The best sanatoriums in the Volga region. Resorts of the Volga region: climate, mineral waters, medicinal mud, kumiss treatment What are analytical cookies

Ulyanovsk health resorts have enjoyed deserved popularity among vacationers of all ages for many years. Where does this popularity come from and how did it come about? What is the reason? The answer is simple and it is the result of the rating of health resorts in the Volga region

Ulyanovsk sanatoriums are the best sanatoriums in the Volga region

The range of treatment methods used in these hospitals is very extensive. Effective cures for various diseases in local sanatoriums are facilitated by the combination of natural exclusive conditions and methods of traditional classical medicine. To put it simply, these are natural healing factors and a rich medical base. As a result of physiotherapeutic procedures at the resorts of Ulyanovsk, not only specialized diseases are treated, but also overall prevention and improvement of the body’s condition are carried out, which reduces the likelihood of new diseases appearing. In medical institutions, the medical base is constantly being updated, buildings and structures are being reconstructed, and new conditions are being created in order to expand the list of services offered.

What is being treated

And if you and I try to list all the diseases that can be treated in Undorov sanatoriums, we will simply lose count already in the second ten. It is perhaps very difficult to remember at least a few diseases against which treatment in a sanatorium would be powerless (of course, if we are not talking about “fatal” diseases that cannot be treated).

In our sanatoriums there are 14 treatment programs, which cover almost the entire range of the most common diseases. Indeed, it is probably easier to say that we don’t provide treatment than to list everything that is treated here.

People come to our best health resorts to get rid of diseases of the genitourinary and circulatory systems, digestive and gastrointestinal tracts, nervous system, respiratory system, skin diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The list is not complete, please clarify the details by phone or in the feedback form on our website.

Treatment methods

The most common treatment methods in the sanatoriums of JSC Ulyanovskkurort are:

Treatment with mineral water. There are several types of mineral water for medicinal drinking, the most famous of which is. There are also pickles.

Balneotherapy. Various types of mineral water and brines of local origin are used for external use. Great .

Peloid therapy. It consists of application to various parts of the human body. The effectiveness of peloid therapy in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gynecological and other ailments has already been proven. In addition to mud, there is also healing blue clay, which is used in sanatoriums in Ulyanovsk. This clay has a whole list of therapeutic effects, as well as a proven analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Heliotherapy. Strengthening the immune system due to ultraviolet radiation. Promotes better hardening of the body and increases the level of its protection against diseases

For the treatment of diseases such as radiculitis, bronchitis, hepatitis and varicose veins, techniques are actively used hirudotherapy.

Aromatherapy. There is no need to talk about the beneficial effect that aromas have on the health of the entire body.

Phytotherapy. Medicinal plants are a real storehouse of youth and health

Thalassotherapy. Getting rid of various ailments through the use of algae, sea water and mud.

Of course, each of the above treatment methods has already proven its effectiveness in practice, but there is one important point - no self-medication! Each technique used in the health resorts of Ulyanovsk Kurort JSC is used under the careful supervision of highly qualified doctors who are always ready to help and advise visitors on the best methods and techniques of treatment, preventing serious mistakes that can only worsen a person’s health in the case of self-medication.

The best health resorts for you

All leading sanatoriums of JSC Ulyanovskkurort, such as the sanatorium named after V.I. Lenin, Dubki, Pribrezhny and Bely Yar, have the most modern equipment for diagnosing and treating various diseases. In addition, the best medical staff works here, and all conditions have been created for better relaxation and maximum benefit from each treatment procedure. There are various laboratories and rooms, in particular, ultrasound, endoscopy room, biochemical and clinical laboratories, functional diagnostic room, etc.

Undors are health by nature

But of course, one of the main factors of treatment is the use of unique mineral water, which you will never be able to purchase in any supermarket in your city. There are analogues, similarities, but the original is only here, in the sanatoriums of the Ulyanovsk region. The unique properties of Undorovskaya mineral waters in their benefits are equated with the best world samples, but even here Undorovskaya mineral water surpasses them in the content of organic substances and humic acids. Our water has a complex effect on the human body, relieving problems with the genitourinary, endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, the sanatoriums listed above use numerous baths based on mineral water and brines, and this is one of the best ways to treat a whole range of diseases. There are even baths based on radon waters that effectively cope with musculoskeletal problems

Choosing the best sanatorium

Still don't know whether you should visit a sanatorium or not? Which one should you choose? This is also a fairly relevant question, and to find the answer to it, just read

Published: 13.02.2015 Category: Author's essay

The Volga region consists of regions and republics stretching along the middle and lower reaches of the Volga. This is a fairly extensive zone that starts in the Nizhny Novgorod region and ends in the Astrakhan region. Between them are the republics of Tatarstan, Mari El, Chuvashia, Kalmykia, as well as the Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Volgograd, Penza, and Samara regions.

Due to the extension of the region, the climate of the Volga region varies from temperate continental to continental. For the same reason, the Volga region is distinguished by its diversity of natural zones. In the territories that belong to it, there are mixed forests, forest-steppes, steppes and even semi-deserts. The terrain is mostly flat with small hilly areas.

The Volga region has several unique resorts that are well known in other areas of the country. These include Undory in the Ulyanovsk region, Elton in the Volgograd region, Sergievskie Mineralnye Vody (SMV) in the Samara region, Tinaki in the Astrakhan region. The main healing factors of these resorts are mineral water springs, healing mud, brines and brine of salt lakes, and a favorable microclimate. Other regions of the Volga region also have their own health resorts. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the balneo-mud sanatorium "Gorodetsky" deserves attention, in the Penza region - the balneoclimatic sanatorium "Berezovaya Roshcha". In Tatarstan, the Vasilyevsky sanatorium, founded 30 km away, has a water and mud bath. from Kazan.

The village of Undory was glorified by self-flowing mineral springs. Since ancient times, local peoples were treated with water from these sources. The name of the village is translated from the Turkic language as “valley of ten medicines.” The first hydropathic clinic for himself and his family was built in Undory by Major General P. N. Ivanov in the 19th century. In the 20th century, a large balneological resort appeared on the site of his estate. It was built on the banks of the huge Volga Reservoir with a water area of ​​40 km. But it is not for the sake of beautiful views that those who suffer come to the health resorts of Undor, but for the sake of the low-mineralized amazing water with a high concentration of organic substances. Its composition is similar to Naftusya water from a deposit in Truskavets, Ukraine. In Russia, water of this type is not found anywhere else except Undor. It is especially effective for diseases of the digestive, genitourinary, and endocrine systems.

Along with balneotherapy, Undory practices the use of sodium brines for external procedures. They relieve diseases of the nerves, blood vessels, and musculoskeletal system. The climate of the forest-steppe zone has a positive effect on patients.

Now in Undory there are sanatoriums named after. Lenin and "Dubki". There is a stable next to "Dubki". The resort has beaches, sports grounds, and equipment rentals. With the onset of winter, the Undory ski complex begins to operate.

The deposits of Sergievsky Mineral Waters (SMV), which have no analogues in Russia, are located in the steppe zone of the Samara region. They belong to hydrogen sulfide waters. There are many hydrogen sulfide sources in our country, but they are all strong, that is, highly concentrated. Only SMV have a medium concentration, which makes them unique.

Peter I’s personal physician learned about the existence of springs on the Sernovodsk Upland, which were later called Sergievsk mineral waters. He studied the composition of the waters and came to the conclusion that they cure skin eczema, infertility, nervous and joint diseases. He reported this to the Tsar in 1717. Nowadays, the Sernovodsk Upland has become a flourishing resort, where, along with mineral waters, they use lacustrine spring medium-sulfide silt mud from several deposits at once. On their basis, a mud bath and a spinal ward were built, in which they fight injuries and diseases of the spine. The SMV sanatorium, which operates at the resort, has a separate building for children with cerebral palsy.

During leisure hours, guests of the sanatorium have the opportunity to visit the library, gym, solarium, and swimming pool. Trips to the sights of Samara and the region are periodically organized.

16 km. from Astrakhan on the right bank of the Volga lies the ancient resort of Tinaki. The first mentions of it coincide with the heyday of the Golden Horde. It is reliably known that people began to use mud from the “Tinaki” lakes for treatment already in the 15th century. They were called “Tinak” because of the thick layer of mud at the bottom, reminiscent of mud. The first barracks for the treatment of military personnel were built on the basis of the lakes in 1820. From then on, the history of the development of the resort began.

The main healing factors at the resort are healing mud from the “Tinaki” salt lakes and mineral sodium iodine-bromine water. A very exotic type of treatment is also used in Tinaki - watermelon therapy. It is indicated for diseases of the digestive tract. The local dry, hot climate with very low humidity is extremely beneficial for people with kidney disease. The resort also specializes in cardiovascular, nervous, skin, gynecological, and musculoskeletal diseases.

The resort has a rehabilitation center "Tinaki", built relatively recently. It has modern equipment, a comfortable residential complex, and a landscaped area. Guests are offered a large selection of educational excursions around the Astrakhan region. For example, there is a rare opportunity to visit a lotus plantation and see the original cathedrals and temples of Astrakhan.

The small village of Elton has become widely known not only in the Volgograd region, where it is located, but also beyond its borders. It owes its fame to its proximity to the most mineralized lake in Europe. The salinity of Lake Elton in dry years is much higher than that of the Dead Sea in Israel. Its bottom is lined with salt deposits and mineralized hydrogen sulfide mud.

In 1910, a balneological and mud resort was founded on the shores of Lake Elton. In 1945, a sanatorium of the same name appeared in the village of Elton. In addition to mud and brine from the lake, the sanatorium uses sodium chloride water from the Smorodinsky spring for therapeutic procedures. The composition of the water from it is similar to Essentuki 17. The sanatorium specializes mainly in diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal, respiratory, nervous, digestive systems, and elimination of gynecological problems.

Living conditions in the Elton sanatorium cannot be called overly comfortable, but minor everyday difficulties do not frighten resort guests. They cannot be compared with the healing effect of the “treasures” of Lake Elton. The sanatorium organizes various excursion trips around the Volgograd region.

The Volga region is a region that has great potential for the development of various types of tourism. Along the middle and lower reaches of the Volga there are territories with different climates, nature and cultural heritage. Astrakhan has long become a favorite vacation spot for fishermen. They know for sure that it is impossible to leave the Volga River delta without a catch. In the huge city of Nizhny Novgorod, the Volga is so wide that a cable car leads from one bank to the other. Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, has recently undergone a great transformation, but has not lost its “special” face. European chic here harmoniously combines with the Muslim way of life and Tatar traditions. In Volgograd you can see Mamayev Kurgan from afar, on which stands the legendary monument “The Motherland Calls”. This is only a small fraction of what the Volga region can surprise.


I checked into the sanatorium on September 26 and left on September 27. I wanted to stay healthy after having my gallbladder removed. The manager convincingly promised over the phone that the sanatorium was ready to help me. But upon arrival, it turned out that it was not possible for me to organize fractional meals, the nutritionist offered to buy me low-fat kefir myself, across the road at Pyaterochka, since they only have fatty kefir in stock. And just eat lunch in two parts. At 13.45 there is salad with soup, and at 16.00 the second meal, in her opinion, this is a split meal. The room is dirty, smells of urine, I’m sure there was no cleaning after another person left, the bed was not made with linen, the room was very cold, after the operation I simply could not spend the night there. And the most interesting thing is that I bought the ticket at my own expense. 2000 rubles, per day. They returned the money, but at the same time they charged me for the day. With such an attitude, I had enough conscience. My advice to the management is to put a competent person on the phone, who will have not only money in his eyes, but also knowledge of the answers, whether a sanatorium can accept a person with such an illness or not.

Overall rating

I am in a sanatorium for follow-up treatment after surgery. We were placed in a single room with a shower. The room is good and cozy. But!!! I got to all the May holidays. From April 29 to May 12. Of the 14 days of treatment, 9 days are just lying there, no procedures are performed. You can also lie down at home. The food is monotonous, like in a school canteen (though the staff is friendly, thank you very much!!!). They moved a children's football team onto our floor, noise, din, screams, squeals, endless running!!! Nerves are on edge, children are a constant mess. They took the water from the cooler in one go, poured it into their own bottles and went to training. Treatment is a separate story: the doctor, Natalya Alekseevna, forgot her last name, played football like a kitten. One continuous negative!!! Although I rode with enthusiasm!!! One single wish: to go home soon!!!

Overall rating

I received follow-up treatment at the Povolzhye sanatorium in March 2019. I was not delighted with my stay and treatment. You live in one building, get treatment in another, and have lunch in a third. There is slush on the street, and after treatment you have to walk through this mess to another building. The doctor prescribes normal treatment, but it is not always possible to implement it. For example: the doctor prescribed a massage, but the massage therapists only signed up for the eighth day of stay and ended up doing only 4 sessions, because for unknown reasons they refused the third massage session. The food was monotonous, I had to go to the store for groceries. Near the sanatorium there are high-rise residential buildings, and their residents walk their dogs on the territory of the sanatorium.

Overall rating

I really liked the sanatorium. First of all, I want to say thank you to the cooks. The food was very tasty and easy to slaughter. I went pregnant, there was fresh air. The room was always cleaned and the bed changed. The numbers are so cool, I didn't expect them. We had a great time. It's a pity I can't attach a photo of the room here. Plasma on the wall, it's just a blast. Shower, toilet. Balcony. The wardrobe is huge. Fridge. Table bedside table and two beds

She was on vacation, that is, she underwent sanatorium-resort treatment, in October 2018. Not delighted... The only thing that could calm me down was that we were placed in a room consisting of 2 rooms. We arrived as vacationers with a disease of the genitourinary system. But we still did not understand the prescription of treatment for this disease. I had to go to another building for treatment (imagine returning to your own building after baths, showers, and other procedures). Exacerbations of other diseases began. The sanatorium requires urgent renovation!!! The medical staff is polite and tactful. They work for wear and tear - at 0.75 times the rate with an increased volume of work performed! Zar. the fee leaves much to be desired. Nutrition - if it can be called nutrition, there are no words - just emotions. The service staff of the dining room, as if wound up - quickly, quickly, quickly - not a smile on their face, but simply written - “chew quickly and fly out”... A good impression was left from the culmination of the work - dance therapy! Great! Thanks to Yulia and Sergei! And I would also like to thank the cultural organizer of the Frunzenets sanatorium, who organized concerts every day (except Saturday and Sunday), inviting artists. We would like to express our special gratitude to the massage therapist Vladimir Tatyanin (“golden hands”). Maids - so we haven’t seen her for 15 days, because... quit. We had to clean up ourselves (i.e. wash the floors, take out the trash). On the day of departure, they seemed to have accepted me. But for how long??? We probably found ourselves in an incomprehensible period... when the sanatorium was left in debt, like silk, when the management changed. This is what optimization and modernization in healthcare have brought. But, we are vacationers who want to undergo a worthwhile treatment, but it turns out the other way around, after the sanatorium we directly run to the doctors at the clinic after arriving for treatment. Guys and aunties sitting in armchairs, think about what you are doing, because we are still living people!!! And we want to undergo good treatment and worthwhile rehabilitation in good conditions! Help the new director solve problems and preserve the sanatorium and build one out of 3 buildings, with good capacity, good rooms, and good medical facilities. With best wishes Alexandra.

Overall rating

After the operation, I stayed in the Povolzhye sanatorium for two weeks. She recovered very well. Wonderful staff, very attentive to vacationers. The food is balanced, tasty, the food looks aesthetically pleasing, you feel like you’re in a restaurant, I lived in a double room with a bathroom and shower, the room has a TV and a refrigerator, the maids clean every day. I am very pleased with the treatment and procedures. Thanks to the staff!

Overall rating

I’ve never been to a sanatorium before, and having been there, I probably won’t go again. What kind of treatment is it when you live in one building, the dining room is in another, and you go to a third for procedures. The medical building itself has not been renovated for about 20 years. Everything is old and shabby; during water procedures, be prepared that plaster from the ceiling can easily fall on you; when it rains, the ceiling constantly leaks, and this happens not only in the medical building - in the residential building, during the rain, the roof leaked and flooded 4 and 3 floors. Oh, don’t rush to rejoice if you are placed in 1 or 2, the ventilation there is poor and the smell in the rooms is still the same. The territory of the sanatorium is not fenced, the local population walks their dogs, and what’s more, there are also strays running around. Among the advantages, one can only note the solid food 4. Well, and the organizational work of the cultural activist Sergei, who tried to brighten up the time of his stay in this sanatorium. I took a few photos, but I can’t insert them here, apparently it was done this way on purpose, because it’s quiet horror.

Overall rating

I’ve been on vacation since July 24, 17. The promised radon baths are not there, but the hydrogen sulfide baths, as they say, don’t even smell and the color is sandy, gray, black, in general a mess... 2 days off and the prescribed 7 procedures every other day don’t work . And you get, for example, baths in 4 days. Why is Saturday a day off? This is not a rest home... The medical staff is good, the food is normal.

Overall rating

We vacationed with a friend in cash from July 17 to July 27 in the first building of the sanatorium. Poverty and squalor in everything. The Comfort room was cleaned disgustingly, there was gray mold on the walls in the toilet and shower stall. The treatment is relatively good, especially the massage. The doctor and all the medical staff were correct and polite. But the watchmen in the building spoiled the whole mood. Two of the watchmen closed the building at 22 o’clock and if you don’t have time to enter, they will keep you at the closed door, but after that you will hear a lot of interesting things addressed to you. The food was normal, there was no time to eat juices and fruits.

Overall rating

Of course there is no sanatorium. There are no renovations, either external or internal. Everything is very old and ancient. Meals are 3 times a day instead of the promised 4. In general, the food is not bad, but there are some problems. During the course of treatment, I asked to go home several times; after I returned and came to the dining room, I discovered that my place was not covered. With all this, I warned the service staff about the days of my absence and when I would return. So, when I asked for my place to be covered, they promised me and happily forgot. I applied again, where they accused me that it was my fault, that I had to come up and ask. Here's what to say. The medical staff in general is not bad. Doctors are trying to be attentive. The only thing I would like to note and say a special thank you to the girls masseuses. They give excellent massages and talk and ask about your health. This always captivates any person. Well done, I want to go to them.
There is a lake on the territory of the sanatorium, although you can’t call it a lake, it’s more like a swamp where 2 ducks swim. Is it really impossible to somehow improve it, clean it from pollution? Nightmare! Administration, please pay attention to the reviews from vacationers.

The Volga region is a number of geographical formations located along the lower and middle reaches of the Volga River for almost 1,500 km. The total area of ​​the Volga region is about 400 thousand sq. km. The Volga region includes several regions (Kirov, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Samara, Volgograd, Saratov, Astrakhan) and republics (Mordovia, Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Mari El, Chuvashia).

It is the large extent of the region, its vast area, the variability of climate, terrain, and the nature of vegetation in different areas of the region that determine the variety of natural factors characteristic of the Volga region as a resort formation.

Natural factors of the Volga region

Climatotherapy. The main part of the Volga resort region is located in a zone of temperate continental climate, characterized by warm summers and winters without severe cold. Staying in a temperate continental climate is comfortable for the body, so most sanatoriums in the Volga region are suitable for treating a wide variety of diseases. In the Astrakhan region the climate is moderately arid, most favorable for the treatment of kidney diseases.

The key healing factor of the Volga region is mineral waters, varied in composition and nature of their effects on the body.

Some waters are used primarily for external procedures (balneotherapy). In a number of regions of the Volga region there are sources of sulfide mineral waters. These are the waters of the Tatarstan resort of Bakirovo and the unique Sergievsky mineral waters (Saratov region). Sulfide waters have a pronounced therapeutic effect in many diseases, they help normalize blood pressure, improve blood supply to internal organs, joints, and the spine, have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, stimulate the immune system, and increase pulmonary ventilation.

An effective healing factor in the Volga region are sodium chloride brines - waters with high mineralization (from 35 to 150 g/l), used for external use. Their sources are located in Udmurtia (san. “Metallurg”, “Varzi-Yatchi”), in Mordovia (san. “Mokasha”), in the Astrakhan region (san. “Tinaki”). In a number of sanatoriums in the Volga region, brines with a high bromine content are found (water from the Prikamsky deposit in Tatarstan), water from a deposit in the area of ​​Serdobsk (Penza region), similar in composition to the water of the Dead Sea. Brines stimulate the release of biologically active substances, activate regeneration and metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, increase venous tone, relieve pain, and have a calming effect on the nervous system.

In the Volga region there are many sources of water of low and medium mineralization, suitable for drinking treatment. Among them are the famous chloride sodium-potassium waters of the Smorogda springs (sanatorium "Elton", Volgograd region), waters of the Akhuny resort (Penza region), chloride-sulfate magnesium-calcium-sodium water "Shifaly Su" (resort Izhminvody, Tatarstan), waters of the Dubovskoe deposit (Volgograd region), water “Volzhskaya Zvezda” (Mordovia). Also in the Volga region resort region there are rare sources of mineral waters with a high content of organic substances, which are particularly effective in the treatment of many diseases - Volzhanka water (Undora resort, Ulyanovsk region), considered one of the best waters in the world for the treatment of urinary diseases systems, water "Bakirovskaya" (san. "Bakirovo", Tatarstan), as well as water "Krasnoglinskaya" (san. "Krasnaya Glinka", Samara region).

The Volga region resort region is also rich in medicinal mud. In many areas there are sources of sulfide-silt mud of lacustrine spring origin, which has an effect on diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders, etc. Several such deposits are located in the Samara region (mud from lakes Solodovka, Teplovka, Molochka, the Sergievsky Mineral Resort water", mud from the Chapaevskoye and Ershovskoye deposits), in the Astrakhan region (Lake Lechebnoye and Baskunchak), as well as Lake Elton in the Volgograd region. In the Kirov region, sources of healing sulfide-silt mud are the Nizhne-Ivkinskoye deposits, as well as Lake Ramenskoye. The source of silt sulfide mud with a high content of hydrogen sulfide is located in the Klenovaya Gora sanatorium (Mari El Republic).

In addition, in the Volga region there are sources of peat mud - effective natural remedies for accelerating regeneration processes, eliminating inflammation, and activating metabolic processes. Such deposits are located in the Nizhne-Ivkino sanatorium (Kirov region), in the Varzi-Yachi resort (Udmurtia).

In the Volga region there are several sources of unique blue clay - the Undora resort (Ulyanovsk region), deposits in the village of Vostochny and the village of Aleksandrovka (Samara region). Blue clay contains a huge amount of microelements and organic substances; it is effective for solving cosmetic problems, relieving inflammation, and eliminating allergic manifestations.

Lake sources of sapropel mud, rich in vitamins, enzymes, and hormones, were found in 12 districts of the Kirov region, as well as in the Ulyanovsk region (White Lake, Pribrezhny san.).

The Volga region is the main region of Russia where seasonal kumiss treatment is practiced. The drink, obtained by fermenting mare's milk, is a source of various vitamins, microelements, amino acids, fats, and beneficial bacteria. It has a healing effect for many diseases and helps strengthen the immune system. Among the best sanatoriums in the Volga region that practice kumis treatment are “White Lake” (Ulyanovsk region), “Elton” (Volgograd region), “Maple Mountain” (Mari El), “Yutazinskaya kumis therapy” (Tatarstan) and others.

What is treated in the Volga region?

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (myocardial dystrophy, stage I-II hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, neurocirculatory dystonia, atherosclerosis). To treat diseases of this group, resorts in the Volga region use kumiss therapy, balneotherapy, especially with the use of sulfide mineral waters, mud therapy, and climatotherapy.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (inflammatory lesions of the joints, injuries of tendons, ligaments, bones, muscles, deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis). For their treatment, all types of mud, balneological procedures using mineral waters and sodium chloride brines are used.

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (rehabilitation after injuries to the brain and spinal cord, neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, cerebral atherosclerosis, cerebral palsy). All types of therapeutic mud are used. Balneological procedures are also effective, including those using brines, as well as kumiss treatment.

Diseases of the digestive system (chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract without exacerbation, functional disorders, chronic hepatitis, adhesions after injuries, operations, etc.). Gastrointestinal diseases are one of the main indications for kumiss treatment. Drinking mineral waters, balneological and mud treatments are also used.

Gynecological diseases (chronic inflammation, infertility, adhesions, menstrual irregularities, hypoestrogenism). For treatment, sulfide and chloride mineral waters, mud applications, and kumis treatment are used.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urolithiasis, etc.). The arid continental climate of the Tinaki resort (Astrakhan region) is considered the most suitable for kidney patients. In the Volga region there are several sources of mineral water with a high content of organic substances, which are especially indicated for kidney diseases.

Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypothyroidism, metabolic disorders). Balneotherapy with sulfide waters is especially effective; mud therapy, kumiss therapy, and drinking mineral water are also indicated.

Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma). Applications using sulfide, peat, sapropel mud, blue clay, balneotherapy using sulfide mineral waters, and kumis treatment are used.

Respiratory diseases (chronic inflammatory processes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Balneotherapy using chloride and sulfide waters improves gas exchange in the lungs and reduces the activity of inflammation. Mud therapy and kumiss therapy are also indicated.

In addition to standard contraindications to sanatorium-resort treatment (active tuberculosis, oncological processes, pregnancy, cardiovascular and other diseases in the stage of decompensation, acute infectious processes and exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute mental disorders), there are contraindications to the use of specific factors that are used for therapy in sanatoriums of the Volga region with treatment.

Thus, chloride mineral waters of high mineralization are not recommended for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Balneotherapy with sulfide mineral waters is contraindicated for patients with bronchial asthma, with frequent severe attacks of angina, with chronic nephritis and nephrosis, with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, with chronic gastrointestinal diseases with a tendency to exacerbation. Contraindications for kumiss treatment are inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.

How to get to the resort

The Volga region as a resort region includes 12 regions and republics located along the Volga. In order to get to a specific sanatorium in the Volga region, as a rule, you need to get to the regional center. Depending on the location of the geographic entity, this requires a different amount of time. So, to get from Moscow to Ulyanovsk by car, you need 12-14 hours (by train about 14 hours). The road to Samara will take about the same time. At the same time, to get to Astrakhan, you will have to spend more than a day. From the regional capital, as a rule, there is regular transport to the resort or sanatorium where treatment will be carried out.

Historical reference

In some regions of the Volga region, healing factors were discovered and studied many years ago, in others their development began relatively recently. Thus, the first mentions of the amazing properties of the mud of the Tinaki lakes, located near Astrakhan, are found in chronicles from the heyday of the Golden Horde (XV century). The official history of the Tinaki resort begins in the 19th century - in 1820, the first mud bath for military personnel was built here. Today it is one of the most popular resorts in Russia for the treatment of a variety of diseases.

At the end of the 17th century, sulfur deposits were discovered in the Samara region. Their industrial development did not produce any effect, but in the process of work the healing properties of the springs located in this region were noticed. Peter I sent his personal physician here for research, who established that the water of these springs is rich in hydrogen sulfide and can be used to treat many diseases. So a resort arose on this site, which began to actively develop in the 30s of the 19th century. Today the Sergievskie Mineral Waters resort is considered one of the best balneological and mud health resorts in Russia.

The fact that the mineral springs of the village of Undory (Ulyanovsk region) have been used by local residents for the treatment of diseases since ancient times is evidenced by the fact that the name “undory” is translated from Turkic as “valley of ten medicines.” In the 19th century, a mud bath was built here, now it is a large balneological resort.

The largest mineral lake in Europe, Elton (Volgograd region), was known back in the times of Ivan the Terrible as one of the key Russian salt deposits. The healing properties of water were noticed only at the end of the 19th century, when salt production ceased, and in 1910 a large mud and balneological resort was founded here.

Koumiss treatment also has its own history, which is actively practiced in some sanatoriums in the Volga region. It was in the village of Bogdanovka, Samara province, that the first kumis-therapeutic sanatorium in Russia was founded in 1854. Over the next ten years, several more kumiss clinics opened in the vicinity of Samara, and the export of kumiss to other regions of Russia, as well as abroad, was established.

In a nutshell

In the Volga region, nature has created everything for world-class resorts to arise here: several climatic zones from forest to semi-desert, all types of healing mud (except volcanic) and all types of waters.

The Volga region extends over 400 thousand square kilometers, occupying almost the entire East European Plain down to the Caspian Lowland.

The relief of the Volga region is varied and, combined with vegetation, forms amazingly beautiful landscapes.

Reservoirs created on the Volga and Kama: Cheboksary, Kuibyshev, Saratov and Nizhnekamskoe, are not only a favorite vacation spot, but also form a healing microclimate, softening the summer heat.

In the Volga region there are zones with a unique climate. According to an integral assessment of all major meteorological regimes, the territory of the TinakiV sanatorium is unique as a therapeutic factor for kidney diseases, especially in the period from May to September.

The rivers of the Volga region - the Volga and Kama - are the main cruise routes of the European part of Russia. Famous cruise routes with access to the Caspian, Azov and Baltic seas pass along them. Cruises on the Volga will be of interest primarily to those who are interested in historical, architectural and artistic monuments.


The Volga region is a territory adjacent to the middle and lower reaches of the Volga or located close to it and economically gravitating towards it. A special feature of the geographical location of the region is its length along the Volga for almost 1500 km. Within the Volga region there are a relatively elevated right bank with the Volga Upland and a left bank - the so-called. Trans-Volga region. In natural terms, the Volga region also sometimes includes areas located in the upper reaches of the Volga (from the source to the mouth of the Oka).

Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk, Penza and Samara regions are included in the Middle Volga region. Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan regions and Kalmykia are included in the Lower Volga region.

The Volga region extends over 400 thousand square kilometers, occupying almost the entire East European Plain down to the Caspian Lowland. The relief of the Volga region is varied and, combined with vegetation, forms amazingly beautiful landscapes. In the north, vast sandy lowlands are covered with pine forests, and the valley terraces are covered with broadleaf pine. The picture is different in the central part of the region. Here, along the right bank of the Volga, the Volga Upland stretches, in Zhiguli reaching a height of 375 m. The left bank of the Volga is low and flat. Vegetation varies from mixed forests to forest-steppes, steppes and semi-desert zones in the south of the Astrakhan region.

The banks of the Volga below the mouth of the Kama are extremely beautiful. The right bank cliffs stretch out in distinct multi-colored layers of geological sediments, curved in the most bizarre way. From time to time, limestone banks open up, covered with eye sockets of caves looking at the river. In the south, the Volga reaches the Caspian lowland. This is a very flat plain with many salt lakes, located below the level of the World Ocean, the lowest place in Russia. The semi-desert and desert landscapes common here have a special mysterious beauty. They are unique; there are no more desert landscapes in Russia. Numerous islands are covered with reeds, poplars and willows, cut by channels, dotted with countless lakes. The Volga-Akhtuba Valley, which turns into a vast delta, represents a special natural habitat. The delta spaces, flooded with hollow water for a long period, serve as a spawning ground for important commercial fish - sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, etc.


The Volga region resorts are located in the III time zone - GMT + 3 hours (Moscow time).


The climate of the Volga region is varied: from temperate continental in the Nizhny Novgorod region to continental arid in the Astrakhan region.

The Volga region is elongated in the meridional direction, so climatic characteristics change from north to south. Compared to the western regions of Russia, summers here are much warmer and winters are harsher.

In winter, very cold weather can set in in any part of the Volga region, the average temperature in January is -12 °C, sometimes there are frosts down to -30, -35 °C. A noticeable difference is observed in the annual amount of precipitation: for Tatarstan it is on average 700 mm, for Astrakhan it is only 200 mm per year.

In the Volga region, almost every year in the summer there are periods with very hot, dry weather, when the thermometer hovers around 28.33 °C, the average July temperature is 19 °C. The discomfort of the summer heat is softened by the moist breath of reservoirs.

Natural healing factors

In the Volga region, nature has created everything for world-class resorts to arise here: several climatic zones from forest to semi-desert, all types of healing mud (except volcanic) and all types of waters. Radon waters have been explored, but are currently not used in sanatoriums in the Volga region.

In the Volga region there are zones with a unique climate. The peculiarity of the dry, hot climate of the Tinaki resort, located in a semi-desert zone 30 km from Astrakhan, is that the relative air humidity in the summer decreases to 30% and below. In terms of sunshine duration, the area of ​​the TinakiV sanatorium is characterized by its maximum values ​​on the territory of Russia and approaches the sunshine conditions of the well-known Bayram Ali resort (Turkmenistan). According to the integral assessment of all main meteorological regimes, the territory of the Tinaki II sanatorium is unique as a therapeutic factor for kidney diseases, especially in the period from May to September.