Mount Huashan China - Path of Death - why was it called that? The most dangerous hiking trail in the world, Mount Huashan The most dangerous road in China on Mt.

China is famous for its delicious tea, and therefore there is one unique attraction for lovers of this drink. If you are an avid tea lover and are ready to do anything to taste your favorite drink, then you should definitely visit such a landmark of China - the tea house on Mount Huashan, and walk along the path that leads to it. This trail has been recognized as the most dangerous trail in the world.

Mount Huashan is a Chinese sacred mountain consisting of five petal-shaped peaks. This mountain is located near the city of Xi'an, in Shaanxi Province. This province is located in the center of China. The mountain attracts the bravest and most desperate people from all over the world, those people who want to get another dose of adrenaline, or simply get rid of their inner insecurities.

How to get there

The starting point is the city of Xi'an, it is a modern tourist town and one of the largest transport hubs in China. Here it is international Airport, which accepts flights from almost anywhere in the world. In addition, Xi'an can be reached by bus, train or car from any Chinese city. Next, you need to take the Xi'an - Luoyang train and get off at the station county town Huayin. And then take a taxi to the funicular or to the walking route.

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China is famous for its delicious tea, and therefore there is one unique attraction for lovers of this drink. If you are an avid tea lover and are ready to do anything to taste your favorite drink, then you should definitely visit such a landmark of China - the tea house on Mount Huashan, and walk along the path that leads to it. This trail has been recognized as the most dangerous trail in the world.

Mount Huashan is a Chinese sacred mountain consisting of five petal-shaped peaks. This mountain is located near the city of Xi'an, in Shaanxi Province. This province is located in the center of China. The mountain attracts the bravest and most desperate people from all over the world, those people who want to get another dose of adrenaline, or simply get rid of their inner insecurities.

How to get there

The starting point is the city of Xi'an, a modern tourist city and one of the largest transport hubs in China. There is an international airport here that accepts flights from almost anywhere in the world. In addition, Xi'an can be reached by bus, train or car from any Chinese city. Next, you need to take the Xi'an - Luoyang train and get off at the station of the provincial city of Huayin. And then take a taxi to the funicular or to the walking route.

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Phnom Penh → Xi'an

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Shenzhen → Xi'an

Moscow → Xi'an

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Astana → Xi'an

Krasnoyarsk → Xi'an

Bishkek → Xi'an

BAK → Xi'an

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As delicious as Chinese tea is, it is not usually associated with adrenaline rushes and fear of death. However, Mount Huashan in China managed to combine both tea and adrenaline, because it is here that the most terrible and dangerous walking trail in the world, which takes tourists straight to the tea house at an altitude of 2160 meters.

Mount Huashan has been one of the most important places for Taoists since the second century BC - then a Taoist temple was built at its foot. Since then, pilgrims and monks have lived on and around the mountain. The whole network dangerous paths allows them to reach five peaks, each of which has a religious building, such as a tea house. Together these five peaks form the petals of the lotus. The trails have been strengthened due to the recent influx of tourists, but they are still very dangerous and have a bad reputation. They say up to 100 people a year fall from these trails.

Mount Huashan is one of the five sacred mountains of Taoism.

Some parts of the trail are truly terrifying.

Monks and pilgrims built these “steps” to the top of the mountain.

The trails were strengthened as the route grew in popularity among tourists.

The most high peak the mountain reaches 2160 m.

The main thing is to look where you are going... And it’s better not to look down.

In some places local residents they also cut steps right into the mountain wall.

But in other places, the only security measure is iron chains.

This trail has a bad reputation, but that hasn't stopped many adventurers from trying this dangerous road for themselves.

Of course, if the adrenaline still takes over you completely, you can always take a break and relax in the chess pavilion.

Many people are not ardent adherents extreme recreation, but there is a fairly decent number of fans of thrills, a chilling sense of danger and If you are one of them, then Mount Huashan in China is what you need. Walking route, known as the death trail, does not require any special technical skills, but extreme caution is required while negotiating the long train of stone steps of the so-called heavenly staircase.

The Cure for Fear

Famous for its majestic rocks(path of death) is China, which is located near the city of Xi'an (Shaanxi province). There are many breathtaking routes on offer, including ziplining, rock climbing and hiking. The climb, which is about 14 kilometers long, is accompanied by a certain amount of risk; in some places there is not even a road, but only steps carved into stone.

Preferable for many tourists is to climb from the foot North Mountain to its top using a funicular. This saves everyone a lot of time and energy. But there is a tourist route from north to south that will make the most daring travelers simply petrify with fear or, conversely, feel a sense of wild delight.

Path of Death

The number of tourists wishing to visit the death route on Mount Huashan is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is growing every year. Those who dare to make such an extreme journey overcome a path made of boards built over the abyss and move to the peak of the mountain, holding on well to the chains attached to the vertical rocks. There are no fences, on one side there is a powerful rock, on the other there is a bottomless abyss and a crazy wind.

Of course, there is still a minimum safety kit there, this is a belt with a small cable and a carabiner. The prize for brave climbers will be not only a wonderful view from the top of Huashan (mountain), but also a whole storm of emotions that does not leave those who managed to overcome the deadly climb alone. Climbing a dangerous path is not a one-way journey, it is a round trip, but the descent is usually a little easier, and sometimes harder, as the accumulated tension and fatigue make themselves known.

How dangerous is climbing Mount Huashan? Climbing there should not be considered as mountaineering, which involves the use of modern equipment, and therefore the definition of mountain tourism is more suitable here. In numerous photographs you can see people in ordinary clothes and without special shoes. They resemble ordinary pedestrians, only very brave ones.

Mountain traditions

There is a big difference between mountaineering and mountain tourism. Climbers have undergone appropriate training, experience and special equipment. They are also quite aware of the risks they are taking. - this is what amateurs usually do, especially since you need to be especially careful and be in good physical shape.

Those who manage to get to the very top usually leave some personal item there. For example, among couples in love it is customary to attach shiny locks and red ribbons, the abundance of which simply makes your eyes wide open. Each of those who conquered the dangerous path joyfully shares a pleasant feeling of satisfaction from the ascent. The famous one flowing far below looks like a thin trickle, and everything seems so tiny. The unforgettable, awe-inspiring view from a great height and the pictures will remind you of a crazy and exciting adventure for a long time.

Mount Huashan in China

This huge mountain world resembles a separate reality, its own small world. Huashan (mountain) has five peaks, the highest of which is the South Peak, which reaches 2154 meters. Eastern peak is 2096.2 meters high and is best place to watch the sun rise. The Western Peak has a height of 2082.6 meters, the Central Peak is 2037.8 meters (another name is the Jade Maiden), and the Northern Peak with a height of 1614.9 meters is also called the Terrace Cloud.

In ancient times, Mount Huashan (path of death) was called the most dangerous and steep mountain in all of China. The most famous part of the path is called the Green Dragon's Rib, flanked by two huge chasms. Covering the distance from the village to the top of the mountain takes from 6 to 9 hours, but if you wish, you can stay overnight in the village itself, where there is a small but cozy hotel.

sacred place

In the second century BC, this place was a major religious center, in the heart of which a Taoist temple was built. It is also a center for traditional martial arts. Many emperors came to this sacred place to pray and make sacrifices to the God of Mount Huashan.

They say that Lao Tzu, the founder and patriarch of Taoism, once lived and preached here. Since then, pilgrims, monks and nuns began to gradually populate the mountainous surroundings. Access to five mountain peaks, each of important religious significance, is possible through a network of narrow paths built from wood and stone. There is a tea house on one of the three peaks.

Mount Huashan: deaths

IN last years, thanks to the large influx of tourists, the paths have been more or less improved, but still the road to the peaks remains an extremely risky undertaking. Although there are no official mortality statistics, it is said that Huashan (the mountain) steals about 100 human lives every year.

Making their way along the narrow and winding path, tourists risk their lives every time. There is a high probability of receiving various types of injuries during climbing. These steep mountains under the skies are a true natural wonder. The breathtakingly sharp rocks and cliffs present a daunting challenge for those climbers who dare to conquer them. The landscape changes dramatically at every step of this winding path. There is a feeling that the beauty of the mountain has a real magical effect on everyone who visits it.

Even from the photographs taken, you can see how dangerous this route is. On some parts of the journey, it only takes one mistake to cost your life. Despite this, many tourists make an annual pilgrimage to Mount Huashan. The world-famous attraction in China, Huashan - Death Mountain, is not free. Entrance to the mountain costs about $30 dollars ($15 for students).

China is known for many mysterious and mysterious places. Each has its own characteristics and secrets. Mount Huashan in China is famous for its Death Trail.

The most dangerous route in China

It is no coincidence that the trail received its ominous name. Carved into the rock, it is a narrow strip covered with boards. On one side there is a sheer cliff, on the other there is a deep abyss. One wrong move and the traveler will fall into the abyss. It is difficult to imagine what feelings travelers once experienced when using this dangerous path.

What was once a cruel ordeal has now become:
  • attraction;
  • sight;
  • popular tourist destination.

The desire to experience adrenaline, feel danger, smell fear attracts many tourists to Mount Huashan. Despite the extreme nature of the mountain road, the risk is minimized. There is a strong chain stretched along the route, which travelers hold on to. A strong cable is built into the rock for attaching safety belts.

Despite the precautions, tourists are guaranteed unforgettable experience. The tension of nerves and strength combined with stunning views create sensations that will not soon be forgotten.


Mount Huashan in China is fraught with many mysteries. At the end of the 20th century, large caves were discovered here. They were not mentioned in ancient chronicles, books and manuscripts. Historical chronicles also keep secrets.

The artificial origin of the Huashan caves is not in doubt. Arches, stone bridges, pools, columns, vaults testify to the titanic efforts of ancient stonemasons. It is surprising that the slope of the cave arches coincides with the direction of the outer slopes of the mountain. This circumstance speaks of the high skill and deep knowledge of mountain builders.

For what purpose and by whose order? rock caves were cut down - unknown. It is only known that in ancient times, some Chinese rulers climbed Mount Huashan, paying tribute to higher powers.

Overcoming a dangerous climb goes back to ancient times. Yellow Mountain is a sacred place for the Chinese and a cult point of Taoist ritual traditions. It consists of five peaks, representing the four cardinal directions and the center. Mount Huashan rises in the west and is a guard peak blocking the path of the dark forces of the night.

The mysteries of the mountain include the fact that it is located at 30 degrees north latitude. On the same parallel are:

  • Bermuda anomalous zone;
  • Egyptian pyramids;
  • Tibetan Mount Kailash.

The location of the mountain testifies to the undiscovered secrets carefully kept by the silent rocks.

Monastery on the mountain

Mount Huashan in China is not only known for being the most dangerous trail in the world. Since ancient times, Taoist temples and monasteries have been located on the mountain. Despite the dangerous road, pilgrims from all over China flocked here.

A monastery of a jade spring settled at the foot. They drew strength from endless prayers and vigils. By giving honor to the gods, they achieved the highest enlightenment and the light of truth.

But the main goal of the pilgrims was not the monastery at the foot, but the temple at the top. To reach it meant to overcome oneself. Not everyone passed the test of fear and fatigue. Some abandoned their intended goal, many disappeared without a trace. The mountain is merciless towards the weak, but lenient towards the strong. The reward for courage and perseverance was prayer on the top of the sacred Mount Huashan.


Tourists from all over the world strive to walk the Huashan Death Path. The “Mountain Huashan” brand is known even in remote corners of the planet. Travelers are drawn:

  • feel danger;
  • perceive risk;
  • try your luck;
  • tickle your nerves.

The shaky line separating life and non-existence attracts everything large quantity travelers.

Looking at the numerous photos of the trail, you understand how dangerous this path is. A deep abyss can swallow an unwary traveler at any moment. Natural whim or frivolity will lead to fatal consequences. Studying photos on the Internet, the indiscretion of individual tourists is striking. Taking liberties and underestimating danger can cost a daredevil dearly.

How many people died

There are no official statistics on accidents on the trail. They talk about hundreds of victims a year. It’s hard to believe that so many people died. The authorities have taken the necessary measures to ensure the safety of the route. Safety belts and massive chains prevent you from falling down.

Rumors of deaths on the Huashan Trail most likely stem from a desire to increase tourist flow. Nothing promotes popularity more than ominous rumors and an aura of danger. But the possibility of getting hurt or experiencing psychological trauma is real.

Unlike modern times, in ancient times climbing Huashan was fraught with great risk. One can only guess how many victims were made to the mountain. According to legend, there were as many accidents as there were trees in the foothills.

How to get to the top

There are two options to climb the mountain. The first is the most modern and popular. At the foot western slope begins cable car, which will take the tourist to the top. The cost of travel is 140 yuan. A bus to Mount Huashan and a visit to the protected area are paid separately.

The second path involves two routes: by cable car or on foot. The walking tour includes:
  • journey along stone steps;
  • conquering the slopes;
  • overcoming natural barriers.

True connoisseurs of nature will appreciate the route. Mountain views and changing landscapes will delight even for the sophisticated traveler. Combined with the mystery and mysteries of Mount Huashan, the path in the mountains will not leave indifferent anyone who dares to climb. This trip takes 8-10 hours, so it’s worth calculating the time in advance.

The path along the path of death itself begins with a descent. Metal pins embedded in the rock lead to the fatal path. After overcoming the first obstacles, an abyss appears, bounded by a sheer cliff. A plank path, nicknamed the “path of death,” stretched along the vertical surface. The journey along the dangerous road takes 10-15 minutes. As compensation for the hardships and hardships, travelers are invited to take a photo in a small niche carved into the rock. The service is paid, but optional.


Mount Huashan is part of the Qinling mountain range, passing through the territory of Shaanxi Province. There is a city nearby local significance Huayin. You can get to the city by railway or by bus. The choice of route depends on the preferences of the traveler and the type of excursion.

Uninformed people confuse Mount Huashan with the Huangshan mountain range in Anhui Province. The Huangshan chain is located in eastern China and is famous for its steep cliffs and mountain pine trees. The granite spurs are distinguished by their picturesque shapes and bizarre outlines. The Huangshan complex is under the auspices of UNESCO and has received the status of a national park since the 90s.


The Death Trail is one of the most extreme hiking trails in the world. The monasteries and temples of Mount Huashan convey the originality and peculiarity of Chinese culture. The mysteries and secrets of numerous caves add sacred mountain popularity.