The main attractions of the village of Ordzhonikidze on the Crimean peninsula. What is worth seeing in Ordzhonikidze? Active holidays in Orjo

Ordzhonikidze itself is a unique place, washed on all three sides by the Black Sea. If there is a storm on the side of Provato Bay, then in Dvuyakornaya Bay it is calm and calm and vice versa.

The most interesting objects in Ordzhonikidze are the picturesque bays and hills. You will not regret if you take a day and go on a short hike through the bays, exploring and discovering cozy beaches:

Beautiful places in Dvuyakornaya Bay:

Here there are stone and shell beaches near the boathouses, then there are a couple of bays that are not intended for swimming at all; there are massive boulders of stone in the water. After walking a little further, secluded, picturesque coves appear for lovers or for those who like to sunbathe naked. Walking along Dvuyakornaya Bay, you have to go around some capes in ankle-deep water, stepping over large sharp stones, so when taking your child with you on such an adventure, take care of good shoes, and carry them in your arms in dangerous places.
The most popular among vacationers on this side of the village are:

- Stone beach– with a good sandy shore and rocky bottom, an excellent place for swimming and spearfishing.

- Krasnyachka– a picturesque enclosed bay attracts vacationers living in the private sector nearby; the shore is sandy, the bottom is rocky, and the water here is always very clean.

- Beach under Sedlo– the famous Ordzhonikidze hill really has the shape of a saddle, under it there is a unique beach under a steep cliff. There are a lot of people who want to relax here, but not everyone can accept this beach, there is very little space. The width of the beach is from 1-3 meters, it rests on a steep cliff along which wild goats walk.
There is no mobile connection here, and after 14.00 there is never sun! There are goat paths leading to the beach in some dry places, be careful!

Next are the closed wild beaches, but it is not difficult for vacationers to get to them, you can get there on stones or on an air mattress, they are always deserted and have the purest water. Favorite dive site for divers.

From the beach we take a narrow path up the hill, here you will see an amazing view of Provato Bay with the extinct Kara-Dag volcano. On the left side is the extreme cape of the Ordzhonikidze peninsula, Kiik-Atlama (translated as goat jump), and on the right are sandy bays, Quiet Bay, Cape Chameleon, Dead Bay and the village of Koktebel itself. Ahead, the beginning of the embankment is crowned by Mount Vasyukovka.

Beautiful places of Provato Bay:

Mount Vasyukovka is especially popular among vacationers; almost everyone comes up here as a ritual to greet the sunrise and see off the sunset. Early in the morning here you can meet people leading a healthy lifestyle, running up such a steep climb in one breath. Under the mountain is Agate Beach, or its second name, Zavodskaya. More than 140 steps lead to it, the shore is large cobblestones, the bottom is stone. The sun appears on the beach after 9 am, so if at 7 am the Central Beach is already sold out, people relaxing in tents slowly begin to wake up here. By noon the beach becomes crowded, by 10 am the children's camp is brought in to swim, divers come for dives, which says one thing, this is the best beach! With a gorgeous view of Kara-Dag, crystal clear water, and an interesting underwater world. And if you take care of rubber shoes, pebbles when entering will not cause you any inconvenience.

Having walked from Vasyukovka to the other end of the embankment, we find ourselves at the beginning of the bays, where it is also very picturesque and not crowded! The beaches here are sandy, the bottom is sandy with occasional stone slabs. There are many families with small children relaxing here, pulling up tents from the sun. The further we move away from the Central Embankment, the fewer ordinary people there become; only nudists and hippies have chosen these places remote from the bustle of the world.

We will climb narrow steep paths to the highest mountain of Ordzhonikidze - Dzhan-Kutaran (holy gate) from here it is a stone's throw to Koktebel, the walk will take about 4 hours with swimming in the Quiet Bay near the Chameleon.

As you can see, Ordzhonikidze cannot boast of museums, theaters, exhibitions, but the picturesque wealth of nature is collected here - the cleanest sea, beautiful landscapes, cozy bays, capes, and unusually beautiful sunrises and sunsets!

PGT Ordzhonikidze is located in a picturesque place, with a warm, clean sea nearby. The resort village does not have large industrial enterprises, its distance from major transport routes, and the presence of wastewater treatment facilities, the ecology is simply in ideal condition.

Where is the village of Ordzhonikidze located?

The resort village is located on the east coast of Crimea. The specific location is Cape Kiik-Atlama. The place is amazing because it is surrounded on 3 sides by the sea, and the fourth side is mountains.

Photo of the village of Ordzhonikidze in Crimea from above

The village of Ordzhonikidze is located 13 kilometers from Feodosia and 9 kilometers from and 7 kilometers from the main highway - Simferopol.

Ordzhonikidze on the map of Crimea:

Where to stay for a holiday, how much does housing cost in the private sector, hotel?

Despite the fact that the village is small, there is plenty of housing for vacationers: apartments, rooms, private houses, sanatoriums, camps for children, three recreation centers, mini-hotels. There is even a tent city for those who like it.

Hotel stay is worth it 1200−4000 rub./day. The rooms have everything for a comfortable stay: good furniture, refrigerator, TV, air conditioning. More expensive hotels offer internet, dry cleaning, billiards, tennis, a swimming pool, rental of beach accessories, additional meals, and children's entertainment.

In the central part of Ordzhonikidze there is a boathouse cottage where you can stay for 800–3200 rubles per day. They stay in their own houses for a day 800−2000 rub.

The cost of rooms and apartments varies greatly; you can find a small room even for 600 rubles.

You can choose and book a hotel in Ordzhonikidze in advance with the best discounts on the Booking website:

Sights and history

The history of the settlement begins in the 11th century. The first on this site was the Kaygador fortress, which was built by the Genoese, as well as a small port. The port was used by poor merchants and it was suitable for short stops for ships. Around the same time, an Armenian church was built nearby.
At that time, about 300 people lived in the fortress.

Then the settlement was destroyed in the wars with the Golden Horde and the Tatar-Mongols. For several centuries the place was a settlement for fishermen. In 1911, rapid construction of a plant that produced military products began here. In 1937, the name of the town appeared, associated with the political figure of the Soviet Union S. Ordzhonikidze.

The local population calls their village Orjo. When the Soviet Union collapsed, military enterprises were closed, and tourism infrastructure began to develop in Ordzhonikidze.

There are not many attractions in the village. Among those available it should be noted:

  • Church of St. Stephen of Sourozh, construction of which dates back to 2000.
  • Beautiful big park.
  • Museum of Local Lore.

Most of the attractions are located in the vicinity of Ordzhonikidze. These include the inactive Kara-Dag volcano (and also) and the Golden Gate.

The extinct volcano Kara-Dag

Golden Gate

Other interesting attractions are located in Feodosia. In the summer, numerous excursion tours are organized in the village, which are carried out to many tourist destinations of the Crimean coast.

A local attraction is the diving club in the village, which has been operating for a very long time. The club is very popular, as diving takes place here at Dvuyakornaya Bay, where in the 11th–17th centuries. there was a port, and over a long period of time a large number of ships sank in this place. When diving from the bottom of the sea, you can get jewelry, coins, dishes and other valuables.

The beach in the village is amazing. Each of them is located in its own small bay. Their covering is sand, small pebbles or rocky. They are within walking distance of 50-300 m from the village, the wild ones are a little further away, half a kilometer away. The peculiarity of the beaches is their isolation.

Central Ordzhonikidze Beach: photos

The beaches in Orjo are equipped with sun loungers, changing cabins, entrance fee, except for wild ones.

Entertainment for children

The quiet, calm village is an excellent place for a family holiday with children of all ages. In accordance with this, Ordzhonikidze has a very developed infrastructure for children.

There is a decent park with a large swimming pool where kids can ride on exotic boats with unusual shapes. On the main embankment of the village, a play center "Mississippi" was built for children, where board games, air hockey, electronic entertainment, and simulators are popular.

There is a huge inflatable slide on the Central Beach, which is also popular with many adults. On the beach there are announcements about entertainment events that are held every day at the Ordzhonikidze cinema. In addition to films for families to watch, competitions and entertaining games for children are held.

There are also traditional entertainments for children: bungees, buns, bananas.

The Ordzhonikidze resort is an urban village located in the southeast of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, between Koktebel Bay and Dvuyakornaya Bay.

On this site you can easily find out what to see in Ordzhonikidze and where to go in Ordzhonikidze. You will learn about interesting places and attractions of Ordzhonikidze. Find out where you can relax in Ordzhonikidze and how to get there. The resort is located 14 km from Feodosia, behind Dvuyakornaya Bay and the Tepe-Oba ridge. The village is also washed by Provato Bay (part of Koktebel Bay). This is a perfect, ecologically clean place, which is washed on three sides by the Black Sea.

On resort Ordzhonikidze There is no industrial production that could spoil the environment. The town is located on a peninsula, there is no transit traffic passing through it, and it is a dead end. The surrounding area is a good place for mountain biking, spearfishing, fishing and diving.


One of the disadvantages of a holiday in Ordzhonikidze is the small number of attractions. These include the current Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, monuments to Sergei Kirov (Soviet politician and statesman) and Sergo Ordzhonikidze (revolutionary, Soviet party and statesman), as well as a local history museum. One of the most interesting excursions is, first of all, the nearby extinct volcano Kara-Dag - a unique geological monument. It was active about 150 million years ago. There is even a legend that a certain “Karadag monster” lives in the sea, at the foot of the massif.

Climate and weather

The Ordzhonikidze resort protects Cape Kiik-Atlama. There is always a choice of sea depending on the situation; if on one side of the cape the sea is stormy, then on the opposite side it is completely calm and vice versa. In summer, the sea water temperature is + 25...27 C. Around the village there are chains of outlandish picturesque bays covered with clear clear water, picturesque mountains and hills, in some places covered with low pine forest, in the vicinity there are several mountain springs with healthy mineral water. In winter and spring, cold northern and northeastern winds blow. The best months for vacation are July, August, September. The heat in summer is almost not felt, as sea winds constantly blow. October water temperature is about + 17 degrees. In November there are already frosts and occasional snowfall.


You can visit a variety of beaches here - these are pebble beaches with azure clear water, pebble and sandy bays, traditional sandy lagoons; For lovers of underwater entertainment, there are bays with huge boulders of volcanic origin. The seabed consists of large algae-covered underwater rocks, sand and pebbles.

The city beach has all the amenities. The bottom is extremely flat. You can walk along the bottom for 20-30 meters. When the sea is rough, the water naturally becomes cloudy. There are cafes near the beach.


Ordzhonikidze offers a wide variety of entertainment for vacationers: mountain biking, beach activities, diving, boat trips, fishing, tennis, shooting ranges and archery, billiard rooms, slot machines, horseback riding and excursions to the nearest attractions of Crimea.

The village is well located. From its farthest outskirts to the sea is no more than 10-15 minutes on foot. In small cozy cafes, you can satisfy your hunger, try European and Oriental cuisine, and local delicious seafood dishes. You can also agree on food in inexpensive cafes such as canteens.

The embankment, towards evening, turns into an endless sea of ​​lights and music, mostly live. Therefore, tourists never get bored.


It’s easier and faster to get from Simferopol, and with a transfer in Feodosia. Because direct buses to Ordzhonikidze go quite rarely (every 15 minutes), compared to transport in Feodosia. In Feodosia from the bus station

Take minibus No. 2 or No. 4 to the internal bus station of Feodosia (in the center)

From the internal bus station of Feodosia, minibuses No. 20A run every 5-10 minutes to Ordzhonikidze (travel time 15 minutes). (do not confuse minibus No. 20A and bus No. 20, bus No. 20 also goes to Ordzhonikidze, but along a longer road, which will take about 30-40 minutes)

The village is located between Feodosia and Sudak, near Koktebel. It is located on a small peninsula crowned by Cape Kiik-Atlama.

In the place where the village is now located, in the 11th century there was a monastery, and the place was called Provato, since on one side the cape is washed by a bay of the same name. In Ordzhonikidze the village was renamed in 1937.

During the Second World War, Ordzhonikidze was under occupation, this lasted until 1944. After the war, military factories producing torpedoes were built on the territory of the village. During this period it was a zone closed to visitors. Since 1990, the factories have been inactive, and the village has become open. From that moment on, Ordzhonikidze began to develop as a resort place.

The climate in the village is determined by the special topography. Winter and spring here are very windy and cold. Thanks to this feature, it does not get too hot here in summer; the cool wind from the sea always makes the air temperature optimal. The best period for vacation is from July to October.

Features of recreation in Ordzhonikidze

The village is located away from major highways, life here flows measuredly and calmly. Therefore, Ordzhonikidze is suitable for a family vacation, away from the hustle and bustle and noisy entertainment. The sea is usually calm in summer. The village is washed on three sides by the sea; you can walk from one shore to the other in 30 minutes.

The beaches here are completely different; there are coarse sand, pebble, and rocky ones, with large boulders on the shore. On the latter you can often meet divers admiring the sea relief and sea inhabitants. The water in the sea warms up perfectly, even in October its temperature reaches +17 degrees. The most popular beach is Agate. It is called so because small agates are sometimes found on the shore. The beach is pebble, the water is clean, great for snorkeling enthusiasts.

Due to the terrain, the vegetation in the vicinity of Ordzhonikidze is poor. There are also few attractions. It is worth visiting the Museum of Local Lore, where you will be introduced to the history of the formation of the village and the culture of the local residents.

Another interesting attraction recommended for visiting is the active Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius.

Prices for holidays in Orjo (as the locals call their village) are very reasonable. Housing in the private sector will cost from 400 rubles per day during the season. There are also offers for wealthier vacationers. You can have a hearty meal for 150-200 rubles in canteens; in restaurants, lunch will cost 450-500 rubles. Prices in supermarkets are lower than in Russia. Therefore, if you eat by cooking yourself, your vacation will be very budget-friendly.