Rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage: features, requirements and recommendations. List of permitted liquids. Liquid medications in hand luggage

With the start of the summer holidays, questions from tourists about the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage on board an airliner. After all, travelers often do not have reliable information about what is allowed to take on board an aircraft and what is strictly prohibited. Usually our compatriots, when packing their bags for a trip, rely on the advice of friends who fly often various airlines. However, even they may not have an idea of ​​all the intricacies of baggage transportation rules. Baggage rules also change regularly. Therefore to summer season Every major air carrier tries to publish an updated list on its official website, which contains everything passengers need to know. Most of all, those who travel with large families with children of different ages are concerned about the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage on an airplane. In today's article we will give you the most up-to-date information on this issue.

Hand luggage: description of the term

Anyone who has flown by plane at least once is well aware of the phrase “carry-on luggage.” It seems that this term should not raise questions, but, as practice shows, not every traveler correctly understands its meaning.

According to international terminology, hand luggage is understood as a bag with the passenger’s personal belongings, corresponding to the dimensions and weight established by the airline, and also marked with a special tag.

Each air carrier independently sets the dimensions of hand luggage, so you must carefully read the rules before flying. Quite often, when booking a ticket via the Internet, this data is displayed on the screen, which greatly facilitates preparation for the trip.

Many tourists classify as hand luggage everything that they take with them on board an aircraft, but this is not at all true. Each passenger is absolutely free to bring the following things onto the plane:

  • handbag;
  • laptop or tablet;
  • umbrella;
  • paper folders;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear or suit in a case.

All of the above does not need to be weighed or marked, so these items cannot be classified as hand luggage. Remember this when planning a trip.

Liquids on an airplane

Just a few years ago, the rules and regulations for transporting liquids on an airplane were quite relaxed. They did not have strict restrictions, which made life much easier for passengers - they could take almost everything they wanted into the aircraft cabin. However, for last years In the face of increasing terrorist threats, airlines have significantly limited the carrying of liquids on planes.

Therefore, before the flight, each passenger should carefully study what and in what quantities he can take with him. Many travelers are interested in what baggage rules they need to follow on planes - Russian or international. This point usually raises numerous questions, because each country pays attention to its own specific nuances. How not to make mistakes when planning a trip?

In fact, everything is simple: in order to correctly calculate the amount of liquid that you are allowed to take on board, you should look not for the rules of the country you are flying to, but for the airline operating the flight. The carrier’s website will indicate all the nuances that meet the requirements of international transportation standards, and the air carrier’s own changes.

Since we cannot cover all the famous airlines in the world, in the article we will focus on international standards, and also consider the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage of two Russian leaders air transport- Aeroflot and S7. After all, these are the companies most often used by Russians to fly within the country and abroad.

Rules for transporting liquids in airplane baggage

Many travelers flying to the sea take with them a lot of creams, as well as other cosmetics that are equivalent to liquids. Some tourists even manage to bring their own drinks on vacation - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. When packing bags, questions often arise about whether all this can be carried in the luggage compartment and whether airline employees will force you to take these things out of the suitcase.

If you are also concerned about such issues, then you don’t have to worry - you can carry in your luggage any amount of liquids and substances that fall under this category in terms of consistency. The absence of restrictions is due to the fact that all bags and suitcases entering the luggage compartment of the aircraft must undergo an X-ray inspection. Therefore, airline employees are confident that there can be nothing prohibited in your luggage, and liquids do not pose any danger at all.

The only thing a traveler may encounter is a restriction on the import of foreign alcohol into Russian territory. Of course, this nuance does not apply to air carriers, but concerns customs rules. However, this information cannot be superfluous. Please note that when returning to the country you should not have more than three liters of alcoholic liquid per person. Otherwise, customs will confiscate the excess alcohol.

Liquid purchased at duty free

Often our compatriots, having checked in their luggage and gone through all stages of personal search, head to duty-free shops to buy something interesting. Usually these purchases are alcoholic beverages and perfumes, which, of course, are liquids. And therefore, they will be subject to the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage. How not to be left without your purchases and deliver them safe and sound?

On this score there is some deviation from general rules. According to it, passengers have the right to bring on board liquids purchased at a duty-free store. However, they must be packed in a sealed bag, which must be kept closed during air travel. In addition, you should not throw away the receipt confirming the purchase. Airline employees can request this document from you at any time to ensure that the purchase was made on the day of departure.

Rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage

If you plan to take on board any liquids that you cannot do without during the flight, then you should very carefully study the rules of the airline carrying you.

Keep in mind that liquids must be in a container not exceeding one hundred milliliters in volume. Russians often try to carry liter bottles of water with very little content left, and are very surprised when airline employees take them out of their hand luggage during security. Remember that the container itself should not exceed one hundred milliliters, but the amount of liquid in it no longer matters.

There may be several containers that comply with the rules, but they all must be packaged in a transparent plastic bag. It is in this form that all bottles and vials can be allowed to be placed in hand luggage. You can get a plastic bag free of charge at the baggage inspection point and, in the presence of an airport employee, place all available liquids in it.

The rules seem to be quite simple, but travelers are often confused about which liquids are allowed in carry-on luggage.

List of permitted liquids

To make it easier for you to prepare for your trip, we decided to publish a list of substances that you can take with you on board the plane:

  • water, juices, soups and other food products of appropriate consistency;
  • cream, oils and similar cosmetics;
  • perfumery (perfume, eau de toilette, etc.);
  • aerosols and containers in which the contents are under pressure (for example, deodorants);
  • any gels and pastes;
  • mascara.

It is also not forbidden to carry non-hazardous substances that resemble liquid in their consistency in hand luggage.


Tourists often doubt whether it is possible to take various medicines in liquid form on a plane. After all, it is quite difficult for many people to do without some medications during a flight. Given this nuance, airlines allow you to bring medications on board, but they reserve the right to require you to prove the need for these medications. This evidence can be an extract from the medical history, a certificate from a doctor or a pharmacy prescription.

Baby food

The issue of baby food is very pressing for young mothers planning an air flight. Many kids are quite biased in their choice of food and, in the absence of their favorite jar of puree, begin to loudly express dissatisfaction. Can I take baby food on board?

Airlines are unanimous on this point - you have the right to carry any number of jars and bottles of food for your child in your hand luggage. But just in case, before departure, review changes in your airline's liquid rules.

Russian airlines: carrying liquids on board

Since the largest and most famous Russian air carrier is Aeroflot, the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage of this company are of interest to many travelers.

If you are also planning to fly on Aeroflot planes, then know that this company does not have any special requirements for liquids on board that contradict general international rules. Before boarding the flight, if necessary, you will be given a plastic container into which all liquids up to one hundred milliliters in volume that you decide to take on board will be sent. You have the right to transport any amount of liquid substances in the luggage compartment.

The S7 has the same clear rules for carrying hand luggage. This company allows liquids to be carried on board only in containers not exceeding one hundred milliliters in volume. This year, the airline has not made any changes to the list of liquids permitted for transportation on planes, as well as to the rules for their packaging.


Traveling is always pleasant chores and the anticipation of adventure. And so that the trip is not ruined at the very beginning, you should carefully prepare for it. We hope that our article will make your long road trips easier.

Often, when going on a trip, people do not have time to study for a long time and painstakingly all the nuances of the rules for transporting luggage and undergoing customs inspection. As a result, the trip may be ruined due to a misunderstanding or possession of false data.

How much liquid can you carry on a plane in 2019? Let's get acquainted with the current data so as not to lose personal belongings during inspection.

Just a couple of years ago the rules were very democratic. Increasing cases of drinking alcoholic beverages on board and the creation of a dangerous environment, terrorist attacks - all this has led to a tightening of the policies of air carriers.

The carriage of liquids on an airplane is regulated by each airline at its own discretion. It involves restrictions on the volume of bottles. The next criterion is sealed packaging. Liquids should not spill out; they should be isolated from common things.

The last criterion is what is meant by the term liquid? This is not only water, so let’s look at the list in more detail.

What is considered a liquid

For the aviation industry, the concept of liquid has a broad meaning. For many travelers, it becomes a discovery what a large list the term includes, in addition to well-known drinks. Examples:

  • Dairy products: kefir, yoghurts, milk, sour cream, etc.;
  • Alcohol;
  • Perfumes, colognes, deodorants with aerosols;
  • Toothpaste, creams, mascara;
  • Soft cheeses. For example, curd cheese, feta;
Note! Even if a tin can is 2/3 solid, it will be classified as a liquid.

Liquid transportation standards

In hand luggage

Carry-on luggage includes a bag containing the passenger’s personal belongings. It has a certain size and weight, usually no more than 10 kg and is marked with a special tag.

Most airlines limit the carriage of liquids to one liter per person. For a separate tube, the volume is no more than 100ml.

If a passenger takes a 200-300 ml tube, but it is one third used, they will need to pack the tube in their luggage or not take it with them on the trip. Carriage rules do not allow such an item to be allowed on board.

Many travelers wonder what standards to follow - Russian or international? In fact, when going to any country, you should only focus on the carrier company and check their requirements for bringing liquids onto the ship.

There are separate rules for baby food: a mother can take any number of jars as needed during the flight. Their volume and total weight of luggage is not limited. In this case, the child must be under two years old for the family to fall under the rule.

All food that the mother takes on board must be consumed. Dry mixes do not belong to the category of liquid substances. You can breed them on board by asking the flight attendant for boiling water.

Note! Liquid formulas and purees for a child are considered personal items and not carry-on luggage.

In checked baggage

You are allowed to check in an unlimited number of bottles of liquid in your luggage. All creams, shampoos and other products of suitable consistency are placed in the suitcase in the quantity required by the passenger.

This rule is provided due to the fact that during inspection at the airport, luggage passes on a belt under X-ray radiation. Employees can see all the substances being transported and make sure that the passenger is not carrying anything dangerous or prohibited.

There is a restriction for the import of alcoholic beverages in Russia - no more than three liters of liquid per person in airplane luggage.

From Duty Free

This is a free trade zone without tax duties. Buying goods in Duty Free, the 100 ml tube limit does not apply.

It is allowed to purchase necessary things, be it perfume or alcohol, without restrictions. The main thing is not to exceed the total volume of hand luggage when calculating the volume of purchases.

Items purchased in this area must be separately sealed. In addition, they should not be unpacked until after the flight. When transferring and passing through control, they will be subject to standard rules transportation of liquids if they are opened.

Note! In some European countries It is prohibited to import goods purchased in a free economic trade zone outside the European Union.

A separate item is the transportation of caviar. It is also considered a liquid, and is subject to such restrictions of one hundred milliliters. The peculiarity is that the product can be transported within the country in a larger plastic container. But it’s better to put the caviar in the luggage compartment.

For export abroad, customs regulations apply. Forbidden:

  • Export more than 250 grams of black caviar from the country;
  • Export more than 5 kg of red;
  • You can import no more than 125 grams of the product into European countries.

When purchasing alcoholic beverages in the free trade zone, they can be checked in as luggage. The purchased volume of liquid will be accepted onto the plane with the following restrictions:

Important! The purchased product must have a factory label.

List of permitted liquids

Such liquids include substances that do not pose a danger during flight. Hazardous substances include gasoline, lighter fluid and others. Allowed liquids include:

  • Water;
  • Juices;
  • Syrups;
  • Jam, honey, confiture;
  • Baby food;
  • Creams, gels;
  • Perfume;
  • Alcohol products (with volume standards);
  • Medications;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Mascara, eyeliner, concealer;
  • Canned food and jams, compotes;
  • Shower gels, shampoos;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Pressurized containers with deodorant or shaving foam, hairspray;
  • Other substances with similar consistency.

Liquid medicines

For medications, the requirement to bring into the salon in a volume of no more than 100 ml per tube remains.

A special feature of the use of medicines on board is the strict requirements for the composition of the substance. If there is a narcotic ingredient, it is necessary to confirm with a doctor’s certificate with a clinic stamp or a prescription that the passenger has the right to take the drug.

It may also be allowed to bring several packages of medications into the salon if there is documentary evidence of the need for use. In this case, the limit of 100 ml per bottle is removed.

Important: it is prohibited to transfer medications into other bottles before the flight!

They should be in the original packaging as this makes it easier for airport staff to check. They should easily identify the composition and name. If you do transfer to a separate container, go to security well in advance of your flight and notify them.

General standards:

  • When flying to another country, a certified translation of a doctor's or hospital's certificate into English is required.
  • Find out in advance information about the legality of transported medicines in another country. For example, Corvalol and Valocordin are prohibited in a number of European countries.
  • It is not allowed to transport medicinal aerosols in cans. The only exception is upon presentation of a certificate from the hospital or from the attending physician with a translation into English.

In the absence of a prescription for a medicine that exceeds the volume or is prohibited for transportation without documents, customs officers have the right to take punitive measures against the passenger. If there are narcotic substances in the medicine, authorized persons will initiate a criminal case.

It is allowed to carry dietary food in larger quantities. The same requirements are established for it as for drugs: present a certificate from a doctor about the need to use the product for the purpose of treatment.

How to pack liquids correctly

When packing items for carry-on luggage, you should pack liquids in a separate transparent bag. Most often they are made of plastic. It is better to purchase a bag with a tightly fastened zipper.

Products can be purchased at office supply stores or received free of charge at the airport counter during security screening.

The package sizes are approximately 20x20 cm, but it is better to check the specific parameters with your air carrier.

For containers, it is better to purchase separate bottles marked with the volume to avoid disputes. If you are using the original bottle, check that all the numbers are clearly visible.

Here are common situations and tips that can help a traveler when planning a flight.

For lovers of aquarium fish, transporting them will not be difficult: they can be transported in the cabin by first pouring 50 ml into an individual container or plastic bag. Then place them in a container.

You don’t have to worry about the safety of the fish, as they will survive the flight for up to a day.

Where can I get containers smaller than 100 ml?

  • Save containers of shampoos and hair conditioners that are given out in hotels;
  • Many cosmetic companies give away mini-sets with the necessary tubes with your purchase, or they can be found on the open market;
  • Buy a universal “flight” kit for travel or a set of liquid containers and fill them with your own supplies. Both options fit into the regulations for the transportation of liquids.

Other tips:

  1. Find out in advance about the possibility of transporting rare medicines to other countries. Customs regulations The vast majority of countries prohibit the transport of drugs with narcotic or psychotropic effects.
  2. If you are bringing food to your child and it is perishable, take a thermal container to preserve the food.
  3. It is worth replacing the mercury thermometer with an electronic one if you may need it while traveling.

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Modern rules for transporting liquids on flights are almost the same in most countries of the world. Knowing them will allow you to easily transport the liquids you need from one point of travel to another.

Carriage of liquids in hand luggage

The main restrictions imposed on the transportation of liquids on an airplane relate specifically to their transportation as part of hand luggage. This is due to the potential danger of their use by a passenger in the aircraft cabin directly during the flight.

Current rules stipulate that all transported liquids must be packaged in bottles or other containers whose volume does not exceed 100 milliliters. Moreover, if the container in which the liquid was packaged was initially larger, for example, 200 milliliters, but less than half of the substance remains in it, such packaging will still not be allowed onto the plane. All transported vials must be additionally packed in a transparent bag, which you will have to present for inspection at the airport upon request. In this case, the total volume of liquids transported in such a package by one passenger should not exceed 1 liter.

An exception is made for medicines and infant formula: their transportation as part of hand luggage is allowed in containers exceeding 100 milliliters, and their quantity is not regulated by a strict figure, but must meet reasonable needs. Please remember that airport staff may ask you to present documents confirming the need to bring medications into the aircraft cabin.

Transportation of liquids from duty free

Liquids purchased in duty free, such as perfumes or alcoholic beverages, are not subject to the general restrictions that apply to the carriage of liquids in the aircraft cabin. However, it is worth keeping in mind that you have the right to bring them on the plane and take them out only when original form, that is, in a sealed package, which, in turn, is in a sealed bag issued by duty-free employees.

Carrying liquids in luggage

As a rule, there are no specific norms for the carriage of liquids in airline baggage; their volume is limited only by the total weight of the norm free luggage. At the same time, it is worth making sure that all liquids carried in luggage are securely packed to avoid leakage during the trip. Also, if you are carrying alcoholic beverages in your luggage, remember that customs authorities most often limit the amount of alcohol that one person can bring into the country: these restrictions become important when flying internationally. At the same time, the rules for importing alcohol differ in each country, so you should familiarize yourself with the current rules in advance.

Travelers who are planning to fly by plane must know and strictly follow the rules and regulations for carrying liquids in hand luggage. These rules are quite similar for all airlines in the world (with the exception of a few nuances). Some carriers may have slight deviations and concessions for domestic flights. Let's take a closer look at how much liquid you can take on a plane in your hand luggage.

In total, you can carry no more than one liter of liquid in hand luggage (do not confuse this concept with luggage). The containers in which it is contained should not exceed 100 ml. That is, you will not be allowed to take on board a 200-gram tube of sunscreen, even if there is only a third left in it.

A traveler may take no more than one liter of liquid on board an aircraft. All tubes should be stored in one clear plastic zipper bag. The bags are commercially available (usually their dimensions are approximately 200 by 200 mm). A plastic bag with containers and tubes is presented by the passenger when passing the counter (it is inspected by the Security Service). Security officials have different attitudes toward liquids—some will just glance at your bag, some will force you to open the containers to make sure there are no contraband or prohibited items. Be prepared for this.

Note: If you want to avoid delays and being late for your flight, store liquids in containers with the specified volume. The airport security service will have no complaints against you.

For liquids, you can buy a special “flight” kitit is sold in relevant stores. It is very convenient - plastic translucent containers marked by volume will not raise any questions from customs officers. You are welcome to bring baby food for your baby (it does not need to be placed in a bag as it is a personal item), but be sure to present the jars at the counter.

What is “liquid”

For many travelers traveling on an airplane for the first time, it will be a discovery what exactly most airlines mean by the term “liquid”. In addition to water and juices, this concept includes:

  • all kinds of yoghurts;
  • alcohol;
  • any baby food;
  • soft cheeses (like mozzarella, feta or camembert);
  • homemade compotes, seaming;
  • jam;
  • any canned food;
  • gels, shampoos;
  • liquid deodorants, varnishes, sprays, creams, etc. (if they are safe).

All these “liquids” can be taken on the plane without checking them in as luggage. But do not forget about the main limit of one hundred milliliters. Travelers especially often make mistakes with canned goods: they either have to be repacked or thrown away. Even if canned food is 99% solid, it is still considered a “liquid.” Since the volume of jars is usually 200-250 ml, this is considered a violation.

Baby food in quantities of more than 100 ml. You can only take it when a child under 2 years old is flying with you. The amount of baby food should not exceed the supply that may be useful during the flight (you will not be allowed to take 10 packages with you for the entire vacation period). Alcohol is also a rather controversial product - many airlines have introduced prohibition on board and do not approve of carrying “bastards” in hand luggage. Drunk passengers may not be allowed on board at all, and if you start drinking alcohol on board, you will simply be fined. But not all companies have such a policy.

How to transport liquid medicines?

When considering how much liquid you can carry in your hand luggage, it is necessary to touch upon the topic of medications. In general, medications can be taken on board an aircraft, but there are several special features. The volume of bubbles is limited to the same 100 milliliters. If they contain narcotic substances, then you will need a stamped certificate from the hospital stating that you need this medicine (the names on the ticket and the certificate must match). In some cases, it is possible to transport several packages of medicines if you confirm that you really need it. If you have a prescription, you can carry liquid medications in bottles larger than 100 milliliters, but it must be in the original packaging. It is generally prohibited to pour medicines into their own containers. In this case, you will have to pack the medicine in a separate bag and report it to security at check-in.

Note: If you are flying to another country, a doctor's prescription or medical certificate must be translated into English by a certified translator.

Many drugs approved in our country are prohibited in other countries. For example, valocordin, corvalol, nurofen, cough syrups, etc. Therefore, be sure to study the legal requirements of the countries you are flying to. It is also prohibited to carry various medicinal aerosols (like panthenol) on board. If you have asthma or another disease and need aerosols for the duration of the flight, then take with you an extract from the illness and a certificate from the hospital. If you do not have a prescription, and at the customs office of the receiving party you are found to have prohibited medications (especially those containing narcotic drugs), then a criminal case will be opened against you.

Liquids from Duty Free

Purchases made in a duty-free zone are not subject to the 100 ml rule. You can safely purchase perfume or alcohol, but just do not forget about the total weight of your carry-on luggage. Products purchased from Duty Free must be properly sealed (they cannot be opened during the flight).

Note: if your route involves a transfer, then do not open goods from Duty Fre - they will immediately fall under the standard rules. Some European countries prohibit the import of liquids purchased in free trade zones outside the EU.

Each category of baggage has its own rules for transportation on board the aircraft. In some cases, they may vary between airlines. This article will describe the rules for transporting liquids on an airplane.

  • Cosmetics (shampoo, gel, lotion, cosmetic oils and masks, mascara, lipstick, toothpaste, etc.).
  • Perfume products (perfumes and eau de toilette, air fresheners, deodorants, etc.)
  • Food and drinks (alcohol, honey, purees, jam, juices, soups, etc.)

Rules for transporting liquids in the aircraft cabin

You have the opportunity to take some liquid with you in your hand luggage. The volume of the container should be no more than 100 ml. In total, you can take with you a maximum of 1 liter of liquid. Containers must be placed in a transparent bag that must be securely closed. Liquids in the bag should not be overcrowded.

The total volume of liquid brought into the cabin should not exceed 1 liter.

But there are liquids that can be transported in the cabin of an aircraft without these restrictions. Namely:

  • Medicines and dietary supplements. You will be able to carry in your hand luggage only those medicines and biological supplements classified as medicines that you really need during the flight. This must be proven by a doctor’s report and a prescription for this drug. Also, when traveling by plane to Schengen countries, you will have to fill out a special form under Article 75.
  • Baby food. When flying on an airplane with a child, you can take with you as much baby food as your baby needs for the duration of the flight. Complementary foods such as milkshakes, juices or purees are only allowed for children under three years of age. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that during inspection you may be asked to try the transported liquid if it raises doubts among airport employees.
  • Dietary products(eg diabetic nutrition).
  • Liquid for lenses.

In addition, you can take liquids purchased at Duty Free on board the plane. There are such stores at any airport. To carry liquids in your hand luggage, you will need to pack them in a clear plastic bag. You also need to take proof of purchase from the store. This confirmation must be placed in the bag along with the liquid, so that it is visible. This confirmation must indicate the airport where the purchase was made.

Carrying liquids in luggage

Liquids can be transported not only in the aircraft cabin, but also in luggage. There is no limitation on the volume of the container in which the liquid is located. But you need to remember that there are flammable liquids that are strictly prohibited from being taken on a plane at all. These include paints, gasoline, various solvents and other substances of this kind. If you want to transport various aerosols intended for household purposes in the luggage compartment, then you need to ensure that the valves of the cylinders are tightly closed with a lid. The capacity of such cylinders should be no more than 500 ml. One passenger can carry no more than 2 liters of aerosols.

In addition, some restrictions apply to the carriage of alcoholic beverages in luggage. Many airlines require that alcoholic liquids be packaged in a retail container, i.e. in a bottle with a label. You can check in your luggage any amount of alcohol whose strength does not exceed 24%, as well as no more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverages with a strength from 24% to 70%. Drinks with an alcohol content exceeding 70% are prohibited from being transported on an airplane. But there are also restrictions imposed on the import of alcohol by the country to which you are traveling.

Carrying liquids in the luggage compartment of an aircraft

Peculiarities of importing liquids containing alcohol into the territory of some countries

  • Russia. To the territory Russian Federation You can import 3 liters of alcohol duty free. Just one person can introduce no more than 5 liters of alcohol-containing products into the country.
  • EU countries and Cyprus. You can import into European countries 1 liter of alcohol with an alcohol content of more than 22%, 2 liters with an alcohol content of less than 22%, 4 liters of wine and no more than 16 liters of beer drinks. These rules also apply to the import of alcoholic beverages into the territory of Cyprus.
  • USA. Only persons over 21 years of age can bring alcoholic beverages here. You can take only 1 liter of alcohol with you without paying a fee. The maximum amount of alcohol imported into the territory of a given country is not limited.
  • Türkiye. You can bring no more than one liter of strong alcoholic drink or 2 bottles of wine (700 ml each) to Turkey by plane.
  • Egypt and Thailand– 1 liter of alcoholic liquids.