Where better to go to France in August. Where is the best place to go in summer in France? How to pay for the selected tour

August is the hottest month in France. If you are planning to spend your summer rest on the Cote d'Azur, the third month of summer is the best time for this. If you are interested in a cultural and historical holiday in the capital, then moderately hot weather with partly cloudy skies will ideally contribute to such a plan. The only disappointment you will have to face is housing prices, because August is the height of the holidays and accommodation in any category of hotels is in great demand.


No matter how attractive the green Alps are in summer, in August the most favorable conditions for recreation are in the south of the country, where the weather is moderately warm, sunny, and dry. In the mountains there are temperature differences: during the day on average +20, in the evening +10, but it can drop to +4 (in Courchevel up to -3).

In Saint-Malo and Paris, half the month is cloudy and even cloudy, and there is often short-term rain (up to 45-55 mm of precipitation). At night it is quite cool - up to +12.

The water in August is the warmest of the year. Of course, its indicators cannot be compared with Egyptian or Thai ones, but still swimming at +22..+24 is possible and quite comfortable. In the middle of the month the water temperature is highest, towards the end the sea cools down.

Weather Features

August in this country is the warmest, sunny month of the year with the least amount of precipitation. On south coast the weather is warmer and drier than in the north. The Alps are not so sunny and warm, which is most likely suitable for active rest in the mountains.

In the center of the country, in Paris, the weather is not so rosy, but this does not prevent a huge flow of tourists from enjoying their holidays in the capital. Rain and cool weather do not at all overshadow the excursion holiday.

Airfare prices

Ticket prices for southern directions becomes more expensive compared to previous summer months, while tickets to the capital cost the same as at the beginning of summer.

Accommodation is much more expensive than tickets. If at the beginning of summer a 3* hotel in Paris cost from 70 euros, then during the peak season - at least 90-100 euros / night for two. Cannes has almost doubled in price - 85-95 euros / night. Only in Marseille can you find relatively inexpensive housing for 50-60 euros / day.

For flights and a week's accommodation in Paris you will have to pay at least 1,500 euros. On holiday in Marseille you can save up to 400 euros.

What the country has to offer

Those planning to visit France at the end of summer will have an eventful and interesting time. In every big city and the small village hosts many festivals this summer month. A particularly varied and attractive program in Corsica:

  • On 8-9.08, the Festa Antica festival will take place in Aleria, during which there will be a crafts fair and costume performances.
  • On August 12, there will be a ringing competition and a costume festival in honor of Sampiero, a national hero.
  • 15.08 – Napoleon Day in Ajaccio.

On the northern coast in Lorient, the Celtic festival Interceltique de Lorient is held annually, where you can join the Celtic culture (music, dance) and learn to play Celtic musical instruments.

On August 1-2, Burgundy will host the Champagne Route Festival, where you will be invited to taste the best varieties and buy a couple of bottles of real French champagne at an attractive price.

From the beginning of August until the 16th, Fête de Beziers - bullfights - will take place in Beziers.

At the end of the month, the Rock en Seine rock music festival will take place in Paris.

In general, wherever you go, find out from the locals what festival or holiday is planned in the area, and go into the thick of the action.

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August is most suitable for those who want to get to know different parts of France. The weather allows you to travel with pleasure: the sun at the end of summer is gentle, rain is infrequent, the wind is pleasant, and the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees.

Lovers of luxury holidays can spend their holidays on Cote d'Azur: the beaches of Nice, Antibes, Saint-Tropez, Cannes are especially attractive on the eve of the velvet season. Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea can be combined with a fun trip to Monte Carlo.

You will also have the opportunity to witness the opening of the Cannes Film Festival, an event famous throughout the world. See screen stars walking along the Croisette, sitting at restaurant tables.

You are also welcome medieval castles, as if straight from the pages of Dumas’s novels. You just catch yourself thinking that a gilded carriage with a royal lily on the door is about to arrive at the entrance to the palace. And the wine cellars are filled with dark, dusty bottles of wine that is beyond praise!

Moving north of France to Atlantic coast, be sure to check out Normandy, Brittany and Aquitaine - these provinces are attractive in their own way.

August is a great month to enjoy amazing France!

It's probably no secret that all travelers beach holiday in France is associated with fabulous expensive resorts, available exclusively to the cream of society. Partly there is some truth in this, but still there is also a place for budget tourists on the shores of France. Then we must not forget that as many as 270 beaches of the French Riviera have prestigious Blue flags, and this undoubtedly indicates their environmental friendliness and well-groomed nature.

If we talk about the Côte d'Azur in France, this means the southeast coast Mediterranean Sea, which stretches for almost three hundred kilometers from the city of Toulon to the Italian Riviera. The most famous resorts here are Juan-les-Pins and nearby Côte d'Azura-Antibes. Of course he comes here every year great amount tourists, but the beach here is a narrow strip on which restaurants are also located.

In complete contrast to these resorts is Cannes, which is not only considered the European capital of cinematography, but is also an excellent resort with wide sandy beaches, which is completely untypical for the French Riviera. Then, of course, Nice is very popular here - a city with a well-developed infrastructure and a lot of all kinds of entertainment. But only the beaches here are pebbly, but the sea is very clean.

Next, it is worth mentioning the resorts of Normandy, which are located in the northwestern part of the country. They are literally several hours away from Paris. Right on the coast of the famous English Channel there is a well-groomed small town of Deauville, which is rightfully considered the most popular and respectable resort in Normandy. But not every traveler can afford a holiday here, since the most fashionable hotels, the most luxurious beaches and the most respectable restaurants are located here.

Also, don’t forget about the resorts of Corsica. The typical landscape here is made up of cozy bays and wide picturesque bays framed by mighty cliffs. Connoisseurs beautiful nature The Sanginsky (Bloody) Islands are definitely loved here. This truly magical place is located in the vicinity of the city where Napoleon was born - Ajaccio.

For their unusual name, the Sangin Islands should be grateful to the amazing crimson color in which they turn at sunset. Porticcio is considered the most popular resort here; it has beautiful beaches, a sapphire sea and a typically French atmosphere of elegant sophistication and luxury.

Well, don’t forget about the resorts of Brittany, which is good for its numerous cozy coves that are hidden from prying eyes between the rocks. They are recognized as the most beautiful in France and lovers of solitude may not find better places to relax. Brittany is also considered a real paradise for fans aquatic species sports

We can say that in almost every, even the smallest coastal town, you can find a boat station, and then rent one motor boat or a sailboat. In addition, there are a lot of yacht clubs, diving schools and surfing centers. Brittany's endless beaches and ancient towns are perfect for romantic getaway, it’s not for nothing that the delta of the Loire River in the place where it flows into Atlantic Ocean, called the Coast of Love.

France occupies a leading position in the field of European tourism. This is the country that gave the whole world cinema, the art of photography, balloon, animation. France is the trendsetter of fashion trends; the culinary masterpieces of local chefs are legendary. There are a lot of historical heritage monuments, architectural delights and magnificent works arts The Megapolus tours company offers everyone who wishes to purchase tours to France in August - at this time tourists are offered a lot the most interesting entertainment, exciting excursions and bright holidays.

Weather in August

August precedes velvet season. The air temperature is slightly lower (compared to the July heat) and is +28..+24C during the daytime. Vacationers on the beaches will enjoy warm water, a light summer breeze, sea breeze, clear cloudless sky, and will also be able to get an excellent tan. How local residents, and the weather in France in August pleases guests of the country with moderate temperatures and lack of precipitation.

Beach holiday in August

Tourists visiting France in August most Holidays are spent on the beaches in Nice and the Cote d'Azur. In the intervals between swimming and sunbathing, travelers will be able to take part in various festivals, competitions, attend exhibitions and all kinds of master classes.

Beach holidays include an extensive program for lovers of active recreation: water skiing, slides, yacht trips, diving, etc. The beaches on the coast are different - in some areas they are pebbly, for the most part they are sandy. The areas adjacent to coastal hotels are usually paid (free only for guests). Vacationers can rent a beach umbrella, sun lounger or air mattress.


Coming on holiday to France in August, one cannot help but admire the beauty of these places. Tourists and travelers are recommended to visit Normandy, Burgundy, Brittany, Champagne and the Loire Valley. Each of these provinces is capable of surprising the inexperienced traveler in its own way.

France is the birthplace of cheeses and wine. At the end of summer, tourists will be able to taste Comté and Morbier cheeses with noble mold, Cabeco goat milk cheese, and taste premium champagne from the famous houses of Chandon, Perignon, and Mum. At this time of year, festivals of winemakers and cheesemakers are held, where winemakers demonstrate their products. Those interested will be able to taste drinks and taste the freshest cheese.

Prices for a holiday to France in August are steep, but despite the relative high cost, the number of travelers wanting to visit this country does not decrease. It is necessary to take care of purchasing a tourist voucher in advance, since at the height of the season it is very difficult to get a tour. The same applies to hotels - you should book a room in advance.

By entrusting the specialists of Megapolyus Tours with organizing your holiday in France, you are making the right decision! Our employees have many years of experience in the field tourism business and are ready to help you choose the tour that is most suitable both in terms of conditions and cost.