Big Utrish waterfall how to get there. Bolshoy Utrish – from the dolphinarium to the Pearl Falls

This a nice place, a picturesque corner of nature in Krasnodar region. Zhemchuzhny is located at the extreme point of the west when compared with other waterfalls in the region. There is a village nearby, just a couple of kilometers away, on the Black Sea coast.
The waterfall will not amaze its viewers with its size, only 5 km high, but few will be left indifferent by the flows falling down, which then flow straight into the sea through the beach. This is extremely a rare event, when the waterfall is so close to the seashore. And the mouth of the drain itself is a 5-meter ledge.

History of the excursion route to Krimmel waterfall

The route along the falls had been a regular route since the peak of the Middle Ages, but for very different reasons - it was a trade route between neighboring Italy and the Alpine countries, into which Alpine salt flowed in exchange for Italian handicrafts. The previously mentioned part of the route, prepared for visitors with mobility restrictions, was put into operation within a year.

Mumlavsky Waterfall is one of the most beautiful in the Giant Mountains. We find it on the outskirts of Harrachov. This is famous tourist destination in the western part of the Krkonose National Park. Mamlava is a mountain stream that begins in the Mamlava meadow, like Mala Mamlava and Velka Mamlava. It overcomes numerous granite rapids, creates small waterfalls, and beneath them is deep-bottomed granite. These cauldrons are called Black Eyes.

The waterfall forms a small stream along which a path winds. You can climb up it and see the source against the backdrop of the Utrish landscape. You can drink the water in it, it is fresh. In addition, it is actively used by those who like to merge with nature. They come there to rest in tents.
The waterfall is in perfect harmony with the sea and the beach, and the water in it is clean and transparent, since there is not a single stream upstream settlement. At the bottom of the waterfall there are a lot of gray pebbles and as the water falls, it breaks into splashes in which the Sun plays. From the outside they look like pearls.
Pearl Waterfall is a popular place. It attracts people with its unusual proximity to the sea, a natural fresh water shower, a sunny beach where you can wander endlessly, and next to it is the endless blue of the sea. Arriving in those places for the first time, you can be extremely surprised by the strange people; they calmly walk around without being embarrassed at all. It's just that the waterfall attracts nudists.

The largest of the waterfalls is the Mumlavska waterfall, located near the Mumlavska Buda mountain cottage. In front of the waterfall there is a wooden bridge connecting both sides of the stream. A shelter can be seen above the waterfall. It once served as a forester's lodge. The hotel has a restaurant with a panoramic terrace. You can take a circular route to the waterfall. From the parking lot near the bus station in Harrachov we turn left along the road. There are no legible markings here, so "end of guide tongue". Above the sports field we turn right in the direction of the Mumlavskaya Buda forest.

Nearby you can also find a whole tent city, where people live for more than one day, enjoying the “wild” conditions and the proximity of the sea.

Getting to it is not difficult, the main thing is to find the village on the map, the locals there will tell you which way to go. The waterfall is a real pearl in the Krasnodar region and clearly lives up to its name.

The Pearl Falls amazes with neither its height, nor its bizarre shape, nor the volume of falling water. But it is located in cozy place near the sea, so close that a stream rushes right along the beach high mountains Caucasus to the edge of the waves. A few meters of rocky path - and it connects with sea foam. The picturesque stream is formed from a stream, which is notable for the fact that there is a waterfall on it. Although at first glance it seems that the narrow river simply turned sharply off the ledge, wanting to jump off the cliff and quickly become part of the Big Water.

Behind the syllabi we enter the "Fox's path" which leads to the waterfalls. “Lysian Way” is a specially prepared walking trail for children. You can return back by passing the Mining Museum. Harrachov - center winter species sports in the Western Giant Mountains. In summer it is also an attractive place for tourists.

The resort of Benecco in the Czech crowns is a holiday destination for families with children, beginner skiers and snowboarders. We ski here without queues, after prepared, artificially snow-covered routes. Both parts of the resort are artificially snowed and have everything a skier needs.

The monolithic block from which the water flows is overgrown with wild vines. It contains inclusions of hard rocks that were not washed out by a strong flow. They stick out like little pebbles glued on. Hitting these ledges, the droplets of the waterfall soar up and, glistening in the sun, resemble a scattering of white precious fragments - pearls. Therefore, from afar it seems that shiny stones are flashing in the water bed.

Above the economic rule of Marianne of Orange, there was a romantic park with a fountain above the waterfall, then bridges and stairs were added to the sides and bottom of the ravine. However, these settings have not been preserved. The village is located just 130 kilometers from Baia Mare, 167 km from Cluj-Napoca, 170 km from Suceava and 184 km from Targu Mures.

Distances are not that long if you remember the wonders that await you at your destination. Kaylor Falls is one of these scenic spots. You might say that you have seen many waterfalls during your travels and they can no longer enchant you; and yet, the Waterfall is special. It is formed from water that collects on Horse Mountain as a result of melting snow on the massif and frequent rains on the mountain. They get stuck in a glacial circle, slide down the steepest slope of Mount Piatra Rea and pour over the Horseshoes.

Lying on the sandy shore of the beach near the waterfall, you can admire the beautiful stream and enjoy solitude. There are not many people here, you can often meet naked sunbathers who are not bothered by anyone. Bolshoi Utrish is the nearest village, 2 km away. Tourists with tents comfortably settle down on the shore - there is a sea and a source of fresh water nearby.

Well, here's the impressive part, how it flows! Silver spouts of water fall over the rocky cliffs from a height of about 97 meters. From Bors you can follow one of two routes: on foot, climbing through the forest to the mountain trail, which lasts an hour and a half, or chairlift cable car. The race level is 10 lei for adults and 5 lei for children.

At the top of the slope you then descend into Kylor Falls, also in the forest. The road is history, because from the chairlift station you enter the Rodna Mountains Nature Reserve. Many believe that the resort of Borsa deserves to be visited in winter, for ski slopes, horse racing or just for one.

The height of the Pearl Falls is almost 5.5 m. This allows vacationers to use it as an invigorating shower. Fresh water Not only is it refreshing after sea swimming, it also has an incredible taste. No emissions are produced into the river bed. The stream runs through deserted expanses, so it is absolutely clean. The water of the waterfall is cool and not everyone dares to plunge into it after warm sea, but those who dare receive a huge charge of freshness and vigor. The stream itself, which is called Vodopadny, is an excellent walking route that allows you to diversify beach holiday. From the path you can see the beauty of the reserve. The place is unique and clean, you should remember this when coming on vacation, and take care of this secluded corner of the sunny region.

And yet, the resort has something to offer tourists during the summer. The route takes between 4 and 5 hours and is marked with a blue dot. With many forest roads inside these reserves, they are more accessible to those who want to get involved. There are 62 accommodation places available in 26 double rooms, 2 double rooms with one extra bed and one apartment.

Being the only district in the country to which three belonged national parks, Nature had what was modeled in Caras Severin, the fruits of its centuries of industry, feasting on the eye and soul of those who pass through the area. If you come from the east, you will most likely follow the direction Drobeta-Turnu-Severin-Oršová-Baile Herkulane-Božovici-Oravica. The 26 km from Oravica to Sask Montane is a walk of about 40 minutes and you should share your knowledge of giant slalom and great patience during the long hours spent in traffic.

How to get there

The beauty of Zhemchuzhny is its remoteness, and therefore you can only get to it on foot. An ecological trail goes through the waterfall. It was created by nature lovers working to study the features of this area. The path begins at the bridge of the Sukko River. The length of the path is 6.4 km. It's about an hour of intense walking to reach the waterfall. You need to take everything you need with you, the places are remote from civilization.

Here you can find routes on the map. If you see a roadmap that looks faster, think twice before choosing it. Perhaps a much more broken and narrow road will cause you to change your mind and return to the original alternative. Road to the Bey Bridge over the Potok.

On the way back from Potok to Slatina Neru. To return to Bucharest, we chose, for example, the option Oravica - Anina - Timisoara - Resita - Deva. However, you can also continue to return to the Corvin Castle in Hunedoara, the Zimbri Looking Glass Nature Reserve, Sarmisegetuza, a day or two later in Retezate to visit Poiana Marului, or why not stay, or in the Valcea area.