Railway transport schedule. Availability of tickets and seats on trains. What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration

Implementation and development of the EXPRESS-3 passenger transportation management system

On the pages of the anniversary issue, the head of the VNIIAS department of the Ministry of Railways of Russia I.V. talks about the need to implement and ways to develop the passenger transportation management system “EXPRESS-3”. Rodin and the head of the VNIIAS department, candidate of technical sciences M.P. Birch.

To ensure ever-increasing passenger service, completeness and timeliness of information used in new technologies for managing passenger transportation, it was developed in the period 2002–2004. The Express-3 system, based on the most modern foreign and domestic technological, telecommunications, hardware and software information and computing tools and means of ensuring technical and information security, was introduced into commercial operation on the Russian railway network.

The Express-3 system replaced the morally and physically outdated Express-2 system.

The main developers of the Express system are VNIIZhT (in terms of system operation technology) and VNIIAS (in terms of software). In addition, a number of other organizations actively participate in the work of the Oktyabrskaya and Moscow railway information centers.

The Express-3 system includes two main complexes: a complex for processing real-time orders (KOZRV) and a network analytical database (AND).

The real-time order processing complex performs maintenance of ticket and cash terminals installed at the training ground of one or more railways.

The network analytical database ensures the collection of information about all transportation of passengers and baggage in which Russian Railways participate, storage, processing and analysis of this information.

KOZRV and ADB are based on a modern system-technical platform - IBM-9672, Z900 or Z800 computers, OS-390 operating system, DB2 DBMS. In 2006, it is planned to transfer the system to the z/OS operating environment.

Introduction of KOZRV "Express-3" on the Moscow railway. in 2002, it made it possible to implement interaction with adjacent systems over a network with TCP/IP protocols and using the MQSeries components of operating systems. This is how interaction with the Finnish railway reservation system “Duetto” has been functioning since July 2002. In June 2003, implemented in as soon as possible a project for information interaction between the Express system of the Russian Railways and the information system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, providing daily from 2 to 4 thousand passengers of Kaliningrad trains with permits for transit through Lithuania without the passengers contacting the institutions of the Republic of Lithuania.

In 2004, a transition was made to a new architecture for interaction with reservation systems Western Europe(HOSA system), implemented using TCP/IP and MQSeries protocols, which significantly increased the speed and reliability of interaction.

During 2002–2004, passenger service was transferred to Express-3 on another 8 Russian Railways, and at the end of 2004, the transfer of all Russian railways to the Express-3 system was completed. In 2004, the Express-2 systems on some roads were decommissioned.

The main option for connecting terminals to the Express-3 system is to connect via digital communication channels and TCP/IP protocols. However, at present, on most roads there is no such possibility of connecting all terminals, and some terminals are forced to remain connected via analog communication channels using the BSC protocol. In order to ensure a timely transition to the Express-3 system on all roads, gateways developed by Magistral CJSC were introduced at road computer centers. The terminals are connected to them via the BSC protocol, and the gateways to the Express-3 regional centers are connected via TCP/IP.

In 2005, the decommissioning of teleprocessing complexes inherited from the Express-2 system began. At the end of 2005 - beginning of 2006, this process will be completed at all regional centers. To maintain interaction with the CIS roads that remained on the Express-2 system, Moscow Railway. A gateway will be put into operation to support BSC1 channels.

In 2002, the transition to technology for monitoring machine-readable forms and a new application protocol for interaction between the terminal and the HOST computer - the guaranteed delivery protocol - was completed.

At the end of 2002, on the Moscow railway. the introduction of technology for selling travel documents indicating seat numbers along the route of the train has begun. This technology is the basis for the Express-3 system. The availability of complete information about transportation has significantly improved the quality of management. This regime is not yet applied to trains traveling to service areas for those CIS roads that remain in the Express-2 system.

In 2005, a set of works was carried out to implement cash-free travel for preferential categories of passengers within the framework of Federal Law 122-FZ on the monetization of benefits.

In June 2003, online access was introduced for Internet users to obtain reference information on the MPS WEB portal. In July 2005, the possibility of online tickets via the Internet was restored, in compliance with all necessary information and economic security measures. The next step should be the ability to purchase tickets online. All technical solutions for this have been worked out, and only organizational support from a higher organization is needed to implement this technology.

In 2003, modern passenger information systems were introduced on the network roads, which can receive information from both the Express-2 and Express-3 systems.

A pressing issue is the connection of ticket and cash terminals via public TCP/IP networks, including the Internet. To solve this problem, a modification of terminal equipment has been developed and is a necessary component in processing centers that have certified means of cryptographic information protection. Introduction of this technology on the Moscow railway. began at the end of 2003, and currently, on all roads, almost all ticket offices of travel agencies and other third-party organizations are equipped with Express-3 system terminals connected via the Internet.

JSC Russian Railways is interested in implementing the Express-3 system in the CIS and Baltic countries, since in this case JSC Russian Railways receives for its Express-3 system complete information about transportation related to JSC Russian Railways, and also ensures the unity of passenger service technology and the possibility of introducing new technologies. Naturally, the CIS roads are also interested in this.

A fundamental decision recommending the introduction of Express-3 on CIS roads was made at the 33rd Council on Railway Transport of the CIS and Baltic States in 2002. During 2005, agreements were prepared and concluded for the right to use the software of the Express-3 system between JSC Russian Railways and the railway administrations of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Currently, the KOZRV of the Express-3 system has been implemented in Riga, Astana and Minsk, and preparations are underway for the implementation of the analytical database.

For relatively small volumes of information on the Baltic roads, the DBA functions will be performed within the Moscow center (ensuring strictly limited access between users of different railway administrations), and in Astana and Minsk, the DBA will be implemented on their own computing installations.

The interaction between the Express-3 systems of the CIS roads with each other and the Express-3 systems of Russian Railways has been transferred to the Infoset-21 SPD. At the same time, interaction between the CIS and Russian Railways centers, in accordance with the Infoset-21 concept, is implemented through the head node - Moscow Railway. However, this does not create additional load on the most loaded, application part of the Moscow system, since transit is implemented at the level of the MQSeries system component.

Negotiations are currently underway on the implementation of the Express-3 system on the Uzbek railway. The Ukrainian railways decided in 2006 to switch completely to their own Express-UZ system with one center in Kyiv.

For roads with a small number of subscribers, creating your own regional Express-3 center is not practical. Currently, the Tajik Railway is served by a regional center in Samara, Kyrgyz Railway. – in Astana, Lithuanian and Estonian railways. - in Riga. It would be advisable for the Moldavian Railway to follow the same path.

Support for the Express-2 system for CIS roads will be maintained in 2006, in exceptional cases under agreements with individual roads - possibly in 2007. Beyond 2007, support for Express-2 will not be extended, including due to the expiration of all service life of the equipment necessary for such support.

The network analytical database complex for passenger transportation is located in the Moscow Railway Information Computing Center. and contains all the information about Russian railway transportation. Information about travel documents and trains is loaded into the ADB in real time.

Primary information about travel documents is stored for 8 months after the departure of the train, aggregated information and information about train and wagon flights - for several years, generalized information about passenger flows will be stored for a longer period of time. The ABD complex is a fundamentally new development, since before this there was no database of travel documents both on the network scale and on the scale of an individual road.

Access to DBA information is realized using specialized workstations using WEB technology from all Russian railways. through SPD.

The Express-3 system software is built on the IBM system-technical platform using the OS390 operating system, DB2 DBMS, TCP/IP and MQS system components.

The analytical database complex of the Express-3 system collects and stores unique information about passenger transportation, which has never existed before. The database contains more than 200 types of objects and occupies about 300 Gigabytes of memory. Working with such a database requires highly qualified specialists and experience working with IBM products.

A large number of management tasks and users of these tasks creates a high load on the system. In 2005, the operation of the base was transferred to a new powerful IBM Z990 computer; the development of the technical base must be provided for in the future. High requirements for reliability and security of data, the use of this data not only for analysis, but also directly for passenger service, high system load, significant variability in the composition and content of base facilities due to the introduction of new tasks and technologies exclude the possibility of providing direct access to the base to external users. Access to the database is performed only with the help of specially developed software that has been thoroughly tested to meet all the requirements of the Express-3 system.

The Express-3 system software is a huge and very complex complex containing several thousand modules and about 2 million lines of source code. Most of software modules are closely interconnected with each other. The task of VNIIZHT and VNIIAS is, first of all, to ensure reliable operation of the passenger service system, therefore changing the software of the existing system must first of all be subject to the requirements of ensuring reliability and safety and cannot be carried out in an emergency.

ACS "Express"

Computer science, cybernetics and programming

ASU Express began operating in 1972 at the Moscow railway junction. It was called Express1 and was intended for mass service of passengers in real time. The main goal of creating the Express1 system was to gain experience in automating the management of ticket office operations on the scale of such a large railway hub as Moscow, serving up to 250 thousand passengers per day by direct and local trains.

ACS "Express" is a domestic system that fully automates all ticket and cash desk operations. The Express automated control system began operating in 1972 at the Moscow railway junction. It was called “Express-1” and was intended for mass passenger service in real time. It also became the first system for collective use of electronic computers (computers) on railway transport in real time.

The main goal of creating the Express-1 system was to gain experience in automating the management of ticket and cash operations on the scale of such a large railway hub as Moscow, serving up to 250 thousand passengers per day by direct and local trains. Initially, the system served the Kiev direction of the Moscow railway hub, and then began to serve all other directions of the hub using 580 automated ticket offices connected to the system.

The automated ticket sales management system "Express-2" was a development of the "Express-1" system.It was created as a standard one for the railway network and is intended for complex automation of ticket and cash desk operations at any dedicated area of ​​the network. The first Express-2 system began operating at the Moscow railway junction in 1982. It was developed on the basis of the accumulated 10-year experience in operating the Express-1 system and is, like the first system, a collective use system for mass service of passengers in real life. time scale. It is a man-machine system, including a set of administrative technological, software and hardware tools aimed at significantly improving the organization of passenger transportation and the culture of their service.

If the "Express-1" system was intended for complex automation of ticket and cash desk operations at large railway junctions, then the "Zkspress-2" automated control system manages the sale of tickets and passenger transportation on the scale of regions (polygons) allocated to the railway network. The network region served by one Express-2 automated control system may include the territory of one or more railways. This is their main difference, although most of the principles of order processing are common.

Today the Express-3 system is in operation. The fundamental difference of this system is that the Express-3 system is not only about reserving seats and selling tickets, but also about managing passenger transportation.

The creation of a passenger transportation management system aims to reduce costs, increase income and provide new services to passengers. Another group of goals is related to the need to replace outdated equipment and use modern digital communication channels.

The automated control system "Express-3" provides complete automation of all the main technological processes of the passenger economy, allowsautomate ticket and cash desk operations, provides tools for reserving and selling tickets. ACS "Express-3" allows you to order train tickets via the Internet long distance on all 17 roads in Russia, CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Estonia.

The Express-3 system allows you to implement the following areas of activity in the field passenger transportation:

  • provide complete information about the state of transportation processes, the layout of the rolling stock along the entire route of the train, and the capacity on any section of the route.
  • track occupancy dynamics passenger trains.
  • track the progress of ticket sales for all categories of carriages.
  • track changes in daily and seasonal passenger traffic.
  • carry out operational management of the use of rolling passenger stock.
  • carry out advanced planning of passenger transportation
    at intermediate stations along the train route by taking into account specific seat numbers along the entire train route.
  • ensure sales in men's and women's compartments.
  • conduct sales to wagons with service services.

All this makes it possible to increase the profitability of passenger transportation, create an optimal train schedule, make decisions about the coupling (uncoupling) of cars, the number of trains on a particular route, and also calculate the economic efficiency of each train.

ACS "Express-3" provides passengers with access to an information and reference database, where they can find out about passenger train schedules, seat availability, and ticket prices. Passengers can also quickly buy tickets, book a hotel at the point of arrival, order a taxi, and check in luggage.

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Ensuring the sustainable functioning of Russian railways in the transport services market requires further development and the introduction of new tasks and information technologies in the field of passenger complex management. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the quality of passenger service, maintain a leading position and increase operational efficiency by reducing costs and increasing revenues.

The subprogram “Sales Management and Organization of Passenger Transportation” of the comprehensive (corporate) informatization program is aimed at solving these problems. It provides for the implementation of four projects:

1. Automated passenger transportation control system “Express-3”.

2. Updating computer equipment and data transmission networks for the Express-3 automated control system.

3. Travel control system for long-distance trains.

4. Automated control system for suburban passenger transportation ACS “Suburban”.

If in previous years the Express-2 system operating on the railway network provided only the process of automating the sale of travel documents and the generation of statistical and financial reporting, then with the introduction of the Express-3 system within the framework of the Informatization Program, it became possible to solve almost all technological and business -tasks in long-distance passenger transportation. Passenger industry workers now have a tool for making management decisions, accounting for the fleet of passenger cars, and forming the volume of various types of car repairs.

The system allows you to issue travel documents at intermediate stations along the train route, indicating the seat number, transportation documents for baggage and cargo transportation, obtain statistical data and keep financial records not only of Russian Railways’ own indicators, but also of the work of commercial structures involved in transportation. In addition, it is used in the formation of schedules and the passage and delay of passenger trains. Information about delays according to the agreed layout during the interaction of two systems - ASOUP and Express-3 - comes from connecting and junction stations, for which delays are taken into account.

In these new operating conditions of railway transport, focused on the commercial efficiency of transport products and on the informatization of management based on a marketing strategy in the passenger sector, an operational mechanism for managing passenger transportation is required. It should provide automated collection, processing and issuance of information in the form of recommendations to the road command staff of all necessary information for making management decisions, reducing costs and management decisions, reducing costs and generating additional income.

In functional terms, the Express-3 system manages the main technological processes of the passenger economy, based on their initial data, including:

Ø ticket and cash operations related to the registration and accounting of travel documents in domestic, suburban, interstate and international communications;

Ø information and reference services for passengers in all types of messages, at all points of sale and at home via the Internet and television;

Ø management of luggage work, taking into account all technological processes associated with its operation and repair;

Ø preparation, maintenance and printing of service schedules for long-distance and suburban trains;

Ø financial and economic accounting and reporting, mutual settlements between roads and states for passenger transportation;

Ø provision of various services to passengers, both in railway and intermodal transport, through interaction with automated systems of other modes of transport;

Ø operational management of passenger transportation at the road and state level with the help of automated dispatch control centers (ADCU-PP), which should become command centers ACS "Express-3" will allow you to perform marketing research, flexibly change tariffs and obtain all the necessary indicators of passenger transportation.

The Express-3 system, which includes a number of subsystems and works with clientele, forms electronic database data. A similar database is formed from freight transport. These databases are interconnected and supply the necessary information to manage the entire transportation process of the Russian railways.

Ticket sales should be extended to all types of services, including commuter services, so that hourly flows of commuter passengers can be seen and the assignment and cancellation of electric trains in competition with road transport can be adjusted accordingly. In long-distance transport, the requirements for the provided seats should be expanded in accordance with accepted standards in Europe. For example, men's, women's, compartments for the disabled, family compartments, compartments for work, etc. The period for reserving seats has been increased from 45 days to 63 days, and for group requests it has been increased to 1 year.

When developing technologies for reference and information services, it should be possible to widely and quickly provide information to passengers not only at stations and train stations, but also at home and in offices via the Internet, and in the form of video text on the home TV sets of future passengers. Such an opportunity in the Express system

Information technologies of economics, financial accounting and mutual settlements in the passenger economy should be focused, in addition to monthly accounting, also on the daily rhythm of transportation, since this will make it possible to more accurately take into account during marketing all factors affecting transportation and income.

Information technologies for baggage and cargo transportation will be built taking into account full operational control of the location of baggage (cargo) and with the possibility of automatically drawing up an optimal plan for the formation of baggage transportation in order to avoid the movement of empty baggage cars along routes with low cargo flows.

Information technologies related to the operation and repair of a fleet of passenger cars should allow the automation of all technological processes associated with the preparation of trains for a trip, their deployment, inventory control, repairs, logistics, control of the work schedule of conductors, etc.

When improving information technologies for service, it is necessary to develop the interaction of Express with systems of other modes of transport, hotels, taxi depots, cinemas, banks, etc. At the same time, passengers should be provided with service on the train when purchasing tickets (breakfast, lunch, dinner, information materials, etc.). Services in the form of income received must be accounted for on a daily basis.

Information technologies for regulating passenger transportation will be given special attention in the Express-3 system, since they should be directly related to marketing assessments of current transportation situations. At the same time, a flexible system for changing tariffs should be developed in such a way that tariff adjustments would have prompt feedback in the form of changes in income from the corresponding adjustments.

So, for example, by increasing or decreasing the tariff for a train, carriage, for days of the week, month, etc. after a certain time, it is necessary to quickly see the result of this impact (adjustment). The same should apply not only to tariffs, but also to the composition of trains, their composition, and routes.

To carry out operational adjustments and traffic management, it is necessary to create automated dispatch control centers (ADCC) within the regional Express-3 systems in the Ministry of Railways and on the roads of the network. These centers must be equipped with workstations connected to Express-3 systems in order to receive from them all the necessary information for dispatchers monitoring the process of passenger transportation, as well as for employees of passenger, financial and technical services. The automated workplaces of each such center must be combined into a local network so that information can be quickly exchanged between their operators (dispatchers) within the center and within the entire network of the Express-3 system.

It is advisable to create automated dispatch control centers on railways on the basis of unified road bureaus (UDB) of the passenger economy, since their functions cease with the introduction of Express-3 systems, and the personnel available in them are quite highly qualified in the field of organizing transportation. All communications with road management and ticket offices are concentrated in the ODB.

To carry out operational adjustments and traffic management, it is necessary to create automated dispatch control centers (ADCC) within the regional Express-3 systems in the Ministry of Railways and on the roads of the network. These centers must be equipped with workstations connected to the Express-3 systems in order to receive from them all the necessary information both for dispatchers monitoring the process of passenger transportation, and for employees of passenger, financial and technical services. The workstations of each such center must be combined into a local network so that information can be quickly exchanged between operators (dispatchers) within the center and within the entire network of the Express-3 system.

It is advisable to create automated dispatch control centers on railways on the basis of unified road bureaus (UDB) of the passenger economy, since their functions cease with the introduction of Express-3 systems, and the personnel available in them are quite highly qualified in the field of transportation. All communications from the road management and ticket offices are concentrated in the ODB.

To serve passengers, service centers (similar to corporate transport service centers) should be developed, equipped with terminal equipment of the Express-3 systems, which allows receiving a wide variety of information; communication with banks, hotels, cinemas, taxi depots, other modes of transport, etc.

In the Express-3 ACS, issues of economics, finance and marketing are resolved using the ASU-L information and control subroutine. Its main task is the automation of technological processes related to the management of passenger transportation. Within the framework of this subprogram, the following set of tasks is solved:

Collection of key indicators related to passenger transportation;

Determination of correspondence of passenger flows;

Control and accounting of the population of passenger trains;

Revenue from transportation depending on the tariff used;

Passenger demand for transportation;

Statistical and financial statements, including mutual settlements for passenger transportation;

Marketing of the passenger transportation market;

Forecasting passenger traffic;

Operational tracking of economic efficiency (profitability) of train destinations, etc.

Figure 9.38.1 shows the tasks solved in the Express-3 automated control system using the ASU-L subsystem.

Figure 9.38.1 - Complex of tasks of the Express-3 system

Automated information and reference subsystem (ECASIS)

The main function of the Automated Reference and Information System "ECASIS" is for subscribers of the "Express-3" system to receive reference information on all issues related to the passage of passengers on the railway network. The ECASIS system is intended, first of all, for information desk agents answering passenger questions by radio or telephone, ticket cashiers, as well as employees of Russian Railways departments.

Currently, reference and information services for passengers on railway transport are automated in the ECASIS system based on the use of the Express-3 ACS data bank. This system allows you to receive reference information in international, interstate and intrastate modes of communication (EKASIS-D), as well as in suburban modes (EKASIS-P).

In interstate and intrastate traffic, the EKASIS-D system issues all kinds of certificates about the movement of trains, the transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage, as well as the cost of travel and luggage transportation. The EKASIS-D system provides reference information for passengers of the following types:

On the possibility of direct travel and transportation of luggage (cargo luggage);

About travel options with transfers along the way or transportation of luggage (cargo luggage) with overload along the way;

On the cost of travel for all categories of passengers in all categories of long-distance trains;

About the availability of seats and fare on a given train;

About the appointment and cancellation of trains;

About the actual movement of the train, taking into account delays and changes in running;

About promptly scheduled trains;

Text information about travel and baggage rules, as well as telephone numbers of city railway services and stations;

Certificates on the cost of transportation of luggage, cargo and mail.

In addition to information for passengers, a large number of various certificates are issued through the EKASIS-D system for the management staff of Russian Railways, road management, stations, as well as for employees of computer centers operating the Express-3 system. Certificates such as a certificate about the train layout, about the numbers of trains passing through the station, about trains with the same number, about the train schedule, etc. are issued. In international traffic through EKASIS-D, reference information is provided on the possibility of travel on trains departing from the territory of the CIS and Baltic countries, on the cost of travel on them, separately by ticket and reserved seat, on the stations of the route of the international train, on the train schedule , about train delays in the CIS and Baltic countries, about the availability of seats.

However, in international traffic there is no possibility of obtaining through EKASIS-D certificates about the possibility of travel between stations of foreign countries from stations of foreign countries to the territory of the CIS and Baltic countries (return departure) due to the lack of intersystem exchange of train schedule information or information messages.

To be able to obtain this reference information, a local reference system for international traffic was created using a PC. The local reference system was based on train schedule information for Western European countries, recorded on magnetic media in the prescribed form. This system allows you to receive information about the codes and names of stations, the possibility of traveling between given stations, obtain information about the numbers of trains passing through the station, and the train schedule for a specific date.

IN commuter service through the EKASIS-P system, reference information is issued only about the cost of travel on electric trains for those categories of passengers and for those types of documents that are issued in the Express-3 system.

Automated subsystem for managing a fleet of passenger cars (ASUPV)

ASUPV – automated system management of the operation and repair of a fleet of passenger cars based on the Express-3 system operates on all railways in Russia and several roads in the CIS. The purpose of the automated control system is to provide operational information on repairs, structural design and use of passenger cars to improve the safety of passenger trains and control the transportation process.

Availability of data on the railcar fleet allows managers to quickly make decisions on the formation of trains, placing railcars for repair depending on mileage, putting unused railcars into reserve, and writing off worn-out railcars; monitor cases of delays and defects in train and shunting operations; monitor the quality of wagon repairs at enterprises and factories.

At the level of a linear enterprise, the work processes of car repair depots, passenger technical stations, passenger service directorates, and conductor reserves are subject to automation. At the enterprises that prepare trains for travel, there are workstations of the train formation master, the formation dispatcher, and the head of the car group. They carry out their work directly on a PC: they create orders for the train, send cars for repairs, release them from repairs, transfer them to stock, lay-up, technical reserve, calculate the mileage of each car, plan all types of car repairs, issue all the necessary reports on the car fleet . All operational work is carried out on the basis of the wagon fleet database. Passport data for each car was entered into the system at the initial stage of implementation of automatic control systems.

The results of the work of each employee are corrective data for the railcar fleet database at all levels of management.

The ability of all workstations to operate in a local computer network on a single database allows you to receive any operational data about your cars and their use, as well as automate the management of car repairs.

The high reliability of the data that makes up the line-level automated control system database allows the enterprise management to quickly manage processes related to the repair of cars and the formation of trains.

The information contained in the automated control system is available to users at all levels of passenger carriage management. The automated control system must implement the tasks of complete automation of control at all passenger line enterprises, in the operating centers, in passenger road services and in the central lines of JSC Russian Railways.

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