The most interesting names of animals. Trilobit Khan Solo.

Who does not remember the famous "refluenced surpision" or "Chernopics" and "crazy" from the movie "Radio Day"? Employees of the radio station courageously saved "seven people. And 11 people of animals ", dying on the vessel of the one-alupine KCR-12, with the bright name" Dr. Science Professor Schwarzengold ". And what really exist or say so which real animals very funny names . Using another well-known quote from k / f "That's issues there, there are answers!", And let's try to make your rating " The funniest animals».

"Star Eyes" Gaidna Bartletta. Do not be fooled by a funny "oblique" pose of this incredible closeup Owls, as they can be one of the most effective predatory birds on the planet. They are often referred to as the symbols of wisdom and secrets, although you would not believe it, looking at this snow-covered owl, captured by Haidn Bartlett.

Then we help share our world with the world in front of the audience of millions of people. It is known that english refers to the words of other languages. If you return a little further in time, you will find the word "deor" in the Old English language instead of the "Animal". Probably, this is due to the German word "animal".

The funniest animals Top 10:

  1. Hoopoe.

IN explanatory dictionary Dalya for the fusion indicates 2 no less funny synonyms - Pustushka and Potatuck

The word Udod since childhood many cause a smile, but few know something concrete about the dodgers. Here are just a few interesting facts. Scientists allocate fuddles in a separate ridiculous detachment detachment (Upupiformes). In the sensible dictionary of Daly for the fusion, 2 no less funny synonyms - Pustun and Potatuka are indicated. Especially pleased Potatuka.

How does this happen to individual animal names? From Greek and Latin. On the one hand, due to widespread use in biology, on the other hand, due to the general roots of different languages, many animal names occur from Greek and Latin. The same thing happened with the "rhino". Properly translated from Greek means "Nasal Rog". How did the rhinoceros do? Also interesting is the ostrich, which from Greek translation is actually called the "Great Sparrow".

A bouquet - a big sparrow, perfectly clear! Some names are based on their scientific names. Names from other languages: Animals received different names in different regions of the world. It is also difficult, as a proper pronunciation - pronunciation! Many of the most interesting names come from Australian Aborigines.

Interestingly, in the period of reaching and feeding chicks in adult birds and chicks, an oil liquid is produced, isolated from smoking gland and having a sharp unpleasant odor. I release it along with the litter on the enemy, the foddes are thus trying to defend - such a flying skunk !!!

What is the funny name of the Udod? The fact is that these "flying skunks" vocalization is also unusual. The foddes are published by the hydraulic 3-5 crunch of the "UD-UD" cry, repeated several times in a row. So it turned out at the fuel! Regarding the origin of the name of the Potatuka, the distance is silent.

For example, the Koala bear received its name from the words "do not drink". This is because the koala live mostly from the liquid that turns out when they eat the leaves of the eucalyptus. Humorous, but not entirely correct - this is the assumption that "Kangaroo" means "I don't understand you" - it is argued that this was the answer of the tribe-imitrara tribe to the question of how Kangaroo called other researchers.

Unfortunately, this story is just a modern legend. We must be grateful for theft of animal names from other languages. Other sources. Flamingo, for example, received his name from bright clothes, which Flanders people wore, now in Belgium. Spanish researchers began to call people Flamingo Flaters. Similarly, the red cardinal, prominent kind of red birds, got its name from his plumage, which reminds us of cardinal clothes. This assumption, however, is incorrect - the name comes from an ancient belief that insects love to land on dairy products when they are not covered.

2. Vykhukol

Dummy - the relict view of the mammal family of municipal detachments of earthling. The exhaust is not only a ridiculous word, but also our native since at the moment basically lives in the Dnieper pools, Volga, Urals and Don.

Therefore, in southern Germany, the butterfly is even partially called "dairy throat" or "cream wire". These copies are true exotic among animal species: in the gallery we show some of the most bizarre animals on our planet.

In fact, evolution is a gaming child: he tests and tries and tests. Sometimes the result is almost perfect, sometimes something is wrong. In our five, we present the five most bizarre animals in the world with which Evolution - to put it mildly - is not very good. At the top of the list of the most remarkable animals - a real classic: nude march. Rodent who lives in columns and loves to dig in the ground - he obviously knows his appearance - acts like a rat without hair. Nazafe is, of course, not a beauty contest.


Of the interesting facts about the exhaust, it can be noted that released in 1961 to freedom in Chelyabinsk region The widths took and settled downstream the river with an equally bright name of the ui. The exhaust has a tail that is covered with horny flakes, and along the vertex also with short hard hair forming the keel. Such a hairy tail turtle. The tail has a pear-shaped thickening, in which there are specific very odorous glands, so our exhaust is our answer to "their skuns". True, unlike skunk, the smell is not so unpleasant and even used in perfumery.

Giraffe and elephant specified mice

As the name follows, the distinctive feature of the monkey is an extremely funny nose in the form of cucumber, but only males. As they, however, land along with females, their internal values \u200b\u200bmust be exceptional. An animal with a belt also has a very unusual appearance. The mammal armor surrounds almost the whole body and consists of horny and bone plates. However, plates are important: in case of danger, animals are similar on turtles or heroes. The largest of the most bizarre animals is a Liger, a cross between a male lion and a tiger.

But in fact, the exhaust is a very interesting animal, which can be told about for a long time - here are some more interesting facts from the life of the outsho. In the summer, the exhausts live by one, and whom was lucky, with couples or families, but in the winter in the same hole can live up to 12-13 worshipers of various sexes and age, but every animal has its own sores, such one-room apartments in which exhauster rests From their relatives! When the exhaust moves along the bottom of the reservoir, then gradually exhales the lung air. Moves the exhaust to the trench special dumplings on the bottom of the reservoir. In winter, air bubbles accumulate over the trenches under the bottom of the ice of the ice of the ice above the trench becomes porous and fragile. This creates conditions for better aeration, which attracts mollusks, fry and leeches. The tricky exhaust does not dare along the bottom of the reservoir in search of food, and moving along the trench system, to which her victims themselves are actively tightened!

Majestic animals, however, do not appear in the wild, but are bred as tourist attractions - here the mother-nature had little influence. Not least to celebrate the peaks of elephants. An animal, also known as a trunk, also has a particularly funny nose. Although the animals look pretty grotesque than aesthetic - nevertheless, they are still researchers suggest that animals stood for cave drawings The heads of the ancient Egyptian God of Seta, the God of Astronomy and Nature.

The famous "Brazilian way" may have bad connotation for many people. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny creativity in the country to solve certain issues. In this wave, which remained for animal species, which are baptized with rather comical names, check below.

3. Echidna and Lockos.

Another funny, but the popular animal is Echidna. Echidnovy - Family of the detachment with an equally ridiculous name - single-pass. Interestingly, in the same detachment of single-pass together with Echids, an animal with another ridiculous title of the building is included. Thus, two funny animals of Echidna and Wkontos were not third place.

Tail Tail: This is a very common sea bird on the Islands of Scotland, Norway and Iceland. Despite the small size, the species is characterized by the ability to withstand strong winds. It reaches the coast of Brazil, from Amap to the tropics of Capricorn. Usually go on the ground and perch in low bushes. This species dwells in the Amazon regions. This species is present in most Brazilian Amazons, and in the east he comes from Pernambuk to Santa Catarina.

Depending on the region, the bird can be called a beard, silver head, corruption, Maria Render, a monk, a mosquito pinch and others. Mask in Collar: such a bird has two distant populations, one in the eastern part of Brazil, and the other in the northwest South America. It is also known as ladybug, Moth, Lady, Bachelor. His habitat is a river or ponds.

From interesting facts about the echidna, it can be noted that the dentist does not need a dentist - they have no teeth! Yes, and why do they need their teeth if they eat mostly ants and termites, which they are not chewed, a toothless mouth, but simply pressing in the mouth, pressing the tongue to the nebu. Despite the fact that this is the mammals, the female is disgusting 3 weeks after mating, takes and postponing the egg. After that, as a real woman takes and puts it into his handbag. "Singing" eggs in the bag lasts 10 days. After the cubs hatched out of the egg, he is brewed by milk, which stands out in his female in two dairy fields (there are no teeth, but also for single-pass), and lives in the bag of milf up to 55 days. Or rather, until it starts to grow needles. Weaving with such a fact of Echidna Roet for the baby mink, in which the carelessly leaves it. True once in 4 or 5 days, it returns to be filtered by his mother's milk. And so she visits his feeding actually once a week to 7 months of age.

The beautiful bird of the northeast grade, the view lives in Kaitang and the border of the swamps, especially in the northeast and southern Brazil. His bright red contrast with the dark back. This is a migrant bird that comes from the south and southeast of Brazil to Amazon. Poor John: Bird, whose name means "dark mosquito cannibal." He lives on a lake, rivers and reservoirs that feed on insects caught in flight. There are views from Argentina to southeast Brazil.

It is present in all Brazilian Amazon. Do you think that only monsoons and single creatures are in the depths of the sea? Studying the backgrounds with luck, you will meet raspberry animals, fabulous crabs, protein, protein and cartoon. A little silent, but all - or almost - beautiful and colorful.

4. Eurasp

Eraser is such a funny name of Suslikov common in Siberia and the Far East. Evragration is a popular hero of the People's Chukotka and Eskimo fairy tales, and recently and tourist stories.

Evrazhki - very, very love to begging for tourists. Somehow they manage to distinguish tourists from hunters. And very often, begging for tourists develops into ordinary robbery. And the charming audacity of the Eurorak cannot leave indifferent to almost anyone. The eraser will fight food, does not eat it immediately, but hides behind the cheeks, well, well, it fades her cheeks and full mouth. Experienced tourists are having fun with Evarada as follows - they roll small balls from ordinary cream oil and leave for Euroras on the table or on the tablecloth, on Earth and all the other food hide. The brazed and cunning eurague, absolutely not embarrassed by the presence of a person, stuffing his cheeks with oil and, shuffling all the oil in his mouth, is in a hurry. But running a couple of meters stops in full confusion - the oil was melted and literally stuffed up to the "no" mouth and cheeks are empty! Eviabia face expresses extreme bewilderment and absolute confusion. In such terrible moments of the life of the Euger, he becomes on its hind legs, turns to the laugh tourists and tales their empty cheeks, not believing the loss. After that, he returns to the crime scene and brazenly requires additives and replace deception.

Thin line and pointed carapaz for this crab arrow are photographed from the Dutch Antille Islands. The legs on the ankle are three times more than the other parts of the body, make it look like a clumsy "smoking spider", which quickly applies to the Caribbean day.

Texts and search for photos: Elizabetta Intini. Beauty is not all, and this fish box - or a fish fish - sacrifices willingly to save the skin. Its parallelepiped form is due, in essence, a special exoskeleton, which covers and protects the whole body, excluding fins. In addition to the appearance of young samples, alive, "bright" livery. To admire the distance, however: if broken, highlight toxic mucus through the skin.

5. Swine-legged gangster

Swine-legged gangster

Swine-legged gangster. Unfortunately, about a short mammal with such a ridiculous name can be said, because about 100 years ago the last funny piggy gangbads disappeared from the face of the earth. And before that, they lived peacefully in Australia until they were eaten by the Lisers brought to Australia. True, their relatives remained simply gangsters.

Just take a look at this worm tentacle to understand how your nickname is perfect. Hidden in the sand Spaghetti worm Invertebrate Hawaiian on an elongated form expands the tentacles moving in the background, in search of organic garbage in the form of fragments of decomposing organisms. Also called "Medusa-worm" for the vague similarity with the geolineous creatures.

Why do you get a lot of shaking in fins when you can conveniently walk in the background? This juicy frog fish on the Solomon Islands has clear ideas and tired floating, preferring more relaxing sand walks supported by durable pectoral fins. The rest of the time passes through corals waiting for production.

What is interesting to move on the ground Bandicuts with jumps like a kangaroo. But in contrast to the kangaroo, they land on all 4 paws, and then repel with the rear limbs. The exception was precisely the extinct 20th years of the twentieth century, a pine-legged gangster, who knew how to jump at once on four paws.

On World Animal Day, find out where to see the brass monkeys and the attackers of Imperial Tamarinov

Nature has an excellent sense of humor. This can be understood from one glance on some animals. On World Animal Day, we chose the most funny - look and smile.

The "balloon" with the face of Dambo is a glass squid. The crystal body from which it is called is the perfect disguise. Younger specimens, in fact, live in surface solar waters, where their transparency makes them practically invisible. With age, they change their habitat, moving towards deeper depths.

To hide from the light, this pink shrimp hides at the bottom of the aquarium in Florida. Although small predators Predators - about three inches of the shell - can go even deeper, leaving only holes in the sand for the eyes and antennas. The ghost looks from the anemone from the Solomon Islands. Some of these fish can change the floor during growth. But most of them are women and men responsible for the care of eggs, have many opportunities to follow the broods of all associates to which they join.

  1. The funniest animals in the world - Imperial Tamarin

Top 7 most funny animals in Nature: Imperial Tamarin © Depositphotos

  • Who it:primates, a chalkhead monkey.
  • Where lives: In the rain forests of the Amazon River basin in the areas of Southeast Peru, North-West Bolivia and North-West Brazil.
  • What looks like:imperial Tamarin immediately recognize on the long white mustache hanging to the breast with two strands. Significant part of their life, these past animals are carried out on trees where large types of monkeys can climb.
  • What size:body length - 23.3-26.4 cm, tail length - 36 - 42.1 cm. Mass of adults - 180-250 g.
  • Interesting: Tamarins in most cases live in groups of 2-8 individuals. In such groups there are positions and ranks, the old female - at the highest. Therefore, males look after the children and wear them on themselves.
  • Where to see:London Zoo (ZSL London Zoo)
  1. The most ridiculous animals in the world - phenk, or mini chanterelle

Allergic to the razor and the wave of this spongy galaxy made her pink pale power. Thus, the camouflage of a crustacean seems to be so much that it was called a fabulous crab. He lives in the middle of the lips, where due to the dense fluff almost imperceptibly. They look around, frightened by these giant octopus Pacific Oceanstill locked eggs. Shortly after that, their mother was pulled away, exhausted and crippled, dying, as it often happens in charts. Once a year, these creatures occupy from 18,000 to 100,000 eggs with a grain of rice.

Small, turn into the largest octopus of the sea, with a stretched hole, which can reach 7 meters. Overcoming, the horse with spears is disguised with the Gorgon - the colony of the polyps, where they live, thanks to the large small red "nipple". These shortcomings, however, do not interfere with his loving life. About 2 inches, this little hippocampus, is a gentle partner and father. He personally is engaged in a cow holding eggs in the bag in the stomach. "Set up" in the photo is just the future dad.

Top 7 most funny animals in nature: phenke © Depositphotos

  • Who it: Miniature chanterelle, the smallest animal from the dog family.
  • Where lives: North Africa.
  • What looks like: Fenka is impossible not to see, immediately stand out big eyes And ears. Fenka has characteristic high, thick and soft white-red wool. But young mini-chanterelles are almost white. Also, the phenks are nailed, whims, beyond and even rush.
  • What size: Based on the size of the phentec a little less than a domestic cat, in a height of 22 cm, and in length up to 40 cm. Weight - up to 1.5 kg.
  • Interesting: Fenka in his works mentioned many well-known writers - Main Reed in "Young Hunters", Antoine de Saint-Exupery in the "Planet of People" and "Little Prince", Henri True in "Hunger Lion" and "Catastrophe", as well as Sergey Lukyanenko in "Transparent stained glass."
  • Where to see: Dubai Zoo, Khomutov Zoo in the Czech Republic.
  1. The funniest animals in the world - Lori

Do not deceive with these cool air, this hidden peacock on Bali, Indonesia, is a cruel hunter. Conquered mining - crabs and other small crustaceans - she takes her "dough" with paws to break the sink and eat meat. With the same violence, he can break in some cases, even in aquarium glass!

In fact, he protects eggs, pending female, in the nest, dug under the sand of the seabed. These fish are combined only during breeding, and during the rest of the year they wanders singly in the rocky sea ships of the western part Indian Ocean.

Top 7 most funny animals in Nature: Lori © Depositphotos

  • Who it:primates belongs to a series of loose
  • Where lives: India, some regions of China, the countries of Southeast Asia.
  • What looks like:a cute monkey can be found in big and beautiful eyeswhich are often encountered in black circles.
  • What size:laurie's body length is small - from 22 to 44 cm. The tail has different lengths or is completely absent.
  • Interesting: Laurie is an incredible amateur to climb trees. In the afternoon, the beast is sleeping, hiding in a hollow or a thick crown, but at night he is having fun and actively spends time. This animal easily can hang clock down his head, clutching the branches of the trees.
  • Where to see:London Zoo (ZSL London Zoo), Riga Zoo.
  1. The funniest animals in the world - Nosach

Top 7 most funny animals in nature: nose © Depositphotos

  • Who it:type of primates, refers to the Madushkov family
  • Where lives: inhabited coastal regions and valleys of Borneo
  • What looks like:the most characteristic sign of the nose is his big nose, similar to the cucumber. However, it is only characteristic of males. Wool at the nose on the bottom side - white, on top - yellowish-brown. Tail, hands, legs - gray, and face - red and without hair.
  • What size:the length of the nose is reached from 66 to 75 cm, the tail is approximately the same size. The weight of males - from 16 to 22 kg, the weight of females - two times less.
  • Interesting:nosachi is also beautiful swimmers, they can jump into the water simply from the tree and overcome the distance to 20 meters, diving under the water. Among all primates, the palm of the championship in swimming belongs to them.
  • Where to see:Singapore zoo.
  1. The funniest animals in the world - narrow

Top 7 most funny animals in nature: Narval ©

  • Who it: Unicorn, mammal family of unicorn.
  • Where lives: North-Ice Ocean Watering and North Atlantic
  • What looks like:narvals are similar to the blessing of the body and body shape, breast fins. But adult individuals can be distinguished due to gray-brown spots on a light background, which sometimes merge. Narvalov has only two upper teeth.
  • What size:narvalov's length is 3.5 - 4.5 m, the length of the body of newborns is 1.5 m. The mass of males is 1.5 tons, about a third of the entire mass is fat, female weigh approximately 900 kg.
  • Interesting: Targeted by Narvalov - the sense body. Thanks to him, animals can feel the change in pressure, temperature and concentration of suspended particles in water.
  1. The most funny animals in the world - Siphaki

Top 7 most funny animals in Nature: Sifaka © Depositphotos

  • Who it:type of primates from the Indian family
  • Where lives: Madagascar
  • What looks like:long and silky wool, color varies depending on the type: from yellowish-white to black and brown. Round muzzle - black and without hair. Like all primates, Sifaki love to spend time on the trees. They eat leaves and flowers of trees.
  • What size: Sifaki small - tall up to 55 cm, and weighing no more than 6.5 kg. In this case, the length of the tail of these monkeys can be up to 50 cm.
  • Interesting:this type of primates was opened only eight years ago.
  • Where to see: Maryland Zoo (Maryland Zoo) in Baltimore, Zoobotanic Park in Mulousa, France.
  1. The most funny animals in the world - Alpaca

Top 7 most funny animals in Nature: Alpaca © Depositphotos

  • Who it: Alpaca belongs to the family of camels.
  • Where lives: Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Alpaca lives at an altitude of 3500 - 5000 meters.
  • What looks like:alpac has no front teeth, they dial with lips and chew side teeth.
  • What size:animal growth - 61-86 cm, alpaca weighs 45-77 kg.
  • Interesting:the ancient Indians killed Alpac, taking their heart from the chest. They believed that thus the animal wool would become blessed. Alpaca's wool according to the properties is the same as sheep, but a much easier and valuable - 24 natural shade. Alpak cut once a year, aggregate 5 kg of wool with one individual.
  • Where to see:London Zoo (ZSL London Zoo).