Pillar of Hercules. Pillars of Hercules. See what the “pillars of Hercules” are in other dictionaries

We know from various historical sources that the Pillars of Hercules (Heracles) were erected on the shores of the Strait of Gibraltar in ancient times, possibly to control shipping through the strait. Reports about them were perceived as a fairy tale about ancient generations. It is known that 4-5 thousand years ago the Strait of Gibraltar was much narrower in width compared to its current position. Legends say that the strait then had devices that blocked its flow, similar to the converging rocks (symplegades, plancts, cyaneans) of the Bosporus Strait, through which the Argonauts sailed with the participation of Jason, Hercules and others to Colchis.

Robert Graves' book "Myths of Ancient Greece" says that the pillars of the cities of Abile (now Ceuta) and Calpe on both banks of Gibraltar were not erected by the Greek Hercules, but much earlier. These pillars were originally called the Pillars of Kron (who ruled in the Golden Age and was buried on Bely Island, near Yamal), and then the pillars of the giant Bioreus, whose power extended so far. But then, the name of Biorea (who was also called Egeon) was forgotten by subsequent generations of rulers as a result of repeated renaming. Over the past 2.5 millennia, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, continents, mountains, countries, and peoples have also been renamed several times. It is possible that the Pillars of Hercules began to be called after the city of Tortes, located not far from Kalpa, allegedly founded by Hercules and called Heraclea. The massive ancient walls and sheepfolds are still on display here. Legends and traditions say that there was another, even more ancient Hercules, who bore the name Biorea. The repetition of the names of rulers, spiritual hierarchs, and heroes is observed in our time.

Ancient Greek legends mention that Hercules, during his next “feat” (the robbery of the fabulous bulls of Geryon), erected the Pillars of Hercules (Dictionary of Antiquity, M., 1992, p. 129). Written sources say nothing about the installation location of these pillars, their design and purpose. Probably in ancient times they were well known and considered a truism.

About 2.5 thousand years ago, the famous philosopher and scientist Plato, giving information about Atlantis, mentioned (as a landmark) the Pillars of Hercules, behind which Atlantis was located. Currently, official history indicates without evidence that the Pillars of Hercules are rocks located on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar, which are up to 426 meters above sea level. However, rocks are not pillars yet. A number of historians have pointed as an example to the higher mountains in the eastern Mediterranean, located on two neighboring islands - Samothrace (height 1600 m) and Gökçeada (697 m), located in front of the Dardanelles Strait. In addition, there are many rock formations around the globe called pillars. They are available in many corners of the Earth. Only on the territory of Russia there are dozens of names of well-known pillars: Lena, Krasnoyarsk, Ural, Nizhneudinsk, etc. The origin of some of them is not entirely clear and requires further study.

But on Earth there are also other, real pillars and columns of gigantic size, which do not raise any doubt about the possibility of their installation by ancient man. These include megaliths - religious buildings made of huge stone blocks built from 2-3 thousand years BC. Megaliths include menhirs, dolmens, and cromlechs. They are found in many places in Europe, North Africa, America, the Caucasus, India, Siberia...

Analyzing the exploits and actions of Hercules, we can say that he had great physical strength and unbridled character, and used this for destruction and murder, but not for creation. He looked more like a warrior. He did not have the divine ability to build mountains, rocks like those located at the Strait of Gibraltar. A more realistic matter for Hercules was his participation in the installation of giant cult stones (menhirs) to atone for his many sins (the murder of his children, wife and other innocent people). Probably in those days these giant menhirs were called the Pillars of Hercules. They have survived to this day in Brittany, France, and other places.

The study of this menhir showed that around it there is a layered energy shell more than 0.5 m thick. The source of the energy field formation is the special structure of the stone, as well as the energy devices located inside the column in its heel and middle parts. The stone is installed on a special foundation pad that provides energy replenishment (see figure).

The structure of the Pillar of Hercules (according to Koltsov I.E.)

Designations: 1 - view of the Pillar of Hercules; 2 - energy emitter inside the column; 3 - foundation cushion; 4 - mineral energy emitters (flint, amber, rare earth elements, etc.); 5 - energy flows.

The study of this menhir showed that around it there is a layered energy shell more than 0.5 m thick. The source of the energy field formation is the special structure of the stone, as well as the energy devices located inside the column in its heel and middle parts. The stone is installed on a special foundation cushion that provides energy replenishment.

It is possible that radioactive chemical materials are used as a source of energy field formation, which can be clarified using instruments. Similar pillars were created to form vertical energy field flows. The pillars were an integral part of a complex of other religious buildings. Legends say that by being near these stones, people get rid of many diseases. The location of these pillars is associated with a system of underground passages. The Pillars of Hercules, similar to the menhir from Brittany, were located on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. One pillar was on the northern shore of the strait, southwest of the city of Algesiris, and the second was on the southern shore, west of the city of Bensu. They were part of a whole complex of other structures that monitored the state of the strait and navigation. Over the millennia, much has been destroyed. The pillars are no longer there, but powerful invisible energy continues to be present in their places. It can be fixed with instruments. There should also be remains of the Pillars of Hercules in the ground. Legends and research give reason to believe that Hercules participated in the installation of the Pillars of Hercules on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, west of the Algerian city of Tenes. At the site of these pillars there are also strong energy field formations (flows). It is not difficult for modern technology to establish their former location.

In ancient times, the pillars of Hercules were in many parts of the globe and had various designs. For example, such pillars were located on both sides of the Bosphorus Strait in the northern part of the existing city of Istanbul (formerly Byzantine, Constantinople), in the Caucasus, the Urals, Greenland, etc. In the Bosphorus Strait, the Pillars of Hercules were also an integral part of the complex of structures. This complex also included giant hollow stones of a floating dam, which could float (move out) from the coastal channel across the current, blocking the strait, and, if necessary, settle to its bottom. Having pumped out water from the insides of the floating dam, it floated up and retracted inside the shore (see figure below). Isn’t this the convergence of the rocky shores of the strait spoken of in the legend about the voyage of the Argonauts Jason to Colchis for the Golden Fleece? The simple and wise solutions of the ancients could be used in our time. I hope that with such a decision there would be no disputes with the construction of a dam at the mouth of the Neva River and other places.

Jason sailed past these Symplegades with the Argonauts to Colchis
Designations: 1 - floating hollow rocks of the Symplegadas (kianei, plankts); 2 - Pillars of Hercules.

More than four thousand years ago, Greenland was free of ice, and in its interior there was a sea, the entrance to which from the Arctic Ocean was also blocked by a floating dam in the eastern part of Wolf Land (in the southern part of the Victoria Fjord). There were also the Pillars of Hercules. As for the territory of the European part of our country, the map of Anthony Wood, published in 1555, clearly shows two giant stone pillars north of the Black Sea (Ukraine). The purpose of these pillars is similar to the Iron Pillar in India.

According to ancient legends, the secret of magic and healing power against many diseases are hidden in giant stones (menhirs). These stones were brought to the shores of Europe by giants from the distant reaches of Africa (Morocco, Guinea...), where they were created by dedicated priests. At that time, centers for creating mysterious giants from stone were also in Greenland, the Northern Black Sea region, near the bend of the Volga, in the Southern Urals, etc.

The Pillars of Hercules are special devices for forming a kind of “cosmic communication” point, although less labor-intensive to manufacture than pagodas and temples. They were created on the basis of engineering knowledge to transform the weak energy flows of the Earth's rocks and atmosphere for religious purposes.

The conclusion is clear that the Pillars of Hercules have nothing to do with the rocky heights of the mountains above the Strait of Gibraltar. A more detailed study of the mysterious menhirs in Brittany and other places is yet to come.

36°00′ N. w. 5°21′W d. /  36.000° N. w. 5.350° W. d. / 36.000; -5.350 Coordinates :


Some Roman sources claim that when Hercules got in the way Atlas Mountains, he did not climb them, but cut his way through, thus creating the Strait of Gibraltar and connecting Mediterranean Sea With Atlantic Ocean. Two mountains formed along the banks of the strait began to be called after the hero. Diodorus Siculus on the contrary, he argued that Hercules did not break through the isthmus, but, on the contrary, narrowed the already existing channel so that monsters from the ocean could not get into the Mediterranean Sea.

Pillars like columns

According to Plato, two statues on high columns were installed on the Rock of Gibraltar and the Rock of Abila, representing a kind of gateway from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic. In 711, an Arab commander Tariq ibn Ziyad, who at the head of a large army swam across the Strait of Gibraltar, ordered the statues along with the columns to be destroyed “for the glory of Allah.” It is stated that dollar icon($) is a stylized image of the Pillars of Hercules entwined with a mythical serpent Python.

Mention among the Phoenicians

Across the Strait of Gibraltar, the Phoenicians founded several large colonies in the territory of modern Morocco. This is how trading cities arose Lixus , Shella And Mogador.

Ancient historian Strabo describes the most western Tyrian temple Melkarta, located near the modern Cadiz , calling him temple Hercules Tirsky. Phoenicians called Gibraltar the pillars of Melqart, which is where its Greek name probably comes from. Strabo notes that people who visited this temple claimed that the two bronze columns in the temple were the real columns of Hercules. However, according to the historian, this was a hoax.

Mentions in cultural works



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Excerpt characterizing the Pillars of Hercules

– Father, I’m so scared!.. He’s taking Anna away! And I don’t know if I can save her... Help me, father! At least give me some advice...
There was nothing in the world that I would not agree to give to Karaffa for Anna. I agreed to everything... except for one thing - to give him immortality. And this, unfortunately, was exactly the only thing that the Holy Pope wanted.
– I’m so afraid for her, father!.. I saw a girl here - she was dying. I helped her leave... Is Anna really going to get a similar test?! Are we really not strong enough to save her?..
“Don’t let fear into your heart, daughter, no matter how much it hurts you.” Don't you remember what Girolamo taught his daughter?.. Fear creates the possibility of bringing into reality what you are afraid of. He opens the doors. Don't let fear weaken you before you even begin to fight, dear. Don't let Karaffa win without even starting to fight back.
- What should I do, father? I didn't find his weakness. I didn’t find what he was afraid of... And I no longer had time. What should I do, tell me?..
I understood that our short lives with Anna were approaching their sad end... But Caraffa still lived, and I still didn’t know where to start to destroy him...
- Go to Meteora, daughter. Only they can help you. Go there, my heart.
My father’s voice sounded very sad, apparently just like me, he did not believe that Meteora would help us.
“But they refused me, father, you know.” They believe too much in their old “truth”, which they once instilled in themselves. They won't help us.
- Listen to me, daughter... Go back there. I know you don't believe... But they are the only ones who can still help you. You have no one else to turn to. Now I have to leave... I'm sorry, dear. But I will return to you very soon. I won't leave you, Isidora.
The father’s essence began to “ripple” and melt as usual, and after a moment completely disappeared. And I, still looking in confusion at where his transparent body had just shone, realized that I didn’t know where to start... Caraffa declared too confidently that Anna would very soon be in his criminal hands, so I had no time to fight there was almost none left.
Getting up and shaking myself from my heavy thoughts, I decided to follow my father’s advice and go to Meteora again. It couldn't have been worse anyway. Therefore, having tuned in to the North, I went...
This time there were no mountains or beautiful flowers... I was greeted only by a spacious, very long stone hall, at the far end of which something incredibly bright and attractive sparkled with green light, like a dazzling emerald star. The air around her shone and pulsated, splashing out long tongues of burning green “flame”, which, flaring up, illuminated the huge hall right up to the ceiling. North stood next to this unprecedented beauty, thinking about something sad.
- Hello to you, Isidora. “I’m glad you came,” he said affectionately, turning around.
- And hello to you, Sever. “I came for a short time,” I answered, trying my best not to relax and not succumb to Meteora’s charm. - Tell me, Sever, how could you let Anna go from here? You knew what she was doing! How could you let her go?! I hoped Meteora would be her protection, but she betrayed her so easily... Please explain, if you can...
He looked at me with his sad, wise eyes, without saying a word. As if everything had already been said, and nothing could be changed... Then, shaking his head negatively, he said softly:
– Meteora did not betray Anna, Isidora. Anna herself decided to leave. She is no longer a child, she thinks and decides in her own way, and we have no right to keep her here by force. Even if you don’t agree with her decision. She was informed that Caraffa would torture you if she did not agree to return there. That's why Anna decided to leave. Our rules are very strict and unchanging, Isidora. Once we transgress them once, the next time there will be a reason why life here will quickly begin to change. This is unacceptable; we are not free to deviate from our path.
– You know, North, I think THIS is exactly your main mistake... You have blindly locked yourself into your infallible laws, which, if you look closely at them, will turn out to be completely empty and, to some extent, even naive. You are dealing here with amazing people, each of whom is already a wealth in itself. And they, so unusually bright and strong, cannot be tailored to fit one law! They simply will not obey him. You need to be more flexible and understanding, North. Sometimes life becomes too unpredictable, just as circumstances are unpredictable. And you cannot judge equally what is common and what no longer fits into your long-established, outdated “framework.” Do you really believe that your laws are correct? Tell me honestly, North!..

18 kilometers from the Moroccan city of Tangier on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea at the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar, the famous Pillars of Hercules are located. These are the mountains of Jebel Musa and Abila. The other border of the strait is on the northern side - this is the Rock of Gibraltar, which belongs to Great Britain. According to the ancient Greek myth, it was here that Hercules drove the cows stolen from the giant Geryon, and broke a passage for them in the rock, which became the Strait of Gibraltar. In ancient times, sailors considered the Pillars of Hercules to be the end of the world, so the expression “to reach the Pillars of Hercules” is now used to mean “to the extreme point.” Plato argued that it was behind them that the mysterious Atlantis was located. In the pillars there are caves preserved from Neolithic times, where archaeologists have found many interesting exhibits from this era. In the Middle Ages, wealthy Europeans used these caves for joyful picnics. Nowadays there are always a lot of merchants here from whom you can buy wonderful souvenirs.

Melkarta (Phoenician), the ancient name of the Strait of Gibraltar. In Greek mythology, pillars placed by Hercules at the edge of the world in memory of his wanderings. At different times they were identified with the rocks on the opposite shores of the Straits of Gibraltar or the Straits of Messenia. In a figurative sense - the edge of the world, the limit of the world; “to reach the Pillars of Hercules” - to reach the limit.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .


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    - (Latin), Pillars of Hercules (Greek), Pillars of Melkart (Phoenician), the ancient name of the Strait of Gibraltar. In Greek mythology, pillars placed by Hercules (see HERCULES) at the edge of the world in memory of his wanderings. At different times identified... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    - (Latin), Pillars of Hercules (Greek), Pillars of Melkart (Phoenician) the ancient name of the Strait of Gibraltar. pillars placed by Hercules at the edge of the world in memory of his wanderings. (Source: “Myths of Ancient Greece. Dictionary reference book.” EdwART, 2009.) ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

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