How to assemble an airplane at home. DIY aircraft. Single-seat beam aircraft

Homemade aircraft, drawings of machines and their brief descriptions built by amateur designers


A model that is equipped with two Vikhr-25 engines modified for air cooling. The design of the handle and the control circuit of the machine have no analogues in the world. Famous test pilots did not hide their delight, and even recommended its use on military fighters.
The take-off weight of the vehicle is two hundred and fifty-five kilograms, and the wing surface area is five point six square meters.


The model was designed by an American amateur designer, with a pulling screw, which consists of the following components:

Shaft (1), made of duralumin pipe
fuselage spar (2), the material from which is made – pine
casing (3), made of plywood three millimeters thick
wing spars (4)
arc (5)
tank (6), which holds thirty liters of fuel
frame (7), made of plywood thirty millimeters thick
automobile engine (8), the power of which is sixty horsepower
hood (9), made of fiberglass
spring (10)
technological holes for installing wings (11)
fender braces (12)
its racks (13)
his braces (14)
bolt for installing the strut (15)


Take-off weight is three hundred and forty kilograms
wing area is nine point twenty nine square meters
speed - one hundred seventy kilometers per hour

This model passed certification tests and was found fit for use; moreover, it was possible to perform aerobatic maneuvers and even a “corkscrew” on it.


Created by Tver designers. The main material used in its manufacture is plywood, canvas, pine and the domestic RMZ-640 engine. The take-off weight of which was two hundred thirty-five kilograms and the wing area was six point three square meters.


Designed by students of the Kharkov Aviation Institute. The model has a beam fuselage.



Since childhood, many boys have been fascinated by technology, various cars, trains, and airplanes. They are of great interest in all elements that are directly related to these subjects. To get your child interested in creativity, invite him to make toys together that look like an airplane.

Children's crafts in the shape of an airplane will be a great way to spend time together with your child. You can have fun in your free time. In addition, such crafts can be done together with the children at children's parties.

The photo of airplane-themed crafts demonstrates the variety of models that you can make with your own hands.

Airplane made of wood

When creating an airplane from wood, the question arises, what can you make an airplane out of? To create an airplane craft, you need to have a clothespin, wooden sticks, acrylic paints, brushes, Moment glue, scissors and sandpaper.

Algorithm for creating a toy airplane

Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to make an airplane. This will allow you to create a craft without any problems if you strictly follow the instructions for creating a toy airplane.

We take blue paint and paint the wings of the future airplane. Then we take red paint and paint the clothespins, which will later become the basis of the airplane. To create the hind wings, you need to cut the stick into two parts. Scissors must be used to round the cut edge.

The tail of the plane consists of a piece of stick. Cut a piece of 10 millimeters from the stick. To do this we use a stationery knife. The edge should not be smooth.

Using sandpaper, sand the surface of the wooden sticks. We paint the resulting parts and glue them together.

Cardboard airplane

To create this version of the airplane you will need blue cardboard, matchboxes, scissors, Moment glue, and cork.

We take a stencil and cut out all the parts of the aircraft, from which we will then create it.

We take a matchbox and glue it to the base of the plane. You need to cut out one small strip from cardboard, which you then glue to the base of the plane. Blanks of the same size are then glued on top of the matchbox on the other side.

To create a tail, you need to cut a strip measuring 50 millimeters by 10 millimeters. The edges are rounded on both sides. The resulting strip must be divided into three equal parts. Each strip should be 15 millimeters. To do this, you need to use a utility knife.

You need to glue stars to the airplane. They will become a real decoration of the model.

We take a wine cork. Using a utility knife, cut off a small circle. Next, apply a little glue to the surface of the cut piece of cork and glue it to the plane. Then you need to create a propeller. Its creation is described as a wooden airplane.

We take a needle that needs to be used to pierce the cork. Then we attach all the parts to the base of the plane. We create small flowers from several sheets of colored paper. To do this, you need to take a decorative hole punch. These leaves must be glued to the entire surface of the airplane.


Airplane from a bottle

To create an airplane from a bottle, you need to take the bottle itself. Using a knife, you need to make several slits into which you will later need to insert cardboard. This cardboard should look like the wings and tail of an airplane.

From thick cardboard we cut out a part that looks like a propeller. In the center of this figure you need to cut out a place for a plastic plug. It is necessary to install a propeller over the neck of a plastic bottle, and then screw on the plastic cap. This will allow you to secure the propeller to the plastic bottle.

After this, you can invite the child to paint the plastic bottle in the color he wants. The child will be happy to color the base of the plane and its wings.

Thus, crafts from airplanes will be ready. The presented options for creating children's airplanes allow you to quickly make a craft.

You can conduct a master class on airplane-themed crafts. This will make the children's party more interesting and at the same time useful.


You can make your own choice of materials for crafts with your own hands. If your child is interested in wooden crafts, then it is best to make an airplane out of wood, but if your child is interested in crafts from cardboard, then it is recommended to create a flower airplane.

Photo crafts airplane


Building my own homemade airplane - a biplane - has been my dream since childhood. However, I was able to implement it not so long ago, although I paved the way to the sky in military aviation, and then on a hang-glider. Then he built an airplane. But the lack of experience and knowledge in this matter also produced a corresponding result - the plane never took off.

The failure did not exactly discourage the desire to build aircraft, but it cooled the ardor thoroughly - a lot of time and effort had been spent. And what helped revive this desire was, in general, an incident when the opportunity arose to inexpensively purchase some parts from a decommissioned An-2 aircraft, better known among the people as the “Corn Man”.

And I only purchased ailerons with trim tabs and flaps. But from them it was already possible to make wings for a light biplane aircraft. Well, the wing is almost half the plane! Why did you decide to build a biplane? Yes, because the aileron area was not enough for a monoplane. But for a biplane it was quite enough, and the wings from the An-2 ailerons were even shortened a little.

Ailerons are located only on the lower wing. They are made from twin aileron trimmers of the same An-2 aircraft and are suspended on the wing on ordinary piano hinges. To increase the efficiency of aircraft control, wooden (pine) triangular slats 10 mm high are glued along the trailing edge of the ailerons and covered with strips of covering fabric.

The biplane aircraft was conceived as a training aircraft, and according to the classification it belongs to ultra-light devices (ultralights). By design, the homemade biplane is a single-seat, single-strut biplane with a tricycle landing gear with a steerable tail wheel.

I couldn’t find any prototype, and therefore I decided to design and build according to the classical scheme and, as motorists say, without additional options, that is, in the simplest version with an open cockpit. The upper wing of the “Grasshopper” is raised above the fuselage (like a parasol) and fixed slightly in front of the pilot’s cabin on a support made of duralumin pipes (from the An-2 aileron rods) in the shape of an inclined pyramid.

The wing is detachable and consists of two consoles, the joint between which is covered with a cover. The wing set is metal (duralumin), the covering is linen impregnated with enamel. The wing tips and root parts of the wing consoles are also covered with a thin duralumin sheet. The upper wing consoles are additionally supported by struts running from the attachment points of the inter-wing struts to the lower fuselage spars.

The air pressure receiver is fixed at a distance of 650 mm from the end of the left upper wing console. The lower wing consoles are also detachable and are attached to the lower fuselage spars (on the sides of the cabin). The gaps between the root part and the fuselage are covered with linen (impregnated with enamel) fairings, which are attached to the consoles with adhesive tapes - burdocks.

The installation angle of the upper wing is 2 degrees, the lower one is 0 degrees. The transverse V at the upper wing is 0, and at the lower one it is 2 degrees. The sweep angle of the upper wing is 4 degrees, and that of the lower wing is 5 degrees.

The lower and upper consoles of each wing are connected to each other by struts made, like the struts, from duralumin pipes from the control rods of the An-2 aircraft. The fuselage frame of a homemade biplane is a truss, welded from steel thin-walled (1.2 mm) pipes with an outer diameter of 18 mm.

Its basis is four spars: two upper and two lower. Along the sides, pairs of spars (one upper and one lower) are connected by an equal number and equally spaced posts and struts and form two symmetrical trusses.

Pairs of upper and lower spars are connected by cross members and jibs, but their number and location at the top and bottom often do not coincide. Where the location of the crossbars and posts coincide, they form frames. Form-forming arcs are welded on top of the front rectangular frames.

The remaining (rear) fuselage frames are triangular, isosceles. The frame is covered with unbleached calico, which is then impregnated with homemade “enamelite” - celluloid dissolved in acetone. This coating has proven itself well among amateur aircraft designers.

The front part of the biplane fuselage (up to the cockpit) on the left side in flight is covered with panels of thin plastic. The panels are removable for easy ground access to controls in the cab and under the engine. The fuselage bottom is made of 1 mm thick duralumin sheet. The tail of an airplane - a biplane - is classic. All its elements are flat.

The frames of the fin, stabilizer, rudders and elevators are welded from thin-walled steel pipes with a diameter of 16 mm. The linen covering is sewn to the frame parts, and the seams are additionally taped with strips of the same calico fabric impregnated with enamel. The stabilizer consists of two halves that are attached to the keel.

To do this, an M10 pin is passed over the fuselage through the keel near the leading edge, and a tubular axis with a diameter of 14 mm is passed at the trailing edge. Ears with sector grooves are welded to the root rods of the stabilizer halves, which serve to install the horizontal tail at the required angle, depending on the mass of the pilot.

Each half is placed with an eye on a stud and secured with a nut, and the trailing edge tube is placed on the axle and pulled to the keel by a brace made of steel wire with a diameter of 4 mm. From the editor. To prevent spontaneous rotation of the stabilizer in flight, it is advisable to make several holes for a pin instead of a sector groove in the ears.

Now the biplane aircraft has a propeller-driven installation with an engine from the Ufa Motor Plant UMZ 440-02 (the plant equips the Lynx snowmobiles with such engines) with a planetary gearbox and a two-bladed propeller.

Engine with a volume of 431 cm3 and a power of 40 hp. with a speed of up to 6000 per minute, air-cooled, two-cylinder, two-stroke, with separate lubrication, runs on gasoline, starting with AI-76. Carburetor - K68R Air cooling system - although homemade, it is effective.

It is made in the same way as the Walter-Minor aircraft engines: with an air intake in the shape of a truncated cone and deflectors on the cylinders. Previously, the biplane aircraft had a modernized engine from the Whirlwind outboard motor with a power of only 30 hp. and V-belt transmission (gear ratio 2.5). But even with them the plane flew confidently.

But the homemade two-bladed monoblock (from pine plywood) pulling propeller with a diameter of 1400 mm and a pitch of 800 mm has not yet been changed, although I plan to replace it with a more suitable one. The planetary gearbox with a gear ratio of 2.22... the new engine came from some foreign car.

The engine muffler is made from a ten-liter foam fire extinguisher cylinder. The fuel tank with a capacity of 17 liters is from the tank of an old washing machine - it is made of stainless steel. Installed behind the dashboard. The hood is made of thin sheet duralumin.

It has grilles on the sides for the outlet of heated air and on the right there is also a hatch with a cover for exiting the cord with a handle - they start the engine. The propeller-engine installation on a homemade biplane is suspended on a simple motor mount in the form of two consoles with struts, the rear ends of which are fixed to the struts of the front frame-frame of the fuselage frame. The aircraft's electrical equipment is 12-volt.

The main landing gear legs are welded from sections of steel pipe with a diameter of 30 mm, and their struts are welded from pipes with a diameter of 22 mm. The shock absorber is a rubber cord wound around the front pipes of the struts and the trapezoid of the fuselage frame. The wheels of the main landing gear are non-braking with a diameter of 360 mm - from a mini-mokie, they have reinforced hubs. The rear support has a spring-type shock absorber and a steerable wheel with a diameter of 80 mm (from an aircraft stepladder).

Control of the ailerons and elevator is rigid, from the aircraft control stick through rods made of duralumin tubes; The rudder and tail wheel are cable driven, from the pedals. Construction of the aircraft was completed in 2004, and it was tested by pilot E.V. Yakovlev.

The biplane aircraft passed the technical commission. He made quite long flights in a circle near the airfield. A fuel supply of 17 liters is enough for about an hour and a half of flight, taking into account the aeronautical reserve. Very useful advice and consultations during the construction of the aircraft were given to me by two Evgeniy: Sherstnev and Yakovlev, for which I am very grateful to them.

Homemade biplane “Grasshopper”: 1 - propeller (two-blade, monoblock, diameter 1400.1 = 800); 2- muffler; 3 - cockpit fairing; 4- hood; 5 - upper wing console strut (2 pcs.); 6- rack (2 pcs.); 7 - upper wing pylon; 8- transparent visor; 9 - fuselage; 10-keel; 11 - steering wheel; 12 - tail support; 13 - tail steering wheel; 14-main landing gear (2 pcs.); 15 - main wheel (2 pcs.); 16 - right console of the upper wing; 17-left upper wing console; 18 - right console of the lower wing; 19-left lower wing console; 20-air pressure receiver; 21 - lining for the joint of the upper wing consoles; 22 - stabilizer and keel brace (2 pcs.); 23 - engine hood with air intake; 24 - gas flap; 25 - stabilizer (2 pcs.); 26 - elevator (2 pcs.); 27-aileron (2 pcs.)

Steel welded frame of the biplane fuselage: 1 - upper spar (pipe with a diameter of 18x1, 2 pcs.); 2- lower spars (pipe with a diameter of 18x1, 2 pcs.); 3 - aircraft control stick support; 4 - spinal beam (2 pcs.); 5-quadrangular frame (pipe with a diameter of 18, 3 pcs.); 6- forming arc of the first and third frames (pipe with a diameter of 18x1, 2 pcs.); 7 - struts and braces (pipe with a diameter of 18x1, according to the drawing); 8- lugs and lugs for fastening and hanging structural elements (as needed); 9 - trapezoid for fastening the rubber cord shock absorber of the main landing gear (pipe with a diameter of 18x1); 10-triangle tail frames (18x1 diameter tube, 4 pcs.)

Angles of installation of the wing consoles (a - upper wing; b - lower wing): 1 - transverse V; 2-swept wings; 3 - installation angle

Motor frame of a homemade biplane: I - spar (steel pipe 30x30x2.2 pcs.); 2-spar extension (pipe with a diameter of 22.2 pcs.); 3 - cross member (steel sheet s4); 4 - silent blocks (4 pcs.); 5-lug for fastening the strut (steel sheet s4.2 pcs.); 6 - hood support bow (steel wire with a diameter of 8); 7 strut (pipe diameter 22, 2 pcs.)

The main landing gear of the biplane: 1 - wheel (360 in diameter, from a mini-mokie); 2- wheel hub; .3 - main stand (steel pipe with a diameter of 30); 4 - main strut (steel pipe with a diameter of 22); 5 - shock absorber (rubber band with a diameter of 12); 6 - travel limiter of the main rack (cable with a diameter of 3); 7 - shock absorber mounting trapezoid (fuselage truss element); 8- fuselage truss; 9 additional landing gear (steel coarse with a diameter of 22); 10- shock absorber grip (pipe with a diameter of 22); 11 - additional strut (steel pipe with a diameter of 22); 12 rack connection (steel pipe with a diameter of 22)

Instrument gloss (at the bottom you can clearly see the rudder and tail wheel control pedals on the trapezoid and the rubber shock absorber of the main landing gear): 1 - carburetor throttle control handle; 2 - horizontal speed indicator; 3 - variometer; 4 - instrument panel mounting screw (3 pcs.); 5—turn and slide indicator; 6-light engine failure alarm; 7 - ignition switch; 8-cylinder head temperature sensor; 9 - rudder control pedals

On the right side of the hood there is a window for the carburetor air filter, engines and engine starting device

The UM Z 440-02 engine from the Lynx snowmobile fit well into the contours of the fuselage and provided the aircraft with good flight performance

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For some, building and flying your own airplane is an amazing experience. And in most countries it is completely legal to build your own plane. This is a guide for beginners, for those who would like to take up this exciting activity. The results will be extremely beneficial for you and your family.


    Make sure building your own plane is legal in your country - in the US, building your own plane before you even have a pilot's license is completely legal.

    It is recommended that you first obtain a pilot's license. You need to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to build, so you will need to fly different types of aircraft in advance. You'll learn a lot by studying the specifications, but only experience flying an airplane will help you understand the differences in performance, especially how the type of airplane you want will fit your body type.

    Decide whether you want to make a plane that has already been built or create your own. If you want it to fly fast enough, you need to use an existing design.

    Decide whether you want to build it using ready-made kits or using plans and drawings. A well-assembled kit will speed up the process of creating an airplane, while using only a plan can sometimes hinder you.

    Decide what you want to build. There are three main types of aircraft construction: fabric, aluminum and composite.

    • Fabric may not require much maintenance, but creates a slower flight speed, is the lightest design, and for some may not be as difficult to build.
    • Aluminum is more difficult, but requires little maintenance and can make the plane very fast.
    • Composite is the most difficult option to build because it requires sanding for the final finish, but usually produces the fastest aircraft.
  1. Look at the different designs and determine the goals you want: minimum consumption, good performance, practicality, etc. Note: simple and good practicality designs tend to be the most common and may be the best choice for successful construction.

    Take part in events such as EAA's annual summer Oshkosh Fly-In or Sun n' Fun. There you can find the most famous manufacturers of aircraft kits. Spending the majority of your time talking to aircraft owners about their building and flying experiences will benefit you more than talking to manufacturers.

    Call an aviation insurance agent and find out if you can get insurance based on your flying experience and what you think it will be like after your project is completed. Some planes are not worth insuring due to their actual value, but you should purchase liability insurance anyway. The amount of insurance you are offered to pay shows how reliable your aircraft is.

    Fly the airplane you want to build to see if you like it better than others. Some manufacturers offer demonstration flights. Join your local Experimental Aviation Association, where you can network with others who already own the aircraft you want to build.

    Find someone who is currently building what you are planning to build. It doesn't have to be the exact same aircraft, ideally a similar design or even best a common manufacturer, which will give you the opportunity to learn the construction techniques and quality of the kit. Don't be intrusive, as successful aircraft builders are almost always pressed for time and won't want to talk to you if you waste their time. When you decide to build your own airplane, you will be able to avoid all the mistakes that many builders make because you will know what you are doing from the very beginning.

    Find a place to build your aircraft once you have decided on a specific design. A nearby garage or a large workshop in your home are the best options. Make sure you can maintain the temperature above 10 degrees Celsius; you will not be able to work well with your hands in temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius.

    Find the necessary tools. Now that you have your ideal workspace, take the time to purchase all the necessary tools. You can usually find them from people in your local Experimental Aircraft Association who have recently finished building their own aircraft. If not, aircraft kit manufacturers can point you in the right direction.

    Prepare your plans, drawings and start construction. Building an aircraft using manufacturer kits begins with the tail "feathers" or formally the "tail". The tail assembly will be a microcosm of the project without determining the full cost of the entire project. This is a lifeline for those who did not receive help from another developer before starting construction. You can look at various classified ads, and purchase everything you need for the plumage you want to make from builders who have extensive experience in this matter.

    Follow the instructions carefully. Don't deviate from the plan only if you already have some construction experience. Deviations cost time, money, and sometimes lives. Generally, it is best to start assembly from the tail (shown in step 13), but always follow the plan.

    Have an Experimental Aviation Association technical consultant look at the aircraft and evaluate your work. This will also help save you money on insurance.

    Pay attention to how long others have been building your project to monitor your own progress. Some issues require time, which may delay you from your intended schedule. For example, insurance, engines, propellers and hangars. Find out the deadlines for each of them in advance and try to have them ready by the time you need it. From 3 to 6 months of possible flight time on your aircraft, it must be registered.

    Keep the plane in your home for as long as possible. It's much better to get the job done in 30 minutes while lunch is cooking, when you only need 3 seconds to walk to your workshop; and besides, hangars cost a lot of money. It all depends on your workspace, but try to do as much as possible at home: install the engine and propellers; wiring, and maybe even painting. Although, some prefer not to paint until the first test flight in order to reduce costs and have the opportunity to fix cracks if any appear in the composite structure.

Man never lost his desire to fly. Even today, when traveling by plane to the other end of the planet is a completely common thing, you want to assemble at least the simplest aircraft with your own hands and, if you don’t fly yourself, then at least fly in first person with the help of a camera, for this they use unmanned vehicles. We will look at the simplest designs, diagrams and drawings and, perhaps, make our old dream come true...

Requirements for ultra-light aircraft

Sometimes emotions and the desire to fly can overcome common sense, and the ability to design and correctly carry out calculations and plumbing work is not taken into account at all. This approach is fundamentally wrong, and therefore, several decades ago, the Ministry of Aviation prescribed general requirements for home-made ultra-light aircraft. We will not present the entire set of requirements, but will limit ourselves to only the most important ones.

  1. A homemade aircraft must be easy to control, easy to pilot during takeoff and landing, and the use of unconventional methods and systems for controlling the aircraft is strictly prohibited.
  2. If an engine fails, the aircraft must remain stable and ensure safe gliding and landing.
  3. The aircraft's run-up before take-off and lift-off from the ground is no more than 250 m, and the take-off speed is at least 1.5 m/s.
  4. The forces on the control handles are in the range of 15-50 kgf, depending on the maneuver being performed.
  5. The clamps of the aerodynamic steering planes must withstand an overload of at least 18 units.

Requirements for the design of an aircraft

Since an aircraft is a high-risk vehicle, when designing the aircraft structure, the use of materials, steels, cables, hardware components and assemblies of unknown origin is not allowed. If wood is used in the structure, it must be free of visible damage and knots, and those compartments and cavities in which moisture and condensation can accumulate must be equipped with drainage holes.

The simplest version of a motorized aircraft is a monoplane with a pulling motor propeller. The scheme is quite old, but time-tested. The only drawback of monoplanes is that in emergency conditions it is quite difficult to leave the cockpit; the monowing gets in the way. But the design of these devices is very simple:

  • the wing is made of wood according to a two-spar design;
  • welded steel frame, some use riveted aluminum frames;
  • combined or full linen cladding;
  • closed cabin with a door operating according to an automobile circuit;
  • simple pyramidal chassis.

The drawing above shows a Malysh monoplane with a 30-horsepower gasoline engine, take-off weight is 210 kg. The plane reaches a speed of 120 km/h and has a flight range of about 200 km with a ten-liter tank.

Construction of a braced high-wing aircraft

The drawing shows a single-engine high-plane Leningradets, built by a group of St. Petersburg aircraft modelers. The design of the device is also simple and unpretentious. The wing is made of pine plywood, the fuselage is welded from steel pipe, and the skin is classic linen. Wheels for the landing gear are from agricultural machinery so that it is possible to carry out flights starting from unprepared soil. The engine is based on the design of the MT8 motorcycle engine with 32 horsepower, and the take-off weight of the device is 260 kg.

The device proved to be excellent in terms of controllability and ease of maneuvering and was successfully operated for ten years and took part in rallies and competitions.

All-wood aircraft PMK3

The all-wood PMK3 aircraft also showed excellent flight qualities. The plane had a peculiar shape of the nose, a grounded landing gear with small-diameter wheels, and the cabin had a car-type door. The aircraft had an all-wood fuselage covered with canvas and a single-spar wing made of pine plywood. The device is equipped with a water-cooled Vikhr3 outboard motor.

As you can see, with certain skills in design and engineering, you can not only make a working model of an airplane or a drone, but also a completely full-fledged simple aircraft with your own hands. Be creative and dare, have a good flight!