Interior layout of a Boeing 767 300 Pegasus Fly. Pegasus Fly aircraft - features of the park, age, location of seats. Tourist economy class

The small airline Pegasus Fly got its name quite recently, in 2015. At the same time, it entered the international transportation market. Her original name, “Icarus,” remains only legally. The airline was first registered in 1993 in Magadan. Having only Mi-8 helicopters in its fleet, it was mainly engaged in cargo transportation.

Currently, the home airport is Yemelyanovo in Krasnoyarsk. Flights are also operated from other cities: from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, etc.

General information about the airline

Pegas Fly cooperates with the travel company Pegas Touristik and specializes in organizing charter flights to resort destinations. Its long-haul routes: Far East, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Dominican Republic, Maldives, etc., more than 50 destinations in total.

Despite the small fleet of aircraft (8 aircraft), the airline ranks 16th out of 50 in terms of traffic volumes. And in 2018, it plans to increase its fleet and expand the geography of international and domestic routes.

Pegasus Fly has 5 Boeing 767-300 aircraft in its fleet. These are wide-body airliners (in operation since 1986) designed to transport large numbers of passengers over long distances. The Boeing 767-300er can fly 11,000 kilometers without refueling.

Boeing 767-300 Pegasus Fly

The 767 replaced the aging widebody 747-100 and 747-200. Boeing has managed to reduce aircraft operating costs and fuel consumption by using lightweight aluminum alloys and reducing the number of parts. The aircraft is controlled using digital electronic systems.

According to reviews from passengers, the plane is very comfortable. Powerful engines allow you to take off and gain altitude almost instantly. The 767-300 handles turbulence easily. The seats are very comfortable, allowing you to easily endure long flights. The size of the aircraft (the seats are located at a height of 14 meters from the ground) and engines are impressive.


  • Length (m): 54.94.
  • Height (m): 15.8.
  • Cabin width (m): 4.72.
  • Wingspan (m): 47.57.
  • Maximum flight range (km): 11,000.
  • Maximum cruising speed (km/h): 850.
  • Maximum height (m): 13,100.

On Charter flights on the Boeing 767-300, Pegasus Fly uses a two-class cabin layout. The total number of passenger seats on the liner is 290.

Business Class

On Charter flights with Pegas Fly, the business cabin occupies the first two rows at the front of the aircraft. According to the Boeing 767-300 layout, there are only 12 seats. The layout is 2-2-2 so that there are no central uncomfortable seats. Wide seats, large distances between rows, few passengers in the cabin - all this makes the flight as comfortable as possible.

The chairs in this salon can be folded out to form a horizontal bed. The distance between rows is 105 cm.

Passengers are offered:

  • Improved menu: snacks, hot dishes, aperitifs.
  • Large selection of cold and hot drinks, including alcoholic ones.
  • Travel kits.
  • Blankets, pillows and sleep masks.

In business class there are no differences between seats. The cabin is located in the most comfortable part of the aircraft.

Economy class

Economy class on the Boeing 767-300 of Pegas Fly airlines is designed for 278 passengers. New comfortable seats are distributed in the cabin according to a 2-4-2 pattern. The distance between the rows is quite dense - 57 cm.

Volume luggage compartments are located above the central and side rows. Carry-on baggage allowance: 10 kg for domestic flights, 5 kg for international flights.

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On board the plane, passengers are offered a menu of two hot dishes to choose from, newspapers and magazines, coloring books and books for children. The salon is equipped with separate screens for each line of seats.

Boeing 767-300 Pegasus Fly interior diagram

More and less comfortable places are highlighted in color on the diagram:

  • Green – very comfortable.
  • Yellow-green - good, but there are some inconveniences;
  • Yellow – bad places.
  • Red – the worst places.

For the convenience of passengers, the economy salon is divided into two. According to the Boeing 767-300 ER layout, the Pegas Fly company has 14 rows in the first cabin, and 22 in the second. The first cabin is considered more comfortable: it shakes less, is not so noisy and there are fewer passengers.

Let's make a general overview of the economic salon and highlight the best places.

Economy class cabin

Let's take a closer look at the arrangement of seats in the economy class of the plane.

3rd row – very comfortable seats. No one in front will recline their backs, and the distance to the partition is greater than in other rows. It’s comfortable to fly here: you can hear less engine noise and no one will disturb you.

15 D, E, F, G and 16 A, B, G, H – uncomfortable seats due to the proximity of the toilets. People constantly passing along the corridor will interfere.

Row 17 – the worst seats. The backrests are almost motionless, and just behind the seats there is a partition with toilets.

Row 18 - according to the Boeing 767-300 cabin layout - these are the seats at the emergency exits. Pegas Fly has restrictions on these seats due to flight safety. They can only be offered to passengers without physical or mental disabilities, flying without small children and without animals. In a critical situation, they will need to quickly and accurately carry out the crew’s commands. These seats are highlighted in yellow because the seat backs are fixed so as not to block the approach to the emergency doors. For long flights this is a significant disadvantage, because... It is difficult to sit for many hours without being able to relax your back. A plus is the large legroom.

19th row – good seats, because The chairs recline and there is enough space in front of them to stretch your legs.

38 B, C, D, E, G – places below average. It is very noisy here and will be disturbed by flight attendants with carts and people going to the toilets.

Row 39 is the worst place. The disadvantages of the 38th row are added to the almost motionless backrests of the seats.

Photo of Pegas Fly economy class cabin

Let's highlight the best and worst places (see diagram of the Boeing 767-300er).

Best places

Comfortable space:

  • Complete rows: 3 and 19

Good places

  • Row 18 – near emergency exits

Worst places

Proximity of bathrooms and low-moving seat backs:

  • Completely: 16, 17 and 39
  • 38 B, C, D, E, G
  • If you are flying with a small child (up to one year old), ask the information desk if it is possible to install a baby bassinet on the plane. This service is available for infants weighing up to 11 kg. Reservations for a bassinet must be made no later than 36 hours before departure.
  • If you are flying in the front rows, you will have the option of choosing a menu.
  • Pegasus Fly Airlines can order additional meals on board the Boeing 767-300.
  • Those who like to sit by the window should make sure that their seats are not above the wings, where the view from the windows is limited. Choose seats at the front or rear of the plane.
  • Some windows are located in such a way that it is difficult to look through them; check this when checking in for your flight.
  • The nose of the plane is a quieter area, it’s more comfortable to fly here.
  • Seats in the front rows will allow you to quickly exit the plane after landing.
  • In the tail section of the Boeing 767-300er, the noise of the engines is more audible and turbulence is felt more strongly. Experienced travelers advise not to sit in the rear of this Pegas Fly plane.
  • The area above the wings is the most stable. There is less shaking here. If you get motion sickness, you should give preference to these places.
  • On long flights, avoid seats that do not recline.
  • When choosing seats at the back of the cabin near the bathrooms, keep in mind that you will be disturbed by people queuing there.
  • Places near emergency exits are always cooler.
  • Porthole seats: A, H.
  • Aisle seats: B, C, F, G.
  • Middle seats in the center row: D, E.


If you are flying with Pegasus Fly on a Boeing 767-300, check out the aircraft cabin diagram. Choose the best places based on our advice and your preferences. Seats are obtained upon check-in for a flight online or directly at the airport. Online check-in begins 24 hours before departure. Have a good flight!

The Boeing 767-300 is a long-range aircraft developed in the early 1980s, the successor to the Boeing 767-200 and the basis for the 767-400. In total, it accommodates 278 economy class seats and 12 business class seats, the distance between seats is 57 centimeters in all economy class and 105 cm in business class.

The Boeing 767 is one of the highest quality and safest airliners in the world. Research by international companies shows that the location of seats in the Boeing 767 400 cabin, the cabin layout, and the best seats most accurately meet the needs and expectations of passengers. Most seats are located either by the aisle or by the window. And only one line, in the center of the cabin, has no access to either the porthole or the aisle.

Now let's talk directly about the best places in the salon. The photo shows a diagram of the Boeing 767 Icarus cabin, which we will use to choose the most comfortable seats.

Boeing 767 300 interior diagram Pegasus Fly

So, we have 3 classes in total:

  • Business Class;
  • premium economy class;
  • tourist economy class.

Which share 6 lines (A – G) and 42 rows (1-42)

This is the most expensive flight option, but it is rightfully called the most comfortable. Although even here you can choose the best of the best. And this honorable title goes to the seats in the first row on lines G and F, since in addition to all the benefits of business class, they also have increased space for your legs and are located away from the technical rooms, which means no one will walk over your head.

Any seat in business class will be more comfortable than a seat in economy class, regardless of the row you get.

Business class photo

Premium Economy Class

In other words, places of increased comfort. It differs from business class mainly in the density of seats and, of course, in service. The best seats are traditionally considered to be the seats of the 10th (front) row. Despite the fact that they are closest to the passage to another part of the plane, they have the advantage of space - it is much larger than similar seats. There are no technical premises near these places (toilet, kitchen), which means the flow of people passing by is less.

Tourist economy class

This class has many features that set it apart from the other two. Here you have the highest density of seats and the most uncomplicated service, the lowest ticket prices, plus the most uncomfortable flight.

It is very difficult to choose the best seats here, but it is easy to identify those that are clearly not worth buying - last row tickets. Immediately behind these places there are a lot of technical rooms(several toilets, luggage department), which means there will always be someone walking above your head. Of the advantages, only the shortest distance to the emergency exit of the entire tourist economy class. But we sincerely hope that you will never need such an advantage.

  • Seats located near the porthole have the advantage that if you are bored, you can look out the porthole. As a rule, it offers breathtaking views, but this depends on the weather and flight time;
  • chairs that are closer to the aisle win because if you need to move away, you don’t have to wake up your neighbor and ask to let you through. This means they are free to move. True, then you will be asked to let your neighbor through, and they will also constantly walk along the aisle, which may disturb you;
  • in any case, try not to take seats near the technical rooms - passengers passing by will constantly disturb you;
  • If during the flight there is no need to often get up from the seat and get out, then you can safely take a seat by the window. If you are flying with a child or have other reasons that will force you to leave your seat more than once, it is more profitable to take aisle seats.


The cabin layout of the Boeing 767 300 Pegasus Fly is designed in such a way that the best seats are in the front. Without a doubt, the most comfortable seats are business class, which in any case will be more convenient and comfortable than any other seats. Try not to take seats near technical areas such as the kitchen, toilet, luggage compartment, there will be passengers constantly walking around there and disturbing you. When choosing a seat, consider the factor that you will have to get up, think about how often and whether it is better for you to choose a seat by the window or by the aisle.

There is only one Boeing 767-300 in the UTair aircraft fleet. This is the aircraft number: VQ-BSY. The airliner made its first flight in May 1997. Before its acquisition by UTair, it was operated by Azur Air, Air Astana and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Azur Air currently has 5 Boeing 767-300 aircraft with an identical cabin layout.

The layout of the cabin is single-class (only economy), the seats in the rows are arranged in the following arrangement: 2 - 4 - 2 (two seats on the edges and four in the middle). A little cramped, but the maximum capacity of the aircraft is 336 passengers. This is 60 passengers more than Transaero Airlines will intervene.

The liner diagram is posted on the official website and is located at: link.

Let's try to figure out the best and worst places on the UTair Boeing 767-300.

Row 1. First row of the cabin. The seats in the bow of the plane are traditionally considered one of the most comfortable, especially when it comes to the first rows. In this case, we get additional legroom, since there is no row in front. And since the distance between the rows in economy class is small, every extra centimeter can affect the comfort of the flight.
But there is one significant drawback - there is a toilet and kitchen nearby. This means that throughout the flight there will be increased traffic, constant movement of flight attendants with food and water. There may be unpleasant odors.
Row 2, seats B, C, F, G They are the outermost ones to the aisle, so here you can regularly get hit by elbows and food carts (the toilet and kitchen are only a few meters away). This, by the way, applies to the same seats in the first row.
Row 11. The seats rest against the partition, so they are limited in reclining. You will have to endure one seat position for the entire flight. Not very comfortable places. In addition, there are toilets nearby, which guarantees unnecessary fuss.
Row 12. Although the backs of the chairs here recline freely, they are very close to the toilet.
Row 14. Due to the absence of the 13th row, additional legroom appears here. We can say that there is a lot of it. But we cannot consider these places comfortable, since the row is located near the toilet, or, to be more precise, right in front of the entrance to the toilet. If you are ready to endure slamming doors and smells throughout the flight, you can stay here too.
Row 15. It has the disadvantages of row 14, but does not have its advantages. That is, there is no such important additional legroom. Therefore, these places can be considered one of the most uncomfortable.
Row 16 and 17. They also cannot be considered comfortable, since they are located next to the toilets, which means that it will be noisier here than in other parts of the cabin.
Row 31. The seat backs are limited in reclining due to the presence of an emergency exit behind the row. You will have to fly the entire flight in one seat position. There may also be problems with visibility through the windows.
Row 32, 33. The most comfortable seats on this ship. The rows are located near the emergency exit, so there is additional legroom. In addition, no one will bother you with the seat reclined (in row 31, the backrests do not recline, since for safety reasons it is forbidden to block the emergency exit).
However, there are also disadvantages. Firstly, such places are booked primarily because of their convenience. Secondly, for safety reasons, aisles cannot be blocked with hand luggage. This means you have to put everything on the top shelves. Thirdly, seats A and H may not have armrests on the side of the aircraft wall. Finally, fourthly, due to the same safety precautions, pregnant women, passengers with small children and animals, as well as elderly and disabled people are prohibited from boarding here.
Row 44. seats B, C, F, G have the disadvantages of row No. 2, that is, they are on the way to the toilets.
Row 45. Seats A, B, G, H– the seat backs are limited in reclining due to the partition from the toilet. In addition, it is very noisy here and the sounds of the drain tank can be heard throughout the flight. Perhaps these are some of the most uncomfortable places in this interior layout.
Row 46. Located opposite the entrances to the toilets. This is actually an analogue of the 15th row, with all its disadvantages. Seats in this row are not recommended for booking.

Airplanes Pegasus Fly (Icarus)- the asset of the airline, because the carrier has at its disposal only popular aircraft models that are relatively young and have a comfortable cabin. At the same time, the fleet of airliners is constantly expanding, which makes it possible to increase the number of available destinations, as well as transport more passengers. How old are the Pegasus Fly planes? What are the features of the interior layout? Where is the best place to sit on an aircraft? Let's consider these points in more detail.

Pegasus Fly planes - what is included in the park?

Ikar is a domestic carrier based in the city of Krasnoyarsk (Emelyanovo airport). The Pegas Fly company provides regular and charter flights, and also works with the tour operator Pegas Touristik, fulfilling its orders from time to time. Icarus began its activities in Magadan, but in 2013 the base was transferred to Krasnoyarsk.

From that moment on, the development of the Pegasus Fly airline began - the possibility of online check-in for the carrier’s aircraft appeared, the air fleet increased, and opportunities were added for new and regular customers.

Today, the fleet of Pegasus Fly airlines includes two types of Boeing - 767-300 and 737-800. Let's look at their characteristics, age and location in more detail.

Boeing 767-300

Airliner Boeing 767-300 It features a comfortable interior, spaciousness and excellent technical characteristics. The Pegasus Fly aircraft fleet includes five such vessels capable of transporting passengers over a distance of up to 12 thousand kilometers.

The aircraft can accommodate:

  • 290 passengers. Of these, 12 are seated in business class seats, and 278 people are seated in economy class seats.
  • 300 passengers. There are also 12 seats provided for business class, and the remaining 288 seats are economy class.

Before you buy a Pegasus Fly plane ticket, pay attention to the distance between the seats. For the economy version it is 57 cm, and for business class it is more than a meter (1.05 m).

The aircraft's cruising speed is 851 km/h, and its maximum flight altitude is 11.88 meters.

Today, the Boeing 767-300 is considered one of the most reliable airliners. The age of such Pegasus Fly aircraft ranges from 17 to 22 years. In relation to aircraft, this is not much, because with proper maintenance, the resource can last for decades. At the same time, the carrier aims to regularly renew its fleet and orders new aircraft.

Boeing - 737-800

Another representative of the Pegasus Fly airline fleet is the Boeing 737-800, which is reviewed in detail on the official website. It is a jet aircraft used by many air carriers in the world. According to statistics, every five seconds in the world one aircraft of this type lands or takes off.

The Ikar company has three such boards at its disposal, which are distinguished by a special arrangement of seats. There are exclusively economy class seats available here (there are 189 of them). The age of the aircraft is 12-15 years. But here it is worth noting that Boeing aircraft do not have such a thing as resource or lifespan. With timely and competent maintenance, the number of flights carried out can be in the tens of thousands. At the same time, aircraft are regularly checked - immediately before departure, every two days and once every 18 months (after 18 thousand flight hours).

Location of seats on Pegasus Fly aircraft (Boeing 767-300 and 737-800)

The diagram of the Boeing 767-300 aircraft of the Icarus airline deserves special attention. The airline cabin is divided into three categories:

  • Business Class- the most expensive option, due to the increased level of comfort for passengers. It’s interesting that even in this part of the cabin there are good and conditionally “bad” places. In particular, the highest quality seats are in the 1st row, in lines G and F.
  • Economy class (premium). These seats on the Pegasus Fly plane are more comfortable, but are still located in the “economical” part of the cabin. It is better to give preference to seats located in the tenth (front) row. The advantage of such seats is more legroom. In addition, the toilet and kitchen are remote from these places, so unpleasant odors or constant movement are excluded.
  • Economy class (tourist). Many passengers, when checking in for a Pegasus Fly plane, prefer the most budget option. The disadvantage of these chairs is the short distance, limited service, and proximity to technical rooms (kitchen and toilet). On the other hand, the cost of tickets for such places will be lower.

If you analyze the location of the seats on this Pegasus Fly plane, the best seats are in the front of the cabin. They are more comfortable, and the level of service for business class passengers is higher.

Boeing 737-800 aircraft diagram different, because here all the seats on the aircraft belong to the same class. Consequently, approaches to choosing a suitable location must be individual. The first seats are near the toilet, but there is more space in front of the seats. The seats in the 2nd row are located directly behind the partition, so if you are afraid of a confined space, you should avoid this option.

Thanks to an ever-growing network of routes, Pegas Fly invites you to discover new destinations by flying on new generation aircraft.

The airline's fleet optimization strategy is aimed at increasing flight efficiency and regulating flight capacity and occupancy, as well as meeting all the needs of our customers.

Over the years of operation of the airline, the aircraft fleet has increased to 13 aircraft of three types:

Boeing 767-300ER

A long-haul aircraft developed in the early 1980s for lightly loaded airlines with a length of up to 12,000 km. The most used model on transcontinental flights.

Aircraft type: Long-haul passenger aircraft
Length (m): 54,94
Wingspan (m): 47,57
Cabin width (m): 4,72
Passenger capacity (h): VP-BDI: economy class - 340. Scheme
VP-BMC: economy class - 278, business class - 12. Scheme
VP-BOY: economy class - 278, business class - 12. Scheme
VQ-BOG: economy class - 278, business class - 12. Scheme
VQ-BTQ: economy class - 278, business class - 12. Scheme
Maximum take-off weight (kg): 186 880
Cruising speed (km/h): 851
Maximum flight altitude (m): 13 100
Maximum flight range (km): 11 305

Boeing 737-800

The 737-800 airliner is known for its stability and efficiency. Equipped with high-tech engines.

Boeing 737-900

The 737-900 airliner is known for its stability and efficiency. Equipped with high-tech engines. The main distinguishing feature of the Boeing 737-800 is its extended fuselage and large capacity.

Embraer E190

The Embraer 190 was developed by the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer of the same name in the 2000s. The aircraft can carry 110 passengers over a distance of 3,200 kilometers.