What are the attractions near Koktebel? Travel tips: what to see in Koktebel? Koktebel Wine and Cognac Factory

The resorts of Crimea are constantly enjoying unprecedented popularity; tourists can enjoy fashionable Yalta, ancient Feodosia, and the resort of poets, artists and musicians Koktebel. Attractions and entertainment are available in each of them, and for every taste and budget - natural landscapes and historical monuments, architectural masterpieces and interesting places. Below we will tell you about the secrets of the latter, why it received increased attention from creative people, and which places in the village are most visited by vacationers today.

Natural attractions of Koktebel

20 km away is the “land of blue peaks” - that’s how the name sounds beautiful in translation. The resort's attractions and entertainment are primarily associated with beautiful natural landscapes and mountain views, such as the Karadag volcanic massif, the Uzun-Syrt or Tatar-Khaburg mountain ranges.

One of the main entertainments in Koktebel is a trip to. Traveling is only possible with an excursion, during which the guide will tell you about the history of this corner of nature and show you unique places, for example, a rock formation with a beautiful name. In the reserve complex itself, guests are offered a whole range of various entertainments:

  • climbing Mount Klementyev;
  • flying on a hang glider, paraglider or;
  • acquaintance with the exhibitions.

A walk along the sea on a boat or speedboat, and then through the mountains, beautiful nature will remain in the tourist’s memory for a long time. Another important natural attraction of Koktebel can be called, formed by emissions of volcanic ash from Karadag. From its name it becomes clear that it can change its color throughout the day - depending on the lighting. Many travelers come to watch the beautiful landscapes transform right before our eyes.

Koktebel – a city of creators in Crimea

At one time, the writer, artist and philosopher Maximilian Voloshin made a lot of efforts to make the small village of Koktebel a world famous resort. Famous representatives of the Moscow and St. Petersburg elite, creative personalities from all over Russia came to his dacha in the summer. Many of them, following Voloshin, purchased dachas and houses here.

And today the city honors the memory of the great writer: he leads an active creative life, creative evenings and exhibitions are held and organized. Guests of Koktebel can take part in the International Literary Festival or visit the writer and artist, located on the mountain peak of the Kuchuk-Yenishar hill. From here you have stunning views of the city, worthy of being captured in photos and videos.

Sometimes it is difficult to see the difference between what is a tourist attraction in Crimea and what
entertainment. For example, the Karadag Nature Reserve is an amazing natural monument, but there is also plenty of entertainment here. The building of the Maximilian Voloshin Museum is the most important architectural landmark, and many creative meetings and evenings fall into the category of entertainment.

There are also specific activities that tourists love that Crimea offers. Entertainment in Koktebel for adults, for example, related to a visit to the famous factory where cognacs and fine wines are produced. The products have won many international awards; employees talk about three components of success - tradition, quality and a unique climate. Many guests of the village simply cannot imagine their vacation without tasting delicious alcoholic drinks made from grapes soaked in the Crimean sun. In addition, wines and cognacs are good gifts for family and friends.

There are entertainment for children in Koktebel. According to reviews, the first place on the list is occupied by the unique Bird Park, it is located not far from. The complex owes its name to the skeleton of a prehistoric animal kept here. But the main activity here is observing a variety of parrots brought from different parts of the planet. The birds are not in cages, but fly freely in the pavilion, you can pet them, feed them, or put them on your shoulder.

Another interesting object is the “Labyrinth of Time”, where you can walk endlessly, completing various tasks and collecting coins (copies of ancient money). It's difficult to navigate a maze without a map, but victory is all the more joyful when you find a way out!

Of course, this is only a small list of natural and man-made objects that can be safely included in the main attractions of Koktebel. Crimea is an amazing corner of the globe, where at every step the guest can expect beautiful views and historical places, replicated in souvenirs and completely unknown to a wide range of travel lovers. Finally, we invite you to watch a short video about the most interesting corners of the resort village.

Among the resorts of Eastern Crimea, Koktebel occupies a special place. This article contains the sights of Koktebel - what to see, where to go, as well as all useful information about the resort. Koktebel is a kind of “pearl” of the peninsula: ancient rocks surround the village like the edges of a shell, sea foam sparkles with mother-of-pearl, in which the sunset rays are reflected.

A story full of mysteries

The bay on the shore of which the village settled is called Koktebelsky. On one side rise the black rocks of Kara-Dag, an ancient extinct volcano. To the left extends a series of headlands, the first and most famous of which is Chameleon. It really resembles a huge lizard crouched in the water, and also changes color depending on the time of day and lighting.

It is impossible to say exactly when this Crimean resort was founded. Presumably, a small village appeared not far from the road between Sudak and Feodosia in the 19th century. However, archaeological research carried out on the territory of the village suggests that people came here around the 1st century. BC e. Sunny Beach was chosen by the Cimmerians; Taurians, Goths, Sarmatians, Scythians and other nationalities left traces here.

The origin of the name is also unknown. According to one version, this is a Crimean Tatar word meaning “land of blue hills.” Other researchers believe that the toponym comes from the name of a nomadic tribe that lived here in the Middle Ages.

The medieval name has also come down to us - Posilima, which means “village at the saddle”. For some time, from the beginning of the establishment of Soviet power until 1945, the resort was called “Planerskoye”. However, later it was returned to its historical name.

Koktebel is not only a famous resort, but also a literary capital. On its territory is the dacha of Maximilian Voloshin; in different years the village was visited by Mikhail Bulgakov, Alexander Griboedov, Alexander Green, Nikolai Gumilyov, Marina Tsvetaeva.

Literary traditions continue in our time: in 2008 and 2009. The Fandango science fiction festival was based in Koktebel.

Sights of Koktebel

Volcanic massif Kara-Dag and Golden Gate of Karadag

The most popular destination of Koktebel tourist offices is the Kara-Dag volcanic massif. If you look at the sea from Koktebel, you can see an amazing creation of nature, Mount Kara-Dag, which literally means Black Mountain.

It is a volcanic massif with unique shapes, where you can see peaks of different heights, picturesque plateaus, and rocks that seem to have grown out of the sea. Scientists believe that this long-extinct volcano is more than 150 million years old; after its eruption during the Jurassic period, these mountains were created.

This mountain-volcanic massif is considered the only one preserved on European territory. The thickness of the mountain contains many different rocks, precious and semi-precious stones, one of which is jasper. According to experts, it is not inferior in quality to the Ural one, and in some ways even surpasses it.

The mountain complex represents a very complex geology. This is a collection of gentle and steep slopes, dense forests and pistachio valleys, steppe glades, wild rose thickets and large and small valleys that lead to the sea. The nature here is amazing, and the bizarre shapes of the rocks look either like fairy-tale characters or resemble the figures and faces of people.

The highest point of the massif is the Holy Mountain, which rises almost 600 meters above sea level; it is believed here that it has healing powers. You can also get a good look at the Devil’s Finger from the sea; according to legend, during a volcanic eruption, the devil stuck his finger into the boiling lava, which turned to stone and remained there forever.

But the most striking attraction of Kara-Dag, along with the Swallow’s Nest and Ayu-Dag, is the Golden Gate, which stands in the sea at the foot of the mountain range. Throughout their existence, many different legends and traditions have been written about them. Previously, they were called Shaitan-Kapu (Devil's Gate) and were believed to be the entrance to the underworld itself.

For the ancient Greeks, this was the entrance to the kingdom of Hades, which allowed Hercules, Orpheus and Odysseus to enter there. The rock received its current name from the large amount of basalt that is part of the rock minerals, as well as yellow lichen growing on it, which shimmer like gold in the sun. You can get to them only with an excursion, by sea on a boat, or by land through Kara-Dag.

Koktebel offers several options for exploring these unique objects. For example, a boat trip through the legendary Golden Gate rock with a stop in the village of Kurortnoye, a walking tour of the Karadag Nature Reserve or an ATV ride.

In these places, not a single pebble or rock is left without a name, and, peering into them, everyone sees something different. If you look closely, you can see an elephant walking on the sea, a frog, the Sphinx, and in front rises a rock resembling a man - this is Ivan the Robber.

There are many bays and grottoes that cut the massif and make it even more mysterious. There are legends about it that talk about a monster living in the sea at its foot. Here on the Kara-Dag there is a reserve where the rarest plants grow and birds and animals listed in the Red Book live.

It is impossible to come to Koktebel and not visit the house-museum of M. A. Voloshin. This property of the town is located almost on the seashore. A century earlier, creative people gathered in this house for communication, relaxation and inspiration, finding tranquility, solitude and like-minded people here. Here one could meet Tsvetaeva, Mandelstam, Gumilev and many other famous poets and artists.

The museum was created with the light hand of the master’s widow, who, in a difficult time for the country, preserved in its original form the rooms with the original interior, the archive, all the documentation and the library that personally belonged to the poet. The archive served as the beginning of the foundation of the museum. Its opening took place in August 1984, and since 2001 it has been part of the Voloshin Cimmeria, the Koktebel Republican Ecological-Historical and Cultural Reserve.

Every summer in August, connoisseurs of M. A. Voloshin’s craftsmanship come here to honor his memory on his birthday. His house today is valuable because the original interior has been preserved here, where the library and the workshop made by his hands are highlighted in the foreground.

The museum's collection now contains exhibits that number approximately 60 thousand. Here you can take a tour reflecting the biography and creative activity of the poet “My house is open to meet...”, where various documents, letters from the poet, and photographs are collected.

The exclusive excursion “Not a house, but a museum...” will present the interior and the things included in it, and the excursion “Come in, my guest...” will tell about the life and work of the poet, demonstrating his subtle taste and his preferences. Here you can visit the Voloshin Cimmeria (the observation tower of the house) and take photos or shoot a video.

Koktebel began to be revived along with the Russian Empire. At the same time, the Russian ophthalmologist E. Junge founded a resort area here on the sea coast. After retiring, he purchased land near the Bulgarian settlement of Kok-Tebel and built a house. The estate turned out to be quite large, utility rooms for livestock, a laundry were built there, vineyards were planted, and a pond was equipped.

After some time, he sold part of the estate to build dachas, the buyers of which were already famous people. Thus, after the construction of new country houses on this land, the village becomes a small resort town.

In 1898, E. Yunge dies in Yalta and is buried in the village of Nikita; later his ashes were reburied in Koktebel. Here his grave was decorated in the form of a stone crypt, made in the style of Greek temples. Its entrance is made in the form of a two-column Doric portico with a cross carved on it.

Walking along the Koktebel embankment to Cape Chameleon, through the pebble beach to the spring running out to the bay, you can see a hill on the flat coast where the ashes of the doctor, his sons and grandson rest.

During the war, a Nazi ship mistook this crypt for a fortification and destroyed it with direct fire. At the end of the 90s, its fragments were raised from the bottom of the sea, which are partially now located near the remains of the crypt. Unfortunately, the crypt has not yet been restored, and only the name of the hill reminds of the real founder of the resort.

On the sunny slope of the Otuz Valley in the Land of Blue Peaks, grape cultivation has long been practiced. The country of Koktebel, located at the foot of the extinct Kara-Dag, was glorified by unique wines and cognacs made from elite grapes grown on fertile soil, which absorbed all volcanic minerals and trace elements.

The first grape plantations here were planted in 1879 by Dr. E. Junge, but they say that even in ancient times, vines were grown here and wonderful wines were made. The first state farms and artels began to be organized here immediately after the end of the civil war, and a little later collective farms were created in their place.

During the war, the Otuz Valley was ravaged and devastated, but after it was liberated in 1944, it was decided to restore everything and unite it into one large Koktebel enterprise.

At the end of the 50s, a grandiose construction of a plant and wine cellars began here, the complex of which was second only to the Massandra plant in its complexity and dimensions. The lower wine storage consists of eight tunnels cutting through the mountain, which are connected by a huge gallery. The upper storage has five longer tunnels, and the total length of the top and bottom is almost 1.5 km. These unique storage facilities were built by workers of the Moscow Metro Construction.

The structure of the plant united three enterprises - these are plants in Koktebel, Shchebetovka and Simferopol. Manufacturers carefully keep the secrets of the bouquets of wines and cognacs produced, which compete favorably with Spanish and French ones, and remain true to traditions and perfect quality of products.

After taking a tour of the plant, you can visit the site for the initial processing of grapes, visit the largest site in the European part of Madera, and visit the wine cellars. At the end of the tour, you can taste and evaluate vintage wines and cognacs in the tasting room. Another tasting room, located in the center of the village, invites visitors on weekdays as part of excursion groups.

Leaving the factory, in the company store you can see the entire range of products and purchase a bottle of rare vintage wine or cognac.

Bird Park “Dinotherium Koktebel”

On the road from Koktebel to Sudak, you can see interesting spherical domes that look like alien settlements or eggs of a giant bird, which belong to the Koktebel Dinotherium bird park. To diversify the leisure time of children who come to relax with their parents, it is definitely worth visiting the park, where they can get acquainted with ornithology and plunge a little into the ancient history of our planet.

The name of the park was determined by the presence here of a model of the skeleton of an ancient proboscis animal, the predecessor of the elephant - Dinotherium, a contemporary of the dinosaur, but not its relative. Having been here once, children will be able to get an unforgettable experience. The first pavilion presents paleontological exhibits, the main one of which is a model of the skeleton of Dinotherium.

To make it possible to fully examine this colossus, a suspension bridge was built in the hall. Also here you can see models of other ancient animals, which are made with absolute precision.

The second pavilion is home to birds of different breeds, which can sit on your shoulder quite calmly, eat from your hands, and are not afraid to be stroked. In this room, you must always keep your eyes down so as not to step on the freely walking modern relatives of dinosaurs - lizards.

An important part of the excursion is a visit to the Labyrinth of Time. Here are enlarged models of coins of states that previously existed in Crimea. Their absolute copies are plated with silver. They say that those who find all the coins in the labyrinth will always have good luck. In the center of the labyrinth there is a source made in the form of a fountain clock with Arabic and Roman dials.

The Arabic dial shows the time, and if you look closely at the Roman dial, you can see the history of the life of the planet. The dinoteria hosts hourly excursions, the duration of which is absolutely unlimited; you can walk here all day long.

Address: Crimea, Koktebel village, Sadovaya street 24, Bird Park “Dinotherium Koktebel” (White domes, exit to Sudak).

Mount Klementyeva and Gliding Center

Crimea is an ideal place to fly, but Mount Klementyev is a glider pilot's dream. It was originally called Uzun Syrt literally - “long ridge”. Its peak rises almost 270 m above sea level, their length is 8 km, and the width, depending on the terrain, can be 300 or 600 meters.

There are only two peaks in the world where such air currents can form, and Uzun-Syrt is one of them, which, together with the Barakol valley, forms the outline of a bowl.

The walls of the bowl send the wind to the nearby lowland, thereby creating better conditions for flights. The best winds for such flights are considered to be from the north and south.

The discoverers of such features of the mountain were the pilot Artseulov, who was the grandson of Aivazovsky, and Maximilian Voloshin, whose thrown hat made Artseulov think about how to organize a place for flights here. And in 1923, tests took place here for the first time.

The mountain received its second name after the tragic death of test pilot Klementyev in 1924. Now there is a monument on the mountain, which was erected in 1973 in memory of the fallen glider pilots. Already in the early 2000s, it was slightly modified and at the Antonov plant they made it rotating in the form of a weather vane.

This mountain, located at the 45th parallel, is considered the Golden Mean of our planet. The equator and the North Pole are located at the same distance from it (about 5 thousand km in both directions).

Nowadays people mostly fly here on hang gliders and paragliders; they are lighter than their predecessors and cheaper to maintain. But no one has canceled flying on gliders; here you can choose from three clubs located on the mountain. You can become a pilot at the gliding sports center, at the Breeze paragliding club, or fly a hang glider at the Republican hang gliding club.

In the village of Koktebel there are many monuments and decorative sculptures, and there are thematic exhibitions.

Sea, magnificent nature, entertainment - relaxation for every taste

For those who dream of fully and comfortably relaxing in Crimea, swimming in the gentle sea, admiring the beauty of nature and getting to know the Crimean culture better, Koktebel is an ideal place.

The beaches are sandy and pebble, the water is almost always clean and warm. Vacationers are especially fond of Tikhaya and Lisya bays, and some prefer the nudist beach. By the way, Koktebel is also a generally recognized naturism center.

The Embankment and the park are considered a favorite place to walk, where you can buy souvenirs, have a snack, enjoy live music from street performers, and admire the works of artists.

In Koktebel it is easy to find attractions and discos, a diving center and a water park, by the way, the largest on the peninsula. A large number of visitors are attracted by the Koktebel Dolphinarium (there is a similar establishment in the village of Kurortnoye, which is easy to get to during a boat trip) and the aquarium.


There are many cafes and restaurants on the coast; it’s easy to book an excursion, a boat trip or a paragliding flight.

Other sights of Koktebel - what else to see?

Helpful information

From Simferopol to the resort 120 km. The nearest large settlement is Feodosia (distance – 21 km). Regular buses go from these cities to Koktebel. If you travel from the Crimean capital by car, the journey will take approximately two hours. The village is located directly on the seashore, so it is easy to walk from most guest houses and boarding houses to the beach.

Koktebel is well known to everyone since the time when the entire Soviet Union vacationed in Crimea. True, then it was called Planerskoye. Its historical name means "Land of Blue Peaks." This small village in the Feodosia region lives exclusively from tourists. In winter, life here comes to a standstill, but in summer there is nowhere for an apple to fall in Koktebel - it has again become one of the most popular beach resorts in Crimea.

What to do in Koktebel

The village stretches along the coast, so finding a place to swim on the long beach strip is not difficult. According to reviews from tourists, this is an ideal option for a family holiday with children. For them there is enough fun entertainment, comfortable beaches and no bustle of large resorts.

Adults, especially those who are not lazy, Koktebele you won't be bored either. The city is very close Feodosia, where you can go on excursions and several interesting places worth visiting.

There are almost no attractions in Koktebel itself, but there are travel agencies that offer excursions to any corner of Crimea. It’s really better to go to some places with an organized group. What can you see here on your own?

In the area of ​​greater Feodosia, in the vicinity of Koktebel, there is a unique mountain natural zone -. It is on its territory that the symbol of eastern Crimea is located - Golden Gate rock. Karadag- This is a fragment of an ancient long-extinct volcano. Its inhabitants are about 5,000 species of animals and birds, including representatives of endangered species. About 240 species of migratory birds settle in the coastal part of the reserve in summer.

Entrance to Karadag is possible only with an organized group. But you can come there on your own and pay on the spot for a tour of the reserve. Their schedule must be known in advance. Another opportunity to take a walk in nature on your own is to buy an entrance ticket to the ecological trail. There are two of them here.

There is a dolphinarium on the territory of the reserve, so be sure to take your children for a walk.

To get to the reserve, you need to get to the village Resort.

Landscape park Quiet Bay and Cape Chameleon

If you want to get away from the crowded beach, soak up the fine sand and swim in the calm sea, you can go to the landscape park Quiet Bay. This is a section of the coastline between Koktebel and the village Ordzhonikidze.

You can walk to Quiet Bay - it is located only three kilometers from Koktebel.

The one and a half kilometer long coastline is bounded on both sides by rocky capes protruding into the sea. - one of the most beautiful local natural attractions. It didn't get its name from its shape. At different times of the day and under different lighting conditions, the mountainous slopes of the cape change color from gray-blue and purple to golden hues.

Dinotherium - Bird Museum

There is an interesting and fun museum in Koktebel - Dinotherium. Why cheerful? Its exhibits - birds, lizards, turtles, parrots - do not live in cages, they move freely in the museum's pavilions. You can touch them and take pictures with them.

One of the pavilions is called paleontological. There is a huge model of a dinosaur skeleton on display here, and there are smaller models of the heads of these prehistoric giants.

"Koktebel" - Crimean wine factory

Adults' trip winery will seem exciting. Its history begins back in 1879. Since then, the plant has been merged with another wine production and reconstructed, but for more than half a century it has become an independent enterprise and produces elite varieties of Crimean wines and cognacs. Koktebel’s special pride is its aged Madeira.

You can only get to the plant with a guided tour. The program includes an introduction to the production and wine cellars of the plant, as well as tasting. Professional tasters explain how to drink this or that drink correctly and what you should eat it with.

Once upon a time, a Russian poet and artist gave Koktebel a secular and bohemian shine Maximilian Voloshin. At the beginning of the last century, it was he who attracted the creative intelligentsia here; all the Crimean artists came to him in Koktebel, with whom they formed something like a brotherhood. Today his home is museum. The exhibition is divided into several parts:

  • one is dedicated to Voloshin, a landscape artist;
  • the second is his literary work and the last is his workshop.

Where to have fun in Koktebel for children

Entertainment in Koktebel is much better than attractions. There are places to go for both adults and children. The village has its own dolphinarium, and another one in the neighboring village of Kurortnoye. These are places that you must visit with children. After all, dolphins are not just intelligent animals that you can look at during a performance. Swimming with them is therapeutic, especially for children.

Aquapark in Koktebel - the newest on the entire peninsula. Tourists from other cities come here to have fun. Its only drawback is the rather high price of entrance tickets. In addition, all services in it are paid.

Excursion to the local Aquarium will be very educational. The fauna of the Black Sea and freshwater bodies of Crimea is presented here, as well as exotic representatives of other warm seas.

Youth Koktebel

In recent years, Koktebel has gained a reputation as one of the best youth resorts in Crimea. People come here for active sports recreation - the beach offers a full range of water activities. Popular diving, trips around the area on quad bikes And horse-drawn walks.

The nightlife of the resort is in full swing, especially at the peak of the season - in July. In the evening embankment turns into continuous seething fun. IN restaurants and a cafe serving European and traditional Tatar cuisine, with live music. There are places for chanson lovers to spend time, and for non-formals there are special rock cafe. Interesting competitions, entertainment programs and concerts are held everywhere. The relaxed creative atmosphere of Koktebel allows you to relax here with full dedication.

Koktebel is a picturesque city filled with various attractions. In the center of Koktebel is the house of Maximilian Voloshin. On the right, on Mount Kara-Dag, his profile was immortalized by nature itself. On the left is Mount Voloshin, here, according to his will, he is buried. Tsvetaeva said that a magic triangle has formed here, where no matter where you go, there are memories associated with Voloshina.

The most popular attractions of Koktebel:

The main attraction of Koktebel is Mount Kara-Dag, one of the wonders of Crimea, the oldest extinct volcano. After all, this is not just a mountain, but a real volcano of the Jurassic period, which remembers the formation of the planet and giant dinosaurs. Mount Karadag is approximately 150 million years old. The names of the rocks on the mountain have a wide variety of names: Ivan the Robber, Gingerbread Horse, Devil's Finger, Golden Gate. Read more about

On the territory of the Kara-Dag Nature Reserve there is the legendary Devil's Finger, which attracts an incredible number of tourists and beauty lovers. This attraction has several names, one of which is Sphinx Rock.
The boundaries of the Kara-Dag nature reserve are surrounded by small houses. Rangers live and work there, protecting the reserve from people who do not respect nature.

When you arrive in Koktebel, do not forget that this region is famous for its wines and cognacs. The special climate, volcanic soil and a unique combination of other natural conditions make the products of the Koktebel plant unique. The cognacs are aged in real oak barrels for 25 years. However, the plant is famous for more than just cognac. The main advantage of Koktebel wines is that they are all made from natural raw materials of local grapes, have a fresh taste, subtle aroma, and are full of minerals and vitamins.
In Koktebel, almost on the seashore, there is the largest modern site in Europe. There are approximately 4.5 thousand barrels of Madeira concentrated there. This wine, unlike other brands, is aged not in cellars, but in the open air, absorbing the living energy of the sun, wind, rain and sea air.

Sights of Koktebel for active recreation

The house has been preserved since the beginning of the 20th century and was built personally by Voloshin. Periodically, no less famous personalities lived here with him: Gumilyov, Tsvetaeva and many other celebrities. Voloshin was a creative person - a poet, writer, artist, who valued life, personality, and man. Interesting people gathered in this house - they wrote poems, creative meetings were held, plays were staged, skits were staged. In the early 20s, when Crimea passed from the Bolsheviks to various gangs, then to the whites, Marya Stepanovna, the poet’s wife, a nurse, hid representatives of various warring parties in her house. She was a Christian
Exhibitions of sub-intakes were held in Koktebel two months a year (May, September). Local artists still paint and exhibit their works on the embankment. This is a spectacular sight and is popular on the Crimean peninsula. Read more about.

Sights of Koktebel within walking distance

Cape Chameleon is one of the unusual attractions of the village of Koktebel. Cape Chameleon is located about three km. east of the village. The cape earned its name due to the constant change of its color. The color of a chameleon directly depends on the time of year, weather, time of day. In addition to color, the name Chameleon is also associated with its outline. If you look at the cape from the shore, its outline resembles the back of a chameleon, with its muzzle directed towards the sea. Cape Chameleon is very well suited for walking. Walking to the cape from Koktebel takes about 30-50 minutes. Having reached the cape, you can walk along its ridge, almost all the way to the sea. The path leading along the ridge is quite narrow, so if you have a fear of heights or are not wearing comfortable shoes, it is better to postpone the walk along the ridge and enjoy the beauty of the cape from the shore. Near the cape there is Tikhaya Bay. It is usually not crowded and the water is almost always clean. Read more about.

They are located at a short distance from each other, although the village is relatively small, but it takes years to discover its attractions. Around Koktebel there are a huge number of small bays and wild beaches, many hills and small mountains, juniper groves, and most importantly, a warm sea and lots of sun.

Sights of Koktebel on the map of Crimea

Reviewing childhood photographs where my parents and sister and I vacationed in Crimea, I constantly wanted to return there as an adult. For a long time, my wife and I preferred the noisy resorts of Egypt and Turkey, but last summer we decided to go to Crimea, where tourists go primarily for the sea and unique nature. Moreover, we decided to arrange a family vacation for ourselves, where everyone will find entertainment to their liking. After looking at photos on the Internet and reading reviews on thematic forums, we decided to opt for Koktebel.

Easiest way to get there

There are several ways to get to Crimea. Car enthusiasts are driving mainly through the Krasnodar Territory, from where the journey through the Kerch Strait by ferry takes about two hours and costs around 1000 rubles. However, ferries do not operate during a storm, so there is a risk of spending precious vacation hours at the crossing. People visiting relatives in Ukraine on their way to Crimea came from the mainland, but delays at the border are also possible there.

If go by train, then you will also have to get there from the Krasnodar Territory. You can get to Anapa and from there by catamaran to Feodosia.

There are no bus routes from Russian cities to Koktebel yet, so you will have to buy a ticket to Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol or Sudak and change to another bus or take a taxi. I don’t recommend the latter, because during the season the appetites of local drivers can be quite large. Although you can always bargain.

Therefore we chose The easiest option is air travel. Several airlines fly to Simferopol, the airport closest to Koktebel, from Russian cities, including Aeroflot. From Simferopol to Koktebel there are approximately 100 km of travel, which can be done by bus, minibus or taxi. We traveled by bus, reaching our destination in about two hours.

Where to stay

In Koktebel we found many different housing offers– from rooms in private houses to reputable hotel rooms. Prices depend on the level of comfort and distance to the beach. You can stay with local residents in a rather cozy room, paying from 500 to 1500 rubles. Prices are approximately the same in hostels. In cozy mini-hotels, prices start from 2000 per room, and in sanatoriums the price depends on the list of medical procedures provided to the client.

But if, like us, you will be traveling with several families, then it is best to book a mini-cottage. They usually have a small pool and a children's playground, and for adults - a gazebo and an attic.

People who prefer comfort with a view and access to the sea will have to pay the most. For example, at the White Griffin hotel, which has its own diving center, a two-room suite in high season can cost 10,000 rubles.

Beaches of Koktebel

Myself the village is located in Koktebel Bay, the beach of which consists of small pebbles, although the bottom of the sea is sandy. My parents happily walked on the pebbles, thus giving themselves a foot massage that was beneficial for the body. The most popular free beach is the beach of the Blue Bay boarding house, but if you are a fan of more comfort, then paid beaches such as Popeye and the beach of the Primorye boarding house are at your service.

Probably every child on the beach is interested not so much in the water as in the desire to dig in the sand. And we really wanted to take a break from the bustle of the city, so we took a minibus to Quiet Bay, located not far from Koktebel. My parents also went with us because they knew that there you can take mud baths made of blue clay.

From winds protect the beach from Cape Chameleon, got its name because it changes color depending on the position of the sun and clouds in the sky. When we were getting ready for the trip, we saw this natural landmark of Koktebel in the photo, read reviews with descriptions, but only after seeing it live, we realized that probably only the great classics are able to express their impressions of the Chameleon in words. The cape glows either lilac, blue, or soft pink.

And about a kilometer from the coast The Stone Crab grew straight from the sea.“Savage” vacationers sometimes swim there in rubber boats for the mussels that cover this rock. We were treated to a treat, and I didn’t even think that such deliciousness could be prepared in the field.

The quiet bay has long become a haven for lovers of wild holidays. Taking a tent, guitar and food with you, you can break away from civilization and be alone with the majestic nature. By the way, filmmakers also appreciated these beauties. It was here that scenes of many films were filmed, including “9th Company”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins” and “Pirates of the 20th Century”.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, at the instigation of the artist and poet Maximilian Voloshin, Koktebel became the center of the culture of nudism and naturism.

Natural attractions of Koktebel and its surroundings

After visiting Quiet Bay, we realized that coming to Crimea and lying on sun loungers by the sea is the same as coming to a concert and listening to music from the buffet. Therefore, the next day we decided to continue our acquaintance with the nature of Koktebel.

For a fairly modest fee you can book a tour of Karadag Nature Reserve.

We went there by boat, admiring the mountains from the sea. But the most An incredible experience is a boat ride through the Golden Gate sea cliff.

The route by sea is about 7 km, and the same length "Ecological Trail"– walking tour with a guide. it will be revealed to you incredible mountain and sea panorama with a length of 100 km. There is no point in talking about the diversity of flora and fauna of the Karadag Reserve - it needs to be seen. Be sure to visit the unique Museum of Nature of Karadag. In this corner of Koktebel there is something to see, because here is collected more than 600 exhibits: stuffed animals and birds, samples of rock vegetation and tree species.

But what makes the greatest impression on museum visitors is exposition of multi-colored stones. The children will definitely be delighted.

Holidays for children

Tourists appreciate Koktebel not only for its attractions, but also for its entertainment for children. The first place your family should go is the largest water park in Crimea. But if you think that children will ride down slides and swim in pools, you will relax at tables and on sun loungers, then this opinion is wrong: the creators of the water park have foreseen for adults there are as many as 11 slides. Not everyone will decide to move out of some of them. And women can relax in one of the swimming pools or hot tubs.

Be sure to also go see what tricks do dolphins and fur seals perform at the local dolphinarium.

Then go to Koktebel Aquarium And bird park "Dinotherium Koktebel". Educational excursions will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. All in all, Koktebel has many places where you can go with your children.

Holidays for adults

I believe that a full-fledged family vacation is impossible without grandparents. If only because someone needs to babysit if you want Plunge into the pleasant atmosphere of Koktebel’s nightlife.

Without visiting coastal restaurants and cafes with sea views and high-quality live music, your vacation in Crimea will be incomplete. But fans of club culture also have a place to relax.

And during the day Be sure to visit the famous Koktebel winery. Wine traditions, some of which date back to the times of the ancient Greeks, will not leave even “teetotalers and ulcer sufferers” indifferent. By the way, a bottle of Crimean wine is a great souvenir for your friends and colleagues.

But if possible, keep a few bottles for yourself. So that, reviewing your photos and videos from your summer holiday on winter evenings, you can again feel the warmth of Koktebel.

Video in which selected the most beautiful places in Koktebel. Nature is simply enchanting. However, I won’t say much, words can’t convey it! You just need to see it.