Geographic names are funny and strange. Funny names of geographical objects Beautiful geographical names in honor of women

And perhaps only people with a good sense of humor can live in the city of Swastika or in the city of the Kingdom of Satan. And it should be noted that these are not the most strange names from existing ones.

1. Swastika

Swastika city in Ontario, Canada.

The town of Swastika in Ontario, Canada is a rather strange place. In fact, this is not a Nazi haven at all - the city was founded almost 30 years before Adolf Hitler began using the swastika. The name of the city was chosen in honor of the ancient Indian sign of prosperity and fertility.

2. Kingdom of Satan

Two cities in the United States (in the states of Vermont and Massachusetts) are called the Kingdom of Satan.

What's funny and strange is that there are cities and geographic places on Earth named after hell. For example, two cities in the United States (in the states of Vermont and Massachusetts) are called the Kingdom of Satan.

3. Peniston

Penistone town in Yorkshire, England.

The name of the town of Peniston in Yorkshire, England, probably derives from older forms of Welsh and English languages. The name originally meant "Hilltop Village". Today, everyone is giggling at him.

4. Nothing

The village of Nothing in Arizona, USA.

The previously populated (although very few people lived in it) village of Nothing in Arizona, was completely abandoned in 2005. The sign at the entrance to the city reads: “The dedicated citizens of Nothing are full of hope and faith in the necessity of work. For many years these people believed in Nothing, hoped for Nothing and worked in Nothing."

5. North Pole

The North Pole city is located in the states of Alaska and New York, USA.

There are cities named North Pole in the states of Alaska and New York. New York's North Pole has theme park with live reindeer and Santa Claus.

6. Nameless

Town in Colorado, USA.

Nameless is a small town in Colorado, which got its name when a highway was planned to be built in this place with a turn to a city that does not yet exist. During the construction of the road, a temporary sign with the inscription “Unnamed” was installed at the bend. As a result, the name stuck.

7. Moon

The town of Luna is located northwest of Pittsburgh.

Northwest of Pittsburgh there is a town called Luna, which was probably so named because it is located in a crescent-shaped bend of the river.

8. Mars

City of Mars in Pennsylvania, USA.

Tourists have recently often visited the city of Mars in Pennsylvania. Not only is there a non-working former spaceship installed in the city, but you can also say that you visited the Martians (that’s what they call local residents).

9. George Washington

George Washington is the only city named by its full name.

George Washington is the only city in the United States that bears the full name of its founding father.

10. Ganja

City in Azerbaijan.

The city with the most Rastafarian name can be found in Azerbaijan. Moreover, this is not even a village that was named as a joke, but the second largest city in the country.

11. Chinatown

Chinatown is a city in Wisconsin, USA.

Chinatowns or Chinatowns exist in major cities all over the world, but there is an entire city in Wisconsin that bears a similar name.

12. Batman

The city of Batman in the province of Batman on the banks of the Batman River, Türkiye.

Everyone knows the famous comic book hero, but few people know that in Turkey, in the province of Batman, on the banks of the Batman River (a tributary of the Tigris River) there is a city called Batman. The main local attractions are oil refineries and a large military air base.

13. Bastardtown

Bastardtown in County Wexford, Ireland.

Bastardtown in County Wexford, despite its name, is a picturesque Irish seaside village.

14. Å

Å is a village in the very north of Norway.

Locality with such a laconic name - a beautiful seaside village in the very north of Norway. Six other Norwegian towns, a Swedish and a Danish town also have a similar name.

15. Accident

The town of Accident in Western Maryland, USA.

Interestingly, the town of Casualty was built in the 1770s in Western Maryland by accident. Two surveyors marked out the ground, randomly choosing the same oak tree as a reference point. It was on that spot that the city was founded.

Spring is approaching and the desire for change appears. I really want to change my usual surroundings and go on a trip somewhere. There are many unique, interesting places that are worth seeing with your own eyes. We will present some of them - the most unusual, the most extraordinary.

1. The most high mountain In Canada

In Canada, Mount Logan is the highest at 5959m. it belongs to the St. Elias Range system located in the southwestern Yukon Territory. The name of the mountain was given in honor of William Edmond Logan, a Canadian geologist.

2. Most Southern City in the world

Ushuaia (Argentina) is the southernmost city in the world. The population of this administrative center of the province Tierra del Fuego is 45 thousand people.

3. The most low point Africa

Lake Assal in Djibouti is located 155 meters below sea level - the lowest point in Africa.

4. The most big lake on an island in the lake

The system of these lakes resembles a nesting doll - in Canada on Lake Huron there is Manitoulin Island, on Manitoulin Island there is Lake Manitou. Manitou happens to be the largest lake in the lake with an area of ​​104 square kilometers.

5. The richest city in the world

The richest and most beautiful city world - Dubai. It is not at all difficult to buy cheap in Dubai, and therefore this city is the most visited in the world. What’s interesting is that its population is 80% foreigners.

6. The longest lake in the world

Lake Tanganyika is located on the border of Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo and is the longest in the world. It was discovered in 1858 by English explorers John Speke and Richard Burton. The lake is interesting not only for its length (673 km), but it is the second in the world in depth (1470 m) and volume of water.

Tanganyika is also famous for its interesting and diverse fauna, colorful and unusual fish.

7. Most high waterfall in Africa

Tugela Falls is located in the Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa. Here water falls in five cascades from a height of 948 meters. The largest cascade has a height of 411 meters.

8. The most deep depression on Earth not filled with water

We have heard a lot about deep sea depressions, but there are also the deepest faults on the surface of the Earth. The deepest of them was discovered in Antarctica in 1961. The deepest point of the Bentley Deep is 2540 meters below sea level and is all filled with ice.

9. Highest peak of the Scandinavian mountains

In the Scandinavian mountains high peak is Gallhöpiggen. This 2469-meter mountain in Norway was first climbed in 1850 by Arnesen, Flaatten and Solheim.

10. The longest river in Eurasia

The deepest and long river in Eurasia is the Yangtze. It carries its waters from its sources in Tibet to the East China Sea across China for a distance of 6,300 km.

11. The longest braid in the world

The world's longest spit is located in Ukraine. The Arabat Spit, located on the Crimean peninsula, 112 km long and 270 m to 8 km wide, separates Sea of ​​Azov Sivash Bay.

12. Most Small town in the world

Great pleasure is experienced by people who travel on own car. Vivid impressions they receive not only from contemplating beauty surrounding area, but also from the names of settlements, rivers, lakes.

If you plan to drive your car a significant distance, then take a pen and notepad with you to write down the names of cities, towns, villages and rivers you encounter along the way. In the future, you will not only be guaranteed victory in the game “Cities,” but you will also be able to amuse your friends and family with funny and unusual place names.

To start with, I would like to offer you the following: interesting names real geographical objects:

  • Cocaine Mountains - a river in the Perm region;
  • Lysaya Balda is a river in the Ukrainian village of Zaryanoye;
  • Dno is the name of a city not far from Pskov;
  • The Hare Bubble is a river in the Kemerovo region;
  • In the Ulyanovsk region - the village of Musorka;
  • Krasnaya Mogila is a village in Donetsk region;
  • Chuvaki - a village in the Perm region;
  • Tukhlyanka - a river on Sakhalin;
  • Bolshiye Pupsy is a village in the Tver region;
  • Machekhin Konets is a village in the Tver region;
  • Krutiye Khutora is a village in the Lipetsk region;
  • Tsatsa is a village in the Volgograd region;
  • The village of Kurilovka in the Saratov region;
  • Yes, yes - a village in the Khabarovsk Territory;
  • This is a village on Sakhalin Island;
  • Kuyoknulo is a village in the Tver region.

If you are traveling to Omsk, then you will meet on your way:

the rivers Bernyazhka, Nyukhalovka, Byzovka, Ingaly, Avlukha;

the villages of Pochekuevo, Shchuevoz, Takmyk, Kurnosovo, Bolshiye Murly, Chebakly, Uvalnaya Bitiya and others.

These are so interesting geographical names meet! Each such name, of course, has its own origin story. What seems funny to us now had a completely different meaning in ancient times. You can ask local residents where the name of their village, village, or river came from. Old people will tell you a lot of interesting things, however, there are fewer and fewer of them every day.

It’s a pity that our history flows like a river into oblivion.

It’s a pity that we are ready to laugh at an unusual name without asking about the history of its origin.

Fortunately, there are enthusiasts who collect bits and pieces of this information and save it. After all, a people who does not know their history, their roots, is weak and vulnerable. Esotericists, clairvoyants and healers say that strength is given to living people by their ancestors, the so-called family tree or family egregor.

Don't forget to take a notepad and pen with you when traveling!

There are settlements on the planet with such amazing names that it is difficult to believe in their existence. And to live in the city of Swastika or in the city of the Kingdom of Satan, perhaps, only people with a good sense of humor can live. And it should be noted that these are not the strangest names out there.

1. Swastika

The town of Swastika in Ontario, Canada is a rather strange place. In fact, this is not a Nazi haven at all - the city was founded almost 30 years before Adolf Hitler began using the swastika. The name of the city was chosen in honor of the ancient Indian sign of prosperity and fertility.

2. Kingdom of Satan

What's funny and strange is that there are cities and geographic places on Earth named after hell. For example, two cities in the United States (in the states of Vermont and Massachusetts) are called the Kingdom of Satan.

3. Peniston

The name of the town of Penistone in Yorkshire, England, probably derives from older forms of Welsh and English. The name originally meant "Hilltop Village". Today, everyone is giggling at him.

4. Nothing

The previously populated (although very few people lived in it) village of Nothing in Arizona, was completely abandoned in 2005. The sign at the entrance to the city reads: “The dedicated citizens of Nothing are full of hope and faith in the necessity of work. For many years these people believed in Nothing, hoped for Nothing and worked in Nothing."

5. North Pole

There are cities named North Pole in the states of Alaska and New York. New York's North Pole has a theme park with live reindeer and Santa Claus.

6. Nameless

Nameless is a small town in Colorado, which got its name when a highway was planned to be built in this place with a turn to a city that does not yet exist. During the construction of the road, a temporary sign with the inscription “Unnamed” was installed at the bend. As a result, the name stuck.

7. Moon

Northwest of Pittsburgh there is a town called Luna, which was probably so named because it is located in a crescent-shaped bend of the river.

8. Mars

Tourists have recently often visited the city of Mars in Pennsylvania. Not only is there a non-working former spaceship installed in the city, but you can also say that you visited the Martians (that’s what the locals are called).

9. George Washington

George Washington is the only city in the United States that bears the full name of its founding father.

10. Ganja

The city with the most Rastafarian name can be found in Azerbaijan. Moreover, this is not even a village that was named as a joke, but the second largest city in the country.

11. Chinatown

Chinatowns, or Chinatowns, exist in major cities around the world, but there is an entire city in Wisconsin that bears the same name.

12. Batman

Everyone knows the famous comic book hero, but few people know that in Turkey, in the province of Batman, on the banks of the Batman River (a tributary of the Tigris River) there is a city called Batman. The main local attractions are oil refineries and a large military air base.

13. Bastardtown

Bastardtown in County Wexford, despite its name, is a picturesque Irish seaside village.

14. Å

The settlement with such a laconic name is a beautiful seaside village in the very north of Norway. Six other Norwegian towns, a Swedish and a Danish town also have a similar name.

15. Accident

Interestingly, the town of Casualty was built in the 1770s in Western Maryland by accident. Two surveyors marked out the ground, randomly choosing the same oak tree as a reference point. It was on that spot that the city was founded.