What is more profitable than a dacha house apartment for rent? National features of country holidays. Relevance of business in your region

When buying a cottage for the purpose of further renting it out, you need to understand that the criteria for buying a house as a business and a house for personal residence are different. What do you need to know when making an investment purchase, so that later you won’t be excruciatingly painful for wasted money?

The first mistake that a future landlord can make is buying a home “for themselves” (I would like a house in the village) or for the occasion (a neighbor is offering his dacha for half the price). If you are going to enter this business - as, indeed, any other - then enter it prepared. “Obviously, sooner or later the suburban real estate rental market will repeat its urban counterpart. Quite recently, it was most profitable to buy a very expensive apartment and rent it out at a high price, but today we are seeing a trend of saturation of the luxury apartment market,” Irina Bobko, head of the rental department of the real estate agency “Vavilon”, comments on the situation on the market. “Currently there are few offers for renting quality suburban housing.”

Of course, a lot depends on the direction in which the house is located - a potential source of your income. Identical houses in different directions can differ significantly in rental rates, and we must not forget about this. At the moment, Rublevka remains unrivaled in popularity. It is followed by Novorizhskoe Highway, Mozhaiskoe Highway, Kaluzhskoe Highway, Simferopolskoe Highway.

The second mistake is choosing the wrong target consumer. The future landlord must clearly understand who (compatriot or foreigner, with high or average income, with or without children...) and for how long (for summer season or year-round) he will rent out the house. For example, if the cottage is intended for permanent residence, then the distance from it to the Moscow Ring Road should not exceed 30 km (and this is provided that the route is not too congested).

The third mistake is an incorrectly selected environment. The most liquid in terms of renting out a house is in cottage village: tenants pay attention to security, the availability of infrastructure - to everything that makes living and recreation comfortable and safe. Naturally, the more developed the infrastructure and the more reliable the security, the higher rent. Of course, it is cheaper to buy land in the village from some grandmother and build a house there. But for a rental business, this option is absolutely not suitable. “I had to watch how absolutely charming owners acquired a very presentable house with a large plot, a swimming pool, landscaping and other benefits,” says Irina Bobko. “But they could not rent out their house even at a relatively low price only because it was surrounded by a village with dilapidated houses and half-drunk residents.” Old-fashioned places are also not very suitable for rental business. Yes, they have romance, yes, they are located in great place, but they cannot provide residents with either comfort or safety.

The fourth mistake is choosing the wrong house. You often see a picture where a house was designed by a would-be architect in the person of the owner or hostess, the only bathroom in the house is on the first floor, and from the bedroom on the third level you can only get there through the entire house. In addition, the cottage could be designed individually for a particular family. So what should a house be suitable for renting? Two, maximum three levels, a small number of spacious rooms. There should be at least three bedrooms in the house, especially if the house is intended to be rented to a family with children. “Particular attention should be paid to stairs, their convenience and safety,” adds Bobko. “There are two extremes possible here: excessive savings, which leads to a structure that is completely inconvenient for lifting, or, conversely, generosity of soul in the form of metal forging, stained glass, etc., which can be very unsafe for children.”

The presence of a bathhouse, sauna, or, even better, a swimming pool can significantly raise the rent. The liquidity of the house is increased by the presence of a landscaped plot of at least 10 acres. Moreover, fruit and berry bushes, and especially gardening, are not held in high esteem - tenants will not appreciate it. As a finishing touch - the presence of 1-2 parking spaces. By the way, no less important are the 100-500 m that the future tenant will have to overcome from the highway to the house. “Recently in our practice there was such a case. The potential tenant didn’t even bother to drive up to the house as soon as he saw that from the highway to his future place of residence, his expensive car would have to regularly drive 100 meters on clay soil,” says Irina Bobko.

The fifth mistake is incorrectly executed documents for the house and land. This is one of the biggest problems that arise when renting out a country house. When purchasing, you need to carefully check the documents for both the house itself and the land. The ideal option is that both are properly registered and owned by the same person. But quite often the house is registered as unfinished, which leads to problems, for example, with insurance or registration of a lease agreement. There are also frequent situations when part of the land being sold is owned, and part is under long-term lease, which again increases risks. “The nuances may be different, I have come across cases when they tried to privately rent out a house that, in principle, they do not have the right to rent out,” says Bobko, “since it itself was legally leased in a departmental village.”

The sixth mistake is that the costs of maintaining the building are not taken into account. It is important to understand that it is not enough to just buy a house, you will also have to maintain it, and monthly costs can reach up to $500-1000. When choosing a house, carefully check the presence of all communications, their condition, the technical indicators of the building - the presence and maintenance of a septic tank, energy dependence, so that it does not turn out that the lion's share of the rent will go only to the maintenance of the house.

sob.ru/Margarita Moiseeva

The most enterprising residents of big cities and resort places, small villages and suburban communities make money by renting out houses. Many of us think that this type of business cannot be profitable. But are we right? This good way earn very much short time and without financial expenses. But it is also important to remember that here, as in any other type of business, there are risks and pitfalls. Let's figure it out.

We are looking for a tenant

You can go one of two ways - use the help of an agency or search on your own.

Option one . Should I contact the agency or not? Is it profitable? These are common questions to which it is difficult to find definite answers in the Yes/No format. Yes, the agency will quickly begin searching for clients and will also help you conclude a hiring agreement. But you shouldn’t trust the first company you come across. Try to choose a reputable organization with impressive work experience and a well-deserved reputation. Advice from friends and acquaintances and reviews on the Internet will help you in your search.

You will need to pay for the agency’s services, and the amount will be considerable. Be sure to read all the possible expenses specified in the contract with the agency, and only then sign.

The benefit of such cooperation lies in the rapid search for several candidates at once. A possible disadvantage is the need for high fees for such services.

Option two . You can search for tenants yourself. The ad can be submitted to newspapers and television, posted on the Internet or on billboards. As a rule, one of these options is ineffective, so it is better to resort to several at once. As a result, you will end up with the same amount that the agency may request. There will be 10 times more worries.

There is no need to indicate the address of the house in advertisements. It is provided directly to those clients who are interested in the offer and want to inspect the property. It's better to limit yourself to a phone number.

Legal side

Whether you rent out a private house yourself or hire specialists, in any case you will need to conclude an agreement. If this is not a seasonal building, sign up for a one-year agreement. Be sure to describe all items in the premises, their appearance and cost. You can even take a photo of the interior and attach the photo to the contract.

Distribute payments. It is important to sort out the obligations of each party. For example, you can agree on who will do the following:

  • Transfer of funds to the board (quarterly village contributions);
  • payment of bills for gas, electricity, Internet;
  • garbage removal;
  • mowing the lawn;
  • snow removal.

Agree on the amount that will go towards the security deposit. This refers to the amount that the landlord will receive if the tenant decides to leave the house before the date specified in the contract. The deposit is not refundable if the furniture is damaged, broken or smashed. This is a kind of insurance against escaping from the crime scene.

The tenant, for his part, has every right to receive all documents (or copies thereof) indicating that the landlord is the owner of the building or has the right to dispose of it.

There are several unwritten rules that will help you deliver the building as profitably as possible, while saving your time. Check prices in your area. To do this, just look at websites, advertisements in the newspaper or on television. Set an amount for yourself in advance, as well as a threshold to which you can afford to lower it.

When setting your price, consider the following factors:

  1. Distance from the city;
  2. location area;
  3. new building/old construction
  4. road condition;
  5. potential neighbors;
  6. presence/absence of security;
  7. infrastructure of the place (school, kindergarten, shops, sports grounds, pharmacies);
  8. availability of furniture and household appliances;
  9. high-quality repairs, cosmetic or completely absent;
  10. sewerage, hot water;
  11. garden or vegetable garden on the site.

In case you don't pass small house, but a luxurious cottage, work only through an agency. The rental amount will reach several thousand dollars, so it is much more profitable to work with specialists rather than looking for clients on your own. Often such cases end in theft and deception.

Warn new residents that you will be visiting from time to time. This is necessary to make sure that everything is in order with your home and property. By the way, you have every right to do this. Decide on deadlines. This can be a short period (from a month to six months), a long period (for a year with the possibility of continuing the agreement), for several days (holidays).

Always draw up an agreement, even if the new tenants seem nice and conscientious to you. It will protect you from fraud. The document itself contains all information about the employers (registration, passport details, telephone numbers). For yourself, you can additionally ask about the place of work in order to double-check this information later.

Clean your home before showing it to ensure it makes a good impression on future residents. Show that this is a clean and safe place for families with children.

Always turn off your landline if you have one. In most cases, tenants leave unpaid bills for long-distance calls. Explain this by saying that you don’t live here permanently and don’t use a landline phone because you prefer a mobile phone.


After completing and signing the agreement, contact the tax authorities in your area. You must submit a copy of the agreement. You will be charged income tax of 13% of the amount.

Today, many people do not notify the tax office that they are engaged in such a small business. If this becomes known, the landlord is subject to a large fine, after which he is forced to pay the tax.

Associated risks

The biggest risk is damage to the rental home. This happens after weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other various celebrations. In addition, damage can be caused by a family living with small children, especially if the furnishings in the building are expensive (TVs, aquariums, swimming pools, etc.)

To avoid troubles, draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of the building and all property in it. You can prescribe all penalties in advance, providing residents with a price list for even the smallest shortcomings.

Please note that quite often such a business brings not only profit, but also hassle. You just need to adhere to certain rules and instructions that will help prevent risks and troubles from occurring. That's when the business will become successful.

Konstantin Kurepin rents out 13 cottages in the Moscow region. On average, the business brings in about 300 thousand rubles per year. profit per month, and in two New Year's weeks this year the rentier will earn more than 1 million rubles.

(Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

The morning of January 1 is the busiest working day of the year for the owner of the Luxury Cottage company, Konstantin Kurepin. For three years now, his cottages in the Moscow region during winter holidays filled to capacity. Two New Year's weeks bring the owner five times more income than any month of the year. The cost of renting a cottage for two days, including New Year's Eve, costs 100 thousand rubles this year. But there is a risk: sometimes even such a rent does not cover the amount of damage caused by guests on New Year's Eve.

“Once the youth decided to play tag with what was on the New Year’s table: the walls were smeared with oranges and tomatoes,” recalls Konstantin. “In less than 24 hours we had to repaint the entire house.” And force majeure events are not uncommon in this business: on New Year’s Eve, lights were turned off in cottages more than once. The owner himself puts things in order: last New Year's Eve, for example, he spent in the basement of one of the houses, where a pipe burst while the chimes were striking.

650 thousand rubles. for the holidays

The currency surge and the unofficial ban on security forces traveling abroad led to a noticeable increase in demand for cottage rentals. "For recent years there is an abnormally high occupancy of Moscow region facilities, which is more than 90%,” says Natalya Rosenblum, managing partner of the consulting company Top Hotel Experts. At the same time, the cost of vacation near Moscow is constantly growing: according to RBC Real Estate, in the first half of 2015, the price of renting houses in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region (where Kurepin’s cottages are located) increased by 39.6%, and most of all in the Odintsovo district - by 85.7%.

According to the Kottegi.ru service, the most cheap option Accommodation for three days, including New Year's Eve, in the Moscow region costs 20 thousand rubles this year. — for this money you can rent a two-story house with one bedroom at 120 km Novorizhskoe highway. The most expensive offer is a three-story mansion on the 35th km of Volokolamsk Highway with an area of ​​1.3 thousand square meters. m with 1 hectare of local area and a helipad. It can be rented for three New Year's days for 700 thousand rubles.

In general, prices for renting cottages during the long New Year holidays are 30-50% higher compared to the same period during non-holiday periods, Natalya Rosenblum calculated. “At the same time, we must understand that high workload and long holidays often have a negative impact on the state of the room stock,” notes Rosenblum.

Average cost in regions daily rental cottage prices increase on weekends by 50-60%; New Year's Eve costs 2-6 times more than any weekend day of the year. Thus, according to the real estate portal N1.RU, renting a cottage for new year holidays in Novosibirsk it will cost an average of 42 thousand rubles, in Krasnoyarsk - 34 thousand rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 78.4 thousand rubles.

House by house

Konstantin Kurepin is a graduate of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense. He retired to the reserve immediately after graduating from university and opened a travel agency, Dream Tour LLC. This business was on the rise in the early 2000s and did not require large investments at the start. The money that Kurepin saved for the second went towards the launch higher education, - about 200 thousand rubles.

In parallel with his main business, Konstantin decided to rent out a house in the village of Rybaki near Moscow, which he inherited from his parents. Two-storey cottage with an area of ​​150 sq. m with an area of ​​15 acres, a gazebo and a pond, he rented it to the family on a long-term basis. But the experiment was not very successful - in just two years the tenants managed to “kill” the cottage. Kurepin made repairs and began renting out the house through Avito on a daily basis. On weekdays the cottage was usually empty, but almost every weekend I managed to earn about 10 thousand rubles.

In 2011, Kurepin bought another cottage from a family friend not far from ski resort Sorochany. “The man lived abroad for many years, and this house was a hole in his wallet for him. Therefore, he was very happy when I offered to buy the house, even if it was cheaper than the market,” recalls Konstantin. Three-storey cottage with an area of ​​250 sq. m with a swimming pool, sauna and 14 acres of land went to the entrepreneur for only 3.5 million rubles. About 1.5 million more rubles, borrowed on credit, were spent on repairs. The entrepreneur also began renting out new real estate on a daily basis - this house was already bringing Konstantin 20 thousand rubles. over the weekend.

In 2012, the side hustle turned into a full-fledged business. Kurepin was approached by a friend who several years ago built six cottages in the village of Myshetskoye near Solnechnogorsk, planning to sell them. But the crisis brought down the demand for real estate, and houses stood idle. Having learned that Kurepin was already renting out two of his own houses, she invited him to take control of these cottages. Konstantin entered into an agreement with the owner, according to which he rented out houses and monitored their condition. Profits are divided in half.

From that moment on, income from renting out houses began to exceed the profit that travel business, and Konstantin handed over management of the travel agency to his wife. At the same time, he registered the Luxury Cottage brand and began managing houses on behalf of his Dream Tour LLC. But according to the law, a legal entity cannot rent out residential buildings - in this case, the property must be transferred to non-residential stock. In order to “not bother with documents” and at the same time work legally, Kurepin came up with a scheme: the owner of the houses rented them out to Dream Tour, and the company, in turn, acted as an intermediary in renting out the property to the tenant.

Founder and owner of Luxury Cottage company Konstantin Kurepin (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

Business in the swamps

At first, Konstantin’s wife was responsible for cleaning the cottages, and he himself worked as a plumber, loader and administrator. “I still enjoy it – you have to be a business person to the core to be in this business,” he says. But it soon became clear that it was very difficult to efficiently manage several cottages scattered throughout the Moscow region. The entrepreneur decided to sell the cottage in Sorochany and the house in the village of Rybaki. With the proceeds, he decided to scale the business: buy his own plot and start construction. There was not enough money, and at the family council it was decided to also sell the apartment in Zelenograd, in which Konstantin’s younger sister Anna lived (she joined the family business in 2016). The entrepreneur’s mother, who had just retired, also began to help.

The entrepreneur invested about 5 million rubles in the purchase of 3.5 hectares of land in the village of Pokrov. own and credit funds. “The site was, to put it mildly, not in the most favorable place,” admits Kurepin. - Land in the middle of the forest, in a swamp. It was difficult even to walk there, let alone build.” It took two and a half years to coordinate documents, plans and obtain permits. The foundation of the first cottage was poured only at the beginning of 2014.

But the game was worth the candle, Kurepin is sure. “Cottages in the middle of the forest, fresh air, not a soul around,” he boasts. “We positioned the houses so that the guests did not intersect, did not even see each other, and rested as comfortably as possible.” This location helped solve the problem with neighbors: in Rybaki and Sorochany local residents often complained about noisy groups of guests. “And now the only neighbors we have are foxes, moose and wild boars,” says Konstantin. “They are generally peaceful, except that they steal food from tables.”

Inside, the cottages are also different from ordinary houses. There should be as much free space for relaxation as possible, which means many living rooms and a large local area. “Not only comfort is important, but also aesthetics,” says Konstantin. “Our houses are designed for groups of up to 22 people, and everyone needs somewhere to spend the night. We need to create as many sleeping places as possible, but at the same time not turn the bedrooms into barracks.”

Rentier economy

According to Konstantin, the construction of one cottage with a capacity of 10-12 people costs an average of 10 million rubles. A plot of 15-20 acres in an eco-friendly area of ​​the Moscow region with good transport accessibility can be purchased for 2-3 million rubles. The construction process itself costs about 5.5 million rubles; approvals, communications and construction of infrastructure (entrances to the house, local area with gazebos and barbecues) - another 1.5 million rubles.

If you obtain permits and supervise the work of crews yourself, you can save several million. Thus, for Luxury Cottage, the construction of six cottages cost 46 million rubles, 10 million of which Konstantin had to take on credit. Now servicing loans costs him 300 thousand rubles. “This business is not extremely profitable - I invested income from the sale of property, loan funds, and continue to invest almost all of my earnings. And I understand that this business will not pay off soon,” the entrepreneur admits. “But this is a fundamental business that gives confidence in the future - after all, the houses that are built are not going anywhere.” According to RBC calculations, renting out houses brings Kurepin about 300 thousand rubles a month. profits after paying off bank loans.

If the business develops at the same pace, it will be possible to recoup the investment in 10-15 years of operation. Unless, of course, the Russian authorities raise property taxes every year. If in 2015 Kurepin paid 15 thousand rubles for 3.5 hectares of his land, then in 2016 - already 150 thousand rubles.

The January holidays, which bring the main profit to the entrepreneur, are divided into three periods: from December 31 to January 3, from January 3 to 6 and from January 6 to 9. This year, all seats were sold out before mid-November. A cottage for New Year's Eve will cost 100 thousand rubles, other dates are three times cheaper. On ordinary days, rent costs 32 thousand rubles. over the weekend. The New Year holidays of 2015/16, according to RBC estimates, brought the entrepreneur about 1.3 million rubles. revenue, this year he plans to increase New Year’s turnover to 2.5 million rubles.

Demand in this market during the holidays always exceeds supply. Overall market countryside holiday in the Moscow region is not full, Konstantin Kurepin is sure.

“We are developing infrastructure on the water, and all our activities take place exclusively in the summer,” says the owner of the Pelican yacht club, Alexey Kolmogorov. “In the off-season and winter, we rent out everything to optimize costs.” Over the coming New Year holidays, three cottages on the territory of the yacht club will bring the company, according to Kolmogorov’s forecasts, up to 620 thousand rubles. revenue and up to 400 thousand rubles. net profit.

In order to have time to tidy up the house between holiday visits, Kurepin additionally hires ten cleaners. Tenants leave a deposit of 10 thousand rubles, but often the damage exceeds this amount - guests break furniture, equipment and draw on the walls.

Founder and owner of Luxury Cottage company Konstantin Kurepin (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

Chinese perspectives

Now Luxury Cottage rents out 13 cottages: seven cottages under management (the owner handed over another one to Kurepin in 2016) in Myshetsky, five own houses and one two-story bathhouse in " Residential park Cover". On an area of ​​1.5 hectares (the remaining 2 hectares have not yet been developed) there is a pond, which in winter turns into a skating rink, gazebos, a network of specially dug canals (“just like in Europe”) and even its own farm. “My mother’s husband loves animals very much and constantly kept either rabbits or chickens in the house where they live. Mom got tired of this, and she sent him to breed animals in the forest, in Pokrov,” says Konstantin. So turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese and one pig settled next to the cottages. He tried to sell eggs and rabbit meat to guests, but realized that you couldn’t earn much from farming—the money raised didn’t even cover the cost of food. The menagerie has turned into a petting zoo and attracts families with children.

Kurepin rents out cottages through his own website and collaborates with a number of aggregators (Booking.com, TVIL, Airbnb, etc.) and 40 travel agencies. The entrepreneur gives 10% of each transaction to the agencies. He plans to develop the remaining 2 hectares of land with double houses and establish contact with corporate clients and tourists. They need cottages not only for the holidays.

“Many people come from the regions to see Moscow, but they prefer a country house to hotels,” says Konstantin. He also counts on foreign tourists: representatives of Chinese companies, for example, are already discussing cooperation with Luxury Cottage. “Nowadays all inclusive tourism is popular - we will meet the delegation, accommodate people in a cottage, provide platforms for business negotiations and show Moscow,” says the entrepreneur.

Today, many entrepreneurs are interested in renting out not only apartments, but also cottages. However, in order for this type of activity to be profitable and profitable, it is necessary to understand that when purchasing private real estate for personal use and for rent, one must be guided by different selection criteria. This article will discuss how to avoid common mistakes made when purchasing real estate for investment purposes.

The first mistake investors make when buying a private house for further renting out is choosing housing as “for yourself”. Remember that you will receive dividends from the purchased property, that is, you will be doing business. And any type of entrepreneurial activity, as you know, must be thoughtful and prepared. You cannot invest your capital, guided by impulsive desires to buy your neighbor’s house for favorable price or simply because the desire to own real estate in the private sector has long been your cherished dream. Today, the suburban real estate market does not indulge in an abundance of offers of high-quality and comfortable housing for rent. If until recently the most profitable investment was the acquisition of luxury real estate for the purpose of further renting it out, today it has become obvious that the market for respectable and fashionable housing is oversaturated. And this means only one thing - in the near future, it will be the rental of suburban real estate that will be the most popular, thereby repeating the situation with expensive urban analogues.

The second common mistake is wrong choice of target consumer. The owner of the house must clearly understand, firstly, for how long he is ready to rent out the house (year, season, month). If, for example, the house will be rented out for long periods and is intended for permanent residence, then the distance between the cottage and the ring road should be no more than 30 kilometers, and even less if the road is congested. Secondly, who he intends to rent the property to will depend on such indicators as the cost of rent and the living conditions themselves. Thus, foreigners are willing to pay a larger amount for renting a cottage they like than our compatriots, although house owners prefer to rent out housing to their compatriots, believing that this will give them additional guarantees of the safety of the home in accordance with its original appearance. But some home owners categorically refuse to rent out their real estate families with children, worrying about the interior decoration of the premises being rented.

The third mistake is often wrong environment. So, a house located in a cottage community with a highly developed infrastructure and 24-hour professional security will be rented out faster and, most importantly, more profitably. Remember that you are going to rent out comfortable and prestigious housing, which means that a cottage built in the outback of the village, adjacent to the small unsightly houses of your neighbors, who are busy not reading gossip columns and developing business projects, but doing hard physical labor cannot stand comparison with a house that does not Not only is it equipped with a swimming pool and all sorts of amenities of civilization, but it is also adjacent to an equally respectable mansion, and the people living next door have similar interests.

When buying a house for rent, pay special attention to its design (mistake number four), since very often a house designed for the needs of a particular family does not meet the requirements and criteria of a house intended for rent.

We invite you to take a look at some features of the house for rent, which will make it a comfortable and popular place to live and relax:
- The optimal number of floors in a house should be two, maximum three.
- The rooms should be small.
- A comfortable country house should have at least three bedrooms.
- Stairs in the house should be not only comfortable, but also safe, especially if children live in the house. Do not save money by using metal structures when constructing stairs.
- Equip your house with a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool, which will significantly increase the rental price.
- Put your garden plot in order, giving it a well-groomed appearance.
- Don’t forget also about parking spaces for cars, of which ideally there should be at least two.
- Potential tenants also pay significant attention to the location of the transport interchange; it is better if it is located 150 meters from the house.

To avoid various documentary incidents and unpleasant situations, we advise thoroughly, with special care check all documentation for both the house and the land. Properly executed documents confirming that both the house and the plot are owned by the same person are the key to peace of mind for you and your tenant. Unfortunately, very often when preparing documents and concluding a deal, it turns out that the house is registered as unfinished, which will subsequently create certain problems between you and the insurance company when registering the lease. It also happens that only part of the land being sold belongs to the owner, and the rest is under long-term lease, which is quite risky, since there have been cases when they tried to rent out a house without having any right to do so, since legally the house was already leased .

And the last, sixth mistake, the essence of which is that the owner of a country property naively believes that having spent a large sum on buying a house once, his expenses are over. Alas, this is not true. Maintenance and upkeep of the building will range from 500 to 1000 USD. monthly. Because your tenants are not obliged to improve the house and garden plot at their own expense, or to repair various types of breakdowns at their own expense if they were not their fault.

We hope that our advice will help you choose and purchase the right house, which you will profitably rent out in the future, thus making a profit.
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  • What is an apartment building?
  • Example of a real investor

Recently, the method of making money by investing in an apartment building has become more and more popular. However, most strategies require significant start-up capital to implement the project. Businessman and business coach Andrei Merkulov, as part of the training, offers a completely different scheme, which, according to the specialist, allows you to quickly organize an apartment building and earn money for your own apartment in just two months. Such ideas seem crazy, but let's still figure out how it works.

What is an apartment building?

One of the most difficult questions today for almost everyone is, and most are ready to say with confidence that it will take more than one year to earn the corresponding amount. What is the essence of the idea of ​​​​an apartment building and how to earn money for an apartment using a strategy in just 2 months?

An apartment building is an apartment building created by an investor that generates passive income. All that is required to create an apartment building is to build or buy a house, cut it into apartments and earn income by renting out apartments.

According to the idea of ​​an apartment house, the investor receives a profit without running an active business - the house, as it were, brings in money on its own, but the difficulty of organizing an apartment house is that you will probably need more than one year to earn money to implement such a project.

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How to purchase an apartment building with bank money and receive a stable cash flow from it

Creation of an apartment building according to a simplified scheme

According to Andrey Merkulov, using Robert Kiyosaki’s strategy of “cutting up” a house into apartments and wisely using mortgage opportunities, or attracting investors to the project, can make it possible to implement an apartment building project without any investment or down payment at all.

The scheme works simply:

  1. You take a large house, which is either purchased on credit, or through co-investment, or in any other way without attracting your own funds
  2. The large house is divided into several apartments. For example, a building with an area of ​​150 sq. meters turn into an apartment building with 5 apartments
  3. Apartments in the created apartment building are rented out and generate income that covers the housing loan. Profit allows you to achieve significant cash flow, which turns into passive income.

If the scheme is implemented correctly, then instead of working for more than one year for your own apartment, you will create many apartments at once at the expense of investors, one of which, thanks to a well-thought-out scheme, is fully paid for by the tenants of other apartments.

An example of a real earnings scheme

Instead of working for your apartment for a single year, you use the funds raised to purchase a house with an area of ​​150 square meters. meters within a radius of 20 km from Moscow - real estate will cost you approximately 5 million rubles. The loan payment in this case will be 60,000 rubles per month, but the house should be divided into separate studio apartments. It is studio apartments that bring the greatest profit under this scheme, since they can have an area of ​​only 15-18 square meters. meters and at the same time remain very attractive to tenants. Thus, in a large house you will create 8 separate apartments, each of which can bring 18 thousand rubles per month from rent. However, you rent out 7 apartments, and you can just keep one for yourself. Thus, in less than a year, you earn money for your own home. As for the 7 apartments in the house, they bring in 126 thousand rubles per month through rental. As you can see, this is quite enough to cover the loan and additional income in the amount of 45 thousand rubles.

Make money work for you

Most earning schemes offer serious work, in which you must earn every penny on your own. With this strategy, you will earn money on your apartment in at least a year, even if you use best schemes investing in real estate.

In the proposed scheme, an apartment building is created in a matter of months, and begins to work for you in less than a year, instead of your independent hard work. The cash flow does not stop, and in 10-20 years, when the loan for the house is fully paid off, the profit from the apartment building will increase significantly. This will allow you to forget about such a concept as a pension in the traditional sense of the word.

How to achieve an income of over 300 thousand per month

Example of a real investor

Of course, the scheme of earning money from apartment buildings without attracting their own funds is already used by many young businessmen. Some of them actually work. For example, Karina Sokolova bought a one-room apartment on the secondary market in the Moscow region for 2.5 million rubles. At first, she rented out housing according to the standard scheme for 22 thousand rubles, which barely made it possible to cover mortgage payments - after cutting the housing into 2 studios, each individual apartment began to bring 17 thousand rubles. As a result, in addition to the mortgage payment, the businessman was able to organize passive income in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

As you can see, the scheme for making money on apartment buildings is quite realistic and some successful businessmen are already receiving 100-300 thousand rubles a month thanks to a competent profitable scheme.

How to earn money for an apartment - take a large house, even without attracting your own funds, and divide it into several rental apartments in less than a year.

The scheme from Andrey Merkulov has its own characteristics and really allows money to work for you, and not vice versa, however, before you begin to implement it, it is important to familiarize yourself with the relevant literature or attend specialized trainings.