Direct educational activities. Summary of GCD on sculpting “Our body

Summary of a lesson on modeling (subject) in the middle group

Topic: "Doll".

Teach children to sculpt a doll from plasticine using techniques: straight and circular rolling, pinching, smoothing. Continue to learn how to add details to a product (hands made of matches, hair made of paper), as well as work with a stack (eyes, mouth, patterns on a dress). Introduce a new word: composer. Continue to learn how to solve riddles. Consolidate knowledge about color. Develop fine motor skills of the hands hands. Develop the ability to listen to music.


A new toy - a doll, a recording of the play "New Doll" from the "Children's Album" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, any calm background music for work, boards for modeling, white and multi-colored plasticine, stacks, matches (without sulfur), cut and glued from paper “wigs” with a bow.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today I have a gift for you. We have a new toy in our group. Which? Find out by solving the riddle:

What does all of this mean?

Daughter, but not crying;

Put you to bed -

Will sleep

A day, and two, and even five.

What toy is mentioned in the riddle? Which words of the riddle told you the correct answer? Let's give the new doll a name. What should we call the new doll? Call the doll by name. Now call me by your affectionate name.

What can you do with the new doll? You can play with it, draw it, sculpt it. But one person composed music about a new doll. This man's name is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. And he was a composer. A composer is someone who composes and comes up with music. Let's listen to what kind of music the composer Tchaikovsky composed about the new doll. Listen and imagine what the composer wanted to talk about. (The play “New Doll” from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s children’s album is played.) Did you like the music? What did you imagine when you listened to it?

How many children do we have in the group? A lot of. How many new dolls? One. After class you will be able to play with your new doll. Now let's make a lot of dolls from plasticine.

From a piece of white plasticine, children roll out a ball in a circular motion - the doll's head. Then they choose a piece of plasticine of the color they like and roll out a thick sausage - the doll's dress - with straight movements. The teacher asks the children what color of plasticine they chose. The resulting thick sausage-dress is pinched at the bottom along the diameter and narrowed at the top with your fingers. Children decorate the resulting dress with patterns, drawing lines or dots in a stack. Then the head is attached to the dress, eyes and mouth are drawn on the head in a stack, and matchstick hands are stuck on the sides of the dress. Paper “hair” with a bow is placed on the head. (Children work to calm background music.)

The children's work is assessed and an exhibition is organized. In the afternoon, children can play with their products or create additional attributes for them (independent artistic activity for children).

Target : Learn make up plot composition from sculpted figures . Sculpt from plasticine figure person V movement .

Tasks :

    Pin way sculpting cylinder ( roller ) incised With two after all .

    Continue learn transmit V sculpting Not complex movement ( bending hands And incline torso , moving legs ).

    Learn smooth out surface forms .

    Learn correlate parts body person By size And proportions .

Developmental tasks :

    Continue develop skills transmit small details , working fingers .

    Develop skill use stack , divide detail on parts .

Educational tasks :

    Bring up independence .

    Bring up accuracy at work With plasticine And small details .

    Materials , equipment : ( plasticine , stacks , oilcloths , napkins );

Layout ski slope. TV, pictures about winter types of sports.


Children. Tell. What season is over?

- the season has ended - winter.

Let's remember winter views sports. (showing pictures on TV)

Children call: hockey, figure skating, short track, speed skating.

_guess the riddle:

Wooden two horses

They carry me down the mountain.

I hold two sticks in my hands,

But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.

And to speed up the run

I touch the snow with sticks.

-Who is this poem about?

-This is a skier.

-What sport do skiers participate in?

-Biathlon, alpine skiing, ski jumping, slalom. (Show pictures)

- now look carefully at the skier who is running on his skis. Guys, what kind of body does he have?

Is it straight, or is it tilted forward?

-It's tilted forward.

-That's right, the skier's body is tilted forward and his head is lowered low.

-Why do skiers need ski poles?

-to push off, move.

Let's take a little rest. (Physical minute)

Sportsman on the track

Trains his legs.

Lifts them high

Cheerfully. Walks merrily.

He spread his arms to the sides

And he went quietly.

Hands down, then forward,

He jumped and made a turn.

Small people love to exercise.

Sit on the chairs.

Look. We have ski slope. But it's empty.

Do you want skiers to ski on this route?

You each mold a skier and put him on the track.

Let's look at the figure of a skier. (SHOW PICTURE)


-What parts does a skier consist of?


First, guys, let's look at the geometric shapes that are on my desk. Name the figures. square - cube - prism, layer - CYLINDER.

Now guys, let's determine which geometric shapes are similar to parts of the human body.

Children's answers: ball - head; CYLINDER – body. Legs are ovals.


YOU HAVE BLUE PLASTICINE ON YOUR BOARD. Let's divide the plasticine into two parts, make one larger and the other smaller.

The part that is larger is the torso, and the part that is smaller is the legs.

Take the part that is larger and roll it into a cylinder, cut the top part into two parts with a stack, up to the middle of the cylinder - these are the arms.

Let's extend our right hand to our left. Take the second part of blue plasticine

Using straight movements, roll it into a sausage, bend it in half, put your legs to your body, and press it with your fingers. We mold boots to the feet from black plasticine and press them to the feet. Take a yellow piece of plasticine and roll your head in a circular motion, placing it on your shoulders.

Making the eyes. A hat. The skier has sticks in his hands, we make them from toothpicks

Take toothpicks and insert them into the skier's hands. He needs to be put on skis. There are cardboard ski blanks on the tables. Let's put the skier on skis, and in order for him to go down the mountain, we will attach paper clips to the skis, I have a long stick with a magnet, look. I place a magnet under the skier and he goes.

Children tell me why this happens. Why is the skier moving?

Because magnets attract metal to themselves.

Let's give them names, attach paperclips and place them on the layout.

The children have finished their work. Clean the boards with a napkin.

The guys tried really hard. They painstakingly fastened the details of the craft together with plasticine. We tried to give each skier individuality and uniqueness. And some of the guys even gave their charge a name. And look at the result!


Nina Mikheeva

Subject classes: "Girl Mashenka".

Target classes: check students’ mastery of manufacturing technology human body parts

Tasks classes:


1. To develop in children a cognitive interest, the ability to observe and use their observations in practical activities.

2. Strengthen the children’s ability to use images of the torso in their work human in the form of a cone(carrot), hands (flagella), head (ball).

3. Strengthen children's skills sculpting: pinching, rolling, flattening.

4. Encourage children to realize an expressive, bright image


1. To develop imaginative thinking in children, the ability to create a familiar image based on the life experience of children (fiction, illustrations, doll demonstration, cartoon).

2. Promote the development of fine motor skills in children.

3. Contribute to the development of artistic taste and creative abilities of students.


1. To instill in children perseverance, attention, accuracy, and perseverance in achieving their goals.

2. Use the work as a gift - toys as a source of joy not only for the author, but also for the people around him.

Equipment and materials:


Doll Masha

Illustrations depicting Masha

Set of magnets


Plasticine set "Gamma" 18 colors

Stack set

Wet wipes

Organizing time

Children stand in a circle

Good morning eyes, are you awake? (stroked eyes)

Good morning, ears, are you awake? (patted our ears)

Good morning hands, are you awake? (we stroked and patted our hands)

Good morning legs, are you awake? (stomped our feet)

Good morning sunshine, I woke up! (reaching towards the sun).

And the children go and sit on chairs in the improvised cinema.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1. Definition and name of the goal sculpting.

Guys, when I went to kindergarten today, the postman gave me a letter.

Let's read it? And we’ll find out who it’s from.

"Hello guys!

Winter will soon come and I will go to bed until spring. And my girlfriend will be bored and not happy without me. I have a small favor to ask of you. Please give her a surprise so that she immediately understands that they haven’t forgotten about her, that she is remembered and loved.”

Guys, who do you think wrote this letter to us? (bear)

Who does the bear care so much about? (about Masha)

What do you think we can do with you to Masha immediately understood:That we remember and love her

Let's make Masha out of plasticine. Then we photograph our crafts and send her a photo by mail. And she will immediately see that we have not forgotten about her. (Let's)

And so that we can remember how our Masha looks like let's look at the pictures (presentation turns on "Let's remember Masha" consisting of illustrations of Masha from her favorite cartoon)

Fizminutka « Masha is confused»

Looking for things Masha,

(turn one way)

Masha is confused

(turn in the other direction, to the starting position)

And not on the chair,

(arms forward, to the sides)

And not under the chair,

(sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

Not on the bed

(hands dropped)

Not under the bed.

That's what it is Masha,

(head tilts left and right, "threaten" index finger)

Masha is confused!

Let's go and sit at the tables

Stage 2 Examination of the nature that the children will sculpt.

There is a picture on the board Masha

- what does Masha have?:

From the big ice mountain

The little bear rolls quickly

Warms well

Our Masha (coat)

Masha loves to dream

When the sky is blue...

And for this you need

To our Masha... (head)

Masha takes berries

Two, three pieces each.

And for this we need

To our Masha.


Masha runs merrily

Along the path to the river.

And for this we need

To our Masha.


Masha looks at the cat,

To pictures-fairy tales.

And for this we need

To our Masha.


Stage 3 Show what techniques to use

Let’s look at the example made by Masha’s teacher

Guys, watch how you and I will sculpt Masha

We take a large piece and sculpt a body out of it like a carrot.

Head like a ball

We make hands from a flagellum

Stage 4. Carrying out work by children Under the pronunciation of actions from the teacher's elders.

Stage 5 work analysis

What great guys you all are. I hope Masha will also like our work

Stage 6 beating

Guys, let's take pictures of our work and send a photo to Masha by mail.

And we will put the works themselves at the exhibition so that our parents can also admire them.

Now let's go to our cinema and watch our favorite cartoon « Masha and the Bear»

Marina Tsapenko
Summary of GCD for sculpting “Our body”

Subject: « Our body» .

Target: Teach children to sculpt a human figure. Sculpt from a whole piece and in parts. Use learned techniques sculpting. Activate and enrich your vocabulary on the topic of the week. Know the structural features of the body.

Material: stacks, napkins, images of a person in motion, plasticine (clay).

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

The teacher asks the children to remember the names of the parts of the human body and says that the one who correctly names the parts of the human body will sit for the lesson.

2. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reminds the children how to sculpt a human figure (they will remember the proportions, shape of parts, ways sculpting) . Then the teacher invites the children to make figures of people doing different types sports (playing football, skiing, children playing snowballs). Children remember what football players look like, what they wear, what skiers look like, what children wear in winter. The teacher says that children can be depicted in any position: how they run, play, roll a snowball. Using questions, the sequence and methods are clarified sculpting figures.

3. Physical exercise

Let's help mom together (stand up bending over, move your arms left and right)

We rinse the laundry ourselves

One two three four,

Reached out (stretch as if wiping sweat from forehead)

Bent over (rinse again)

We did a good job. (wipe hand in hand).

4. Summary of the lesson

When analyzing works, children should be asked questions regarding the shape of parts, proportions, and depiction of action.

At the end of the work, the teacher suggests putting all the figures on one stand and calling the children’s work "sports fun".

Publications on the topic:

Lesson-conversation “Human body”“There is such a profession as a doctor.” Currently, the concept of a healthy lifestyle for children is becoming increasingly relevant, because of a sedentary lifestyle.

Information letter for parents “My Body” Hello our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! The task of this week is to instill in children a careful attitude towards their health; introduce.

Summary of the lesson on valeology “Studying your body” Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group “This is the body” Goal: - to form an idea of ​​yourself as a person (I have a body, I need a body to live; what parts does my body consist of); Tasks:.

Goal: formation of correct, clear speech Tasks: activate the processes of perception, attention, memory; increase.

Objectives: 1. Form ideas about body parts, distinguish and correctly name body parts. 2. Reinforce ideas about the differences between.

Summary of entertaining and educational leisure activities with children of middle preschool age “Know your body” Summary of entertaining and educational leisure activities with children of middle preschool age “Know your body.” Goal: * Form the right attitude.

Summary of GCD on modeling for children preparatory group preschool educational institution

Topic: Morning exercises.
Target: continue to develop the ability to sculpt a human figure.
1. develop the ability to freely use various techniques previously learned to create an image;
2. consolidate the ability to sculpt a human figure in motion (raised, outstretched arms, etc.)
3. convey the shape of the main part and other parts, their proportions, pose, characteristic features of the depicted objects;
4. process the surface of the mold using finger movements and a stack;
5. develop creativity, memory;
6. develop fine motor skills;
7. cultivate interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle.
Equipment and materials: Olympic bear, counting sticks, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks.
Doronova T.N. Artistic creativity children 2 – 7 years old: methodological manual for educators / T.N. Doronova – M.: Education, 2011 – 240 pp.
Doronova T. N. Nature, art and visual activity of children: methodological recommendations for educators working with children 3 – 6 years old under the “Rainbow” program / T. N. Doronova - 6th ed. – M.: Education, 2007 – 160 pp.
Koldina D.N. – Modeling and appliqué with children 6-7 years old. Class notes / D. N. Koldina - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2003
Ivanova T.E. Modeling classes in kindergarten. Methodological manual / T. E. Ivanova - M.: Sfera, 2010
Educator:– Look, we have an unusual guest today. Is he familiar to you? (yes, this is a White Bear.) - Yes, polar bear- Olympic symbol. And now he travels around the country in search of young athletes, and ended up in our group. Do you know what the Olympics are? (children: sports competitions, sports games between all nations, competitions between all nations)
– And also the Olympiad can be in the classroom, n/a, in mathematics - this will already be an intellectual competition between children.
– And what qualities should an athlete have (to be resilient, strong, courageous, persistent..)
– Do you think we will suit Bear as young athletes? – Of course, because we also love sports and take part in different sporting events every year.
– Darina, tell us what city sporting event you took part in (with Alyosha together) (Preschool ski track)
– Vanya P., what sporting event did you participate in? (Mom, dad, me - a sports family)
– Mishka asks how you prepare for the competition? (we do physical education classes, do morning exercises every morning)
- And can you show me now?
- Sit down at the tables. Everyone has counting sticks on the table. Let's show Bear what exercises we can do. To do this, let's build a man. (The head is a cardboard circle with drawn parts of the face, the shoulders are one counting stick, the torso, arms, legs are made from two sticks.)
According to the text, the guys change the position of the stick men's arms and legs.
Well, first things first, get up and exercise.
(take starting position)
We begin the warm-up:
We spread our legs wider
Let's spread our arms to the sides
And then we’ll bend our elbows.
Up hand, down hand
It's time for us to sit down
We finish the warm-up:
We straighten our arms and legs!
These exercises can be performed with children as a physical exercise.
– Mishka really liked the exercises, but, unfortunately, he didn’t remember. How can we help Bear? (Make a man out of plasticine)
- Let's blind the person who is doing exercises.
- How will we get the head? (Rolling plasticine with circular movements of the hand)
- How will we get the body? (Rolling plasticine with straight forward and backward movements of the hand)
– Now think about what exercise your person is doing, how you can position the athlete’s arms and legs.
Independent activities of children(musical accompaniment of activities).
Finger gymnastics “Sport”:
We arrived at the stadium
(fingers of both hands “walk” along the surface of the table)
Why do we need it?
(clench and unclench fists)
Can we run here?
(extend fingers, starting with the little finger)
There is a trampoline for jumping,
There is a field for football players
And a skating rink for hockey players.
We can play tennis
Pump up your muscles using exercise machines.
We really need the stadium.
(fingers locked, palms clenched, unclenched)
We have been friends with sports since childhood!
(clap hands)
Managing children's activities(instructions, explanations, individual assistance)
Analysis of sculptures
Everyone come to the exhibition.
Which athlete did you like?
Explain what exercise he is doing. Are the body parts positioned correctly?
What parts of the body do you think the athlete strengthens by performing this exercise?
– What kind of figure do you think is stable? Why? (The parts are correctly connected to each other)