The most beautiful spring landscapes are unusual.

Mother Nature is not afraid to move forward. The CNN website selected 15 of the most striking and attractive landscapes from all over the world. Some of them appeared quite naturally, while others were helped by humans.

The hydrothermal field, located northeast of the Erta Ale Range in one of the lowest and hottest areas of the Danakil Desert in Ethiopia, is a volcanic crater. And salty hot springs, such as yellow sulfur fields covered in white salt, dot the area around it.

Valley of Five Polish Ponds from Swallowtail Mountain

Filming at this summit is basically an endless mine of motifs from super wide panoramas, down to the smallest details. Triznievo Mountain and Yarrobcha Valley. The Blue Trail from the popular "five" to "Moka" is the best connection between the Ribi Potok valley and the Roztoka valley. It's worth taking the camera out of the case because we have one of the most beautiful views valley of five ponds in Poland. Particularly interesting is the moment when shining panels of 3 lakes emerge from behind the wall of Stavar, surrounded by low peaks. This topic is often photographed, but thanks to the variability of the Tatras' bizarre weather, you can photograph almost endlessly.

Pink Bubble Gum Hillier is a 2000 foot wide lake located on Middle Island in Western Australia. You can see this natural wonder by plane or take a tour from the nearby town of Esperance. The reasons for such a bright pink color of the reservoir are not completely known. One of them - high level salts and dye bacteria.

Ponds during summer weather. The valley behind Reverend Monk is visible with Miscavige Peak in the background. Meanwhile, where the yellow crocodile marking the Spirulian Peak reflects the red mark on the Chalubiński Gate, there is the most magnificent viewpoint of the Miguszowiec Peaks and their surroundings.

As beautiful as this, they look like no other place on the trail. The view of Lynx from the crossroads is one of the most beautiful in the Tatras. From a tourism point of view there is no doubt that this is the summit of Kozelec, which leads to a very pleasant trail, with another challenging rocky rapid below the summit. They call it the Polish Matterhorn, and that name is purely for my imagination. And it’s best to take a photo at Little Kozeltsa. This intimate and wildly attractive place is a motif of motifs, with one leading, damned strong accent - the Koyselek pyramid.

Caño Cristales River, Colombia

"Rainbow River" or "River of Five Colors", Caño in Colombia puts on quite a show every year between July and November. At this time, the algae turns blood red and gives the river an eerie but beautiful hue. And you can find this treasure in the Sierra de la Macarena National Park in the Meta department.

Valley of Five Ponds from the Spisska Peak trail

Winter evening in Little Koszcel. In the background are pigs, yellow turtles and walls controlled by Orla Perch. Pond of Wielkopolska from the road to Spisska Thing. Great Pond Poland - the deepest and second lake in all the Tatras, is a true decoration of the Spisska pass from the valley of five Polish ponds. The landscape viewed during the yellowing of the marked trail in Špiglas impressed me the first time this route was adopted many years ago. Huge tiles, like a stain of spilled paint, are surrounded by the majestic walls of Kozi Wierch and Buchynov Tuni.

The striped rocks of Danxia are located near Zhangye in the Chinese province of Gansu. The rich colors are the result of the interweaving sandstone and minerals that formed here millions of years ago.

The view is not only beautiful, but also moderately photographed, and depending on weather conditions there is still a lot of room to create good photos. On my first pass of this trail the look instantly impressed me. Raisi is a unique mountain for many reasons. The most remote peak of the Polish Tatras, the most high route, which can be found in all the Tatras, on the most high peak Poland, and its panorama is unsurpassed in all the Carpathians. Thanks to its excellent location, in sunny days, view 100 km.

From Rysów you can see all the important peaks of the Tatra Mountains on both the Polish and Slovak sides. Omnidirectional panorama offers virtually endless shooting possibilities, from wide frames to interesting details at focal lengths of 500mm and longer, such as the silhouettes of tourists at Koprovy Wierch.

The rice terraces in Yuanyang Province were created by the ancestors of the Han tribe more than 1,000 years ago to irrigate the red rice crop. In winter and spring, the plantations are flooded with water, which allows you to enjoy the play of sunlight, and in summer the terraces are covered with green shoots.

However, it should be noted that almost throughout the year this place is heavily besieged by crowds, and in winter it is also dangerous to wander, as evidenced by the number of accidents among less affluent tourists. Entrance route from the Polish side. Panorama from the Slovak peak to the top of the border.

Traditional summer view of Lynx Peak. Surrounded by the most high peaks in Poland, observing the sun only a few months a year, at best only a few hours a day. The water reaches the bottom 76 meters, here it has an unusual aquamarine color and contrasts beautifully with the dark walls. The wind blows a gentle path that, after hundreds of meters of approach, introduces the world of climbing into its most high point countries. It's right above the Black Pond near Lynx.

Largest hot spring Yellowstone is about 90 meters in diameter, and its depth reaches 50 meters. The bright blue water in the center of the pool is too hot (188 degrees Fahrenheit) to support life, but bacteria and algae thrive around the edges. Heat-loving bacteria produce orange, yellow and red pigments in the spring, so it is best to admire the reservoir during this period. You will be greeted by a sight of simply indescribable beauty.

Shooting here is challenging because of the huge amount of space that needs to be captured logically in the frame, and it's not easy. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people picnicking on the beach this season - on every possible rock and grass, which is even more difficult. But if we cope with these problems, the photographs should be delighted, because this wonderful place cannot do without delight. A black pond under the cracks and a visible mark on the Lynx.

Black pond under the figures and walls of the building. Anyone who has not been to Kazimierz Mišuszowiecke does not know the Tatra Mountains. The legendary wall of Polish mountaineering is famous for its beautiful panorama of Morskie Oko. Standing on top among the jagged rocks of this peak, and in practice Black Mask's side hand, the view covers an outstanding panorama. From here it is best to see the entire route up to the Lynx ridge and then the majestic Vysoka Pyramid - one of the most beautiful slopes of the Slovak Tatras. Samal Kazalnika, which is a relatively narrow ridge with steep grassy slopes that leads along the trail, is the only trail of this type in the High Tatras.

Rapeseed flowers cover Luping County with a golden blanket every spring. You can see all this splendor with your own eyes if you go to China in March.

Even for the Tatras, the exceptionally richly varied terrain is a paradise for photographers, who find interesting shooting conditions and a virtually endless source of subjects at any time of the day. The path leading to Kazalnika. There are many wonderful places on Percy's Eagle with original panorama, and good landscape photography can still be seen here as a medium. Probably the glory of this track is to scare away photographers who, for the hundredth time, prefer to attack the safe Kasprowi. There are three Garnets: Extreme, Intermediate and Stripes, and each of them offers a slightly different landscape, but one thing unites them: the panorama features an amazingly high mountain, full of horror and majesty.

Sunny and clear summers on the island of Hokkaido attract hikers and nature lovers. From spring to autumn, the ground in this place is covered with lavender, tulips and many other types of plants.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

This caustic lake along the Rift Valley region of Tanzania is very salty, hot and inhospitable to most plants and animals. However, flamingos and other wading birds live here, along with alkaline tilapia fish and salt-loving microorganisms that give the water an otherworldly red hue.

Milushovetska passes under the boy

The relatively high altitude allows you to admire the panoramic view of the Tatras, which is only south side Slovakia is bordered by the high walls of Kozy Verch. Sunrise on pomegranates in December. Milushovetskaya pass under the boy. The highest accessible mountain pass in the Polish Tatras is a place I really like. First of all, for its values ​​of representation and original, unsaturated panorama. But the path itself is also interesting from the Black Pond under Lynx, which leads the green characters.

Some landscapes come to life with sunlight. These, for example, include Antelope Canyon in Arizona. Its rich orange, pink and purple colors attract not only travelers, but also photographers.

The trail weaves steeply and elegantly through rocks and grassy hills and is completely different from the route up to Lynx. Along the entire length we find several safety buckles, which can only be appreciated after icing, because their use is not required before. IN ideal proportions there are rocks and greenery, and therefore all the way to the pass, which, in addition to dark granites, has green grass. The view from the surroundings of the pass is one of the most high mountains in all Tatras.

The final stage of the approach to the Pass under Boy and the path flowing around Kazalnika. Next to it there are several other national and landscape parks, the most interesting of which are the following. Most protected areas not only promote recreation in the silence of the forest or calm waters, but also hiking, bicycles and even water and winter.

The deepest lake in the world - Baikal - is located in Siberia and reaches more than 1600 meters in depth. It also contains almost 20% of the world's unfrozen reserves fresh water. And when the reservoir freezes, it acquires a mesmerizing turquoise hue of ice.

The forest complex, stretching to the eastern borders of Poland, is a fascinating place. It is one of Europe's most famous natural attractions, a remnant of the original forests that once covered the European lowlands. It has more than 10 hectares, including an enclave of bison reserves and a palace park in Bialoveya.

The wealth of vegetation, a wide variety of fungi and fauna are distinctive features this land among others in Europe. In the desert there are wolves and lynx, many unique species of birds and bison, whose pack in the Polish part of the forest numbers more than 400 individuals.

Red Beach Beach is located in the delta of the Liaohe River in Liaoning Province. It got its name from the algae that blooms in the fall and turns the beach into a lush red meadow. If you wait until low tide, you will fully enjoy the unique spectacle.

Hiking routes in the Bialoveza National Park. The heartbeat of the primeval forest is best experienced tourist route to the Jagiello oak. However, since the route leads through a strict reservation, entries are only possible in groups. The northern, newer part of the park can be visited without a guide, moving only along marked routes.

There are three walking routes. Along the route you can see peat bogs and iron railway. Next comes the Wolf Road, which enters the park on the Kosymsky Bridge. The third is the Tropin Trail, which connects Wilchi Zlak to the blue trail that runs along the western border of the park.

Every spring, tourists come to the Netherlands to be surrounded by tulips. From mid-March to the end of May, rich shades of flowers adorn the country's landscapes. Do you want to get to the very peak of flowering? Then book your tickets for mid-April.

Bicycle in the Bialowieza National Park. National Park Bialoveza is different - after “Tooth Żebra” and “Pushcha Trees”. A visit of a few days may be too short to encounter the roaring king of the forest. The latter is nothing more than a specially designed path running over a significant area of ​​wooden footbridges and bridges over wetlands and forests. Particularly scenic, this trail looks like spring, although the fun is spoiled by some ever-present mosquitoes.

It is advisable to plan an educational trail called “Pushcha Trees”, along which tables of trees and shrubs are installed. The nature of the Biebrze Marshes has been recognized internationally for several years. This is not surprising because it is one of the few places on the old continent where you can still admire vast, semi-wild landscapes and observe large numbers of avifauna.

The deciduous forests of the northeastern United States come out of vibrant, colorful tapestries in the fall. Yellow, orange, red, green mountains attract the gaze of thousands of travelers from all over the world.

Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA

Biebrza National Park is Poland's largest and marshiest park and is home to many endangered species. This is the kingdom of moose and the European mecca of ornithologists. Biebrza National Park is included in the Ramsar Convention, assessing its importance as a poultry farm.

Hiking routes in the Biebrza National Park. In many places the park was built with towers and observation decks, A pedestrian bridges were built to ease the transition to sloping terrain. In early spring, when Bjebca is especially beautiful, the most swampy paths are difficult or even impossible to travel. Tickets can be purchased at the tracks. Some of the routes are temporarily excluded from tourist traffic. During the bird breeding season or during the rut.

The fantastic geyser in the Black Rock Desert in Washoe County, Nevada is closed to the public as it is located on private property. But not everything is so sad; the owners offer exclusive tours to this natural attraction.

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The trails from the forester Grzy's lair are especially interesting. There are several routes that pass through Grzydy Castle and the southern part of the Cervone Bagno Nature Reserve. It is worth stopping here first of all on the educational path to the Red Swamp. Near Barwick the forester's house you should take the red path. From the forester's lodge we travel to Gugni, from where you can return to Barvika along the blue trail along the Royal Road. Farthest South part national park covers the huge Bagno benches. There is another educational path leading from the Royal Road.