Is it possible to bring water in hand luggage onto the plane? Is it possible to take water on a plane? Why can’t you bring it?

Beginning tourists are in some panic before their first plane flight. What can you take on a plane?, and what needs to be checked in luggage? What is the allowed weight of hand luggage? Etc. Sometimes ignorance of such little things can greatly overshadow your vacation. Especially if you travel far and with children. Here we publish a list of things that we update and supplement every year.

In the photo: you can take luggage no more than 5-7 kg on the plane

It is better to check most things in luggage. On the plane to hand luggage take things to a minimum. It’s better to put everything in a small backpack or bag that can be placed next to the seat.

Don't bring a lot of stuff on a plane unless you want to engage in gladiatorial battles with other passengers for space in the overhead bins.

In the photo: take only the essentials with you on the plane

List of things you can take on a plane

  1. Take on the plane the most important things for your vacation - documents and money.
  2. Take a sweater on the plane. If you fly in just a T-shirt, you might freeze. When landing, the cabin is hot, then the air conditioning is turned on and the inexperienced spend the rest of the flight dreaming only of blankets (which for some reason are always in short supply).
  3. Tablet or laptop. You have to have some fun while flying. With a laptop you can scroll through and watch movies.
  4. Mobile phone, smartphone.
  5. Headphones and a “double” for headphones – there’s no need to irritate your opponents with the sounds of punk rock.
  6. An inflatable neck pillow - it will be more comfortable to sleep with it... on your neighbor’s shoulder.
  7. Of course, keep the camera with you, otherwise the photos will only turn out in the “kaleidoscope” style.

In the photo: what you can take on the plane if you are with a child
  1. Baby food for baby. If you take fruit puree and yoghurts, take smaller packages.
  2. Lots of wet wipes... two or three million is enough :)
  3. A tablet, a laptop with cartoons and coloring books - you need to somehow entertain the child throughout the flight.
  4. Keep the essentials at hand! Except for liquids over 100 ml.

18 things that you have no right to refuse to transport

When flying on Russian airlines, keep in mind that in addition to hand luggage on the plane, you can take with you items included in the list of Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR). For free! This list includes 18 things: a handbag, a folder for papers, a briefcase, outerwear, an umbrella, a cane, baby food, telephone, laptop, camera, video camera, backpack, bouquet of flowers, printed materials, baby cradle. The weight and dimensions of the items are not specified. They have no right to refuse you to carry these items in your hand luggage!

List of what not to take on a plane

In the photo: you will be allowed on the plane without sharp objects or unidentified liquids.

1. You can't take it on a plane any liquids in containers larger than 100 ml. Liquids also include lotions, creams, toothpaste, perfumes, hair gels, oils, liquid products, etc. The total volume of liquids can be no more than 1000 ml. During inspection, open bottles with syrups and drinks over 100 ml will be taken away, except for packaged bottles from Duty Free.

2. Caviar in jars, canned food over 100 ml. If you hid a large jar of caviar on the path, then you will feed the entire inspection group.

3. Any sharp objects, even souvenirs or imitation. If you bought a souvenir samurai sword, choose the cutest employee and give it to him. Screwdrivers, knives, scissors and similar tools, as well as knitting needles, corkscrews, etc. – put everything in your luggage. By the way, most airports prohibit even bringing nail scissors on board.

4. Weapons. Do not attempt to board with or imitate it.

5. Pressurized containers, including shaving foam and deodorants, are not allowed on the plane.

6. Some airlines will not allow you to board the plane with your beloved cat and dog. If you really need to fly together, the animals are placed in an isolation room in the luggage compartment for the duration of the flight. Please check with each airline for details.

We have compiled complete and current list what you can and cannot take on a plane - both in hand luggage and in checked luggage. Plus a separate paragraph about medications.

Many travelers, when going on vacation or going home, do not know what they can take on the plane, and they worry that customs officers will force them to throw away the things they took with them or bought as gifts. To prevent this from happening, follow these simple rules:

  • learn the rules import/export of items into/from the country so that there are no problems with law enforcement agencies (for example, corals cannot be exported from Egypt and a number of other countries unless they are purchased in a store);
  • Please read before your flight airline baggage and hand luggage rules with which you are flying - each company may have individual rules (usually a bag weighing from 5 to 10 kg is allowed in hand luggage);
  • if you are afraid of being overweight and do not want to pay extra for luggage, weigh the bag first on the scales or find a measuring stand at the airport;
  • remember that many airlines allow you to carry such things as an umbrella, cane, crutches, equipment, stroller, outerwear, etc. in hand luggage - this will help you if you are overweight (check the list of things with your airline);
  • hand over most things in luggage, and take only the essentials on board the plane - this way you won’t have to fight with your neighbors for luggage space in the plane cabin;
  • Do not check in valuable and fragile things (documents and equipment) as luggage - sometimes luggage gets lost and fragile things break. It is better to put the appropriate Fragile marking on fragile items (although in Russia they often do not pay attention to this and do not stand on ceremony with luggage).

What not to take on board a plane

1. Liquids, gels, aerosols

Everyone knows (and many people are scared by it) about the restrictions on carrying liquids, gels, creams and aerosols in hand luggage. Restrictions apply to: water, drinks, pastes (including toothpaste), creams, oils, perfumes, lotions, sprays, gels, pressurized cans (including deodorants), mascara and other substances. There is no need to be alarmed: the transportation of these substances is permitted, but subject to certain conditions.

The main thing to remember is volume one containers with liquid should not exceed 100 ml. All this should ideally be packaged in a special transparent plastic bag with a special zipper with a capacity of no more than 1 liter. Indeed, why would you need, for example, 250 ml shower gel in the cabin of an airplane? Therefore, carefully consider what you take on board with you. If you still need the notorious shower gel, it’s easier to check it in your luggage and not bother. Also remember that each passenger is entitled to have only one such bag as hand luggage.

Remember that a bottle with a volume of, for example, 200 ml, only a quarter full, will be counted as 200 ml.

If you already have an open bottle of drink (it doesn’t matter whether it’s water or yogurt), it will be taken away. It is better to buy drinks after inspection - at duty free. The purchase must be packaged in a branded bag and sealed.

The exceptions are baby food and medicines.

Where is it calm and safe? Take a look - we compared countries by natural disasters, wars and terrorism, peacefulness and attitude towards tourists.

(photo © msmail /

2. Any piercing or cutting objects

You cannot take needles, corkscrews, knives, scissors, knitting needles, penknives, etc. on the plane. It is better to check all this in your luggage so as not to buy it at your destination. Even seemingly innocent things like a nail file and nail scissors can arouse the suspicion of the security service.

3. Weapons and imitation weapons

We think that this point will not surprise anyone - for security reasons, no one will let you board the plane with a weapon. In addition, if you bought your child a toy gun and he does not want to part with it during the flight, alas, there will be problems. You will not be allowed into the cabin with an imitation weapon - you will either have to check it in as baggage or throw it away. I witnessed how at customs a child’s water pistol was taken away and thrown away.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol is allowed for transportation only in luggage (export and import standards alcoholic products depend on the countries you are flying from and arriving at). The exception is alcohol purchased in duty-free or on board an airplane.

5. Other items

Before your flight, we advise you to refer to the official website of your airline and the laws of the country you are flying to and see what you cannot take on board the plane according to their rules - this may be related to quarantine or some events in the country. For example, in Russia in the winter and spring of 2014, absolutely all liquids were prohibited from being carried in hand luggage due to the terrorist threat during the Olympics held in Sochi.

(photo © Lotus Carroll /

What to take on a plane

Here I will list those items that can not only be taken on board the plane in hand luggage, but are also necessary - they may be useful to you, help you pass the time, or taking them with you will be safer than checking them in as luggage.

First, it's worth taking every electronic gadget you have on the plane to make sure everything is safe and sound. In addition, if you have to spend a lot of time on the flight, they will brighten up your flight hours: you can watch a movie on your laptop, listen to music on your player, read on your tablet, and take a picture of the view from the window.

2. Documents and money

Of course, documents and money are another important point that should not be forgotten. Imagine what would happen if they were left in luggage that was lost? Therefore, you need to take money and documents with you into the cabin of the plane and keep them with you. And without the main documents (for example, a passport), you will not be able to pass border control and will not be allowed to access your luggage.

3. Warm clothes

It’s worth taking a sweater or light jacket, socks, trousers on the plane - whatever else you need. By the end of a nine-hour flight under air conditioning, you will feel stiff, because sometimes on planes there are not enough blankets for everyone. Fortunately, this has become rare lately, but for those who are constantly cold, this advice is relevant :)

(photo © Amy Dianna /

Read detailed instructions about what medications you should definitely take on the road: .

Take the minimum set of vital necessary medications- for allergies, if any, for motion sickness, light painkillers (analgesics) and antipyretics. Especially if you are sick - remedies for a runny nose, for example, or a cough. Read below about what medications you can take on a plane.

5. Wet wipes

Wet wipes are something you should definitely take on a plane. What if you drop a piece of fatty food on yourself? And if you are flying with a child, then this is the first thing you need to take. In addition, you can use them to disinfect your hands before eating or simply “wash” without getting up - to refresh the skin of your face, neck and hands.

6. Inflatable pillow

If the flight is long, it will help avoid neck pain and ensure comfortable sleep.

7. I'm going

You can take food on the plane! Some people don't get enough of what they get on planes, or they don't like the food, or they simply waste their meals (this is especially true on long night flights), or they have a long layover, and everything at the airport is very expensive... Reasons There are many reasons why you should take food on a plane.

If you are flying with a low-cost airline, remember that they will not feed you for free. It is better to take food on the plane that is not prohibited for import into the country you are flying (animal products are often prohibited).

Read our detailed master class on packing for a trip: .

(photo © Elmar Bajora Photography /

What medications can you take on a plane?

What medications can you take on a plane? We think this question worries many passengers who have heard about the strictness of the inspection procedure.

So, you can take it in your hand luggage on an airplane liquid medicines(sprays, drops, syrups) with a volume of no more than 100 ml and packaged in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper with a volume of no more than 1 liter. That is, drops in the nose - no problem. With tablets the situation is a little more complicated.

If you are flying abroad, potent drugs (with psychotropic and narcotic components) must be declared and prescriptions must be presented. English language or the language of the country of destination and receipts from the pharmacy.

What are potent drugs? These are strong painkillers, sleeping pills, psychotropic drugs, drugs for weight control and appetite reduction. In general, it is better to consult in advance with the consulate of the country of arrival about which drugs cannot be imported into the country, since drugs that are freely sold in Russia may be prohibited in other countries.

It is advisable that the medications be in their original packaging with instructions.

What medications can you take on a plane?: antipyretics, adsorbents, analgesics, sprays and drops for the common cold, antiallergenic, anti-motion sickness, bandages, plaster, iodine and brilliant green in a pencil.

Naturally, if you take large doses of medication with you into the cabin, this will arouse suspicion and you will have to prove to customs officers that you need exactly that amount of medication for the duration of the flight, and show a doctor’s prescription.

(photo © eblaser /

What is prohibited from taking on a plane?

Well, of course, those things that are strictly prohibited to take on a plane (cannot be taken either in hand luggage or carried in luggage) include:

  • magnetized substances;
  • explosives;
  • weapons and ammunition;
  • poisonous and poisonous substances;
  • flammable liquids;
  • flammable solids;
  • radioactive materials;
  • compressed and liquefied gases;
  • toxic substances;
  • caustic and corrosive substances;
  • oxidizing substances and organic peroxides.

This is where the recommendations on what you can and cannot take on a plane end. If you have oversized or non-standard luggage, animals or other exceptional cases, contact airline representatives - they will always help you.

Introductory image source: © supermuch /

Often, when going on a trip, people do not have time to study for a long time and painstakingly all the nuances of the rules for transporting luggage and going through customs inspection. As a result, the trip may be ruined due to a misunderstanding or possession of false data.

How much liquid can you carry on a plane in 2020? Let's get acquainted with the current data so as not to lose personal belongings during inspection.

Just a couple of years ago the rules were very democratic. Increased incidence of drinking alcoholic drinks on the ship and the creation of a dangerous situation, terrorist attacks - all this led to a tightening of the policies of air carriers.

The carriage of liquids on an airplane is regulated by each airline at its own discretion. It involves restrictions on the volume of bottles. The next criterion is sealed packaging. Liquids should not spill out; they should be isolated from common things.

The last criterion is what is meant by the term liquid? This is not only water, so let’s look at the list in more detail.

What is considered a liquid

For the aviation industry, the concept of liquid has a broad meaning. For many travelers, it becomes a discovery what a large list the term includes, in addition to well-known drinks. Examples:

  • Dairy products: kefir, yoghurts, milk, sour cream, etc.;
  • Alcohol;
  • Perfumes, colognes, deodorants with aerosols;
  • Toothpaste, creams, mascara;
  • Soft cheeses. For example, curd cheese, feta;
Note! Even if a tin can is 2/3 solid, it will be classified as a liquid.

Liquid transportation standards

In hand luggage

Carry-on luggage includes a bag containing the passenger's personal belongings. It has a certain size and weight, usually no more than 10 kg and is marked with a special tag.

Most airlines limit the carriage of liquids to one liter per person. For a separate tube, the volume is no more than 100ml.

If a passenger takes a 200-300 ml tube, but it is one third used, they will need to pack the tube in their luggage or not take it with them on the trip. Carriage rules do not allow such an item to be allowed on board.

Many travelers wonder what standards to follow - Russian or international? In fact, when going to any country, you should only focus on the carrier company and check their requirements for bringing liquids onto the ship.

There are separate rules for baby food: a mother can take any number of jars as needed during the flight. Their volume and total weight of luggage is not limited. In this case, the child must be under two years old for the family to fall under the rule.

All food that the mother takes on board must be consumed. Dry mixes do not belong to the category of liquid substances. You can breed them on board by asking the flight attendant for boiling water.

Note! Liquid formulas and purees for a child are considered personal items and not carry-on luggage.

In checked baggage

You are allowed to check in an unlimited number of bottles of liquid in your luggage. All creams, shampoos and other products of suitable consistency are placed in the suitcase in the quantity required by the passenger.

This rule is provided due to the fact that during inspection at the airport, luggage passes on a belt under X-ray radiation. Employees can see all the substances being transported and make sure that the passenger is not carrying anything dangerous or prohibited.

There is a restriction for the import of alcoholic beverages in Russia - no more than three liters of liquid per person in airplane luggage.

From Duty Free

This is a free trade zone without tax duties. Buying goods in Duty Free, the 100 ml tube limit does not apply.

It is allowed to purchase necessary things, be it perfume or alcohol, without restrictions. The main thing is not to exceed the total volume of hand luggage when calculating the volume of purchases.

Items purchased in this area must be separately sealed. In addition, they should not be unpacked until after the flight. When transferring and passing through control, they will be subject to standard rules transportation of liquids if they are opened.

Note! In some European countries It is prohibited to import goods purchased in a free economic trade zone outside the European Union.

A separate item is the transportation of caviar. It is also considered a liquid, and is subject to such restrictions of one hundred milliliters. The peculiarity is that the product can be transported within the country in a larger plastic container. But it’s better to put the caviar in the luggage compartment.

For export abroad, customs regulations apply. Forbidden:

  • Export more than 250 grams of black caviar from the country;
  • Export more than 5 kg of red;
  • You can import no more than 125 grams of the product into European countries.

When purchasing alcoholic beverages in the free trade zone, they can be checked in as luggage. The purchased volume of liquid will be accepted onto the plane with the following restrictions:

Important! The purchased product must have a factory label.

List of permitted liquids

Such liquids include substances that do not pose a danger during flight. Hazardous substances include gasoline, lighter fluid and others. Allowed liquids include:

  • Water;
  • Juices;
  • Syrups;
  • Jam, honey, confiture;
  • Baby food;
  • Creams, gels;
  • Perfume;
  • Alcohol products (with volume standards);
  • Medications;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Mascara, eyeliner, concealer;
  • Canned food and jams, compotes;
  • Shower gels, shampoos;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Pressurized containers with deodorant or shaving foam, hairspray;
  • Other substances with similar consistency.

Liquid medicines

For medications, the requirement to bring into the salon in a volume of no more than 100 ml per tube remains.

A special feature of the use of medicines on board is the strict requirements for the composition of the substance. If there is a narcotic ingredient, it is necessary to confirm with a doctor’s certificate with a clinic stamp or a prescription that the passenger has the right to take the drug.

It may also be allowed to bring several packages of medications into the salon if there is documentary evidence of the need for use. In this case, the limit of 100 ml per bottle is removed.

Important: it is prohibited to transfer medications into other bottles before the flight!

They should be in the original packaging as this makes it easier for airport staff to check. They should easily identify the composition and name. If you do transfer to a separate container, go to security well in advance of your flight and notify them.

General standards:

  • When flying to another country, a certified translation of a doctor's or hospital's certificate into English is required.
  • Find out in advance information about the legality of transported medicines in another country. For example, Corvalol and Valocordin are prohibited in a number of European countries.
  • It is not allowed to transport medicinal aerosols in cans. The only exception is upon presentation of a certificate from the hospital or from the attending physician with a translation into English.

In the absence of a prescription for a medicine that exceeds the volume or is prohibited for transportation without documents, customs officers have the right to take punitive measures against the passenger. If there are narcotic substances in the medicine, authorized persons will initiate a criminal case.

Allowed to be carried in more dietary food. The same requirements are established for it as for drugs: present a certificate from a doctor about the need to use the product for the purpose of treatment.

How to pack liquids correctly

When packing items for carry-on luggage, you should pack liquids in a separate transparent bag. Most often they are made of plastic. It is better to purchase a bag with a tightly fastened zipper.

Products can be purchased at office supply stores or received free of charge at the airport counter during security screening.

The package sizes are approximately 20x20 cm, but it is better to check the specific parameters with your air carrier.

For containers, it is better to purchase separate bottles marked with the volume to avoid disputes. If you are using the original bottle, check that all the numbers are clearly visible.

Here are common situations and tips that can help a traveler when planning a flight.

For lovers of aquarium fish, transporting them will not be difficult: they can be transported in the cabin by first pouring 50 ml into an individual container or plastic bag. Then place them in a container.

You don’t have to worry about the safety of the fish, as they will survive the flight for up to a day.

Where can I get containers smaller than 100 ml?

  • Save containers of shampoos and hair conditioners that are given out in hotels;
  • Many cosmetic companies give away mini-sets with the necessary tubes with your purchase, or they can be found on the open market;
  • Buy a universal “flight” kit for travel or a set of liquid containers and fill them with your own supplies. Both options fit into the regulations for the transportation of liquids.

Other tips:

  1. Find out in advance about the possibility of transporting rare medicines to other countries. Customs regulations The vast majority of countries prohibit the transport of drugs with narcotic or psychotropic effects.
  2. If you are bringing food to your child and it is perishable, take a thermal container to preserve the food.
  3. It is worth replacing the mercury thermometer with an electronic one if you may need it while traveling.

Formally, it is prohibited to take water on board. It is allowed to carry liquids in containers up to 100 ml, the maximum volume in hand luggage is up to 1 liter - this is what the law says. So what now, look for 10 bottles or throw money away buying a drink at the airport? What if you travel with a child?

In practice, airlines sometimes make exceptions. Well, you understand that Russian people are resourceful and inventive. Nobody wants to pour water into small jars that you still have to manage to find. Therefore, in our article you will find life hacks from tourists. But first, let's make one thing clear.

Why were restrictions imposed on the transport of liquids?

As you already know, according to clause 2.2. Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 25, 2007 N 104 (as amended on July 6, 2016) “On approval of the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections” and the Rules of airlines (file), it is allowed to carry liquid in hand luggage in a container with a volume of up to 100 ml.

Please note: even if the container is incomplete, but the dimensions exceed the permissible norm by at least 10 ml, they will take 100%.

But this is not enough to carry liquid in hand luggage. Two conditions must be met:

  1. The total volume does not exceed 1 liter.
  2. The container is in a sealed package.

Some believe that the reason for the strict rules is the greed of the owners of free trade zones. Products at the airport and Duty Free are expensive. Do they really want to get rich at the expense of tourists? In fact, the restriction is related to terrorist attacks.

It was introduced in 2006 after the capture of criminals who were trying to cause a large-scale disaster using liquid bombs. They expected to destroy 20 aircraft.

Note: according to the intelligence services, more than 1 liter will be required to make a full-fledged bomb. liquids. If the volume is smaller, there will be no global harm. The aircraft's fire-fighting equipment will cope with local fires.

Despite strict controls, criminals are still trying to smuggle in liquid bombs, flammable solutions and means to create explosives. In addition, cases of drinking alcoholic beverages have become more frequent. Preventing incidents is not easy. Liquid restrictions help to avoid them and maintain a safe environment for others.

Is it possible to carry water in hand luggage for a child?

Order of the Ministry of Transport N 104 states that in addition to medicines and dietary products, baby food is included in the exception. What exactly is meant by this concept is not regulated. Whether water is taken into account is unknown.

The wording is vague, so it can be interpreted differently. Usually they pass without problems. It is clear that they are unlikely to allow you to take two 1.5 liter bottles, but 2-3 pcs. 0.5 liters is enough. If the employee is unsure, ask the child to drink water. However, in some countries this will not help.

For example, in China. You can count on loyalty when traveling with children under 5 years old; with older ones, large containers may be confiscated. The staff at airports in Thailand and Turkey are usually sympathetic.

Is it allowed to carry “holy” water in hand luggage?

Believers have a special attitude towards sacred water. Unlike a regular one, this one cannot be thrown in the trash, poured into the sink, or left at the airport. Unfortunately, the same restrictions apply to transportation as other liquids.

During the flight you will have to drink plain water. If you are allowed to carry it, this is an exception. The only way to take a saint or medicinal water- put in luggage.

How much water can you carry in luggage?

The reasons for transporting water in large volumes can be different. For example, holy water, which we have already talked about. Or medicinal mineral for relatives living in another country. The motive may be the desire to save on buying drinks at the airport and avoid problems with currency exchange.

The airlines' requirements do not prohibit the carriage of water in luggage. There are no volume restrictions. Therefore, the main thing is to comply with the standards established in your tariff. For example, if the weight is up to 20 kg, you can take water in exactly that quantity.

How to carry water in hand luggage

Much depends on customs. There is definitely no need to show aggression towards employees, even if there really are no explosives or alcohol. Politely explain why it is vital for you to bring your own water to the salon. If your reason is considered valid, he will probably cooperate. Then they will ask you to take a couple of sips from the bottle. But if they ban it, don’t argue.

Where they sell water that you can take to the salon:

Duty Free. The price starts from 100 rubles. Be sure to meet two conditions:

  • Store your purchase in a zip-top plastic bag.
  • Do not open until planting.

Please note: in areas with a high threat of terrorism, a second inspection may be organized. There have been cases when sealed bottles purchased at duty free were confiscated. If you are traveling in such places, it is better not to take anything.

In an Aeroport. After passing the check, you can buy water, for example, in the waiting room or checkout area. At Russian airports the bottle is 0.5 liters. costs from 36 to 180 rubles, in foreign countries up to 3 euros.

Don't want to overpay? Is pouring water into 10 bottles also not an option? Take a couple of tricks from tourists.

Tourist lifehacks

Method 1: Place an empty bottle in your bag. For example, for fitness. After inspection you can fill it with water. How to do it:

  • Find drinking fountains that are located in the departure area. True, they are not available at all airports or are not located in a visible place. Look on the map.

Note: if you are flying to Beijing, pay attention to Beijing International. There is free water (cold and hot).

  • Ask the flight attendant.
  • Contact the waiter or bartender in a cafe and ask them to draw water from the special tap.

Method 2. Take a bottle of boiled water. It should be filled so that there are no bubbles left. There were cases when the scanner did not detect the liquid, the container was considered empty.

Is it worth the hassle for $1-2?

Actually, not necessarily. According to a survey, 38% of passengers do not take anything to drink on board. Because water and drinks are offered even if meals are not provided. But there are people who find it difficult to tolerate dry air in the cabin. Thirst often bothers you, and you don’t want to constantly distract the flight attendant.

Whether you will be allowed to carry water in your hand luggage depends on the airline. Some are categorical, others are cooperative. The restrictions are strict, but feasible. Although there is an opinion that the rights of passengers are clearly violated, and the explanations do not stand up to criticism. Such bans will not prevent terrorists from organizing an incident.

Do you think the restrictions on carrying water in hand luggage are justified?

People who travel frequently know exactly what they can and cannot take on a plane. For those who are planning to use the services of air carriers for the first time, it would be useful to familiarize themselves in advance with the list of things that, under no circumstances, can be taken on board the aircraft.

What items cannot be taken on a plane in hand luggage?

Please note that some items are prohibited as carry-on baggage, but are permitted as cargo that is loaded into the hold. You should take only the most necessary and valuable things into the salon, the total weight of which, together with the bag, should not exceed 8-10 kg. There are also restrictions on height (no more than 20 cm), width (no more than 40 cm) and length (no more than 55 cm).

What you cannot take on board an airplane in hand luggage:

  • large bottles of drinks and other liquids (small bottles should not be open);
  • some food products - canned food and pickles in jars;
  • lotions, creams, shaving foam in a can, deodorants, perfumes, boxes of cosmetics, which may seem suspicious to airport employees inspecting luggage;
  • imitation weapons - even toys and lighters in the shape of a pistol;
  • sharp and cutting objects, even nail scissors and sewing needles;
  • pets – animals are given a place in a special compartment of the luggage compartment.

What can't you take on a plane as luggage?

The rules regarding what items can be carried in the luggage compartment of an airplane are more lenient. Although, still, the total weight of one passenger’s cargo cannot be more than 23 kg (if more, you will have to pay extra for it). And here there are strict regulations that you should not take on the plane under any circumstances:

  • magnets and magnetized objects;
  • potentially explosive and flammable substances and objects;
  • items that can be classified as weapons;
  • poisons, chemicals, etc. substances;
  • radioactive substances and materials;
  • peroxides, oxidizing agents;
  • caustic and toxic substances;
  • containers with liquefied or compressed gas.

Why can't you take liquids on a plane?

Very often, travelers are perplexed why they cannot carry liquid substances on an airplane in any container with a volume of more than one liter. Even if it's harmless juice or water. However customs services They believe that in this way it is quite possible to bring liquid explosives or some kind of toxic substance on board. But this rule does not apply to goods from Duty Free.