City of Lindos Denmark. Lindos (Rhodes, Greece) – attractions, review of the visit. Sightseeing tours in Lindos and surrounding areas

I continue my “Rhodes notes”. Today I’ll start a story about a wonderful town called Lindos, which is located in the southeast of the island of Rhodes.

Lindos is a very ancient settlement: here is the second largest and most important (after Athens) Greek Acropolis. A powerful fortress, built in due time by the Ionite knights, has also been preserved here. And the town itself, with its white houses and narrow intricate streets, is very colorful. All this, combined with the unusually picturesque Mediterranean landscapes, resulted in a very large number of photographs. So I decided to split the photo report about Lindos into two parts. The first will be an introduction to Upper town- this is the Acropolis, the fortress, views of the Lower City and the sea. And in the second part there will be a photo walk through the streets of Lindos itself...

I went to Lindos on my own, fortunately, from where I lived, you can get to Lindos without any problems. A regular bus runs in this direction approximately once an hour, and the bus stop was located a stone's throw from where I was. The journey by bus takes about forty minutes, the fare is 4.8 euros one way (in June 2017).

Since I read online that the entrance to the Acropolis starts at 8.00 in the morning, I went by this time - this is the time and there are not many people at all, and it is not very hot yet.

The stop in Lindos is still practically deserted

This is the Rhodes-Lindos route. On that side are Faliraki and Rhodes

And on that side is the southern tip of the island -

There is a church next to the bus station. True, in the name of whom, I don’t know.

To get to old Lindos you need to go from the highway down the road. Donkeys are the local "taxi" - they go to work.

The terrain here is mountainous. The eye catches on some notches in the rock. Perhaps it's some kind of ancient building. Maybe a bridge, or maybe a rock temple or monastery.

Since the Acropolis is located on a high cliff about 100 meters above the city, the climb may be difficult for some. Therefore, you can get there by taking a quick ride in a local “taxi”, i.e. on a donkey. The cost of this attraction is 6 euros. In the meantime, there is a local taxi stand waiting for the influx of tourists.

But I decided to rise with my own legs.

Along the way, various picturesque views opened up every now and then.

The snow-white houses of Lindos remain below

Cafes on the roofs of houses are a very common phenomenon here.

And of course, very beautiful bays. This bay is called Lindos Bay. There is a large public beach. On the other side of the cliff there is another picturesque bay - St. Paul's. (more on that a little further)

On a fairly large section of the climb, local craftswomen offer to buy the fruits of their labors - napkins, tablecloths, embroidered towels, etc.

Everything just lies on the stones

We approach the entrance to the Acropolis... A ticket to visit costs 12 euros.

The Acropolis of Lindos - the second largest and most important in Greece - is the main attraction of Lindos. Today you can see monuments from several eras here. On the territory of the Acropolis, the remains of a small ancient temple of Athena Lindia, a shrine revered by the Greeks, the remains of a water gallery, and necropolis monuments have been preserved to this day. There are remains of Byzantine buildings here. And all this is surrounded by a powerful wall, erected by the Knights of St. John, who turned Lindos into one of the most powerful fortresses during the time of their rule on the island.

At the entrance to the Acropolis there is a unique petroglyph - a bas-relief of an ancient Greek warship by the sculptor Pythocrates, which testifies to the maritime significance of Rhodes in the ancient period: Lindos has been a crossing point for sea routes since ancient times.

By the way, another famous work by the sculptor Pythocrates, Nike of Samothrace, is located in Paris.

Of course, when looking at the structures of the Acropolis, you need to keep in mind that for the most part it is the result of restoration carried out by the Italians in the 1920-30s of the twentieth century.

Temple of Athena Lindia

The Acropolis offers stunning views of the Mediterranean expanses and the small picturesque bay of St. Paul

In the next part, when there is a photo walk around Lindos, we will reach this bay too...

Lindos was one of three city-states founded on Rhodes by the Dorians in the 12th century BC. It was a prosperous city-state, there was a lively international trade, crafts and navigation actively developed.

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How to get there

You can, of course, also rent a car and get to Lindos, but its layout is such that you will have to leave your vehicle in a special parking lot near the city border and continue on foot.

Search for flights to Rhodes (the nearest airport to Lindos)


By today's standards, Lindos is a rather small, provincial town, and perhaps this is part of its charm. The streets here are so narrow that it is simply impossible to drive a car through them; they are intended only for walking, and the functions of passenger taxis and cargo carriers are performed by ordinary donkeys. Instead of the usual tiles, the sidewalks here are lined with snow-white pebbles, and near the entrance to any building you can see patterns of black and white pebbles.

Maps of Lindos

Beaches and entertainment in Lindos

Lindos is magnificent resort with sandy beaches and picturesque lagoons that provide great opportunities for various entertainment. There is everything for a wonderful holiday - comfortable hotel complexes and cozy private villas, chic restaurants and colorful taverns with an abundance of unsurpassed local cuisine, numerous bars and nightclubs, as well as a huge market where you can buy absolutely everything.

Popular hotels in Lindos

Entertainment and attractions of Lindos

It is in this city that the second largest and most important Acropolis in Greece is located. At the foot of the rock on which it is located (116 m high), a bas-relief depicting a warship of the ancient Greeks is carved. This work of art dates back to the 2nd century and has no analogues in the whole world. Central temple The Acropolis in Lindos is also the temple of the goddess Athena of Lindos (4th century BC), which even Alexander the Great came to worship. There is an ancient theater in the Acropolis, main feature which was that both the stage and the stands of the theater were simply carved into a recess in the rock.

All these buildings were built before our era and represent a single ensemble, an example of the ancient Greek architectural style, but during the time of chivalry, an impregnable and powerful castle of the Order of St. John was erected on the Acropolis, which miraculously combines power, asceticism and grace at the same time. Around the same time, a defensive wall was built around the city, making it truly impregnable.

Lindos controlled many sea ​​routes, and as a result, it was in this city that the “Rhodes Law on Navigation” was ratified, on the basis of which the current maritime law was developed.

Over its long history, the Lindos Acropolis has undergone much destruction, in particular as a result of numerous earthquakes, but was partially reconstructed in the middle of the last century.

The population is 700 people, but thanks to tourists it grows significantly during the high season. One of the main attractions of the island is the arrival of tourist buses in the morning. Closer to noon, the guides literally take their charges out for lunch, and then take them to the next point on their tourist route.

general information

Lindos is a mixture of history and beaches. The town has many historic houses (known as Captains houses), dating back to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. It is almost entirely made up of a network of cobbled pedestrian streets. The only means of transportation are donkeys and mopeds. The small houses, painted white, nestle comfortably on a mountain slope, which makes the town one of the most beautiful settlements on the island.The ban on the construction of modern buildings gives the island a certain charm.

Legend has it that the island was built by one of the divine sons of Zeus. However, it was actually established by the Dorians in 1000 BC.

How to get there

The distance between the city and Lindos is 56 km (or 36 miles). A one-way bus ticket costs 5 euros. The settlement can also be reached by boat from the port of Mandraki, town. Tour operators such as Direct Greece and Olympic Holidays provide apartments and villas for different family sizes. (Keep in mind that tour operators Kosmar and Libra have gone bankrupt.)

By plane

From airport

A taxi from the airport to the city will cost 63 euros. If you try, you can negotiate for a smaller amount. However, if taxi drivers overcharge you, be sure to ask them to take you to the police station.


Lindos - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Ekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Lindos - weather by month


Lindos - weather by month

Main attractions. What to see

The main attraction of Lindos is the town itself, with its winding streets and small traditional whitewashed houses. Be brave and explore the back streets! Stock up on free maps from tourist centers. They are incredibly useful, but for some reason not all the streets are signed, so there is still a chance of getting lost.

Walking around Lindos, you will come across Captain's house style houses. They date back to 1400, but despite this they look quite attractive. Double points for anyone who can find and enter such houses!

Visit the ruins of the acropolis and the Lindian Athena temple. For 6 euros you can enjoy a beautiful view. Entrance to the Acropolis is open until 18.40 from March to December. There are also ruins of an ancient amphitheater carved out of the slope of the acropolis. If you still want to avoid the grueling climb, hire a donkey before entering the city. On the way up to the acropolis, the first thing you will see are the ruined medieval walls. At the beginning of the 14th century, the Crusaders built fortifications on the ruins of older fortresses from the Byzantine era and ancient times. Several towers along the medieval walls follow the contour of the slope.

The Tomb of Cleobulus is a stone structure at the headwaters of the strait.

The Church of the Virgin Mary is a must-see, if only for the traditional ornaments and decorations. Free entry is a nice bonus.

You can also admire St. Paul's Bay, which is said to have crashed onto the rocks of this island and brought Christianity with it.

Beaches. Which ones are better

Lindos has the fewest sandy beaches in all of Rhodes and, as you might expect, they are crowded. Unfortunately, there is trash scattered everywhere.

You can ride along the strait not only on simple tourist boats, but also on boats with a glass bottom.

Main beach- head down the street from the main square.

St. Paul's Beach - nice beach near Lindos. Great place for swimming. 8 euros for a beach umbrella and two sun loungers.

What to see in the area

Afandou is one of the largest settlements on the island. In this area along the coast there is a golf course.

Faliraki - famous place for relax. People come here for the parties. Relatively calm beaches and well developed public transport. The hotels are located near water parks and are not attractive to nightclubbers.

Old city- most Big city islands and local government center. The towns of Lardos and Pefkos are nearby.

Food. What to try

There are a lot of different restaurants and taverns in the city, but the dishes are specially prepared for tourists, so, unfortunately, they are monotonous and far from Greek culture. But you will find food from all over the world. The staff of any restaurant speaks English language, and the menus are also written in English. Many bars offer breakfast until noon.

Supermarkets have a huge selection of products, many of which are English imports. There are 3 shops located 100m apart on the main street of Lindos. They offer the same range of products at the same price. Supermarkets also offer a good choice seasonal fruits and vegetables, and plenty of alcohol at unearthly prices. But there is nothing to do, even if you are not happy with it.

There are two more supermarkets in Kronos Square (accessible by bus). Although both stores are mostly visited by those who are waiting for their buses. The prices there are incredibly inflated, all goods are much more expensive than in similar stores in the city.

You can try Greek food prepared right in front of you, such as souvlaki (kebabs) or pancakes, for a very favorable prices.

The average price for souvlaki is 2.50 euros. This is a bread flatbread (pitta guro) or kalamaki (chicken on a stick in a flatbread). Incredibly delicious obelistiris on the main street. The owner is quite grumpy, but his kebabs are delicious. Say “ap ola” and they will add tomatoes, onions, lettuce, tzatziki and fries.

“Artemis” is a local cuisine, the dishes of which are prepared to a high standard. There is a friendly atmosphere and professional staff.

“Acropolis” - all dishes on the menu are cooked over fire, using meat from Rhodes.

Tavern “Mary's”.

“Mediterranean East” - excellent Mediterranean cuisine, magnificent surroundings, breathtaking views.

“Zorba's” - fresh local food. Restaurant on outdoors and friendly staff.

Things to do

Shopping and shops

If you are looking for supermarkets in Lindos itself, then shopping will cost you a lot. It's better to go to Kiraki, where the shops offer a wide range of goods at affordable prices.

Bars. Where to go

In Lindos great amount bars for every taste. Many of them have roof gardens where you can watch the sunset or sunrise. “Until the Night” invites you to see the night in all its glory from its roof. All bars allow children.

Within the city there are two nightclubs and one club under open air, which can be reached by taxi and is open all night until the morning.

“Patio” - as the name suggests, the bar has a patio and 2 floors of beautifully appointed rooms overlooking the entire acropolis. This is the only bar in Lindos that plays live Greek guitar music on Sundays.

Yanni's is a nice bar in Lindos. A mug of coffee - 3 euros.

Cafe and bakery “Melia” on St. Stephen's Square. Nice establishment with sea views. From the roof of the cafe you can see the entire Acropolis and a piece of St. Paul's Bay. “Melia” is located far from tourist routes, so this place is much quieter than the central bars. The cost of coffee is 3.30 euros.

How to get around the city


You can park your car in all areas of the city. For such cases, there are special blue signs “not free spaces”, which are mixed with signs for “free” zones located outside the supermarket parking lot. To get from the supermarket parking lot to the settlement, you need to go down to the market square, where you can find free parking spaces, then enter the city through a small street. Or go down to the beach, walk to the other end and go up to the settlement.

By public transport

Lindos - small town, so walking is the best solution. Since it is built on the side of a mountain and the roads are quite steep, for some people it will seem like a real challenge to get to the acropolis. However, many tourists believe that it is worth it. Therefore there are two alternatives. The bus takes passengers down from the main stop in the city center to the square closest to the sea - the distance is short, but the difference is felt if you walk down. If you plan to reach highest point Acropolis, you can rent a donkey for just 5 euros. And although this price is for one donkey, animals travel only in pairs, and then renting a donkey for one or two passengers is at least 10 euros.


There is an internet cafe in Lindos called Lindianet.

Where to get out of the city

Buses operate from Rhodes to east coast islands and back, including Lindos, the only negative is the slow movement due to frequent stops. Drivers, be aware that there is a modern highway between Lindos and Rhodes.

56 km from the city of the same name, there is a picturesque village Lindos, with a very beautiful and rich culture, dating back far into the past, to the times of chivalry. You can get to it either by taxi or any other public transport. And if you are lucky enough to visit here in summer season, then you can take a boat that plies the route throughout the island. You can also rent a car, and enjoying the wonderful scenery and comfortable road, time will pass unnoticed.

All buildings and any other structures in this small village are white. If you go there by car, you will see a wonderful view of the snow-white peninsula located at the foot of the Acropolis!

Acquaintance with the village of Lindos takes place either walking, or on very playful and cute donkeys, since the roads here are narrow and even one car is unlikely to be able to easily navigate its streets. The kids will really like this!

The central square of Lindos, which is the main street of the settlement, is filled with souvenir shops, where you can also take a breather and taste delicious cuisine in local restaurants and cafes.
The architectural wealth of this small Greek village is very diverse and unique, with beautiful picturesque gorges and ruins of the old city. In that fabulous place It will be nice to just walk along the alleys, which have absorbed the thousand-year history of their people, showing us the full power of the Greek state.

At the very top there is a wonderful view of ancient Acropolis, which, in turn, is the second in the world after the Acropolis in Athens. Previously, there was a refuge for knights serving the Order of St. John. But after Ottoman Empire conquered these places, the knights were forced to leave them. They left behind a castle with a magical view of the Mediterranean Sea.

Not far from the Acropolis there are the ruins of an old, but very famous in its time Temple of Athena Lindia, built back in the 4th century BC. Little remains of the temple - just a few columns, reminiscent of this mysterious place.
In ancient times, Lindos was one of the main links in the intersection of sea trade routes. And there is proof of this - the preserved bas-relief of an ancient Greek warship.

Another magnificent and beautiful place located near Lindos is the popular 7 sources. According to one of the local legends, after bathing in the spring, you will feel a surge of strength, deliverance from sins and youth. The road to them lies through a tunnel 180 meters long. According to legend, a nymph lives in the tunnel, and if you meet her, you can either disappear or go blind. Before going to the springs, it is better to eat, as the road is not close, but very interesting and picturesque.

An architectural creation that simply cannot be missed is the Church of the Virgin Mary, built in the 15th century. The decoration of the church is wooden decoration, work on which was completed only in the 17th century. One of the most interesting scenes painted on its walls is “Hell”, which depicts a man with the head of a dog, which instills fear in tourists.
In honor of the Apostle Paul, who converted the inhabitants of Rhodes to Christians, a chapel was built, and the bay was named after him.

Two beaches in the harbor of St. Paul look very attractive, one of which is large (Mega Paralia) and the second small (micro Paralia). Both beaches fit very nicely and harmoniously into the landscape of Lindos, with umbrellas and small restaurants. According to myths ancient Greece, in the bay big beach The son of Hercules stayed during his journey to Asia Minor.
A must-visit place is the House of Plates, built in the 15th century. Old traditional plates are kept here and brand new ones are sold, which is why this place is called a museum-shop. It is located on the right side when ascending the Acropolis.
Why plates? Because ceramic dishes from Lindos are famous not only throughout Greece, but throughout the world. The dawn of this art came in the 16th-17th centuries. The knights brought ceramics to Lindos, taking hostage the masters of this craft. Today, in souvenir shops you can buy a wide variety of plates, which are produced in a local factory built in 1926.

Before going on an excursion to Lindos, take with you sunglasses, water, money for small expenses, as well as video or photographic equipment, as the very bright and picturesque places of this beautiful village should stay with you for many years, reminding you of an unforgettable vacation . Don’t forget to also take a towel and a bathing suit, because they will be useful for those who want to swim in Apostle Paul Bay.
Author – Elena N.

Lindos is one of the leading resorts of Rhodes. There is everything for relaxation here: picturesque bays, attractions and sandy beaches. Lindos Hotel Selection 2020.

Lindos is one of the ancient cities and at the same time one of several most popular resorts on the island, where tourists can combine wonderful beach holiday on the sandy coast with a rich excursion program. Lindos is the only one surviving the oldest city islands. Its history is believed to begin in the 10th century BC, and until Byzantine times Lindos was a large, busy port city.

Today Lindos looks more like a small Mediterranean village with narrow streets, whitewashed small houses and a population of just over 1,000 people. The main dominant feature of the surrounding landscape is the acropolis of Lindos, rising on a mountain near a picturesque bay. Tourists wander the streets in search of good angles for photos and souvenir shops, sun-weary visitors sip iced frappe coffee in cafes - tourist Lindos attracts with its peaceful and leisurely atmosphere!

How to get to Lindos (bus/taxi)

Lindos is located on the south-eastern coast of Rhodes, 50 km from the administrative capital and international airport(the only one on the island).

The main feature of Lindos is that it is traffic-free, i.e. buses and cars with exhaust fumes. Therefore, you can only get to the top of the hill by bus, and then transfer to a special shuttle or go down on foot. As for taxis (or transfers to Lindos from the airport), drivers have permission to drive to the harbor and drop off passengers near the promenade and the Old Town. Fortunately, most hotels are located in this area, so go with a suitcase and hand luggage it won't take long.

You can get to the resort from the airport with a transfer in Rhodes if you are interested in public transport. The bus station is located 300 m from the arrival terminal, and Rhodes itself is 20 minutes from the airport. Transfers will have to wait a little, because the bus interval is Rhodes - Lindos about an hour.

Sightseeing tours in Lindos and surrounding areas

This is where the fun begins for those who love not only beaches, but also architecture, history and beautiful views. By choosing Lindos for your holiday, you will live in the very beautiful place islands, and it would be a sin not to take advantage of this!

It’s better to start getting acquainted with the route. This is a 4-hour walk through interesting places: the narrow streets of the central part, a visit to the Acropolis of Athens, an oil mill and a pottery workshop. After the excursion you will make up general impression about Lindos, you will begin to understand its history. After this, it's time to go explore the surrounding area:

  • — a large sightseeing tour of the island with visits to attractions, viewpoints, and picturesque beaches. Duration - 8 hours, carried out in a guide's car.
  • - gastronomic excursion through the Rhodian mountains + visit to the Butterfly Valley and ostrich farm. Duration - 5.5 hours, carried out in a guide's car.

Interesting places and attractions

This resort can offer the most intense excursion program on the island. But if you intend to refuse the services of guides and travel agencies, remember a few sights of Lindos that cannot be missed:

  • The most important attraction of the city, which is impossible not to notice - ancient acropolis Lindosa, rising on a 116-meter cliff. From the outside, nothing betrays its ancient origin - the acropolis is surrounded by medieval defensive walls, built by the Knights of St. John. But when you get inside, a completely different era appears before your eyes: the columns of an ancient stoa, the amphitheater discovered by archaeologists at the foot of the amphitheater, the remains of ancient buildings and the Temple of Athena, which in Mycenaean times was one of the most important sanctuaries in the region.
  • On the territory of the acropolis there is a small Byzantine Church of St. John. And on the wall near the stairs leading to the acropolis, a unique bas-relief of an ancient Greek warship by Pithocrates (the author of the sculpture of the Nike of Samothrace, exhibited in the Louvre) has been preserved. The Acropolis of Lindos is the second largest surviving acropolis in Greece after Athens.
  • The city of Lindos was and remains the most important navigation point in the Mediterranean Sea. It was here that the world's first code of maritime law was created and ratified. The city even has quarter with luxurious old captain's houses, protected by UNESCO.

Ancient Acropolis of Lindos (Rhodes Island, Greece)

Where to stay in Lindos 2020

The resort area of ​​Lindos stretches for many kilometers along the coast. The major hotels in Lindos are scattered outside the city and are relatively isolated from each other. There are many small cozy places in the city family hotels, where the owners themselves work. The British love to relax in such hotels. The apartments are located on hills and cliffs and offer views of the city's two bays.

We have selected several hotels in Lindos that are in constant demand during the high season, so that you can read the reviews and “ask the price.”

If we talk about holidays in Lindos with children, then parents of children are better off looking at hotels outside the city. The resort has a lot of ups, downs and stairs, and really very narrow streets, which creates inconvenience for moving with a stroller. It is also not possible to enter the old city by car - cars are left in parking lots near the entrance to the resort. In large hotels in the area you can find children's pools with slides, playpens, cribs, strollers, children's clubs, etc. Many of these hotels in Lindos operate on an all-inclusive basis.

Entertainment and nightlife of the resort

The nightlife of Lindos is designed more for a respectable audience than for young people thirsting for wild fun. The restaurants feature live music, guests enjoy meals overlooking the sea and take part in traditional Greek dance classes. There are also bars and discos in Lindos, but they are not as crowded as in Faliraki or Rhodes.

Lindos city on the map of Greece

It’s easier to visualize where the largest resort of Rhodes is located using a map:

For tourists, a holiday in Lindos is, first of all, enjoying nature, stunning beaches and the sea, getting to know rich history islands and amazing Mediterranean cuisine.