A conversation about a waterfall for children in the preparatory group. The most beautiful waterfalls in the world - description, history and interesting facts Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Guys! We continue to describe various objects found in nature. This object is formed using water and rocks.

Guess the riddle.

Water rushes from the cliff,

The jets fly with a roar.

Can you guess

What is this - ... (waterfall).

♦ Let’s say the word “waterfall” again. Slowly, syllable by syllable. What two simple words is this formed from? compound word? Explain its meaning.

This word is formed from two words: “water” and “fall”. Therefore it means falling water.

♦ How is a waterfall formed?

There are many large and small rivers in our country. Mountain rivers rush wildly and swiftly, while lowland rivers flow smoothly and calmly. But it also happens that a flat river becomes swift and stormy. This happens in cases where its channel is blocked by rocky rocks. Such places are called thresholds. They are very dangerous for shipping.

If the river bed suddenly breaks off in the form of a steep ledge, the water falling from it forms a waterfall.

♦ Where are waterfalls most common?

Right! In the mountains or on the border between flat and mountainous areas.

The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, located in South America on the Churun ​​River. Its height reaches 1054 m.

The most famous waterfall in the world is Niagara Falls (on the Niagara River in North America). The height of the ledge of this waterfall is not so great - about 50 m, but the width is about a kilometer. Translated from Indian, Niagara Falls means “rumbling water”, because its noise can be heard over a distance of up to 25 km!

The largest waterfall is located in Africa, on the Zambezi River.

In our country the most large waterfall bears the name of the hero Ilya Muromets. It is located on one of the Kuril Islands. There, a mountain river makes a giant leap from a cliff into the sea. A mighty stream of water falls from a height of 141 m.

A smaller waterfall can be seen on the Suna River in Karelia. It is called Kivach, the water here falls down from a height of 11 m. Many waterfalls can be found in the Caucasus mountains.

♦ Have you ever seen a waterfall? Describe it.

Powerful waterfalls are an unforgettable sight. The water falls down with a deafening noise. It breaks into separate jets, and a cloud of water pearl splashes, foam and tiny water dust hovers around the waterfall.

IN sunny days A bright rainbow plays in the water droplets, sometimes you can see many such rainbows!

Falling from a cliff, the water rushes further and further at great speed.

Many tourists deliberately go on a long and difficult journey to admire the amazing spectacle of falling water.

Listen to the poem.

A waterfall rushes down the mountain,

He doesn't whisper, he doesn't flow,

The water flies with a roar:

Foam, stones, menacing view!

The waterfall rushes down -

Do not fill the jugs with water.

Clouds of pearl splashes,

From the bottom to the top,

Rainbows are burning in the drops!

What a miracle - a waterfall!

Answer the questions

1. What is a waterfall? How does it appear in nature?

2. What does the waterfall shown in the picture look like?

3. List the names of waterfalls that you know.

4. Where are waterfalls most common?

5. Why is Niagara Falls called “rumbling water”?

6. What are the names of the waterfalls found in Russia?

My journey to one of the most picturesque and unique creations created by nature - Niagara Falls.

Today is my birthday, but not my birthday, but my blog’s website!

Exactly 3 months ago, my significant other and I chose a name, registered a website, and I had my first baby :-)

And since today is an anniversary date, this post will be devoted to a grandiose and exciting subject.

Niagara Falls: dream and reality

Since childhood, I dreamed of traveling around the world, studying the cultures and traditions of peoples and countries, exploring nature and admiring the environment.

I remember looking at a beautiful colored book from a friend when I was about 11 years old and promising myself that I would definitely visit these extraordinarily beautiful and interesting places.

One of these places was Niagara Falls.

Niagara Falls: American and Bridal Veil on the left, and Horseshoe in the distance

I was lucky to visit Niagara Falls twice.

The first time in the fall, and the second time in mid-summer. And both times differed from each other not only in the weather and the number of people, but also in the sensations.

But still, perhaps, you remember Niagara Falls when you see it for the very first time.

Although no, not like that. You first hear, feel, and then see Niagara Falls.

Roar and noise, with high speed falling water. Freshness from splashes flying in all directions. The beauty and power of this creation of nature, which truly takes your breath away.

Another proof that it is nature that is the creator of extraordinary, balanced and at the same time bewitching beauty on Earth.

But, unfortunately, we as people have forgotten how to notice and be grateful for the flora and fauna around us, perceiving it as a tribute.

By the way, one of the photos I took Niagara Falls, was the background of all the pages of this blog for a whole year!

Here she is:

Niagara Falls and some information

Niagara Falls is not just one, but 3! waterfalls located on the border of the United States (New York State) and Canada (Ontario Province) on the Niagara River.

These waterfalls have their own names: Horseshoe Falls “Horseshoe” - the largest of all 3, American Falls “American” and Bridal Veil Falls “Bride's Veil”.

You stand on one bank of the river - you are in America, on the other - you are already in Canada. A small bridge over the Niagara River is what connects the 2 countries.

Niagara Falls Horseshoe overlooking the Canadian side

Bridge connecting America and Canada

Niagara Falls is the most powerful waterfall in terms of volume of falling water.

Niagara Falls is located within a large park, admission to which is free. They don’t charge you money to view the waterfall :)

But if you want to go to local attractions and feel and even touch! waterfall, then you have to spend money. If you buy a special pass that gives you the right to all the attractions of Niagara Falls, it turns out cheaper.

We paid $35 per person. I would like to talk about each of them, because it is thanks to these attractions that you can truly become part of this waterfall!

Attractions of Niagara Falls from the American side

Niagara Falls welcomes you to different languages:)

* Maid Of The Mist

It's like this big boat, where you, along with dozens of other people, go, before putting on an oversized, or rather, huge raincoat. By the way, I kept the raincoats as a souvenir, we had blue ones :-)

The boat, passing by the “American” and “Bridal Veil” waterfalls, comes very close to the largest “Horseshoe” waterfall (it is called a horseshoe because its shape resembles a horseshoe for a horse) and stops there for a couple of minutes.

The noise from the falling water is incredible! It is very difficult to take photographs because the water splashes in all directions. My mascara was washed off in seconds :-)

There is also fog there, and you feel as if you are surrounded by water on all sides. Even the sky merges with the waterfall into one. An extraordinary feeling. Fills with freshness and invigorates.

Then a boat of wet but satisfied people takes them back. This takes about 30 minutes.

Below you can watch the video that I shot from this boat: the first is from the very center of the Horseshoe, and the second is from the American and Bridal Veil waterfalls.

* Cave Of The Winds

The name speaks for itself. Cave of the Winds.

First, you are given special rubber sandals so that your shoes do not get wet and you do not slip. They are disposable, I also kept them as a souvenir!

Then you take the elevator down into an underground tunnel and from there you exit to the foot of the American Falls. There they gave us raincoats, but they were already yellow.

And we walked towards this seething beast. Or rather, the soul under Niagara Falls.

The ladder takes you right under the waterfall, where a stream of quickly rushing cold water hits you.

My God, how I screamed. It was scary and great at the same time when you realize that you are standing under a waterfall and realize how tiny you are compared to your environment.

Having yelled and swam, getting wet to the skin, we went up, again by elevator, and just sat on the grass, basking in the sun. Or rather, I was sitting, and my other half took a nap, resting his head on my lap. a whole hour!!!

* Aquarium

Very nice and well maintained aquarium. A lot of different types fish and various marine life. The seahorses were especially touching - they were so tiny and starfish that were in the outdoor pool and you could admire them not through glass. We also watched a performance by Navy SEALs.

I'm not a fan of zoos and aquariums, but what really appeals to me about America is that people really care about animals and nature.

* Trolleybus

A small trolleybus travels throughout the park, which we rode towards the end, when we were tired. Sometimes it seemed like we were walking faster than he was driving!

* The waterfall itself

As soon as it gets dark, Niagara Falls begin to be illuminated and it, or rather the steam from it, shimmers with different colors. The spectacle is indescribable.

The park is very clean and well-groomed, there are many souvenir shops, where I couldn’t resist buying myself a magnet (collecting magnets is my hobby).

We spent the whole day in the park: from morning until late evening.

When we were in October, the temperature was about 22C and the trees were just beginning to turn red and yellow.

In July it was hot, about 30C and there were a lot of people. But after getting wet while boating, we quickly dried out

There are many places to eat in the park, but unfortunately most of them are fast food, which I don’t eat. That's why we had dinner at the restaurant both times. And in the same way, we liked it so much.

It was an Indian restaurant, with a name that was clear even to Russian people - “Zaika”. What translates to “taste” in Hindi, not what you think!

I am a big fan of all kinds of spices and seasonings, so Indian cuisine is one of my favorites. Soon I will share a recipe for Mango Lassi - a traditional Indian fermented milk drink that I simply adore.

Niagara Falls amazes and fascinates with its natural beauty and power. And it makes you think that in the same place you feel differently. But it’s always special if there’s a special person next to you.

I wish all of you, dear readers, to find and cherish this special person in your life!

Love, peace, travel and adventure to everyone! Of course - natural! Posted in

Waterfalls definitely fall into that category of natural wonders that are both impressive and awe-inspiring. This is truly a magnificent demonstration of the grandeur and power of nature. There are many amazingly beautiful waterfalls in the world, but in this list we will only talk about natural wonders created by nature without human intervention. You will be surprised to know how many such waterfalls there are, little known to man.

Huangoshu Waterfall
China's most famous waterfall definitely makes our list. A rare case of a heavy cascade that is completely surrounded by vegetation. With an impressive width of 81 meters and a height of 74 meters, Huangoshu is said to be the most... big waterfall Asia.

Angel Falls, Venezuela
With a height of 979 meters, Angel Falls holds the title of the highest on the globe. This record-breaking waterfall deserves a place on the list, not only because of its incredible height (there are many other tall waterfalls), but because of the special shape in which Angel cascades down. This can be called the most dynamic type of falling water.

Yosemite Falls, USA
Another brilliant showcase of incredible height and natural beauty, this 739m high waterfall looks similar to its Venezuelan counterpart, with equally majestic scenery and crashing water. For this reason we are including it on this list. Another reason is Yosemite national park, within which the waterfall is located.

Gullfoss waterfall in Iceland
Iceland, relative to its size, contains an astonishing number of waterfalls of all kinds. An example is Gullfoss. A bit disconcerting as it falls into a chasm, this 20m wide and 32m high waterfall is impressive in its strength and power.

Shoshone Falls in USA
Called the Niagara of the West, it is not surprising that this waterfall is included in the list of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. With a width of 274 meters and a height of 64 meters, which is higher than Niagara, this is a truly majestic waterfall. His menacing appearance fascinates and attracts at the same time.

Jog Falls in India
The tallest waterfall in India, Jog takes on its most menacing form during the monsoon season, with impressive volumes of water measuring 273 meters high and 472 meters wide.

Dettifoss in Iceland
The most powerful waterfall in Europe, measuring 100 meters wide and 44 meters high. When all the Icelandic ice starts to melt in early summer, Dettifoss is just crazy.

Victoria Falls in Zambia
At 1,700 meters wide and 104 meters high, Victoria Falls is the largest continuously falling stream of water on Earth. Its local name Mosi-Oa-Tunya translates to smoke that thunders. Victoria forms part of the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Niagara Falls. Canada and USA
This is one of the most obvious waterfalls on this list. Niagara Falls - perhaps the most famous waterfall in the world. It is 53 m high and forms the border between the United States and Canada. The views are amazing on both sides and are recognizable throughout the world. A particularly popular photo is of Niagara Falls completely frozen over during a very cold winter.

Iguazu Falls. Argentina and Brazil
Iguazu Falls is the mother of all waterfalls. Another representative of our list, which became the border between two countries, Argentina and Brazil. This natural wonder symbolizes power, with its series of imposing waterfalls, each measuring between 64 and 82 meters in height.

Detian Waterfall in China
Large waterfalls serve as excellent separators in forming borders between countries, like the aforementioned Iguazu between Argentina and Brazil, Victoria between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and Niagara between the US and Canada. Detian Falls isn't as big as these massive flows, but is impressive enough to reserve a spot on this list. It forms part of the border between China and Vietnam, falling 50 meters down in three cascades 80 meters wide. Detian has the most lush environment, in terms of nature, it is definitely on the list of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

Sutherland in New Zealand
The beautiful fjords of New Zealand have already been included in our selections more than once, and now it’s Sutherland’s turn. Just south of Milford Sound is Sutherland, New Zealand's most famous waterfall. This is an incredibly high waterfall of 580 meters, with an almost vertical angle of fall; both common mistakes with high waterfalls. The flow of water here never weakens, as happens in some similar places in other parts of the world. The thunderous Sutherland evokes admiration from everyone who happens to be nearby with its noise and roar. This is power, beauty and grace, merging together in a common flow.

Jim Jim Waterfall
With Jim Jim we slowly enter the territory of the classic rectangular waterfall with a continuous stream of water falling in one single cascade. The height of Jim Jim is 150 meters from the straight cliffs in national park Cockatoo, located in Northern Australia. The best time to visit this place is during the rainy season, which runs from December to March in the southern hemisphere. With copious amounts of rain, the waterfall crashes straight from the upper plateau with fantastic force. Unfortunately, during the dry season the water stops flowing completely, but this remarkable transformation is what makes Jim Jim unique.

Rhine Falls in Switzerland
The Rhine Falls present themselves as one large mass of rapidly moving water. It takes a while to make out where the waterfalls, camouflaged by the Rhine River, begin and end. There is no visible starting point at the top, so the colossal volume of water covers everything. Just 23 meters high, but with a large width of 150 meters, and with a monstrous flow of water, the Rhine Falls deserve their place on this list. There are several viewing platforms that allow you to watch the waterfall very closely and experience a whole range of exciting emotions.

Montmorency Falls
The USA and Canada have many similarities. One of them is that both countries have fantastic waterfalls. Montmorency Falls is considered Canada's best waterfall after Niagara, with its amazing 275 feet high and 150 feet wide. Enormous streams of water are located on the Montmorenqui River in Quebec. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the Canadians made this place easily accessible by building a park and creating good infrastructure. It includes pedestrian bridge And cable car over cascading waters. This tourist-friendly approach may be a little frustrating for some visitors who prefer the thrill of nearly inaccessible beauty left alone and hidden in a remote location. But on the other hand, without all these structures and amenities, it would be impossible to view the beauty of nature from all possible angles. Either way, Montmorency Falls is pure grandeur.

Tis Issat waterfalls
Usually, when thinking about Ethiopia, the first thing that comes to mind is coffee beans. But not everyone knows what it is - safe country to see the natural wonders of nature. Ethiopia's Issat Falls are also known as the Blue Nile Falls. From this it is clear that they are located on the Nile River, the most long river On the Earth. Due to the creation of a hydroelectric dam, the water flow actually dries up during the dry seasons. But if you come during the rainy season, you will be greeted by the impressive sight of a falling wall of water up to 400 meters wide. The fall height ranges from 37 - 45 meters.

Skogafoss waterfall in Iceland
Iceland has been recognized as a true paradise of waterfalls, among which Skogafoss is also noteworthy. This is probably the smoothest waterfall on this list, as the water falls immaculately smoothly in a smooth rectangle 25 meters wide and 60 meters high. There are no rocks or ridges in between to disrupt the fall of these water streams.

Gokak Falls
The Indian state of Karnataka has its own amazing waterfalls and is the best waterfall area in South Asia. Gokak is also located here, the water of which has a brownish color, making it unique. The proportions of the waterfall are definitely impressive - 50 meters high, but more importantly, 177 meters wide. The construction of a hydroelectric dam curbed the flow of water, but during the monsoon season, this fearsome element still takes its toll and the waterfall grows.

Calandula waterfall in Angola
When it comes to Kalandula, the numbers speak for themselves. 104 meters high and 400 - 600 meters wide, depending on the water flow. This Angolan treasure is the second largest waterfall in Africa, after Victoria. Nature has calmly and majestically passed through all the conflicts and wars occurring in Angola. The former Portuguese colony was long able to civil war, and is now working to develop its tourism industry. Kalandula Falls will definitely help in this regard.

Kaieteur Falls
This exotic and little-known waterfall reaches 221 meters in height and almost 100 meters in width. It is surrounded by a constant cloud of fog, and the colossal sweat of the water makes a tremendous roar. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, as well as the most mystical and awe-inspiring. It is in no way inferior to Iguas and Niagara, which is why it takes its place of honor on our list.


A waterfall is one of the most impressive miracles that nature has given us. The sight of a powerful stream of water falling from an incredible height fills us with awe.

Many tourists and photographers flock to these places to get a charge of admiration and once again be convinced of the greatness and beauty of the world around us.

Here are some of the tallest, most powerful and incredibly beautiful waterfalls from around the world.

1. Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Famous explorer David Livingston named this waterfall in honor of the British Queen Victoria, and local residents They call it "Roaring Smoke". Victoria Falls is incredibly loud, and the fog that forms as the Zambezi River falls 108 meters into the gorge rises several hundred meters in height. The width of the waterfall is slightly less than 2 kilometers, and with a strong flow, about 12,000 cubic meters of water per second passes through here.

2. Niagara Falls, USA and Canada

Niagara Falls is probably the most famous waterfall in the world, the name that first comes to mind when you think of the word "falls". It is located on the border between the state of New York in the USA and the province of Ontario in Canada. Although there are dozens of much taller waterfalls in the world, few can compare with Niagara's volume of falling water, which reaches 2,800 cubic meters per second. If you are planning to visit Niagara Falls, you can take the Maid of the mist boat ride to get to the horseshoe of the falls.

3. Reichenbach Falls, Switzerland

Nestled among the deep gorges and massive peaks of the Alps, the Reichenbach Falls are perhaps best known as the site of the death of the famous character Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle was so delighted with the beauty of this 250-meter cascade near the town of Meiringen that he decided that it was in such a place that the last battle between the famous detective and Professor Moriarty should take place. The waterfall can be reached by cable car in Willingen.

4. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

At 251 meters high and 100 meters wide, Kaieteur Falls is not only twice the height of Victoria Falls and five times the height of Niagara Falls, it is also the most powerful in the world. It is located in an unspoiled tropical forest in the ancient Guiana Highlands. On the way to the waterfall you can see colorful Guiana cocks of the rocks, blue butterflies and other amazing animals.

5. Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Brazil

Another waterfall, located on the border of two countries: Argentina and Brazil, was included in UNESCO World Heritage List and is one of the seven new natural wonders of the world. The waterfall was formed as a result volcanic eruption and is divided by various islands into separate streams. Of the 275 Iguazu Falls, the Devil's Throat Falls is considered the highest, reaching 80 meters in height. During the rainy season from November to March, the volume of water flow can reach 12,750 cubic meters per second.

6. Detian Falls, China

p>Detian Falls forms part of the border between China and Vietnam and is the fourth largest waterfall located on the border. This waterfall may not compare with the previous ones in height, width and incredible volume of flow, but it can definitely be called one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Water flows framed by karst rocks and rice fields create unforgettable impression. The best time to visit this waterfall is mid-summer.

7. Gullfoss Waterfall, Iceland

Gullfoss Waterfall is a magnificent 32 meter high two-stage waterfall on the Hvitau River. Water from rain and glacial runoff, especially in summer, creates one of the largest flows here in terms of volume in the world. On a sunny day, the sky is filled with many rainbows, and in winter, snow and frost on the rocks give it an extraordinary shine.

8. Sutherland Falls, New Zealand

South of beautiful fjord Milford Sound New Zealand's South Island is home to one of the country's most famous waterfalls - Sutherland Falls. This incredibly tall waterfall, 580 meters high, falls from a lake located in the valley. Many tourists claim that the noise from the falling water of Sutherland is much more deafening than near other more famous waterfalls.

9. Jim Jim Falls, Australia

Jim Jim Falls is a classic rectangular waterfall with a powerful stream of water that falls from a height of 215 meters from straight rocks Kakadu National Park in Australia. The best time to view this waterfall is during the rainy season, which lasts from December to March. But by June, powerful streams turn into a thin stream of water.

10. Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world. Its height reaches 979 meters, and the height of its continuous fall is 807 meters. It is located in Kainama National Park in Venezuela and included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. The waterfall was named after James Angel, an American pilot who discovered it in 1937. It is so high that during the dry season the water evaporates before reaching the ground.

Angel is located in a wild, remote area and is not easily accessible. Tourists who want to admire this natural wonder are offered tours by river and air.

Waterfalls are one of the amazing natural creations. It leaves an indelible impression on everyone who sees this magnificent dynamic phenomenon.

In this article we will introduce some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

What are the most beautiful waterfalls in the world?

Waterfalls are among those types of natural wonders that are both impressive and awe-inspiring. This is a kind of demonstration of luxury, grandeur and, of course, the incredible power of nature. There are a huge number of natural waterfalls, varying in size, shape and beauty.

The most beautiful waterfalls on the planet are scattered across many parts of the world, and all of them cannot be described in one article. The most beautiful waterfalls are located in Iceland, USA, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Zambia, India, Angola, Ethiopia and many other countries. And it is impossible to choose the best one among them - they are all good in their own way. Below is information about some of them - the most notable.


This natural wonder is located in Venezuela. Angel is not only the most beautiful waterfall, but also the highest in the entire globe (979 meters). But its peculiarity is not only in its beauty and size (there are a huge number of high cascades), but in its shape.

These powerful streams of water originate on Mount Auyantepui, which has steep slopes and a flat, wide peak. The waterfall can be considered one of the most dynamic species.


When asked which waterfall is the most beautiful in the world, the answer that immediately comes to mind is Niagara. It can be called the most famous - its amazing views on both sides of it are recognizable to everyone. Its special feature is that it forms the border between two countries: Canada and the USA.

Its height is 53 meters.


Among the most beautiful waterfalls in the world is the unusual cascade, which is located in Iceland, recognized as a paradise of wonderful waterfalls. Skógafoss is not only beautiful, but also the smoothest of the entire list.

Its waters fall from a 60-meter height surprisingly smoothly in the shape of an even rectangle, the width of which is 25 meters. This is due to the fact that there are no mountain ranges or rocks to prevent the fall of powerful water flows.


The most famous waterfall located in China is Huangoshu. This is one of the rarest cases when a water cascade is surrounded by picturesque landscapes. It is surrounded by a large amount of vegetation.

The width of the waterfall is 81 meters and the height is 74 m. This miraculous creation is considered the largest and most beautiful waterfall in China, but it is also the largest in all of Asia.


In the kingdom of endless waterfalls, in Iceland, there is one unusual, powerful and strong waterfall falling into a huge crevice. The height of the cascade, consisting of two stages, is 32 meters (21 and 11 m, respectively), and the width is 20 m.

Gullfoss translates from Icelandic as “golden waterfall”. It is one of the most famous natural attractions of the state.


Kaieteur is located in Guyana (west of the state) on the Potaro River, near the border with Venezuela. Its height is more than 221 meters (this is almost 5 times higher than Niagara), its width is approximately 100 m. Almost all the time it is surrounded by a cloud of fog, and a powerful stream of water here makes a strong roar.

This waterfall, inspiring a certain fear and being mystical, is not inferior to the famous Niagara and Iguazu, and therefore deserves to be included in the list of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.


The famous waterfall is located in Zambia. Its width is 1700 meters and its height is 104 meters. On all Earth this is the largest stream of continuously falling water.

The local name for this natural wonder is Mosi-Oa-Tunya (translated as “smoke that thunders”). Like Niagara, Victoria forms part of the border between the two states. These are Zambia and Zimbabwe.


Such a fabulous sight can only be seen here. Iguazu can be called the mother of all waterfalls. It is located on the border between 2 countries: Brazil and Argentina. This is a place of unique and fantastic beauty. Iguazu is a series of rather impressive waterfalls. Each of them has a height of more than 64 meters, the tallest of them reaches 82 meters.

This magnificent natural creation symbolizes true power.


This magnificent miracle of nature can also be considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls. Yosemite is an incredibly high (739 meters) and beautiful waterfall located in the United States. He looks like to the highest Angel, with no less magnificent landscapes and the roar of a powerful water cascade.

The waterfall is located on the territory of a protected National Park.


There is another waterfall in China that serves excellent option forming borders between countries, like some of the above. Although Detian is not as large as many other powerful streams, it is still impressive enough to become part of the border between Vietnam and China.

Its width is 80 meters, and masses of water fall from a height of 50 meters along three cascades. This waterfall has the most picturesque environment that looks unique and fabulous.

Tis Issat

Issat Falls are located on the longest river on the planet, the Nile. During the dry season, due to the location of a hydroelectric dam on the river, the water flows dry up.

During the rainy season, you can see an impressive picture here - a falling wall of water up to 400 meters wide. Powerful streams flow from a height of 37-45 meters. During this period, it appears to be one of the most beautiful waterfalls surrounded by a magnificent exotic landscape.

Jim Jim

Marvelous beautiful nature surrounds this relatively small waterfall (in terms of water volume) during the dry season. Its shape is classic rectangular with a continuous water flow, falling in a single cascade. Jim Jim is located in Kakadu National Park in Northern Australia. Its height is 150 meters. The most best time To visit it - the rainy season (December-February). At this time, a huge waterfall falls from the upper plateau with powerful force.

During dry seasons, unfortunately, the flow of water from it stops. This transformation makes it special and unique.


Angola also has a natural treasure. It is located in the northwestern part of the country, on the river. Lukala. The width of the Kalandula waterfall is 400-600 meters (depending on the volume of the flow), the height is 104 meters. It is the 2nd largest waterfall in Africa (after Victoria).

Calandula received its name in 1975, after Angola, freed from Portuguese rule, became independent. Before this, the waterfall was called "Duc de Braganza".

In Russia there are no such majestic waterfalls as the above-mentioned wonders, but there is also something to brag about and something to see.

Eg, Zeygalan waterfall. It has the highest height (600 meters) among the waterfalls in Europe. It is located in a beautiful mountain North Ossetia. Most likely, it is more like a stream that flows quickly in the summer and completely freezes in the winter, leaving an icy trail on the rocks.

In the Eastern Sayan Mountains (central part) there is Kinzelyuksky waterfall, gracefully flowing from a mountain lake, surrounded by high rocky ridges. It extends 328 meters in length. The spectacle is stunning - a narrow trickle of a stream makes its way from a huge bowl. The waterfall is located in a hard-to-reach place, it is almost impossible to get to it.

The question of where are the most beautiful waterfalls in Russia can be answered as follows - among the wild and dense forests of the country and among the magnificent mountain landscapes. The most picturesque places in the country are the surrounding areas Talnikovovogo waterfall. Huge streams of water flow down the rocky steep slopes. It especially captivates with its power and beauty in the spring, when the snow melts.

The city of Sochi has Agur waterfalls. Their surroundings are very picturesque and beautiful. Among the blocks of boulders overgrown with vines and moss, the Agura mountain river carries its waters in cascades. It flows through caves and gorges into a small azure lake.

A waterfall with an unusual name Ilya Muromets falls from Mount Demon, located on the island of Iturup ( Kurile Islands). Its height is 141 meters. The waters of the cascade fall almost directly into the sea. Its beauty can only be viewed from the sea side, because without special equipment and skill you cannot get to its top.

In conclusion, about one interesting thing

One curious fact connected with the great Niagara should be noted. Over 10,000 years, the waterfall rose up the river approximately 11 kilometers. This movement continues today, and the speed is about 30 cm per year. Scientists believe that when this cliff reaches Lake Erie, which will happen in about 50 thousand years, Niagara will cease to exist.