Crimean Simeiz. Rest in simeiz, katsiveli, lowering and the blue bay on the skirt. Where is the village in the Crimea

Simeiz is just a magical place.

Even the ancient Greek navigators understood this, and therefore gave it such a name. Translated from Greek, "simeiz" means "sign", "omen". Something distinctive, characteristic. The coast line and bizarre coastal cliffs served as landmarks for tired sailors, hence the name. I fully support the ancient Greeks and fully share their opinion. In no other Black Sea village did I feel as good and comfortable as in Simeiz. I consider myself incredibly lucky, because I was lucky enough to visit this small branch of Heaven on Earth.

Well, it would seem, another turn from the highway to another resort village with another name incomprehensible to Slavic ears. Crimean classics: several beaches, a couple of mountains in the vicinity, a couple of abandoned castles - villas - fortresses, a bunch of cafes and souvenir shops.

But, as soon as I stepped out of the minibus on my first visit there, I immediately sensed that something was wrong with this place. That is, on the contrary, everything is the same with him. This is not an ordinary resort village, where crowds of tourists swarm around stalls with kvass and, languishing from the heat, line up in long queues for excursions, and you can’t run away from cunning and annoying merchants.

Simeiz is an incredibly cozy place, the abode of a variety of people of the most interesting origin. A place with an amazingly friendly and inviting atmosphere that wraps you up immediately as soon as you get there. A place rich in history and unique nature. A place, once in which, you no longer want to leave it for any price.

How to get there

It is possible to reach the Crimean peninsula from all corners of the world by all possible types transport: by plane, train, bus, bicycle, boat and even on foot. This is not hard-to-reach Kamchatka hills, but practically Europe, with access to the sea and an extensive network of roads. Therefore, logistical difficulties will not arise here.

By plane

There is only one civil airport in Crimea, in Simferopol - international Airport SIMFEROPOL. There is a military airfield in Sevastopol, but planes full of tourists, unfortunately, do not fly there. But you can fly to almost all leading airlines. From Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other million-plus cities, on average, there are 5-7 flights a day, and if you take care of tickets in advance, they will cost quite cheaply: about 7,000 rubles. You can search for tickets for convenient dates on well-known search engines, and it’s convenient to compare prices from different sellers. Travel time will be about 3 hours, so this is the best option.

As in every airport, here you will be met by friendly, but greedy taxi drivers. A trip from Simferopol to Simeiz, including luggage, will cost between 3-4,000 rubles. The journey will take about an hour and a half. An hour and a half of fast driving along a picturesque winding road, and you are there.

For lovers of public transport, there are several options for the development of events. You can’t do without a transfer here: first you need to get to Yalta. If you want to take a leisurely ride along the South Coast Highway, stopping at every stop and enjoying the mountain and sea views, then you can use the trolleybus number 52, following the route airport -. The cost of such a trip is 100 rubles, the duration is about 3 hours. Trolleybuses depart every 20 minutes. Also, Yalta can be reached by buses and fixed-route taxis departing from the airport every half an hour. They don't have specific route numbers, just a sign on the windshield with the destination. Travel time - about 2 hours, cost - 150 rubles.

The bus station, from where trolleybuses and minibuses depart, is located right on the airport square, opposite the main entrance.

Having reached the Yalta bus station, you will need to go to its upper platform. There are departures to Simeiz every 15 minutes fixed-route taxis No. 115 and No. 142. Travel time on the first one is 1 hour 15 minutes, because it goes along the lower road and makes many stops in coastal villages, on the second one - 30 minutes; minibus goes along the highway to Semeiz, rarely stopping.

In Simeiz, the stop of these minibuses is located on the road ring at the beginning of the main street of the village, the main tourist highway, st. Sovetskaya, from there you can walk to the center in 15 minutes.

By train

For lovers of the romance of trains, Russian Railways came up with a "Single ticket" to the Crimea. On the train of all major cities country, you can get either to Anapa or to Krasnodar, from there by bus to ferry crossing. Then you find yourself in Kerch and there you already travel by other buses to the villages and villages of the Crimean peninsula.

You can find this route on the Russian Railways website.

But personally, I don’t see the point in such a ticket: making a bunch of transfers in the heat, and even the risk of hanging at the crossing for several hours is very high. The tourists following the “Single ticket”, whom I met at the stations, had a very sad and “rumpled” look, they were no longer happy to come to the Crimea, fatigue from numerous road troubles took over.

This option may be relevant for residents of remote regions, where air fares are quite high, in order to save money. Get to the Crimea by plane from Central Russia not difficult at all.

By car

From Moscow on a private car to Simeiz can be reached in 20 hours (pure driving). The road will run through Ukraine. From Moscow you need to go along the E105 highway, which leads directly to Yalta, the length of the path is 1,481 km. From Yalta to Simeiz, you need to move along the South Coast Highway (M2) 23 kilometers to the sign for Simeiz.

The road from St. Petersburg will take about 30 hours. There are options: to go either only through Ukraine, or through Belarus and Ukraine. The average is 2,200 km.

If you go only through Ukraine, then you should move along the E95 highway, in Bryansk go to E101, along which you will move to Belgorod, and then change the road to E105. This is the most optimal, simple (less likely to get lost at interchanges and turns) and fast option.


Simeiz - time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Yekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season. When is the best time to go

It's no secret to anyone that the best time to rest on Black Sea coast This is the middle of August - the end of September. The heat subsides, it is no longer stuffy at night, the sea has warmed up enough. And local fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables are already ripe enough, so the grannies begin to sell them and freshly brewed jams and pickles in the markets. In general, without exception, absolutely all the delights of the southern resort life can be tasted during this period.

Off-season trips are also very atmospheric, but, of course, radically different from summer ones. They are good for those who do not like to be in the noise and the crowd. The streets of the village are deserted, many cafes are closed, kiosks with souvenirs are boarded up. But on the other hand, there is an opportunity to wander alone on the beaches, without stepping over densely lying sunbathers, to feel the magnitude of the elements, to listen to the waves, and not the cries of crayfish sellers and the crying of children, not to huddle in thorny briar bushes, trying to disperse with the oncoming flow of tourists on narrow rocky paths . Well, housing, of course, is rented during this period at lower prices.

Like Brodsky:

To come to the sea in the off-season, in addition to material benefits, has the other reason that it is temporary, but the way out of the brackets of the year, from the gates of the prison

Simeiz in summer

The sea warms up to a comfortable temperature (about +23 °С) by the middle of June and keeps this temperature until the end of September. Until this time, bathing has some hardening and invigorating effect: + 18–20 ° С.

Warm weather has been established in the Crimea since May. But the hottest time is at the end of July - beginning of August (usually it lasts 2-3 weeks). The heat is simply debilitating, and at night the earth does not have time to cool down, and there is a terrible stuffiness. And the sea does not refresh at all, it is disgustingly warm at this time. Even the local southerners, fried by the sun to the very bones, are already languishing from the heat and do not know where to go. What can we say about us, cold northerners and other Vikings.

Well, of course, in the summer the largest influx of tourists. At all the sights there are queues and crowds, on narrow two-lane Crimean roads there are traffic jams, quite a bit inferior to those in Moscow.

Simeiz in autumn

In my opinion, autumn is the best time to visit Crimea for the reasons already noted above.

And, if you want to relax comfortably without the crowded tourist bustle and heat, but with warm sea, admiring the red-red landscapes of the forest, maple and oak alleys, then autumn is the time for you.

Simeiz in spring

Spring in Crimea is a very special time! From the end of April to the end of May, everything blooms and smells sweet. Moreover, even a tenth of the total diversity flowering plants unknown to our northern eye. You go and wonder at every inflorescence, admire every flower and the genius of nature as a whole. Down under your feet, high on the slopes of the mountains, in the gardens at eye level, there are multi-colored spots and intoxicating aromas all around.

There are not so many tourists at this time, but there are already. The main influx here on the May holidays, and then Crimea has a short respite before the main season. The sea is still cold, +15 °C, only walruses enjoy swimming. It is quite warm during the day, +25 °С, at night +17 °С.

There are no fresh local fruits yet, everything is imported. But flowering covers all other shortcomings, only for the sake of these colorful landscapes alone is it worth going. In general, Crimea in the spring is the joy of every impressionist.

Simeiz in winter

In winter, all coastal villages are empty. Simeiz is no exception. From the beginning of November, cafes, stalls and small seasonal hotels begin to close, tourists leave, the streets become empty. It is very rare if, stomping somewhere in the village, you meet three people. To see one is good luck. At this time, employees of large industrial enterprises mainly have a rest, the trade union of which issues vouchers to the Crimea for this particular time.

The temperature in winter varies. It happens that it reaches -10 ° C. This temperature is perceived very disgusting due to high humidity. It happens that a piercing icy wind blows from the mountains or from the sea, when it just blows you off your feet. Sometimes snow will fall, lie down for a day and immediately melt. And most often, of course, sunny warm days from 0 to +5 ° С. Comfortable temperature for outdoor operation.

Even in winter, it often storms. And if you want to look at a really raging element with two-meter waves and clouds of spray, then winter is ideal for this.

At this time, all attractions are open, excursions are conducted. Only without queues and crowds of onlookers. There is less greenery around: vineyards have been cleared, deciduous trees have thrown off their clothes, only cypresses and Crimean pines do not give up in winter.

But on the other hand, in winter it is easier to find accommodation in a convenient place without prior reservation three months in advance and at lower prices.

Simeiz - monthly weather


Simeiz - monthly weather

Districts. Where is the best place to live

In Simeiz, you can live in sanatoriums, in the private sector, or in hotels.

Sanatoriums are located on the coast, hotels, mainly on the street. Soviet, private traders rent a variety of housing everywhere.

In my opinion, it is best to live with private owners. They offer authentic, colorful Crimean housing. You can search for accommodation options or on the spot. On the narrow streets and small verandas you will have a unique opportunity to feel the spirit ancient Crimea. Such old wooden and stone houses with mansards and mezzanines can be found above the street. Soviet. There are whole labyrinths of small streets with affectionate domestic cats on the fences and the soaring aromas of freshly prepared southern dishes. Closer to the sea there are already more modern buildings, but even there you can find guest houses and private houses for rent.

For those who like to be in the center of events, housing on the street itself is suitable. Soviet. In hotels or, again, with the ubiquitous private traders. Many of them are now not quite "computer" illiterate and post information about their apartments on the Internet. The information there is not always reliable, photos can distort reality, so if you are not burdened with huge suitcases and four children hanging on you in clusters, then look around and look at different options. There are a lot of aunts and uncles with “Housing” cartons in the high season.

Walking for half a day, choosing a comfortable and sincere accommodation for the rest of the time, is not so scary. If you are relaxing with children, then it is better to book everything in advance, choosing for yourself what is more important for you: whether to live by the sea, in the depths of quiet ancient alleys, or on Central Street. Both there and there a very pleasant location, cozy and comfortable for recreation, without distinguishing between good and bad areas. You can book accommodation on, and see if there is somewhere else favorable prices.

What are the prices for holidays


In the high season, housing can be found for 700 rubles per person. Offers such prices private sector, small guest houses, hostels.

In hotels, prices vary from 1,200 to 5,000 rubles, depending on conditions and location. On well-known search engines or you can search for tours to Simeiz.

In winter, housing prices are 30-40 percent lower.


Prices for products in stores and on the market do not differ from the mainland. Meals in a cafe can cost from 200 to 1,500 rubles, depending on the status of the establishment.


A minibus to Yalta will cost about 30 rubles, a bus to Simferopol 150 rubles.

You can save here only in the markets if you have the art of bargaining. :)

Main attractions. What to see

Simeiz itself is one big attraction because of its unique atmosphere for a resort village. And the air, and the people, and the streets, and the houses here are completely special. First, it's quiet. Even near the souvenir shops there are no crowds and boorish bargaining. And the salespeople seem calm, serene, and lazy. And not kites looking for another victim.

Secondly, which, in my opinion, is the most important thing, is the contingent. Hippies, backpackers and other rebels flock to Simeiz.

You walk along its quiet winding streets and never cease to enjoy the diversity of life on earth: you meet old and young people spanking barefoot, with long hair and dreadlocks. Again, barefoot musicians play the most bizarre musical instruments right on the road. Their music is very specific, but this only supports the unique free atmosphere of Simeiz.

What else distinguishes Simeiz from the classic resort villages is the abundance of vacationers from sexual minorities. There they have their own club and an unofficial but publicly recognized beach, as well as Blue Street. In fact, the street is named Blue because it leads to a village called Blue Bay, but more often its name is given a different meaning. Locals and tourists are tolerant towards them, and they feel comfortable. In the park and on the beaches you can find many such couples.

Of course, one cannot do without a nudist beach in such a place. It is located below, under the rock Swan Wing, where fellow nudists huddle on huge white blocks of limestone. Very beautiful wild beach: there is a tall sheer cliff nearby, and stones of bizarre shapes are scattered along the seashore, there are a lot of fish, crabs and colorful sea plants in the water.

In the same place, not far from the beach, backpackers huddle in tents, such a small self-organized campsite. According to the stories of local climbers, they live there year-round and eat from neighboring gardens.

But, of course, Simeiz is not only a haven for various free-thinking citizens. Young families, elderly couples, vacationers from nearby sanatoriums - everyone enjoys and finds their niche, because in Simeiz there is anything for every taste.

Top 5

Although Simeiz is a small resort village, it does not hold sights. Thanks to a very rich history, diverse owners in different eras, many peoples who inhabited it and rich nature, Simeiz is just a “bank” of the most incredible and attractive sights.

Beaches. Which is better

Churches and temples. Which are worth a visit

There is one in Simeiz Orthodox church and one mosque.

Museums. Which are worth a visit

There are no museums in Simeiz itself. Unless you consider the village itself as a museum of architecture under open sky.

There are a lot of old villas and dachas in the village that once belonged to the Moscow aristocracy. Many of them are already falling apart and abandoned, some have been used as sanatorium buildings since the days of the Soviet Union. But all of them are unique monuments of modern and eclectic architecture.

Looking at them is quite entertaining, as well as atmospheric. I have never seen such outlandish villas in any other city. They are all located on the streets of the village, and for sure, in your walks you will pass by and pay attention to them.


There is only one park in Simeiz, a small one. But beautiful, shady, with a small pond. Since he is alone in the village, and he has no competitors, they call him that - a city park. No special names were assigned to him. Simple and unsophisticated.

Winding gravel paths lead past rare trees and beautiful flower beds. Old Soviet flowerpots, stairs and colonnades look somewhat shabby, but noble. The park is crowned with observation platforms on a rocky cliff, from which a gorgeous view of the sea and the Diva rock opens.

How to get there: it is located to the left of the Cypress Alley, if you stand facing Mount Koshka. Do not miss the entrance to the park - dense greenery immediately begins behind the remarkable arched portal.

Directly from the park, you can go down a long dilapidated staircase to the city beach. And on a hot afternoon, sit on Soviet long benches with wide seats and high backs.

tourist streets

The main street of Simeiz is also the main tourist highway.

On Sovetskaya Street you will find a bus station, markets, cafes and restaurants, parks, shops and all the main attractions.

What to see in 1 day

In one day you can go around the whole Simeiz and see its sights. Only this will not be enough. Although the set of tourist places there is not large, there is no desire to leave it at all. This is such an attractive and cozy place.

When you get off the bus, first of all look around. Around you can see the bulk of the mountains, their wooded and rocky slopes - scale, space! Then take a deep breath. The sweet smell of cypresses and the salty wind from the sea teasingly tickle the nose. Having tuned in to the positive wave of southern adventures, smile broadly and hit the road to discover the unknown and get high from new places.

From the ring, walk along the street. Soviet. Do not spare your neck, turn your head as intensely as possible! Look into all the shops and cafes that seem attractive to you, stare at the local quaint houses and outlandish plants.

When you get to the market, be sure to look there: southern sweets will cheer up a tired traveler and give strength for further travel, and souvenirs for relatives and friends will make your backpack heavier so that in the event of a hurricane you will not be blown away to distant shores. The path will run past the Dream Villa, it rises above the road, and its turrets can be seen most of the way, enjoy the view.

So you have reached Cypress Alley. Sit down, drink a freshly made mojito, admire the slender trees, take photos of the Apollos and Xenia's villa. If you are not afraid to walk through abandoned buildings, then you can go into the villa itself and appreciate the remains of the former decoration and layout, just do not forget to turn on the flashlight on your phone: the villa has not seen electricity for a long time.

Having received aesthetic pleasure from the sculptures and architecture of Simeiz, it is worth joining the natural attractions. Through Cypress Alley, following the signs, you will come to. Although you are smart enough, you have to climb this mountain. A well-trodden, well-marked path leads to the summit. Take water with you: the climb is steep and you'll be thirsty on hot days. Sneakers on the feet will also be a plus in this case.

Climbing Koshka, you won’t be able to catch your breath: your breath is taken away from the view of the sea, rocks, village, forest. After enjoying the scenery, contemplating and thinking about the meaning of life, you can begin the descent. Be careful: the descent is always more dangerous than the ascent! Loose Crimean stones are ideal for slipping and rolling down. Before shifting your weight to the other leg, make sure it is on a firm surface.

You can relax after climbing in the Simeiz park. It is located right behind Cypress Alley. Sit in shady alleys, admire the sea and coastal cliffs - what could be better on a hot day?

From the park you can go down to the sea. If the weather permits, you can lie in the sun, soak up the gentle sea waves, taste beach delicacies.

Food. What to try

There are no problems with cafes and restaurants in Simeiz. Here the most sophisticated and most unpretentious travelers will be able to satisfy their gastronomic needs. Everything is here: from chebureks to gourmet seafood dishes.

Since Crimea is famous for its rich Tatar culture, Crimean Tatar cuisine establishments are most common here. And you should definitely try pilaf, pasties, lagman and other Tatar gastronomic delights.

Well, of course, it will be blasphemy if you do not bite off crayfish, corn, dried Black Sea fish and churchkhela on the beach.

I personally trudge in Simeiz from two establishments, about them below.

  • For those who want to taste dishes of the Crimean Tatar cuisine, I would recommend to look into cafe "Selam", on st. Sovetskaya, 60. All its employees are one big and friendly Tatar family. They are very friendly and hospitable. In the cafe you will taste high-quality pilaf, shurpa, dolma and other meat delicacies cooked with love and conscience at quite justified and adequate prices (a hearty two-course dinner and pasties will cost 500 rubles in addition). The cafe has a closed hall and open terraces on the balconies.
  • Another, more expensive restaurant of Tatar cuisine "Arzy" that on st. Sovetskaya, 10. It has a richer interior and also serves European cuisine. Service and design at the level, delicious dishes beautifully served. Here, lunch will cost 700-800 rubles, but the courteous and tactful service justifies it. It is simply cozy and pleasant to spend time in Arzy.


  1. Cafe "Simeiz" (Gorky St., 2);
  2. waterfront eateries.

Intermediate level

  1. cafe "Selyam" (street Sovetskaya, 60);
  2. cafe "Dedni" (street Sovetskaya, 17).


  1. restaurant "Tortuga" (the territory of the Aquapark);
  2. restaurant "Arzy" (street Sovetskaya 10);
  3. restaurant at the oyster farm in Katsiveli.

Safety. What to watch out for

In summer, in all the resort towns of Crimea, one should be wary of "guest performers". These are pickpockets and swindlers who come from other regions in the high season “to earn money”. While you are swimming or walking through the market with your mouth open, while you are taking pictures with a monkey or chatting with a fruit vendor, your bag can be skillfully “worked out”, leaving you without money and a phone.

No need to be skeptical about this, they say, what kind of fairy tales from the 90s. This is still relevant, and the police will not help you here: it is paid in advance by the same tricksters. So always close your bags, in markets and quays, wear backpacks on your chest, do not leave things unattended, and if you live on the ground floor, close the windows when you leave or sleep, use air conditioning at night. While you are sniffling sweetly, exhausted on a hot summer day, you can be “cleaned off”.

And on the beach, when you sunbathe, it is better to put a bag with things under your head.

Dexterous as conjurers, swindlers easily and gracefully collect the “harvest” of bags, walking among relaxed tourists basking in the sun. Be vigilant, as they say.

There is nothing else to fear in Crimea. Everything is calm and safe here.

Things to do

It is foolish to come to the Crimea and sit only in Simeiz. You need to travel to other cities and attractions. But you won’t get bored in Simeiz itself, take my word for it.

Shopping and shops

The most interesting shopping in the resort villages takes place in the markets. So this is not shopping, but “marketing”. Souvenirs, local delicacies, beachwear, spices, Crimean teas and soaps, T-shirts with inscriptions about the Black Sea and others like them - everything that makes Crimea Crimea, you will find on the market.

There is also a market in Simeiz, of course. On the same Sovetskaya street. A little further from the bus station, on the right side of the road. If there is a desire to have a fun bargain with sellers of all nationalities: Ukrainian, Caucasian, Tatar and Armenian, then you are there. Of course, you won’t find branded clothes there, even though they will tell you that this swimsuit is nothing but Victoria's Secret.

Bars. Where to go

The largest number of bars is located on the waterfront. Every summer, the owners and names may change, but the atmosphere in them is the same - beach resort. Draft Crimean beer and snacks for it (some even fresh crayfish), classic cocktails are served. They work approximately hours until 02:00–03:00 in the summer. They close in October.

The most famous bar is, perhaps, "Hedgehogs", which is located on Cypress Alley. But this institution is famous for the fact that people of non-traditional orientation of both sexes gather there, and I can’t say how they treat non-friends in it, because I myself was embarrassed to look there.

Clubs and nightlife

Discos are in the same beach bars. They include the usual popular and club music, radio hits of this season. Don't expect hyped DJs and original mixes there. Some bars are designed for a contingent of 50+, and Rosenbaum and other chanson stars are screaming there.

Night club "Treasure Island" on the embankment every evening offers new program: striptease, concerts of local musicians, foam parties, karaoke and billiard tournaments. Parties start at 22:00 and end around 03:00. Some parties are paid, but in most cases admission is still free. During the day, the establishment functions as a bar and cafe. Only during the summer months, of course.

extreme sports

Simeiz is a paradise for climbers and climbers of the rock class. There are a lot of broken routes of all categories on Mount Koshka, the rocks of the Swan Wing and Diva. Neither beginners nor pros will get bored there. And you can live right under the routes in a tent, so as not to go far.

The routes are all quite long, so you need to take a rope of at least 60 meters. One route requires 12-13 quickdraws. As for multi-pitches, there are 3 cartoons on Koshka just for those who are still learning, all pitches in them are 4a-5c difficulty categories, routes of 4, 5 and 6 pitches.

Climbing on the Wing of the Swan, you need to take into account the wind: if it blows strongly from the sea, then at the top, at the end of the routes, it can specifically blow off and complicate climbing and snapping, sometimes the rope blows and pulls so hard that you can’t snap it.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

The question of what to bring from the Crimea does not cause difficulties. Wine, spices, teas, soaps, Yalta onions, Crimean nuts, jams and pickles, seeds and sunflower oil, bracelets and necklaces made of shells, paintings by local artists, potters' ceramics, toys carved from wood. All this can be found in the markets.

Advice: so as not to be deceived with wine, it is better to buy it in stores at wineries. In the markets, they can loosen various sivuha. But there are no factories. It is not so far from Semeiz to Inkerman and Massandra.

How to move around the city

By Simeiz himself public transport does not go. It's not big enough to ride on the subway.

There is only one main street, the rest are small, narrow branches from the central one, with many ladders and sharp turns.

Minibuses reach the ring, intercity buses (,) to the bus station, which is 500 meters from the ring on the street. Soviet.

You can get around Simeiz by car or on foot. The second is much more pleasant: wandering through the ancient southern streets is a pleasure. You still need to find a place for a car, and this is not so easy in the high tourist season.

Taxi. What features exist

Taxi in all the villages is mainly local owners of cars, they leave their business cards in every cafe and souvenir stall.

All prices are almost the same. Getting to Yalta from Simeiz will cost an average of 500 rubles, to the airport - about 3,000.

Sometimes taxi drivers stand on the ring and wait for their customers, sometimes it's better to call and order. The specifics of the Simeiz taxi is that it is not a taxi depot with a bunch of cars. These are private traders who work in their free time from household chores. Therefore, serious trips to the airport or to some other remote places must be booked in advance: a day or two in advance.

Simeiz - holidays with children

In my opinion, Simeiz is ideal for families with children. Quiet shady streets, no noisy and dusty roads, safe beaches, a water park nearby, an alley with playgrounds, a cozy park for walking with a stroller or kids.


Rent a Car- also aggregation of prices from all distributors, all in one place, let's go!

Have something to add?

Miskhor, Koreiz. This is actually a continuous chain of chic parks, hotels, sanatoriums, palaces, summer cottages, small streets with centuries-old old buildings and Simeiz is the brightest of them.

The Crimean coast is distinguished by its landscape - the southern coast in these places, even in our time, can be called "wild". Of course, sanatoriums, hotels, hotels, boathouses, boarding houses, cottages, villas, parks and all the elements of resort life are here, but nevertheless, a section of the Southern Coast of Crimea calleddiffers from the rest of the coast, for example, from the same popular Yalta.

Here, the coast of the resort for several kilometers is almost in its original state - rocks and natural parks stretch like natural sights of Simeiz. Even the route, "Simeiz-Simferopol" and "Simeiz-Sevastopol", which runs along the coast, passes here, higher, without violating the harmony of the village. The coastal strip is no more than five kilometers, and the cliffs of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains hang over Simeiz like a stone wall.

Despite the fact that Simeiz is a very small resort village on the southern coast of Crimea, this is a unique place in its nature and healing climate. From the south, Simeiz is washed by the Black Sea, from the west it is protected by Mount Koshka overgrown with juniper, and from the north - by the Ai-Petri mountain range, which provides Simeiz with a warm subtropical climate.

There are many hospitals and sanatoriums for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, including tuberculosis, phytoncides produced by junipers and pines contribute to their treatment.

There are many in Simeiz viewing platforms, from where wonderful views of the village itself and the surrounding nature open. You can also take a walk on the "back" of Mount Koshka, there is a well-equipped ecological trail, which offers a magnificent view of the Blue Bay, and Simeiz in full view. There are also juniper trees that are several thousand years old, and you can come across the ruins defensive structures taurus.

This is a typical South Coast resort - mountainous, with steep slopes to narrow pebbly beaches, with an abundance of greenery and parks and quite high prices to rest.

In Simeiz, the possibility of a calm, measured rest and vibrant nightlife are combined in the most successful way. There are conditions for both.

Thanks to the healing microclimate, several sanatoriums operate in Simeiz at once. Treatment profile - diseases of the respiratory system, nervous and cardiovascular systems, tuberculosis.

Another feature is that Simeiz for some reason has become popular among homosexual tourists since the late 80s of the last century. Today, Simeiz is still in demand as a vacation spot for representatives of the LGBT community. There are hotels and clubs in the village that are not open to everyone.

And, besides, rock climbers love Simeiz very much. This sport is very developed in the village. You can buy all the necessary equipment, there are many trails of different levels.

Simiz infrastructure

For recreation in the village there is everything you need. This, of course, is not Big city with a well-developed infrastructure, but cafes, restaurants, clubs, pharmacies, housing for every taste - all this is present. Yes, there are outskirts in the village, where even lighting may be absent, and it is far to go to the center. Therefore, when choosing housing in Simeiz, you need to be more careful with the location. The busiest and most convenient place is the center - areas bounded by Sovetskaya and Lenina streets. From Sovetskaya street there is a convenient descent to the beach. Not everywhere there are those, somewhere you have to go down the stairs. If you come on vacation with a small child, it will be simply impossible.

From Simeiz it is quite convenient to go on excursions to the sights of the South Coast. This fact is also worth noting, since it is not typical for all resorts, even that of the South Coast.

Simeiz beaches

As I already mentioned, the beaches in Simeiz are pebble, large pebble and rocky. Quite characteristic of the South Coast resort. At the entrance to the water, large stones may come across.

The most convenient beach is the Central City. You can go down to it on the street. Sovetskaya, through a picturesque park with delightful air and funny inhabitants. The beach is equipped with everything you need. During the season it is incredibly crowded. Here is an interesting attraction of Simeiz - Diva rock. You can climb it to take a couple of great photos. Or dive into the Black Sea.

Simeiz beaches

Behind the Diva rock is a compact Coral beach. You can get to it through the bathroom. Youth. For those who stayed in the area of ​​pr. Lenina is the nearest beach.

On the opposite side of the village, in the easternmost part of the coast, there are boathouse beaches. The beach here is pebbly, equipped and quite comfortable. If you stay in the boathouse, the sea will be literally two steps away. But such pleasure does not come cheap.

Behind him stretched the beach of Moscow. It is called so by the name of the children's sanatorium, to whose territory it belongs. For families with children - perfect. There are few people here, the entrance is gentle, and the beach itself is small pebbles.

Directly under the picturesque park san. Simeiz - Naryshkinsky stones beach. It is not equipped, there is only a canopy from the sun. The entrance itself is rocky. Fans of snorkeling love to relax here. For children there is a tiny bay, fenced with the same stones.

Next comes Primorye Beach. It will be convenient to get to it if you stop in the area of ​​​​Gansky, Neuimin, Kotsyubinsky, Lugovsky or Paustovsky streets. The beach is small-pebble, equipped. Passage to it through the park of the hotel Ligo Morskaya.

Fans of secluded relaxation and even tanning can relax on Semashko beach, next to Primorye beach. It is not very comfortable here because of the stones and boulders, but on the other hand, there is practically no one there. You can go to it past the hotel Assol.

What to see in Simeiz

It is pleasant to wander around Simeiz. Narrow streets, an abundance of greenery, interesting buildings, parks - everything is conducive to leisurely walks.

I already mentioned one attraction - Diva rock that on the Central beach of Simeiz. Filmmakers love this very rock. She managed to light up in the films "Sappho", "Ten Little Indians", "Savages", "Amphibian Man".

Above the Central Beach rises another interesting rockPanea. From here you have a stunning view of the village. And while walking along the mountain, you can stumble upon the ruins of ancient defensive structures.

Right there, above the beach and Diva rock - fragrant park Simeiz. Not only is the park clean, well-groomed and very beautiful, but there are also such smells that cannot be expressed in words.

Leads to the park Cypress Alley- Another attraction of Simeiz. Beautiful well maintained place, decorated with statues.

Cypress alley

There are two villas in Simeiz that are included in the list interesting places. This Villa Mechta and Xenia. Both are next to Cypress Alley, so finding them is not difficult.

If you are on vacation with children, you should definitely set aside a day to relax in Aquapark Blue Bay.

How to get to Simeiz

To get to Simeiz from Simferopol airport, if you arrive by plane, you will have to go through Yalta. Trolleybuses and buses run directly from the airport. Already in Yalta, you can transfer to a minibus to Simeiz.

Or, from the airport, get to the Simferopol bus station, and from there take a direct bus to Simeiz.

Buses run to Simeiz also from Sevastopol. From Kerch you will have to get through Yalta or Simferopol.

Useful links:

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1 776


2 470

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2 660


4 936


4 990


5 030


5 116

Naberezhnye Chelny

5 128

Crimea Simeiz- a village on the southern coast of Crimea, located 18 kilometers from Yalta along the Yalta-Sevastopol highway. Simeiz is considered a district of Greater Yalta. There are very beautiful mountains in the village, steep cliffs are visible from the village, this is a very beautiful sight. The mountains around Simeiz have very diverse forms, which change their appearance during the play of shadows, sunrise and sunset.

No less diverse are the names of the mountains and mountain ranges around Simeiz, for example: the top of Mount At-Bash, translated from Tatar - Horse's head, rises above the village and is the pride of Simeiz. Mount Koshka rises on the western border of the resort, next to it is the Swan Wing cliff.

To the east of the cliff is Mount Panea and the Diva rock. Closer to Alupka is the Nishan-kai cliff. All the mountains and cliffs of Simeiz are of volcanic origin, therefore they have very beautiful and bizarre shapes.

Simeiz village in Crimea

Simeiz established itself as a resort at the beginning of the 20th century, when the first sanatoriums for the workers of Moscow and Leningrad were built here. For example, the sanatorium Primorye and the Dolphin Sanatorium began their work in 1922. And in 1924, the Pioneer sanatorium was opened in the village - its focus is anti-tuberculosis. In 1930, another sanatorium named after Lenin was opened.

Pushkin once came to rest in Simeiz, also visited - Muravyov-Apostol, in the spring of 1885 Leo Tolstoy rested and worked.

Rest in Simeiz cheap housing by the sea

The annual rainfall is 650 mm, which is significantly lower than in Miskhor or Alupka surrounding the village. Simeiz is very a good place for unforgettable holiday in the Crimea on the Black Sea coast.

There are interesting sights in Simeiz - the Crimean Astrophysical Laboratory is located on Mount Koshka, and not far from it are the ruins of the ancient fortification Limen-Isar.

On the territory of the village of Simeiz there are many sanatoriums with the direction of treatment of pulmonary diseases, as well as hotels and boarding houses of various price levels offering a comfortable stay in Simeiz, designed for almost any level of income and requirements of vacationers. Simeiz hotels and boarding houses were built mainly in the last decade, almost all of them are private in one form or another. And around the end of the 90s, there were only state sanatoriums in Simeiz.

Hotels in Simeiz are relatively small, on average, they are designed for 20-30 rooms for the reception of vacationers. Most Simeiz hotels have their own swimming pools, and some even have their own beaches.

In Simeiz there is the first water park opened in Crimea, as well as one of the largest Crimean water parks. It offers 15 attractions with five saltwater pools.

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Simeiz offers its guests a wide range of beaches

There are many different beaches in the village. The city beach is the most numerous on it, usually a little crowded, it is covered with small pebbles. The beach of the Pioner sanatorium is covered with larger pebbles, there is a nudist beach on the rocks, lovers of nude sunbathing love to relax here for the special nudist beaches located on the rocky shores of Crimea.

Simeiz village. General information

Simeiz is an urban-type settlement on the southern coast of Crimea, a large resort and health resort of national importance. The village of Simeiz is located between the city of Alupka and the village of Katsiveli at the eastern slope of Mount Koshka. The eastern border of the village with Alupka lies between the palace of Medvedchuk (Simeiz) and the sanatorium named after Bobrov (Alupka). The western border of the village of Simeiz runs between the Blue Bay water park and the radio telescope (this is already Katsiveli). From the north, the village is limited by the Yalta-Sevastopol highway. The central street of the village of Simeiz - Sovetskaya street - divides locality into two parts. At the bottom there are large sanatoriums, on the territory of which there is a large and best part of the pre-revolutionary resort, at the top - the private sector and the lion's share of private hotels and hotels.

The population of the village of Simeiz is about four thousand people, and taking into account its satellites Katsiveli, Ponizovka, Blue Bay, Opolznevoy, Kastropol and Parkovoe - almost seven thousand inhabitants. In the high season, these villages will be able to receive up to one hundred thousand tourists at a time.

Nature and climate of Simeiz village

The village of Simeiz is located on a coastal slope, which at the beginning of the nineteenth century seemed steep and even dangerous to travelers. Now the settlement is covered with a network of roads, but the slope remains solid, which is why local roads are laid in serpentine. In addition to the already mentioned Sovetskaya, the main streets of the village of Simeiz are Gorky, Lugovsky, Vasilchenko and Krasnomayakskaya streets in the western part of the village, and Zvezdnaya, Gansky and Baranov streets in the eastern part.

The coastal part of the village has good, albeit small beaches.
In the western part, the neighborhood with Mount Koshka affects the quality of the beaches negatively - everything is covered with large stones and even rock fragments. The rocks Diva, Panea and Wing of the Swan form the retinue of Mount Koshka, which in itself is the end of a small Limensky ridge, mobile and, like every limestone formation, fragile. The indicated fragility of the limestone rock leads to the destruction of Mount Koshka and the formation of stone chaos both on its eastern slope and on its southern one. The southern stone chaos, which in our time has become a nature protection zone along with its water area, does not give a single chance to the resort to grow in a westerly direction.

The east coast of the village of Simeiz also cannot boast of good beaches- there are too many stones and large pebbles, the coastal zones are too narrow, which are claimed by thousands of vacationers.

The village of Simeiz can be called with confidence green village. Despite the ongoing construction, visually this settlement gives the impression of a green island among the heaps of rocks and stones near Mount Koshka.

Large juniper generations grow in Simeiz, especially in the lower park and on seemingly barren stones of stone chaos. Juniper has become one of the reasons for the opening of so many anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums in the village of Simeiz, because science already knows the important role of phytoncides of this coniferous species in the fight against lung diseases.

Cypress trees are innumerable in Simeiz, they grow wherever there is space. In the parks you can see a lot of exotic trees and shrubs, but in the village of Simeiz itself, it is not palm trees that hold the palm, but the same cypresses, pines and figs.

Simeiz is famous for its warm and dry climate. It is well covered by Mount Koshka from the western and northwestern winds. The mountains of the Main Ridge above the village in this part are higher than above the same Kastropol and Foros. Summers are very mild, rains are sporadically, strong winds are infrequent. Winter comes late, the heat retreats sometimes closer to November, you can swim in the sea until mid-October. True, spring comes to the village of Simeiz later than to Simferopol - at the end of April, and spring can be windy and whiny, although it is extremely rare to get really cold in Simeiz, sub-zero temperatures during the day are found in a few days a year.

Infrastructure of the village of Simeiz

The village of Simeiz is a developed resort, its name is widely known, the name of its hotels and sanatoriums are among the most desirable places for Crimean holidays. Service in resort establishments is steadily growing, hardly keeping up with prices. The village of Simeiz is an expensive resort, although it is too big to talk about a certain established price level. In the vicinity of Simeiz, vacation prices are lower, although the increase in the cost of rented housing is a general Crimean trend.

As befits a resort, the village of Simeiz has everything so that vacationers do not feel cut off from civilization. There are many shops, cafes, food and manufactured goods markets, but prices in them during the high season are generally significantly higher than in the country. In Simeiz, there are branches of several banks, mobile communication salons, Internet salons, a souvenir market, wine shops and cellars, pharmacies, canteens and a whole legion of hotels, hotels, guest houses, villas, apartments and just rooms for the night. In Simeiz, there is one Orthodox church and the Juma-Jami mosque. There is secondary school and kindergarten.

New house between the sanatorium Simeiz
and hotel Ligo Morskaya

In the village of Simeiz, transport support is well supplied. Directly from the village you can go along the upper highway to Yalta, bus No. 42 runs along this route, routes No. 107 and 115 pass through Alupka, and the first of them starts from Katsiveli, passing Ponizovka, Blue Bay and Upper Simeiz in succession. From the bus station of the village of Simeiz, buses to Simferopol and Sevastopol constantly go on a flight. For those who want to quickly leave the village, you need to choose the upper route, because the narrow lower one, especially in summer, is crowded with vehicles.

Simeiz village and mountains

Mount At-Bash (1196 meters) rises directly above the village of Simeiz. This is the most high mountain segment of the Main Ridge, lying above Simeiz and one of the most beautiful. Mount Ai-Petri is also visible from the village. Below the Main Ridge, two more noticeable mountains stand apart - Chaka-Tysh (931 meters) and Nishan-Kaya (871 meters). Even lower than these peaks, the forest was pretty burned out in 2007, namely, coming out of neighboring Simeiz Alupka. Of interest are small rocks directly above the highway - picturesque places that can be visited while walking along the numerous paths between the new and old Sevastopol highways.

In addition, an asphalt road was laid between them - Zapovednaya Street.
