A meteorite will fly by 12.10. "Second Chelyabinsk": an asteroid the size of a house will fly past the Earth. A giant comet flies to earth

NASA experts are in a hurry to reassure: forecasts that on December 21, 2012 the world will perish in tartara are groundless. Don Yeomans, head of NASA's Earth Objects Observation Program, has undertaken to debunk the apocalyptic rumors for the Livescience.com audience.

To everyone who is worried about the end of the Mayan calendar, he recommended "a good night's sleep on December 21 next year." “So what's so special about this date? Yeomans asks. “It's like saying that the end of the calendar year on December 31 marks the end of time, the end of everything. But the Maya never predicted that the world would end at that time! "

See why humans can't travel more than Mars. The concept envisions the creation of the world's smallest spacecraft, which will be able to pass much faster and easier between the stars. It is expected that the gadget will allow us to safely travel to nearby galaxies to the solar system and closely study space objects in these systems. It turns out that the Russian billionaire team has already successfully launched six of its mini-spacecraft in orbit around the Earth.

It should be noted that they are actually motherboards that are built to withstand the harsh conditions in space. However, these are only prototypes and the first versions, which should demonstrate that the idea works and can really function normally outside of our planet. The data shows that six small satellites have already established a radio signal with two ground stations. They were sent to several European satellites and rockets developed by the Indian Space Agency.

The scientist admits that fears in society about the ominous date are very high. For example, on the query "disaster 2012" Internet search engines give out more than 35 million records. A considerable number of them are dedicated to the mysterious planet Nibiru, allegedly approaching the Earth from the depths of space in order to destroy humanity. Believers in Nibiru accuse astronomers of conspiracy to hide its existence and thus prevent panic.

The Russian billionaire intends to invest more money in building even better versions of mini-satellites. See what the first cosmic image of Earth looks like. The implementation of the mission to the "red" planet will be one of the most memorable events for mankind so far. Agency scientists continue to test various equipment to make it easier for astronauts to achieve the covenant's goal of creating a human colony on Mars. Tests show the new supersonic parachute operates smoothly at twice the speed of light; This is a prototype that will be redesigned in the next two years prior to the start of the mission itself.

“There is no evidence that Nibiru exists at all,” Yeomans says. The notion that Planet X is hiding behind the Sun is unfounded: "It could not hide behind the Sun forever, so we would have noticed it many years ago." The expert sneers at accusations of malicious collusion: "There is no way to silence the astronomer about anything."

Various new instruments are currently being tested to sample and analyze various chemical compounds on the surface of Mars. The earth is surrounded by a large network of satellites that orbit our planet. Such means for key navigation and communication, but also a great threat associated with the possibility of sudden hacking. You probably don't know, but there is a space on our planet that scientists call the "graveyard of the spaceship." Smaller objects burn in the air and do not reach the ocean.

See who's first on Mars. Scientists from the United States predicted a fatal explosion of the Sun, RIA Novosti reported. Harvard astronomers have calculated that by the end of the century, the sky will have an explosion, and this causes many deaths on Earth. The probability of a fatal explosion for humans in the next ten years is 12%. Every next decade the chance increases, experts added. In addition to human casualties, the solar eruption will also cause communication problems.

Yeomans recalled that information about Nibiru spread widely thanks to the ufologist and contactee Nancy Leider. Initially, she predicted a universal catastrophe in May 2003, and when the prediction did not come true, she made humanity happy. new date end of the world, setting it on December 21, 2012.

Another trouble awaiting in December 2012 is the massive gravitational effect from the planets. Solar system that will line up and affect the Earth in some fatal way. “However, on December 21, 2012, there will be no planetary alignment,” says the starry sky expert. And if it did, then without any consequences. The only ones space bodies that have significant gravitational effects on the Earth are the Moon and the Sun. The effects caused by other planets are so insignificant that they did not affect the state of the Earth in any way for many millions of years.

The phenomenon was named after the British astronomer Richard Carrington, who described the storm. New research shows that reading books can extend life expectancy by up to two years and improve its quality. Although e-books have become more popular over time, sales of printed books are growing. Many studies on reading support the benefits of reading. One example is a recent study that says reading fiction makes us interact more actively with others.

Not the last line in the list of 2012 New Year's Eve nightmares is occupied by solar storms. Yeomans admits they are troublesome, often damaging orbiting satellites and power lines. However, the damage from solar storms is not that great. In addition, "there is no evidence that one of these storms will occur on December 21 next year." According to Yeomans, the dates of the bursts of solar activity are not predictable, and by themselves, solar storms are not able to lead to the Apocalypse.

Beka Levy and her colleagues at Yale University in US reading books can help us live longer. Factors such as education, gender, marital status, wealth, health problems, and depression were considered that could influence the study's results.

The survival rate for book readers is higher than for magazine and newspaper readers. In turn, readers of magazines and newspapers have a longer life expectancy than non-readers. The chances of a longer life were even higher for people who read more than 3.5 hours a week. The risk of premature death was 23% lower.

For those who do not believe in the predictions of the Maya, Nibiru and the danger of solar storms, there is another horror story: a change of poles. Many people fear that in 2012 the North and South Poles will swap places - and then all life on Earth will die. The NASA expert gives a number of reassuring arguments for this.

First, the geographic poles of the Earth will not flip, as the rotation of our planet stabilizes the Moon. Secondly, although the magnetic poles do change with a frequency of once every half a million years, these shifts do not occur suddenly, but gradually, stretching over many millennia. Thirdly, “there is no reason to believe that the change of poles will occur on December 21, 2012”. And finally, fourthly, even if this did happen, the only problem that earthlings would have to face is to get used to the fact that the needle of the compass would point to the south instead of the north.

More willing to read books are women, people with higher education and people with higher incomes. The reasons for the relationship between books and longevity are likely different, but according to Dr. Levy and her team, it is due to the cognitive benefits of longer reading.

The Amber Room is probably hidden in southern Saxony in a cave near Dresden. They started looking for the room after a "trusted source" told them she was there. With the help of Radar Lore, he examined the soil in the Prince's Cave and found that the planes were like a bunker, he wrote.

Yeomans notes that belief in all sorts of horror stories is inherent in quite reasonable people. Most often, the main role here is played by the Internet and television, boldly interfering with scientific facts and idle speculation. In order not to hammer people's heads with such nonsense, it is necessary to carry out educational work, the scientist believes.

In June, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to observe a comet, the diameter of the "head" of which is larger than Jupiter, and the length of the tail is a million kilometers

On the walls, we found traces of metal cables that were used to reduce the loads in depth. According to GPR, there is a system of secret tunnels under the caves, says Eckard. According to the researchers, this indicates that the data has been destroyed.

Scientists are currently looking for funds to continue research. The amber panel was placed in the Royal Castle in the capital of East Prussia. As writers, we are always chasing stories. But we are also interested in silence. What we can't talk about.

Elif Shafak is the most widely read author in Turkey. She has published 15 books, 10 of which are novels. In his works, the author often defends the rights of the LGBT society, but for the first time speaks about his own sexual orientation. The 45-year-old writer is known in Bulgaria for his novels "Honest", "Love", "Flea Palace", "Black Milk", "Bastard of Istanbul". She is also the author of numerous political commentaries on publications in Europe and the United States.

Comet C / 2009 P1 was discovered in 2009 by Australian astronomer Robert McNaught. She will go to the minimum distance with our planet on June 15. On this day, the distance from it to our planet will be about 170 million kilometers (1,135 astronomical units). On July 2, the comet will approach the minimum distance to the Sun - 60.5 million kilometers (0.405 astronomical units). With its brightness, it can eclipse its predecessor - the Great Comet of 2007, also discovered by McNaught and named C / 2006 P1.

Elif Shafak is the wife of journalist Eyup Zhang, with whom he has two children. After her recognition, Turkish media reminded the cover of Iskender, where she posed as a man. The famous prophetess Susan de Vere, who many call the New Nostradamus, showed that the US authorities planted a bomb as a result of a super-depletion explosion in Yellowstone, whose explosion would cause not one, but three eruptions.

A lot will happen in Yellowstone. The military put some kind of bombs there to try to detonate it in three places, not one, '' said the British surgeon, who predicted the 9/11 bombing in New York, the election of Donald Trump as US president, the release of the UK from the European Union and many other world political events and natural Disasters.

In mid-June, residents of the Northern Hemisphere will be able to see this heavenly body with the naked eye (in August, it will move to the sky of the Southern Hemisphere). It is now available for observation through binoculars before dawn in the northeastern part of the sky, in the constellation Perseus.

By now, the comet has reached an impressive size. The diameter of the comet's "head", or coma - a cloud of gas around its core - has exceeded the diameter of Jupiter, and its tail is a million kilometers long.

The Savior also talks about other visions that will occur in the near future on earth. I've seen several volcanic eruptions, maybe five. There will be another one in the ocean, which will cause a powerful tsunami. He will go to Australia, ”she said. It sheds light on the very urgent problem of the outbreak of the third world war. I saw the soldiers walking across the Earth. Don't be surprised if Kim Jong stays behind her. If they do, it will be done to us.

Americans will cross air space Korea, and this will force Korea to go to war. It will happen suddenly and will not last long, but many lives will be lost, says Susan de Vere. However, in more detailed information about the historical find, Turkish researchers come out with a shocking version that the famous relics of the Holy See. Scientists using GPR found a well-preserved ancient temple under the church of St. Nicholas in the Turkish city of Demre, as well as the chambers in which the body of the saint is.

Comet McNaught's gas cloud has a beautiful greenish tint. As the portal Weekjournal.Ru writes, this is due to the fact that the radiation of the Sun "highlights" two gases: cyanogen and diatomic carbon.

According to astronomer Leonid Yelenin from the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, this comet can be seen from the territory of Russia.

Researchers now have no access to the remains, as excavations could damage stone bas-reliefs and mosaics. But they say they will soon be able to get to the grave itself. However, Turkish archaeologists are confident that the body has been replaced. They claim that the relics of the true Nicholas the Wonderworker remained in Demer, and the stolen bones belonged to an unknown priest.

This May. The relics of St. Nicholas were transferred from Barry to Moscow. More than 1.5 million Orthodox believers worshiped them in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, because no one ever doubted their authenticity. Tradition tells how he saved one poor man with three daughters. When he lost all his money, the man decided to sell his daughters. But the saint did not allow this to happen. One night, the destroyed one received an unexpected gift - a purse of gold. She married one of her married daughters who are living well.

“It will be visible in the morning, it will be a good object for observation, although it will hardly be possible to visually see its beautiful tail,” the scientist said. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

“You can expect anything from it: comets can suddenly increase their brightness. Various models predict that its brightness can reach the third or even the first magnitude, ”the astronomer noted.

Then he received a new gift - a wallet of gold and a second daughter. Finally, he found gold for himself. Hurrying to pursue the stranger who threw away his money, ran after him with bated breath, as soon as he almost caught up with him, he saw the messenger of God, realizing that only he could be him, only the world can become an unexpected gift, saved from sin. Nikolai as a defender of property and money.

One day he went to worship the grave of God. There was a storm at sea, the sailor fell from the top of the ship's mast, and everyone thought he was dead. Saint Nicholas erected a sailor and prayed to the sea with a prayer. Since then, his fame has remained the commander of sea storms and the sailor's protector.

The length of the comet's tail at the time when it becomes visible to the naked eye can be from 1.5 to 4 degrees. This is three to eight times the apparent diameter of the moon, which is 0.5 degrees.

Comet McNaught has already presented astronomers with one riddle. Within the comet's tail, limited by shock waves from the unperturbed interplanetary medium, the solar wind speed has almost halved - from 798 km / s to 461 km / s.

Legend has it that he secretly gave gifts to poor families with children. From there comes the Christmas tradition of giving gifts on his behalf. Archaeologists from Turkey say they have found the grave of St. Nicholas, who is the prototype of Santa Claus. An ancient tomb opened under the church of St. Nicholas in Antalya, and is in an extremely well-preserved state.

Nicholas lies in the distant 343 and is considered one of the most important saints of early Christianity. Employees of space agencies and observatories were unable to relax by looking at the huge Florentine asteroid above the Earth, and now there is another danger on the horizon.

In addition, as evidenced by the readings of the solar wind ion spectrometer of the Ulysses probe, ions were found in the comet's tail that should not have been there. The reason for such a dramatic change in the characteristics of the solar wind is not clear.

It took Ulysses 2.5 days to overcome the comet shock front. The probe crossed the tail region itself in 18 days. This, according to a laboratory employee space exploration Mullard University of London UCL Dr. Gerant Jones, indicates that the comet is a powerful factor that can significantly affect the characteristics of the solar wind throughout the solar system.

This asteroid is slightly smaller than Florence, but it is a thicker rock that is stronger than granite. It is also very refractory and will not burn much when entering the atmosphere. This asteroid flies much faster than in Chelyabinsk. This will lead to total volcanic eruptions and numerous earthquakes of unprecedented magnitude.

Many people don't think this is just a coincidence. The images have the stronger colors needed for geological exploration of the planet, but the beauty is truly unearthly. The information was released on the US Space Agency website. It is noted that the strong glow is caused by a solar storm, which launched a huge amount of plasma into space. According to NASA, when a solar storm affects the Red Planet's atmosphere, ultraviolet light produces light that illuminates Mars.

Robert McNaught discovered more than 50 comets and 410 asteroids. Previously opened by the Australian comet scientists were inaccessible to amateur telescopes.