Treatment without macesta. Matsesta: treatment and rest. Photos and reviews. Balneotherapeutic mud resort "Usolye" is located in the Irkutsk region

Sanatorium-resort treatment in Sochi is unique in that it combines specific healing methods unique to this area with general ones that are used at any other resorts.

Special methods of spa treatment include various elements of climatotherapy, balneological treatment (hydrogen sulfide, iodide-bromine carbonate-arsenic baths), mud therapy, and some types of physical therapy (hiking, therapeutic rowing).

General treatment methods include instrumental physiotherapy, some types of hydrotherapy (pearl baths, various showers), physical therapy, nutritional therapy, psychotherapy, and drug treatment.

The combination of various treatment methods and an individual approach to each person allows you to choose the shortest path that will best lead the body in order.

General contraindications

Contraindications that exclude the direction of sanatorium-resort treatment include:

All diseases in the acute stage, chronic obstructive disorders in the acute stage and complicated by acute purulent processes:

Venereal diseases in acute and contagious form;

Mental illnesses, all forms of drug addiction and chronic alcoholism, epilepsy;

Blood diseases in the acute or acute stage;
- cachexia of various origins;
- malignant neoplasms;

All diseases requiring inpatient treatment in a hospital, as well as surgical intervention;
- bleeding of any origin;
- all forms of tuberculosis in the active stage;

Pregnancy from 26 weeks or any period in the presence of obstetric pathology.

In addition to these general contraindications, people with diseases of the lungs, pleura and bronchial asthma should not be sent to the Sochi resort.

General indications

The indications for sanatorium-resort treatment in Sochi are based on the actions of the main therapeutic factors - climate and mineral, primarily Matsesta, waters. Sochi has developed as a balneoclimatic resort intended for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, lesions of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and infertility. An important place at the resort belongs to the treatment of diseases of children and adolescents.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Almost all the most common diseases of this group are indicated for treatment in Sochi in the stage of compensation or minimal degree of activity.

The influence of hydrogen sulfide baths underlies the widespread use of macesta in complex spa therapy for rheumatic diseases and some collagenoses after acute inflammatory phenomena have subsided, but not earlier than ten months after the attack.

The property of macesta to expand both large and small blood vessels is used to treat patients with hypertension stages I and II A, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart, brain and peripheral vessels of the extremities. than with a decrease in vascular tone caused by hypotension, maiesta helps as well as mri in increasing it. Matsesta balneotherapy is used for myocardial dystrophies, heart defects, sclerotic changes in the heart muscle.

Contraindications include severe circulatory disorders with cardiac decompensation, serious disturbances of rhythm and conduction function, aneurysm of the heart and aorta, late-stage hypertension with the development of sclerotic changes in the internal organs, obliterating endarteritis with migrating thrombophlebitis and thromboembolic disease.

In the presence of such concomitant diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract with a tendency to exacerbations, chronic nephritis and nephrosis, Matsesta balneotherapy is contraindicated. At the same time, for chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastritis and enterocolitis, carbon dioxide-arsenic waters can be successfully used.

Research by scientists has proven the effectiveness of hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy in reducing the function of the visible gland and mild forms of diabetes. Diseases of the thyroid gland with symptoms of theriotoxicosis are contraindicated for macetotherapy, and patients are not even recommended to stay in Sochi.

Nervous system diseases

Treatment in Sochi is indicated for patients suffering from neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis of various locations, polyradiculitis, plexitis of traumatic and infectious origin, as well as other diseases of the peripheral nervous system without exacerbation.

For diseases of the peripheral nerves associated with pathology of the vertebral bodies or intervertebral discs, as well as for protracted and often recurrent forms, Matsesta baths are prescribed in combination with physical therapy and physiotherapy.

The consequences of traumatic injuries to the spinal cord and its membranes, residual effects of brain injuries, encephalopathy due to various intoxications, and meningoencephalitis beyond the acute stage are successfully treated at the resort.

Recently, indications for the treatment of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels without a tendency to cerebrovascular accidents and frequent vascular crises, rheumatic, brucellosis and post-influenza encephalitis and meningoencephalitis have been expanded.

Matsesta and climatic treatment are undoubtedly useful for lesions of the autonomic nervous system - sympathicotruncitis, the initial stage of Raynaud's disease, and other autonomic dysfunctions. The influence of balneoclimatic treatment in Sochi is also beneficial for those suffering from neuroses.

Patients with gross anatomical disorders of the peripheral nerve trunks (complete nerve break, large neuromas and dense scars, accompanied by trophic tissue disorders, etc.), suffering from syringomyelia, multiple sclerosis, and congenital diseases of the nervous system in cases of severe severity are not indicated for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Treatment is contraindicated for those who have suffered penetrating injuries of the brain and spinal cord in the presence of concomitant infection, patients with all types of cerebellar pathology, with pronounced changes in the neuropsychic status (depression, tendency to affective manifestations, impulsivity, twilight and persistent obsessive states, hypochondria).

Matsesta baths cannot be prescribed for tuberculous lesions of the nervous system, tumors, endemic encephalitis, and mental illnesses.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The use of macesta for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is based on improving blood circulation in bone and cartilage tissues and resorption of inflammatory foci.

Among joint diseases, polyarthritis of various origins with a chronic or subacute course, dystrophic joint lesions due to metabolic disorders and endocrine gland function, primary deforming osteoarthritis, osteoarthrosis, osteochondropathy with functional insufficiency above degree II are indicated for the treatment.

Post-traumatic arthritis, chronic spondyloarthritis, spinal osteochondrosis, and ankylosing spondylitis are indicated for treatment. Recently, the indications have been expanded to include patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis with low activity of the inflammatory process without damage to internal organs.

Contraindications include cases of rheumatoid arthritis with high activity of the inflammatory process, arthritis of tuberculous etiology and chronic osteomyelitis in the presence of copious discharge and large sequestration, as well as irreversible changes in the joints and spine that interfere with self-care and movement.

Skin diseases

Treatment of many skin diseases using a complex of balneoclimatic factors at the Sochi resort is very effective. Dermatoses with a predominantly chronic course in remission are indicated for treatment. Spa treatment is more effective if it is preceded by outpatient or inpatient drug therapy. The best results have been achieved in the treatment of patients with chronic eczema in all its forms, as well as occupational and seborrheic eczema.

Patients with psoriasis (scaly lichen) should be sent to the resort only in the stationary stage, since during the progression of the disease their treatment in Sochi is contraindicated. With psoriasis, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of the disease: “summer” forms should be treated in the summer, and “winter” forms in the summer.

Indicated for the treatment of all itchy dermatoses (neurodermatitis, pruritus, chronic urticaria, pruritus, etc.), congenital dermatoses with symptoms of hyperkeratosis (ichthyosis, keratoderma), scleroderma. For these diseases, in addition to baths, local procedures are used. In recent years, post-burn scars have been successfully treated at the resort.

Gynecological diseases

Spa treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs is one of the most effective. Sochi has all the conditions for this. Of particular value are the Matsesta hydrogen sulfide baths, which are used by more than sixty percent of gynecological patients arriving at the resort.

Chronic nonspecific diseases of the female genital area in remission, secondary infertility, menstrual dysfunction due to ovarian pathology and other causes are indicated for treatment.

Acute processes, including purulent ones, tuberculous lesions, all malignant and most benign neoplasms of the female genital organs are contraindicated for spa treatment. A normal pregnancy in the first half is not a contraindication for a course of restorative climatic treatment.

Childhood diseases

In recent years, spa treatment of children and adolescents has become increasingly important. The presence of specialized children's health centers at the resort makes it possible to provide this type of assistance to children. But the indications and contraindications for their spa treatment still need to be developed in more detail. In Sochi, treatment of children begins at the age of seven.

Indicated for treatment at the resort are children and adolescents with rheumatism in the inactive phase and with a minimal degree of activity with circulatory failure no higher than stage I; patients with juvenile hypertension and other functional diseases of the cardiovascular system, suffering from mitral and aortic rheumatic heart disease without severe stenosis at least ten months after the end of the exacerbation.

In health resorts located in the Lazarevsky district, respiratory diseases of non-tuberculosis etiology are treated, as well as some forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in children.

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What can most people tell you about hydrogen sulfide? Everyone knows that it is a natural gas that has a repulsive odor. In fact, it has special properties that have long been successfully used to treat many diseases. How do hydrogen sulfide baths work, what are the indications and contraindications, and where is this treatment offered?

“Aromatic” spa procedure: how beneficial are baths with hydrogen sulfide?

The downside of physiotherapy: the harm of hydrogen sulfide baths

It should also be remembered that not everyone can benefit from hydrogen sulfide baths. This procedure will cause harm to those who have liver or heart problems. Some patients have an allergic reaction to hydrogen sulfide - such therapy is also categorically not suitable for them.

To ensure that treatment with hydrogen sulfide does not cause harm, you must carefully listen to and follow all recommendations of medical personnel. If the temperature of the special bath is too high (up to 37 degrees), then the procedure will be difficult to endure, and the person is unlikely to feel a surge of vigor after such treatment.

The optimal bath duration is 8-10-15 minutes. If you stay in a hydrogen sulfide composition for a longer time, a spasm of blood vessels may occur, which is undesirable for the body. Therefore, in pursuit of health, you should not lie in the bath longer than prescribed.

You need to rest before taking a sulfide bath. Rest is also required after such a healing session. Therefore, the next spa procedure should begin no earlier than two hours later.

The effect of hydrogen sulfide on the human body can be varied. It is known that in high concentrations this gas is not only harmful, but even dangerous. If the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the inhaled air exceeds 0.01%, then a person may experience symptoms of damage to the nervous and digestive systems. Concentrations above 0.05% are lethal.

Therefore, it is better to take hydrogen sulfide baths in specialized conditions and under the supervision of medical professionals.

To whom and under what conditions are baths with hydrogen sulfide useful?

When is it better to refuse balneotherapy?

Where to go for health – popular balneological resorts

The resort village of Matsesta has gained unprecedented popularity thanks to its unique hydrogen sulfide springs. The medicinal water from those places was also called Matsesta: indications and contraindications for the use of Matsesta baths will be discussed in detail in this article.

The resort village of Matsesta opens its doors to visitors throughout the year. This is a large balneological zone in Sochi, where not only people come from all over the country, but even from abroad. The rapid development of the resort village began in the second quarter of the 20th century, although healing springs were discovered much earlier. Extensive indications and limited contraindications for taking macesta baths make hydrotherapy using hydrogen sulfide sources a truly important element of complex therapy. Modern Matsesta offers various types of non-drug treatment, including healing baths, hydromassage, douches and wraps.

Hydrogen sulfide procedures have many indications, although much depends on the treatment method. In particular, in the resort of Matsesta, hydrogen sulfide baths, inhalations, shower irrigation, and microenemas are practiced. Each procedure has its own indications and contraindications, while the healing properties of Matsesta water remain at the same level. Water is used in its pure form, without diluting or purifying it of impurities beneficial to the human body.

Useful properties of matsesta

Matsesta water has a specific smell that distinguishes it from other mineral waters. Matsesta includes about 20 chemical elements that determine its medicinal properties. The effect of hydrogen sulfide on the human body is very interesting. Dissolved in water, this component stimulates cell regeneration and replenishes the deficiency of macroelements and salts.

The Matsestinsky gift brings people back to life, relieves diseases, and restores their ability to work. Matsesta is a rare type of mineral water, the beneficial properties of which are explained by the simultaneous presence of free hydrogen sulfide and mineral salts. The concentration of iodine, colloidal sulfur, bromine and fluorine is especially high in matsesta.

Indications for the use of macesta are based on its chemical composition. Matsesta is the record holder for the content of hydrogen sulfide molecules. In combination with high mineralization, this natural product allows you to achieve amazing results in the treatment of a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, dermatitis, and pathologies of internal organs. Upon contact with macesta, redness of the skin is observed, which is explained by a sharp increase in blood microcirculation due to exposure to hydrogen sulfide. Because of this, the healing spring got its name - matsesta, which means “fire water”.

By influencing the nerve endings located on the surface of the skin, macesta stimulates the activity of internal organs. As a result of using Matsesta baths, blood pressure is normalized, blood flow is improved, and metabolic processes are accelerated.

Matsesta: indications and contraindications

Radon baths: benefits and harms

What are radon baths

Radon baths - benefits

Most often, baths are used in which the concentration of radon is minimal. The best effect on the body is in baths filled with mineral water, which is saturated with short-lived radon elements. The effects of gas on the body are varied. But first of all, its benefits are as follows.

  1. Calming effect. Radon treatment is often prescribed for neurological problems. Several procedures can help you get rid of depression, the negative consequences of emotional turmoil, and sleep disorders.
  2. Normalization of heart activity. If initially the patient experienced irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, low vascular elasticity, after radon baths you can get rid of all this.
  3. Strengthening joints and bones. Bone tissue under the influence of radon gas becomes stronger, and painful sensations in the joints disappear.
  4. Improved metabolism. Radon baths make the gastrointestinal tract more active and reduce pain due to gastritis and ulcers. In addition, radon therapy is suitable for those who want to quickly lose excess weight.
  5. Removing inflammatory processes. First of all, radon baths are recommended for inflammation of the genital organs. And they are usually prescribed to women. In addition, radon eliminates hormonal disorders that occur during PMS, menopause and other changes in women's health.
  6. Radon therapy is indicated for diabetes mellitus. Gas can slightly reduce sugar levels, generally having a positive effect on the functioning of the body of a person with diabetes.
  7. The benefits of radon treatment will also be noticed by those people who have skin diseases. Radon baths reduce the manifestations of acne, psoriasis, and ulcers.

It can be concluded that it is possible to obtain benefits of a very different nature from radon treatment. But this method of therapy is not possible in all cases. Sometimes, if radon baths are used incorrectly, there is a risk of harming the body rather than strengthening it. You also need to be aware of such situations.

Radon baths: possible harm

For the most part, radon therapy is safe. But, if the patient initially has certain problems, he should approach such treatment more carefully. Otherwise, the harm from therapy can be very serious. First of all, the negative consequences of radon therapy are as follows.

  1. Provoking seizures in patients with epilepsy. In this case, epilepsy is considered one of the most dangerous contraindications.
  2. Radon baths irritate the skin if there is extensive damage to it. This means that open injuries and wounds cannot be treated with such a procedure.
  3. In theory, radon therapy can cause the growth of malignant tumors. Thus, when a tumor is detected in a patient, radon baths cannot be used.
  4. Harm from such procedures may occur if the patient initially suffers from leukemia, hyperthyroidism, or angina. These diseases are important contraindications that should always be checked before the procedure.

If there are no prerequisites for side effects described above, radon baths will be of great benefit. But it is necessary to make sure that there are indeed no contraindications to their use. The first priority is to see a doctor. Only if he does not find serious obstacles to the procedures can he turn to radon therapy. In general, radon baths, the benefits and harms of which have been discussed here, are an excellent way to cope with numerous diseases.

We remember what hydrogen sulfide is from school chemistry. It is difficult to forget this substance if you have inhaled its smell at least once. It's a gas, and it smells disgusting - like a rotten egg. But that's not all: hydrogen sulfide is toxic! In high concentrations, when inhaled, the gas can cause dizziness, nausea, convulsions, coma and even death. Normally, our cells produce a small amount of this gas, so the body is very familiar with it and uses it for medicinal purposes. An example of this is hydrogen sulfide baths. Indications and contraindications for their use should definitely be carefully studied before deciding on such therapy. This is exactly what we will do today.

What are hydrogen sulfide baths

When talking about hydrogen sulfide baths, we do not mean some kind of gas chamber, but a healing method that is based on the use of mineral waters enriched with “rotten” gas. At the same time, the maximum benefit from such therapy is obtained by individually selecting the concentration of gas in water. The therapeutic effect is determined not only by the presence of hydrogen sulfide in water, but also by its temperature, pressure, and mechanical action.

Hydrogen sulfides in medicinal baths can form solutions of different strengths:

  • weakly sulfide, where the concentration of hydrogen sulfide reaches a maximum of 50 milligrams per liter;
  • medium sulfide with a concentration of 50 to 100 milligrams per liter;
  • strongly sulfide, in which each liter can contain up to 250 milligrams of hydrogen sulfide;
  • very strong - with a concentration of 250 milligrams of hydrogen sulfide per liter of water.

Indications for such hydrotherapy depend on the diagnosis and severity of the patient’s disease. This therapy is offered in a sanatorium-resort setting.

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths

Hydrogen sulfide aquatherapy can be prescribed for a number of diseases. Penetrating through skin tissue, hydrogen sulfide enters the blood, brain fluid, and stimulates multiple nerve endings. As a response to such a stimulus, signals are received from the nerve centers that change the activity of the functional systems and organs of the body. Along with this, there is an improvement in the functional state of the peripheral and central nervous systems.

Under the influence of hydrogen sulfide in the skin, the formation of biologically active substances (histamine, acetylcholine, heparin) occurs, causing dilation of blood vessels and capillaries, thinning the blood, rushing it to the skin and tissues, increasing blood flow, decreasing pulse, and lowering blood pressure. The complex has a training effect on the cardiovascular system. When taking hydrogen sulfide baths, metabolic processes in muscles and joints improve, pain and inflammation decrease. Hydrogen sulfide has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, and stimulates the function of the endocrine system.

Hydrogen sulfide baths: indications and contraindications

Who is prescribed hydrogen sulfide aquatherapy? First of all, people suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • joint diseases;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • skin problems;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

However, this treatment has contraindications:

  • ischemia with frequent attacks of angina;
  • heart defects;
  • arrhythmia;
  • renal failure;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • mental disorders;
  • anemia;
  • tumor processes.

Before prescribing hydrogen sulfide therapy, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination to identify indications and contraindications.

For children

Is this therapy prescribed for children? Yes, there are indications, but you should be careful. Since all systems of a child’s body still work differently from those of adults, it is difficult to predict the effect of hydrogen sulfide baths on children’s health. However, as an auxiliary physical treatment, they can be prescribed for children with cerebral palsy, with birth injuries and for some other diseases.

In gynecology

Hydrogen sulfide can also make a significant contribution to women's health. Indications for hydrogen sulfide sources are available in patients with:

  • inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system (parametritis, endometritis, colpitis, erosion, etc.);
  • adhesive processes in pipes;
  • infertility;
  • cycle disruption;
  • climacteric syndrome.
  • pregnancy;
  • post-abortion and post-operative periods (up to six months);
  • endometriosis.

Hydrogen sulfide water is prescribed to patients in the form of baths and irrigations.

How to take hydrogen sulfide baths

A hydrogen sulfide bath is a treatment, not a hygienic procedure, and therefore there are some rules for taking it:

  • Before the procedure, you should avoid physical activity and long walks;
  • You should not go for the procedure on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • if you have symptoms of acute respiratory infections, headaches and other ailments, you should refuse baths;
  • Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to lie down in the rest room for 10-30 minutes.

You should sit quietly in the bath, without causing unnecessary body movements to release gas from the water. You should only dive into the water up to your chest - no deeper!

The effectiveness of treatment is noticeable with a course approach.

Hydrogen sulfide baths at home

Is it possible to set up a hydrogen sulfide clinic without leaving your home? Yes, if you buy hydrogen sulfide salt at the pharmacy. However, such self-medication is very dangerous: do not forget about the toxicity of hydrogen sulfide! Only a doctor should prescribe it, and he also calculates the dosage of salt. But it’s better to do the wiser thing - go to a specialized sanatorium: both rest and health are guaranteed!

Hydrogen sulfide baths in Abkhazia, Pyatigorsk, Matsesta

The best hydrogen sulfide clinics are located in areas of natural hydrogen sulfide springs. The closest ones to us are Abkhazian, Pyatigorsk and at the Matsesta resort. The Matsesta resort is especially popular. There are unique springs where, in addition to hydrogen sulfide, the water is enriched with iodine, fluorine, bromine, copper, gold and many other benefits. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go to this balneological resort on a voucher. The main thing is to take a sanatorium-resort card issued at your place of residence, and appointments can be made directly at the department, where you can come from a hotel or boarding house, for example, without living in the sanatorium itself.


Are hydrogen sulfide baths harmful? Undoubtedly, if there are contraindications to such therapy. Harm may include aggravation of the condition due to hypotension or angina pectoris, kidney and liver dysfunction. After baths, weakness, dizziness, and nausea may occur. Even if you experience these symptoms in the absence of contraindications to treatment, it is worth discussing the situation with your doctor; perhaps everything will improve if the concentration of the active substance in the water decreases.

In them I talk about the beautiful natural attractions of the resort, about its history, about modern objects and architecture that are worth visiting. Using these articles you can easily plan your route around Sochi.

But there is one place in Sochi where people come driven by other goals. This is Matsesta. Matsesta hydrogen sulfide springs have unique healing properties. And it was thanks to them that Sochi gained fame as a balneological resort more than a hundred years ago.

So I finally decided to look at Sochi from this angle. And she went to Matsesta to find out everything from the source. what is called.

Matsesta springs: they smell bad, they heal well

In the center of the coat of arms of the city of Sochi is depicted bowl filled with fire water . This is the symbol of Matsesta. It is unknown whether Sochi would be so popular now if not for the wonderful properties of Matsestin water...

People have known for a long time that this water miraculously cures many diseases. Many travelers wrote about this in their diaries. The Romans, Athenians, and Byzantines sailed to it from across the sea, calling it a happy spring for its high healing properties. In ancient times, depressions were hollowed out in the rocky ground so that the source would fill them with “fire water” and it would be possible to take healing baths.

But only at the beginning of the twentieth century. treatment at the Matsesta springs was put on a scientific basis. September 15, 1902, a graduate of Kharkov University, a twenty-four-year-old physician Victor Frantsevich Podgursky founded a balneological hospital in Matsesta. At that time it consisted of two wooden bathtubs in a small barn. The holiday procedures were carried out under medical supervision. And in 1912 A hotel was built nearby for those wishing to improve their health “without leaving the cash register,” in this case, from the source.

The word “Matsesta” itself is translated from the Adyghe-Ubykh language as “fire water”. Well, they apparently called this water fire because it is quite hot, and the body turns red after taking a bath. Because hydrogen sulfide contained in Matsesta water penetrates the body through the skin and lungs. Blood circulation accelerates and improves, blood vessels dilate, thereby improving cell nutrition and oxygen supply. Visually this is expressed in redness of the skin.

However, let's return to history. Comrade Stalin, who had problems with his arm and suffered a stroke, on the advice of Mikoyan, comes to Matsesta for treatment. After the Matsesta baths he felt much better. And Stalin became a frequent visitor to Matsesta. So often that he even builds a dacha here for himself. I talked about this dacha in the article.

It was hard to come up with a better advertisement for the resort, right? And a line of crowds of both high-ranking and ordinary citizens flocked to Sochi in order to receive treatment and improve their health. With the influx of holidaymakers, the Matsesta springs began to dry up. Geologists were given a task of national importance: to discover new reserves of healing waters. Two different versions have emerged explaining the origin of the sources and their volumes.

According to one of them, the Matsesta waters are the remains of an ancient sea, which 100-200 million years ago covered the entire area of ​​the modern Caucasus. And according to this version, the volume of water from Matsesta springs is limited and non-renewable.

According to another hypothesis, more substantiated, Matsesta water originated from the waters of the Black Sea by filtration through microcracks of the basalt seabed. Under the influence of biological and physico-chemical processes, water changes its qualities and turns into healing. It follows that the reserves of Matsesta waters are inexhaustible.

Now water for treatment is extracted deep from the ground, from drilled wells. But the smell of hydrogen sulfide will greet you at the entrance to Matsesta...

How to get there

Matsesta is a microdistrict located in the Khostinsky district of Sochi. Accordingly, regular city buses go there. We were traveling by car.

You need to turn off Kurortny Prospekt near the bas-relief of the Matsesta girl:

Opposite is the entrance to the health path - Sochi health path. I told you more about this route.

We turn off and then drive along the Cheltenham alley, under two overpasses of the Kurortny Prospekt backup, along the Matsesta River. The surrounding area is an ordinary residential area, like all others in Sochi. After about 10 minutes, the main road turns left, and we drive straight and come across a fence, behind which is the hospital building. That's it, we've arrived.

What diseases are treated on Matsesta

We get out of the car and immediately feel a specific hydrogen sulfide “aroma”. We set off towards a beautiful semicircular building - this is what it looks like today balneological complex "Old Matsesta":

This is the body of hydrogen sulfide baths. It is called the “Palace of Health”, and officially - Bathroom Building No. 4. It was built in the shape of two semicircles in 1940 according to the design of the architect Alexander Golubev on the site of the old Podgursky hospital. Around the bathroom building there is a huge lush park where you can wander around, studying different types of plants. This is where tourists now come for medical procedures.

To be honest, when I went to Matsesta, I didn’t set myself the task of taking baths - there are no absolutely healthy people, of course, but I’m not yet inclined to complain about serious ailments... But when I found out what an extensive list of indications for taking hydrogen sulfide baths, Then I involuntarily began to think - should I take a course of treatment? After all, my body wouldn’t refuse such a “renovation.”

So, Matsesta waters are effectively used in balneology in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, etc.),
  • cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, coronary heart disease, etc.),
  • central nervous system (neurocircular dystonia, post-traumatic encephalopathy, migraine, etc.),
  • diseases of peripheral vessels and nerves (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, plexitis, neuritis, etc.),
  • gynecological diseases (chronic inflammatory diseases of the appendages, infertility, adhesions, etc.),
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, diathesis, etc.),
  • post-burn and post-operative keloid scars
  • diseases of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.),
  • diseases of the oral cavity and gums (periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.),
  • consequences of industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

We learned all this when we received a booklet at the entrance to the building. And when I saw this Palace of Health from the inside, I realized that I definitely wanted to get treatment here:

These are the PALACES that were built for the treatment of ordinary citizens in the Soviet Union under Stalin! Stalin himself was treated in a separate building.

In the center of the hall is a drinking pump room. We are allowed to try Plastunsuki mineral water. It tastes like narzan in Chvizheps.

But we won’t be able to take a bath without a sanatorium-resort card. There is another option: even if you came to Sochi without a medical card, you can go to the outpatient department of Matsesta itself. There you will undergo the necessary examination and receive an appointment for treatment. In order to receive treatment in Matsesta, you do not have to stay there - you can stay in any other hotel or sanatorium in Greater Sochi.

As the brochure we received at the entrance explained to us, an effective course of treatment is at least two weeks (10-14 procedures). A one-time procedure will yield virtually no results. Before and after the procedures, rest for 1-2 hours is required. You need to rest first while sitting or lying down - about 20 minutes. Then you can take a walk through the shady park. The procedures should not be taken on an empty stomach or immediately after a heavy meal. On the day of taking a bath, in no case should you drink alcohol (yep, that’s how it is - treat like that!), It is advisable to refrain from smoking.

Any other water procedures and sunbathing are also prohibited. Therefore, to avoid temptation, it is better to visit Matsesta during the non-beach season - from October to May.

In addition, for 2-3 days after the procedure, a persistent smell of hydrogen sulfide persists, which cannot be removed by any shampoos, gels or deodorants. But patients regain ease of movement, clean skin, nerves are restored, and a rejuvenating effect is also noticeable! Well, isn't it worth it to smell bad for a couple of days?

Look at which people chose Matsesta water:

And here is the history of the creation of the Matsesta Balneological Resort:

Having made a circle around the lobby of the hospital, we go for a walk in the adjacent park. Now there are not many people here: it is evening, and all procedures are carried out before lunch.

The same brochure recommends visiting landscape-natural monument “Matsestinsky Spring”. This is the place where hydrogen sulfide water comes directly to the surface. It is his photograph that is often decorated with booklets of the Matsesta resort:

As soon as we approached them, there was a smell of hydrogen sulfide in the air - an indescribable sensation :-) The area around them is fenced and landscaped, the entrance fee is 100 rubles... In my opinion, it’s a little expensive to just go in and take a photo as a souvenir. The water of the springs is cloudy and has a turquoise hue. You don’t even really want to get close to it - the smell of hydrogen sulfide is especially strong here. But the lady at the entrance claims that many tourists are trying to swim...

Behind the source, in the rock, there are caves. The length of these karst caves is about eighty meters. The entrance to them is sealed with bars to protect the curious from the dangerous intrusion into the “smelly” dungeons, since the air in the caves contains a life-threatening concentration of hydrogen sulfide.

After taking a couple of photos, we leave this place and continue our walk through the park - it’s much nicer to breathe here:

At the end of the park, going beyond the fence and walking another 30 meters, we saw a sign for Eagle Rocks . This is also a very popular place among tourists. I wrote about him in the article But then we walked from the Agur waterfalls. And from the other side - from Matsesta - you can get closer there directly by car. So we didn’t deny ourselves the pleasure of dropping in there as well.

And this is how it is always in Sochi - everything is nearby: both to receive treatment and to admire the beauty.

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The main healing factor of the Sochi resort is hydrogen sulfide mineral water Matsesta. Matsesta belongs to the most scarce types of mineral waters, the undeniable medicinal value of which is based on the simultaneous presence of minerals and free hydrogen sulfide.

As studies have shown, the chemical composition of hydrogen sulfide water is described by the following formula:

Hydrogen sulfide water of Matsesta is characterized as highly mineralized, very strong sulfide, iodine-bromine, boron mineral water of sodium chloride composition, neutral reaction
environment. In terms of temperature, it belongs to the group of low-thermal sources and contains a very interesting and diverse range of biologically active substances:
hydrogen sulfide— 250.3 mg/l (free hydrogen sulfide — up to 160.2 mr/l)
bromine— 59.0 mg/l (criterion for classification as “bromine” — 25 mg/l)
iodine— 12.0 mr/l (criterion 5 mg/l)
boric acid(in terms of orthoboric acid H3BO3) - ~ 86.5 mg/l (criterion 35 mg/l)

The results of the chemical analysis from the balneological report conducted by the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Resortology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency:

The main differences between the hydrogen sulfide water of Matsesta and the hydrogen sulfide water of other resorts in the world:

Matsesta (“fire water”) received its name due to the effect of redness of the skin upon contact with it, which is a consequence of dilation of blood vessels, the appearance of hyperemia, causing redistribution of blood and hemodynamic changes in the body. At the same time, acting on a large number of nerve endings located in the skin, hydrogen sulfide causes changes in nerve receptors of internal organs.

The photo shows the visible effect of redness after taking a general Matsesta hydrogen sulfide bath:

Many years of scientific and practical activity aimed at studying the mechanism of action of Matsesta hydrogen sulfide water in various types of diseases made it possible to develop effective methods of balneotherapy and determine the main indications for treatment:

Macestotherapy is successfully used to treat ailments in adults and children.

Hydrogen sulfide procedures are dispensed in the form of:

  • Shared baths
  • 4-chamber baths
  • Local procedures:
    — Inhalations
    — Irrigation of the head, face and other parts of the body
    — Irrigation of gums
    — Gynecological irrigation
    — Rising shower
    — Microclysters

When prescribing a course of balneological treatment with Matsesta hydrogen sulfide water, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide contained in it must be indicated. As a rule, hydrogen sulfide concentrations of 50, 100 and 150 mg/l are prescribed for general baths. in this case, the concentration of free hydrogen sulfide is respectively: 19, 43, 120 mg/l. Chamber baths and all local procedures are available in only one concentration - 150 mg/l.

When taking Matsesta hydrogen sulfide procedures, the patient’s body is affected by the temperature of the water, its hydrostatic pressure and chemical composition. Hydrogen sulfide baths have a variety of medicinal effects: sedative, secretory, reparative-regenerative, immunostimulating, hypocoagulating, detoxifying, plastic, defibrosing.

Matsesta has a local effect on various organs and systems depending on the existing disease, but, in addition, matsesta has a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism. First of all, the patient experiences the following changes:

  • Blood pressure normalizes
  • Improves blood supply and innervation of internal organs and tissues
  • Improves carbohydrate and fat metabolism
  • Increases oxygen consumption by body tissues
  • Pulmonary ventilation increases
  • There is a pronounced sedative effect on the central nervous system of the body
  • There is a normalizing effect on the basal metabolism, on some aspects of carbohydrate, mineral, cholesterol and water metabolism

The effect of Matsesta hydrogen sulfide water on the body is a marked improvement in local blood circulation. Blood flow improves in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, deeper tissues, and some internal organs. As a result of this, the structure of tissues of organs and their systems is restored and normalized, and their functional activity increases.

Main contraindications to hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy:

  • All diseases in the acute and exacerbation stages
  • Frequent hypertensive crises
  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Angina pectoris III FC
  • Heart rhythm disturbances
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys, accompanied by renal and hepatic failure
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Benign neoplasms of any location
  • Blood diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Suspicions of oncological pathology
  • Skin defects (wounds, ulcerative lesions)
  • Tuberculosis