity is that, despite its more than modest size, it is a real cultural center of the region. About 15 and a half thousand people permanently live in Urbino. At the same time - attention! - About the same number of students are studying at the local university.

The University of Urbino (Università degli Studi di Urbino) was founded at the very beginning of the 16th century, first as a medical institution, and then expanding the list of disciplines.

Urbino itself was founded in the 4th century BC. Its main buildings, erected during the Renaissance, have been almost completely preserved to this day, so the historical appearance of the city has reached us unchanged. The main decoration of the city, the Ducal Palace (Palazzo Ducale) of the 15th century, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The residence of the Dukes of Urbino was not completed, but even in this form it is a unique monument of a bygone era.

Two more outstanding examples of architecture different years– the church of St. Bernardino (la chiesa di San Bernardino degli Zoccolanti), built in 1491, and the city cathedral (Duomo di Urbino) in the neoclassical style of 1801.

One cannot ignore the house-museum of the great (Raffaello Santi), a native of. The exhibition dedicated to one of the best painters in the world has been located in the house where he was born since the 19th century. The personal belongings of the artist and his family have not survived; the furniture and other interior items presented in the museum are typical of that time. The museum is open daily, the entrance ticket price is 3.5 euros.

The easiest way to get to Urbino is from Pesaro, which, in turn, can be reached by train from Bologna or Ancona. There is a bus from Pesaro to Urbino. The fare is 3 euros, travel time is from 45 minutes to a little over an hour. You can also travel 35 kilometers between the two cities by taxi, the average price is 45 euros.

Resort Marche

Since Marche and the sea are inextricably linked, it is impossible not to mention the resorts of the region. Let us list the main ones, “moving” from the north of the coast to the south.

Gabicce Mare and Gabicce Monte are a single resort consisting of two levels, “beach” and “mountain”, located on the top of a hill. Below are hotels, beaches and promenades; upstairs there are restaurants, noisy bars and discos.

Pesaro: the total length of the beaches of this city is about 8 km, of which three belong municipal beach. The shore is mostly sandy, the entrance to the water is sloping, and the depth is shallow.

In the already mentioned Fano there are two beaches - the pebble Spiaggia Sassonia, along which townspeople love to stroll in the evenings, and the sandy Spiaggia Lido, more suitable for sunbathing and swimming, and therefore more popular. The further you are from the city center, the greater the chances of finding a free, quiet beach that is not crowded with vacationers.

A little further from Fano towards Ancona lies the city of Senigallia. Its long (more than 13 km) resort area, called Spiaggia Di Velluto, “velvet beach”, is known as perhaps the best beach on the Adriatic coast.

South of Fano and Ancona, all the way to San Benedetto del Tronto, along the sea coast there are many small towns and villages offering resort services to visitors: Portonovo, Sirolo and others. One of them, Civitanova Marche, is also well known to tourists who come to the Marche not only to wander the historical streets, but also to relax in comfort at the seaside resorts.

San Benedetto del Tronto, located in the south of the Marche, is one of the main centers of resort life in the region. Its main attraction is the long palm alley running parallel to coastline. It has seven thousand trees.
If you are more interested in a secluded holiday away from expensive hotels and noisy restaurants, you can arrange for yourself romantic trip to the beaches around the town of Numana south of Sirolo - take a boat and sail along the coast in search of a small deserted bay.

Halfway between Sirolo and San Benedetto del Tronto, near Fermo, there is a place called Porto Sant’Elpidio: here a whole pine forest grows along the coast.

Italy has long been faced with the following problem: crowds of tourists persistently flock to the same places, driving prices through the roof in Rome, creating traffic jams in Florence and even gradually trampling Venice.

While on the “boot” there is enough space, endless beaches, and cultural sites that you don’t need to sign up for in advance on the Internet or crowd in queues of the same sufferers. And all this is almost in the heart of Italy.

One of the areas that is geographically in no way related to the Italian “bear corner”, but undeservedly (relative to its potential) ignored by tourists, can be called Marche region. It is located in central Italy, overlooking the Adriatic coast. So as not to immediately look at Google maps and imagine its location, I will say that it borders Emilia-Romagna, San Marino, Tuscany, Umbria, Abruzzo and Lazio.

The Marche region consists of five provinces: the capital Ancona, Pesaro, Macerata, Fermo and Ascoli Piceno. All names of the regions of Italy exist in the singular, and only Marche - in the plural. The Italians say that this expresses its essence - the diversity and variety of cultural, natural, historical and gastronomic attractions.

Traditionally, the summer season is considered by Russians primarily as a destination beach holiday, with a base on the coast and short (due to the rather hot climate) trips around the surrounding area. In Marche, everything is in order with this component: sand and pebble beaches, 16 of which have blue flags, stretch for 180 kilometers, in total there are 26 towns in the region on the coast.

Beaches of Marche

Among the seaside resorts of the Marche, I would especially highlight San Benedetto del Tronto, located in the southern part of the region, which is also called the Riviera of Palms. A long, neat promenade with palm alleys stretches along the sea; other features include wide beaches with fine golden sand, which makes it a very popular place family vacation. What’s important is that in Marche you can always find free public sections of the beach (in some other regions of Italy, as you know, businessmen are greedy and force paid sunbeds on the entire possible territory). Joggers and cyclists are also partial to the long promenade here; in Europe in general and in Italy in particular, there is always a green light and a mandatory path to boot. Other seaside resorts in Marche are Porto Recanati, Porto San Giorgio, Lido di Fermo, Grottammare, Cupra Marittima.

Concerning cultural recreation, then here Marche is ready to compete with much more famous regions. It is known that Italy has the largest number of attractions included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, namely 49. Moreover, 80% of them are located away from the most popular cities and mass tourist routes. Marche, one might say, carefully preserves real treasures on its territory. Tourist offices in the region have counted and documented just how many cultural and historical heritage sites there are: 500 squares, more than 1,000 monuments, 106 castles, 15 fortresses and 170 towers, thousands of ancient churches and temples, 96 abbeys and 73 theatres. Marche is also distinguished by a huge number of museums (about 400), art galleries and libraries, some of which are repositories of ancient unique tomes, for example, the library of the aristocratic Leopardi family.

The names of many prominent Italians are associated with these lands: composers Gioachino Rossini, Giovan Battista Pergolesi and Gaspare Spontini, poet Giacomo Leopardi, the great artist Raphael, born in Urbino, and others.

Ancona, the capital of the Marche region, gets its name from the Greek word ankon (“elbow”), due to its similar shape. The city, located on a hill near the Adriatic Sea, is the main seaport of the region (and in total there are 9 ports in Marche, from where you can go to boat trips or cruises). Ancona is literally “stuffed” with attractions, churches, museums and galleries, storing evidence of history from the times of the Roman Empire to the present day.

Ascoli Piceno called the “city of a hundred towers”, it is interesting for its heritage of the ancient Roman period; the city has an art gallery with works by Carlo Crivelli, Titian, Guido Reni, as well as an interesting Gallery of Modern Art, the Roman Theater.

City Macerata rises on a hill, from where you can enjoy an excellent view of the surrounding area and from where you can admire the traditional Italian landscape, captured so many times on the canvases of painters. Macerata is surrounded by bastions from the 15th century, its center is Piazza della Libertà, several palaces housing the administrative structures of the city, the city theater of the 18th century and several ancient churches.

Fermo also features a majestic panorama from the sea to the mountains. On its territory there remains evidence of the life of ancient people in the Iron Age, as well as large underground caves from the Roman period. Of particular note is the elegant Piazza del Popolo, as well as the entire museum complex, which includes the Palazzo dei Priori, the Cisterns I have already mentioned, the Teatro del Aquila, Villa Vitali and the Diocesan Museum.

Pesaro gained wide fame thanks to the annual Rossini Opera Festival. In this city, it is worth seeing the Ducal Palace, Piazza della Libertà (with a monument of modern art in the center - the work of 1998 by sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro), Rossini's house.

Urbino, another significant city of Marche, is called the capital of the Renaissance, the famous painter Raphael was born here. The museums of Urbino, perhaps, contain the largest number of masterpieces of painting - works by Raphael, Titian, Piero della Francesca, Federico Barocci and others.

Also associated with Marche are the names of Francis of Assisi, a Catholic saint, founder of the medieval monastic order of the Franciscans, and Saint Benedetto di Norcia. A network of routes has been created in the region, including abbeys, monasteries and other sites of Franciscan culture.

The landscapes of Marche are breathtaking. They were and continue to be sung by poets and writers. What is interesting about this region today?


Marche is an area located in Central Italy. Its administrative center is Ancona. The city has approximately 100 thousand inhabitants. The region stretches from the Adriatic Sea to the Apennines. It has two climatic zones. Thus, the northern part of Marche is exposed to cold winds blowing from the northeast, so the climate here is more humid and also cooler. And in the southern part the climate is milder, rather dry. The sea coast has the mildest climate. The territory of the Marche is mainly mountainous. All rivers flowing through it flow into the nearby Adriatic Sea.


The name Marche traces its roots back to the ancient German word “mark”, meaning “border”. This is due to the fact that the territory was the border of the Holy Roman Empire in the 11th century.

Already during the Neolithic period, people began to inhabit the territory of this area. In the 3-2 millennium BC, Greek and Balkan tribes lived here. In the 3rd century BC, the Romans appeared in these parts. They were interested in exercising control over this particular area, since it represented a strategic exit to the Adriatic. At this time, two important roads were built - Salaria and Flaminia. Thanks to them, the coasts of the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas were connected. It was at this time that the city of Ancona gained its importance as the most important maritime trading point in the eastern part of the country.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the territory went to the Lombards, then for a long time it became part of the Byzantine Empire.

At the end of the 8th century the area became the domain of the church. For many years the coasts have been attacked by Saracen pirates, so the people migrate to the mountainous regions. In the 18th century, the area was occupied by French troops. In 1869 it became part of the Italian state.


As you know, it is one of the leading states in the world in terms of the scale of cultural and artistic heritage. Proof of this is the Marche region, where the rich nature is complemented by cities, palazzos, churches and cathedrals. A striking example is the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino, a famous monument of Renaissance architecture. Or Loreto, where the Santa Casa is located - the earthly abode of the Virgin Mary, which was transported from Palestine by the crusaders.


Every August the three-day Ducal Festival is celebrated in Urbino. The city is filled with the atmosphere of antiquity, because tournaments and battles, historical and gastronomic reconstruction of taverns and tasting of products prepared according to preserved recipes from the Renaissance period take place here. The highlight of the program is a theatrical performance that shows the scene of the celebration of the victory of the troops of Federigo da Montefeltro over the Duke of Milan, Francesco Sforza.

On the first Sunday in September, Ancona celebrates the Festival of the Sea. One of the most important moments The holiday is celebrated with a ceremonial swim of boats decorated with flowers and bright ribbons. It is also a unique way to honor those who have died at sea during accidents, battles or voyages.


Fish dishes that will amaze anyone with their variety. It is recommended to try a similar version of Russian fish soup - brodetto. In different provinces of the Marche, recipes differ: brodetto, for example alla Anconitana (Apsopa), alla San Benedetto del Tronto, alla Civitanova Marche. A fragrant dinner will be decorated with a bottle of wine labeled DOC: Falerio dei Colli Ascolani (white), Bianchello del Metauro (white), Rosso Conero (red) or Lacrima di Morro d`Alba (red, province of Ancona).

Brodetto. Photo


Let’s take a closer look at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo). It was founded in 1506, during the reign of the Duke of Urbino, Guidobaldo Montefeltre, known for his passion for education and art. In 2003, the university received the name of Carlo Bo-rector, who made a great contribution to the development of this educational institution. Currently, 17 thousand students are studying at the university in 10 faculties. Among them we note pedagogical, medical, economic, philosophical and sociological.



The region is located quite far from central Italy, so its economy has lagged behind for a long time. Currently, the production of paper, electronic organs, and fashionable shoes is most developed here. Pharmaceutical, clothing, furniture, petrochemical and some other industries are also developing well.

In the Marche, grain crops are grown, as well as sugar beets and sunflowers. An important sector of the economy is fishing. This is evidenced by the large number of fishing ports. The most famous among them are Pesaro, Civitanova, Fano, San Benedetto del Tronto. More than half of the region's population works in the service and trade sectors.

Ancona Airport (Aeroporto di Ancona-Falconara) serves 400 thousand people annually with the help of 5 airlines. It is 18 km from the center of Ancona. Ancona is considered one of the important strategic ports of the Adriatic Sea. Ferry routes go to Albania, Croatia, Greece and Turkey. The city is located at the intersection of an important railway line - - Ancona - Pescara -. Today there is no railway connection with Urbino. Until 1987, Fano-Urbino operated. The nearest station is in Pesaro. The cost of public transport in Marche is just over 1 euro.


Marche's population is 1.485 million people (13th place, according to estimates for 2003). Big cities- Ancona (100 thousand inhabitants), Pesaro (90,000), Fano (57,000), Ascoli Piceno (50,000), Macerata (42,000).


The most attractive town for tourists is probably the town of Urbino. It is located in the central part of the region. Urbino attracts with its picturesque landscapes and perfectly preserved medieval appearance.

Before you even reach the city, you can enjoy a mesmerizing, extraordinary panorama: from above it seems like a kind of backdrop for a medieval play. It feels as if a huge palace is floating out of a sea of ​​towers and tiled roofs. This is Palazzo Ducale - a famous monument of Renaissance architecture. It combines a picturesque layout and harmonious lightness. This masterpiece of architecture took almost a hundred years to build. Outstanding medieval architects such as Luciano Laurana and Francesco di Giorgio Martini participated in its construction. In addition to this palace, the city has many other attractions.

Due to the fact that the residents of Urbino were very proud of their city, it was even nicknamed “vain Urbino.” It is also known as the “city of mathematicians” because a whole galaxy of remarkable scientists came from here.

Urbino. Photo

known as a balneological resort. The Loggia Mercanti has been the symbol of the city since the 15th century. Despite the fires, the Italians were able to preserve the original style of this building. The spirit of past eras is felt in the picturesque enfilades and all kinds of bas-reliefs. The city has many monuments of antiquity, as well as the Middle Ages. Among them, the Triumphal Arch of Trajan (built in the early 2nd century AD) requires special attention. It is one of the symbols of the city. Its grandeur is only emphasized by the almost complete absence of bas-reliefs and the grayish color of the marble. The Roman amphitheater, or rather its ruins, is no less attractive to tourists. Also notable are the Romanesque Cathedral, Mole Vanvitelliana, Diocesan Museum, etc.

Ancona. Photo

Macerata is an equally interesting city for tourists in the Marche region. It is located near the sea, which gives it additional charm. The city is famous for its university. This is one of the oldest universities not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. In Macerata, you should definitely visit the Arena Sferisterio, where the opera festival, famous throughout the world, is held annually. It is necessary to separately emphasize the Diamond Palace, which is a delightful building of the Renaissance. Also incredibly beautiful are the churches of Santa Maria della Porta and Madonna della Misericordi.

Macerata. Photo

Pesaro is a city with an ancient history and aristocratic traditions. First of all, it is known as the birthplace of the outstanding composer Gioachino Rossini. In memory of him, there is a memorial museum here, and in opera house, which bears his name, annually hosts a grand festival of opera performers. The main square of Pesaro, called Popolo, is striking in its magnificence. Here you can’t help but admire the sparkling fountain made of unique sculptures of newts and sea horses. The military fortress, built in the 15th century, attracts visitors with its grandeur. Not far from it is the Cathedral. The most ancient mosaic floors have been preserved in it to this day. And the Museum of Ceramics invites you to get acquainted with the bizarre, unique pottery of local craftsmen. If this is not interesting to you, you can go to the Pinakothek and admire the true masterpieces of fine art of the Renaissance. And in the vicinity of the city you can visit medieval monasteries.

Pesaro. Photo

Fano is one of the largest and most ancient cities of Marche. It received its name from the name of the goddess Fortuna (the word “Fanum” translates as “fortune”). The Arch of Augustus can be considered as a symbol of Fano. It was built by order of Emperor Augustus in the first decade of our era. Ancient walls with cylindrical towers, also built by Augustus, have also been preserved. In addition, tourists in Fano will definitely be interested in the Porta della Mandria gate and Malatesta Castle. This medieval castle today houses an archaeological museum. Here you can admire ancient Greek figurines, brooches, amphorae, fragments of sculptures, etc. found by archaeologists. But the most impressive exhibit is the mosaic made in the 2nd-3rd centuries. ad. It depicts Neptune riding a chariot. While in this city, you should not neglect such palaces as Palazzo del Podesta and Palazzo Montevecchio. Columns, grand staircases, fountains - you need to see this with your own eyes. Among the majestic attractions of Fano are also the Church of San Paterniano, the Romanesque Cathedral, and the Church of Santa Maria Nuova. Outstanding artists and sculptors from different times took part in their design.

Fano. Photo


Raphael Santi (1483 - 1520) - “the bright genius of the Renaissance” was born in Urbino at the end of the 15th century. The first documented masterpiece of Raphael is considered to be the altar painting (1500 - 1501) in the Baronci Chapel of the Church of St. Augustine in Città di Castello, halfway from Urbino to Perugia. In April 1520, the artist was buried with the greatest honors in. On the marble sarcophagus of Raphael there is an inscription: “Ille hic est Raffael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori” - “Here is that famous Raphael, while he was alive, Nature was afraid that he would conquer her, when he was dying, Nature I was afraid to die with him.”

Italian motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi was born in 1979 in Urbino. He is the son of another famous motorcycle racer, Graziano Rossi. During his career, he won several championship titles and almost always wears number 46. He spent his childhood in the town of Tavullia. Especially in honor of the sportsman, the speed limit here is 46 kilometers per hour (instead of the usual fifty).

Many seaside resorts where you can have a great vacation for a week or two al mare, located on 180 kilometers of the Adriatic coast in the Marche region.
All resorts in Marche can be divided into two main types. The first includes large, noisy centers with vibrant nightlife, many foreign tourists and embankments densely built up with hotels. Examples of this type of resort are (from north to south) Gabicce Mare, Pesaro, Senigallia And San Benedetto del Tronto.
Another type is represented by many small resort towns picturesque beaches, where villas and apartments are preferred to hotels. Often such places are filled with Italian families in the summer, many of whom live in the Marche region and come to the sea every year. At the same time, adults love to sigh in public about the fact that they have to come here for the sake of bambini, but in their hearts they all love these places. In addition, thanks to technological progress - laptops, iPads and smartphones - everyone can feel like they are in the office on vacation.
A couple of places nestled under a rocky peninsula Monte Conero, do not fall into any category. There are rocky coves and white limestone cliffs like no other on the Adriatic coast from Trieste in the north to the heel of the Italian boot at Gargano in the south.

When to go. The best time to visit the resorts of the Marche region

Features of the choice of beaches in the resorts of the Marche region

Although all resorts have one or two free public beaches ( spiaggia libera), they are often located far away and very rarely they are as clean as on paid areas coast. In any case, if you want to experience a truly Italian beach, be sure to go to the paid one, where there are rows of sun loungers under beach umbrellas. Usually entrance to the beach is not too expensive ( from 2 to 4 euros), but it has all the amenities you could ever want and is the best place to see Italian life up close. If you are staying at one of the local hotels, then, as a rule, you can use the private beach that belongs to it for free.
The Marche region boasts the largest number of Blue Flag beaches in Italy. The prestigious Blue Flag certificate of the Foundation for Environmental Education is issued only to the most environmentally friendly clean beaches Europe. The certificate implies that the beach meets strict criteria, including water quality, environmental control, safety and some other services.

Gabicce Mare

This colorful and lively city on the border of the Marche and Emilia Romagna regions is the northern extension of the Riviera Rimini. It is therefore not surprising that this resort, with more than 100 hotels, has become one of the most popular holiday destinations in the Marche. Despite this, the sandy beaches and vibrant nightlife on the coast and in the town of Gabicce Monte higher in the mountains remain attractive.
From here it's a stone's throw to the impressive Gradara Castle and, if you're really interested in exotic postage stamps and cheap alcohol, to the tiny republic San Marino.
To the south, towards the city of Pesaro, from Gabicce leads strada panoramic. Driving along the road winding above the coast, you can fully enjoy the breathtaking marine species, many charming coves and inexpensive fish restaurants; one of the most romantic places - a tiny port in a village Baia Vallugola.

Hotels in Gabicci Mare: compare prices on different sites - save up to 50%


Pesaro, capital of the province of Pesaro e Urbino in the Marche region, is not only a charming city, but also an attractive one seaside resort, a prosperous fishing port and important industrial center. The elegant, wide streets are picturesque enough to have a fun walk, and dinner at fish restaurant by the seashore after a day spent on a relatively empty beach, it is difficult to compare its attractiveness with anything else. Like most Italian beaches, the city's three kilometers of coastline are lined with dense rows of umbrellas and sun loungers that are rarely occupied. To be alone by the sea, go to the area Baia Flaminia, which lies north of the city center. Here, in addition to equipped beaches, for which you have to pay to enter, there are also areas for free recreation. Also, free and not crowded beaches lie to the south of the city, if you take the SS16 highway in the direction of Fano.

Choose a hotel in Pesaro


Name of the Roman colony Fanum Fortunae associated with the large temple of the goddess Fortuna located in it. Fortune patronizes the city to this day, but in the person of one of the four Christian patron saints, San Fortunato.
During Roman times, this was the site where the important Via Flaminia road from Rome joined the main coastal route. major port. Today it is a small seaside resort with a busy fishing port and a charming old town centre.
The entrance to the city is through the magnificent triumphal arch of the Roman era Arco di Augusto. It was built in the 2nd century AD by order of the Roman Emperor Augustus as part of his ambitious project to improve the empire's road network, and marks the point where the Via Flaminia reached the shores of the Adriatic; The bas-relief of the wall of the 16th-century church on the right shows the arch in its original form.
From here the main street Via Arco di Augusto leads to the historical center of the city (if you continue driving along it to the end, then, after crossing the railway tracks, the road will lead to the beach Sassonia).
At the main intersection in the city center, turn right onto Corso Matteotti which will take you to the central square Piazza XX Settembre, which is decorated with a fancy 16th-century fountain topped with a sculpture of the goddess Fortune. Among the beautiful buildings approaching the square, the palace stands out Palazzo Malatesta with a large courtyard and spacious loggia, known as Corte Malatestiana. The palace houses the city museum Museo Civico And Pinacoteca Museum, which presents a disparate collection of Renaissance images and paintings by Guercino, Guido Reni and Michele Giambono.
Church Santa Maria Nuovo standing next to the central city square on the street Via de Pili, houses two precious works by Perugino, “Madonna and Saints” and “Good News” - it is likely that young Raphael helped the master in creating the first of the paintings.
The city has a particularly elegant passeggiata– a pedestrian zone running along the main streets, along which townspeople stroll along rows of shops, alluring with the lights of their shop windows.
The railway clearly separates Old city from a modern resort that has grown up along two strips of beautiful beach. To the south of the city extends Spiaggia Sassonia, wide pebble beach with a spacious walking area. In the northwest there is a shorter but more popular beach Spiaggia Lido, covered with sand and lined with rows of beach umbrellas.
Between the beaches there is a small bay where fishermen gather, from whom you can buy some of the fresh catch - vongole, small edible shellfish, are especially good here.
To the north and south of Fano there are quite pleasant free public beaches, many of which are relatively deserted.

Choose a hotel in Fano


Since 1853, 13 kilometers of gold sandy beaches Senigallia, famous "Velvet Beach", are considered one of the most popular seaside resorts on the Adriatic coast. Thanks to the quality of service and clean water, the city received the prestigious Blue Flag certificate issued by the Foundation for Environmental Education in Europe. But the sea is not all that is worth going to Senigallia for. The resort's main town, with its breathtaking historic centre, makes an ideal base for exploring ancient cities Marche region. The name of the city refers to the very first inhabitants of these places - the Galli Senoni, a Celtic tribe that settled here around the 4th century BC. In the 15th century, the city was famous for the Maddalena fair that took place here. To this day, the historical center of the city retains a certain merchant severity, especially clearly expressed in tall buildings standing along the city canal. Walking along the alleys of the central part, pay attention to the architecture of squat, thick-walled houses, which developed many centuries ago as a result of the threat of earthquakes. Most beautiful historical monument cities - old fortress, Rocca Roveresca, built in 1480. In summer, the sound of classical music concerts can be heard in its courtyard. Another source of pride for Senigallia is lots of great restaurants, where you can truly taste the best Adriatic cuisine. The city is home to two of the most famous restaurants in Italy: La Madonnina Del Pescatore And Uliassi, regularly included in the top ten the best establishments according to eminent restaurant critics from around the world.

Choose a hotel in Senigallia


South of Ancona stands the lonely limestone peak of Monte Conero, whose slopes fall steeply to the most beautiful sea beaches on the entire northern Adriatic coast. The beauty of these places is responsible for the fact that in July and August three local resorts have only standing places available; You should come here in May, early September or, best of all, in June.
If you're coming from Ancona, your first stop on your route should be Portonovo, a tiny village on the Conero River. Making your way along a dead-end road to this cluster of hotels, restaurants, campsites and summer beach houses nestled on a narrow coastal strip, you can fully enjoy postcard views of the sea. The resort coast is divided into two parts by the squat fortress Fortino Napoleonico, built in 1808 by the Viceroy of Italy Eugene Beauharnais to protect against attacks by the English fleet. Today the fortress is located Hotel Fortino Napoleonico.
At the end of the road, where evergreen oaks cling to the mountainside and descend to the sea, stands the ancient Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Built between 1034 and 1048, the building has a shape unique to Italy, more typical of the churches of Normandy.
Let's return to the main road, which goes around the foot of the mountain, from where breathtaking landscapes open up. About 8 km south of the Portonovo junction, follow the signs for Monte Conero to visit the 12th-century Badia di San Pietro, once a Benedictine monastery, and today - Hotel Monteconero. It is located at the highest point of the mountain that can be reached by car, and the panorama from here is worth your time.
The entire area adjacent to the mountain was declared a regional nature park in 1987, in which a whole network of marked paths was later laid - the map can be purchased at Consorzio del Parco del Conero in the town of Sirolo. At the top of the mountain (572 m) traces of a Paleolithic site about 100,000 years old were discovered - the oldest evidence of human presence in the region.

Sirolo and Numana

At the southernmost point of Conero are the two main resorts of the Riviera. The most interesting of these is Sirolo, with an amazing medieval center and a tree-lined square hanging high above the sea. On best beaches can be reached by bus, departing every half hour and stopping at each bay. Campsites and coastal hotels in the lower historical part of the city smoothly flow into the Numana resort. In the southern part of the resort there is a long pleasant beach, and in the city archaeological museum you can get acquainted with the history of the tribes that lived on the territory of Piceni long before its conquest by Rome ( Via La Fenice, 4).
You can escape the beach crowds in one of the many tiny sheltered bays, which can only be reached by boat: during the season there are regular flights from Numana, Sirolo and Portonovo.
In addition, Sirolo boasts the best golf courses in the region, owned by the golf club Conero Golf Club.


Porto Recanti

When traveling in the Loreto or Recanti area, you will probably want to spend a day or two on the beach.
Porto Recanti is a small, modern resort that gives a feeling of freedom with the breadth of its streets and magnificent views of the peak of Monte Conero in the north. Despite the fact that the sand and pebble beach here is quite narrow, it is rarely crowded. It is best to relax in the northern part of the beach.

Civitanova Marche

This charming seaside resort is both a picturesque fishing port and a center for the shoe industry. At the same time, its long and wide pebble beach looks more stylish than any of the neighboring resorts, given that there is no shortage of hotels here at all.
The most interesting part of the promenade and beach is located in the quiet southern part of the city, decorated with lush vegetation. In a city centered around a wide square Piazza XX Settembre, there are plenty of shops with stylish storefronts and green public gardens.
On a hilltop about 4 kilometers from the coast stands a medieval fortified town Civitanova Marche Alta, which is still protected by partially preserved fortress walls. This is a must-visit - among the beautiful ancient palaces and churches there is an amazing collection of modern Italian fine art, presented in the art gallery Galleria d'Arte Moderna.
One of the oldest and most charming churches in Marche, Santa Maria a Pie di Chienti, is located 6 kilometers away along the SS 485 highway inland. The beautifully preserved Romanesque building was built in the 9th century. The church is divided into two floors, the upper of which opens onto a central nave. The 14th-century frescoes in the apse above the altar, in stark contrast to the plain brickwork of the rest of the walls, make a lasting impression.

Choose a hotel in Civitanova Marche

Porto Potenza Picena

To the north of Civitanova Marche lies Porto Potenza Picena - another variation on the theme of the small resorts of the south of the Marche. A great place to relax for the day on the sandy beach if you find yourself nearby. A few kilometers from the coast, in a place Giardino Bonaccorsi lies one of the few remaining 18th-century gardens in Italy with a beautiful red brick villa. The villa itself is closed to the public, but it’s still worth visiting if you’re in the area to admire the local beauty.

Porto San Giorgio

The streets of the resort, sandwiched between the SS16 highway and the sea, are decorated with many beautiful shops, and in summer season the atmosphere is enlivened by frequent music concerts. Much of the city's beauty is due to several buildings in the "Liberty" style, which was common in the best Italian resorts at the end of the 19th century. From the towers standing nearby central square the 13th-century city fortress built by Lorenzo Tiepolo, the future Doge of Venice, opens good view to the city. But the main attractions of the city remain fish and beautiful beaches. The city has many inexpensive restaurants serving a variety of brodetto, a traditional fish dish of the Marche region.


South of Porto San Giorgio is the “mussel beach” of Marche - Pedaso, where delicious shellfish are grown on concrete pillars lying in the water just behind the short pebble city beach. Except great places for snorkeling, the town is conveniently located relative to the main routes of the region. In summer it takes place Sagradelle Cozze or mussel festival.

Porto Sant'Elpidio

North of Porto San Giorgio lies the narrow strip of Porto Sant'Elpidio beach, the heart of Marche's shoe industry. The main attraction of the resort is the pine forests in the north and many huge shoe stores on the main street, the SS16 highway. Once a port serving the inland town of Fermo, today the town of Porto Sant'Elpidio has turned into a wonderful seaside resort with a small port.

Curpa Marittima

An old-fashioned coastal resort, not crowded with hotels and imbued with the spirit of a fun family holiday. It is possible that Curpa Marittima owes such a relaxed atmosphere to the lush vegetation around it - pine trees, palm trees and oleanders. A short sandy beach (only 2.5 km long), dotted with old concrete groins, starts right behind the beautiful little port. There are rarely too many vacationers on the beach. There's an interesting person working in the city shell museum. If you are interested in camping, the best tent sites are in the north, between Curpa Marittima and Pedaso in the north.


This small resort in the south of the Palm Riviera Marche boasts a 5-kilometer strip of sandy beaches. On the beautiful pedestrian promenade there are several superb buildings that exemplify the seaside Liberty style of architecture, mostly luxury villas from the turn of the last century. Rows of palm trees along the seashore, colorful flower beds and well-groomed lawns give the city an indescribable charm. Historical Center, medieval city above the sea, includes beautiful ancient buildings, from which magnificent views of the sea open. Beautiful church Santa Lucia was built in 1957 in memory of the most famous son of the city, Pope Sixtus V. The ruins of an ancient Castle rise above the city.

San Benedetto del Tronto

One of the main resorts of the south of Marche, whose embankment is decorated with seven thousand palm trees, stands out for its unique tropical atmosphere. This is also beautiful city, known as the second most important fishing port on the Adriatic coast of Italy. The resort is hugely popular, but with 8km of wide sandy beaches fringed by palm trees, there's plenty of room for everyone. At the same time, the old-fashioned elegance of the city does not prevent the city from seething nightlife, which does not leave younger tourists indifferent. The most beautiful part of the beach is also where the most good hotels– stretches south of the city center. The beach north of the extensive port is not as well-maintained, but there are many half-empty and free areas. The old part of the city is located above the main resort, at the far end Corso Mazzini, and is marked by a castle surrounded by narrow streets of brick houses. Residents of the resort take catching fish and eating it equally seriously; There are many restaurants in the city where every taste will be satisfied for a reasonable price. This is one of best places to try brodetto, a dish for the preparation of which 13 types of fish are used - no more, no less.

Select and book a hotel in San Benedetto del Tronto

They say about Marche that it is Italy in one region. Here there is everything that one would like to see on a trip: the blue surface of the sea, mountain peaks, architectural uniqueness, best food and wine.

In Marche you can combine all your desires for Italian life and culture.

If you need to find the Marche region on a map of Italy, you need to pay attention to East Coast Adriatic Sea in Italy. Closer to the middle of the “boot”, a little to the south.

Location of Marche on the map of Italy

The capital of the Marche region is , large port city Italy.

There is a lot to see in the Marche region:

You will learn more about the region and its attractions from the video:

The most vibrant cities for tourism in the Marche are:

Local kitchen

The cuisine of the Marche region, thanks to the special structure of the territory, where the mountains predominate, but there is also the sea, is very diverse. A cuisine that alternates meat dishes typical of mountainous regions with dishes based on shellfish, fatty fish and seafood.

The cuisine of the Marche region is very diverse

We should not forget the region's famous stuffed olives, one of the symbols of Marche products.

Typical dishes often found in Marche restaurants:

  • For snacks - "antipasti" on the coast they serve various variations of fish broth from 13 types of fish with saffron;
  • Moving deeper into the Marche region, dishes containing mushrooms and truffles;
  • Pasta with squid and mushrooms(calamari e funghi);
  • stuffed lasagne(lasagne all'ascolana);
  • Chickpea soup with pork(la minestra di ceci);
  • classic for Marche - tagliatelle with truffles(tagliatelle al tartufo).

In the mountains you can often find polenta with sausage, mushroom and truffle salad.

Desserts in Marche, as in all of Italy, are given a special place.
You can try it here:

    • "Bekutte" (beccute)— buns decorated with pine nuts and raisins;
    • "Caciuni"- ravioli stuffed with cheese, eggs, sugar and lemon zest;
    • "castagnole"- sweet dough balls sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Castagnole - sweet dough balls

Among the Marche wines, the most valuable are:

  • "Maceratesi Black Hills"— dry and harmonious taste;
  • "Rosso Conero"- dry, rich wine;
  • Rosso Piceno, Sangiovese— delicate bouquet and harmonious taste;
  • "Lacrima di Morro d'Alba" with an intense fruity aroma and rich taste.


In the region of Italy - Marche, climatic conditions have a wide range due to the difference in relief heights. The mountainous regions of the Marche have cool summers and cold winters with snow occurring quite frequently and heavily.

In addition, in inland mountainous areas, temperatures can be very low.

Along the coastal zone, north of Marche's capital Ancona, the climate is subcontinental. The hot summers are usually cooled by sea breezes, and there are also quite cold winters (Pesaro has an average January temperature of 3.8 °C).

Average temperature readings:

  • Winter temperature on the coast: 7-12C;
  • Winter temperature in mountainous areas: 0-3.9C;
  • Summer temperatures on the coast: 24-28C;
  • Summer temperatures in the mountains: 15-22C.

Best season for excursion holiday in March - May, early June. For the beach - end of June - September.

From late June to September you can enjoy beach holidays in the Marche region

Something else

For lovers of relaxation and spa:

  • not far from the capital of Marche - Ancona (60 km), in Pergola, at 16 Localita’ Bellisio Solfare, located thermal resort— Bellisio Solfare Terme Srl. Website
  • 106 km from Ancona, on via San Gianno, 7, in the town of Petriano, thermal resort - Terme Di Raffaello Di Riccione Terme. Website
  • Another thermal spring - Terme Santa Lucia, 76 km from Ancona, on Viale Terme Santa Lucia, in the town of Tolentino. Website

Millions of tourists come to Italy, but in Marche, in Civitanova, they still have one goal - to visit the wonderful beaches.

The best of them: Promontorio del Conero and Gargano. In addition to these beautiful beaches with “postcard” views, there are 17 more beaches in the Marche region that have received the prestigious Blue Flag award.

How to get there

The main motorway in the Marche region is the A14, linking major roads with those leading to smaller villages and towns. These, in turn, are connected by an efficient bus network.


  • From the Adriatic side: Highway A14;
  • From (direction Florence): A1 motorway. Then, to Val di Chiana, A1;
  • To Perugia - - Foligno - SP 75 motorway;
  • From Foligno - Loreto - SS 3 Flaminia, exit at SP 77;
  • From the Tyrrhenian coast (direction Rome): Motorway A1, exit at E45 (Orte - ) towards Terni;
  • SS 3 Flaminia, on Foligno - Loreto;
  • SP 77 on Serravalle del Chienti, Muccia, La Maddalena, Macerata.


Marche International Airport - Falconara Marittima (
From airport:

  • by car;
  • by bus, there are two lines, Line J (Falconare - Ancona) on ConeroBus (website
    Farabollini lines (Ancona - Macerata), website


From the airport station - Castelferretti, select the direction and go commuter train, buy a ticket at the box office/terminal/online and get to the desired point. Website:


Clean sea, mountain peaks, care and concern for the environment and historical heritage, the best food and, on top of all this, good prices.

This is the Marche region.