What medications to take in Vietnam reviews. What to take with you to Vietnam: list of things, documents, necessary medicines, drugs, clothes. What to take with you to a photo shoot in Vietnam

When going to Vietnam, you should take into account the climatic features different seasons. This will come in handy to resolve the issue of what to take with you to Vietnam.

Thus, the south of the country is characterized by an alternation of wet and dry seasons. The wet season lasts from May to November, with the wettest months being June, July and August. The dry season begins in December and lasts until April. For Europeans, the most comfortable months to visit the south of the country will be January and February. It is best to travel in the middle part of the country from March to August. Favorable time for traveling to the north of Vietnam is April, May, September, October.

Whenever you get ready to travel, the first item on your list is: what to take to Vietnam, should be a high protection sunscreen. Don't forget a hat to protect your head from the merciless sun. The next items on the list of what you need to take to Vietnam should be: light cotton clothes that will make you comfortable in muggy weather, sunglasses, a raincoat or a windbreaker with a hood.

Special mention should be made of insect repellents. It is better to buy them locally, at a pharmacy, since domestic preparations do not repel Vietnamese insects. But a product that soothes the skin after bites can help. In resort areas, insects bother vacationers much less.

What medications to take to Vietnam

To the standard pharmacy kit, including citramone, painkillers, antidiarrheal and laxatives, hydrogen peroxide, bandages, and patches, you need to add remedies for stomach and intestinal disorders.

What to take your child to Vietnam

Children are more sensitive to sudden changes in climate and food, so you need to prepare for them products that normalize the intestinal microflora and remedies for indigestion. Also, a long flight may be a burden for children - take care of entertainment on the plane: a notebook with pencils for drawing, board games, comics, books. For children, you need to bring nuts, cookies, crackers, candies and fruits or dried fruits, water or juice.

Reading time: 13 minutes

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Vietnam because of its geographical location is a country with unusual for us climatic conditions(the climate there is tropical monsoon), ideas about hygiene, food, flora and fauna.

Despite the fact that there are plenty of pharmacies in any city in Vietnam, and the prices there are quite reasonable (in Hanoi, even, frankly, low), in order to protect yourself and your loved ones on a trip, you need to have your usual medications with you.

Having analyzed the experience of experienced travelers to Vietnam and neighboring countries, we have compiled for you an exclusive list of medications that you should take with you on vacation (we hope you carry them in your suitcase just like that):

Medicines for poisoning

  • activated carbon (take at the first suspicion that something is wrong with the stomach, 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight)
  • loperamide/chloramphenicol (relieve symptoms of diarrhea)
  • lactofiltrum (cleanses the body in case of poisoning)
  • enterosgel (absorbent, store in the refrigerator)
  • enterofuril (broad-acting intestinal antiseptic)
  • rehydron (will restore the body’s water-salt balance during diarrhea)
  • black peppercorns (folk remedy: in case of poisoning, chew a few peas and swallow - it will kill all the infection)
  • mezim/pancreatin (whatever suits anyone - for better digestion of Vietnamese delicacies that are unusual for our stomach)
  • Gaviscon/rennie (for heartburn - there is a lot of spicy food in Vietnam)
  • laxative
  • Linex (will restore intestinal microflora)

It is worth remembering that Vietnamese cuisine includes a lot of spicy dishes, dishes fried in oil, vegetables, herbs and fruits, which are not always washed well. In roadside cafes, cutlery and dishes are poorly washed and the idea of ​​hygiene there is very vague (for example: rats and cockroaches in the kitchen of a roadside cafe are an absolute commonplace that no one pays attention to), so we strongly recommend that you eat in such places as little as possible, and if you still decide, wipe the utensils with alcohol gel or limes that are lying there right on the tables.

Experienced travelers advise taking more “stomach relief” medicines from home that will help you personally; Vietnam also has a lot of its own medicines, but in case of poisoning, if possible, it is better not to experiment and use a proven remedy.

Cold and flu medicines

If you think that in a country where the temperature often exceeds +40 °C you are not in danger of catching a cold, then you are mistaken - any Vietnamese establishment is now equipped with air conditioning (or, at worst, a ceiling fan), which every Vietnamese considers it their duty to set it up this way so that whoever enters the room will regret that he did not take his grandmother’s knitted sweater with him. And in general, as practice shows, colds in Vietnam are not that uncommon. This is evidenced by international statistics visits to hospitals while on vacation. First of all, of course, this concerns the northern region of Vietnam. Therefore, be sure to put the following medications in your tourist’s first aid kit:

  • Theraflu/Coldrex or their analogues (available in Vietnam, but a few sachets just in case won’t hurt)
  • aspirin, paracetamol and other antipyretics (for children - suppositories)
  • remedies for dry (required!) and wet coughs such as Ambrabene, ACC, etc.
  • hexaral/pharyngosept (for throat)
  • nasal decongestant
  • broad spectrum antibiotics
  • other cold and flu medications.

In general, in Vietnamese pharmacies such medicines are available in abundance, but understanding their analogues can be problematic, since the instructions for them are written in Vietnamese and English, and pharmacy sellers may not even know English, so it is better to play it safe and take it all with you.


In Vietnam, humidity levels often reach 100%. In such conditions, even a slight violation of the skin can lead to unpleasant consequences if you do not treat it with antiseptics in a timely manner, so be sure to take with you:

  • brilliant green, iodine
  • miramistin with spray, hydrogen peroxide
  • plaster, hemostatic wipes, bandage

Be careful when crossing the roadway and do not rent a motorbike if you do not have long driving experience in Russia - this will protect you from injury. Vietnamese roads are in chaos! It's safer and cheaper to use (or regular taxi) Grab or Uber.

Allergy remedies

Even if you are not allergic, you should definitely have with you:

  • cetrin
  • any ointment to apply to the skin to relieve allergy symptoms

The hot Vietnamese sun, ubiquitous insects, unusual food, replete with herbs, spices, fruits, and monosodium glutamate - all this can cause allergies even in a healthy person, so it’s better to be safe.

If you suddenly forgot to bring one of the medicines, and you needed it, then look for its international analogue on the Internet or look at what active ingredient it contains. Show the name of the active ingredient or an analogue to the pharmacist and he will find for you the Vietnamese version of the medicine, which will also cost a penny.

Other medications that are best to have on hand in Vietnam

  • valocordin/validol,
  • Citromon/Panadol (for headaches) or ibuprofen,
  • smecta,
  • panthenol/dexpanthenol (burning, allergies),
  • ammonia (ammonia),
  • no-shpa,
  • thermometer.

For children - take children's versions of drugs.

There is a little trick on how to fit all the medications in a suitcase (so that they take up less space): throw away all the packaging, leave only the blisters and instructions. All this can be secured with rubber bands or paper clips and placed in a separate bag.

For all medications, it is better to consult with specialists!

Helpful information

In Vietnam, there are many medicines of natural origin and analogues of expensive, world-famous medicines, which are sold there for pennies.

These include

  • ointments for muscle and joint pain and warming herbal ointments (“Vietnamese star” - cao sao vàng (cao sao vang) and Cobratoxan (based on cobra venom),
  • “white tiger” - bạch hổ (bat ho),
  • najatox, etc.),
  • cold medicines such as amiflu (day and night),
  • various teas and dietary supplements to lower cholesterol and blood sugar,
  • vitamins, antibiotics and much more.

If you need to buy several ointments for souvenirs, then you can easily go to the nearest pharmacy, but if you want to buy more serious medicines in large quantities, it makes sense to visit a store at a wholesale warehouse.

IN resort towns In Vietnam (Nha Trang, Mui Ne), on the central streets almost all pharmacy sellers speak Russian, but if you want something cheaper, here is a link to a pharmacy in Nha Trang where there is a large selection of medicines and low prices:

Going to the doctor

It's worth noting that visiting a doctor for a check-up in Vietnam can be quite expensive, but only if you want to go to a good international hospital. One visit can easily reduce your capital by $100.

Another option is to go to local doctors in a small clinic. Cheaper, but not necessarily worse. Just ask the guides or the hotel, they will recommend you a good hospital.

But getting tested in Vietnam is much cheaper than in Russia, and the results can be ready within 15-20 minutes. But everything, of course, depends on the hospital, diagnosis, etc.

But insurance made in Russia will not be a 100% guarantee that, in the event of a serious health hazard, the hospital will accept the patient (this is due to the fact that Russian insurance companies have a very bad reputation in the world, and even in Vietnam they know that “Russians don’t pay”), so try to find a company with the best reputation for payments to foreign (Vietnamese) clinics, and if you take out insurance from your tour operator, find out everything from them inside and out, read reviews, make inquiries - this concerns your safety and your loved ones.

In addition, have a certain amount of cash with you “just in case” and a card where, in case of emergency, your friends or relatives could transfer money to you. Also, take the trouble to find out the addresses and telephone numbers of hospitals and mobile medical teams in the city where you are going. Many of them work around the clock.

Emergency medical phone number: 115

Do not hesitate to contact the reception desk of your hotel regarding such questions - the Vietnamese are very responsive and have a very positive attitude towards tourists from the countries of the former USSR - therefore they will always tell you where, if something happens, to get the best quality and cheapest medical care. Any taxi driver can also easily take a person to the nearest hospital. (the main thing, as in the film Brother 2, is to shout loudly in his ear, only not “Brighton Beach”, of course, but the word “ben Vien” - hospital).

Of course, when going on a 10-day vacation on a tour package, we hope that nothing serious will happen to us, and, indeed, Vietnam is not such a dangerous country for tourists. However, anything can happen, especially if you go on vacation with children, so, as they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, do not be lazy to look for other articles on the topic “what medications to take with you to Vietnam” and consult with doctors.

Don’t save time, money and space in your suitcase - protect yourself and your loved ones in advance and relax with peace of mind!

How much money to take to Vietnam in 2019 for 10 days for food, entertainment, excursions and shopping. Most popular resort in this country it is Nha Trang, so let’s take it as an example.

Vietnam is a cheap country, and it would seem that you don’t need to take a lot of money with you on vacation. However, given that you are a white person, you will pay several times more for everything, so the question arises of how much money you need in Vietnam for a comfortable or economical holiday. Even if you have lived in Vietnam for many years, this does not guarantee you low prices. But you will already have an idea of ​​the cost and will know where and what they are trying to deceive you on.

So, in restaurants in Phan Thiet, I came across menus without prices. It turned out that local residents They pay one price for the same dishes, and foreigners pay another. The same goes for taxis and other services in Vietnam. No one is immune from this, you just may not know it or not notice it.

Therefore, if you are deciding how much money to take to Vietnam in 2019, it is worth considering all the extra fees that tourists are subject to just because they have white skin and are foreigners.

You can visit many places in Nha Trang on your own, for example, by taking a motorbike or traveling by city bus. If you decide to go on excursions, then with a discount their cost will be $80-120 for 3-4 excursions. The main costs will be food. You can eat in Vietnamese cafes for $2-3, or in cafes adapted for tourists. There the price tag will be higher, about $5-6 per dish. In general, a day with fruits, juices, lunches and dinners will cost $12-17, depending on who eats. Also, if you buy souvenirs, all sorts of magnets and small items, they cost about $4-5. And for souvenirs in the form of crocodile leather products, pearls, snakes, ostriches, the cost will be about $100.

How much do tours to Nha Trang cost?

      • 300 rub. for any tour, costing from 20,000 rubles.
      • 500 rub. for any tour, costing from 40,000 rubles.
      • - 600 rub. for all tours from 50,000 rubles. V mobile application And .
      • - promotion until 02.09. Win-win drawing of a trip to Ayia Napa (Cyprus) for 1 ruble. Each participant receives a promotional code for 1000 rub.
      • - 2000 rub. for tours to Turkey from 100,000 rubles.

How much money to take to Vietnam for 10 days in 2019

How much money does Vietnam need: $300 per person for 10 days

$300 per person for 10 days in Vietnam is $30 per day. This budget is enough if you eat in inexpensive cafes and take a couple of excursions (for example, to and from). At the same time, you can bring home inexpensive souvenirs as a keepsake.

How much money do you need in Vietnam: $800 for two for 10 days

$800 for two in Vietnam can be spent as follows:

  • $50 per day (for two) for daily expenses (food not in the cheapest places, bike rental);
  • $300 - expenses for excursions (for example, trips to, visiting Sky light) and purchases (coffee to take home, tea, fruit, several bottles of good rum).

With this budget, you won’t be luxurious, but you won’t be depriving yourself of anything.

How much money to take to Vietnam: budget $450 per person for 10 days

I won’t say that with such a budget you will be luxurious in Vietnam, but perhaps you will not be able to deny yourself anything. What is included in this budget:

  • Lunch in a cafe, dinner in a cafe or restaurant;
  • Rent a 150cc scooter for 10 days. You can ride all over Vietnam. In fact, the scooter is not bad at saving money;
  • $150 – buying coffee to take home;
  • $190 – jet ski excursion to Monkey Island;
  • Visiting nightclubs in Vietnam.

Nha Trang, how much money to take: $1000 for two for 10 days

With this budget you will get $100 per day for two. Having $1000 for two for 10 days, again, you can deny yourself almost nothing. Almost)) This includes excursions.

Vietnam, Nha Trang: how much money to take for a super vacation - $1000 per person for 10 days

I won’t take more money, because it’s unlikely that you, having such a budget, will even go to cheap country Vietnam, where the service is not always the best.

So, the amount of $1000 is enough for good rest for one person. By the way, this is the six-month budget of the average Vietnamese. This budget allows you not to deny yourself anything, but you can still find where to spend the money. Example This budget includes (example):

  • $200 - shopping in Vietnam, things are very good quality: ski suit, leather bag, wallet, suitcase, tunics, Lacoste T-shirts for $10;
  • $400-500 - 3 excursions (for example, Dalat for 2 days, southern islands, Saigon by plane, independent trips on Vinpearl, on the dirt and around the city);
  • $30-40 per day for food. Lunch and dinner, without denying yourself anything (breakfast at the hotel);
  • $10 – massage, you can go every day;
  • Visiting spas and massages for the blind;
  • $100 - additional payment for a room with a sea view (if yours was with a side view);
  • Elephant rides;
  • Obtaining diving certificates;
  • Visiting nightclubs (for example, club Zima);
  • Fruits for the road.

I thank the guys from Vietnam for their help in preparing this column about Nha Trang -

Have you ever seen an official doctor's prescription that says snake heart? Are you ready to take strange, unfamiliar mushrooms along with your usual medications? Then think about what medications to take with you on vacation to Vietnam.

The features of Vietnamese medicine are shaped by its historical past. The country's traditional medicine is based on the use of exotic and unusual remedies, as elsewhere in Asia. Snake blood and ground mushrooms, strange plants from the jungle, which in themselves are a real pharmacy for a local resident.

At one time, the country was a colony of France, and French medicine tried to introduce its own rules into treatment methods, including European medicines.

In the middle of the last century, doctors in this country studied at medical universities of the Soviet Union, which left its mark on their methods. This generation of doctors is still numerous. Now European-style medicine has returned to the country, and the result is a real cocktail of several medical schools and approaches.

Of course, there are pharmacies and stores in the country where you can buy medications that are familiar to us and Europeans. You only need to buy from big stores and pharmacies or public hospitals.

What medications should I take with me to Vietnam? To do this, just make a list of the essentials you and your traveling companions will need on your trip.

In Vietnam there is no iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, or elastic bandage that we are used to. Therefore, a first aid kit for a trip to Vietnam should look something like this:

iodine and hydrogen peroxide, which are sold there in low concentrations;

activated carbon or similar absorbents;

sedatives that you simply cannot buy there;

remedies for stomach and intestinal disorders;

means for restoring intestinal microflora;

antipyretics that do not contain paracetamol, because there are none;

remedies for malaria and fungal infections;

simple general antibiotics;

antiallergic drugs – there are a lot of insects in the country;

elastic bandages, bactericidal patches;

painkillers and antispasmodics;

If you are constantly taking specific medications that are individually prescribed for you, it is simply necessary to take them with you!

You should have sanitary napkins and repellents with you – mosquito and mosquito repellents. If you use devices such as a pressure measuring device, then take care of an adapter - sockets in Vietnam have flat contacts.

The climate in the country is hot and humid, so it is necessary to take care of medications to maintain cardiac activity and remedies for respiratory infections. Take with you only the most general antibiotics; if necessary, more complex ones will be provided by the local state medicine, which employs many Russian-speaking doctors.

Unlike Egypt or Turkey, Vietnam is not yet so popular among our tourists, so questions often arise, what should you take with you to Vietnam? We will try to put everything on the shelves and give practical advice.

  1. find and buy there and back, or to Vietnam, and then to a third country
  2. decide on the type of visa and obtain a visa,
  3. book for 1-2 nights in the city where you are arriving,
  4. and print out the visa application form,
  5. take a photo for the application form

This is a minimum but mandatory set of documents that you must take with you in order to quickly go through all the formalities after the plane lands at the Vietnam airport.

It is best to look for a cheap air ticket on the website Aviasales.ru. This search engine will do all the work for you in searching for tickets on the websites of the airlines themselves. That is, whether through this site or if you went to the airline websites yourself, the prices will be almost the same.

It is also easy to decide on the type of visa; it is a visa for 1 or 3 months, a single or multiple entry visa. If you plan to go to Cambodia or Thailand during your vacation, then we definitely take a multiple-entry ticket; if only Vietnam, then a single-entry trip.

You need to book the hotel in advance, because... you will most likely be tired from the road, and if this is your first trip, then the best solution would be to take a taxi straight from the airport and arrive at an already booked hotel.

You can fill out the form through our application form. Everything must be entered in English.

The photo must be taken for the questionnaire, size 4x6, any color.

All these documents and formalities can be completed in a couple of days. On the other hand, for everyone, choosing a convenient air ticket, choosing a hotel, reading reviews about each hotel can take a lot of time, so you can always contact a travel agency in your city or, for example, us.

What medications should I take?

Let's start filling the suitcase or backpack. Let's start with medications that may be useful:

  1. medicines for stomach pain
  2. medicines for toothache
  3. headache medications
  4. individual medications

That is, the most common set of medications that can be taken to any other country.

Also, if, for example, you are young and are sure that you do not need medicine, then you can always find a pharmacy in Vietnam if you suddenly need something. In Nha Trang and Phan Thiet (Mui Ne) there are pharmacies with Russian-speaking staff.

Finding a pharmacy will not be difficult; ask at the reception, on the street with Russian tourists or at a travel agency on the street. If you need something at night, it will be more difficult, because... pharmacies will be closed. But in Vietnam there is a well-developed network of hospitals and they will not leave you alone with your pain. But, pre-arranged insurance would help here!

If you are planning to visit Northern Vietnam, for example, to conquer Sapa, be sure to take something for fever and colds. The weather there changes frequently, and finding Russian-speaking people in the North of Vietnam will be more difficult than in the South.

What clothes should I take?

Clothes for visiting pagodas

Almost the majority of tourists go to Vietnam for the purpose of relaxing and exploring the country, which means combining a beach holiday with excursion programs. We will proceed from this particular option for traveling to Vietnam.

So, what most tourists will need:

  1. heat protection hat
  2. t-shirts
  3. shorts, skirts
  4. dresses for women, jeans or trousers for evening for men
  5. underwear, socks, swimsuit and swimming trunks
  6. sneakers for excursions
  7. flip flops for the beach, flip flops can also be useful in inexpensive hotels where there are no disposable shoes
  8. sunglasses

That is, again, the clothes are those that you can take on any trip, even around Russia.

Vietnam models

If you are planning a trip to Vietnam in winter, and in addition to beach holiday your route passes through North Vietnam or mountain resorts, then take something with you for the evening, because... Winter temperatures in Sapa or Dalat can be chilly. Also, you will need warm clothes if you decide to conquer Mount Fansipan.

About bathroom accessories

If you plan to stay in 4 or 5 star hotels, then you will have new disposable hygiene products and bathroom amenities in your rooms every day. There will be towels, disposable shoes and everything you need.

In most cases, 3 star hotels will also have everything you need to take a bath. But there will be nothing in 2-star hotels and hostels. Here you will simply need to take towels and shower products with you.

Also, you can always buy towels, bath accessories, shorts, T-shirts and other clothes in local stores.

If you plan to visit overnight, take a towel, toothbrushes and toothpaste with you, as... there won't be any in the cabins.

What else can you take with you?

Take with you everything that you usually take for a trip to another city or country.

Here are the basic things for a tourist:

  1. camera and charger, flash drive
  2. phone and charger
  3. international passport and photocopy of international passport
  4. headphones for a mobile phone
  5. guide
  6. pen, notepad
  7. dollars for the first time to pay for a taxi and a credit card
  8. bathroom accessories
  9. towel
  10. international sim card
  11. tablet or laptop and charger for it
  12. camera tripod if you're traveling alone
  13. sun cream
  14. medicines
  15. backpack for excursions

How much money should I take with me?

Evening in Vietnam

We wrote a separate article about this in more detail. Here we note that the first $50 can be exchanged directly at the airport in Vietnam at an average, generally good rate for the country.

This way you can buy water and pay for a taxi to the hotel, and if your arrival is earlier than your check-in time at the hotel, you can spend part of the local currency to buy a SIM card. So it makes sense to take cash with you, but a small amount, because... In many places you can pay by card.

Special things for Vietnam

If you are traveling, you can take a flashlight with you. Phu Quoc still resembles our village, but with the sea, palm trees and numerous cafes. So, in the evenings it will be quite dark and a flashlight will be useful to you.

If possible, make a printout of the hotel name on English language with his photo to show the taxi driver.

Most likely, during your holiday in Vietnam you will meet someone. Perhaps it will be someone from Russia, or any other country. Take a couple of souvenirs with you for such acquaintances; sometimes even a magnet will leave a lasting memory of you and can serve as a step for true friendship even after your vacation.