German Kostrinsky, Alexandra Djordjevich and Vadim Nikiforov "Kalashnikov" goes to the "Sea". The concern will gain control over the Feodosia shipyard.” The More shipyard in Feodosia is ready to fulfill defense orders (video) NW Sea of ​​Feodosia

published in the newspaper "Kommersant" Feodosian shipyard More, which has been federally owned since 2014, will become part of Rostec and will be transferred to the management of the Kalashnikov concern. According to Kommersant's information, the private shipyard Pella, which has been leasing Morya's facilities since 2016 and has invested about 800 million rubles in the plant, agrees to part with the enterprise, but expects to receive compensation.

Under construction for the Russian Navyat the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Shipbuilding Plant "More"small missile ships of Project 22800. On the right is the Shtorm (serial number 254), in the center is the hull structure of the Okhotsk MRK (serial number 255). Feodosia, 06/30/2017 (c)

As Kommersant learned, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise More Shipbuilding Plant, which is federally owned, will become part of Rostec. The Ministry of Industry and Trade confirmed this to Kommersant and clarified that the Federal State Unitary Enterprise will be corporatized. “The plant’s shares will be transferred to trust management JSC Concern Kalashnikov, which should increase the concern’s competencies in the construction of high-speed ships and the production of light alloy products, ensure the development and modernization of the plant,” the department explained. Rostec only confirmed this; Kalashnikov clarified to Kommersant that “serious diagnostics of the asset’s condition” and significant modernization are needed. The concern added that it will be necessary to “attract new customers and expand the portfolio of orders.” The shipyard itself has “no information” about the change of management company.

"Sea" has historically built hydrofoil and hovercraft ("Cyclone", "Kometa", etc.), pleasure yachts and boats with hulls made of aluminum alloys, landing hovercraft of the "Zubr" type, anti-submarine ships of the "Sokol" project " Morya's order portfolio in the summer of 2016 was estimated at 3.3 billion rubles. On April 4, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that More could receive a number of government orders without competition to restore production.

Today, part of Morya’s capacity is leased by Herbert Tsaturov’s private Leningrad shipbuilding plant “Pella”, located in the Leningrad region. “Pella” is building three small missile ships (SMRK) of project 22800 “Karakurt” in Crimea (they should partially replace frigates and corvettes, the construction of which at the Northern Shipyard and the Kaliningrad “Yantar” stopped in 2014 after the refusal of the Ukrainians and Germans to supply the Russian Federation with power plants ). An order for seven RTOs was received by Pella in 2015. As the Ministry of Industry and Trade clarified, Pella has been leasing 12 Morya real estate units from 2016 until the end of 2020 for the construction of an RTO, the lease period is determined by the delivery of the last ship. Pella did not answer Kommersant’s questions.

According to Kommersant’s interlocutor on the market, “Herbert Tsaturov himself asked to be freed from this burden: “Sea” needs loading, which requires tens of billions of rubles in the medium term.” According to another Kommersant interlocutor, Pella has already invested 700-800 million rubles in the repair and modernization of the Crimean plant. and expects that the funds will be compensated to her in shares of the plant or in another form.

The Minister of Industrial Policy of Crimea, Andrei Vasyuta, noted that Vympel, part of Kalashnikov, has begun the construction of light-alloy high-speed ships. Morya has the necessary competencies, and Kalashnikov is interested in completing the construction of such ships in Feodosia, the official says. The Ministry of Industry of Crimea is interested in the concern’s work in the republic and in entering the Sea, as this will help increase the plant’s load and create new jobs, explained Mr. Vasyuta.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation says that Kalashnikov plans to develop the construction of high-speed vessels at Mora, including for passenger transportation in the Azov-Black Sea basin, as well as to form a center for the construction, completion and maintenance of ships and boats of the Navy, the border service and the Russian Guard, and to develop the construction of seiners. Investments in Mora will be determined “after assessing the assets and clarifying the portfolio of orders,” the department explained.

The head of the analytical department of the A1 investment company, Sergei Sviridov, estimates the More shipbuilding plant based on its workload at the end of 2016 and its unique status at 2-2.5 billion rubles. and 0.8-1 billion rubles - for the value of property and land plot. First Vice President of Opora Russia Pavel Sigal believes that More is cheaper - 500 million rubles. “The plant is loaded with orders worth 1 billion rubles, their payback is seven to eight years, and profitability is at the level of 5-10% with a constant flow of orders,” he says. The editor-in-chief of the Moscow Defense Brief, Mikhail Barabanov, considers More to be a valuable asset because of its competencies, but it is not entirely clear whether the plant is needed by Rostec and Kalashnikov or whether it is transferred as a social burden. He is confident that the takeover of the plant by Rostec will not lead to the introduction of new sanctions. “As I understand it, now Kalashnikov and Rostec are already under new American sanctions, deeper than any Crimean ones”

“The plant’s shares will be transferred to the trust management of Kalashnikov Concern JSC, which should increase the concern’s competence in the construction of high-speed ships and the production of light alloy products, and ensure the development and modernization of the plant,” the department explained.

Rostec only confirmed this; Kalashnikov clarified that “serious diagnostics of the asset’s condition” and significant modernization are necessary. The concern added that it will be necessary to “attract new customers and expand the portfolio of orders.” The shipyard itself has “no information” about the change of management company.

"Sea" has historically built hydrofoil and hovercraft ("Cyclone", "Kometa", etc.), pleasure yachts and boats with hulls made of aluminum alloys, landing hovercraft of the "Zubr" type, anti-submarine ships of the "Sokol" project " Morya's order portfolio in the summer of 2016 was estimated at 3.3 billion rubles. On April 4, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that More could receive a number of government orders without competition to restore production.

Today, part of Morya’s capacity is leased by Herbert Tsaturov’s private Leningrad shipbuilding plant “Pella”, located in the Leningrad region. Pella is building three small missile ships (SMRK) of Project 22800 Karakurt in Crimea (they should partially replace frigates and corvettes, the construction of which at the Northern Shipyard and the Kaliningrad Yantar began in 2014 after the Germans refused to supply power plants to the Russian Federation). An order for seven RTOs was received by Pella in 2015. As the Ministry of Industry and Trade clarified, Pella has been leasing 12 Morya real estate units from 2016 until the end of 2020 for the construction of an RTO, the lease period is determined by the delivery of the last ship.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, Herbert Tsaturov himself asked to be freed from this burden: “Sea” needs loading, which requires tens of billions of rubles in the medium term. According to another interlocutor of the newspaper, Pella has already invested 700-800 million rubles in the repair and modernization of the Crimean plant. and expects that the funds will be compensated to her in shares of the plant or in another form.

The Minister of Industrial Policy of Crimea, Andrei Vasyuta, noted that Vympel, part of Kalashnikov, has begun the construction of light-alloy high-speed ships. Morya has the necessary competencies, and Kalashnikov is interested in completing the construction of such ships in Feodosia, the official says. The Ministry of Industry of Crimea is interested in the concern’s work in the republic and in entering the Sea, as this will help increase the plant’s load and create new jobs, explained Mr. Vasyuta.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation says that Kalashnikov plans to develop the construction of high-speed ships at Mora, including for passenger transportation in the Azov-Black Sea basin, as well as to form a center for the construction, completion and maintenance of ships and boats of the Navy, border service and the Russian Guard, to develop construction of seiners. Investments in Mora will be determined “after assessing the assets and clarifying the portfolio of orders,” the department explained.

The head of the analytical department of the A1 investment company, Sergei Sviridov, estimates the More shipbuilding plant based on its workload at the end of 2016 and its unique status at 2-2.5 billion rubles. and 0.8-1 billion rubles - for the cost of property and land. First Vice President of Opora Russia Pavel Sigal believes that More is cheaper - 500 million rubles.

“The plant is loaded with orders worth 1 billion rubles, their payback is seven to eight years, and profitability is at the level of 5-10% with a constant flow of orders,” he says. The head of the Moscow Defense Brief, Mikhail Barabanov, considers Mora a valuable asset because of its competencies, but it is not entirely clear whether the plant is needed by Rostec and Kalashnikov or whether it is transferred as a social burden. He is confident that the takeover of the plant by Rostec will not lead to the introduction of new sanctions. “As I understand, now Kalashnikov and Rostec are already under new American sanctions, deeper than any Crimean ones.”

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The shipbuilding enterprise "More", transformed by the decision of the Council of Ministers of Crimea into a state unitary enterprise, is ready to fulfill defense orders that are expected this year. This was stated by the Minister of Industrial Policy of the Republic of Crimea Andrei Skrynnik. JSC "More", the package of which is before the adoption of the declaration of state independence Crimea was owned by Ukraine; by decision of the Council of Ministers of the republic it was transformed into a state unitary enterprise. The project was developed in accordance with federal and republican legislation. The plant will create new types of marine passenger ships, as well as the implementation of defense orders.

The More enterprise has all the conditions for the construction of ships of both civil and military importance. We will receive all licenses and will implement it. This year it is already possible to place such orders,” Skrynnik noted.

According to the minister, today the plant employs more than 1.2 thousand people. There are no wage arrears. The head of the Crimean government, Sergei Aksenov, instructed to keep control over the payment of wages to plant workers and the work to provide the enterprise with orders.

At the beginning of September, it became known that the Zaliv shipyard (Kerch) and the More shipbuilding enterprise (Feodosia) in cooperation were starting to create passenger ships. The laying down ceremony of two new ships of the SPM-150 project “Simferopol” and “Kerch” with factory ones numbers 701 and 702 with a passenger capacity of 180 people each took place on September 5 in Kerch on the stocks of the Zaliv shipyard. The Feodosia “Sea” received an order to carry out work related to the creation of buildings. The order amount is 100 million rubles. Since the 80s of the last century, the More plant has specialized in creating landing ships amphibious hovercraft project "Zubr". In the 2000s, he fulfilled an order for the supply of this type of ships for the Greek Navy. In 2012-13, the More plant fulfilled an order for the supply of 5 landing ships of a similar type of the Bison project for the PRC. On video: tests of the Bison near Feodosia, an analogue of the Zubr.