The best states to live in America. Detailed map of the USA with states Map of the states of America in English

USA(USA), often used the United States, or simply America (eng. United States of America, USA, U.S., America) - a state in North America. This is one of the most large countries by area (9.5 million km², 4th place in the world) and by population (325 million people (2016), 3rd place in the world).

Device form – federal.

Administrative division - 50 states And federal district Colombia; They also control a number of island territories.

Capital - city Washington(located in the District of Columbia, which does not have state status)

The USA does not have an official state language. Most people in the country speak American English.

State is an administrative-territorial unit in America. From 1959 to the present day their 50 . Each state has its own state symbols - a flag and a motto. Each state has its own Constitution and system of government (legislative, judicial and executive branches). Each state has its own counties (smaller in size than the state). Life local population in areas where citizens live they are in charge city ​​municipalities And townships(one of the third-level administrative-territorial units in the United States, included in counties along with city municipalities, are one of the types of small civil divisions).

Most state names come from the names of Indian tribes and the names of the kings of England and France.

IN different years central cities were as follows: Philadelphia. NY. Baltimore. Trenton. Lancaster. York. Princeton. Annapolis.

List of states with their capitals



Downtown Boise

Des Moines Main Center


Juneau Center


Phoenix metropolitan area


Little Rock





Virginia West



Madison metropolitan area

Downtown Honolulu

North Dakota

Bismarck Center
Dakota South

Pierre Center


Downtown Atlanta



Downtown Indianapolis



Carolina North

Carolina South

Columbia Center


Frankfort Center

Downtown Denver


Core Hartford area

Downtown Baton Rouge


Downtown Boston
Jefferson City

Downtown Lansing


Augusta Center


Annapolis metropolitan area

Lincoln Center

Carson City
New Hampshire

New Jersey


Downtown Albany

New Mexico

Santa Fe


Columbia region


Oklahoma City

Salem metropolitan area


Rhode Island


Downtown Nashville

Downtown Austin

Downtown Tallahassee

Capital area Salt Lake City

Confederate States of America

During the Civil War, the Confederate states were slave territories, while the northern part of America was free of slavery. The confederate states include: Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, Louisiana, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky, and Arizona.

Republic of Texas

It ranks 2nd in territory in the United States (696,241 km²) after Alaska and 2nd in population after California (26,956,958 people). Texas is one of the centers of American Agriculture, cattle breeding, education, oil and gas and chemical industries, financial institutions. State capital - Austin; Administrative division- districts (254).

The state of Texas is a rich region with a deep history. In 1836, the state separated from Mexican territory and declared its independence. After the declaration of independence, this territory became known as the Republic of Texas. This status lasted until 1845. Then Texas becomes the 28th state of America and receives a new name - the state of Texas. Thus, Texas was the only territory that entered the Union while remaining sovereign. During the American Civil War, the state of Texas found itself outside the Union; the state re-entered the Union in 1970. Today, Texas is one of the richest areas in the country, with its own developed economy and high standard of living.

Kingdom and Republic of Hawaii

Hawaii (English) Hawaii) - US state. Located on Hawaiian Islands in the central Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere at a distance of 3,700 km from the continental United States. Hawaii joined the federation on August 21, 1959, becoming the 50th state. Population - 1,419,561 people (as of 2014). The urban population is about 70%. Official language- English; Other languages, including Hawaiian, are partially preserved (in everyday life) among various ethnic groups. The capital and largest city is Honolulu. Other major cities are Hilo, Kailua-Kono, Kaneohe. Economically, the island of Oahu is the most developed. Official nickname - Aloha State.

Hawaii, along with four US states, was briefly considered an independent territory. From 1795 to 1810, the territory of Hawaii, previously ruled by several chiefs, was proclaimed a kingdom. July 4, 1894 The Kingdom of Hawaii becomes a republic. Since July 7, 1898, the Republic of Hawaii falls under the protectorate of the United States and becomes dependent on America. In the period from 1939 to 1945. Hawaii is becoming an important strategic location for military operations. Only in 1959 did they join the United States as the 50th state. Hawaii is the US sugar monopoly. Pineapples are grown in Hawaii for export to other countries. The islands are an attractive destination for tourists.

Let's highlight the main points:

  • America consists of fifty states.
  • The administrative bodies of government are municipalities and townships.
  • Each state has its own basic law - the Constitution.
  • The concept of “state” appeared during the period of wars of conquest on the part of England, around the 40s of the 17th century, and it meant the name of individual colonies.
USA map

Detailed map USA in Russian. Explore a map of the USA from satellite. Zoom in and see streets, houses, and landmarks on a map of the United States.

The entire stretching from ocean to ocean, the middle part of the territory USA is influenced by a continental climate. In the north, the border of the United States of America is represented by Canada, and in the south by Mexico. Alaska is located in the northwest of North America, separated by the Bering Strait from the Russian northeast. The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago consisting of 24 islands.

Hawaiian Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean, in its central part. Hawaii is separated from the mainland by 4 kilometers of Pacific water. In addition to the Hawaiian Islands, the largest and most famous are also: Maui, Kahulawi, Oahu, Kauai. All these islands are mountainous and low.

Generally, USA climate temperate, in the southern part of the country - subtropical. The midwest and northeast of the country have fairly long winters, with temperatures dropping below zero. But winter in the southern part of the United States is very warm and sunny. Spring and autumn are ideal for relaxation.

The southern coast of California always enjoys warm weather. On the coast of Florida and the Hawaiian Islands the climate is maritime and tropical. From May to November the islands are under the influence of tropical cyclones. At this time the amount of precipitation is maximum. But, nevertheless, the rains are not long, and most of the time, the sun still shines.

Population of the United States of America, mostly migrants. Approximately 15 million of the population are of Hispanic, Puerto Rican or Mexican descent. About 12 percent of the population is African American, numbering approximately 26.5 million people. There are about one and a half million Indians in the country.

There are five time zones in the country, hence the difference with Moscow is 7-12 hours. The country's official language is English, but French and Spanish are also common. The population of the United States professes all religions of the world, however, the most widespread is Protestantism.

The country's population has a number of characteristics. For example, Americans do not like stiffness; they dress in clothes that are comfortable for them, without thinking too much about how they look. When communicating, they address each other simply, even if there is a significant age difference between the interlocutors. And, of course, Americans are proud of their country and their origins. The population of the USA is approximately 313 million people. The United States of America consists of 50 equal states that have their own constitution and laws.

The USA or the United States of America is a country located in North America. The term America is often used instead of the place name USA. A map of the United States shows that the country is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. total area countries - 9,518,900 km 2 (the fourth largest country in the world).

A detailed map of the United States shows that the country is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, the country includes some islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The states are divided into 3141 districts. USA states map represents Largest cities countries: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston. The capital of the USA is Washington.

America has the highest GDP level in the economy. Despite the 2008 crisis, which hit the American economy hard, the United States is one of the most developed countries peace. The US economy is supported by high level largely due to natural resources, high-tech manufacturing, services, scientific research and software development.

The USA plays a significant role in world politics. After World War II, the country became one of the strongest states in the world. The United States is a member of NATO and the UN Security Council.

Historical reference

The USA was formed in 1776 from 13 British colonies. Until 1783, the country fought the War of Independence from the British Empire. The Constitution was adopted in 1787, and the Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791. In the 1860s between the northern and southern states begins Civil War, which leads to the unification of the country and the prohibition of slavery.

After World War II, America, which suffered little from military action unlike European countries, became a leader in world politics. From 1946 to the 1980s, the Cold War was waged between the USA and the USSR.

EventsXXI century:

2003-2010 – military operations in Iraq

September 2005 – Hurricane Katrina, levee failure and flooding of New Orleans

2009 – President Barack Obama is inaugurated as the first African-American president

October 2012 – Hurricane Sandy, flooding of New York

Must Visit

A map of the USA in Russian is replete with attractions: from skyscrapers in New York to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The largest cities in the USA are a must-visit: New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Miami and San Diego.

It is recommended to visit the gaming capital of Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, Mississippi River Valley, national park The Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan in New York, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the White House and memorial parks in Washington, Boldt Castle on Hart Island, the Willis Tower and Empire State Building skyscrapers, Disneyland in Florida , Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee.

Note to tourists

Gulrypsh - a holiday destination for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia is an urban-type settlement called Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife’s illness, they needed a change of climate. The matter was decided by chance.