Inland water transport of the Udmurt Republic. River port in Sarapul Sarapul river port

Inland water transport of the Udmurt Republic is represented by two enterprises:

1. Open Joint Stock Company “River Port “Sarapul”

The river port of Sarapul is located within the city of Sarapul on the right bank of the Kama River. The port operates on the section of the Kama River from the settlement of Olkhovka (inclusive) to the settlement of Nepryakha (exclusively).

Guaranteed depths for this area are 330 cm.

The port of Sarapul belongs to the 2nd group of ports.

Vessels with a carrying capacity of up to 5,000 tons can be brought to the port for loading and unloading.

The port is located on the international West-East railway, the intra-port railway tracks are adjacent to the Sarapul railway station.

The port of Sarapul has one cargo area, which consists of 2 sections:

The central cargo area has three well-equipped mechanized berths made of metal veneer, with a total length of 320 linear meters. This section is specialized in the transshipment of sand and gravel mixture (SGM), enriched sand and gravel mixture (OPGS), packaged cargo and medium-tonnage containers;

The southern cargo area is located in the channel of the Volozhka River (B. Sarapulka) behind Zeleny Island. The site has a berth in the form of a natural shore with a length of 100 linear meters and is specialized in reloading ASG and OPGS from ships to road and rail transport. The site is equipped with portal and floating cranes and a hydraulic loader.

The Central and Southern cargo areas have at their disposal port cranes of the Albrecht and Albatross types for loading and unloading operations.

To carry out the extraction of non-metallic building materials from the bottom of the Kama River, there is a dredger.

OJSC River Port Sarapul has a river station with a passenger capacity of 80 seats.

OJSC River Port Sarapul serves suburban passenger lines: Sarapul-Ershovka-Simonikha, Sarapul-Borok.

The cargo fleet operates on the lines of the Volga-Kama basin.

Passenger lines serve vessels of the PT and Moskva types in the amount of 3 units.

2. Open Joint Stock Company "Port Kambarka"

Geographically, the deep-water river port of Kambarka is located on the left bank of the Kama River in the village of Kama. The port of Kambarka operates within the boundaries of the Kama River from the settlement of Nepryakha (inclusive) to the settlement of Krasny Bor (exclusively).

The port of Kambarka belongs to the 2nd group of ports.

Depths below the port are not limited during the entire navigation (380 cm or more), above the port they are limited to 310 cm.

Vessels with a carrying capacity of up to 5,000 thousand tons can be delivered to the port for loading and unloading.

The port is located near the international West-East railway; the intra-port railway tracks are adjacent to the Kama railway station. The port has the ability to receive and process river-sea vessels.

The port of Kambarka is divided into two cargo areas:

The central cargo area is designed for transshipment of bulk and piece goods from railway to water and back. This area has a railway track development of approximately 5,700 meters in length, including loading and unloading dead ends (two at the cordon and three in the rear).

The central cargo area has 620 linear meters of quay wall. To perform reloading work, it is equipped with electric cranes of the Albrecht and Albatross types. There are open warehouse areas with an area of ​​28.4 thousand square meters. meters, there is the possibility of increasing the storage area to 12 hectares due to the reserve site of the earth allotment.

The Kama cargo area (1829.7 km) is designed to work directly on the Kama River. There are floating cranes for work.

Lines serviced by OJSC "Port Kambarka" for the transportation of goods:

Kambarka - points of the Kama River to the berths of the clientele.

During navigation, Port Kambarka OJSC operates a ferry crossing on the Kambarka-Kostino road.

Navigation begins in the third ten days of April, ends in the second ten days of November. The average duration of navigation is 200 days.

River stations in the form in which they are presented now began to be built in 1930-40. Built back in Stalin's time, the stations are considered one of the symbols of cities and architectural monuments. Almost a century has passed since then, and the stations are in desperate need of restoration, and in some cities, new construction.

The implementation of new projects is especially relevant in the field of development of coastal areas, creating a more connected environment. The river should become more accessible. Additional bridges must be built - both pedestrian and automobile.

In addition, river stations are the main entrance to the city and an integral point of the tourist cruise route. It is from the building of the river station that all the sights of the city begin. Together with the beautiful embankment, the station building is a decoration and cultural landmark, as well as a place of recreation and entertainment for guests and residents of the city.

It so happened that the river port represents a connecting link. It combines the beauty and functionality of both components of modern life - nature and urbanism. And the location and surrounding buildings only contribute to this.

The river port is located at the intersection of Raskolnikov and Opolzin streets. To the north (within walking distance) are a church and a mosque, and to the south are the administration buildings and the main square of the city.

Summarizing the above, there is a need to build a whole complex of interconnected buildings that would act as the cultural and social center of the city. In addition to the river port building itself, it is proposed to construct and organize an underground parking lot, a boat station, a shopping center, a research and development center, an office center and a hotel.

During the analysis of the territory, it was decided to position the port building from north to south, which made it possible to expand the main composition and present it favorably both from the city and from the river.

To emphasize the composition, a high-rise dominant was chosen, including office centers, a hotel block and a restaurant, from the windows of which a panoramic view of the Kama River valley opens. Shopping, entertainment and scientific centers will provide leisure and educational components for both residents and guests of the city, and the provision of storage facilities for vehicles will solve the transport issue.

The river port building itself consists of two main volumes. The main part of the premises satisfying social, hygienic and cultural needs is located on the first level. On the second floor there is a waiting area and a restaurant with an exhibition hall.

The facades of the building are made in metal finishing, and panoramic windows and an extraordinary architectural solution for the volume of the river port set it off against the backdrop of the natural diversity of the surrounding space.

1. On the second floor is the “House of Education Workers” and, if memory serves, the “City Department of Public Education” with a luxurious library. There's a line outside for milk. Milk is also sold in half-liter glass bottles with a wide neck, closed with aluminum foil with the inscription “milk” and the date of manufacture.

2. Central (“Red”) Square. Most likely the sixties. The final stop of all bus routes. These were the buses that plied city routes back then.

3. Kama embankment. A small landscaped area. The "Rescue Station" is located directly. To the left of the sculpture you can see the pipes of what was then a functioning creamery.

4. Demonstration on Sovetskaya Street. Possibly May Day.

5. The area in front of the railway station. Buses heading to the generator plant stopped on this side of the square. Bus brand "ZIS" (Stalin plant). In the foreground is a motorcyclist on an IZH (possibly IZH49) motorcycle, which was produced in Izhevsk. Photo approximately 1968.

6. Azina Street (presumably 70s). There is a mailbox on the right corner of the house. A little higher is a kindergarten from a garment factory. Currently, the entire left side of the street is lined with shops.

7. Kama embankment 1964. More general view. You can see the sculptures shown in the photo above. The railway line was extended from the Sarapul station to the river Port. On the left side of the photo you can see the warehouses in which grain was stored and from which it was shipped to barges for further transportation. Suburban communication was carried out by PT-type boats to Simonikha, where the fleet repair base was located, to the village of Ershovka and to Borok.

8. Landing stage of the Sarapul pier. It served a fairly busy passenger river service. To the right of it is the port's cargo pier. Just above the landing stage you can see the white building of the port control service.

9. Cinema "Rest" with seats in the stalls, on the balcony and in boxes. It was here that widescreen and large format films were first shown. Before the sessions, documentaries were shown in a special hall. Here, for the first time in Sarapul, natural coffee and cognac began to be sold in a buffet.

10. Descent to the Kama from Red Square.

11. The central gates of the Energia stadium and the base of the radio plant football team. What battles there were and how many spectators there were! Probably most of the city's male population gathered here to cheer for their favorite team. And there were up to a dozen football teams in the city.

12. Red Street. Pirozhkovaya. Very tasty belyashi with meat and fish, especially with cabbage. To the left is a bookstore where you could touch and look through books. Sometimes there were very interesting specimens there. And of course, soda fountains for three (with syrup) and one (without syrup) kopecks.

13. The famous wooden dachas inherited from the “bourgeois” to the “Teacher” holiday home, which they were unable or did not want to save. It's a pity.




17. Most likely they deliver food to stores on carts. Horse-drawn transport. The car number is also visible. Most likely the famous lorry.

18. Grain warehouses of the river Port. You can see how grain is loaded into barges through conveyors. Green Island is on the horizon.

19. Landing stage for suburban traffic. In the foreground is a ship, which was colloquially called a “bast shoe”. Without special amenities and comfort, but roomy. Carried passengers to more remote villages of the Sarapul region.


21. Krasnaya (Vyatskaya) street, ancient buildings. Paved with granite cobblestones.

22. The editorial office of the Sarapul newspaper “Red Prikamye” is located here to this day. A name that they managed to defend.

23. The Kama restaurant was located in the building with large windows. On the right is the central square.

24. Hotel "Prikamye". Restaurant "Prikamye". Nearby there is a snack bar and a pie shop. Bus station. Soda water machines. A barrel of beer or kvass. On the right, behind the scenes, is the central market.

25. To be continued.

Yulia Suntsova, Dmitry Manylov

The legal dispute that arose this month with the seizure of the property of the Sarapul River Port for 15 million rubles made us remember how it was privatized in 2007-2009. The assets of the state-owned enterprise, similar to the story with another transport enterprise in Udmurtia - IPOPAT, were sold for a long time, in parts, and the blocking stake eventually ended up in offshore companies in Cyprus. The ultimate beneficiary was hidden by a whole network of dummies. Today the cards are revealed. Apparently, the family of the former city manager of Izhevsk, Denis Agashin, should be most worried about the seizure of the property of the port of Sarapul.

The ruling on taking interim measures and seizing the property of JSC River Port Sarapul was issued by the Arbitration Court of Udmurtia on April 13, 2016. The proceedings are based on an ordinary business dispute. The plaintiff, the transport enterprise LLC Port Kimry of the Moscow River Shipping Company, demands to recover from the defendant JSC River Port Sarapul a debt of almost 15 million rubles for the services provided for the transportation of river cargo.

“From July to September last year, the port ordered 10 river voyages from us to deliver nonmetallic materials from Sarapul to Kazan and Cheboksary,” commercial director of the plaintiff company Valery Osipov introduced the dispute. - We fulfilled our obligations - we delivered the goods to the addresses. Each flight cost about 1.5 million rubles, and we have been waiting for payment for several months.”

The dialogue is ongoing with the port director Andrei Sterkhov and his deputy Dmitry Sannikov, but they are in no hurry to repay the debt, said a representative of the Moscow company. Ultimately, he asked the correspondent what reputation the management of the Udmurt enterprise had, and whether there were any chances of repaying the debt?

We've been sailing for three years

In the pre-sale years, the river port was doing well. The company's net profit in 2007 amounted to 16.2 million rubles. The phased privatization of OJSC River Port Sarapul has been carried out since 2007 over a period of three years. The decision to sell 38.9% of the company's shares at a specialized auction was approved by Prime Minister Yuri Pitkevich at the Presidium of the Government of Udmurtia in August 2007.

The government has determined the standard value of the stake to be sold at 6.134 million rubles - in fact, this is the minimum price below which the seller cannot fall, even if, according to the appraiser's report, the stake will cost even less. As a result, the starting price for the auction was set at 30.16 million rubles, but, as is usually the case with us, the auction did not take place. Then, in accordance with the law, the stake was put up for sale through a public offer. The result is again zero. Meanwhile, 2009 has already arrived. All this time, the enterprise was operating, its financial situation was changing, but regardless of this, the privatization procedure went on as usual - as a result, the Presidium of the Government of the Ural Republic decided to sell without announcing the price.

"" does not have data on what the final price for KamInvestProject's acquisition of the state stake in the Sarapul River Port was, but it seems that it was close to the standard value initially announced by the government - just over 6 million rubles. However, “the dog managed to grow a little during the journey.”

Kommersant once published information that in 2007 the book value of the company’s assets was 38.9 million rubles, that is, the amount minus liabilities was even lower. At the end of 2009, at the time of completion of the privatization procedure, according to data from open sources, the total balance sheet was already 198.7 million rubles, and the enterprise’s own capital was 61.3 million rubles. That is, the value of net assets during this period has at least doubled.

If you know how to privatize, learn to work

At this point, through a rather strange multi-step move, KamInvestProekt LLC receives a 26% stake in the port that belonged to OJSC ITK Trustinvest, which at one time was called a likely contender for participation in privatization. At the same time, the general director of the port, Sergei Polishchuk, reduces his share from 20.01 to 2.01%.

Probably, part of his stake also became the property of KamInvestProekt LLC, since in the end, adding shares acquired from the state to the securities received, the company took possession of 69.56% of the port’s shares. In fact, this is complete control over a company that had significant net assets and provided a gross profit of 36 million rubles at the end of 2009. In a word, “The Sarapul river port was then a very good object for financial investment.

Today, the main shareholder of the port is still KamInvestProekt LLC, which, in turn, is 85% owned by Udmurt Industrial Holding LLC, and it is fully owned by Prior-Invest LLC, 100% owned by the younger brother of the former city. manager of Izhevsk Denis Agashin - Maxim Agashin.

In addition to KamInvestProject LLC, the shareholder of the Sarapul River Port with a stake of 25.79%, according to the latest data, is the Moscow Solagran LLC, the sole founder of which is the company SOLAGRAN LIMITED with registration in Cyprus.

It would seem that everything is “in chocolate”: the enterprise was completely transferred into private hands, acquired offshore connections, but soon the “effective private owner” took the business of the Sarapul River Port clearly downhill. If by 2012 the company nevertheless increased revenue to 281 million rubles per year, then in 2013 it had already fallen to 189 million rubles, and in 2014 - to 131 million. At the same time, expenses almost did not decrease, which by the end of 2014 year led to sustained unprofitability of the business.

The auditing company Ural-Audit, in its conclusion on the port’s financial statements for 2014, pointed out “important circumstances”: the net assets of the enterprise at the beginning of 2015 were less than its authorized capital by 52.2 million rubles, the company was burdened with liabilities by 268.3 million rubles and at the same time does not have sufficient sources for their implementation without the sale of fixed assets.

Based on the materials of the arbitration cases, the Sarapul River Port now pays off its debts only after filing the appropriate arbitration claims. Even the Federal Water Resources Agency had to “knock out” 3,811 rubles under the water use agreement through the courts.

"That's it, LIMITED!" — that was all that remained to be added in the current situation. The privatization circle has closed and turned into a symbolic “zero” - such is the effect of all this frantic activity for Sarapul, Udmurtia and the economy as a whole.

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