When is International Civil Aviation Day? Russian Aviation Day Aviation-related holidays

Professional holiday “International civil aviation"is celebrated in our country annually on December 7th. It was established in 1992, and its creation was initiated by the UN General Assembly.

The UN called on all countries to celebrate this holiday accordingly. The Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization is specialized institution UN. This holiday was created to draw attention to the successes of international civil aviation and their expansion.

Civil aviation of Russia

It can be said that civil aviation has long become a necessity in our modern world . Today we simply could not imagine our life without airplanes. Airplanes help people travel vast distances in the most as soon as possible. Airplanes move in the air at great speed. If they were not there, it would take much more time to cover distances. Cities and countries seem to have become closer to each other.

began to be celebrated on December 7, 1994. This date coincided with the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation in Chicago. But this holiday became truly official in 1996, when it was supported by a resolution of the UN General Assembly. Since then, various events have been held annually on this day. holiday events, the results are summed up and the successes of international civil aviation are noted.

In 1923, the first passenger airline was opened in the USSR on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod. Its length was 420 kilometers. The opening of this air line led to the need to create the All-Russian Society of Voluntary Air Fleet. It was called "Dobrolet". The USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation was created in 1964. On February 9, a resolution was adopted on the organization of the Civil Aviation Council. This day is considered to be the date of birth of civil aviation in our country.

The holiday “International Civil Aviation Day” is celebrated all over the world not only by aviators, but also by other people related to civil aviation.

As you know, the 20th century was a time of many technical discoveries. These discoveries significantly changed and simplified people's lives. Aeronautics can certainly be called one of the most famous discoveries of this time. The first aircraft in our country began to be used only in the First world war. But after just a few years, we had quite a large number of civil aviation lines operating. And soon after this there was a need to develop general rules behavior in the air. To this end, in Chicago on December 7, 1944, the governments of various countries promulgated and opened for signature the Convention on International Civil Aviation. This was necessary for the further development of civil aviation, so that this type of transport becomes as safe and orderly as possible.

It must be said that the last decades for civil aviation in our country have not been the best in its history. This is due to insufficient funding and the deterioration of the aircraft fleet. In this regard, flights of domestically produced aircraft were even limited over Europe. They are increasingly being replaced in airline fleets by Western aircraft.

However, we can only be glad that civil aviation in Russia still continues to function quite actively. Aviation gives people speed of movement in space. Humanity has always strived for this, and finally, it was achieved in the 20th century. The advent of aviation was a huge impetus in the development of civilization.

It should be noted that civil aviation is used not only for transporting passengers. This includes the transportation of mail and cargo; various search and rescue operations, civil aviation is also involved in agriculture, oil and gas industry, construction. It includes not only airplanes, but also helicopters.

Civil aviation is a branch of the national economy. It has a fleet of airplanes and helicopters, a network of air lines, airports, airfields, and has its own educational establishments and research institutions. With the help of civil aviation, forest areas are studied and protected from fires, and areas are developed Far North, servicing fisheries and hunting industries. Air ambulances also gained great importance.

The development of civil aviation proceeded at a very fast pace. It took it only 60 years to become one of the most popular and sought-after types of passenger transport. We can say that the world history of aviation in its modern sense began in 1901. Then the American inventor Orville Wright made the first controlled flight in an aircraft that was heavier than air. This historical event took place nearby in North Carolina. This first airplane was invented and assembled by two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright. He stayed in the air for only 12 seconds and managed to cover a distance of 36.5 meters during this time. Immediately after this first attempt, three more flights were conducted, one of which lasted almost a minute.

It is interesting to note that the inventors of the aircraft were confident that their creation would bring great benefits to humanity and would only serve the cause of peace. The Wright brothers sincerely believed this, but this belief was wrong. Airplanes began to be actively used during the First World War. Then people realized what an indispensable and effective weapon these new vehicles could become.

Spar 02-02-2011 12:42

Dear people, I’m completely confused!
Help me remember ALL aviation holidays celebrated publicly and privately today?!

4V4 03-02-2011 23:32

Spar 04-02-2011 09:12

No, firstly, not everyone has the 13th..., secondly, in August, in my opinion, the 3rd Sunday or Saturday, then there is an international civil aviation day - in December and Aeroflot Day is approaching - civil aviation day on February 9th. So I know more
But there is also the Air Force (long-range aviation), air defense aviation.
I would like the whole list.

Pilot11 14-04-2011 09:25

Voron65 22-07-2011 19:21

3rd Sunday of August - Air Fleet Day
August 12 - Russian Air Force Day
July 17 is Naval Aviation Day
June 1 is BTA day
December 23 - Long-Range Aviation Day

Pilot11 25-07-2011 20:00

Pilot11 10-08-2011 13:47

First one in 2 days!

Pilot11 10-08-2011 13:48

Air Fleet Day has been celebrated in Russia on the third Sunday in August since August 18, 1933. Civil aviation in Russia has existed since 1923, when the first air line from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod began operating.

Voron65 10-08-2011 13:53

Happy upcoming to all involved!!!

volkano 12-08-2011 15:39

Pilot11 12-08-2011 16:21

Happy New Year! first!!! In 40 minutes we'll pour it and sing "One Evening"

romych26 18-08-2011 01:01

From the net:
August 12, 1912 on board the royal yacht "Standart" in the bay New World Russian Emperor Nicholas II, in an order to the treasury on the financing of aviation detachments, wrote in his own hand: “Therefore, be it!” On the same day, an order was issued in the military department, which transferred all issues of aeronautics and aviation from the jurisdiction of the Main Engineering Directorate to the newly created Aeronautical Unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff. In fact, then the beginning of the organizational formation of the Russian Air Force was laid, but there was no talk of celebrating this day, in its modern sense.
For the first time, USSR Air Fleet Day, both for military and civil aviators, was celebrated on August 18, 1933, in honor of the fact that on August 18, 1923, a civil aviation supervision service was created. The event was held on the basis of a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, which stated that the holiday should be used to promote the widespread popularity of military and civil aviation, as well as to demonstrate achievements in the field of aviation technology and aviation construction as a powerful means of strengthening military and civil aviation. At the same time, it was prescribed to celebrate USSR Air Fleet Day annually on the third Sunday of August.
According to established tradition, on USSR Air Fleet Day, people involved in military and civil aviation celebrated their professional holiday together. As a rule, open days were held at airfields, and modern aviation equipment was demonstrated to everyone. The pilots showed their high flying skills, coordination and skill. This was the case before the Great Patriotic War, and after, until the collapse of the USSR.
Although it would seem that after the victory in the Great Patriotic War, where only 2,420 military pilots were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, moreover, 65 pilots became them twice, and Alexander Pokryshkin and Ivan Kozhedub - three times, in my opinion, it was necessary to establish for military aviators holiday glorifying their heroic profession. However, this did not happen. Moreover, in modern Russia, after the collapse of the USSR, the holiday of aviators, in accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of September 28, 1992 “On the establishment of the Russian Air Fleet Day holiday,” continued to be celebrated on the third Sunday in August. Moreover, it was also celebrated by both military and civilian aviators together.
The military did not entirely agree with this approach, which is obviously why they began to have their own holidays. Thus, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces N 300 in 1996, Aviation Day of the Air Defense Forces was established (January 22). In the same year, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, by order N 253, established Aviation Day Navy(July 17th). It was already celebrated before - Army Aviation Day (October 28).
But, as they say, historical justice has triumphed. Considering that on August 12, 1912, in fact, Russian military aviation was officially born, by Decree of the President of Russia N 949 of 1997, August 12 began to be celebrated as Russian Air Force Day.
And yet, when clarity is brought into the celebration of professional holidays of military and civil aviators, it should be noted that the basis of these events is traditionally the display of aviation equipment and the flying skills of its use. In this regard, I would like to remind you that the traditions of such a celebration date back to 1909, when the first celebration dedicated to aircraft took place on Khodynskoye Field.

Happy holiday everyone. Towards the spear, take glasses with the appropriate number of edges and for the health of the flyers - go ahead! And with a song. And there is a proposal from everyone to send a letter to Putin about legalization on August 18. in the afternoon of the Russian Air Force in order to avoid health losses from the 12th to the 18th from now on. Hurray, hurray, hurray!!!

SR-71 18-08-2011 18:43

YES!!! Today the Native plant NAPO also celebrated..
Another WONDERFUL flight today for the factory workers and “spectators” of the city! Su-34!!! Many Novosibirsk residents probably saw (or heard) how this happened... He spun loops, barrels, passed low... and MADE NOISY throughout the whole city... Unfortunately, the cloudiness was low, so he often went into the clouds...
Happy holiday!

‑ a professional holiday of aviators and workers of the country's aviation infrastructure. This day is celebrated on Russian Federation annually, on the third Sunday of August in accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 1992 “On the establishment of the Russian Air Fleet Day holiday.”

Previously, since 1933, this holiday was celebrated as USSR Air Fleet Day. It was established by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 28, 1933 "On the celebration of the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR" in honor of outstanding achievements scientists, aircraft designers, flight and technical personnel of the Air Force in strengthening the defense capability of the Soviet state.

The holiday was established both for military and civil aviators, as well as for the developers and creators of aircraft.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days,” the date of celebration of USSR Air Fleet Day was moved to the third Sunday in August.

In 1970, the USSR became a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

In 1972, regular flights began on the new mainline Tu-154 aircraft.

In 1973, a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures to improve flight safety in civil aviation” was issued.

From this date, a new qualitative stage in the formation and development of the management system began air traffic(ATC) in the country.

After Russia declared sovereignty in 1991, a new stage began in the history of domestic civil aviation. “Aeroflot ceased to be an all-Union structure and fell into pieces.

New structures began to form on the basis of territorial departments: concerns, corporations, associations, airlines. In addition to existing airlines, independent airlines began to form on a commercial basis.

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation in October 1991, by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Union Ministry of Civil Aviation was abolished, and the Department of Transport was formed within the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation air transport. A number of new civil aviation entities were created, including the International Aviation Committee (IAC), which became a permanent body for the coordination of aviation and the use airspace on an equal basis of twelve countries - independent states of the former USSR.

On March 19, 1997, the Air Code of the Russian Federation was adopted, establishing the legal basis for the use of Russian airspace and activities in the field of aviation. In accordance with the code, federal rules for the use of airspace and federal aviation regulations have been developed.

The stable operation of air transport is of great importance for the economy and social sphere of the country, and the state is taking all measures to support and sustainable development of domestic airlines and enterprises.

In 2007, the Government of the Russian Federation approved and by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia approved the Federal Target Program "Development of the Transport System of Russia (2010-2015)", which includes the subsection "Civil Aviation". The total funding for the subprogram is 1250.5 billion rubles.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Date in 2019: August 12th, Monday.

The blue expanses of the fifth ocean beckon with their infinity and fascinate with the depth of sensations. The dream of conquering the skies has long become a reality for many. How wonderful it is to soar into the sky and feel the beauty of flight. But this is where the romantic notes in the work of military pilots end. The sky has long been another area where reliable protection is required. It is these tasks that are primarily performed by the country's Air Force. It is not surprising that this army unit has its own special holiday, which is usually celebrated in mid-August.

When asked what date Russian Air Force Day is celebrated, even military aviators cannot answer unequivocally. You can hear several radically different versions, relating, first of all, to the date in August. Some call the date of Russian Air Force Day the 12th, others the 18th. It turns out that there are even more aviation holidays and relatives of aviation holidays. And this is directly related to the history of the development of Soviet and Russian aviation. Let's try to figure out when to congratulate husbands and fathers on the holiday of the sky, what date is Air Force Day in 2019.

How did aviation develop?

According to archival data, the history of Russian military aviation begins in 1912, on August 12. It was on this day that the order was issued to create the first aeronautical unit.

Back in 1910, the Supreme War Ministry launched active efforts to develop this area of ​​the army, purchasing aircraft and training pilots. And by mid-1914 the unit consisted of 263 military aircraft.

Participation in two world wars inevitably affected further development aviation and technical potential of the country. And by the time of the collapse of the USSR, the Navy consisted of 211 regiments, 38 divisions, 20 formations.

The historical events of the 90s weakened the power of the army significantly. They did not bypass military aviation either. Since the majority of aviation groups and airfield networks were located on the territory of the Union republics, the technical composition of Russian aviation was reduced by almost half. The problems affected not only the availability of equipment, but also the training of pilots and engineering staff.

The construction of our own air force began in 1992. And thoughtful reforms gave excellent results, increasing the power of the air fleet several times:

  • 1999, January 1 - an Air Force unit was formed, merging with the Air Defense Forces;
  • 2003 - Army aviation is transferred to the Air Force;
  • 2005 - air defense formations, first of all, air defense forces, are equipped with modern anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft missile systems;
  • 2009 – transition to a brigade-battalion control system;
  • 2015, August 1 – Aerospace Forces (VKS) were formed.

This structure of the air force, where military transport, long-range, operational-tactical and army aviation is concentrated, including transport and attack, fighter and bomber, reconnaissance and special, missile and space units, makes it possible to solve almost all strategic defensive and offensive tasks.

Aviation holidays in Russia

Accordingly, each Air Force unit has its own personal professional holiday. But the Birthday of Aviation is invariably considered August 12, as the date of the birth of the branch of the military itself.

But until 1997, military pilots did not have their own holiday. Traditionally, all pilots and navigators, helicopter pilots and technicians performing military and civilian service were congratulated on August 18 - Air Fleet Day, that is, the day of all USSR aviation.

Since the festive program included colorful demonstration performances by aviators, and the script included technically complex competitions in aerobatics and technology, the celebration was not tied to a date, but was held on the third Sunday in August. At such events, the high command and ordinary spectators were always present.

The growing importance and emergence of new structural units of the Air Fleet also influenced holiday dates. IN different years New civil and military holidays related to aviation have appeared:

  • February 9 – Civil Aviation Day is celebrated;
  • June 1 – it is customary to celebrate the Russian Air Force Military Aviation Day;
  • July 17 – Navy Aviation Day;
  • December 23 – congratulations on Long-Range Aviation Day of the Russian Air Force.

In 1997, military aviators asked the president of the country to establish an Air Force holiday. And the corresponding Decree was signed on August 29.

Since 2006, after the date of celebration was confirmed by the Decree “On Holidays,” Air Force Day, when active military personnel and veterans are congratulated, has become not just a holiday, but also a memorable day.

Therefore, on Air Force Day 2019, festive events will traditionally be held on August 12. But many aviators, out of habit, will celebrate their holiday until the end of the third week of August.

How to congratulate on Air Force Day

Professions related to military aviation are complex and require applicants to have excellent knowledge and high physical and moral preparation. Guys who are confident in their life goals or have an example from their father go into this area. Therefore, quite often in families of aviators, children follow in the footsteps of their parents, and aviation holidays have become not just professional, but family. Here they know very well how fun it is to congratulate your loved ones, and what kind of gift to give your husband or dad on Air Force Day. To please a loved one and beautifully congratulate them on their important day, we suggest using our selection of pictures and congratulations, SMS.

Cool cards

Video: song “We are Air Force Officers” as a gift

Congratulations in prose and poetry

Our words of congratulations with wishes for a peaceful sky and easy service today are intended for you - the heroes of the heavenly expanses who conquered powerful and formidable machines. We also want to say sincere words of gratitude to the technicians and specialists, engineers and aircraft builders who make these heavy aircrafts transform into heavenly lungs of birds.

I want to congratulate my beloved

You, air eagle.

Let passion be enough to fill the tank,

Soar with love on two wings.

And may the azure of all heavens

Good luck is always with you.

And don’t expect miracles from fate,

Your path to the top has already begun.

Our sky is under reliable protection

Brave and courageous Air Force,

On this day we congratulate military pilots,

Those who served in these troops.

Let it be neither in battle nor in exercises,

You are not afraid of heights.

And we wish you love and peace,

The holiday is coming, and the service was easy.

Larisa, August 7, 2018.

When figuring out when International Civil Aviation Day is celebrated, a lot of controversy often arises. And misunderstanding is observed precisely among residents of different countries. After all, the day on which employees accept congratulations on Civil Aviation Day may not coincide at all with the day on which others are accustomed to celebrating this holiday. But the whole point is that there is confusion between two similar concepts. International Civil Aviation Day is the same for everyone. That's why it's international. But the day of a civil aviation worker (without adding the word “international”) may be different in different countries. But it is probably better to look to the past to learn all the nuances of the present.

The initial path of civil aviation

Aviation (meaning civil aviation) became a more or less tangible phenomenon only at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was at this time that, thanks to Russia, Germany, England and France, it was possible to create such devices for flying among the clouds as airplanes and passenger-cargo airships. This happened thanks to the common efforts of these countries. In imperial Russia itself, due to the impending wars and the need to create exclusively military aviation, its civilian counterpart did not have time to receive proper development at that time. And therefore, pre-revolutionary Russia did not leave behind the Soviet government any infrastructure and production legacy in the field of civil and transport aviation.

Civil aviation in those days began with the decree “On Air Travel,” which was adopted in 1921, on January 17th. This decree for the first time established flight rules that foreign and Soviet aircraft must follow when flying over the RSFSR and its territorial waters. The provisions of this decree became the basis of the Air Code of the USSR, which was later approved more than once in the 32nd, 35th, 61st, and also in the 83rd years of the twentieth century. Soon, on May 1 of the year following the signing of the decree, a permanent airline on the Moscow-Königsberg route began to operate successfully, which was extended to Berlin in 1926. Earlier, in 1923, an airline appeared from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod. Its length was 420 kilometers.

The origin of the holiday

Civil aviation continued to develop. On December 1, 1922, the Civil Air Fleet Inspectorate was created. Its goal was to develop measures for the development of civil aviation, as well as to monitor the activities of all its divisions. In addition, February (ninth day) 1923 is known as the day the resolution was adopted, according to which the Civil Aviation Council under the Main Air Force was organized. After that, every year Soviet citizens involved in this area accepted congratulations on Civil Aviation Day on February 9th.

International Civil Aviation Day

As for giving this holiday the status of “international”, this is a completely different story. International Civil Aviation Day was established in connection with the significant date - fifty years since the signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation. This happened on December 7, 1994.

The convention itself prescribed special international standards, used for flying over foreign territories by civil aircraft, and also indicated the creation of special air corridors that were located over countries for the movement of aircraft. In accordance with this convention, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) was created. The holiday itself was “invented” in order to attract everyone’s attention to this area on an international scale, as well as to its expansion and development.

December 6, 1996, and the UN also declared this date as International Civil Aviation Day. In addition, the UN has directed the government and relevant intergovernmental, international and regional organizations to take appropriate measures and actions to celebrate this date. International Civil Aviation Day is an official professional holiday. It is included in the register of holidays and memorable dates of the Russian Federation. But no matter how significant this day was, it failed to become a day off - the workers' holiday takes place at work.

Russian Civil Aviation Day

As already described above, civil aviation in Russia began to develop back in Soviet times. Since then, it has become an integral part of the lives of most of the inhabitants of our planet. Overcoming huge distances in the shortest possible time, freight and postal transportation - all this is real now, and without it we cannot imagine the present. Civil Aviation Day is celebrated in different countries on different days. In Kyrgyzstan, for example, this day is celebrated annually on October 7, while Russian Civil Aviation Day is traditionally celebrated on February 9.

Russian Civil Aviation Workers Day

Sometimes this day is called differently. The holiday is also called Civil Aviation Workers' Day. Although in some countries these may be two different days. And yet, let us remind you that it can be celebrated on different dates in different countries. Thus, the Day of Civil Aviation Workers in Belarus, for example, is celebrated in November, on its first Sunday. In Azerbaijan - the second of June.

As for Russia, in 2013 the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Civil Aviation Worker Day” was signed. This document states that the professional holiday called “Civil Aviation Worker’s Day” was established and will be celebrated on February 9. This document was published on February 15. According to established tradition, on this holiday, all services and flight personnel receive congratulations, and also come to work or go on a flight in full dress uniform. And although great importance is attached to this date, this holiday does not add another day off for us. Everyone goes to work strictly on schedule.

Other aviation-related holidays

There are many more holidays associated with it. Perhaps some are unknown to us. Perhaps somewhere in distant countries there is even a holiday called “Civil Aviation Pilot Day,” who knows. But we will mention only a few known dates.

For example, on December 23rd, when New Year Already on the nose, Long-Range Aviation Day is being celebrated. But on the first day of the warmer month, June, Military Transport Aviation Day is celebrated. A little later - on the seventeenth of July - the Day of Naval Aviation is celebrated, and in hot August, on the 12th, the Day of the Air Force of the Russian Federation is celebrated. And the last date, which has been traditionally celebrated for a very long time, is August, or rather, its first Sunday. This holiday is called Air Fleet Day. It’s not our life, but a continuous holiday, however...