Pack your things to move to another city. How to pack things for moving. How to transport household appliances

In the period from 2014 to 2016, prices for new buildings in Russia dropped significantly, followed by a drop in prices for secondary housing. It is in the last three years that people have become more willing to buy their own housing, moving from rented apartments to their own home.

Moving from a rented apartment to your own home is not only an exciting event in the life of every person, but also a difficult logistical task, the solution of which must be carefully considered. After all, if you approach such an event without a pre-thought-out plan, you can lose a lot of fragile things or damage valuable furniture. To ensure that your belongings move to a new place safe and sound, approach the issue of moving wisely. In this article we will talk about how to properly pack your things when moving.

Selecting packaging

If the theater begins with a hanger, then the move begins with the selection of packaging. Let's look at the minimum required packaging materials needed when moving.

Boxes for packing things

The most important rule is that there are never too many boxes. Try to find or buy enough moving boxes to hold your belongings. It's okay if there are empty boxes left. When folded, it’s just a sheet of corrugated cardboard, and even a pack of 20 of these boxes will take up minimal space in your home.

It is most convenient to use the following boxes for moving:

Multi-colored tape

Moving experts advise using multi-colored tape. The use of multi-colored tape is intended to simplify the process of labeling boxes. Use adhesive tape with a specific color for each room, and you can easily determine when moving which room this box should be taken to. In our online corrugated packaging store you will find adhesive tape in white, red, brown, blue and green colors of various densities and widths.

Multi-colored marker

Above it was written about the convenience of using multi-colored tape to mark things in a certain room. To mark the contents inside the box, use a marker that is the same color as the tape. For example, you packed dishes from the kitchen in a box, write with a red marker about the contents of the box and seal the flaps with red tape. Color coding will allow you to quickly sort the things you need into rooms, and the inscription on the wall of the corrugated box will tell you about the contents.

Preparatory stage

Start your move by packing small, unbreakable items: clothes, books, interior items. Gain experience, and only then start packing fragile items: dishes, furniture and household appliances.

Collect all important things (documents, money, jewelry) in a separate box so you can quickly access them. A small archive box is best suited for this.

Rule of thumb

When packing items in cardboard boxes, do not overload them. A standard corrugated box can support a weight of no more than 15 kg. How can you determine whether a corrugated box can support a packed load if you don’t have scales at hand? Use your right thumb to push the box. If this did not work out, you need to remove some of the things from it.

Step by step: moving sequence

First of all, let’s “take out” the contents of the cabinets. Bed sets, curtains, rugs, blankets and other large-volume fabric items can be placed in plastic bags. The bags should be sealed with tape to prevent dust from getting inside. Label the contents of the bags to quickly find essential items in a new place: towels, bedding.

Clothes and shoes that do not require care can also be placed in plastic bags or boxes with handles. Clothes that require delicate handling must be packed in special boxes for transporting items. These boxes have a rod inside on which you can hang dresses, fur coats and other wardrobe items.

Packing books and documents when moving

To prevent fragile corners of books from being damaged during transportation, books must be wrapped in wrapping paper in stacks. Next, we put the stacks into boxes with handles and securely glue the valves with tape.

When carrying heavy items in boxes (especially books), hold onto the bottom of the box to prevent the flaps from coming unglued under the weight of the load.

It is best to transport documents in archival boxes. They have a solid bottom and strong side walls made of 3 layers of corrugated cardboard. The best way to store documents at home is in archival boxes.

How to fold dishes correctly

Wrap sharp objects in tissue paper, tape them, and place the package in a box. This way you will avoid the risk of injury from sharp objects during transportation.

Particular attention should be paid to packaging fragile glass and ceramic items. Use bubble wrap or polyethylene foam. Wrap each item in one of these materials and place in a cardboard box. If there is free space inside the drawer, be sure to fill it with wrapping paper or newspaper so that the dishes do not “walk” inside. Be sure to write the contents on the flaps of the corrugated box to be more careful when loading.

Wrap pots, pans and other metal utensils in wrapping paper to prevent damage to the enamel and place them in bags.

Packing furniture for moving

To save space in the truck and for ease of loading, it is better to disassemble the furniture. Wrap the disassembled items in corrugated cardboard and wrap them with stretch film on top. This way you are guaranteed to protect the varnished parts from chips and scratches. Place the fittings for the disassembled cabinets in a bag and tape them to the cabinet.

Wrap upholstered furniture with stretch film so as not to tear the upholstery and protect it from dust.

Particular attention should be paid to mirrors and glass interior items. Each of these items must be covered on both sides with sheets of corrugated cardboard, and wrapped on top with bubble wrap and tied with tape.

Transportation of household appliances

Household appliances should be transported last. Be very careful when transporting these items. If you still have the original packaging, place the equipment in it. If you don’t have the original packaging, wrap large household appliances in sheets of corrugated cardboard, wrap the corrugated cardboard with polyethylene foam or bubble wrap. Tie the structure with tape. For small household appliances, you can choose cardboard boxes from our catalog.

Be sure to defrost and dry your refrigerator at least 24 hours before moving.

Start packing for the trip by preparing your containers. More than half of your success depends on how well you put things together. Proper packaging will help you cope with the task. The right one is durable and the right size. In general, the packaging consists of boxes, film with “pimples”, stretchy thin film and kilometers of tape. But ordinary garbage bags are too thin and do not protect against damage. Therefore, if you need a bag, take a high-strength bag, for example, a construction bag.

Continue preparing for your move by creating a packing plan. Designate a place or a separate room where you will take the folded items so that they do not interfere with the collection of the rest.

The boxes should not be too large, the weight of each box is no more than 30 kg, but it is better not to put more than 20 kg into one. The question is not only about the convenience of the movers, but also about the safety of things.

2. Formula for success: honest carrier + powerful movers

No matter how you collect the boxes, too much will depend on the carrier. When choosing, always look at what cars the company offers. If an organization has one type of machine for all occasions, then you can’t count on speed and quality.

To avoid possible misunderstandings, discuss all the details of the upcoming move, including the cost, with the same representative of the transport company. The more contacts there are, the greater the likelihood that something will go wrong somewhere. It would seem an obvious rule, but not everyone follows it.

Ask what the movers can do: for example, if they can assemble furniture. Do not hesitate to clarify the guarantees and ask to be quoted the exact price. Otherwise, you risk agreeing on one amount, and after unloading you will encounter dissatisfied movers who demand to add the same amount.

A typical search for a carrier may take several days. If you don't want the moving price to be exorbitant, you'll have to call several companies and make a comparison table. And it will take time to find truthful reviews about the carrier.

This is a marketplace where you place an order detailing your move, and movers negotiate your order, lowering the price. As a result, the comparison table is compiled by itself, and you transport things with savings of up to 72% compared to the market.

You do not waste time calling and searching for carriers, this is especially true for intercity moves, since not all companies agree to transport many kilometers. Information about the carrier and its work is saved in the service database, so you can immediately decide whether to agree to cooperate or not. The service has already checked the documents of all carriers.

You can be sure that the price offered by the carrier will not change. You will pay exactly what you were offered at the auction.

The “Lucky Everyone” service gave several tips on working with the site that will help you quickly find and select a transport company:

  • Always look at reviews. They are the main indicator of the quality of a carrier’s work.
  • Feel free to bargain. Carriers are ready to meet halfway and give in.
  • Describe the cargo in detail. The accuracy of the price depends on the thoroughness of the description.

Add the website “Everyone is Lucky” to your bookmarks while you read the article. You may need to move suddenly, and the service will be at hand.

3. List of things and signature of boxes

To make it easier to move and not lose anything, collect things from one room into boxes, which you mark with the same color. This will make it easier to find things in a new place.

It is best to stick an inventory on each box indicating exactly what is in it, and make the inventory itself on a sheet of colored paper. Attach the sheet by completely covering the surface with tape. It's time-consuming work, but it's worth your time. And if you assign a number to each box, then it’s much easier to calculate whether everything has been unloaded.

We have prepared sticker templates for large and small boxes for you. Download them, print them and attach them to the boxes. Done, now you don’t have to turn everything upside down looking for some little thing.

4. Load the most valuable items last

One box should contain the most valuable things and documents. You should take her next to you and don’t trust anyone.

Another box should include a supply of essentials that will be useful in the new place. If you are traveling late in the evening and plan to unpack only the next morning, then the box will contain bed linen and toiletries. If you immediately start arranging what you have transported in its place, put your tools there.

Label the box with a sign that says “Last to load, first to open.”

If you are moving long distances, prepare a box with emergency supplies, which will contain everything that will help you survive without other things if the cargo is delayed for some reason. Take this box with you too.

5. Unloading and placement plan

Many people forget about this point. And at the place of arrival it turns out that there is nowhere to put the boxes, the refrigerator does not fit, and after unloading the furniture “pleases” with ragged corners.

So, a few days before moving, prepare the premises for receiving things.

Measure the height and width of all doorways. If they are too narrow or low for the load, you may have to call a professional and temporarily remove the doors and jambs. In any case, wrap the doors with plastic film, otherwise scratches and chips are inevitable. Using the same film and tape, protect the corners of the furniture.

Try to clear all walk-through rooms and corridors of furniture so as not to interfere with unloading. Make a plan of what you will put and where. If you label boxes with different colors, mark these areas in your new apartment.

And be sure to clean up. Nothing should stand in the way of the loaders: a broken vase should be blamed on the worker who did not trip over a rag.

6. Departure at dawn and on weekends

It's tempting to move everything in the morning and spend the day unpacking, or to schedule the move for after work. But it is during these hours that the streets are busy with traffic - you can lose several hours in traffic jams. Therefore, order transportation from companies that are willing to work early in the morning, before traffic starts, or on weekends.

7. Bargain with the carrier, do not skimp on transport

“A friend has a spacious car, and if you load something into yours, you can definitely transport everything in seven to ten flights” - this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

Firstly, do not try to transport large items and furniture in small cars. Even in a pickup truck, you don't have to lug around a refrigerator and cabinet. No, they will not arrive “normally”: household appliances and large furniture are moved according to certain standards. Study, for example, the rules for transporting a refrigerator and check whether the transport company complies with all the conditions.

Secondly, calculate the gas and energy consumption for several flights and say goodbye to saving on the transport company.

Third, consider time and sudden traffic jams.

Order good cargo transport from a reliable company and transport everything in one or two trips. Save not only money, but also nerves.


So, in order to transport all your things without a headache, you need:

  1. Prepare and pack well.
  2. Select a carrier using the “Lucky Everyone” service.
  3. Sign each box.
  4. Place the most important box with necessary items separately.
  5. Prepare the moving location.
  6. Choose a time.
  7. Order suitable transport and move without any problems.

It is better to pack your things in advance to prepare for moving. If it comes to moving from one rented apartment to another, also already furnished, you can start packing things into boxes and bags in a couple of days. If you plan to transport furniture and oversized items, such as when purchasing a new apartment, then you should start packing at least 1-2 weeks in advance.

What you will need when moving

The first thing you need to do when packing is to find a sufficiently large amount of packing material. You can order moving boxes in online stores (at the moment, the delivery time for such materials can be only 2-3 days from the date of order). In addition, you can often ask for cardboard boxes at the supermarket closest to your home, and old things that you no longer plan to wear or old newspapers and magazines can serve as insulating and protective material. In addition, you will need to purchase markers, strong tape that will definitely not come off during transportation, and scissors. You will need a marker to write on each box - this will systematize the process of collecting things and will help when unpacking in a new place. You can also use it to write “Fragile!” on boxes containing particularly valuable items.

Principles of collecting things

It is best to collect things “room by room”. This way, the scope of work will be distributed into several small tasks and will no longer seem exorbitant. In the process of collecting each room, you will probably discover things that are no longer relevant and, if the move was started in advance, you can have time to sell them on special flea market sites or even give them away for free.

Collecting things should be built according to the principle “from heavy to light.” If the move takes place in several stages, you should first transport furniture and heavy household appliances, and only then clothes, dishes and other personal items.

For your own convenience, you should leave one small box or bag for essentials that the family will use on moving day. There may be toothbrushes and toiletries, a change of linen, medications for chronically ill people, and food that is easy to prepare in the absence of most utensils.

It is best to put a folder with documents (passports, birth certificates, documents for an apartment), money, as well as electronic devices that can help in the moving process (phones and tablets) in an everyday bag or backpack that will be carried on you.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 18 minutes


Anyone who has had to move to a new apartment at least once in their life is well aware of the feeling of “prostration” that arises when looking at numerous things in closets, nightstands and shelves. It’s not for nothing that moving is “equal to one fire” - some things are lost, some get broken and broken on the road, and some simply disappear somewhere in an unknown way. There is no need to talk about the amount of effort and nerves expended.

Here are the main secrets of a proper move!

Preparing to move – what to do first?

The most common mistake people make when moving is to pack their things at the last minute. It would seem that “everything will be done in time!”, but - alas and ah - the result of getting ready in the last hours before the car arrives is always equally deplorable.

Therefore, it is better to start preparing in advance.

About a month before the planned move, the most important things to do are:

  • Terminate all contracts (note - with the landlord, with companies providing cable TV, telephone, Internet services, etc.) so that in the new apartment they do not demand money from you for services that continue to be provided in the old one under existing contracts.
  • Throw away everything you don't need , and everything that could interfere with the new owners.
  • Clearly define the moving date , enter into an agreement with the appropriate moving company and inform those who will help you move to a new home.
  • Sell ​​furniture (clothes, washing/sewing machine, other things) that you don’t want to take with you, but which still look quite decent. It’s better not to set high prices, so that later you don’t have to leave these things in the old apartment for free. It’s better to let them “fly away” at a modest price than for no one to buy them at all. And remember: if you haven’t used an item for more than six months, it means you don’t need it—feel free to get rid of it in any convenient way.

One week before moving:

  1. We pack all the things that you will not need in the near future.
  2. Throw away the excess.
  3. We begin to sort out things, food and furniture in the kitchen.
  4. We buy disposable plates/forks to easily remove all dishes from the kitchen.
  5. We connect the Internet to the new apartment so that on the day of the move we don’t frantically call companies for this purpose, running between boxes with a useless router.
  6. We clean carpets and wash curtains (save yourself the effort in a new place), and also rewash items that require it.
  7. We do general cleaning in the new apartment so as not to waste time on it after moving.

The day before the move:

  • We send the children to grandma (friends).
  • Defrosting the refrigerator.
  • We deal with the keys to old and new housing (mailboxes, garages, gates, etc.).
  • We take meter readings (note – we take photographs).
  • We collect the remaining things.

7 secrets of preparing for a move that will make your life and the preparations easier

  • Revision. Moving is a great way to get rid of excess clutter. When you start sorting things to pack them for moving, immediately put a large box “to throw away” or “to give to neighbors.” Surely, you have things (clothes, tiles, lamps, toys, etc.) that you do not need in your new apartment. Give them to those in need and don’t carry extra junk into your new apartment. Toys can be donated to an orphanage, decent items can be sold on appropriate websites, and old blankets/rugs can be taken to a dog shelter.
  • Box with documents. We collect it especially carefully so that we can take it with us in the car on moving day. Place all the documents you have in folders, label them and put them in one box. Naturally, this should not be done the day before the move.
  • Box “1st necessity”. That's how we label it. In this necessary box, when you move, you can easily find a first aid kit, toothbrushes and toilet paper, a set of change of clothes for each family member, the most necessary products (sugar, salt, coffee/tea), towels, pet food and other important things.
  • Box with valuables. Here we put all our gold with diamonds, if any, and other valuable items that are expensive or have other value for you personally. You should also take this box with you (we don’t shove it into the general “pile” in the truck, but take it with us into the cabin).
  • Disassemble the furniture. Don’t rely on chance and don’t be too lazy to take it apart, so as not to cry over a torn sofa, a broken table and chips on a rare chest of drawers. There is no point in disassembling old chipboard furniture and dragging it with you - just give it to your neighbors or leave it near the trash heap (whoever needs it will take it himself).
  • Don't make any major purchases in the week before moving. Don’t stock up on groceries either – it’s extra weight and space in the truck. It is better to replenish the bins in a new place.
  • Prepare food the day before moving day (you won’t have time to cook!) and pack it in a cooler bag. Nothing inspires you in a new place after moving like a delicious dinner.

Collecting and packing things for moving - boxes, bags, tape

It is almost impossible to collect the things that you have accumulated in your old apartment even in 1 year in 1 day.

Therefore, the ideal time to “start” is a week before the move. The most important thing when packing is packaging.

Therefore, we start with boxes and other items for a comfortable move:

  1. Looking for or buying cardboard boxes (preferably durable and with holes for easy carrying). Most often, boxes are given away for free in hypermarkets or local stores (ask store administrators). Assess the volume of your things and take boxes according to this volume. On average, it takes about 20-30 large boxes to pack items from a 2-room apartment in which a large family with pets lives. It is not recommended to take giant boxes - they are inconvenient to carry and difficult to lift, in addition, they often break under the weight of things.
  2. Don't spare money on wide, high-quality tape! You'll need a lot of it, and not just to seal the boxes. And preferably with a dispenser, then the work will go much faster.
  3. Also, you can’t do without cardboard “spacers” (newspaper, wrapping paper), twine, regular stretch film and a pack of clear bags.
  4. Special film with “pimples” , which everyone loves to click, we buy in large quantities.
  5. Multi-colored markers and stickers will also help.
  6. To pack furniture you will need thick fabric (old sheets, curtains, for example), as well as thick film (like for greenhouses).
  7. For heavy items we select bags and suitcases (the boxes may not be able to support them), or we put the weights in small and strong boxes, and then carefully secure them with tape and twine.

General work plan:

  • We reinforce all boxes with good tape, paying special attention to the bottom of the container. You can also make handles from it if there are no holes on the boxes themselves (or you can make these holes yourself with a stationery knife).
  • We allocate a separate room (or part of it) for packed items.
  • We buy a notebook for notes, where there will be all the information on accounts, movers, counters and the things themselves.

On a note:

If you wear suits, you'll be glad to know that there are cardboard "closets" for safely transporting expensive items directly on hangers.

How to move and not forget anything - lists of things, labeling boxes and much more

In order not to spend a painfully long time looking for clothespins or tights in all the boxes in a new apartment, which no one ever sorts right away (usually this takes from a week to a month, and for those who are especially lucky, up to a year), Use the rules of proper packing:

  • We mark the boxes with stickers and markers. For example, red for the kitchen, green for the bathroom, etc. Don't forget to duplicate each box in a notepad.
  • Be sure to put a number on the box (on each side of the box, so that later you don’t have to turn it around looking for the number!) and duplicate it in a notebook along with a list of things. If you are not shy about movers and are not afraid that “things will be stolen,” then the list of things can be glued to the box. In your notebook you should have all the boxes with all the lists of things. Numbering the boxes is also useful because in a new place it will be easier for you to check whether all things have been brought into the apartment.
  • Lifehack: To avoid searching for clothespins and washing powder, pack them directly into the drum of the washing machine. Tea and sugar can be placed in a teapot, and a pack of coffee can be placed in a box with a Turkish coffee grinder. You can put bedding, bowls and pet food in a cat carrier. And so on, with other things.
  • When storing wires from equipment and gadgets, try not to confuse them. In a separate box - a scanner with wires, in another - a computer with its own wires, in separate packages there are phones and other gadgets - each with its own charger. If you are afraid of getting confused, immediately take a photo of the area where the wires connect to the equipment. This cheat sheet can make your life easier after moving.
  • Ship bed linen separately with towels and blankets and pillows.
  • Don't forget to have a separate box for tools. and small things necessary for repairs, you will need it almost immediately after moving.

Apartment moving – preparing furniture for transportation

Don’t rely on “strong” furniture and “caring” movers.

If your furniture is dear to you, then take care of its safety before moving.

  • Everything that comes apart is disassembled, packaged and labeled. For example, we disassemble a table into parts, pack each one in special thick paper or cardboard (bubble wrap is ideal), and mark each part with the letter “C” (table). We put the accessories from the table into a separate bag, twist it and secure it to one of the parts. It’s ideal if you can secure all the parts together or put them in narrow boxes. Don't forget the instructions! If they are still there, put them in a bag with accessories to make it easier to assemble the furniture later. Place keys for furniture and other tools for quick assembly in the “1st necessity” box (described above).
  • We wrap sofas and armchairs with thick fabric , cover with thick film on top and wrap with tape. We do the same with mattresses.
  • We wrap all handles on doors and drawers with cling film or foam rubber. so as not to scratch other things.
  • If you don’t take out the drawers from the chest of drawers (desk) , then be sure to secure them so that they do not fall out when carrying. Also fix all the doors on the furniture - on the kitchen, etc.
  • All glass and mirrors must be removed from the furniture and packaged separately. . They are usually the first to break if owners leave them in closets.

If you are sending things to another city by container, then pay special attention to packing furniture and boxes!

Moving to a new apartment and pets – what do you need to remember?

Of course, the ideal option is to send pets and children to relatives during the move. Firstly, it will be easier for parents, and secondly, it will protect children and young animals from accidental injuries.

But if this is not possible, then use the “memo” on moving with pets:

  1. Don't swear at your pets. For them, moving in itself is stressful. Their attention to things and boxes is quite natural. Don't swear or shout. Don't forget that they won't feed themselves.
  2. While collecting and running around with boxes, give the little animals something that can distract them – a separate box for cats (they love them), toys, bones for dogs.
  3. In advance (a couple of weeks), resolve all issues with the veterinarian, if any. Update the information on the chip (approx. phone number, address).
  4. To transport fish: pour the water from the aquarium into a bucket with a ventilated lid (transplant the fish there too), and transfer the vegetation from it to another container, adding the same water. Place the soil in bags. The aquarium itself - rinse, dry, wrap in bubble wrap.
  5. For transporting birds: We wrap the cage with cardboard, and on top with warm and dense material (birds are afraid of drafts).
  6. Rodents can be transported in their own cages , but it is recommended to insulate them if it is too cold outside. In hot weather, on the contrary, choose a place for transportation that will not be too hot and stuffy (so that the animals do not suffocate).
  7. Don't feed dogs and cats right in front of the road , be sure to walk the dogs, and remove the drinking bowls during transportation - or, if it’s hot, replace them with wet sponges.
  8. For cats and small dogs, it is better to use hard carriers. Naturally, it is not recommended to transport them to a new home in the cargo compartment of a car. The best option is to transport pets on your lap.

And don’t forget to take a couple of days off to move and unload your things in the new place. Moving after work is an ordeal.

The site site thanks you for your attention to the article! We will be very pleased if you share your feedback and tips in the comments below.

It’s not at all easy to move from a long-established place and move your favorite sofa and other furnishings to a new apartment, sometimes located hundreds of kilometers away. You will inevitably think about how to make sure that during transportation nothing gets damaged, broken, lost or broken.

You can, of course, trust professionals from special services, but many people like to do it themselves. And the reason is not only cost savings. If you know how to properly lay and pack things, the chances that losses during the transportation of things will be minimized will increase sharply.

You can learn more about what we need to pack household items from the previous article. Today we will talk about how to pack this or that item specifically. And let's start with fragile items that require special care and attention when handling.

There are always a lot of things in the house that require special preparation and packaging for moving.

Tip: Boxes with fragile and breakable items should be provided with warning signs: “Glass!”, “Caution, fragile!” and mark where the top and bottom of the boxes are.

TV and monitor packaging

Modern plasma and LCD TVs, unlike older models with glass screens, are especially sensitive to shock. To prevent anything from happening, you need to follow some rules when packing them.

The best way to transport a TV, or any household appliance, is in its original packaging, secured in a box with foam or wrapped in bubble wrap and filling all empty spaces with newspapers or soft things.

But few of us keep boxes from purchased household appliances. Therefore, we proceed as follows:

  • We wrap the TV in air bubble wrap, while on the screen side we make an additional seal of film in three layers, using tape to secure it. Then we pack it in corrugated cardboard.
  • You need to transport the TV in an upright position, with the screen facing a large, flat surface and placing something soft between them, for example a blanket, but without knots or folds.

Transporting an aquarium

The main condition for transporting the inhabitants of the aquarium is to create normal conditions, that is, the usual temperature. To do this, the fish must be placed in a container with a tight lid and water taken from the aquarium.

Separately, we are preparing a fish house for moving. Its walls, outside and inside, are first lined with cardboard and secured with tape. Then it is completely wrapped in bubble wrap, which is also fixed.

Packing the paintings

Transportation of paintings, especially valuable and old ones, requires special care so as not to damage the base canvas and the paint layer. Everything is important here: you need to eliminate the effects of temperature fluctuations and dust penetration, ensure the necessary air humidity (too dry or excessively humid air is equally harmful to paints).

It is best to transport the painting in a specialized container, having first freed it from the frame. If there is none, it can be packed in fairly thick paper and wrapped with bubble wrap on top. Do not stick tape directly to the surface of the canvas with paints.

The frame is packaged separately with the corners protected from impacts and in a vertical position. In addition, paintings can be packed in twos, with the front side inward, with cardboard or a thick layer of paper placed between them so as not to scratch the paintwork.

How to pack dishes, vases, crystal and other fragile items?

There are always many objects in the house that are easy to break and break. When transporting fragile items, it is important to prevent their contact with each other, the presence of voids in the box and the mobility of objects in it. To wrap them, you can use crumpled newspapers, wrapping paper, towels, old magazines (sheets can be placed between plates and wine glasses and mugs can be wrapped in them), scarves, socks, and hats.

The inside of the box can be divided into separate sections according to the size of the items, into which they are placed one at a time, pre-wrapped in bubble wrap or paper. The remaining free space in the box and its upper part must be filled with crumpled newspapers, soft things, towels, closed and sealed with tape.

Be sure to write with a bright marker that the box contains fragile items.

Porcelain figurines, delicate glass and crystal glasses can be packed in plastic containers, after wrapping each item separately with cling film, paper, or placing the fragile item in a sock (a very effective method).

As for the plates, it is recommended to transport them by wrapping each one separately in packaging material in an upright position and separating one from the other with a piece of cardboard. In a car in which things are transported, boxes with dishes must be placed so that they do not move while driving. You can't put anything on top of them.

Chandelier packaging

If this is possible, then the chandelier needs to be disassembled, the shades and all breakable items removed from it and packaged separately. If this cannot be done, the chandelier should be wrapped in protective film and placed in a box according to size. All voids are compacted as much as possible to ensure its immobility during transportation.

We transport mirrors and glass

Thick cardboard is fixed to the front side of the mirror and the whole thing is completely wrapped in bubble wrap, which is secured with tape. During transportation, the mirror should not move, and something soft should be placed under the packaging.

Glass of the same size (for example, furniture shelves or doors) can be sandwiched between each other with cardboard, paper, or newspapers. Then cover everything together with cardboard and wrap it in packaging film or thick fabric, tie it tightly or secure it with tape.

Most often, we leave our “green friends” in their old place or give them to friends and neighbors. Agree, providing them with proper transportation (especially in winter, and even to another city) is very troublesome and requires time, which is always lacking in the pre-move bustle.

But, if the distance is short or you don’t want to part with a rare or very favorite specimen, you can try to organize their transportation.


  • Observe the temperature regime (in winter, flowers need to be transported in a cabin or a warm van).
  • There is no need to water flowers and plants before loading.
  • Pots with small plants can be transported in standard boxes, divided into cells by partitions so that they do not hit each other during transportation. For tall plants, you can glue the box to the height of the plant and wrap it in film.

Packaging of household appliances

Refrigerators, microwave ovens, washing machines and dishwashers are packaged in approximately the same way and require special care.

Let's look at packaging using the example of a refrigerator. It is advisable to defrost and wash the refrigerator a day before moving. In order not to damage the internal surface when tilting and carrying, you need to remove containers, shelves, and all removable parts from it (or fix it inside) and pack them separately.

Also remove the power cord and securely fix the door. Cover the walls of the refrigerator with thin cardboard and wrap with stretch film in 1-2 layers or bubble wrap in 1 layer. The compressor (power unit of the refrigerator) must be secured with special bolts during transportation (in modern models these bolts cannot be removed).

Important: when choosing a car for moving, focus on the tallest object in your apartment. Most often this is a refrigerator, which is recommended to be transported in a vertical position (transportation on its side or in a horizontal position can lead to its breakage).

Care should also be taken when transporting the washing machine. Before packing it, you must disconnect the hoses and drain the water. It is better to cover the back part with foam rubber and seal it with wide tape. If possible, secure the drum with fastening screws, and during the move it can be protected from loosening by filling it with soft toys, sheets, and towels. The machine should be packed in bubble wrap and then wrapped with 1-2 layers of stretch film.

We pack small household appliances in boxes according to size, pre-wrapped in packaging film or lined with soft cloth. In a microwave oven, you must first fix the glass tray inside. It is recommended that you back up important data before packing your computer for moving. The monitor should be packed in the same way as the TV. When packing household appliances, we focus on the manufacturer’s recommendations. We mark the top and bottom of the box and the front of the product.

How to transport furniture?

Inspect all the furniture in advance and decide what you will transport. It may make sense to get rid of some bulky old things, even because old furniture that has seen wear and tear may simply fall apart when reassembled after moving.

The next step is to determine what of the remaining furniture can be disassembled and what will have to be transported entirely. Walls, beds, tables, large sofas and wardrobes need to be dismantled. This way they will take up less space during transportation and will easily fit through the doorway.

Place all small parts, spare parts, fasteners, fittings, bolts, screws, keys and handles in separate bags, sign what furniture they belong to, and put them in a separate box (do not attach them to a package with disassembled furniture (they may come off and get lost) during transportation) with the inscription “accessories”.

There you can also put the necessary tools for assembling furniture in a new apartment - screwdrivers, pliers, universal wrenches, screws, nails.

Panels, shelves, doors of collapsible furniture need to be folded equal sides one to one, lined with cardboard or other packaging material, wrapped with film, sheets of corrugated cardboard and secured with tape, making handles for carrying. Number and make appropriate notes in your notebook. Fragile parts of furniture, corners, protruding parts additionally need to be glued with tape or special sponge rubber.

Wrap sofas, armchairs, small cabinets and anything that cannot be taken apart (after securing the doors and drawers and removing all protruding parts and handles) with stretch film and secure with tape to protect from dirt, dust and scratches.

It is advisable to number the dismantled shelves and drawers so that they can be hung or inserted in the same order.

For convenience, all boxes and packages with disassembled furniture can be equipped with adhesive tape handles.

How to transport books?

Books are a separate issue when moving. They are the heaviest. And the transport company will first of all charge you money for weight. If possible, review the contents of your library and keep what is most valuable, important and dear to you. Some books can be given to the library or given to friends.

It is convenient to transport books in boxes. But here, as in the case of dishes, if you pack them in large boxes, they can turn out to be too heavy to lift and even fall apart.

There is an unspoken rule regarding the weight of a packed box - the “rule of thumb”. If you can move a box full of stuff with your thumb, you're good. If not, transfer some of the things from it to another package. If in kilograms, the approximate weight of the packed box should not be more than 30 kg.

You can put books in trash bags or sacks (accumulated T-shirt bags from stores will do). To do this, books in small piles need to be placed in a bag and wrapped with tape, making a wide improvised handle for convenience. You can also pack photo albums, music CDs, and video cassettes.

How to pack clothes, shoes, textiles, bedding?

Once your clothes are sorted by season, they can be packed into travel bags, suitcases, large bags, trunks and sealed bags. To save space, winter clothes, duvets, pillows and other bulky items can be transported in vacuum bags. It is also convenient to transport bedding, clothes, textiles, curtains in plastic bags, and shoes in boxes.

Packaging of household chemicals

When transporting powders, shampoos, gels and other household chemicals, they must be placed in a separate box. To prevent leakage, the lids should be sealed with tape and the bottles with liquid should be placed vertically separately in plastic bags. Such boxes must be marked with the word “Top”. The same rules apply to various varnishes, paints and other flammable substances.

Boxes with essentials

For the first time, you need to collect several boxes with things that you will need immediately after moving. And it’s very convenient if they all lie together.

  • Everything you need for cleaning: bucket, rags, broom, vacuum cleaner, mop, paper towels, detergents.
  • Food and kitchen utensils. These are various kitchen utensils - a kettle, a saucepan, a frying pan, a microwave oven, knives, plates, cups, forks, spoons according to the number of household members. Stationary utensils can be temporarily replaced with disposable ones. Take a set of products from which you can quickly prepare something: tea, coffee, cereal, milk, sugar, instant porridge, eggs, salt.
  • Clothes and. For each family member, two sets of clothes are enough (from underwear, socks to pajamas). Sleeping accessories: blankets, sheets, pillows, bedding sets.
  • For bathroom. Everything you constantly use in the bathroom: towels, toothbrushes, shampoo, razor, toothpaste, soap, cosmetics, toilet paper, hair dryer.
  • For children. In a separate box, put food for small children (if they are participating in the move), sufficient supplies to care for them, and favorite books and toys.
  • For animals. If your family has animals, you also need to take care of them and prepare food, cat litter, and eating utensils in a separate package.

These boxes of essentials should be made the most visible, for example, with a bright "Open First" sign and stacked separately from the rest.

I carry everything I have with me

Documents, valuables, communication equipment (phone, laptop, chargers), jewelry and bank cards should not be sent with the transport company. All this should always be at hand in a separate safe bag or box and transported personally. You should also keep the necessary medications and first aid supplies with you.

  • Don't put off packing your things until the last few days. Do this in advance, systematically and thoughtfully. For example, in order not to be too overloaded, pack five boxes a day, label and number them, write down the list of things and the number in a notebook. And leave the packed boxes in the same room for the time being.
  • The sequence of actions during packaging is the key to success. You can start with anything. But still, it would be more correct to first pack all the things that are in the closets and on the mezzanine (clothes, books, bed linen), thereby preparing the furniture and equipment for subsequent disassembly and packaging.
  • Small kitchen drawers can be transported with their contents by wrapping them with bubble wrap on top and securing them with tape.
  • Item compatibility. You should not put books, clothes, oily substances, dyes, household chemicals, food products in one box, even if there is still enough space in it. And remove fragile things away from sharp objects.
  • Good packing. No doubt, bubble wrap and packs of polystyrene foam are a good opportunity to protect things from dirt, dust and damage. But you can save a little by using some of your home clothes, socks, washcloths, towels, soft toys, scarves, hats and mittens as packaging material when transporting fragile items. The savings are double - money will not be spent on a huge amount of special packaging, and some clothes will not require an additional box or bag.
  • To transport especially valuable items and if you are concerned that things may get wet, you can use durable plastic containers of different sizes.
  • Try to pack as many items as possible into the box - this will reduce the number of packages without overloading the box with weight. First, the heavier items are placed in the box, and the lighter items are placed in the upper part. For greater strength, the bottom of the box needs to be further strengthened by gluing it with tape.
  • Always have scissors, bags, packing tape and tape at the ready. If any packaging is opened or torn during loading, it can be quickly restored.

If you do not treat moving and changing your place of residence as if it were a natural disaster, a flood, a fire or a tsunami, you can even enjoy the process. Moreover, having thoroughly prepared and properly organized your relocation, everything can go quite smoothly, without nervous shock and confusion. And moving can be an interesting event that will bring something new to your established life.