Location of states. The best states to live in America. What is a “state” and how many are there in the USA?

US political maps

In appearance, the political map of the United States is remarkably reminiscent of a rural patchwork quilt, with the patches becoming smaller and smaller from west to east as you approach New York. The almost equal sides of the states seem to say that before the advent of the US political system, this place on planet earth was a single whole, without any borders. Only a few states have a border that coincides with the watershed line of large rivers, resulting in one state on one side of the river and a completely different one on the other. On US political maps The boundaries of fifty states, absolutely equal subjects of the federation, are drawn. The capital, Washington, is located in the District of Columbia, which is not officially part of any state. States are divided into districts, administrative units whose territory must be no less than the territory of the city. There are 3,141 counties in the United States. The number of counties in states is completely arbitrary, for example, in the state of Delaware there are only three counties, and in the state of Texas there are 254 counties. Each state has separate legislative, executive and judicial powers. The names of the states most often come from the names of the kings of France and England and the names of Indian tribes.

Regions of the United States

The Americans themselves divide their country into a number of large regions. These are cultural formations that have formed on the map of the United States under the influence of history and geography. They are characterized by common economics and literature, as well as morals and customs. The multinational historical heritage gives the regions their originality, clear demographic characteristics that determine the age and occupation of the population. Different dialects are spoken in the regions, and people's views and horizons also differ, depending on the geographical location of the region. Total such conditional regions for USA map four. These are the Northeastern United States, Southern United States, Midwestern United States, and Western United States.

Political-geographical and physical maps of the USA

The territory of the USA mainly consists of three parts located on the North American mainland, if you look at the geographical maps of the USA. This is the continental, main part, the Alaska Peninsula with islands and the 24 islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. The main continental border is adjacent to Canada in the North and Mexico to the South. The state of Alaska, separated from Canada, borders not only Canada, but also Russia. Besides geographical map of the USA denotes several possessions in the Caribbean Sea: the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, and officially the islands in the Pacific Ocean, such as Guam, Wake, and Midway, belong to the territory of the United States. Eastern Samoa is also part of the United States.

The United States of America covers an area of ​​9,826,630 square kilometers, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, the land area occupies 9,161,923 square kilometers, the water surface covers 664,707 square kilometers. The vast majority of America, if you look closely at the physical maps of the United States, is located on the central plain, relatively high mountains in the west, low mountains and hills are located in the east of the country. Alaska also has wide river valleys and mountains. The main volcanic relief is located in Hawaii. identifies several climatic zones located throughout the vast territory of the country.

Time zone map

Five time zones of the USA

In 1878, the famous Canadian engineer S. Fleming first proposed the term standard time, which was adopted in 1884 at the next meeting of the International Astronomical Congress. S. Fleming's idea was as follows: the surface of the globe was conditionally divided by meridians into 24 hour zones, each 15° long or one 1 hour in longitude. At the same time, in each time zone, the time that corresponds to the middle meridian of this zone operates. When moving from one zone to an adjacent one, the standard time changes in 1-hour jumps. The standard time of individual time zones is given special names. For example, the time of the zero zone is called Western European, the time of the first zone is called Central European, and the time of the second zone is considered Eastern European. Standard time was first used in 1883 in Canada and the USA. Since the beginning of the 20th century, it began to be used in European countries.

United States of America The United States is a country consisting of a group of historical regions called states.


Physical map of the USA by state with roads

Some of them are named after long-vanished Indian tribes, for example the state of Delaware. There are ones named after cities - New York or Washington. There is a desert state in which nuclear warheads are tested - Nevada, so named after one version because of the lack of water there. There is the state of Colorado, famous for its striped beetles, devouring millions of tons of potatoes, which is no longer clear whether the beetle was named after the state, or the state after the beetle. Most likely, the truth is somewhere nearby, but hidden in secret materials.

The states of America, united into a powerful modern state. It was created by settlers, whose core consisted of Protestants and peasants who fled from England, the masses of whom made a real exodus to the new world. They fled from the gloomy commercial laws, when entire villages were driven off the land, since at that time it was most profitable to produce the famous English calico, and the fields were filled with gigantic herds of sheep.

Therefore, the morals of the settlers were simple and harsh. Protestants do not have complicated concepts and no one needed to check the uniqueness of the Bible text in order to know simple things: If a person is poor, then God does not love him, if he is rich, then this means that he is close to himself. Many, due to persecution, had to give up their property in France and the New World; according to Protestant concepts, all they could do was work, work, and work. Otherwise, continuous disasters would result, which indicated a probable end to hell, which no one definitely wanted.

USA map

Detailed map of the USA in Russian. Explore a map of the USA from satellite. Zoom in and see streets, houses, and landmarks on a map of the United States.

The entire stretching from ocean to ocean, the middle part of the territory USA is influenced by a continental climate. In the north, the border of the United States of America is represented by Canada, and in the south by Mexico. Alaska is located in the northwest of North America, separated by the Bering Strait from the Russian northeast. The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago consisting of 24 islands.

Hawaiian Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean, in its central part. Hawaii is separated from the mainland by 4 kilometers of Pacific water. In addition to the Hawaiian Islands, the largest and most famous are also: Maui, Kahulawi, Oahu, Kauai. All these islands are mountainous and low.

Generally, USA climate temperate, in the southern part of the country - subtropical. The midwest and northeast of the country have fairly long winters, with temperatures dropping below zero. But winter in the southern part of the United States is very warm and sunny. Spring and autumn are ideal for relaxation.

The southern coast of California always enjoys warm weather. On the coast of Florida and the Hawaiian Islands the climate is maritime and tropical. From May to November the islands are under the influence of tropical cyclones. At this time the amount of precipitation is maximum. But, nevertheless, the rains are not long, and most of the time, the sun still shines.

Population of the United States of America, mostly migrants. Approximately 15 million of the population are of Hispanic, Puerto Rican or Mexican descent. About 12 percent of the population is African American, numbering approximately 26.5 million people. There are about one and a half million Indians in the country.

There are five time zones in the country, hence the difference with Moscow is 7-12 hours. The country's official language is English, but French and Spanish are also common. The population of the United States professes all religions of the world, however, the most widespread is Protestantism.

The country's population has a number of characteristics. For example, Americans do not like stiffness; they dress in clothes that are comfortable for them, without thinking too much about how they look. When communicating, they address each other simply, even if there is a significant age difference between the interlocutors. And, of course, Americans are proud of their country and their origins. The population of the USA is approximately 313 million people. The United States of America consists of 50 equal states that have their own constitution and laws.