Scenario of the event dedicated to Lake Baikal. Baikal Day at the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after. Marka Sergeeva Script for an educational program for children about Lake Baikal

Olga Khocheeva
Entertainment scenario “Travel to Baikal”

Target: Stimulate the motor, speech and cognitive activity of children through games and exercises.


Expand children's ideas about the nature of their native land;

develop speech, thinking, perception, memory;

Promote the health of preschool children;

Improving motor skills and abilities;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Progress of activities:

Guys, do you love travel?

What is possible travel?

Do you want to go to journey? I propose to do our hot air balloon trip.

The ball rises

The journey begins.

To find out where we are flying, listen to the poem. But I suggest listening to it with your eyes closed. Close your eyes and imagine what I'm saying.

What is this, so blue?

Cold as ice, transparent as glass?

Perhaps the sky is caught in the pine trees,

Did glass roll over the rocks and onto the ground?

And what is this, so golden,

Shiny like a mirror, blinding your eyes?

Perhaps this sun went to sleep under the rocks,

Does it lie tiredly, closing its eyes?

And what is it like, all the time in restlessness,

Perhaps it was a cloud stuck among the rocks?

And this is not a cloud, and this is not the sky,

And this is not the sun, but a lake Baikal! (M. Sergeev)

Open your eyes and see what beauty is revealed before us.

This lake Baikal. This is the deepest and big lake all over the planet. Baikal located on the territory of Russia, in Siberia. The region where it is located Baikal, called Baikal region. Baikal– lake with the largest reserve on Earth fresh water. This lake is very beautiful.

Let's try to describe it. To do this, let's play a game "Describe the lake". I will throw the ball to you, and you will answer question: What lake?

Part 3. Outdoor games on the shore Baikal

"Collecting cones"

"Catch a mosquito"

"Catch fish big and small"

"Nimble Fish"

Part 4 Puzzles

1. His family is ancient in nature,

People call it the lake,

The waves of the sea splash in it.

What should we call all this? (lake Baikal)

2. Pale pink, tender, cold water is needed.

What kind of small fish is smaller than your mitten?

And in the sun the fish melts and oozes fish oil.

What kind of foreign fish is this? This is a fish - (golomyanka)

3. They will be born in a snowy lair,

They are not afraid of catching a cold.

When they grow up, they will begin to dive and change their white fur coats.

If you're very lucky -

He will live for about fifty years.

What kind of animal is this with a mustache?

Well, think for yourself (seal)

4. Starts with "O",

Oh, and they love him!

They say he lives in Baikal.

Have you by any chance heard? (Omul)

Part 5 A game "Ecological landing"

Attributes: skittles, cubes, garbage bags.

Think and tell me what needs to be done or not done in order to save Baikal so that the water in it remains as clean? (Children's answers) .

What do you think pollutes the lake and what doesn't? (Paper. Stones. Cellophane. Algae. Bottles. Sand. Tin cans. Fish. Gasoline, automobile oil. Rain. Factories. Snow.)

Progress of the game: Children are divided into two teams. Each team collects only one type of “garbage.” We give the children one garbage bag for each team. It is suggested to clean the bottom Baikal from garbage. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Let's take care of him

Let's not spare our strength.

May it be blue forever

Our good father, Baikal is native!

Ours is coming to an end journey. It's time to return home. Please take your seats in the balloon.

Publications on the topic:

Entertainment scenario “Summer trip” Goals and objectives: 1. To introduce workers to the professions railway(driver, assistant driver, conductors). 2. Create conditions.

Entertainment scenario “Summer trip to Prostokvashino”"Summer trip to Prostakvashino." The song “Summer, oh summer” is playing. Presenter: Sunshine, shine and warm, the holiday will be more fun! What about today?

Scenario of entertainment according to traffic rules “Journey to the country of traffic lights” SUMMARY OF ENTERTAINMENT ACCORDING TO ROAD RULES “TRAVELING TO THE COUNTRY OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS” INTEGRATION OF EDUCATIONAL AREAS: “Communication”,.

Goal: Fostering love and respect for the nature of the native land, development of a socially active personality through movement and physical exercise.

Children enter the hall. At this time, an image appears on the wall using a projector, clear, sunny day. Teacher: Look, guys.

Summary of educational activities with children of the preparatory group “Travel to Baikal” Topic: “Travel to Lake Baikal.” Goal: to create conditions for the active application of existing knowledge in various types of gaming activities. Tasks:.

Baikal is a unique lake, one of the unique wonders of the planet, a truly natural shrine not only of Russians, but of all humanity. It is famous for its geological antiquity and the original forms of the animal and plant world, the origin of which has not yet been fully understood. The enormous size and depth of this lake, the amazingly clean and transparent water, rivaling in its color either the best aquamarine crystals, or emerald, or sky blue, the fabulously beautiful shores make an indelible impression on everyone who has visited these wonderful places at least once. places. Lake Baikal is located in Russia, on the territory Irkutsk region and the Buryat Republic. Baikal is a Turkic word and it comes from “Bai kul”, which means “rich lake”. And the Buryats call Baikal “Baigal-dalai”, which means “Baikal-sea”.

Scientists are still arguing about the origin of Baikal. On the one hand, it is believed that it is 25-35 million years old, on the other hand, the lakes do not live that long due to their siltation. In recent years, the problems of using the resources and protecting the nature of Lake Baikal have attracted great attention of all our people. Interest in the Siberian lake, unique in many respects, is growing year by year.

City Library No. 2 hosted an event in the form of an environmental newsletter “Thunderstorms and Dreams of Baikal”, dedicated to the unique nature of Baikal, its unique flora and fauna, as well as existing serious environmental problems that cause enormous harm to the amazing lake and are slowly destroying it. The event was attended by young people from the Center youth projects" The guys listened with interest to the history of the name of the lake, remembered that it is a World Natural Heritage Site and has the status of a lake-reserve, got acquainted with the geology and geomorphology of the lake (by the way, scientists still have not come to a general consensus on the origin of the Lake Baikal basin: some believe that this is a tectonic fault, others that the lake depression is the result of slow subsidence earth's crust), with its climate, rich and varied, largely endemic flora and fauna. Baikal is framed by a halo the most picturesque mountains and hills. This amazing lake is often called the sea. Baikal is the largest reservoir of fresh water. It’s interesting that if all sources of drinking water suddenly disappeared and only Baikal remained, then all the people on the globe, using its water, could live for almost half a century. After all, it contains about 1/5 or 20% of the world's fresh water reserves and 4/5 of our country's fresh water reserves. Both the lake and its surrounding areas preserve unique flora and fauna around them. West Coast Lake Baikal is rocky and steep, while the eastern one is flatter. The shore of the lake is covered with an evergreen carpet of mighty taiga. This diversity of relief provides a refuge for the agile sable and feathered predators - eagles, as well as the unique freshwater seal, or seal, which is listed in the Red Book. The inhabitants of the forests near Lake Baikal are muskrats, brown bears, squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, marmots, foxes, wolves, and hares. The waters of Baikal are filled with various species of fish, the most famous: viviparous fish golomyanka, sturgeon, omul, whitefish. The lake, unique in its nature, has picturesque rocky islands. There are about 30 of them on Baikal. The most small island called Modota. Olkhon is the largest. Locals They call him Oikhon. Translated from Buryat, this word sounds like “little forest” or “a little wooded.” Olkhon is called the heart of Baikal. Fresh air and clear water of the lake, mineral springs attract many tourists. Lake Baikal, with its unique organic world, can reveal the secrets of the evolution of animals and plants.

But unfortunately, due to the development of industry in Siberia, including in areas adjacent to Lake Baikal, the construction of a number of large enterprises in the woodworking, forest chemical and other industries, as well as non-ferrous metallurgy, often with gross violations of the environmental situation, a mortal threat loomed over the unique lake . Saving Lake Baikal from pollution is an urgent task of our time. The young people present actively participated in the discussion of environmental problems of Baikal, admiring the beauty and uniqueness of the lake, and made suggestions on what could be done to preserve Baikal. Many children proposed specific environmental measures: to regulate logging in river basins flowing into the lake, to create warning posters, to ban moth-rafting of wood along rivers, to build wastewater treatment plants at enterprises, to raise the environmental culture of the population. Discussing serious environmental problems, the guys came to the conclusion that only reasonable, based on modern technologies, development natural resources Baikal will help to obtain economic benefits and preserve this natural shrine for our descendants, and they also promised to be more careful and attentive to nature in general, because it depends on each of us to save or destroy the world around us.

Extracurricular event on ecology, grades 6-7

Akopyan Marina Aleksandrovna, biology teacher
The event is intended for teachers of biology, geography, class teachers and teachers of correctional schools of the VIII type. The age of the participants is 13-14 years. This development of the event can be used in extracurricular work in biology, geography or at an extended meeting of a biology or geography circle.
Subject:"Lake Baikal"
Goals: familiarization with the nature of Lake Baikal, environmental problems and solutions.
- introduce students to Lake Baikal, show its uniqueness, introduce the animal world of the lake, give some historical knowledge about Lake Baikal;
- develop students’ speech, memory, broaden their horizons, enrich their vocabulary;
- cultivate love for the Motherland, for nature, caring attitude.
Today at our event we will get acquainted with one of the great lakes of planet Earth - Lake Baikal (slide No. 1,2,3).
Baikal is too big and mysterious. To begin with, let's look at geographical map. This is what Baikal is like! From space, Baikal has the shape of a young moon (slide No. 4).
The ancient Baikal is visible from space,
Its crescent is azure.
He gained fame on the planet,
Sung by our turbulent times.
How beautiful you are, our Father Baikal!
Among the forests sand dunes and rocks.
You stand, not knowing sorrows and troubles
Already a quarter of a hundred million years.
Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet.
And here is some more data about this lake: (slide No. 5)
Baikal is located on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia.
The width of Lake Baikal ranges from 24 to 79 km. The bottom of Lake Baikal is 1167 meters below the level of the World Ocean.
In terms of area, Baikal ranks sixth among the largest lakes in the world.
Length coastline 2100 km.
The depth of Baikal is -1631 m. Baikal ranks first in depth
among the lakes of the globe (slide No. 6).
The average depth of the lake is 745 m, the maximum depth of the lake is 1642 m
But such depth is not everywhere. Baikal is not only the deepest lake on Earth, but also the largest storage facility
fresh water - it contains about 19% of the world's reserves (slide No. 7).
Among the mountain ranges, near the hills and rocks
The lake-sea spreads out,
Siberian pearl - ancient Baikal,
Whose waves roar in the open space.
Baikal has no equal lakes on Earth -
It is the deepest and purest!
Beautiful in the morning, in the evening dawn,
In the snow and under the radiant sun.
On average, 336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, and one outflow is the Angara, a tributary of the Yenisei.
The largest river is Selenga (slide No. 8, 9).
Why do you think Baikal is called Baikal? (slide number 10).
Origin of the name Bai - Kul (Turkic) - rich lake Baigaal - Dalai (Mong) - rich fire Bei-Hai (Chinese) - northern sea Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet, its age is estimated at 25-30 million years.
Most lakes, especially ice age lakes, live 10-15 thousand years,
and then fill with sediment and disappear from the face of the Earth.
There are no signs of aging on Baikal, like many lakes in the world (slide No. 11). On the contrary, research recent years allowed geophysicists to hypothesize that Baikal is an incipient ocean.
This is confirmed by the fact that its shores diverge up to 2 cm per year, just as the continents of Africa and South America.
Legend of Baikal.(slide number 12).
There is a legend that Father Baikal had 336 son rivers and one daughter, the Angara, all of which flowed into their father in order to replenish its waters.
But then his daughter fell in love with the handsome young Yenisei and went against the will of her father, who wanted to marry her to an old Yakut. She fell in love with the Yenisei River and began to bring her father’s water to her beloved.
In response to this, Father Baikal threw a huge piece of rock at his daughter and cursed her. This rock, called the Shaman Stone, is located at the source of the Angara and is considered its beginning. Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year! (slide No. 13,14,15,16).
Enormous depth, amazing purity and transparency of the water, the harsh, fabulous beauty of the shores.
High waves crash against the rocks with noise and roar, and the sound of powerful surf carries far away (slide No. 17).
Our yacht is approaching big island Baikal - Olkhon Island.
There are 27 islands on Baikal, of which the largest is Olkhon. (slide No. 18)
In Buryat myths and legends, Olkhon is called the abode of the formidable spirits of Baikal (slide No. 19).
According to legend, the chief of the khans, Khaan-Khute-baabai, sent to Earth by the highest gods, descended from heaven here. Here lives in the form of a bald eagle - a golden eagle - his son named Khan Shubu, who was the first to receive the shamanic gift.
Let's dive into the underwater kingdom of the lake.
How tempting it is to see with your own eyes who lives in this crystal chamber (slide No. 20).
Depth 100 m(slide No. 21,22) At this depth, gobies and grayling are found. Grayling is one of the most colorful and beautiful fish in Russia. Its weight reaches from 500 to 1500 grams. It lives not only in the lake, but also in the rivers of Siberia.
Depth – 150 m(slide No. 23)
The omul spends quite a lot of time at this depth. The largest size of omul is 50 cm, weight up to 5 kg.
The omul lives up to 25 years. Out of 100 omul eggs, one fish survives.
How long the omul will survive depends on the purity of the water in Lake Baikal. Omul is a large commercial fish weighing up to 3 kg. It feeds on large benthic crustaceans, juvenile fish, and small zooplankton.
Depth 200 m(slide No. 24) A sturgeon swims past us - this is the king fish of Baikal. Sturgeons live in Baikal for 50-60 years or more,
reach 100-130 kg weight. This fish grows very slowly.
Predatory fishing of sturgeon has greatly undermined the stocks most valuable fish Baikal.
Now the sturgeon is listed in the Red Book.
Depth 380 m(slide No. 25,26) Here it is! This is the Golomyanka.
The golomyanka is a viviparous fish; it does not lay eggs, but live young, which die at temperatures above + 10 C. There is so much fat in the golomyanka that when dead it does not sink, but floats on the surface.
In the past, residents of the Baikal coast collected dead golomyanka and rendered the fat from it, which was used for lighting and as a medicinal remedy.
More than 70% of the inhabitants of Lake Baikal are not found in other bodies of water on the planet.
These species include the golomyanka, a pinkish-white, translucent, scaleless fish.
Depth 500 m(slide No. 27) Behind the porthole are silver golomyankas and planarians. Very beautiful.
Not only the fish resources of Baikal, but also the fur riches of the Baikal region and Transbaikalia have long attracted settlers here.
Barguzin sable skins are the most valuable fur in Siberia (slide No. 28).
He deservedly enjoys worldwide fame.
Bush-tailed squirrels are common in the taiga - another object of the fur trade (slide No. 29).
We say goodbye to Olkhon Island.
The peoples who inhabited the shores of the lake called the lake Baikul, which means “rich lake”.
And Baikal is really rich. Rich in its flora and fauna.
Currently, 1550 species and varieties of animals are known,
1085 plant organisms (slide No. 30,31).
According to the Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there are 2630 species of plants and animals in the lake.
This abundance of the organic world is explained by the large amount of oxygen in the water. The lake and coastal areas are distinguished by a unique diversity of flora and fauna.
Their inhabitants are 2/3 endemic (i.e. unique), that is, they live only in this body of water.
Baikal is freshwater, with clear water,
And there are a lot of living creatures in the waters:
Sturgeon, golomyanka, taimen with roach,
Whitefish and omul are endemic to Lake Baikal.
The Baikal seal lives in those waters,
And the shore is a nesting place for birds,
You will see eagles and seagulls in flight.
Bears come to feed.
In the mountains of the Baikal region there lives a musk deer -
Deer, the smallest in the world,
And the slopes around are covered with taiga,
Rich flora of Siberia. A little about coastal nature.
The taiga comes close to Lake Baikal and therefore the fauna here is diverse. Of course, the main game animal is the sable (slide No. 32).
In open, grassy areas of the mountains, bears also find an abundant table - various types of umbellifers and legumes. It is in these landscapes and only during strictly certain periods of the year that such a large number of bears can be observed.
The northern shores of Baikal are unique and the only ones in this regard. (slide No. 33)
The appearance of bears on the shores of Lake Baikal is regular and widespread.
recurring phenomenon. They can be seen here from the 2nd decade of June, depending on when the ice on Lake Baikal disappears and the caddis fly season begins.
Baikal attracts bears with a variety of different foods; the lake throws out beetles, dragonflies, mollusks, dead gobies, golomyankas, and sometimes young seals. In a wide strip of the Baikal coast, on the verge of two elements - land and water, inhabitants whose lives are closely connected with both water and land find shelter.
The white-tailed eagle, osprey, black kite, several species of gulls nesting on the islands are the main species of birds without which the shores of Lake Baikal are difficult to imagine (slide No. 34,35,36,37,38).
The only representative of Baikal's mammals is the seal or Baikal seal,
having a common ancestor with the northern seal (sl. No. 39).
Scientists suggest that the seal entered Baikal from the Arctic Ocean along the Yenisei and Angara during the Ice Age. Its current population is about 60 thousand heads. The seal lives for more than 55-56 years; during its life, a female can give birth to up to 2 dozen cubs. The limbs of the seal are flippers. The front flippers are well developed, with sharp claws.
When Baikal is covered with ice, the powerful front flippers are the tool with which the seal makes an outlet in the ice to emerge and inhale air. Most of seals appear in mid-March, are born on ice, in a snowy lair, and while they are feeding on their mother’s milk, they do not dive into the water. The cubs have white fur - this is their protective coloring (slide No. 40).
With the transition to feeding on fish, their color changes: silver-gray in 2-3 month olds, brown-brown in older ones. The seal is one of the three freshwater seals in the world. These animals are very curious, often swim up to ships and look at them for a long time (slide No. 41).
Of course, you can’t count all the animals. There are many of them and they all need protection (slide No. 42,43,44,45).
Another feature of the lake is its transparency - up to 40 meters.
No body of water on Earth has such high water transparency (slide No. 46,47,48). And now about the sad thing. Baikal is a unique lake, but like any other natural object it has its own environmental problems.
In 1996, the lake was included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites (slide No. 49). Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. In 1966, the BPPM began operating.
As a result, the surrounding areas of the lake began to degrade.
The drying out of the taiga is noted (slide No. 50).
In September 2008, the plant had to be shut down. However, in January 2010, a resolution was adopted that actually allowed the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill to discharge industrial wastewater into Baikal, burn and store any waste on its shores (slide No. 51).
On March 10, 2010, public organizations in Russia announced the creation of the coalition “For Baikal” and the start of collecting signatures for an appeal to UNESCO (slide No. 52,53). Eastern oil pipeline (slide No. 54).
The Transneft company is constructing an oil pipeline Eastern Siberia– Pacific Ocean”, passing in the area of ​​Lake Baikal. As a result, an oil spill would damage the entire unique ecosystem of the lake.
On March 18, 2006, a rally took place in Irkutsk against the construction of an oil pipeline. As a result, V.V. Putin banned this project on April 26, 2006. Currently, the oil pipeline is being built outside the Baikal catchment area. In 1956, the lake was used for hydroelectric power.
It became an integral part of the Irkutsk reservoir. As a result, the water level rose by 1 m (slide No. 55). In addition to industrial enterprises, the lake is polluted by household waste.
Raids are carried out regularly to clean it up, but unfortunately it is not getting smaller (slide No. 56,57,58).
Baikal attracts tourists from all over the planet (slide No. 59). 70 km from Irkutsk is the village of Listvyanka - the most popular tourism destination on Lake Baikal. Most cruises on the lake originate from here.
The Great Baikal Trail passes through various sections around the lake.
Baikal is the only one on the entire planet,
There is simply no other option...
We are all yours, my Baikal, children,
And we are destined to live with you!
Why are you sad, beloved Baikal,
What is your surf sighing about?
Or someone evil, unforgiving
Does he sometimes mock you?
And Baikal sighed in response to me:
“I have lived in the world for thousands of years...
Nobody offended me
On the contrary, everyone respected...
But over the past half century...
I don't recognize the person!
like pure water
He will never need it..."
And people need to take care of it!
It had been under siege for a long time.

Baikal and its neighboring ridges are increasingly being used for recreation by the population.
Tourist centers and holiday homes are being created along the shores of the lake (slide No. 60).
Baikal is a miracle, a living organism,
And people need to take care of it!
Factories, villages, “wild tourism” -
It was already under siege.
Holy Baikal is raging and making noise
And the waves throw at us, crumpled,
It’s as if Baikal’s soul hurts
For what we will leave to posterity...
We, the Current generation, must preserve this wealth, protect the nature of Lake Baikal - this means protecting its shores, the nature of the entire drainage basin (slide No. 61).
Don't offend the sea, people!
Baikal also wants to live:
Play with the waves, arguing with the winds
And serve people faithfully!
Preserving Baikal is a sacred matter:
His fate is in our hands!
Nature itself told us
May our native Baikal live for centuries!
And I believe: Baikal will be
Glory to Russia to grow!
And our descendants will not forget us
Give it its due.

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

Average Comprehensive school №12

Scenario for extracurricular activities on the topic

“Small Motherland - Baikal” for 2nd grade.

(The game is a journey.)

Usolye-Sibirskoe Game - travel "Small Motherland - Baikal". Tasks: 1.Introduce the lake. Baikal and its attractions, to show the connection between people and nature.2. Expand your horizons, develop curiosity.3. To cultivate love and respect for nature, the native land, a sense of pride for the small Motherland.Equipment: illustrations: “seagulls”, “rocks”; scenery: birch, spruce, stump, bushes; poster with the name of the event, book exhibition, map, fish, fishing rods, delivery, samovar, pies, jam, tea, mugs, children's drawings, prizes, costumes for speakers, projector, video about Baikal, music.Costumes: Baikal, Yenisei, Angara, fishermen, sundresses for fun girls.Characters: presenter, readers, Baikal, Angara, Yenisei, fishermen, merry girls.

Progress of the event. Introduction. (Music sounds - the sound of the sea.)Leading: The boundless Siberian steppe, Rivers of silver expanses. You, harsh and gentle,My side is Siberia.- Guys, today is a special day for us. You and I will go on a journey dedicated to the most beautiful corner of our Motherland - Baikal. Baikal is a land of unprecedented, fabulous and magical beauty. And so, let's go! Go ahead, the sea is waiting for us!Watch a video about Lake Baikal. Baikal enters. Baikal: - Hello guys! Welcome to visit me. In the old days they called me the sea. I am very powerful. My area is 31500 sq. km., length – 636 km., width – 80 km., and depth – 1741 km. In my basin you can pour 92 seas like the Azov and 23 like the Aral. I was cheerful and kind. And I had an only daughter, and her name was Angara. There was no more beautiful woman on earth.A theatrical fairy tale. Leading: Baikal deeply loved his only daughter. There was nothing more beautiful than her on earth. During the day it is light - brighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. Everyone admired her, everyone praised her. Even migratory birds descended low, but the Angaras rarely landed on the water. Is it possible to blacken something light? Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart. One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young man Yenisei. The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A fierce storm arose, the sea raged - the hero. The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter. The rock fell on the beautiful daughter. The blue-eyed Angara begged and, sobbing, asked:Angara: Father. I'm dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water...Leading: For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei as water - a tear, and the gray, lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that Baikal threw after his daughter was called the Shaman's Stone by people. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman’s stone, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.” Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal...- Do you know why Baikal was angry?Installation. (Children tell.)1.Baikal is unique phenomenon on our planet. This is the deepest lake in the world.2.Baikal is the largest reservoir of the highest quality and still clean fresh water.3.The rare purity of water provides life to a unique animal and plant world.4.The flora and fauna of Lake Baikal are unusually rich. Currently, 1,550 species and varieties of animals are known in its waters.5.Baikal is one of the oldest lakes in the world. It has existed for about 25,000,000 years.6.This is a nascent ocean. The word "Baikal" in translation means a rich lake.7. 336 rivers flow into it, and only one flows out - the Angara.8. There are currently 52 species of fish in Baikal. These are whitefish, omul, pike, grayling, sturgeon, roach, ide, etc.Game "Fishermen". Leading: - And now, I suggest you go fishing on the lake. Baikal. Raise your hands if you like to fish. But we need fishermen who know the names of fish and can tell us something interesting about them.(Children fish and talk about the fish they caught. 4 fishermen and 4 fish: sturgeon, broadmouth, omul and golomyanka.)A game. - And while the fishermen are fishing, let’s play with you too. The game is called "Fish in the Sea". The right hand is a fish, and the left hand is the sea. If the fish is underwater - silence, and if on the water - clapping your hands. (The presenter shows the movements, the children follow and follow the instructions.)Ditties. Leading: - On the territory of Lake Baikal there are museums, nature reserves, and tourist recreation centers. People of different nationalities live on Lake Baikal: Russians and Buryats. Local residents are engaged in fishing, cattle breeding, trade in valuable fur-bearing animals, and collect mushrooms, berries and nuts. Our nature has generously rewarded these gifts to people who love and protect their small homeland, their Baikal. Many plants and animals are listed in the Red Book and are protected in nature reserves. The locals are hospitable and cheerful. They love to sing, dance and joke. And they are always happy to have guests.(Three girls in sundresses enter with a samovar and pies.)1st girl: -What Siberian doesn’t like to drink tea?2nd girl: - Yes, try the pies.3rd girl: -Yes, and sing ditties.(They perform ditties.)We have a pie on the table,Donuts and cheesecakes,So let's sing with some teaTea ditties.

Give me a cup of teaAfter all, I love Russian tea.I don't like teaPour hot tea.The samovar puffs and sparklesGenerous, round, golden.Lights up our facesHe with his kindness.Drinking a cup of teaI usually don't get bored...Because neverI don't drink it alone Well, let's hurry upPour tea for the guests and for meGather around the tableFor peace, joy, goodness

Quiz. Leading: - And now, we will identify the best expert on Baikal and see what you have learned from our trip. We'll have a quiz. I will ask questions, and you will answer. Who will answer large quantity questions, he is the winner of our quiz.Questions: 1.What is the depth of Lake Baikal? (1741 km.)2.What world-famous fish is found in the waters of Lake Baikal? (Omul.)3. How many rivers flow into Baikal and how many flow out of it? (336 and 1.)4.Name the name of the beauty's lover - Angara. (Yenisei.)5.What is the name of the rock that Baikal threw in the wake of the fugitive - Angara? (Shaman stone.)(Rewarding.)

Conclusion. (Children read poetry.)1. Will I hear from the pines at noon? The murmuring of streams among the pebbles and ford, Oh, people, I think, we all have There is only one mother, her name is Nature! She has enough kindness for everyone, And we live, imprinted in our souls forever Its beautiful features are fields, meadows, lakes, rivers.2. Nature has three treasures: Water, earth and air are its three foundations. No matter what misfortune strikes, it will all come back again. 3.But if... However, in our cruel age it is clear to everyone, What does this “if” mean? Oh man! Nature is mother, no rivers or seas from sight He doesn’t hide yours, No dewy grass, no blue lakes... Appreciate her trust, Nature! Don't deceive her! And in dark forest Enter, as if into a temple, under the marble arches.4. Beautiful, beautiful is our native land. I will never find anything more beautiful! Green valleys, forests and fields, And blue water in the sea!5. You, my friend, be careful not to shake it! Promise to be truthful and kind! Don't hurt the bird or the cricket. Don't buy a butterfly net. Love the seas, forests, open spaces of fields - Everything that is called your homeland!

Leading: - Our journey is coming to an end, but I am sure that it has convinced you guys that your Motherland, nature, planet Earth must be constantly protected and preserved. The living world around us is amazingly large, and we know very little of it. Read more books about nature, about Baikal, about the Motherland. By getting acquainted with these books, you will learn a lot of new and interesting, mysterious and fascinating things.(Book exhibition.) Drawing competition. - In preparation for the holiday, you drew pictures about Baikal, about the Motherland. We used your best drawings to create an exhibition that adorns the walls of our hall. And now, we will award the guys for the best work.(Rewarding.) -Goodbye! See you again!

List of sources used.

1. Poems for introduction

On September 12, Baikal Day was celebrated in the Irkutsk region. To this day, employees of the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after. Mark Sergeev has prepared many interesting and educational events.

“Baikal - a sacred gift of nature” - under this name, on the second Sunday of September, an ecological hour was held dedicated to the lake, included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List. Everyone who came to the library on this day committed virtual trip to Baikal. Young readers and their parents listened to legends about amazing lake, found out why the water in Lake Baikal is the most transparent and clean. “Diving” into the depths of the lake, the guys made many discoveries: they became acquainted with a variety of aquatic organisms living at different depths - from the very surface to maximum depths: with seal, golomyanka, freshwater sponges, as well as with unique plants, which, together with planktonic organisms, are responsible for the purity of Baikal water. Our readers enthusiastically answered the quiz questions and looked at picturesque photographs. And of course, everyone was unanimous in the opinion that Baikal, this priceless gift of nature, needs constant protection.

On the occasion of Baikal Day, employees of the local history department held an environmental and educational campaign “So that children know more about their native Baikal.” The campaign events took place throughout the week leading up to the holiday.

A series of events “Baikal – the reserved conscience of the country” was held for students in grades 5–9 of school No. 46, during which the children discussed what troubles threaten Baikal and how we can help unique lake. The conversation was accompanied by the showing of the CD “The World of Baikal”, containing a large number of bright photos, including photographs of Lake Baikal from space. The children also got acquainted with the system of protected areas of Lake Baikal and took a multimedia tour of the Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve.

Primary school students made a theatrical journey “Stay next to the seal, fill your heart with kindness.” The children were shown fragments from popular science videos “ Animal world Baikal coasts and mountains" and "Eye to eye with the Baikal seal", introducing the protected Ushkany Islands, where the Baikal seal rookeries are located, as well as the inhabitants of the Irkutsk seal nursery. The event ended with a puppet show based on “Ecologically friendly fairy tales from the shores of Lake Baikal” by Irkutsk writer and biologist Sofia Buntovskaya.

On September 10, at school No. 17, a lesson “Baikal is the preserved conscience of the country” was held for 3rd grade students. On the same day, children from correctional school No. 5 took part in the literary and theatrical festival “There are many legends where this miracle came from,” which took place in the local history department of the library. The children watched a puppet show based on the legends of Lake Baikal and the Angara, and learned about the respectful and reverent attitude of the peoples who lived on its shores towards Lake Baikal.

During the holiday week, the local history department exhibited the exhibition “Baikal - a source of inspiration,” which presented works inspired by Lake Baikal: photographs, drawings, literary works.

The organizers of the events set themselves the task of not only telling about the unique animal and flora Lake Baikal, but also to instill in young Irkutsk residents a culture of recreation on the shores of the lake, and to draw attention to the need to take care of a unique natural monument.

Brazhnikova Inessa Borisovna,
scientific secretary
Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after. Mark Sergeeva