Animal world of Singapore. Geography of Singapore. Useful information for tourists

Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia, consisting of the main island, Pulau Ubin, Pulau Tekong, Sentosa and more than 60 tiny islands. The island of Singapore is separated from the Malacca Peninsula by the narrow Strait of Johor (about 1 km wide), in the northern part it is connected to Malaysia by a causeway along which a highway runs. In the south it is separated from Indonesia by the Singapore Strait, which connects Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. total area countries 692.7 sq. km.

The urban area makes up almost 50% of its territory, while parklands, reserves, plantations and open military zones occupy 40%. The distance from west to east on Singapore Island is 42 km, and from north to south - 23 km. Although there are built-up, high-density areas on all islands, the main urban area is located in the south, on the banks of the Singapore River. The central business district is located in the southern part of the delta. Chinatown joins the Central Business District from the south. North of the Singapore River is a colonial district that contains many reminders of British rule. Further north are Little India and Arab Street. Sadovaya street(Orchard Street) runs northwest of the colonial district.

To the west of the island is Jurong, an industrial area with many interesting tourist attractions. In the east are some of the oldest residential areas, big beach with a park and international Airport. The northeast has the most residential developments, while the north central part of the island has the most undeveloped land and remnants of rainforest. A 1 km causeway road connects Singapore to Johor Bahru in Malaysia; In the west of the island, another causeway was built to facilitate communication between the countries. The relief of the island is flat with low hills (the highest point of the country is “mountain” Bukit Timan, 166 m). In the northeastern part of the island large areas The wet evergreen forests and swamps were drained and given over to agricultural areas (arable land occupies only 1.64% of the island's area), water reservoirs and urban development. The northern and northwestern regions remain the last untouched islands of equatorial vegetation, but most of they have been cultivated and used as a garden and park area. New lands are being intensively developed for industrial facilities and urban areas, but at the same time most of the land is being reclaimed from the sea - extended dams are being built, soil is being filled and the island is being expanded through the construction of floating structures.

The remaining islands of the country rise above the sea to a height of no more than 100 m and are occupied mainly by pockets of equatorial forest, wastelands and rocky massifs heavily destroyed by erosion.

Despite the small size of the country, great attention is paid to nature conservation here. For the most part, urban parks and botanical gardens are involved in preserving the natural environment. But characteristic feature The country can also be considered to be the fact that almost all the inhabitants of the island are occupied with the protection of the few remaining untouched islands of wildlife.

Bukit Timan Nature Reserve is the largest area of ​​untouched tropical forest, remaining from a huge green area that once covered almost the entire island. The park has more than 800 varieties of native plants, including giant trees, ferns and flowering plants. It is also home to a large population of long-tailed macaques, lemurs, reticulated pythons, drongos and white-bellied sea eagle.

Sungei Buloh Nature Park lies on wetlands and is a wintering ground for migratory birds from all over the eastern part of the Asian continent.

The Republic of Singapore is an autonomous state, which is a developed metropolis. It occupies islands concentrated in the Malacca Peninsula. The country's closest neighbors are Malaysia and Indonesia. The lands of the state are spread across the archipelago. It includes fifty tiny land areas.

general information

Sentosa is the largest island. The area of ​​Singapore exceeds 580 square kilometers. Its maximum length is 42 km. Approximately half of the land belongs to parks, squares and forests. The landscape of Sentosa is flat, elevation changes are minimal. There are coral reefs at the southwestern tip of the island.

List of major islands of Singapore:

  • Ubin.
  • Scold.
  • Semakau.
  • Tekong Besar.
  • Sudong.
  • Sentosa.
  • Singapore.

The official languages ​​are Indian, Chinese and Malay. The latter was given state status. Almost all residents of the archipelago speak English.

Administrative division

The state of Singapore is divided into five equal districts. Each region is headed by an elected mayor. Its activities are supervised by the Community Development Council. List of administrative districts of the country:

  • Southwestern.
  • Southeastern.
  • Northwestern.
  • Northeastern.
  • Central.

The area of ​​the South-Western District exceeds 210 square kilometers. The population of Singapore in this part of the state is 1,270,200 people. The density exceeds 6,000 inhabitants per km². The territory of the South-Eastern District is 103 km². The number of permanent residents is 952,280, population density is 9,237 per km².

The lands of the Northwestern District extend over 107 km². Singapore's population in the north of the country exceeds 764,920 people. Density - 7,128 per km². IN North-Eastern district 1,007,216 islanders live. Its territory exceeds 151 km², the population density is 6,665 people per km². Central district occupies a site with an area of ​​142 km². It has a registered population of 1,189,000 and a density of 8,332 per km².

All of the listed districts are also divided into electoral communities, which are local municipalities. They are made up of districts.


In addition to districts, Singapore is divided into regions. Their boundaries are conditional. Descriptions of regions are used in the preparation of tourist and geographical directories, economic reports and statistical forecasts. The population of Singapore also uses this land grading system. List of regions of the country:

  • Central.
  • Oriental.
  • Northern.
  • Northeastern.
  • West.

The total number of districts is 55. A similar system of dividing the country's territory was put into operation in 2000. Today it is used everywhere. It was compiled during the national census of Singapore. IN Central region there are 22 municipalities. The largest is Bukit Merah. Its area exceeds 131 km². Population - 929,082 people.

There are 12 communities concentrated in the Western District, the largest of which is Jurong West. The area of ​​the province is 255 km². Singapore's population in the west exceeds 893,000 inhabitants. There are seven municipalities in Northeast. The leading district is Hougang. Its territory covers 138 km², the number of islanders is 747,000. The eastern region is divided into six quarters. The main region is Bedok. Its area is 110 km². The population of Singapore in the east has almost reached 700,000 people.

The northern region of the country is divided into eight communities, the main one being Woodlands. The area of ​​the province exceeds 135 km², the population is 504,000. The largest is the Western region. It includes a massive landmass and many small islands.

Ethnic composition

On the territory of countries South-East Asia republic is smallest state. At the same time, Singapore's population density is considered one of the highest. The first census of the inhabitants of the islands was carried out in 1824. According to the information received, about ten thousand people lived in the country at that time. In 2003, this figure exceeded 4,600,000. In 2012, 5,310,000 residents were registered in the state.

Migration flows play a leading role throughout the history of the islands. Since ancient times, the city has attracted traders and sailors. The majority of Singapore's population comes from Asia. They are all city dwellers; there are no peasants or farmers in Singapore. Europeans and representatives of other continental ethnic groups are in the minority on the archipelago.

Almost 80% are Chinese, 12% Malay, 7% Indian, 1% European and African. The demographic burden on the working-age population is minimal. The number of people of retirement age in the country is 7%. The group of people aged 15 to 64 years exceeds 75%. The share of Singapore's youth population has reached 17%.

Chinese diaspora

The first guests from the Middle Kingdom to arrive on the islands of the republic were residents of its eastern province. They spoke a special dialect. It was used in Fujian. Today, 42% of all immigrants from China are represented by residents of this eastern province. The remaining ethnic groups speak various dialects of Chaozhou. Their number does not exceed 23%. Visitors from Guangdong account for 9%, descendants of residents of Hainan Island make up no more than 6%.

Malay diaspora

The current inhabitants of Singapore of Malay origin are considered to be the heirs of fugitives who arrived from the Malacca Sultanate and Johor. They also migrated from the colonies of East India. A large number of the population of the city of Singapore sailed from Riau, from the islands of Sulawesi, Java, and Sumatra. Some ethnographers consider the descendants of merchants from Arab countries.

Indian diaspora

In the state, Indians are understood as a whole community of people who belong to different nationalities. These are Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans. The majority of Indians in Singapore are Tamils, descendants of migrants who left Sri Lanka. Malayalees, Punjabis, Telugus and Bengalis are in the minority.


As of January 2018, Singapore's population was 5,892,211. The number of men is 2,970,256, which is more than 50%. There are slightly fewer females. There are 2,921,956 of them. In the first weeks of 2018, 1,463 children were born on the islands. Approximately 115 babies are born per day. 715 residents of the country died. 56 people die per day. 2,347 foreigners received migration cards. Every day the state receives 180 displaced people.

Behind last year The population of the republic increased by 113,491 people. The annual increase was almost two percent. Natural profit is considered positive. The mortality rate is lower than the birth rate. According to experts, in 2018 the population growth rate will exceed 300 people per day. Singapore's age pyramid belongs to the regressive type. High level population life in Singapore explains the gradual aging of the inhabitants of the archipelago.

The country's dependency ratio exceeds 29%. This figure is considered low. The potential replacement rate tends to 18%. The pension burden is estimated at 12%. Demographers expect that the average life expectancy in the republic in 2018 will exceed 82 years. At the same time, employment in Singapore has almost reached one hundred percent.

Able-bodied youth do not work. Persons over fifteen but under twenty-five years of age are enrolled in colleges and universities. After completing their student years, almost all young specialists take on work obligations. Currently, the average life expectancy for women is 85 years. Men die at 80. Literacy has almost reached 97%. Every person over fifteen years of age speaks one language in which he can write and read.

National characteristics

Striving for order - distinguishing feature residents of Singapore. Smoking tobacco in public places is strictly prohibited. The amount of the fine, converted into our usual currency, is 60,000 rubles. There are special places for smokers located near shopping and business centers. You will also have to fork out for crossing the roadway in the wrong place and for garbage left on the street. City guests are encouraged to use trash cans.

Chewing gum is banned in Singapore. For its use on the territory of the state there is a fine of 18,000 rubles. Main National holiday- Independence Day. It is celebrated in the first half of August. Singapore is recognized as a multi-religious state. Representatives of different concessions coexist on its territory. Freedom of religion is enshrined at the constitutional level.


Buddhists make up 42%, Muslims - 15%, Christians - 10%. The share of adherents of Taoism is above 8%. The number of Catholics is approaching 5%. There are 4% of people who identify themselves as Hindus. At the same time, in Singapore the church is not separated from public life. Each citizen of the republic pays a small tax, which goes towards the development of religious institutions.

Almost all Chinese living in Singapore practice Buddhism. Indians and Malays associate themselves with Islam. Most often they adhere to the Sunni direction. The largest Muslim house of worship on the islands is the Sultan Hussein Mosque.

Its mosaic minarets stand at the intersection of North Bridge Road and Arab Street. Jews attend the synagogues of Maghain Abot or Chesed El. Christians in Singapore are Europeans or descendants of mixed marriages. There is even an Armenian church in the country. It was erected at the beginning XIX century. Its building is under state protection.

Welfare of the population

Today, Singapore's GDP per capita exceeds that of most countries in Southeast Asia. This is one of the most dynamically developing states. The average annual income of an ordinary citizen in 2000 before the transfer of funds to pension and social funds was 42,000 US dollars (≈2,500,000 rubles). If analysts’ forecasts come true, the residents of the republic will become the wealthiest in the world in 2020. Their income will be 155,000 dollars (≈8,700,000 rubles).

Today there are more than 380 millionaires in the country. Plus about 1,500 people are very close to this level. Five Singaporeans have been named billionaires. The average pension in the country exceeds 15,000 rubles. The minimum age for going on vacation for men is 65 years, and for women - 60. As such, there is no minimum wage in the state. There are no maximum payout limits. The President of Singapore earns five times more per year than the head of the United States of America.

The average islander is five times richer than the average citizen Russian Federation. The difference between the wages of a surgeon and a waiter on the archipelago is ten times. The cost of living in the republic is one of the highest in the world.

The country has an extremely high level of provision medical care. Every year, about 400 thousand tourists visit Singapore (including 9.8 thousand from Russia), who indicated medical care as the main reason for visiting the country. Undoubtedly, factors such as convenience, safety, cleanliness of the environment, combined with global health standards and high quality services are helping to position Singapore as a leading medical tourism destination.

Singapore has long attracted foreigners, among whom there were often both ordinary sailors and powerful rulers. Everyone brought with them a piece of their culture, which amazingly complemented this country and became part of it. Therefore, Singapore is an incredibly harmonious interweaving of different cultures and peoples. This country has something to surprise and delight tourists!

Singapore on the world map

A small, outlandish state has settled down. Singapore does not control cities, but islands. The entire territory of the country consists of 63 small islands, the main one among which is the island of the same name. This country is connected to the mainland by artificial canals. There are only two of them. This is northern Singapore-Johor and western Tuas-Tanjung Kulang.

Thanks to them, the country has connectivity through its Sultanate of Johor, which is its closest neighbor. Among all the islands belonging to Singapore, the three largest can be distinguished: Jurong, Pulau Tekong and Sentosa.

The topography of Singapore is predominantly flat, with flat sandy areas predominating. The state is located at an altitude of about 15 meters above sea level. The northwestern part of its territories is covered with small hills and valleys. It is there that the highest hill in Singapore, Bukit Timah, is located, the height of which is about 165 meters. The lowest point in the country is the Singapore Strait, which is at sea level.

One of Singapore's borders is the coastline of the South China Sea. Due to its island origin, the state of Singapore has always been one of the main ports in Asia. On all sides it is washed by the waters of the sea straits: Malacca, Johor, and Singapore. In Singapore, there are picturesque lagoons, bays and calm harbors at almost every turn. As for rivers, there are several of them in Singapore. But to provide for the population fresh water Dozens of concrete canals were built, which represent a large-scale network of artificial rivers. The most famous rivers are Singapore and Kallang. There are no natural lakes in the country, but there are artificial reservoirs.

The urbanization of Singapore's island territories has led to people having more modern homes and businesses, and nature has lost its former power. Tropical forests have completely disappeared from the face of the Singapore Islands, and some species of animals and plants have also been lost. Therefore, now about 5 percent of the state’s territory is reserved for protected areas, which are especially popular among travelers.

Many small islands are connected together thanks to artificial sand alluvium, so that soon the number of islands in Singapore will decrease slightly.

Singapore combines a trio of oriental cultures, which have turned it into the most unusual place on the ground. For Slavic peoples, Singapore is an unfamiliar and distant state, so trips here among such tourists are quite rare. This is a really serious omission! and America have long discovered this fabulous country and are enjoying the delights of oriental culture.

Singapore flag and its meaning

The rectangular red and white flag of Singapore houses a shining moon and five white stars in its upper left corner. The red and white horizontal stripes are identical in size and proportions, and the stars form a small mosaic in the shape of a large star. Each of these colors and symbols appeared here for a reason:

— the red stripe is a symbol of equality and wealth of the people;

- white stripe - the personification of virtue and purity;

- month - means the growth and youth of the nation;

- stars - symbolize national ideals (equality of peoples, progress, peace, democracy and justice).

According to other sources, the month on the flag is dedicated to representatives of Malaysian culture in the country.

Climate in Singapore

Since the country is located almost on the equator, Singaporeans are not familiar with the differences in weather between seasons. Throughout the year, only the amount of precipitation varies here. The humidity here is very high due to its proximity to the sea. About 2500 mm of precipitation falls annually. And the temperature can vary from 25 to 33 degrees. The hottest months are April and May, due to calm weather at this time of year.

The rainy season in Singapore can be quite long. It is usually observed twice a year: June-September and December-March. The best time to travel to Singapore is considered to be the period from November to January, the so-called cool period, when you can enjoy the gentle rays of the sun.

Details about the country, climate, transport, currency, holidays, etc.

Singapore is amazing Island state, balancing on the brink between nature and man. On the one side, great amount gardens and parks, on the other hand, more than half of the entire territory of the country is built up with ultra-modern skyscrapers. On the one hand, white beaches under palm trees, a traditional tropical paradise, on the other hand, a modern tourist infrastructure that will be the envy of many other countries in the region.

Some people will like business districts, chic malls and entertainment centers here, while others will be attracted by ethnic neighborhoods, museums and excursions. The small territory of the country contains enough natural and historical attractions to keep the most discerning guests busy during their vacation. Add to this the widespread order and cleanliness, impeccable politeness of the staff and high-class service in hotels and restaurants, and you will understand why this city is so famous.

Geographical location of the country and climate

Singapore is a country located on islands (the largest is the one of the same name, and about 50 small ones). Neighboring countries- Malaysia and Indonesia. The size of Singapore is small: only 42 km in length (from east to west) and 23 km in width (from north to south), while almost half of the territory is occupied by residential and industrial complexes. The relief is monotonous, flat, no higher than 180 meters above sea level; coastal lands are swampy. Singapore has a tropical monsoon climate and therefore has high monthly rainfall. From November to January there are the heaviest showers, and in May there are most thunderstorms - up to 20 per month!

Fluctuations in the average daily temperature differ slightly in winter and summer: in December it is + 25, in May - +28. Day and night temperatures differ much more: at night it is about 20-23 degrees Celsius, during the day - up to 30-33 degrees.

Government structure and population

Singapore is a parliamentary republic. The city-state is headed by a president (re-elected every 6 years); legislative power is in the hands of parliament, executive power is in the hands of the government and the prime minister. In total, about 2.8 million people live in Singapore: 74% of them are Chinese, 14% are Malays, 7% are Indians, and there are also Europeans and Arabs. The official languages ​​are English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. Most of the country's residents are bilingual and speak not only their native language, but also English.


Singapore has the largest number of Buddhists, Confucianists and Muslims, and there are also Christians (mostly Catholics).

Cities and resorts

Singapore. The city itself is considered an example of the most skillful urban planning, an architectural monument built according to a thoughtful and beautiful plan. Here, modern buildings coexist with ethnic areas (for example, Chinatown or Little India) and extensive parks - they occupy about 40 percent of the island. For entertainment, we recommend a visit to the local zoo, a cruise on the Singapore River or a trip on the Orient Express. This train runs once every three months between Singapore and Bangkok - the route length is about 1200 km, the duration is three days; Excursions are provided for passengers at each stop. Interior decoration made from elite varieties of wood, silk and bronze, excellent cuisine and high-class service, coupes reminiscent hotel rooms(with air conditioning, shower and toilet) - all this makes the trip as comfortable as possible and memorable for a long time.

Sentosa, or "Island of Calm". Sentosa is located south of Singapore, you can get there by bridge or ferry, and also, most interestingly, by cable car cable car. The first thing worth visiting here is the Sky Tower, an observation deck at an altitude of 135 meters, which offers a magnificent view of the island and the surrounding area. Next, you can choose an excursion to suit every taste:

  • bicycle and walking among tropical greenery (by the way, car traffic is prohibited on Sentosa, but there are about 50 km of bicycle and pedestrian paths);
  • visiting the aquarium" Undersea world", which is an underwater tunnel with glass walls more than 80 meters long;
  • viewing museum exhibitions (there are Maritime Museum, Museum of Rare Stones and Museum of Terracotta Warriors);
  • visit to the Asian Village (this is a reconstruction of the homes of different Asian nationalities, next to which there are souvenir shops and cafes, and a cultural show is held for guests of the village);
  • inspection of Fort Silizo;
  • visiting a variety of gardens and parks (there is an Insect and Butterfly Park, a Spice Park, a Flower Terrace, and a Fountain Garden).

Sentosa is also famous for its beaches from white sand. If you want to soak up the sun, swim in the gentle sea or do aquatic species sports - luxury hotels, hotels of various levels and campsites are at your service.

Pulau Ubin. Gourmets come to this island: the main attraction here is the colorful restaurants with seafood cuisine in the kelong fishing villages.

Semak. The only “garbage” island of its kind - on the surface there is tropical vegetation, animals and birds, and at the base - 63 million cubic meters of garbage! The waste is placed in special cells, covered with a plastic membrane on top and covered with a layer of fertile soil. It is believed that this is an example of one of the most environmentally friendly and interesting methods of waste disposal on Earth.

Southern Islands. Supporters of “wild” outdoor recreation and adepts of active recreation come here. During the monsoon season, the islands have good conditions for windsurfing and yachting.

Entertainment, attractions and excursions

Beach holiday. The main resorts for sea and sun lovers are the islands of Sentosa and Bintan. In addition to white sand beaches and warm clear waters, gardens and jungles, sports fields and golf courses, spa treatments and massage salons await you here.

Shopping. Best time in order to come to Singapore for shopping - the period from May to July. At this time there is a "Great Singapore Sale", a sale in all shopping centers, during which discounts reach 80 percent! Among the brands participating in the sale are Gucci, Chanel, Apple, and Sony.

The most popular products are textiles, electronics and electrical appliances, cosmetics, perfumes and... orchids (it’s not for nothing that Singapore is sometimes called the “paradise of golden orchids.”

Excursion holidays. The main attractions of interest to tourists are concentrated in Singapore itself and on Sentosa Island: parks, museums, observation decks and walking routes.


The currency in Singapore is the Singapore dollar (equal to 100 cents). Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere.

It is also sometimes possible to pay in euros or American dollars, but the exchange rate for the buyer will be unfavorable. You can exchange money at the airport, in banks, hotels, supermarkets and exchange offices who have a license to do so.

Tipping is not customary in Singapore, especially in hotels and at the airport. In cafes and restaurants, a 10% service charge is sometimes included in the bill.

Office hours:

  • banks are open: Monday-Friday (10:00 - 15:00) and Saturday (9:30 - 11:30);
  • shops are open: Monday-Friday (10:00 - 21:00), on weekends - until 22:00.

Power supply: 220V, 50Hz.

Emergency call:

  • ambulance, fire department - 995;
  • police - 999.

Other useful phones:

  • information for tourists - 330-04-31, 330-04-32;
  • taxi - 250-07-00.

Precautionary measures

In light of the nationwide love of Singaporeans for order, the state imposes high fines for its violators:

  • for smoking in public places - $1000;
  • for crossing the road in the wrong place - $500;
  • for spitting on the sidewalk or throwing garbage past a trash can - $500;
  • for the import and use of chewing gum - $300;
  • for food and drink in unspecified places - $300;
  • for traveling in a car without wearing a seat belt - $120.

Features of mentality

Singaporeans are polite and very pedantic in maintaining order. To avoid offending someone, always stick to the line (whether you are buying a souvenir or waiting for a taxi); and don't litter on the streets - local residents trying to keep the city in a state of perfect cleanliness.

Visa and customs regulations

If you are traveling to Singapore for up to 36 hours, you do not need a visa. For a longer stay, a visa is issued, for this you need:

  • international passport (valid for at least 6 months after the end of the trip);
  • two photographs (size 3 by 4 cm);
  • A completed application form;
  • original tickets (fixed date).

The cost of a visa is about $35 plus a consular fee ($15), the processing time is 3-7 days. With a tourist visa you cannot enter the country for longer than 2 weeks.

Currency is imported and exported duty free. You can also import duty-free:

  • chocolate and other confectionery (up to S$50);
  • 1 liter of alcohol of different strengths;
  • 200 cigarettes;
  • personal electronics (cameras, video cameras, radios).

It is prohibited to import: firecrackers, toys in the form of banknotes and coins, lighters in the form of weapons, meat and meat products, pornography. If you are importing chewing gum or chewing tobacco, you must notify customs personnel about this. For importing drugs - the death penalty.


Singapore's transport infrastructure is well developed, and traffic is organized in such a way that there are almost no traffic jams. To travel around the country you can use: the metro (opening hours - from 6:00 to 0:00), a system of elevated high speed trains(with a traffic interval of 3-10 minutes), by bus or trolleybus. Local taxis are quite cheap and are one of the most convenient ways movement. The cars are air conditioned and most drivers speak English.

To rent a car, you must have a valid license, at least a year of driving experience, be at least 21 years old, and present a passport. This pleasure is expensive: from 200 dollars per day for a car.

Singaporean cuisine

For gourmets, special tasting routes are organized around the city. There really is something to try here, because Singaporean cuisine is a mixture of culinary traditions from all over the world. Among the numerous bars, restaurants and cafes, everyone will find an establishment to suit their taste, because they offer such a wide “palette” of dishes that your eyes will run wild. Indeed, in what other city can European, Japanese, Indian and Mexican cuisines coexist on the same street? Most popular dishes:

  • chili crabs (fried crabs with garlic, soy sauce, tomato paste and red pepper);
  • chicken with satay rice;
  • fried meh goreng noodles;
  • rojak salad.

Among the desserts, the most original is “ice kachang” - shaved ice sprinkled with various syrups. When it comes to drinks, Singaporeans prefer Chinese tea, gin and juice cocktails, and cognac.


  • New Year- 1st of January;
  • New Year's Eve Chinese style- January-February;
  • The end of the Muslim fast in the month of Ramadan - the date is determined by lunar calendar;
  • Labor Day - May 1;
  • Buddha Festival, Vesak - May 6, 9 (may vary depending on the position of the Moon);
  • day of pilgrimage to Mecca - the date is determined according to the lunar calendar;
  • National Day - August 9;
  • Diwapali Festival of Lights - November 13 (may vary depending on the position of the moon);
  • Christmas - December 25th.

Also in July there is a food festival with carnival processions and cooking classes for everyone.


Approximate cost of a hotel room in Singapore for 1 day (per person):

  • hotel 3*** - 160-240 dollars;
  • hotel 4**** - 240-350 dollars;
  • hotel 5***** - 300-800 dollars.

When to go

You can come to Singapore at any time of the year, but you should consider two things: firstly, the rainy season, which lasts from November to February, and secondly, if you are interested in shopping, it is better to come here from May to July

The Republic of Singapore is a city-state located on an island in Southeast Asia, separated from the southern tip of the Malacca Peninsula by the narrow Strait of Johor. It borders the Sultanate of Johor, part of Malaysia, and the Riau Islands, part of Indonesia. The name Singapore comes from the Malay singa (lion), borrowed from the Sanskrit siMha (lion), and the Sanskrit pura (city).

The area of ​​Singapore is 710.2 square meters. km. (2008), incl. water - 10 km2. Coastline: 193 km. The area is gradually increasing thanks to the reclamation program that has been in effect since the 60s. Territory includes main island Singapore and the 58 small islands that lie along its coast. The largest of them are Ubin, Tekong Besar, Brani, Sentosa, Semakau and Sudong. Highest point- Bukit Timah hill (163.3 m).

Singapore occupies a rather small island area of ​​six hundred and fifty square kilometers, as well as sixty-three small islands off the southern tip of the Malacca Peninsula, from which the island of Singapore is separated by the kilometer-long Strait of Johor. Such a small width of the strait made it possible to build a bridge between the two banks. The Straits of Malacca and Singapore separate the island from the state of Indonesia.

Once upon a time, the island of Singapore was a continuous massif of tropical forest. But, unfortunately, now not even half of this natural wealth has been preserved, only on the coast there are low-growing evergreen thickets of mangrove trees, and in the northern part of the island there are small areas of forest preserved, given over to parks for preservation. The highest point of the island is the Bukit Timah lowland with a maximum height of one hundred and sixty-two meters above sea level. The central part of the island is characterized by a predominance of plains covered with open forests, and the eastern part is characterized by low hills.

Singapore is a parliamentary republic. Executive branch belongs to the cabinet of ministers headed by the prime minister, the president has a more representative role, but in some cases he can veto critical decisions.

Singapore has been politically dominant since 1965 by the People's Action Party (PAP). Critics call Singapore a de facto one-party country and accuse the PAP of suppressing opposition. However, opposition parties such as the Workers' Party and the Singapore Democratic Alliance are represented in Parliament). Reporters Without Borders ranks Singapore 140th in its press freedom index out of 167 countries.

Despite this, the Singapore government has created an extremely efficient and transparent market economic system in the country. In addition, the government has a reputation for being honest and uncorrupt, with various researchers consistently ranking Singapore among the top ten least corrupt countries in the world and the most highest place on the absence of corruption in Asia (see Transparency International).

Singapore Statistics
(as of 2012)

Singapore is a member of such international organizations as the Commonwealth of Nations, the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Diplomatic relations with Russia (USSR) were concluded in 1968.

Singapore Island

The main island of the state, Singapore, makes up most of its territory. The island is home to most of the state's population. Located 137 km from the equator. It is separated from the Malacca Peninsula by the Strait of Johor, just over 1 km wide. In the south it is separated from Indonesia by the Singapore Strait, which connects the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. The length of the island is 42 km, width 23 km. Area 617.1 km2. Singapore is a flat island. Its highest point is Bukit Timah Hill (164 m), located among the surviving tropical forests State of Singapore. The following rivers flow through the island: Singapore, whose length is 3 km, Shangei Seletar, flows to the north, its length is 15 km. There is also the Kalang River. In the south of the island is the city of Singapore. 15 km to the west of it there is a large industrial center - the urban village of Jurong.

Singapore is connected by two bridges to the Malacca Peninsula. It goes through them Railway and road transport is moving. In addition, there is Changi International Airport, as well as ferry services to the neighboring Indonesian islands of Batam and Bintan.

Singapore climate

Singapore has a tropical monsoon climate. The annual temperature variation is smooth, without clearly defined maximums and minimums. Average monthly temperature air fluctuates from +25.7 in December to +27.5 in May. At the same time, during the daytime the air warms up to +30:32, and at night it cools down to +20.

There is no dry season in Singapore. The amount of precipitation in any month exceeds 140 mm, and the most intense rainfall occurs from November to January. About 2500 mm of precipitation falls annually. Their maximum number (about 300 mm) occurs in December, the minimum (140 mm) in June. Showers come unexpectedly, but also end quickly. Thunderstorms are frequent, with the largest number occurring in May and averaging 19 days per month. Singapore's climate is characterized by high humidity. In the morning, its value is about 90%, and by the middle of the day it decreases to 70-75%.

The city is located almost on the equator, so temperature fluctuations in the climate are minimal. The average temperature in January is 1° lower than the average temperature in June (the coldest and hottest months, respectively). So the climatic conditions are stable throughout the year. That is, whenever you come to this country, the weather is always warm and humid. When the northeast monsoon arrives on the island for two months - from November to January - heavy rains can be expected. The average annual precipitation reaches one and a half thousand millimeters per year. One of the features of local heavy rains is that they begin abruptly and unexpectedly and end just as suddenly. And just as quickly the warm sun shines again, as if there had been no rain. The average daily air temperature reaches thirty degrees, dropping sharply to plus twenty-five. The humidity ratio is high, amounting to seventy-five percent. The heat of the day is very easily tolerated thanks to the constant breezes blowing from the sea - they bring long-awaited relief.

Flora and fauna

Singapore's natural vegetation is tropical rainforests, but most of them have been cleared and given over to Agriculture, water tanks and urban development. The northern and northwestern regions remain the last untouched islands of equatorial vegetation, but most of them have been cultivated and are used as garden and park areas. Pockets of forests also remain on the islands. The largest area of ​​untouched forest is the Bukit Timan Nature Reserve, which is home to more than 800 species of native plants, including giant trees, ferns and flowering plants. It is also home to a large population of long-tailed macaques, lemurs, reticulated pythons, drongos and white-bellied sea eagle. Sungei Buloh Nature Park, which lies on wetlands, is a wintering ground for migratory birds from all over the eastern part of the Asian continent.

Singapore Zoo, where animals are kept in natural conditions. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve - 70 hectares of pristine rainforest, Jurong Bird Park, an area of ​​20 hectares, home to many tropical birds. Tourist island of Sentosa with golf courses and other entertainment.

Singapore is one of the largest international centers breeding ornamental fish for export. The most important, dominant species in Singapore's ornamental fish exports is guppies (Poecilia reticulata), other important species are angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), mollies (Poecilia latipinna, P. sphenops), swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri), platies (X. maculatus), barbs, representatives of the characin family and gourami.

According to legend, the first to set foot here was a prince from Sumatra who saw a creature with a lion's head and a fish tail. The settlement he founded was called the “City of the Lion,” and a temple was erected to the mythical animal. Residents of Singapore, honoring traditions, call their city “The City of the Lion and the Temple.”

Population of Singapore

Singapore is the second most densely populated country in the world. The population of 4.987 million in 2009 (4.42 million in 2005) has a different distribution from neighboring Malaysia. The majority of the population is Chinese - 76.8%. Malays of various origins make up 13.9%. People from India make up 7.9%, the majority of whom are Tamils, with smaller numbers being Malayalees, Punjabis and Bengalis. Small groups include Arabs, Jews, Thais, Armenians, Japanese and mestizos (Euro-Asians).

Singapore is a multi-religious country. 40% of the population professes Buddhism. The majority of the Chinese population follows traditional beliefs that combine Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and ancient animism. Most Muslims are Malays, but other peoples also practice Islam. Christianity is adhered to by 14% of the population; Both Catholicism and other faiths are represented, in particular Orthodoxy. After serious national conflicts broke out in Singapore in the 1960s, the government began to carefully monitor national relations and proclaimed the principle of harmony, which was followed by the systems of education, housing, army and other social spheres. Since the 1970s, conflicts have virtually ceased. Islamic headscarves are currently prohibited in schools. In October 2005, an Internet user was sentenced to a month in prison for racist comments.

The national language for historical reasons is Malay, and the national anthem Majulah Singapura is sung in Malay. Official languages are English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. Since independence, the administration has actively used English. A large-scale "Speak Mandarin" campaign was carried out to unite all dialects Chinese language. Many advertisements, newspapers and publications are printed only in English and Chinese.

Historically, Chinese immigrants are divided into several groups and use several dialects so different that it is almost impossible to understand each other: these are Hokkien or Hok Kien, Yue or Cantonese, Hokchu, Chaoshan, Hakka and Hainanese.

Introduced through schools English language also acquired a street form - the so-called “Singlish” (English Singlish), to which you can also add the mixed Malay-English language “Manglish”. However, Singaporean literature and official institutions use standard English.

Singapore has a number of ethnic areas such as Little India and Chinatown. The districts emerged as a result of Raffles' plan to accommodate new immigrants through national ghettos. Now these areas have lost their former importance, but remain cultural centers where national goods are sold and national restaurants operate.

The government monitors compliance with the principle of tolerance, including freedom of religion. Singapore has several Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist temples, as well as mosques and Christian churches. Heterodox religious groups are also present.

The cosmopolitan nature of Singaporean culture has resulted in a diversity of arts, music and theatre. In 2003, the new Esplanade Theater (shaped like the local durian fruit) was built and opened in Singapore with a large number of seats, which hosts performances and performances.

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