Maly Utrish waterfall. The beauty of the pearl waterfall in Anapa. Zhemchuzhny Waterfall, Anapa

Big Utrish

Something about life in a tent on the Black Sea coast

South of Anapa, about 20 km: an area called Utrish. An ideal place for camping.
Pos. Big Utrish- located approximately 20 km south of Anapa; village Maly Utrish is 10 km south of Bolshoy. Here I will describe the coast between the Big and Small U., about 10 km long.
Between Bolshoy and Maly Utrish (along the coast) there is not a single highway, which is why these places have long been chosen by lovers of “wild” recreation.

Zhemchuzhny Waterfall, Anapa

Height: 147 feet. Access: sightseeing bus from Reykjavik or car rental. The falls tumble from the lip of a huge basalt cliff east of Pyramid Park into a large amphitheater-like pool similar to Comet Falls. Access to the deck on foot is possible but difficult, probably requiring at least two days. The falls can, however, be seen in the distance near Ricksetter Point, along the highway.

Although they are not very impressive at this distance, they are remarkable and are likely to attract attention from both young and old. Traveling east from Longmere toward Paradise, cross the Niskial Trestle and turn right on the one-way motorway at Ricksetter Point, 1.5 miles east of the bridge. Park, and walk back along the road several hundred feet where the falls can be seen in the distance. The falls can only be seen for a short section of the road, thanks to the hills in the foreground.

There are also some "cons", which I will discuss below.

How to get there:
From Anapa, from Center. market (Central market in Anapa is located near the bus station);
so, right behind the Center. market, on the street Terskaya, minibus stop.
Minibus No. 109 (Anapa - Utrish) will take you to Bolshaya Utrish (about 30 minutes drive, cost - 20 rubles).
There is also a regular bus, but it runs much less often than minibuses (cost - 17 rubles)

The falls must be accessible on foot by traveling east, over rough terrain, from Pyramid Park to the rim of the canyon where the falls are located. There are no trails for the falls, and a minimum of about 3 miles of off-road driving is required to see it up close. Additional waterfalls that occur within 5 miles of Pearl Falls.

No additional waterfalls were found within 5 miles. The watershed in which the waterfall occurs within, if specified, will be based on the eventual distribution of the watercourse to the ocean. For example, Paso Falls in Washington occurs along the Palouse River, which is a tributary of the Snake River, which is itself a tributary of the Columbia River, which eventually enters Pacific Ocean, so Paul Falls then flows into the Columbia River watercourses. Streams that empty directly into the ocean, or into a small basin that then empties into the ocean, often leave this field empty.

We arrive at Bolshoi Utrish and end up at the dolphinarium;
We go out to the seashore to the left of it - and 10 km of the coast are at our service! - all the way to Small Ut-rish.
But for the first 2 km, usually no one stops with tents.
So, to the left of the dolphinarium to the shore.

In the photo: the entrance to the Dolphinarium territory. Cost: entrance - 10 rubles, entry by car - 50 rubles.

The name of the watercourse from which the waterfall occurs. If the channel does not have a registered or colloquial name, this field is left blank. The volume of water present in the stream at the location of the waterfall. This is often the most difficult number to track because accurately measuring flow is not a simple process.

What to see near Bolshoi Utrish

If known, the primary source of the watercourse that produces the waterfall will be listed here. The source of the flow may also be unknown or uncertain. A rough estimate of how many months of the year the stream that the waterfall produces will actually contain water. The vast majority of waterfalls featured on this website will technically be true perennial waterfalls, but some may see their flow dwindle in late summer. Records that indicate 12-month flow consistency must have acceptable flow at all times of the year.

We walk along the seashore for half an hour (the shore is pebbly in some places, in others there are large stones; on the right is the sea, on the left is a steep mountain slope, quite high).
For the first 2 km, usually no one stops with tents.
Two km from B. Utrish we get to the waterfall

Here you can turn onto the path that goes up along the “waterfall” stream and find a parking place.

Reserve "Big Utrish"

A general estimate of the best period of the year during which the waterfall will be observed under optimal or best-case conditions. There may be a deviation within the stated range where the flow will be better or worse, but a visit at any time within the specified range will usually present the waterfall in its best light.

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But we can go further.
Past the tent maternity hospital (Parent School "Precious", where women give birth right in the sea), located not far from the waterfall, we go further, and places called "Lagoons" begin: 1st lagoon, 2nd, 3rd lagoon.

That's what it is ideal places for camping
(I personally stood near the third lagoon for 3 years in a row)

Or the first name is Idi Amin, the Ugandan dictator who is still present in many minds. And the question is whether it is really safe to travel there. So the echo was quite modest - an incentive for me to make my own picture of this place, which is quite unknown in our neighborhoods, and partly in a country that is still biased!

What an experience to be able to watch our immediate family members up close and listen to the deep stories of our experts. After a one-hour return by boat and crossing the equator again, we will continue our journey north on the mainland. Accompanied by an experienced ranger, we will travel to Fussafari the next morning and after a short time we will be rewarded with the sight of a group of rhinoceroses. Quietly and with great joy, we admire our first glimpse of Africa's famous Big Five.

Here are the places of wild tourists; nudism and all the delights wild holiday. However, if you are decent, no one forbids you... to remain in a swimsuit.
There is enough space for everyone here. You can set up a parking lot near the sea, or you can go deeper into the forest, 150-200 meters away.

Although in July-August it can also be crowded here, and you will have to choose a place according to the principle “not where you like, but where you can get it...”)

We are equally curious about the first chimpanzee tracking in the Budongo forest, where we want to experience the wildlife in wildlife. Hanny, who spent months here with research and population, we will find him! They sit high in the treetops and do not disturb the food. Hannie tells us more about animals, such as language, feeding habits and tool use. Reflecting on a spectacular first encounter in the wild with our closest relatives, we continue our safari jeeps to National Park Murchinsonov, our home for the next three nights.

However, it is not at all necessary to “focus” on the lagoons; you can stop anywhere you like.

You can move further along the coast, past the lagoons, and eventually come to M. Utrish (from the last, third lagoon - four km).
On Maly Utrish it is also quite possible to stay in a tent, but the contingent of vacationers here is somewhat different: the majority of people camping there are people who came by car (the road is from Novorossiysk through Abrau-Dyurso).
Many of them - local residents, from Krasnodar region those who came to relax for a couple of days (“for a barbecue”);
There is no smell of nudism or other “delights” here, everything is quite “decent”.
There is a shop where you can buy all the necessary products, including drinks. True, there is not always bread - seize the moment...
Fresh water is in the spring.
If you are afraid of hooliganism, you don’t need a better place; but it’s a long walk... From B. Utrish - about 10 km, over rocks...))

Our house, which, due to the limited number of rooms, can only accommodate us exclusively, is located right next to the White Nile. In addition to the beautiful views and quiet accommodation, we will be experiencing game drives and boat safaris over the next two days. There are times when you don't know where to look now - the Ugandan landscape and animal world fascinated! Not to mention wonderful world birds.

On our boat trip to the Nile Delta at Albertsee, even the rare and endangered shoe makes an appearance - we turn off the engines and look at the graceful, up to 2m large bird at rest. With much big amount action and noise famous waterfall Murchenson introduces us. Almost an hour and a steep hike - a dress rehearsal for the upcoming gorilla tracking, so to speak - takes us to the upper edge of the cascade. The Nile compresses through a 7 m wide gap and then falls 43 m down. We enjoy the breathtaking view in the warm light of the setting sun.

If you stand on lagoons, then there is a problem with drinking (fresh) water. For it you will have to walk either back - to the same waterfall, or forward, towards M. Utrish (there is a spring in the so-called Dry Gap, but it’s also not close. From lagoon 3 to the spring in Dry Gap - 40 min. walk And the same amount back... And water - on yourself...
To the waterfall - 35-40 minutes. And back....

Rarely do tourists choose to stay here - in the only lodge facing the border Democratic Republic Congo, and prefer to travel the route in one day. Bad luck for all those who leave this night outside. We enjoy a unique atmosphere that is difficult to describe and gives us magic. Hanny is part of the Chimpanzee Corridor Project. The second and final chimpanzee tracking is again a complete success. This time we see animals not only in the treetops, but also on the ground and in the middle of the action.

If you live on the shore between B. and M. Utrish, then, in addition to the mentioned store in M. Utrish, the nearest grocery stores are on the same B. Utrish;
there are two shops and a small market. Naturally, you will have to carry supplies on yourself)))

But there is another option: you can hire motor boat, and they will give you a ride. In June they charged 100 rubles per person. In July-August it may be more expensive. At the same time, admire the view of the coast from the sea

Ear-deafening screams penetrate our bodies, the bushes move, and we hear chimpanzees hitting the boards of tree giants with their fists. And suddenly we see them in front of us. By order of our rangers, we remain calm. This is our voice as the chimpanzees approach us and cross our path through our small group, including some touching! Everything goes very quickly, the chimpanzees - some even with their boys on their stomachs - deftly climb up into high peaks trees, and the spectacle ends in a few minutes.

About a 5 hour drive will take you to Queen Elizabeth National Park. Boredom does not occur during partial long-term transfers. Everyone always crosses colored villages and small towns, waving at children standing on the side of the road calling "Muzungu, Muzungu" - the Bantu word for "foreign visitor".

In order not to drag out the story endlessly, I’ll move on to some of the disadvantages...

These banks are quite safe, there are not very many people (how many people want to trudge over the rocks?)
And the people are quite friendly...

But... (the first "but"): if you leave the parking lot unattended, they may steal. Mainly food, although they can take anything. This never happened to us personally: when leaving the camp, we always left one “on duty” behind.
Such cases are not frequent, but they do happen.
(But when we leave home, we also don’t leave the door wide open?!!)

Arriving in one of the oldest national parks in Uganda, our rooms are located in a colonial lodge on a peninsula. The view from the terrace could not have been nicer. While we are spoiled for culinary delights on the dinner table, the gaze always sweeps across the wide plain of the savannah. Or to the Kazinga Canal, which lies directly in front of us, connecting Lake George to the northeast and Lake Edward to the southwest. Where elephants and buffalos cool off, hundreds of rhinoceroses are discovered and bird species are observed. By boat we explore the 32-kilometer canal.

The highlight and absolute joy was spotting a giant forest pig. Due to its nocturnal lifestyle, this one great view African pigs weighing up to 207 kg are very rare. These two days pass as if in flight, and are enriched with wonderful observations of animals. That's why we even get the leopard and ice lion famous in the southern sector national park Queens Elizabeth. The latter is only for us, in a broad and broad sense, we do not see other tourists. And so we enjoy absolute tranquility and are fascinated by two young lions lying in the trees.

The second “but”: a lot of people rest in these places (mainly on the “lagoons”) - young people are from 17 to 22 years old (student age). They usually arrive without equipment, without tents or anything else; Well, without money and supplies.
How they spend the night around their fires is their business, but you want to eat!...
Well, they walk on other people’s fires; they will sit down next to your light, weave three boxes for you, they will communicate with you quite friendly, and all with one goal - to be fed... That is. You will have dinner yourself - and, of course, you will treat them.
This point must also be taken into account. Otherwise, you have a real chance of being left without supplies - the “hungry” will continue to “graze” near you until they eat everything from you... (I am not unfounded - a scientist already...)

Northern Iceland offers some of the most fascinating natural sites on the island: cozy villages and fabulous landscapes on the coast, lava fields and volcanic formations inland, beautiful and impressive waterfalls and much more. No tourist can leave Iceland without knowing, for example, the entire area that covers magic lake Mývatn, one of Europe's natural treasures, has unique nature and where a wide variety of birds live; the village of Husavik, known as the “capital of whales”; and, of course, the “pearl of the north”, Akureyri.

If you remember these two “buts”, then life in a tent in these places is quite safe, no hooliganism. People vacationing here belong, as it were, to a single brotherhood and are quite friendly towards all “their own”, even strangers.

P.S. A big request to everyone: please try not to litter!
Here, among other things, is a nature reserve:
“Utrish Biosphere Reserve”, state-protected juniper grows here.
This year (I had never noticed such a “service” here before) representatives from the forestry walked along the shore, handing out empty garbage bags to tourists with a request to put them, after filling them, on the shore; Sometimes a boat comes by and collects them.
Personally, we “burn everything that burns”;
When leaving, they only put non-combustible waste in the “garbage” bag - glass bottles and canned food cans.
In conclusion: a little story about mice.
This happened last year, in this same place, on Utrish near the 3rd lagoon...

Akureyri is the main city of northern Iceland, although it has less than a thousand people. Its ideal location, on the inner edge of the Eyjafjörður fjord and surrounded by mountains, gives it a milder climate than the rest of Iceland. Because of this, its waters do not freeze, and the city has become very important as a port for free water.

From Akureyri you can take excursions around the area to see some of the wonders of the north such as Lake Myvatn, Dettifoss waterfalls and the Godafoss or Aska squid. You can also earn a certificate of visit to the Arctic Circle if you join a fabulous excursion to the island of Grímsi, where, if you visit in summer, friendly Icelandic puffins await you. In addition, Akureyri is one of the best places for whale watching.

All this has nothing to do with the sea. With one exception - our tent stood ten meters from the seashore...

One day I see the tent shaking, somehow on its own. There is no one in it, but she... does not walk with a shake, but trembles with some kind of small trembling. I think someone got into it, or what? (Hungry homeless-looking vacationers can steal...) Well, I think now I’ll take him warm... and take him prisoner.
I began to take the tent into a ring and slowly surround it. I look around the corner of the tent, and there are mice! Little forest mice. And what did they come up with - they ride from the tent like down a hill. One by one they climb up and slide down, and again, and again... Well, just like children going down a slide in winter. And they like it, they ride with pleasure, they get carried away and don’t see anything. And they don't see me.
And I was somehow dumbfounded by such a picture, I stood there, blinking my eyes. But I stand quietly, I don’t want to scare them. And they ride and ride. Such moments need to be captured on camera.
I remembered about the camera and walked away to get it carefully. And when I returned back, the mice were no longer there. We've had a blast, apparently. Or maybe they noticed me, sensed my presence. And we never saw such a picture again. Probably the mice chose another time to ride when we were not around.
Mice lived in the forest grass next to our parking lot. They were not visible during the day - they were probably sleeping off. But towards evening, rustling began to be heard in the grass, in the thick grass among last year's dry leaves. The mice woke up.
When the mice got a little used to our presence on their territory, and to us too, they began to come to us for dinner.
Our makeshift table was made of flat stone slabs, there were cracks between the stones, and it was in these cracks that the mice lived during our dinner. It’s clear - sometimes a tiny little thing will fall or a piece will fall between the stones, and here’s a mouse treat for you. So we ate together: we were at the table, the mice were in the table. They were no longer afraid of us; they snuck between our legs.
My guys began to treat and tame the mice. But then my mother objected. She is not afraid of them, but simply began to worry about the safety of our products. And the guys began to move away from our parking lot with the mouse treat.
Food hung on our trees from the jackals that prowl at night. And the mice found a path there: they climbed up the tree, like up a ladder, straight into the bag with groceries. But for some reason they were most interested in bread. Neither pasta nor cereals were untouched.
I had to come up with a hanging food storage: stretch a rope between the trees and string bags on this rope.
And we gave the leftovers from our table to the mice. They also left it for jackals, but somewhat to the side of the parking lot - about five meters away.
The mice were similar to our domestic mice, differing only in color. Unlike our gray mice, wood mice were brownish-brown.

Akureyri, "the pearl of the north"

Although Akureyri is relatively small, its nickname "Pearl of the North" justifies it as it beautiful city there are many things to offer to its visitors. Simply wonderful views. To make matters worse, Akureyri also has the necessary infrastructure to be the center of your visit to northern Iceland. Beautiful and cozy rooms; boat trips to see whales reach the Arctic Circle; restaurants with the best Icelandic dishes; museums, shopping and cultural events throughout the year; and of course organized excursions to discover all the wonders of northern Iceland, such as Lake Mývatn, Dettifoss waterfalls, and Godafoss or the Aji calca.

For some reason the mice didn't come to us this year. Perhaps because two cats were constantly hovering near our parking lot, who somehow got there...

Created 23 Jul 2005

Do you want to have an unforgettable vacation? Plunge into a sea of ​​positivity, sunny mood and positive emotions? Holidays in Anapa are the best solution!

Many people are starting to think in advance about where to go on vacation in the summer. Despite the fact that everyone has their own special preferences and desires, not a single person has remained indifferent to the most beautiful resort - Anapa.

For good rest there are: warm sea, clean beaches, cheerful locals, comfortable hotel houses and many entertainment programs. Thousands of Russians come here every year in the summer to once again enjoy the wonderful climate, delicious cuisine and incredible atmosphere. Holidays in Anapa in the summer are an ideal option for those who want to relax, forget about everyday affairs and bustle and simply recharge with new energy and strength. Once you come here, you will definitely want to come back! Holidays in Anapa are perfect for both families with children and young people who want to have fun all day and night long. Everyone will find something for themselves. Anapa is a truly universal city with gorgeous nature and rich infrastructure.

The resort offers various water parks that will appeal to adults and children. The Dolphinarium and Penguinarium are a must-see for all guests of Anapa. A variety of museums and other entertainment await tourists on the Black Sea coast.

Extreme sports enthusiasts should definitely try riding ATVs or FlyBoards and experience unique emotions. Beautiful spectacular stunts are demonstrated at auto and motorcycle shows. In it, stuntmen show dexterity and driving skill. It's worth seeing!

The big advantage of a holiday in Anapa is that you can choose exactly the place to stay that meets the traveler’s requirements. Here you have the opportunity to live in a hotel on the first coastline and enjoy being all-inclusive. You can choose to stay in a guest house with a private pool, parking and children's playground. For those who appreciate a homely atmosphere, there is the option of renting housing in the private sector and having a whole house with all the amenities at their disposal. It all depends on the desires and capabilities of the tourist himself.

To have good memories throughout the year, you should definitely go on vacation to Anapa in the summer. Guests of this wonderful resort town retain exceptionally good impressions and bright emotions. Come relax in Anapa with the whole family!