Crimean wine varieties. Crimean wines: classification, main producers. Tasting characteristics of Crimean wines

Nowadays, Crimea is an excellent territory for creating quality wines. There are already worthwhile samples and time-tested producers here, but the wine-making potential of the peninsula is so enormous that in the future, we are sure that local wines will be in demand far beyond its borders.

History of winemaking in Crimea

Winemaking in Crimea originated not hundreds, but thousands of years ago! And if we can definitely find here archaeological evidence of viticulture and winemaking from antiquity, that is, from the sixth century BC, then according to indirect evidence, wine was made in Crimea long before the appearance of the Greeks. It is believed that the Tauri, the ancient inhabitants of the peninsula, already cultivated grapes and developed their own winemaking methods. This is not surprising: on the territory of Crimea, nature itself has created ideal conditions for winemaking, suitable soils, a mild climate, an abundance of sun - from time immemorial, vines have thrived in this climatic zone.

The center of Crimean winemaking was the Bakhchisarai region. Archaeologists have found tarapans carved into the ground here - special wine presses. In Mangup, Chufut-Kale, Eski-Kermen, Kachi-Kalyon they made wine not just for their own consumption, but also for sale; trade was carried out with Europe.

Unfortunately, Crimean vineyards faced serious challenges, as did winemaking traditions. We can say that the very course of history either contributed to the rapid flourishing of Crimean winemaking, or practically led to its death. At first, the settlements of the Taurians were attacked by the Huns, Khazars, Polovtsians, and Pechenegs, bringing local vineyards into decline. Afterwards, local residents again restored the traditions of making ancient drinks.

In the 13th century, the Genoese, seizing the lands of the peninsula and moving along the coast, successfully developed winemaking, making this area a major place of wine trade. But the next rise was followed by a period of desolation. The next decline awaited the vineyards in the 15th century with the fall of Genoese rule and the invasion of the Turks. The traditions of local winemaking will be revived in a completely different form and only at the beginning of the 19th century, through the works of amateur enthusiasts, including Count M.S. Vorontsova.

After so many years and so many blows of fate, in our time, Crimean winemakers are reviving the great history of local wines, planting new vines, working with European and local varieties, improving equipment and introducing proven global technologies. Already, Crimean wines are reaching a fundamentally new level and, we are sure, the quality of local winemaking will only increase.

Varieties of Crimean wines

Among the Crimean wines, everyone is guaranteed to find something to their taste. After all, Crimean wines are not the same type of product, but completely different producers, varieties, technologies and price categories. Even with similar production methods, wines are obtained with their own special character. On the peninsula you will find more than twenty different climatic zones, and the variety of soils, landscapes and terroirs make the grapes special and the wines made from them individual.

What wines can you try in Crimea? In short, almost any! Young or aged, white or red, dry or sweet, light or fortified - choose and be sure to try.

If we make some general classification of Crimean wines, the list of items will be huge. So let's try to cover at least the most basic things.

Table wines are one of the most living and natural products. No alcohol or flavorings - only grape juice. As the name implies, they are usually served at the table and accompany the meal. Table wines you can try are white, red or rose. Most often they are presented in dry varieties and contain no more than 0.3% sugar. And if you take semi-sweet or semi-dry ones, then no sugar is added to them; this is a natural sweetness obtained due to the high sugar content in the berry itself. The percentage of alcohol in them is often from 10 to 13 percent.

Fortified wines are another pride of Crimea. As the name implies, they have increased strength. This means that alcohol is added to the wine during fermentation. They are, in turn, divided into strong and dessert. Strong port, Madeira or sherry, dessert Cahors, Muscat and Tokay - you've definitely heard these names, be sure to appreciate their Crimean incarnation!

For example, port wines are made using a special technology of heating the pulp and wine materials, as well as subsequent aging. Port wines, although associated with Portugal, have a long history on Crimean soil. At the end of the 19th century, the first Russian port wines were produced here. It was port wines that became one of the first wines, the production of which was launched at the Bakhchisaray KVKZ, opened in 1963. Now there is a separate line of red and white ports.

Sparkling wines are divided into ordinary, vintage and collection according to the duration of aging, brut, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and nutmeg according to sugar content, as well as traditional and tank according to production technology. There are also sparkling wines. This is a still wine with artificial addition of carbon dioxide.

By the way, cognac is directly related to winemaking. After all, its basis is grape spirits, which are again born in Crimean vineyards. Cognacs from the Koktebel and Bakhchisarai factories are definitely worth your attention.

How to choose quality wine?

One of the Crimean stereotypes is that wine can be bought from any taxi driver. Yes, you can, but it's not necessary. Please do not risk buying “house wine” from strangers and local markets. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee you the safety of such a product. Let's throw away this risky option and try to choose a good wine.

  • Buy wine where you definitely won’t run into a fake: in branded stores, at the factory, in specialized stores alcoholic products, wine stores or proven large chains. The advice of a sales consultant can help you if you understand what you would like to try.
  • Always pay attention to the storage conditions of the drink: if the room is too hot or damp, and the bottles are not located horizontally, there is a risk of buying already spoiled wine. You will have to avoid supermarkets and budget stores, where violations of storage standards are common.
  • The bottle itself should also be of high quality and well designed. You need opaque glass to protect from the sun, a secure stopper and a firmly attached label with all the necessary information. If something is suspicious, it is better to avoid such a bottle.
  • It's worth reading the label itself. Pay attention to the composition, grape varieties, year of harvest, compliance with GOST, manufacturer data, presence of an excise stamp, and so on. This will help detect counterfeit.
  • Now there is another way to find good wine - the PGI icon on the label. This means “wine with a protected geographical indication,” meaning it was harvested in Crimea and not shipped in a tank from distant countries.
  • One of the important factors in choosing quality wine is cost. Unfortunately, very cheap wine is rarely good.

Wines of KVKZ "Bakhchisarai"

Crimean wine and cognac factory "Bakhchisarai" is one of the largest and oldest wineries in Crimea. It has existed since 1963, and the traditions of Bakhchisarai winemaking themselves date back centuries! Back in the 6th-14th centuries AD, wines were already successfully produced here and even traded with Europe, where Crimean wines were valued for their original aromas and tastes. Now in Bakhchisarai there is a full-cycle enterprise, a unique winery with European equipment and the highest quality standards.

Bakhchisaray has its own vineyards and new varieties are constantly being planted, so there is no risk of encountering imported bulk, low-quality wine materials or fakes.

The Bakhchisaray plant produces:

  • six lines of first-class wines;
  • four lines of cognac;
  • natural apple ciders;
  • original balms based on Crimean herbs and aromatic plants.

Wines of the Bakhchisarai brand are represented by the Crimean and Southern series, a series of light wines and ports, as well as an elite author’s collection. There is also a more affordable, but no less high-quality brand “Legends of Ai-Petri”. These are affordable wines from a blend of European grape varieties and cognacs.

  1. The Crimean line well reflects the terrorar - these are dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet red and white wines from European and autochthonous grape varieties.
  2. Southern wines are presented in assemblages that perfectly reflect the Crimean flavor and are perfectly suited to local cuisine.
  3. In the light series you will find semi-sweet varietal and blended wines with a low alcohol level - light and drinkable.
  4. The author's line consists of noble wine drinks, unlike other wines of the peninsula. Fortified and sweet, semi-sweet and dry, red, white and pink - you will remember them not only for their interesting names (“Khan’s Palace”, “Moonlight Sonata”, “Janike” and so on), but also for their bright tastes and rich aromas.
  5. The port wines here are made red and white, using the classic port wineization technology. These are elite drinks, delicate and balanced.

We would like to highlight that some wines are presented not only in classic bottles, but also in 375 ml volumes, as well as in Bag in Box containers of 10 liters. Still the same level of quality, but in a volume convenient for you to choose from!

Of course, you cannot try Bakhchisaray wines without missing out on the opportunity to appreciate local cognacs, as well as refreshing cider and invigorating balsam.

The best wines of Crimea

You can safely recommend Bakhchisarai wines to your friends and take them home as a fragrant Crimean souvenir. But naturally, these are not the only quality products on the peninsula. If you want something authentic and different from the usual wines, take a closer look at the Crimean autochthonous varieties, the main value of local winemakers.

Original Crimean native varieties are often found here and they grow only here. Nowadays, experts count more than 70 of them. Of course, you won’t find good wine from all of them, but some are definitely worth trying. If we were talking about the Bakhchisarai KVKZ, then Bastardo Magarachsky is successfully cultivated here and original wines are made from it.

When choosing Crimean wines, you can always focus on older factories that have earned reputation, experience, and consumer trust.

Their list is familiar to many:

  • "Magarach"
  • "Massandra"
  • "Bakhchisarai"
  • "Golden Beam"
  • "Koktebel"
  • "New World"
  • "Sunny Valley"

You can always find something to suit your taste in their assortment. Many wineries offer excursions and tastings, so you can see everything with your own eyes, see the quality, and try something new.

What wines should you definitely try in Crimea? One of the most popular has long been called “The Seventh Heaven of Prince Golitsyn” from “Massandra”. This white dessert wine has been produced since 1880, and it contains interesting varieties - two types of Muscat and Kokur. Honey and interesting wine with a rich history.

Many have heard about the Black Doctor wine, which has been made here since 1933 from the local grapes of the same name. The name is associated with interesting story about a French doctor who practiced wine therapy in the fight against cholera. This wine is somewhat reminiscent of port wine, but with a truly Crimean aftertaste!

It must be said that in recent years many new brands, manufacturers, brands. It’s not easy to sort through them, but some young wineries deserve no less attention than historical factories. For example, the first wines from the young Alma Valley farm appeared only in 2015, but have already received titles and high awards at many world exhibitions and competitions.

In any case, you can only choose your ideal Crimean wine by trial and error, and we want you to avoid mistakes! Let all your enogastronomic experiments be successful, and let Crimean wines become your favorite drinks in your home wine library!

If you are going to Crimea or want to find real Crimean wine on the shelves of Russian stores, read these detailed and clear tips from a wine expert. For me, this material revealed a lot of unknowns, although I live in Crimea.

Guide to Crimean wines: what to buy, how to choose, where to taste

The wines of the Crimean peninsula are not only a local specialty, but also a legend inextricably linked with the history of the region. Understanding the choice of wines can be difficult even for a resident of the peninsula. Moreover, tourists face a difficult choice.
Wine expert, director of the scientific and methodological center "Wine Laboratory" of the Sevastopol branch of Moscow State University Dmitry Kovalev spoke about what you can drink and what is not recommended, where and how to choose the main Crimean souvenir.

Wine globe of Crimea

In a store or restaurant, it is sometimes enough for tourists to see that the drink was produced in Crimea - and they are already in a hurry to make a choice. But this is not yet a sufficient reason to purchase. It is necessary, as in a good foreign movie, to clarify what grapes it is made from and where exactly it was grown.
Understanding the intricacies of Crimean winemaking is not at all difficult. In fact, each wine-growing region of Crimea has its own wine specialization. If you like dessert and fortified wines, then you should pay attention to products from the South Coast. The legendary Crimean muscats are grown here, from which wines with a specific taste and delicate aroma are produced. “There are a lot of Muscat grape varieties grown in Italy, Southern France, Spain, Portugal. But Crimean Muscat is a special “trick”. This grape has the aroma of a tea rose, its aroma is sometimes brighter than the Italian one. The hot climate and shale soils of the South Coast are very similar "on the soil of Porto, the valley of the Douro River in Portugal - the birthplace of port wine. Therefore, fortified and sweet wines, including Madeira, sherry, port wines, are one of the symbols of Greater Yalta," Kovalev noted.

In turn, the East of Crimea is known for its dry and sparkling wines. In particular, producers in the eastern region (Sudak, Koktebel, Solnechnaya Dolina) have worked for many years to produce good dry wines from autochthonous grape varieties such as Kokur, Kefesia and others. “In Crimean dry wine, these varieties are often used in blends or separately. This is stated on the label. Such wine will be a very good souvenir. A tourist who visits here will bring not just Crimean wine, but wine from a local grape variety,” Kovalev is convinced.

Wines from the New World are widely known. But sparkling grapes don’t grow there - it’s too hot. Therefore, since the time of Lev Golitsyn, it has been brought from the “Crimean Champagne” - the outskirts of Sevastopol. The main thing that the region has in common with Champagne is the white calcareous soils. Only in our area it is much hotter: Reims lies at the latitude of Belgorod and Kyiv, and Crimea is Provence, the latitude of Marseille. Hence the wines are much richer.

The western wine region of Crimea, primarily Sevastopol, is famous for its sparkling wines. They are produced by the tank method, when secondary fermentation of wine occurs in special closed containers. It's more cheap way sparkling wine production, allowing to achieve a good level of quality at an affordable price. “The sparkling wines produced in Sevastopol are bright and aromatic. Muscat is often used in their production, which adds special notes of taste: aromas of peach, fig, acacia,” the wine expert emphasizes.

But Western Crimea and Sevastopol are famous not only for “wine with bubbles”. The village of Rodnoye, Balaklava district, is the “Crimean Burgundy”; pinot noir, chardonnay and other varieties, for example, from Piedmont, are interesting here. “But our Bordeaux is the Northern side of Sevastopol, the Belbek valley with gravel soils, dry winds. It is even more like the coast of Tuscany, Maremma. Koktebel is similar to Spain, Andalusia. So far, dry and fortified wines, and some sparkling wines are made here. Experiments with Spanish varieties may bear fruit, especially since Portuguese ones grow here - from Madeira. In the meantime, the Spaniard Tempranillo has registered in the West, in Vilino and Peschany. West Crimean and Sevastopol dry red wines have high acidity. This is the general balance that the French call "elegance". There is no such thing in the wines of Kuban. This Crimean wine can surprise foreign guests, since they will feel the closeness of these wines with the same wines of Bordeaux," explains Kovalev.

As for wines produced in the northern, steppe regions of the peninsula, the expert calls for caution. Viticulture in the steppe regions is an entirely Soviet project. It became possible only with the construction of the Crimean Canal with Dnieper water and the breeding of winter-hardy hybrid varieties. Today there are very few vineyards there. The majority are still located in the 20-kilometer coastal strip, where the vines do not need to be covered for the winter. And in those years, most of the steppe vineyards were cultivated for cognac production. So, no wines from Dzhankoy - and even with Simferopol wines you have to keep your ears open!" - says Dmitry Kovalev.

To quickly navigate the variety of varieties, you need to understand the simple wine geography of Crimea: cabernet sauvignon “lives” in the Bakhchisaray region and on the northern side of Sevastopol, although there is a little in Koktebel and Sudak, sauvignon blanc - in Sevastopol and Sudak, chardonnay - in the Bakhchisaray region, Sevastopol and Balaklava, in Koktebel, the Magarach bastard - on the South Coast, in the Bakhchisarai region. Rkatsiteli, saperavi - these are mainly varieties from Sevastopol and the Bakhchisarai region. Saperavi is found in plantings on the South Coast for fortified wines. Pinot noir - Sevastopol, Balaklava region and North side, as well as Bakhchisaray region, Koktebel. Kokur, Kefession, Sary Pandas and other autochthons are mainly in the vicinity of Sudak.

The most Crimean

Now let’s figure out how to recognize truly Crimean wines, that is, those produced from local grapes, without the use of imported wine materials. Most Crimean wines are autochthonous. In recent years, the term “autochthon” has become very fashionable, but what it means on the label is not clear to everyone. The meaning of the word is close to “aboriginal”. That is, we are talking about grape varieties that were bred and grow in a specific territory, which means that they are especially successful in absorbing all the best that this particular land can give. The most common autochthons of Crimea are, first of all, Kokur and Kefession. They go back at least to Byzantine and Genoese times, and their very names are Greek.

The name of the Shabash variety is very interesting - it is Crimean Tatar, and this variety was used to finish the harvest. Traditionally, he went to Madeira Koktebel. “There are many autochthonous varieties in the collection of the Magarach Research Institute, but no more than five are in production today. There are enthusiasts of their revival. In the aroma and taste of the Crimean autochthonous varieties, do not look for the usual European tones - all these fresh fruits and berries. Compare them with the varieties of Georgia, Hungary, Don, Armenia. This is the aroma of dry herbs, dried fruits for whites, and for reds - dogwood, mulberry and similar southern berries. By the way, in the Crimea there is also one "semi-autochthonous" variety. In the USSR, the Portuguese bastardo, also known as the French one, was crossed trousso, with saperavi. The result is a ripe and juicy Magarach bastardo - one of the symbols of Crimea. Perhaps, in order to give it weight and proximity to the great Bordeaux, the Crimeans mistakenly call it bastardO, with the emphasis on the last syllable," says the expert.

As for the wines that are widely sold in the mass market, it is difficult for a non-professional to determine whether the winemaker uses imported raw materials, or honestly produces the drink from exclusively Crimean grapes. And a high price does not always guarantee “purity”. At the same time, word of mouth is multiplying stories about how, in pursuit of profit, producers add “powder” to wine, as well as cheap wine materials from other countries.

“We are looking forward to the completion of the reform, according to which all producers working with Crimean grapes will receive licenses and special excise stamps for wines of protected geographical indication - PGI. In the meantime, the consumer is forced to trust the manufacturer. Yes, yes, this is something like a “merchant words" in pre-revolutionary Russia. And the current state of affairs teaches us to know the basics of arithmetic. So, knowing exactly the number of hectares of the producer and the number of grape bushes per hectare, you can easily calculate how many bottles he actually produced. Indeed, even for super-productive vineyards of countries In the New World, three bottles from a bush is a sensational yield,” Dmitry Kovalev shares his secrets.

At the same time, there are wines that, for economic reasons, can be produced without violating technology or using imported materials. For example, you can trust pinot noir from the Balaklava region - the growing area of ​​this particular variety is expanding there, which means there is no point in adding additives. This same wine is highly valued by sommeliers for its southern berry aroma - fattier than in Burgundy and Germany. “Another Crimean stronghold is Riesling. Even Lev Golitsyn praised the very density and bright aromatics of the Black Sea Riesling. By the way, there is a theory according to which this variety reveals its signature notes precisely on the sunny, dry slopes of Alsace or the Rhine Valley. In cool Germany, such places a little, with us - in abundance. You will find high-quality Riesling, first of all, in the west of Crimea in the Bakhchisarai region and in Sevastopol. This variety also shows itself well in premium sparkling wines produced from Sevastopol grapes near Sudak. Riesling in a champagne blend is "a certain "trick" of Russian sparkling wines, which Lev Golitsyn borrowed from Alsace. And last year, 100% sparkling Riesling using the classic champagne method was recognized by many as the best sparkling wine in Russia," the expert shares.

Another hit of Crimea is Sauvignon Blanc. In our area it turns out heavier and more alcoholic than in the Loire Valley or New Zealand, but in recent years in Sudak, in the Bakhchisarai region and in Sevastopol they began to make very pure sauvignons. Sevastopol also preserves ancient vineyards of Saperavi and Rkatsiteli varieties - these are Soviet wine classics that can also be trusted. Wine connoisseurs with history can also be advised to bring a couple of bottles of sherry and Cahors from Crimea. “Once upon a time, Peter the Great brought wine for the needs of the church. After 150 years, they began to make it here too. Russian winemakers preserved the style of 16-degree Cahors, which in his homeland, in French city Cahors, called Rogomme. He almost never appears there anymore. Therefore, for Western experts, Cahors is a fortified national Russian wine. The same applies to the “old regime” sherry made from the Pedro Chimeres variety, and the presence of Tokay and Don Cossack varieties on the Southern Coast of Crimea. The hour is not far off when people will travel to Crimea as a reserve for world winemaking. Many styles and varieties of 19th-century Europe have been preserved here,” says Kovalev.

In recent years, familiar European varieties have also become completely Crimean. For example, you can safely trust Traminer or Gewürztraminer. Several farms have successfully “settled” the ancient Austrian variety on the peninsula and produce aromatic, bright wine from local raw materials. “Mediterranean Provence is just ideally similar to Crimea. Climate, nature, attitude, if you want. And there wine is made from varieties such as Syrah, Mourvèdre, Grenache, which are almost unknown in our dry wines. Although Mourvèdre was widely used during Golitsyn’s time. And Today we are seeing how Syrah and Malbec from the Bakhchisarai region are actively hitting the shelves, and rosé from the Syrah variety has also appeared - and this is a purely Provençal style, most of the wines there are rosé! Crimeans are also experimenting with varieties such as Petit Verdot - in Bordeaux he is in the last roles, we have pure varieties from the villages of Dolinnoye and Sudak. And in the Saki region you will find, for example, a rare hybrid of Arinernoa, Italian barbera,” says the expert.

Attention - on the label

How to choose the “right” Crimean wine? First of all, experts do not advise buying so-called “house wine” of questionable production and bottling on local markets. Not the best option also - purchasing wine in supermarkets. Here, in the vast majority of cases, storage conditions are violated. The wine must be in a horizontal position at a temperature of plus 12-14 degrees, humidity about 85%. Such conditions are provided mainly only in specialized stores. A proven sign of quality wine, according to Dmitry Kovalev, is the inscription on the labels “wine with a protected geographical indication - PGI.” Not all winemakers have received licenses for such wines yet, but we should expect their mass release starting from the 2017 harvest. “Such an inscription confirms that the wine is made from Crimean grapes, with a full production cycle. The producer is monitored by the state in the person of Rosalkogolregulirovanie and other services, as well as the association of winegrowers and winemakers itself. If the state catches a producer in the association of falsification, sanctions will be against everyone This principle of mutual responsibility applies not only here, but also in Europe,” the expert notes.

Experts also highlight a number of other factors that you should pay attention to when choosing. Thus, experts advise carefully studying the label, which should indicate the year of grape harvest, the name and proportions of the varieties from which the wine is produced, as well as in large print the full name and address of the manufacturing plant. If there is no clear information on any of the above items on the label, with a high degree of probability it can be argued that this is a counterfeit product. Information about the manufacturer and the name of the wine indicated on the excise stamp must correspond. You should also make sure that the cork sits in the neck of the bottle at the level of its walls. A bulging or sagging cork indicates that there is something wrong with the wine.

“And beware of flashy labels, especially those that repeatedly include the word “Crimea” and the names of popular local resorts. Alas, these wines are often made for careless tourists. Every year new lines appear, where, at best, there will be at least Chilean or "Spanish wine material. It's like in Chianti, where there is an unspoken rule that wine in braided fiasca bottles is a cheap drink for tourists. It's like vodka in matryoshka bottles, like 'Armenian cognac' in dagger bottles," assures Kovalev. And, of course, an important factor is the cost of the product. According to experts, the price of good Crimean wine starts on average from 500-600 rubles per bottle in mainland Russia, and from 250 rubles in Crimea.

Cabernet Sauvignon)

A well-known French variety, plantings of which are cultivated throughout the middle and southern viticulture zones of the CIS countries. A mid-late ripening variety. Cabernet Sauvignon has great ecological and geographical flexibility: it produces high-quality wines almost everywhere, not only in the table, but also in the dessert direction. The must yield of Cabernet Sauvignon is relatively high. The juice of the berry is not colored, therefore, when quickly pressed, especially using the champagne method (in whole bunches), almost uncolored champagne wine materials are obtained with a slight pink tint, which decreases with aging. Their quality is so high that they can be the basis for creating a vintage light table wine. The best Bordeaux-type Cabernet wines are produced in the Medoc, Graves and Saint-Emilion (France). They are distinguished by their nobility, subtlety and tenderness of taste, and the exceptional beauty of the bouquet. Cabernet Sauvignon produces a wine that is well-formed and robust. Despite its thinness, it is quite full, although not excessively, and has a persistent and rather intense color. The bouquet and taste of the wine has a specific feature - the smell of nightshade or morocco (leather). This bouquet is felt more strongly in young wine. As the wine matures, the specific bouquet of the variety changes and becomes refined. In creating the bouquet of ripe Cabernet, substances extracted from the skins of the grapes play a big role, since white wine from Cabernet has a completely different bouquet. Cabernet wine matures rather slowly and is somewhat rough when young. It reaches its maximum development of organoleptic properties after 8-10 years. From Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, the Abrau-Durso estate produces red table wine Cabernet Abrau. When young, it has a dark red color with a violet tint, which, as it ages, turns into garnet, with bulbous tones. In taste it has a slight tartness and harmonious acidity. The aroma in the young wine is nightshade, which then turns into a subtle bouquet with the smell of morocco. In some years, this wine turns out to be of exceptionally high quality, acquiring a harmonious taste and a delicate bouquet with the smell of violets during aging. In the Krasnodar region, Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are also used to produce red table wine Cabernet Myskhako. The wine has an intense color, a characteristic dark ruby ​​color with a sparkle, full, velvety, soft, with a pleasant harmonizing acidity. From Cabernet Sauvignon grapes grown in the Gelendzhik region Krasnodar region, a red dessert vintage wine, Black Eyes, is produced. The wine has an intense dark red color; it is quite extractive, velvety, with light chocolate tones in the taste. Champagne wine materials from Cabernet Sauvignon are very thin and adding them to the blend in an amount of 10 - 20% significantly improves the quality of the champagne.

Solnechnaya Dolina (Sunny Valley)

Vintage dessert white wine. Aging period - 3 years. Conditions: alcohol - 16% vol., sugar - 16 g/100 cm3. Color: from golden to amber with a pleasant soft shade of red gold. Bouquet: complex, delicate, with aromas of melon and peach, honey-floral bouquet with a hint of medlar and tones of bitter desert herbs. Taste: full, harmonious, soft. Varietal composition: indigenous varieties: Sary-Pandas, Kokur white, Kok-Pandas, “Solnechnodolinsky”, Kapselsky white, “Soldaya” and other white natives.

Pinot Gris Ai-Danil (Massandra)

High-quality vintage dessert liqueur white wine, produced only at the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea from gray Pinot grapes. The smoky gray bunches of Pinot Gris accumulate more than 30% sugar and produce the most delicate dessert wine. The amazing color of the wine - dark amber with a pinkish-golden sheen, a unique bouquet with the aroma of the crust of freshly baked rye bread and a subtle hint of fragrant quince, captivates the taste of connoisseurs of fine wines. In the wine, the fullness of taste and its special oiliness merge into a single harmony. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 24.0 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cc. 7 gold and 3 silver medals were awarded at international wine competitions. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" it was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1888. When tested by a tasting commission on April 7, 1993, the highest rating among samples of this wine different years received wine from the 1938 harvest.

Meganom Dry White (Sunny Valley)

Natural dry white grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 9–12% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: light straw with greenish nuances. Bouquet: harmonious, pronounced, with tones of white fruit. Taste: soft, round, with harmonious acidity, slight bitterness in the aftertaste. Varietal composition: Aligote, Gars Levelu, Furmint and mixtures of other white varieties.

Meganom Dry Red (Sunny Valley)

Natural dry red grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 10–13 vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: beautiful, rich, dense, ruby ​​with a purple or red tint. Bouquet: complex, rich in floral and fruit tones. Taste: full, harmonious, tart, slightly astringent with a long, spicy aftertaste. Varietal composition: Bastardo Magarach, Pinot black.

Meganom Vintage Dry Red (Sunny Valley)

Natural vintage dry red grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 10–13% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: deep, dark ruby. Bouquet: intense, complex, combining tones of red and black berries, a hint of plum jam, a note of oak wood and nuances of licorice. Taste: balanced, full, extractive, with softened tannins. Varietal composition: Magarach Bastardo and Black Pinot.

Tokay South Bank (Massandra)

High-quality vintage white dessert wine, produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea, from Tokay grape varieties: Furmint and Gars Levelu. These Hungarian varieties long ago found a second home on the southern coast of Crimea and showed themselves very well in Crimean wine. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 26%. Tokaj South Coast wine has a beautiful color: from golden to amber. The bouquet is extremely complex, subtle, specific, with tones of crust of fresh baked rye bread and quince tones. The taste is full, oily, harmonious. Wine carries the sun. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 200 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At International competitions, the wine was awarded 13 gold and 3 silver medals. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" it was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1944. It was first produced at the end of the 19th century under the name "Tokay Dessert". Tokaj, like no other wine, is distinguished by the long-term preservation of its rich organoleptic qualities. Until 1890, dry Tokai was prepared from Tokaj vines, and since 1892, dessert wine began to be prepared on the South Coast by adding alcohol to the fermenting wort. When tested by a tasting commission on August 30, 1993, this wine from the 1953 harvest received 9.78 points, and the wine from the 1973 harvest received 9.72 points.

Sauvignon Meganom (Sunny Valley)

Natural dry white grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 9–12% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: pale straw with subtle greenish nuances. Bouquet: fresh, varietal, with tones of white fruit, harmonious. Taste: soft, balanced. Varietal composition: Green Sauvignon and Chardonnay.

White Crimean port (Sunny Valley)

Vintage strong wine. Aging period - 3 years. Conditions: alcohol - 17.5% vol., sugar - 9.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 5.0 g/l. Color: From golden to amber. Bouquet: subtle, pleasant, with fruity tones and a light cognac tint. Taste: full, harmonious with a light cognac tint and a subtle spicy bitterness. Varietal composition: Kokur White, a mixture of white European varieties.

Massandra SHERES (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine is the best among sherry-type wines. Prepared from grape varieties: Sercial, Albillo, Verdelho. A distinctive feature of the preparation of this brand of wine is aging for a year under a film of sherry yeast. During the process of sherrying and subsequent heat treatment, special organic substances - aldehydes and acetals - accumulate in the wine, as a result the wine acquires a specific taste, with a light tone of bitter almonds and roasted nuts. The wine is golden in color, the bouquet is delicate, complex, the taste is harmonious and full. The process of formation and maturation of wine lasts 4 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 19.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 2.5 g/100 cubic meters. cm Mass concentration of titratable acids: 5 g/cub. dm International competitions have repeatedly distinguished the high quality of this wine: 7 gold, 2 silver medals. In 1970, at the II International Competition of Wines and Cognacs, which was held in Massandra at the Head Factory, Spanish sherry received a score of 18.67 points, and Massandra - 18.86 points. Both sherries received a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1944. On November 26, 1992, the tasting commission tasted Massandra sherry from the harvest from 1944 to 1983. The 1944 sherry sample received the highest score - 9.9 points. The commission made the following conclusion: “All tested samples of sherry correspond to a type with good development of aging over the years.” Until 1925, not a single barrel of Russian sherry was produced.

Black Colonel (Sun Valley)

High-quality strong wine "Black Colonel" is prepared from black indigenous varieties - Dzhevat Kara, Ekim Kara, Krona, Kefesia and high-quality black varieties of domestic selection - Bastardo Magarachsky, Ruby Magaracha, Saperavi, Odessky Black with a sugar content in the berries of at least 18 percent. The name of the wine comes from the Cevat Kara grape variety, which translated from Turkic means black colonel. Nowhere outside of the Sun Valley are such grape varieties grown, which means that such unique wines do not and cannot exist anywhere. According to the legend of the Black Doctor, well known to winemakers, the brave Colonel lived in the village of Kozy, a picturesque corner Eastern Crimea(Sun Valley), and was friends with the kind and wise Doctor. But, as often happens in life, good is repaid with evil, so in the legend the Doctor saves the Colonel at the cost of his own life. People who idolized the magician doctor gave the vines from his vineyard names based on the color of the clusters: one was called Ekim Kara (Black Doctor) in memory of the doctor, the other Cevat Kara (Black Colonel), as a reminder of the tragedy that happened. Since then, these vines have been growing only in the Doctor’s former vineyard in the village of Solnechnaya Dolina. Transferred to another place, they lose their taste and healing properties. This brand of wine was developed on the farm and approved in 1995. The right to produce and release this brand extends only to the Solnechnaya Dolina state farm plant. During three years of aging and storage in oak containers in ancient Golitsyn cellars, the wine turns an elegant ruby ​​color and acquires an original complex bouquet with delicate tones of milk cream and chocolate. Prunes and morocco are felt in the taste; its complete harmony is complemented by soft velvety, mulberry tones and a piquant tartness. Wine standards: alcohol -17.5%, sugar -11%, titratable acidity - 5 g/l. Like other red wines, “Black Colonel” has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on many pathogenic microorganisms. Increases the body's immunity, stimulates digestion, and has P-vitamin activity. The microelements contained in wine are catalysts and regulators of metabolism, and tannins and pectin have anti-radiation and anti-radioactive effects. The harmony of wines and dishes is certainly not easy, but it is accessible. Vintage strong wine "Black Colonel" can be used as an aperitif and served with second courses with increased extract content - barbecue, pilaf, fried game, and dishes cooked on charcoal. The basic rule must be followed: red wine with red meat. “Black Colonel” is one of those wines that, in certain circles, is considered “bonton” - a high tone. Having tasted this unique wine, it is easy to be convinced of the wonderful and magical properties of the drink. During its short life, the wine has already been awarded the highest quality mark - a gold medal at the International Tasting in Yalta.

Golden Fortune of Arhaderesse (Sun Valley)

Vintage strong white wine. Aging period - 3 years. Conditions: alcohol 17.5% vol., sugar - 10 g/100 cm3. Color: from light golden to dark golden. Bouquet: full, soft, harmonious, spicy-honey with a slight astringency. Varietal composition: indigenous varieties: Kok-Pandas, Sary-Pandas, “Solnechnodolinsky” and other white ones. Kokur white, Rkatsiteli, white mixture.

White South Coast PORT (Massandra)

The classic type of vintage strong white wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association, located in the southern coast of Crimea from Cape Foros to Mount Chatyr-Dag from grape varieties: Semillon, Aligote, Pedro Crimean, Tokay and others. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. The wine is dark amber in color. It captivates with its fullness of taste and developed bouquet, which is dominated by fruit tones with a slight hint of almond. The mild taste harmonizes with the bouquet and leaves a long and pleasant aftertaste. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 18.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars? 10.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-6 g/ High quality The wines were awarded 3 gold and 1 silver medals at International Wine Competitions. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" it was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. Produced since 1944.

White Surozh PORT WINE (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine produced from the indigenous Kokur white grape variety. The best microdistricts for the production of this wine are the valleys of the Sudak region, from where the wine received its name - “Surozh” (the ancient Russian name for the city of Sudak). The wine is golden in color and attracts connoisseurs with its stable bouquet, varietal aroma of Kokura with a Tokaji tint combined with fruit and honey tones. The taste is soft, full, harmonious. The wine acquires its high properties as a result of three years of aging in oak containers. Wine conditions: Mass fraction of ethyl alcohol: 17.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 9.5 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cc. At the International Wine Competition in 1970 in Massandra, the wine was awarded a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1936.

Ai-Serez (Massandra, produced EXCLUSIVELY by the winery in the village of Morskoye)

Vintage red dessert wine is produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association from the Cabernet Sauvignon and Bastardo Magarachsky grape varieties. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. The wine is red in color, from red to dark red. The bouquet is developed, original, of good composition. The taste is full, harmonious with soft tones of coffee, chocolate, cream. Aging in oak containers - 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 16.0 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At the Crimea-Wine 95 competition it was awarded a silver medal and a 2nd degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1991.

Black Doctor (Sun Valley)

This rare brand of dessert wine is made from unique grape varieties Ekim Kara, Dzhevat Kara, Kefesia, Krona and others, which make up the valuable gene pool of Crimean indigenous varieties growing only in the Sunny Valley. Indigenous varieties grow and retain their taste and medicinal properties only in this unique soil and climatic microzone, on the site of the former Doctor’s vineyards. When transferred to other places and regions, varieties can produce higher yields, but they lose these advantages. The brand of wine is named after the main grape variety used, Ekim Kara (Black Doctor). To prepare this wine, grapes of the indicated varieties are used, subject to the accumulation of sugar in the berries of at least 22%. For the first time in experimental winemaking, the variety was tested in 1933-34. Already in 1940, the wine of the 1939 harvest, prepared at a wine point in the village of Kozy (Solnechnaya Dolina), received a very high rating at an all-Union tasting in Moscow. And after A. A. Ivanov studied the native varieties of the Solar Valley, a brand of wine called “Ruby Crimean” was accepted for production. Skillful, caring winemakers carefully preserved and improved the original brand of wine, giving it a name in 1967 after the main grape variety, taking into account the effective medicinal properties amazing drink. “Black Doctor” has a garnet-red color, and in the passing ray of light the glass plays like a real ruby. The bouquet of the wine is original with tones of prunes, chocolate and subtle shades of vanilla. The taste is quite full, velvety, with pronounced tones of dried pear, milk cream, morocco and Constantinople mulberry. The piquant tartness does not prevent the wine from being soft, harmonious, and coherent. There is a pleasant hint of cocoa and cream in the aftertaste. Wine standards: alcohol - 16%, sugar -16%, titratable acidity - 6 g/l. The wine is aged for two years in the classical way in oak barrels at a temperature of +13-14°C. This regime is created by the ancient Golitsin cellars "Arkhaderesse". The right to produce and release this brand of wine applies only to the Solnechnaya Dolina state farm-factory. Like many red wines, “Black Doctor” has a radioprotective effect and P-vitamin activity. Contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, rare organic acids and biologically active substances. Glucose and fructose are easily absorbed by the human body and provide additional energy support for the heart muscle. "Black Doctor" has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels in atherosclerosis. According to the existing ancient belief, since ancient times this thick red wine from the indigenous varieties Ekim Kara, Dzhevat Kara, Kephesia and others was consumed when a person lost blood, exhaustion and loss of strength. Warriors returning from the battlefield were always given this wine! The soldiers' wounds were washed and lubricated with wine, the high bactericidal properties of which contributed to rapid healing. Tart wine with a high tannin content quickly “healed” wounds. Its effect is similar to the brilliant green with film used in medicine even today. Wine "Black Doctor" in terms of aromatic and taste qualities is on par with the best domestic and foreign samples. At various international tastings and exhibitions, the wine was awarded five gold and one silver medals. Huge many years of work and skill of winegrowers and winemakers are invested in every drop of this noble drink. "Black Doctor" is a wine for true connoisseurs and connoisseurs. The uniqueness of the drink is given by three symbols of the free nature of the Sun Valley: Sky, Earth and Sea. The drink will appeal to everyone who is far from everyday life. For in the Sky there is the freedom of air and the pleasure of space, the Earth combines earthly charm and the desire for new ideas, the Sea is exciting, spontaneous and unpredictable, will conquer those who prefer adventure and tireless movement towards success.

Pinot Gris South Coast (Massandra)

Vintage dessert white wine produced by the enterprises of the Massandra association from Pinot Gris grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 26%. The color of the wine is golden, dark apricot shade is allowed. A varietal bouquet with tones of aging. The taste is full, buttery, harmonious with the tones of rye crust. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 20.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/ The wine has been produced since 1991.

Massandra MADERA (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine. It is produced only in the Massandra economic associations from the following grape varieties: Sercial, Verdelho, Albillo, grown on well-warmed slate soils. Sercial gives Madeira power, Vardelio adds piquancy. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 20%. A special feature of this wine is its 5-year aging in a sunny area in partially filled oak barrels. This creates conditions for the wine to undergo a process of maderization, which gives the wine a special pleasant bouquet and taste. “Twice born of the sun” - they call Madeira. The wine is golden to dark golden in color. Only the wine from the 1948 and 1946 vintages has a light golden color. The bouquet is developed, thin, well built. The taste is full, harmonious, burning with bright tones of roasted nuts. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 19.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 3 g/100 cubic meters. cm Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-6 g/cubic dm At International competitions, Madera "Massandra" was awarded 5 gold and 5 silver medals for its high taste qualities. At the Crimea-Wine 95 competition it was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1892. Madera Massandra, harvested in 1905, was tested by a tasting commission in 1989 and received a rating of 9.7 points, having 84 years of life behind it and being in the prime of its development. This wine was evacuated in 1941 to Tbilisi and returned to the Massandra cellars in 1945. Madera Massandra is represented in the collection from 1900 to the present. In the collection of old wines there are a number of excellent representatives of this brand, rated with the highest score. Currently, the 1937 harvest is in first place, followed by 1935, 1934 and other older years; Of these, the harvests of 1915, 1908, 1906, 1905 and 1903 are especially outstanding. Wine from the 1905 vintage is rated at 10 points, and from the 1903 vintage - 10 plus. Madera 1948 turned out to be lightly built. The wines from the 1944 and 1946 harvests can be called round. Score in points: harvest 1954 and 1983 - 9.3; 1952 and 1950 - 9.4; 1948 and 1947 - 9.5, 1949 and 1945 - 9.6; 1946 and 1944 - 9.7 points. On March 31, 1992, samples of Madeira Massandra from the 1937-1984 harvest were tested by a tasting commission. The highest score of 9.98 was given to a sample of Madeira "Massandra" from the 1937 harvest.

Malaga Massandra (Massandra)

The color is dark garnet, with a slight burnt feel. The taste has a very pleasant bready tone. The wine is thick, harmonious, with very high taste qualities. Score 10 plus. In 1914, it was the most expensive among Massandra wines.

Red Crimean PORT (Massandra)

Vintage strong red wine produced by all enterprises of the Massandra association from red grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Saperavi, Morastel, Bastardo Magarachsky, Aleatico and others. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 18%. The abundance of warmth and sunlight, the dry, warm autumn of Crimea make the wine bright and memorable. The bouquet is fruity, complex, ripe, the taste is full, soft, harmonious, with tones of dried fruit. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 17.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 100.0 g/100 cubic meters. cm Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cubic dm In 1970, at the International competition in Massandra, the wine was awarded a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1944.

Red Alushta DINING (Massandra)

High quality vintage table red wine. It is produced by the Alushta state farm plant of the Massandra association from grape varieties: Cabernet, Saperavi, Morastel, growing in the Alushta Valley and along the gentle part of the spurs of the Crimean Mountains - Chatyr-Dag (Tent Mountain) and Demerdzhi (Kuznechnaya). This area is especially favorable for producing red wines. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of 18-22%. The wine is dark red in color. The bouquet is complex with morocco tones, which gives the wine the Cabernet variety. The taste is soft, with pleasant acidity, distinguished by subtlety and piquancy. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol 10-13% vol. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-6 g/cu. dm For its high qualities at International competitions, this wine was awarded 1 gold and 1 silver medal. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" he was awarded a gold medal and a first degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1937. The wine from the 1950 harvest is rated at 9.4 points; three-year-olds are usually rated 9-9.2. French tasters eagerly compared it with their Bordeaux wines. The wine from the 1947 harvest was last tasted by the tasting commission in 1991 and received a score of 9.7 points. The wine of the 1937 harvest was last assessed by the tasting commission in 1975 - the wine was at the peak of its capabilities and received the highest score - 10.0.

White Crimean PORT (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine. It is produced by all enterprises of the Massandra association from white grape varieties: Kokur white, Rkatsiteli, Aligote, Riesling and others. The grapes are harvested with a sugar content of at least 18%. The rocky and well-warmed soil on the eastern coast of Crimea makes the wine extractive with a subtle pleasant bouquet and harmonious taste, where fruit tones predominate. The most popular among strong vintage wines of Crimea. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 17.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 9.5 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cc. The high quality of the wine was awarded 1 gold and 1 silver medal at International competitions. The wine has been produced since 1944.

Kagor Yuzhnoberezhny (Massandra)

High-quality vintage dessert red wine, produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association from Saperavi grapes (an ancient Georgian variety). The grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 24%. The wine is prepared by incomplete fermentation of pre-heated and infused wort with pulp. Color - intensely red. The bouquet is complex, varietal, with tones of cream and black currant. The taste is massive, extractive with a soft astringency, due to the presence of tannins and coloring substances. "Cahors" is popularly called "church wine". Aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 18 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. dm. At International competitions, this wine was awarded 4 gold and 2 silver medals The wine has been produced since 1933. When tested by a tasting commission on August 30, 1993, this wine from the 1953 harvest received a score of 9.8 points.

Archaderesse Strong (Sunny Valley)

The wine is strong red. Conditions: alcohol - 17% vol., sugar - 6.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 5.0 g/l. Color: ruby ​​or garnet of varying intensity. Bouquet: clean with fruity and floral tones. Taste: full, harmonious, tart. Varietal composition: Odessa black, Bastardo Magarach.

Archaderesse Pink (Sunny Valley)

Rose wine. Conditions: alcohol - 17% vol., sugar - 6.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 5.0 g/l. Color: from pink to dark pink. Bouquet: clean with fruity and floral tones. Taste: full, harmonious, tart. Varietal composition: Bastardo Magarachsky, Odessa black, white variety Rkatsiteli.

Kagor Solnechnaya Dolini (Sunny Valley)

Special dessert sweet red grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 16% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: impenetrable, dark garnet. Bouquet: harmonious, complex, with tones of black candied berries: blackberries, mulberries, chokeberries and black currants, a hint of prunes and a note of hot chocolate. Taste: full, extractive, with a taste of candied berries, a note of cherry leaf in the aftertaste. Varietal composition: Cabernet Sauvignon, Bastardo Magarachsky and a mixture of other red grape varieties.

Muscat Black Massandra (Massandra)

Produced only at the Massandra state farms. An original vintage liqueur wine produced from the valuable Muscat black grape variety (CALIABA). To prepare this wine, the grapes are kept on the bushes to allow the berries to wither and are harvested when the sugar content is at least 30%. The wine is dark ruby ​​in color with soft tints, like a precious crystal. The bouquet is complex, with piquant tones of nutmeg and prunes. The taste is bright and subtle with a light chocolate tint. The wine enchants with its velvety feel and memorable aftertaste. Aging period: 2 years in oak barrels. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 24.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cubic dm. At international competitions the wine was awarded 3 gold and 1 silver medals. The wine has been produced since 1913.

Muscat Pink South Coast (Massandra)

Vintage dessert rose wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association from grape varieties: Pink Muscat and Black Muscat, growing on warm slate soils. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 26%. The wine has a rather intense, elegant pink color. The bouquet is nutmeg, with tones of Kazanlak rose. The taste is quite full and harmonious. The elegant composition of the bouquet and taste gives this wine a special nobility. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 20.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At international competitions the wine was awarded 1 gold and 5 silver medals. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" it was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1944.

Muscat Pink Dessert (Massandra)

Vintage dessert liqueur pink wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association located on the southern coast of Crimea from Muscat pink grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 29%. The wine is a beautiful pink color. The bouquet is bright, varietal, nutmeg, with tones of tea rose. The taste is full, oily, harmonious. The aging period in oak barrel is 2 years. Wine quality: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 23.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 cc. At international competitions the wine was awarded 4 gold medals. The wine has been produced since 1945.

Muscat White Yuzhnoberezhny (Massandra)

Vintage dessert white wine, produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association from white Muscat grapes (Frontignan Muscat, Lunel Muscat). Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 26%. The wine is light amber in color with a golden hue. The bouquet is bright with a characteristic muscat tone. The taste is full, harmonious, oily, delicate. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 20.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At International competitions, the wine was awarded 8 gold and 1 silver medals. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" it was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1940. When tested by a tasting commission on November 15, 1993, this wine from the 1973 vintage received a score of 9.8 points.

Muscat White Massandra (Massandra)

Vintage dessert white wine produced by the enterprises of the Massandra association from white Muscat grapes (Frontignan Muscat, Lunel Muscat). Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. The color of the wine ranges from light golden to dark golden. A varietal bouquet with tones of aging. The taste is quite full, harmonious, soft. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 16.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-8 g/ The wine has been produced since 1981. In 1993, the tasting commission gave this wine from the 1939 harvest the highest score among white Muscats - 10 points.

Kokur Meganom (Sunny Valley)

Natural dry white grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 9–12% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: light straw with greenish reflections. Bouquet: fresh, varietal, with tones of white fruit. Taste: balanced, soft. Varietal composition: Kokur and Green Sauvignon.

Kokur Dessert Surozh (Massandra)

Vintage white dessert wine produced by the enterprises of the Massandra association from white Kokur grapes. The name Kokur comes from vines brought from the island. Kourkyra (Corfu). Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. In the conditions of well-warmed mountain valleys located to the south, the Kokur grape variety picks up a sufficient amount of sugar and other valuable substances to ensure the production of high-quality dessert wine. The wine of this brand is characterized by an amber-golden color, an original bouquet of Tokaj wines with floral or honey-spicy shades, sometimes melon tones, a full, soft, harmonious taste. The aging period of the wine is 2 years in oak containers. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 16.0 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At international competitions, this wine was awarded 4 gold and two silver medals. The wine has been produced since 1945. When tested by a tasting commission on June 4, 1992, this wine from the 1959 vintage and the 1977 vintage received a score of 9.69 points.

Muscat White Livadia (Massandra)

A unique vintage dessert liqueur white wine, produced only at the enterprises of the Massandra association located on the southern coast of Crimea from white Muscat grapes with a sugar content of at least 33%. Such a high sugar content is achieved by leaving the grapes on the bushes to wither after reaching full maturity. The wine is amber-golden in color. The bouquet is bright, varietal, with a subtle honey aroma alpine meadows. The taste is full, buttery, harmonious with a pleasant hint of raisins. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 27.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cubic dm. At international competitions, the wine was awarded 1 gold and 1 silver medal. The wine has been produced since 1892. Then it was called “White Dessert Muscat”. When tested by a tasting commission on November 10, 1993, this wine from the 1977 vintage received a score of 9.81 points.

Muscat White Red Stone (Massandra)

This wine is called the King of Muscats. Vintage white liqueur wine is made from white Muscat grapes, which are grown on sunny plantations on the southern coast of Crimea. The wine is produced by the Gurzuf state farm plant of the Massandra association. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 29%. The vines give the wine wonderful light amber colors. The delicate original bouquet is saturated with the aroma of nutmeg berries with intermediate tones of flowers, herbs of alpine meadows, tea rose, and orange peel. The light citron on the palate makes this wine unique, exquisitely delicate and noble. White Muscat from Red Stone, prepared in Massandra, is rightfully considered a masterpiece of classical winemaking. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 23.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cubic dm. The famous white Muscat wine from Red Stone, which is aged in the cool, mysteriously charming cellars of Massandra, was awarded 17 gold, 1 silver medals and 2 Grand Prix cups. White Muscat wine from Red Stone was awarded a gold medal and a first degree diploma at the Crimea-Wine 95 competition. The wine has been produced since 1944. When tested by a tasting commission on October 21, 1993, this wine from the 1977 vintage received a score of 9.98 points.

Muscat White Dessert (Massandra)

Vintage dessert liqueur white wine, produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea, from white Muscat grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 29%. The color of the wine ranges from light to dark golden; when poured into a glass, it sparkles with sparkles of the sun. The bouquet is bright, nutmeg, with tones of aging. The taste is very extractive and at the same time soft, oily wine, with a varietal, pronounced muscat aroma. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 23.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cubic dm. At international competitions the wine was awarded 5 gold and 3 silver medals. The wine has been produced since 1946. It was first manufactured at the end of the 19th century under the name "Massandra No. 35".

Crimean MADERA (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine. It is produced at wineries on the southern and eastern coasts of Crimea from white grape varieties: Shabash, Sercial, Albillo and others. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 16%. A special feature of the technology for preparing this wine is 4-year aging in partial oak barrels under the scorching southern sun in open areas. The color of the wine is golden to dark amber, more intense than Madeira Massandra. The bouquet is bright, complex, original. The wine is full, harmonious, pleasantly hot with pronounced Madeira tones and a taste of roasted nuts. After aging the wine in bottles for many years, the wine has a light cognac-vanilla tone in the bouquet, which harmonizes perfectly with the tones of maderization. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 19.0 vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 4 g/100 cubic meters. cm Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cubic dm At the international competition in Massandra in 1970, the wine was awarded a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1951. On June 17, 1992, the tasting commission gave a rating of 9.8 points to Crimean Madera from the 1953 vintage.

Aleatico Ayu-Dag (Massandra)

Vintage dessert red wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association from Aleatico grapes. The grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 24%. Wine "Aleatico AYu-Dag" - dark red in color, has absorbed the hot breath of the south, with a subtle, delicate, original bouquet. The taste is soft, velvety with a range of shades: cocoa, prunes, chocolate. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 18.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At International competitions, this wine was awarded 2 gold medals. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" it was awarded a gold medal and a first degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1892. Then it was called “Ai-Danil - Lacrima Christi” (Tears of Christ). Emperor Nicholas II really liked this wine.

Private (Sunny Valley)

The wine is an ordinary strong red. Conditions: alcohol - 15.5% vol., sugar - 10.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 5.0 g/l. Color: Ruby or garnet of varying intensity, from dark amber to dark brown. Bouquet: pure, complex, inherent in the essential oils of aromatic herbs and fruits that are included in the composition, with a slight pear tint, with fruity tones. Taste: prunes and tea rose, with a pleasant tartness. Varietal composition: Kephesia, Pink Muscat, Bastardo Magarach.

Pinot Gris Massandra (Massandra)

Vintage dessert white wine is produced by the enterprises of the Massandra association from Pinot Gris grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. The color of the wine ranges from golden to dark golden, with a pink tint allowed. The bouquet of the wine is varietal, with tones of aging and dessert character. The taste is quite full, harmonious, soft. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 16.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/ Wine has been produced since 1991. Pinot Gris Massandra, harvested in 1888, is one of the wine samples from the personal collection of Prince Golitsyn, which he transferred to the Specific Department in 1912.

Muscat Festival (Sunny Valley)

Ordinary sweet rose dessert wine. Conditions: alcohol - 15% vol., sugar - 13.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 4–6 g/l. Color: elegant, from light pink to pink. Bouquet: delicate, with a muscat aroma and a cetronic note. Taste: delicate, soft, harmonious. Varietal composition: Pink Muscat, White Muscat, Otonel Muscat, Amber Muscat, Hamburg Muscat.

Red South Coast PORT WINE (Massandra)

Vintage red strong wine is produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association from high-quality red grape varieties. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. When aged for many years, the bouquet and taste reveal: velvety, fullness with spicy and fruity tones, pronounced tones of prunes and cherry pits, so characteristic of classic port wines. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 18.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 11.0 g/100 cc Mass fraction of concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cc. The high quality of the wine was awarded at International wine competitions with 2 gold and 3 silver medals. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" it was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1944.

Red Massandra PORT WINE (Massandra)

Vintage strong red wine is produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea from Mourvèdre grapes with the addition of high-quality red varieties (European). Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 20%. The wine is intensely colored - dark red. The bouquet is developed, delicate with pronounced characteristics of the variety, valued by connoisseurs. The taste is full, harmonious, well-rounded. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 18.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 6 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cubic dm. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" he was awarded a silver medal and a 2nd degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1894. At that time it was called "Massandra No. 81". The wine from the 1984 harvest was last tasted by the tasting commission in 1989 and received a full score of 10.0. This wine survived the evacuation to Tbilisi in 1941 and was returned to the Massandra cellars in 1945. Ratings for Red Massandra Port produced after the war: 1954 - 9.4 points; 1953, 1949, 1948 - 9.5; 1952 and 1951 - 9.5; 1950 - 9.7; 1947 - 9.8; 1945 - 9.9; 1946 and 1944 - 10 points.

Red Livadia PORT WINE (Massandra)

High quality vintage strong red wine. Produced only in the estates of the Massandra association from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes growing on warm slate soils. The wonderful Cabernet variety gives the wine a strong bouquet. The classic wine was first prepared in 1891 in the royal cellars in Livadia. Then it was called “Livadia No. 80.” The wine captivates with its vibrant dark red color. The bouquet is bright, varietal, with subtle delicate morocco tones. The taste is harmonious, amazingly full, with a long, pleasant aftertaste. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 18.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 8.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-6 g/cubic dm. The wine was awarded at international competitions with 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medals. At the competition "Crimea-Wine 95" he was awarded a silver medal and a 2nd degree diploma. The wine from the 1891 vintage was last tasted by the tasting committee in 1989 and received a full score of 10.0. This wine survived the evacuation to Tbilisi in 1941 and was returned to the Massandra cellars in 1945. Ratings for red Livadium Port produced after the war: wine from the 1954 harvest - 9.3 points; 1953 - 9.4; 1951 - 9.5; 1952 and 1950 - 9.6; 1948 - 9.7; 1947 - 9.8; 1945 - 9.9; 1946 - 10 points. Wines from 1947, 1946, 1945 can be characterized as round.

Bastardo Massandra (Massandra)

Vintage dessert red wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association from the Bastardo Magarachsky grape variety. This grape variety was obtained by crossing two high-quality varieties: Bastardo Portuguese and Saperavi Georgian. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 25%. The wine is dark red in color. The varietal bouquet is complex. The taste is full, soft, velvety with light tones of chocolate. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 20.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At the International Wine Competition in Yalta in 1970, the wine was awarded a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1966.

Crimean wines are worthy of the attention of a sophisticated connoisseur of noble drinks. Wine companies on the peninsula produce dry and semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet wines that have received worldwide recognition. Local producers offer a selection of fine liqueur and sparkling wines. The drinks always have a rich and rich taste, complex aroma and a delicious aftertaste. Products from Crimea are supplied to dozens of countries around the world, and the legendary Massandra plant is a supplier to the court of the Queen of England. The range of products is so wide that it is impossible to go without purchasing. The temptation to buy Crimean wines for your collection is strengthened by affordable prices for the bulk of the products.

Features of the region

The terroir of the Crimean peninsula is compared to Bordeaux, but wines began to be produced here long before the French. This is one of the most ancient wine regions on the planet. Wine was created by the Greeks in ancient Kherson, and Genoese colonists in Sudak and Feodosia. This region was chosen by the famous Prince Golitsyn when he was looking for a place for a sparkling wine factory. Today, dozens of enterprises operate in Crimea, brands such as Massandra, New World, Inkerman, Koktebel have achieved worldwide recognition. Twice Crimean wines were recognized as the best in the world.

Crimean wines are produced from autochthonous and noble grape varieties. Ekim-kara, kephesia, cevat-kara, bastardo magarach are cultivated - these names read like spells from oriental fairy tales. Feel great in climatic conditions Peninsula Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Franc, Merlot, Riesling, Muscat, Chardonnay, Syrah. In the assortment of famous Crimean producers you can find single-varietal and blended drinks for any feast. Many varieties are aged in barrels for 2 to 4 years and become worthy of the best collections.

Crimean wines on the WineStyle network

WineStyle presents products from well-known and new wine companies of the peninsula. The price of Crimean wine starts from 166 rubles per bottle of 0.75 liters. Premium wines have an attractive price, which allows you to get acquainted with legendary brands that have received dozens of awards at the most prestigious professional competitions on the planet.

Ancient peoples long ago began to use grapes to obtain a drink with unique taste characteristics. Often, the history of winemaking has a mythological quality.

One can easily imagine how the inhabitants of the Crimean peninsula came up with the idea of ​​​​using grapes. Juicy berry juice quickly begins to ferment and turns into an alcoholic drink.
Let us remember that in ancient times winemaking became a real art. The population's affection for wine increased every day, and winemaking developed and opened up new opportunities for the use of raw materials.

On a global scale, Crimean winemakers made a huge contribution. Excavations of archaeological sites indicate that the culture of wine production in Crimea dates back to the 7th-6th centuries. BC e. This area has always been an arena for ethnic and military conflicts, and at times this has been a disastrous factor for fertile crops. Winemaking either ceased to exist, then was revived with renewed vigor.
The invasions of warlike peoples brought the wine-making cultures of Crimea into decline. However, in XIII the influence of the Genoese union significantly influenced the entire trade of the peninsula.

The Genoese already by the 14th century. possessed all the lands of Crimea, including Sudak and Balaklava. Thanks to foreigners, local residents had one of the best periods in history for the development of agricultural activities. Trade not only contributed to the winemaking business, but also stimulated the development of activities to improve production technologies in general.

Over time, the Sudak region becomes a wine-making center that conducts successful trade with all nearby areas, including Russia. A hundred years later, Crimea is conquered by the Turks, after which winemaking experiences difficult times. Vineyards were destroyed and thousands of men and women died in wars. Art had to be restored again, like the culture of the entire people.

In the 19th century, winemaking was resurrected again. The main character becomes Count Vorontsov, who begins to actively plant vineyards on his estates in Crimea. Products made in its outskirts bore a special label “Aged in Vorontsov’s cellars.” Grappa made from grape pomace was sold under the guise of vodka and was called “Vorontsov Starka”.
By the middle of the century, there were up to 400 vineyards in Crimea. The area of ​​the planted territory was 3.5 thousand hectares.

By the 20th century, production increased, and exhibitions in Italy, France and Belgium were filled with samples of Crimean wines. At the same time, educational institutions teaching the art of winemaking were opened.
The success of college graduates directly depended on their enthusiasm for work, and professionals in their field began to actively disseminate knowledge about winemaking throughout all the lands of Crimea and Russia.

Today, Crimean wines are supplied throughout Russia and neighboring countries. Drinks from the fertile lands of the wonderful peninsula are popular with true wine connoisseurs, as they have extraordinary characteristics that are highly appreciated by both sophisticated wine connoisseurs and ordinary people.

Classification of Crimean wines: table, strong, dessert, liqueur, flavored, sparkling

Table wines

Table wines are usually served daily.

They are characterized by the fact that they contain sugar in the following proportions:

0.3% - dry;

1-2.5% semi-dry; 3-8% - semi-sweet. The amount of alcohol varies from 9 to 14% vol. This depends on the level of sugar contained in the grape juice.

By the way, wines are also divided into:

red(obtained by fermenting juice and pulp, due to which coloring substances remain in the wine); pink(during production, the fermentation holding time is limited, and the wort is processed as for white wine); white(made from purified grape juice, which is why aromatic and tannin substances give the wine a rich bouquet).

Dessert wines

Produced from grapes with a high degree of sugar content. For this purpose, the berries are picked ripe and overripe. At the same time, the sugar content should be at least 22-35%.
The fermentation process is stopped artificially when the sugar content in the liquid has reached the desired level.

The amount of sugar divides the wines into:

Semi-sweet- 5-12% sugar and 14-16% alcohol; Sweet-14-20% sugar and 15-17% alcohol.

Liquor wines

Liqueur wines contain up to 35% sugars and 17% vol. alcohol They are usually made from grape varieties with a high sugar content. Wines of this type include Pinot noir, Rkatseteli, Cabernet Sauvignon, Saperavi, etc.

Strong wines

Strong wines have above 20% vol. alcohol with sugar content from 1 to 14%. Strong wines are very popular - port, Madeira, sherry. A distinctive feature in the production of strong wines is that the technology requires heating the wine material over a 3-year period on special solar platforms or chambers.

Flavored wines

Flavored wines are made by mixing base grape material and alcoholic extracts of plant ingredients. Often, the bouquet of flavored wines includes sage, thyme, mint, cinnamon, wormwood and other natural flavors. The flavor profiles take on broad floral, citrus, resinous and nutmeg flavors. The main properties of the product are acquired thanks to the essential oils that are part of this or that flavor. The taste of the wine is usually with noticeable bitterness and spice. The color depends on the type of flavoring and can be either golden or bright red.

Sparkling wine

The technology for producing sparkling wines is such that the drink is saturated with carbon dioxide, due to which it becomes effervescent. Dioxide mimics natural fermentation mechanisms. Sparkling wine is made in a large tank that can withstand an internal pressure of 630 kilopascals, which is three times the pressure in a car tire. It should not be confused with sparkling wine, in other words, a carbonated drink made using artificially introduced carbon dioxide.

Main producers of Crimean wines:


This brand of Crimean wine is the most common. What sets it apart from other enterprises is high level quality and personality. The wines of the Koktebel plant have no equal in aroma, color and taste. It was formed in 1944. Features are determined by such categorical characteristics as soil, slope, temperature and the creative message of the winemaker. This creates the uniqueness of a unique wine drink. The Koktebel plant is located in the village of the same name near Kara-Dag. Local residents are accustomed to calling the village “The Country of Blue Peaks”, since the town is surrounded by mountains. Koktebel produces more than 20 types of different wines and 7 types of cognacs, with individual taste and flavor bouquet.

Best wines factory - "Pino Gris", "Old Nectar", cognacs - "Koktebel", "Kutuzov".


Since 1828, Magarach has been the largest research institution that has not only trained the best winemakers in Crimea, but has always worked to improve wine production technology and its characteristics. The association’s specialists are trying to increase the number of grape varieties and are creating special agronomic complexes for professional care of the vineyards. Magarach is a sign of development and exceptional quality.

The best wines avoda - “Ruby Magarach”, “Bastardo”, “White Muscat”, “Pink Muscat”, “Magarach No. 25”, “Pinot Gris Magarach”.


Inkerman positions itself as a factory of fine wines. Enjoys stunning success among true connoisseurs and connoisseurs of Crimean wines. Inkerman creates masterpieces that can compete even with their foreign counterparts. Ideally developed wine production technology helps create unique vintage wines. Conditions are created specifically for aging complex varieties of wine. The temperature remains between 12 and 16 ⁰C. Humidity is provided 5-30 meters deep in the rocky depths of underground mines.

This is a classic winery, declared one of the best in the world by the International Wine Organization. The varieties are aged in oak containers, the stock of which is 700 bottles and 7,000 barrels. On average, aging is two to three years.

The best varieties Inkerman plant - almost all table wines.

Sevastopol Winery

Founded in 1936, the plant produces sparkling wines. They work here using technology developed by Lev Golitsyn himself. Factory workers try to keep the details of the production of such wines secret. Muscat sparkling wine was awarded the Grand Prix Cup in Montreal in 1965. In total, the plant's products have more than 20 valuable medals for their amazing taste. They are very popular in many EU countries.

The best brands- “Muscat sparkling wine”, “Sevastopol sparkling wine”.

New World

The Novy Svet plant has a century-old history, which confirms its right to be called one of the best producers in Crimea. It received its name in honor of the village in which it is located. A number of the most popular sparkling wines are produced here. Travel companies They organize tours of the plant and talk about winemaking technologies. In front of the plant itself there is a monument to the founder and main inspirer of the plant, Golitsyn. Thanks to him, wine was delivered directly to the tables of the Emperor of the Russian Empire and was always held in high esteem by the entire nobility of the 19th century. In modern times, namely in 2008, this enterprise was awarded an award from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for outstanding success in preserving traditions and developing winemaking in Crimea.

The best brands plant - “Chardonnay”, “Pinot noir”, “Aligote”, “Cabernet Sauvignon”.


Perhaps the most favorite wines of both connoisseurs and ordinary people belong to the Massandra plant. Geographically, it is located above the park of the same name, and is located near the Simferopol highway. The association is widely known. Production has always been based on scientific and analytical achievements. At international competitions and tasting tests, the famous white nutmeg received the main prize several times.
The excellent products of Massanda are savored, enjoying the delightful bouquet of southern herbs and the tart character of the coastal lands. The plant creates special storage facilities - enotecas, which can boast of wines dating back up to 200 years.

Best wines plant - “I-Serez”, “Pino-Gris”, “Sherry”, “Kokur”, “Pink Muscat Massandra”, “Bastardo”, “Aligote”.

Wine drinking culture in Crimea

Drinking wine begins with a glass; it should be perfectly transparent and colorless, preferably crystal, since only such characteristics will help to appreciate the game, color and bouquet of the drink.

Wine drinking culture includes several rules:

The stronger the drink, the smaller the container should be;

Table wines are drunk from small glasses, and sparkling wines are drunk from glasses of various shapes;

You should drink wine slowly, in small sips, enjoying the range of flavor properties of the drink;

Wine should be stored at a temperature of 12 degrees;

White champagne should be served at the beginning of dinner, and pink or red semi-sweet and nutmeg should be served with dessert or fruit;

As an aperitif, it is best to serve dry champagne, sherry, port and vermouth.

Stages of alcoholism: Test yourself for addiction

Remember that the pleasure of drinking wine is a special kind of pleasure. Immersed in history and wine culture in Crimea, you will be able to fully appreciate the work of generations, the results of preserving traditions while improving the production of unique varieties of wine.

The detrimental role of alcoholism on various acute and chronic diseases

Crimean wines are drinks with a very special smell and rich taste, prepared in accordance with certain traditions. They are famous all over the world. Millions of connoisseurs of quality wine know that truly excellent drinks are made in Crimea.

Manufacturing plants

First of all, I would like to say that there are several factories producing wine drinks located on the Crimean Peninsula. “Golden Beam”, “Golden Amphora”, “Inkerman”, “New World”, “Massandra”, “Koktebel” and the Sevastopol Champagne Wine Factory. By the way, the penultimate one listed also produces excellent cognac. The most famous is “Massandra”; this plant has existed since 1894 and has been producing high-quality wines for more than 120 years. It is safe to say that the drinks produced by him are masterpieces of classical winemaking. The best Crimean wines are not just collected here - there are a huge number of real works of winemaking art. The plant has 225 (!) awards that its drinks have received at various tastings and international exhibitions. And, in the end, Massandra is the producer that has the largest collection of wines in the whole world. More than a million bottles of a wide variety of drinks are stored in its cellars. There is even a wine called “Sherry de la Frontera”, the harvest of which dates back to 1775! Each drink produced by this plant is unique and special in its own way.

White port: a variety of aromas and tastes

Crimean white wines deserve special attention. Take, for example, cabernet port. A completely unique vintage white wine, made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. These berries grow near the small town of Alupka and the village of Simeiz. It is difficult to immediately understand the taste after tasting Cabernet port. The complex bouquet reveals itself in the aftertaste, and only then can you feel a light almond flavor, shaded by the aroma of subtropical fruits. Somewhat oily, but despite this, a soft taste that leaves a viscous and pleasant sensation. It is also worth noting “South Coast” white port, which is rightfully considered the best representative of its class of drinks. It is made from Aligote or Semillon grapes. Its color can be very light or dark amber - it all depends on the variety of berries. After tasting this drink, you can feel the unobtrusive taste of roasted nuts. In addition, there is also a huge number of port wines - “Golden Fortune of Arkhaderesse”, “Surozh”, “Crimean”, “Magarach” and many others.

Red table wines

They are especially popular. Take, for example, the Crimean red wine Cabernet, which is made from Sauvignon grapes grown near Sevastopol. This drink has a rich ruby ​​hue and a pronounced tart taste. Alushta wine is also in demand. It is prepared from various varieties, such as “mourvèdre”, “morastel”, “saperavi” or the notorious “cabernet sauvignon”. By mixing all of these berries, you get a variety of interesting tastes. But, despite so many varieties, the drink does not have a strong aroma - everything is very harmonious and unobtrusive.

“Festive” drink produced in Crimea

Champagne is an indispensable attribute at almost any celebration. On the peninsula you can try absolutely any drink belonging to this class. Crimean sparkling wines are also diverse. Champagne with interesting name“Prince Lev Golitsyn”, which is aged for at least three years. It is made using classical technologies, that is, by secondary fermentation. The drink has a refreshing and harmonious taste and contains about 12.5% ​​alcohol. “Sevastopol” champagne is also popular. Based on the name, you can understand where it is made. This is a noble drink of excellent quality, characterized by a not too cloying taste and a light grape aroma. New World champagne is also in demand. This wine drink has a rich aroma of fresh grapes and a completely unique taste. Its originality is due to the fact that no sugar or anything else is added to the drink. Absolutely pure taste.

Dessert drinks

Crimean dessert wines are distinguished by increased strength and richer taste. They are also called “muscats”. One of the most unique Crimean dessert wines is white “Livadia”. The drink has a delicate amber hue with an oily warm taste. This wine is very popular among true alcohol connoisseurs. Also worth noting is the wine with the long name “Red Stone White Muscat”. It can rightfully be considered the pride of domestic winemaking. It is this Muscat that has been awarded the highest global awards that can only be given to wine. Its light golden color with an amber tint cannot be confused with anything else, and its nutmeg taste with light citrus notes makes you fall in love with this drink from the first sip.

Author's wines of Crimean masters

Many winemakers make their own signature drinks. They should also be given attention. Take, for example, “Crimean Night” (Crimean semi-sweet red wine). The chief master working at the Plodovoye plant (which produces this drink) and creating signature wines is Valery Andreevich Tsurkan. “Crimean Night” has a very original taste, because it is made from valuable grape varieties - Chardonnay, Pinot, Aligote and many others. Thanks to the efforts of its founders, this small distillery received three silver and four gold medals at international cognac and wine competitions.

“Manly” wine

This name was given to sherry among the common people. The drink as such was born in Spain. As a matter of fact, for the first time outside this country, sherry began to be made on the peninsula. This wine has certain differences from the others. One of the most pronounced is that this drink is kept in containers that are not completely filled, and under a thin layer of special wine yeast. It is this component that imbues sherry with such a special taste. Periodically, a small part of the contents is replaced with new wine. After this, dessert wine is added to the wort and then allowed to ferment for some more time in cold cellars. The sherry is infused for four years, at the end of which time the result is an aperitif with a pronounced taste and aroma. This is a strong wine (may contain about 20% alcohol), it warms, in moderate doses improves blood pressure and awakens the appetite. It is usually served with meat, vegetable, mushroom and fish dishes.

"Black Colonel"

Speaking about Crimean wines, I would like to pay special attention to this drink. It is produced exclusively in the Sunny Valley, since only there a unique grape variety is grown - “ekim kara” and “cevat kara”. This brand was approved not so long ago - only in 1995, but has already managed to win the recognition of connoisseurs of wine drinks and was awarded nine gold medals at various international competitions. “Black Colonel” has a unique bactericidal as well as bacteriostatic effect on various pathogenic microorganisms, improves the immune system and has a beneficial effect on digestion. This unique vintage wine is often used as an aperitif and served with fatty dishes such as shish kebab, fried meat, pilaf and barbecue. “Black Colonel” is exactly the kind of wine that you can use to show off your high tone.

Original drinks

Crimean wines themselves are unique and original in their own way, but there is such a classification, and certain drinks belong to it. For example, bastardo “Massandra”. The wine is made from Magarach grapes, due to which it acquires its original dark red color. Having tasted this rather sweet drink, you can feel the taste of dark chocolate, shaded with prunes. The strength of the wine is 16%, and it is often even compared to liqueur. The original drinks also include aleatico called “Ayu-Dag”. It has a very delicate, subtle taste and the same color – light pink, with a pomegranate hue. You can also pay attention to the dessert kokur “Surozh”. It has a pronounced golden hue and an original varietal bouquet in which you can feel the taste of honey and quince. And finally, “Golitsyn’s Seventh Heaven” is a wine that fully lives up to its name. It has been prepared in Massandra for more than 135 years. This drink combines the flavors of peach, honey and quince and has a dark amber color.

Reviews from alcohol connoisseurs

Much has been said about such unique drinks as Crimean wines. Reviews from people who have at least once tried any of the above only once again confirm their undoubted quality. The number of drinks is almost endless, and every person who loves good alcohol will find exactly what he needs. Table, fortified, sweet, semi-sweet, dry, champagne, signature and vintage - all these are Crimean wines. Reviews from numerous tasters and alcohol critics in no way embellish the merits of these drinks. It is not for nothing that, for example, “Massandra Madeira” is one of the hundred best wines in the whole world, and “New World” champagne was awarded a gold medal and Grand Prix at the Moscow International Competition of Wines and Spirits.


Crimean wines, the names of which were listed above, cost differently. Some of them (for example, Alushta red port) are quite inexpensive - a little over a hundred rubles per bottle. But the price of “Black Doctor” is about 1,300 rubles. How is it determined how much Crimean wines cost? The price depends on the year of production, grape variety and other nuances discussed above. In general, a bottle of good Crimean wine can be purchased for about three hundred rubles. Many people, especially visitors, find it difficult to make a choice. Therefore, many decide to visit the factory as part of an excursion, and this, I must say, is the right decision - there experts will tell you interesting information regarding wines, and then there will be an opportunity to go through a tasting, where each person individually decides for himself which drink is suitable for him.

Crimean wines are drinks for refined connoisseurs with a developed taste. Thanks to the observance of long-established traditions, these wines have been delighting consumers with their unique bouquet and excellent aroma for decades. Many wine lovers give their preference to those specimens that were made in Crimea.

Crimean wines

We should thank those craftsmen who are engaged in the production of vintage wines at numerous factories located on the Crimean Peninsula for such high-quality and sought-after products. The most famous of them:

  • Inkerman;
  • Golden amphora;
  • New World;
  • Massandra;
  • Golden Beam;
  • Koktebel;
  • Sevastopol sparkling wine factory.

An interesting fact is that the Koktebel plant, in addition to producing wine, also produces cognac of amazing quality.

White wines of Crimea

Among the variety of varieties, white wines from Crimea deserve special attention. One has only to remember the same Cabernet port - a vintage white wine made using special Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, which grows near the city of Alupka.

The taste will not be immediately clear to the average person - the wine begins to play with all its shades of aromas and fully reveal its flavor range when the aftertaste sets in - only then can you feel how everything inside seems to be filled with the barely noticeable aroma of almonds and various tropical fruits. In general, the drink turned out to be quite soft in taste, and at the same time slightly viscous.

"South Bank" white port

If the story is about white wines of Crimea, it is impossible not to mention “South Bank” white port. Of course, the drink is rightfully recognized as the best in its class. The grape variety that is used to make “South Coast” port is not familiar to everyone and goes by the elegant name “Aligote,” or its alternative, “Semillon,” can be used. The color of the wine depends on which variety is chosen for making wine. The drink has several color options, from bright white to dark with a hint of amber. This wine has a very unusual taste, vaguely reminiscent of roasted peanuts.

Here are a few more popular families of white wines that can definitely be recommended to any connoisseur:

  • Magarach;
  • Surozh;
  • Golden fortune of the archaderess;
  • Crimean port wine.

Red Crimean wines

This wine category has its own crowd of admirers. Cabernet, one of the best Crimean red wines, receives special attention. Its taste matches its color - bright, catchy and memorable, and all thanks to the already mentioned Sauvignon grapes, which here also acts as the main ingredient.

Don’t forget about Alushta wine - this specimen can give no less taste pleasure. To obtain its unique aroma, the manufacturer had to mix the taste properties of the finest grape varieties: Morastel, Sapevari, Mourvèdre and several more representatives, including even Cabernet Sauvignon.

Alushta wine is that rare case when the quantity of ingredients used really turns into quality: the aroma of the drink is very light, you literally dissolve in it, distracting yourself from the hustle and bustle.

Unique Crimean wines

Connoisseurs probably know that wine masters give their main masterpieces their own unique name - such drinks can safely be called the best creations of their authors. Of course, it’s impossible not to mention them.

Crimean night

Here, for example, is a wine called “Crimean Night”, produced under the authorship of Valery Andreevich Tsurkan, the chief master of the Plodovoye wine factory. Although the plant itself cannot boast of its enormous size and numerous branches in various regions, not least thanks to the “Crimean Night”, it was awarded four gold and three silver awards at various competitions around the world. And all thanks to the grape varieties that are used to give the drink an exquisite taste: Pinot, Aligote, Chardonnay and others.

Special mention should be made of sherry, or the so-called “manly” wine among the people. It is special, if only because the method of its production is different from others: the wine is infused in special barrels, but they are not completely filled, and a layer of wine yeast is placed on top. This way it is infused for four years, and periodically new and dessert wines are added to each mixing container. The drink turns out to be very strong, its consistency can reach up to 20% alcohol content, but this is the beauty of sherry. “Manly” wine is recommended to be washed down with hot dishes and snacks.

As for the price, it will depend on the specific variety. The range ranges from the most affordable to the most expensive wines in the world. However, the price will not seem so exorbitant even to an inexperienced person, because it will pay off with the extraordinary aroma and charm of Crimean wines.

Cabernet Sauvignon)

A well-known French variety, plantings of which are cultivated throughout the middle and southern viticulture zones of the CIS countries. A mid-late ripening variety. Cabernet Sauvignon has great ecological and geographical flexibility: it produces high-quality wines almost everywhere, not only in the table, but also in the dessert direction. The must yield of Cabernet Sauvignon is relatively high. The juice of the berry is not colored, therefore, when quickly pressed, especially using the champagne method (in whole bunches), almost uncolored champagne wine materials are obtained with a slight pink tint, which decreases with aging. Their quality is so high that they can be the basis for creating a vintage light table wine. The best Bordeaux-type Cabernet wines are produced in the Medoc, Graves and Saint-Emilion (France). They are distinguished by their nobility, subtlety and tenderness of taste, and the exceptional beauty of the bouquet. Cabernet Sauvignon produces a wine that is well-formed and robust. Despite its thinness, it is quite full, although not excessively, and has a persistent and rather intense color. The bouquet and taste of the wine has a specific feature - the smell of nightshade or morocco (leather). This bouquet is felt more strongly in young wine. As the wine matures, the specific bouquet of the variety changes and becomes refined. In creating the bouquet of ripe Cabernet, substances extracted from the skins of the grapes play a big role, since white wine from Cabernet has a completely different bouquet. Cabernet wine matures rather slowly and is somewhat rough when young. It reaches its maximum development of organoleptic properties after 8-10 years. From Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, the Abrau-Durso estate produces red table wine Cabernet Abrau. When young, it has a dark red color with a violet tint, which, as it ages, turns into garnet, with bulbous tones. In taste it has a slight tartness and harmonious acidity. The aroma in the young wine is nightshade, which then turns into a subtle bouquet with the smell of morocco. In some years, this wine turns out to be of exceptionally high quality, acquiring a harmonious taste and a delicate bouquet with the smell of violets during aging. In the Krasnodar region, Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are also used to produce red table wine Cabernet Myskhako. The wine has an intense color, a characteristic dark ruby ​​color with a sparkle, full, velvety, soft, with a pleasant harmonizing acidity. Red dessert vintage wine Black Eyes is produced from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes grown in the Gelendzhik region of the Krasnodar Territory. The wine has an intense dark red color; it is quite extractive, velvety, with light chocolate tones in the taste. Champagne wine materials from Cabernet Sauvignon are very thin and adding them to the blend in an amount of 10 - 20% significantly improves the quality of the champagne.

Solnechnaya Dolina (Sunny Valley)

Vintage dessert white wine. Aging period - 3 years. Conditions: alcohol - 16% vol., sugar - 16 g/100 cm3. Color: from golden to amber with a pleasant soft shade of red gold. Bouquet: complex, delicate, with aromas of melon and peach, honey-floral bouquet with a hint of medlar and tones of bitter desert herbs. Taste: full, harmonious, soft. Varietal composition: indigenous varieties: Sary-Pandas, Kokur white, Kok-Pandas, “Solnechnodolinsky”, Kapselsky white, “Soldaya” and other white natives.

Pinot Gris Ai-Danil (Massandra)

High-quality vintage dessert liqueur white wine, produced only at the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea from gray Pinot grapes. The smoky gray bunches of Pinot Gris accumulate more than 30% sugar and produce the most delicate dessert wine. The amazing color of the wine - dark amber with a pinkish-golden sheen, a unique bouquet with the aroma of the crust of freshly baked rye bread and a subtle hint of fragrant quince, captivates the taste of connoisseurs of fine wines. In the wine, the fullness of taste and its special oiliness merge into a single harmony. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 24.0 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cc. 7 gold and 3 silver medals were awarded at international wine competitions. At the competition “Crimea-Wine 95” he was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1888. When tested by a tasting commission on April 7, 1993, the wine from the 1938 harvest received the highest rating among samples of this wine from different years.

Meganom Dry White (Sunny Valley)

Natural dry white grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 9–12% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: light straw with greenish nuances. Bouquet: harmonious, pronounced, with tones of white fruit. Taste: soft, round, with harmonious acidity, slight bitterness in the aftertaste. Varietal composition: Aligote, Gars Levelu, Furmint and mixtures of other white varieties.

Meganom Dry Red (Sunny Valley)

Natural dry red grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 10–13 vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: beautiful, rich, dense, ruby ​​with a purple or red tint. Bouquet: complex, rich in floral and fruit tones. Taste: full, harmonious, tart, slightly astringent with a long, spicy aftertaste. Varietal composition: Bastardo Magarach, Pinot black.

Meganom Vintage Dry Red (Sunny Valley)

Natural vintage dry red grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 10–13% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: deep, dark ruby. Bouquet: intense, complex, combining tones of red and black berries, a hint of plum jam, a note of oak wood and nuances of licorice. Taste: balanced, full, extractive, with softened tannins. Varietal composition: Magarach Bastardo and Black Pinot.

Tokay South Bank (Massandra)

High-quality vintage white dessert wine, produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea, from Tokay grape varieties: Furmint and Gars Levelu. These Hungarian varieties long ago found a second home on the southern coast of Crimea and showed themselves very well in Crimean wine. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 26%. Tokaj South Coast wine has a beautiful color: from golden to amber. The bouquet is extremely complex, subtle, specific, with tones of crust of fresh baked rye bread and quince tones. The taste is full, oily, harmonious. Wine carries the sun. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 200 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At International competitions, the wine was awarded 13 gold and 3 silver medals. At the competition “Crimea-Wine 95” he was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1944. It was first produced at the end of the 19th century under the name “Tokay Dessert”. Tokaj, like no other wine, is distinguished by the long-term preservation of its rich organoleptic qualities. Until 1890, dry Tokai was prepared from Tokaj vines, and since 1892, dessert wine began to be prepared on the South Coast by adding alcohol to the fermenting wort. When tested by a tasting commission on August 30, 1993, this wine from the 1953 harvest received 9.78 points, and the wine from the 1973 harvest received 9.72 points.

Sauvignon Meganom (Sunny Valley)

Natural dry white grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 9–12% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: pale straw with subtle greenish nuances. Bouquet: fresh, varietal, with tones of white fruit, harmonious. Taste: soft, balanced. Varietal composition: Green Sauvignon and Chardonnay.

White Crimean port (Sunny Valley)

Vintage strong wine. Aging period - 3 years. Conditions: alcohol - 17.5% vol., sugar - 9.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 5.0 g/l. Color: From golden to amber. Bouquet: subtle, pleasant, with fruity tones and a light cognac tint. Taste: full, harmonious with a light cognac tint and a subtle spicy bitterness. Varietal composition: Kokur White, a mixture of white European varieties.

Massandra SHERES (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine is the best among sherry-type wines. Prepared from grape varieties: Sercial, Albillo, Verdelho. A distinctive feature of the preparation of this brand of wine is aging for a year under a film of sherry yeast. During the process of sherrying and subsequent heat treatment, special organic substances - aldehydes and acetals - accumulate in the wine, as a result the wine acquires a specific taste, with a light tone of bitter almonds and roasted nuts. The wine is golden in color, the bouquet is delicate, complex, the taste is harmonious and full. The process of formation and maturation of wine lasts 4 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 19.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 2.5 g/100 cubic meters. cm Mass concentration of titratable acids: 5 g/cub. dm International competitions have repeatedly distinguished the high quality of this wine: 7 gold, 2 silver medals. In 1970, at the II International Competition of Wines and Cognacs, which was held in Massandra at the Head Factory, Spanish sherry received a score of 18.67 points, and Massandra - 18.86 points. Both sherries received a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1944. On November 26, 1992, the tasting commission tested Massandra sherry from the harvest from 1944 to 1983. The 1944 sherry sample received the highest score - 9.9 points. The commission made the following conclusion: “All tested samples of sherry correspond to a type with good development of aging over the years.” Until 1925, not a single barrel of Russian sherry was produced.

Black Colonel (Sun Valley)

High-quality strong wine “Black Colonel” is prepared from black indigenous varieties - Dzhevat Kara, Ekim Kara, Krona, Kefesia and high-quality black varieties of domestic selection - Bastardo Magarachsky, Ruby Magaracha, Saperavi, Odessky Black with a sugar content in the berries of at least 18 percent. The name of the wine comes from the Cevat Kara grape variety, which translated from Turkic means black colonel. Nowhere outside of the Sun Valley are such grape varieties grown, which means that such unique wines do not and cannot exist anywhere. According to the legend of the Black Doctor, well known to winemakers, the brave Colonel lived in the village of Kozy, a picturesque corner of Eastern Crimea (Sunny Valley), and was friends with the kind and wise Doctor. But, as often happens in life, good is repaid with evil, so in the legend the Doctor saves the Colonel at the cost of his own life. People who idolized the magician doctor gave the vines from his vineyard names based on the color of the clusters: one was called Ekim Kara (Black Doctor) in memory of the doctor, the other Cevat Kara (Black Colonel), as a reminder of the tragedy that happened. Since then, these vines have been growing only in the Doctor’s former vineyard in the village of Solnechnaya Dolina. Transferred to another place, they lose their taste and healing properties. This brand of wine was developed on the farm and approved in 1995. The right to produce and release this brand applies only to the Solnechnaya Dolina state farm plant. During three years of aging and storage in oak containers in ancient Golitsyn cellars, the wine turns an elegant ruby ​​color and acquires an original complex bouquet with delicate tones of milk cream and chocolate. Prunes and morocco are felt in the taste; its complete harmony is complemented by soft velvety, mulberry tones and a piquant tartness. Wine standards: alcohol -17.5%, sugar -11%, titratable acidity - 5 g/l. Like other red wines, “Black Colonel” has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on many pathogenic microorganisms. Increases the body's immunity, stimulates digestion, and has P-vitamin activity. The microelements contained in wine are catalysts and regulators of metabolism, and tannins and pectin have anti-radiation and anti-radioactive effects. The harmony of wines and dishes is certainly not easy, but it is accessible. Vintage strong wine “Black Colonel” can be used as an aperitif and served with second courses with increased extract content - barbecue, pilaf, fried game, and dishes cooked on charcoal. The basic rule must be followed: red wine with red meat. “Black Colonel” is one of those wines that in certain circles is considered “bonton” - a high tone. Having tasted this unique wine, it is easy to be convinced of the wonderful and magical properties of the drink. During its short life, the wine has already been awarded the highest quality mark - a gold medal at the International Tasting in Yalta.

Golden Fortune of Arhaderesse (Sun Valley)

Vintage strong white wine. Aging period - 3 years. Conditions: alcohol 17.5% vol., sugar - 10 g/100 cm3. Color: from light golden to dark golden. Bouquet: full, soft, harmonious, spicy-honey with a slight astringency. Varietal composition: indigenous varieties: Kok-Pandas, Sary-Pandas, “Solnechnodolinsky” and other white ones. Kokur white, Rkatsiteli, white mixture.

White South Coast PORT (Massandra)

The classic type of vintage strong white wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association, located in the southern coast of Crimea from Cape Foros to Mount Chatyr-Dag from grape varieties: Semillon, Aligote, Pedro Crimean, Tokay and others. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. The wine is dark amber in color. It captivates with its fullness of taste and developed bouquet, which is dominated by fruit tones with a slight hint of almond. The mild taste harmonizes with the bouquet and leaves a long and pleasant aftertaste. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 18.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars? 10.0 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-6 g/cc. The high quality of the wine was awarded at International wine competitions with 3 gold and 1 silver medals. At the competition “Crimea-Wine 95” he was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. Produced since 1944.

White Surozh PORT WINE (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine produced from the indigenous Kokur white grape variety. The best microdistricts for the production of this wine are the valleys of the Sudak region, from where the wine received its name - “Surozh” (the ancient Russian name for the city of Sudak). The wine is golden in color and attracts connoisseurs with its stable bouquet, varietal aroma of Kokura with a Tokaji tint combined with fruit and honey tones. The taste is soft, full, harmonious. The wine acquires its high properties as a result of three years of aging in oak containers. Wine conditions: Mass fraction of ethyl alcohol: 17.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 9.5 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cc. At the International Wine Competition in 1970 in Massandra, the wine was awarded a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1936.

Ai-Serez (Massandra, produced EXCLUSIVELY by the winery in the village of Morskoye)

Vintage red dessert wine is produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association from the Cabernet Sauvignon and Bastardo Magarachsky grape varieties. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. The wine is red in color, from red to dark red. The bouquet is developed, original, of good composition. The taste is full, harmonious with soft tones of coffee, chocolate, cream. Aging in oak containers - 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 16.0 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At the “Crimea-Wine 95” competition it was awarded a silver medal and a 2nd degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1991.

Black Doctor (Sun Valley)

This rare brand of dessert wine is made from unique grape varieties Ekim Kara, Dzhevat Kara, Kefesia, Krona and others, which make up the valuable gene pool of Crimean indigenous varieties growing only in the Sunny Valley. Indigenous varieties grow and retain their taste and medicinal properties only in this unique soil and climatic microzone, on the site of the former Doctor’s vineyards. When transferred to other places and regions, varieties can produce higher yields, but they lose these advantages. The brand of wine is named after the main grape variety used, Ekim Kara (Black Doctor). To prepare this wine, grapes of the indicated varieties are used, subject to the accumulation of sugar in the berries of at least 22%. For the first time in experimental winemaking, the variety was tested in 1933-34. Already in 1940, the wine of the 1939 harvest, prepared at a wine point in the village of Kozy (Solnechnaya Dolina), received a very high rating at an all-Union tasting in Moscow. And after A. A. Ivanov studied the native varieties of the Solar Valley, a brand of wine called “Ruby Crimean” was accepted for production. Skillful, caring winemakers carefully preserved and improved the original brand of wine, giving it in 1967 the name after the main grape variety, taking into account the effectively medicinal properties of the amazing drink. “Black Doctor” has a garnet-red color, and in the passing ray of light the glass plays like a real ruby. The bouquet of the wine is original with tones of prunes, chocolate and subtle shades of vanilla. The taste is quite full, velvety, with pronounced tones of dried pear, milk cream, morocco and Constantinople mulberry. The piquant tartness does not prevent the wine from being soft, harmonious, and coherent. There is a pleasant hint of cocoa and cream in the aftertaste. Wine standards: alcohol - 16%, sugar -16%, titratable acidity - 6 g/l. The wine is aged for two years in the classical way in oak barrels at a temperature of +13-14°C. This regime is created by the ancient Golitsin cellars “Arkhaderesse”. The right to produce and release this brand of wine applies only to the Solnechnaya Dolina state farm-factory. Like many red wines, “Black Doctor” has a radioprotective effect and P-vitamin activity. Contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, rare organic acids and biologically active substances. Glucose and fructose are easily absorbed by the human body and provide additional energy support for the heart muscle. “Black Doctor” has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels in atherosclerosis. According to the existing ancient belief, since ancient times this thick red wine from the indigenous varieties Ekim Kara, Dzhevat Kara, Kephesia and others was consumed when a person lost blood, exhaustion and loss of strength. Warriors returning from the battlefield were always given this wine! The soldiers' wounds were washed and lubricated with wine, the high bactericidal properties of which contributed to rapid healing. Tart wine with a high tannin content quickly “healed” wounds. Its effect is similar to the brilliant green with film used in medicine even today. Wine "Black Doctor" in terms of aromatic and taste qualities is on par with the best domestic and foreign samples. At various international tastings and exhibitions, the wine was awarded five gold and one silver medals. Huge many years of work and skill of winegrowers and winemakers are invested in every drop of this noble drink. “Black Doctor” is a wine for true connoisseurs and connoisseurs. The uniqueness of the drink is given by three symbols of the free nature of the Sun Valley: Sky, Earth and Sea. The drink will appeal to everyone who is far from everyday life. For in the Sky there is the freedom of air and the pleasure of space, the Earth combines earthly charm and the desire for new ideas, the Sea is exciting, spontaneous and unpredictable, will conquer those who prefer adventure and tireless movement towards success.

Pinot Gris South Coast (Massandra)

Vintage dessert white wine produced by the enterprises of the Massandra association from Pinot Gris grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 26%. The color of the wine is golden, dark apricot shade is allowed. A varietal bouquet with tones of aging. The taste is full, buttery, harmonious with the tones of rye crust. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 20.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/ The wine has been produced since 1991.

Massandra MADERA (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine. It is produced only in the Massandra economic associations from the following grape varieties: Sercial, Verdelho, Albillo, grown on well-warmed slate soils. Sercial gives Madeira power, Vardelio adds piquancy. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 20%. A special feature of this wine is its 5-year aging in a sunny area in partially filled oak barrels. This creates conditions for the wine to undergo a process of maderization, which gives the wine a special pleasant bouquet and taste. “Twice born of the sun” - they call Madeira. The wine is golden to dark golden in color. Only the wine from the 1948 and 1946 vintages has a light golden color. The bouquet is developed, thin, well built. The taste is full, harmonious, burning with bright tones of roasted nuts. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 19.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 3 g/100 cubic meters. cm Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-6 g/cubic dm At International competitions, Madera “Massandra” was awarded 5 gold and 5 silver medals for its high taste qualities. At the Crimea-Wine 95 competition it was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1892. Madera Massandra, harvested in 1905, was tested by a tasting commission in 1989 and received a rating of 9.7 points, having 84 years of life behind it and being in the prime of its development. This wine was evacuated in 1941 to Tbilisi and returned to the Massandra cellars in 1945. Madera Massandra is represented in the collection from 1900 to the present. In the collection of old wines there are a number of excellent representatives of this brand, rated with the highest score. Currently, the 1937 harvest is in first place, followed by 1935, 1934 and other older years; Of these, the harvests of 1915, 1908, 1906, 1905 and 1903 are especially outstanding. Wine from the 1905 vintage is rated at 10 points, and from the 1903 vintage - 10 plus. Madera 1948 turned out to be lightly built. The wines from the 1944 and 1946 harvests can be called round. Score in points: harvest 1954 and 1983 - 9.3; 1952 and 1950 - 9.4; 1948 and 1947 - 9.5, 1949 and 1945 - 9.6; 1946 and 1944 - 9.7 points. On March 31, 1992, samples of Madeira Massandra from the 1937-1984 harvest were tested by a tasting commission. The highest score of 9.98 was given to a sample of Madeira "Massandra" from the 1937 harvest.

Malaga Massandra (Massandra)

The color is dark garnet, with a slight burnt feel. The taste has a very pleasant bready tone. The wine is thick, harmonious, with very high taste qualities. Score 10 plus. In 1914, it was the most expensive among Massandra wines.

Red Crimean PORT (Massandra)

Vintage strong red wine is produced by all enterprises of the Massandra association from red grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Saperavi, Morastel, Bastardo Magarachsky, Aleatico and others. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 18%. The abundance of warmth and sunlight, the dry, warm autumn of Crimea make the wine bright and memorable. The bouquet is fruity, complex, ripe, the taste is full, soft, harmonious, with tones of dried fruit. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 17.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 100.0 g/100 cubic meters. cm Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cubic dm In 1970, at the International competition in Massandra, the wine was awarded a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1944.

Red Alushta DINING (Massandra)

High quality vintage table red wine. It is produced by the Alushta state farm plant of the Massandra association from grape varieties: Cabernet, Saperavi, Morastel, growing in the Alushta Valley and along the gentle part of the spurs of the Crimean Mountains - Chatyr-Dag (Tent Mountain) and Demerdzhi (Kuznechnaya). This area is especially favorable for producing red wines. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of 18-22%. The wine is dark red in color. The bouquet is complex with morocco tones, which gives the wine the Cabernet variety. The taste is soft, with pleasant acidity, distinguished by subtlety and piquancy. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol 10-13% vol. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-6 g/cu. dm For its high qualities at International competitions, this wine was awarded 1 gold and 1 silver medal. At the “Crimea-Wine 95” competition he was awarded a gold medal and a first degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1937. The wine from the 1950 harvest is rated at 9.4 points; three-year-olds are usually rated 9-9.2. French tasters eagerly compared it with their Bordeaux wines. The wine from the 1947 harvest was last tasted by the tasting commission in 1991 and received a score of 9.7 points. The wine of the 1937 harvest was last assessed by the tasting commission in 1975 - the wine was at the peak of its capabilities and received the highest score - 10.0.

White Crimean PORT (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine. It is produced by all enterprises of the Massandra association from white grape varieties: Kokur white, Rkatsiteli, Aligote, Riesling and others. The grapes are harvested with a sugar content of at least 18%. The rocky and well-warmed soil on the eastern coast of Crimea makes the wine extractive with a subtle pleasant bouquet and harmonious taste, where fruit tones predominate. The most popular among strong vintage wines of Crimea. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 17.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 9.5 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cc. The high quality of the wine was awarded 1 gold and 1 silver medal at International competitions. The wine has been produced since 1944.

Kagor Yuzhnoberezhny (Massandra)

High-quality vintage dessert red wine, produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association from the Saperavi grape variety (an ancient Georgian variety. The grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 24%. The wine is prepared by incomplete fermentation of pre-heated and infused wort with pulp. Color - intensely red. The bouquet is complex, varietal, with tones of cream and black currant. The taste is massive, extractive with a soft astringency, due to the presence of tannins and coloring substances. “Cahors” is popularly called “church wine.” The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 18 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. dm. At International competitions, this wine was awarded 4 gold and 2 silver medals The wine has been produced since 1933. When tested by a tasting commission on August 30, 1993, this wine from the 1953 harvest received a score of 9.8 points.

Archaderesse Strong (Sunny Valley)

The wine is strong red. Conditions: alcohol - 17% vol., sugar - 6.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 5.0 g/l. Color: ruby ​​or garnet of varying intensity. Bouquet: clean with fruity and floral tones. Taste: full, harmonious, tart. Varietal composition: Odessa black, Bastardo Magarach.

Archaderesse Pink (Sunny Valley)

Rose wine. Conditions: alcohol - 17% vol., sugar - 6.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 5.0 g/l. Color: from pink to dark pink. Bouquet: clean with fruity and floral tones. Taste: full, harmonious, tart. Varietal composition: Bastardo Magarachsky, Odessa black, white variety Rkatsiteli.

Kagor Solnechnaya Dolini (Sunny Valley)

Special dessert sweet red grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 16% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: impenetrable, dark garnet. Bouquet: harmonious, complex, with tones of black candied berries: blackberries, mulberries, chokeberries and black currants, a hint of prunes and a note of hot chocolate. Taste: full, extractive, with a taste of candied berries, a note of cherry leaf in the aftertaste. Varietal composition: Cabernet Sauvignon, Bastardo Magarachsky and a mixture of other red grape varieties.

Muscat Black Massandra (Massandra)

Produced only at the Massandra state farms. An original vintage liqueur wine produced from the valuable Muscat black grape variety (CALIABA). To prepare this wine, the grapes are kept on the bushes to allow the berries to wither and are harvested when the sugar content is at least 30%. The wine is dark ruby ​​in color with soft tints, like a precious crystal. The bouquet is complex, with piquant tones of nutmeg and prunes. The taste is bright and subtle with a light chocolate tint. The wine enchants with its velvety feel and memorable aftertaste. Aging period: 2 years in oak barrels. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 24.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cubic dm. At international competitions the wine was awarded 3 gold and 1 silver medals. The wine has been produced since 1913.

Muscat Pink South Coast (Massandra)

Vintage dessert rose wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association from grape varieties: Pink Muscat and Black Muscat, growing on warm slate soils. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 26%. The wine has a rather intense, elegant pink color. The bouquet is nutmeg, with tones of Kazanlak rose. The taste is quite full and harmonious. The elegant composition of the bouquet and taste gives this wine a special nobility. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 20.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At international competitions the wine was awarded 1 gold and 5 silver medals. At the competition “Crimea-Wine 95” he was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1944.

Muscat Pink Dessert (Massandra)

Vintage dessert liqueur rose wine is produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association located on the southern coast of Crimea from Muscat pink grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 29%. The wine is a beautiful pink color. The bouquet is bright, varietal, nutmeg, with tones of tea rose. The taste is full, oily, harmonious. The aging period in oak barrel is 2 years. Wine quality: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 23.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 cc. At international competitions the wine was awarded 4 gold medals. The wine has been produced since 1945.

Muscat White Yuzhnoberezhny (Massandra)

Vintage dessert white wine, produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association from white Muscat grapes (Frontignan Muscat, Lunel Muscat). Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 26%. The wine is light amber in color with a golden hue. The bouquet is bright with a characteristic muscat tone. The taste is full, harmonious, oily, delicate. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 20.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At International competitions, the wine was awarded 8 gold and 1 silver medals. At the competition “Crimea-Wine 95” he was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1940. When tested by a tasting commission on November 15, 1993, this wine from the 1973 vintage received a score of 9.8 points.

Muscat White Massandra (Massandra)

Vintage dessert white wine produced by the enterprises of the Massandra association from white Muscat grapes (Frontignan Muscat, Lunel Muscat). Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. The color of the wine ranges from light golden to dark golden. A varietal bouquet with tones of aging. The taste is quite full, harmonious, soft. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 16.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-8 g/ The wine has been produced since 1981. In 1993, the tasting commission gave this wine from the 1939 harvest the highest score among white Muscats - 10 points.

Kokur Meganom (Sunny Valley)

Natural dry white grape wine. Conditions: alcohol - 9–12% vol., titratable acids - 3.0–8.0 g/l. Color: light straw with greenish reflections. Bouquet: fresh, varietal, with tones of white fruit. Taste: balanced, soft. Varietal composition: Kokur and Green Sauvignon.

Kokur Dessert Surozh (Massandra)

Vintage white dessert wine produced by the enterprises of the Massandra association from the Kokur white grape variety. The name Kokur comes from vines brought from the island. Kourkyra (Corfu). Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. In the conditions of well-warmed mountain valleys located to the south, the Kokur grape variety picks up a sufficient amount of sugar and other valuable substances to ensure the production of high-quality dessert wine. The wine of this brand is characterized by an amber-golden color, an original bouquet of Tokaj wines with floral or honey-spicy shades, sometimes melon tones, a full, soft, harmonious taste. The aging period of the wine is 2 years in oak containers. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 16.0 g/100 cc Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At international competitions, this wine was awarded 4 gold and two silver medals. The wine has been produced since 1945. When tested by a tasting commission on June 4, 1992, this wine from the 1959 vintage and the 1977 vintage received a score of 9.69 points.

Muscat White Livadia (Massandra)

A unique vintage dessert liqueur white wine, produced only at the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea, from white Muscat grapes with a sugar content of at least 33%. Such a high sugar content is achieved by leaving the grapes on the bushes to wither after reaching full maturity. The wine is amber-golden in color. The bouquet is bright, varietal, with a subtle honey aroma of alpine meadows. The taste is full, buttery, harmonious with a pleasant hint of raisins. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 27.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cubic dm. At international competitions, the wine was awarded 1 gold and 1 silver medal. The wine has been produced since 1892. Then it was called “White Dessert Muscat”. When tested by a tasting commission on November 10, 1993, this wine from the 1977 vintage received a score of 9.81 points.

Muscat White Red Stone (Massandra)

This wine is called the King of Muscats. Vintage white liqueur wine is made from white Muscat grapes, which are grown on sunny plantations on the southern coast of Crimea. The wine is produced by the Gurzuf state farm plant of the Massandra association. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 29%. The vines give the wine wonderful light amber colors. The delicate original bouquet is saturated with the aroma of nutmeg berries with intermediate tones of flowers, herbs of alpine meadows, tea rose, and orange peel. The light citron on the palate makes this wine unique, exquisitely delicate and noble. White Muscat from Red Stone, prepared in Massandra, is rightfully considered a masterpiece of classical winemaking. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 23.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cubic dm. The famous white Muscat wine from Red Stone, which is aged in the cool, mysteriously charming cellars of Massandra, was awarded 17 gold, 1 silver medals and 2 Grand Prix cups. White Muscat wine from Red Stone was awarded a gold medal and a first degree diploma at the Crimea-Wine 95 competition. The wine has been produced since 1944. When tested by a tasting commission on October 21, 1993, this wine from the 1977 vintage received a score of 9.98 points.

Muscat White Dessert (Massandra)

Vintage dessert liqueur white wine, produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea, from white Muscat grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 29%. The color of the wine ranges from light to dark golden; when poured into a glass, it sparkles with sparkles of the sun. The bouquet is bright, nutmeg, with tones of aging. The taste is very extractive and at the same time soft, oily wine, with a varietal, pronounced muscat aroma. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 13.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 23.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3.5-6 g/cubic dm. At international competitions the wine was awarded 5 gold and 3 silver medals. The wine has been produced since 1946. It was first manufactured at the end of the 19th century under the name "Massandra No. 35".

Crimean MADERA (Massandra)

Vintage strong white wine. It is produced at wineries on the southern and eastern coasts of Crimea from white grape varieties: Shabash, Sercial, Albillo and others. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 16%. A special feature of the technology for preparing this wine is 4-year aging in partial oak barrels under the scorching southern sun in open areas. The color of the wine is golden to dark amber, more intense than Madeira Massandra. The bouquet is bright, complex, original. The wine is full, harmonious, pleasantly hot with pronounced Madeira tones and a taste of roasted nuts. After aging the wine in bottles for many years, the wine has a light cognac-vanilla tone in the bouquet, which harmonizes perfectly with the tones of maderization. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 19.0 vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 4 g/100 cubic meters. cm Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cubic dm At the international competition in Massandra in 1970, the wine was awarded a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1951. On June 17, 1992, the tasting commission gave a rating of 9.8 points to Crimean Madera from the 1953 vintage.

Aleatico Ayu-Dag (Massandra)

Vintage dessert red wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association from Aleatico grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 24%. Wine “Aleatico AYU-Dag” is dark red in color, absorbing the hot breath of the south, with a subtle, delicate, original bouquet. The taste is soft, velvety with a range of shades: cocoa, prunes, chocolate. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 18.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At International competitions, this wine was awarded 2 gold medals. At the competition “Crimea-Wine 95” it was awarded a gold medal and a first degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1892. Then it was called “Ai-Danil - Lacrima Christi” (Tears of Christ). Emperor Nicholas II really liked this wine.

Private (Sunny Valley)

The wine is an ordinary strong red. Conditions: alcohol - 15.5% vol., sugar - 10.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 5.0 g/l. Color: Ruby or garnet of varying intensity, from dark amber to dark brown. Bouquet: pure, complex, inherent in the essential oils of aromatic herbs and fruits that are included in the composition, with a slight pear tint, with fruity tones. Taste: prunes and tea rose, with a pleasant tartness. Varietal composition: Kephesia, Pink Muscat, Bastardo Magarach.

Pinot Gris Massandra (Massandra)

Vintage dessert white wine is produced by the enterprises of the Massandra association from Pinot Gris grapes. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. The color of the wine ranges from golden to dark golden, with a pink tint allowed. The bouquet of the wine is varietal, with tones of aging and dessert character. The taste is quite full, harmonious, soft. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 16.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/ Wine has been produced since 1991. Pinot Gris Massandra, harvested in 1888, is one of the wine samples from the personal collection of Prince Golitsyn, which he transferred to the Specific Department in 1912.

Muscat Festival (Sunny Valley)

Ordinary sweet rose dessert wine. Conditions: alcohol - 15% vol., sugar - 13.5 g/100 cm3, titratable acids - 4–6 g/l. Color: elegant, from light pink to pink. Bouquet: delicate, with a muscat aroma and a cetronic note. Taste: delicate, soft, harmonious. Varietal composition: Pink Muscat, White Muscat, Otonel Muscat, Amber Muscat, Hamburg Muscat.

Red South Coast PORT WINE (Massandra)

Vintage red strong wine, produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association from high-quality red grape varieties. Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 22%. When aged for many years, the bouquet and taste reveal: velvety, fullness with spicy and fruity tones, pronounced tones of prunes and cherry pits, so characteristic of classic port wines. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine condition: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 18.0% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 11.0 g/100 cc Mass fraction of concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cc. The high quality of the wine was awarded at International wine competitions with 2 gold and 3 silver medals. At the competition “Crimea-Wine 95” he was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1944.

Red Massandra PORT WINE (Massandra)

Vintage strong red wine is produced only by the enterprises of the Massandra association, located on the southern coast of Crimea from Mourvèdre grapes with the addition of high-quality red varieties (European). Grapes are harvested for processing when the sugar content is at least 20%. The wine is intensely colored - dark red. The bouquet is developed, delicate with pronounced characteristics of the variety, valued by connoisseurs. The taste is full, harmonious, well-rounded. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 18.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 6 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 3-7 g/cubic dm. At the “Crimea-Wine 95” competition he was awarded a silver medal and a 2nd degree diploma. The wine has been produced since 1894. At that time it was called “Massandra No. 81”. The wine from the 1984 harvest was last tasted by the tasting commission in 1989 and received a full score of 10.0. This wine survived the evacuation to Tbilisi in 1941 and was returned to the Massandra cellars in 1945. Ratings for Red Massandra Port produced after the war: 1954 - 9.4 points; 1953, 1949, 1948 - 9.5; 1952 and 1951 - 9.5; 1950 - 9.7; 1947 - 9.8; 1945 - 9.9; 1946 and 1944 - 10 points.

Red Livadia PORT WINE (Massandra)

High quality vintage strong red wine. Produced only on the estates of the Massandra association from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes growing on warm slate soils. The wonderful Cabernet variety gives the wine a strong bouquet. The classic wine was first prepared in 1891 in the royal cellars in Livadia. Then it was called “Livadia No. 80.” The wine captivates with its vibrant dark red color. The bouquet is bright, varietal, with subtle delicate morocco tones. The taste is harmonious, amazingly full, with a long, pleasant aftertaste. The aging period in oak containers is 3 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 18.5% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 8.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-6 g/cubic dm. The wine was awarded at international competitions with 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medals. At the competition “Crimea-Wine 95” he was awarded a silver medal and a 2nd degree diploma. The wine from the 1891 vintage was last tasted by the tasting committee in 1989 and received a full score of 10.0. This wine survived the evacuation to Tbilisi in 1941 and was returned to the Massandra cellars in 1945. Ratings for red Livadium Port produced after the war: wine from the 1954 harvest - 9.3 points; 1953 - 9.4; 1951 - 9.5; 1952 and 1950 - 9.6; 1948 - 9.7; 1947 - 9.8; 1945 - 9.9; 1946 - 10 points. Wines from 1947, 1946, 1945 can be characterized as round.

Bastardo Massandra (Massandra)

Vintage dessert red wine is produced only by enterprises of the Massandra association from the Bastardo Magarachsky grape variety. This grape variety was obtained by crossing two high-quality varieties: Bastardo Portuguese and Saperavi Georgian. Grapes are harvested for processing at a sugar content of at least 25%. The wine is dark red in color. The varietal bouquet is complex. The taste is full, soft, velvety with light tones of chocolate. The aging period in oak containers is 2 years. Wine conditions: Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol: 16% vol. Mass concentration of sugars: 20.0 g/100 cc. Mass concentration of titratable acids: 4-7 g/cc. At the International Wine Competition in Yalta in 1970, the wine was awarded a gold medal. The wine has been produced since 1966.