Holidays for retirees abroad. Trips to Portugal for retirees, retirement tours. Also ask company managers

Second youth - this is how citizens of progressive Europe speak about retirement age. Looking at the cheerful old women in jewelry, makeup and perms and their cheerful companions in colorful shorts and dashing hats, confidently conquering the steep streets of Pompeii, relaxing on the beaches of the Mediterranean or reverently contemplating Rodin in the Louvre, you understand that respectable tourists are right. Judge for yourself: the work obligation in the form of five days and eight hours of sitting in the office has happily sunk into oblivion, the children have grown up and scattered to their own “nests”, the European pension is quite enough to live comfortably, and even a lot of benefits as an addition to those given to the state years of work. It is not surprising that people in Europe are looking forward to retirement age and, of course, prefer not to work “part-time”, but, on the contrary, to enjoy life, travel and relax on overseas shores.

Without prevarication, let us say that in Russia things are far from being so rosy. However, certain progress is still being observed - in particular, in the tourism sector. An increasing number of travel agencies offer retirement tours- programs designed specifically for retirees, at a lower price, usually in the off-season, but allowing for a great vacation at a price acceptable for retirees. So, what are retirement tours - their features, pros and cons.

Respectable age and tourism

It is no secret to tourism market professionals that individual selection of a tour is the key to a successful vacation and a happy (and returning) client. At the same time, there are common features for different categories of travelers - schoolchildren or students, housewives or active tourists, married couples and elderly people. We'll talk about the latter.

Let's start with the “external”, namely the climate. Undoubtedly, there are healthy people who, even at the age of 80, will express a desire to go on a trip around the world. Central Asia in summer or beyond the Arctic Circle in winter - to the envy of Przhevalsky and Nansen. However, for the most part, pensioners prefer a calm climate, as close as possible to their “native” one - without strong temperature changes and other extremes such as tropical monsoons and sirocco. This is logical: at an advanced age, the body adapts much less well to changes in the external environment, which will invariably affect the precarious health of age - and no one wants to return from vacation broken or, God forbid, sick.

Pension tours are programs designed specifically for retirees, at a lower price, usually in the off-season, but allowing you to have a great vacation at a price acceptable for retirees.

The second side of the same coin is jet lag, which not everyone tolerates well even at a young age, especially on long flights, when the body is preparing to take a nap and is presented with a surprise in the form of a sunrise. And if you are over sixty, every hour taken away or, conversely, added is felt even more acutely. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many, if not all, elderly people are on medications, the intake of which is regulated by the time of day and food intake. Both of them “dance” when changing time zones more than three or four times, shifting the body’s usual supply of medicinal substances, which, of course, does not have the best effect on health.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the duration of flights/transfers. If in your younger years you can still go to Argentina, Tahiti or Australia, and overcome the “jet lag” at a noisy party in the “from ship to ball” style, then at an advanced age you want to reduce the time spent on the road to a minimum. The optimal flight is no more than four hours; A railway crossing, as a rule, is easier to bear, because you can warm up or, conversely, take a nap in a full horizontal position. However, even such a narrow framework opens up a lot of opportunities: most European countries(both with the sea and with the “excursion boat”) are located two, three or four hours’ flight from the capital of our Motherland. And in just over four hours you can get to both the Middle East and North Africa. In short, the choice of countries for retirement tours is not so small.

Pension tours - what is this song about?

A brief educational program: what are pension tours? Generally speaking, these are special tourism programs aimed at pensioners and “cut” to their standards. We described above what needs to be avoided when creating such programs - now about the desired options. There are few of them: an acceptable price for a person living on a Russian pension, a relaxing holiday, perhaps supplemented by wellness procedures or full-fledged treatment, decent service and attentive attitude of the host - the key to the success of pension tours. Of course, no one has canceled the standard “recreational” additions: pensioners are also not averse to going on an excursion, warming up on a walk or attending a concert - but even here it’s worth sticking to the golden mean: half a day to a museum instead two day trip to the Sahara, a couple of hours in the Vienna Woods instead of “chess” in the Black Forest and Netrebko at La Scala instead of the Scorpions at the Stade de France.

The lower cost of pension tours compared to “general youth” tours is achieved by the non-seasonal nature of the holiday. For example, the coasts of Italy are literally bursting at the seams with all the arriving tourists in July-August, and from September to April there is a decline in activity - the Mediterranean off-season. At the same time, in September-October the weather is simply wonderful: the sun is no longer hot, and the water has not yet cooled down - ideal conditions for relaxation in old age. And it’s nice to drive around the sights: it’s quite cool in Pompeii, and frenzied, steamy tourists don’t try to swim in the Roman fountains.

The “don’t overdo it” rule for retirement tours: half a day to a museum instead of a two-day trip to the Sahara, a couple of hours in the Vienna Woods instead of “chesting” in the Black Forest and Netrebko at La Scala instead of the Scorpions at the Stade de France.

For the same reason, the off-season, vacations for pensioners naturally turn out to be calm: the young people on the move have gone home, giving way in the sun to older tourists - so you don’t have to worry about discos buzzing until the morning and Porsches rushing around, but enjoy the quiet autumn evenings under the measured splash of the surf . A response can also be expected from the staff, who are happy to see their peaceful retired guests, who demand little and accept the present moment with the smile of a Taoist master.

And last but not least, let's talk about an optional, but often desirable option - the opportunity to improve your health, cheer up and improve your health during a tourist trip. Of course, we are not talking about serious treatment - for this it is better to go on an individually selected tour, but “light” procedures are highly welcomed by pensioners. Thalassotherapy, relaxation at thermal springs, basic water procedures, for example, in an indoor pool with sea water, diversify the beach or excursion holiday and will make you feel better not only mentally, but also physically.

You can choose a pension tour option in which the pensioner travels at the stated rate, and his accompanying non-pensioner pays a little more - the difference is approximately 150-250 EUR for a two-week program.

Where to go

There are not too many destinations for retirement tours, but upon closer examination, not so few. Let's start with the classics - Europe in all its splendor and diversity. The undisputed leadership is, of course, held by the Mediterranean countries - here you can get everything from your vacation at once: high-quality beaches, the canonical “excursion” and excellent opportunities for treatment. Among other things, European countries have been accepting pensioners for a long time - not only “local”, but also from other countries - which is why they literally ate the dog when creating programs for older tourists. And this is a bunch of different “goodies” for both travel agents and clients: very attractive prices for long periods of stay (European citizens can afford to live their retirement comfortably somewhere in resort hotel, and at home at this time money is also pouring into the account every month), “themed parties” in the form of interesting and easy excursion trips, as well as traditional bon-ton Christmas and New Year’s dinners, often included in the price of a tour for pensioners.

Most often, retirement tours are offered to Italy (here the primacy goes to the southern regions - sunny Greece and Cyprus - purely retirement tours here, although not very popular, are winter prices very attractive for holidays - and the Baltic states, beloved since Soviet times.

However, not Europe alone... We strongly recommend paying attention to Egypt and Tunisia. Egypt can be comfortably visited in October-November and March-May - there are still few vacationers, and favorable rates for accommodation will not allow you to go broke. It makes sense to go to Tunisia from November to April - pensioners will be greeted by a comfortable temperature of +16...+22 °C, warm sunny days, a pleasant company of European “dandelions” and thalassotherapy procedures without an excessive influx of those wishing to lose weight and rejuvenate.

Among other things, retirement tours are offered to everyone close to us in Israel (who, if not the citizens of the Promised Land, lovingly honor their parents!) with accommodation in sanatoriums Dead Sea and excursion program. And of course, no one canceled Belarus - “our foreign country” welcomes those wise in life in sanatoriums and health resorts in the Minsk and Brest regions, in Polesie and Vitebsk.

From this article you will learn:

    Is travel popular for retirees today and what are its features?

    Can Russian pensioners afford to travel abroad?

    What trips for pensioners in Russia will be truly unforgettable?

    Is it possible to organize inexpensive travel for retirees?

Life is just beginning in retirement. And you don’t need to think that older people relax all winter, lying on the sofa in front of the TV, and in the spring-summer season - in the countryside. Today tourist travel for retirees are quickly gaining popularity. Elderly people are happy to travel not only home country, but also abroad, even in exotic countries. They return rested, with a lot of new pleasant impressions. This article is about what kind of tour you can go on and how to organize travel for retirees on a limited budget.

Why is travel and recreation for retirees so popular today?

Europeans call retirement age “second youth.” And this is understandable. After all, when they retire, they have the opportunity to enjoy a full life. Frees up time for travel. Pensioners begin to travel a lot. This is a common thing for them. And so it is not surprising that they look forward to retirement.

Western sociologists have calculated that a third of the total number of middle-class pensioners can afford regular tourist trips abroad. This is possible thanks to a well-designed pension system. By the time of retirement, every citizen has accumulated funds, and in such quantities that they are enough for a comfortable life and for travel. Therefore, it is not surprising that people there are looking forward to retirement age. And not to work three jobs, but to travel and relax on “overseas shores.”

Unlike progressive Europe, in Russia retirement is not always associated with recreation and tourism. Our pensioners often have to work to maintain their previous standard of living, since pensions are sorely lacking. And they “travel” only to their dacha. For lovers of gardening life, these trips are the ultimate dream. What about those for whom travel is important, who like to travel around the country or even around the world? They will certainly be pleased with the fact that some travel agencies have developed special programs designed for people of retirement age. These programs will allow seniors to travel at affordable prices. The following conditions contribute to the development of “retirement” tourism:

    Elderly people are not burdened with caring for children and have big amount free time;

    Older women take a more active part in travel than men;

    Providing discounts on trips to “low-demand”, unpopular seasons;

What are the features of traveling for retirees?

When choosing a direction and method of travel for retirees, professionals tourism business treat each client individually, taking into account his capabilities and wishes. Still, tourism trips for older people have common features. Let's look at the main ones:

    Climate. In old age, the human body is no longer as strong and resilient as that of young people. Although, of course, there are exceptions to the rules. And an eighty-year-old pensioner can “outshine” some young wimp by going on a trip to Central Asia in the middle of summer. But in most older people, the body is already poorly acclimatized. And therefore, in order not to return home broken and sick, they prefer to choose a climate for travel that is as close as possible to their native places.

    Change of time zones, especially on long flights, it can cause problems with well-being even in young people. For older people, adaptation to a different time zone can take a very long time, in some cases even several months. Sometimes the situation is aggravated by the need to take any medications at certain times of the day. If this fails, the person may experience health problems.

    Duration of flights and transfers. For most young people, long journeys and flights are not difficult. If they wish, they can go to Tahiti or Australia. But people of retirement age do not tolerate long journeys well and therefore try to reduce travel time. The best option for them is to stay on the plane for no more than four hours. Make transfers to railway transport It’s much easier for older people. On the train you can walk, move around and sleep in a horizontal position. The good news is that, for example, most European countries are located at a distance of two to four hours by flight from Moscow, which means that the choice of “objects” for travel for retirees is not so small.

Where exactly is travel abroad popular for retirees?

Now in foreign countries you can quite often meet pensioners from Russia. Let's look at their most popular travel destinations.

Near Abroad

The Soviet Union collapsed, but the friendship between the peoples of the fraternal republics remained in the memory of older people. They still remember their Soviet past with pleasure. Many continue to travel with pleasant excitement in their hearts to countries that have now become foreign - Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belarus. Walking through the places of your youth, admiring nature, admiring the hospitality and cordiality local residents, older people really enjoy it. They come for a short stay sightseeing tours, as well as for long rest and treatment in sanatoriums and boarding houses.

For example, in sanatoriums in Belarus, treatment is carried out with mineral waters and natural healing mud. Herbal medicine is widely used. The almost homely atmosphere, politeness and friendliness of the staff are the best conditions for relaxation and treatment. You can fly on a direct Aeroflot flight in just an hour and a half. Exceptionally reasonable prices for accommodation and treatment - for 12 days from 15 thousand rubles.

Travel for retirees in Europe

Traveling abroad is extremely popular among Russian pensioners. During the existence of the Soviet Union, only the “chosen ones” could travel abroad. Now everyone has this opportunity. Tours to France, Spain and Italy are especially relevant. Off-season rates are available for accommodation in Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia. Our pensioners love to relax in the Balkans. The friendliness of the local population, the similarity of cuisine and languages ​​allow older people to feel at home. In winter you can have a great holiday in Cyprus or the Baltic states.

For pensioners, the cost of a week's trip to Europe ranges from 30 to 35 thousand rubles per person (depending on the chosen country). The price includes flights, medical insurance, transfers, accommodation, one meal and guided tours. Additionally paid: visa, travel insurance and medical insurance for persons over 65 years of age.

Traveling from St. Petersburg and the surrounding area to Finland is very popular for retirees, since it is only a couple of hours away by bus. You can go there on excursion tours, relax in cottages on the shores of lakes, or for treatment. Tours in Sweden and Norway are offered to pensioners. If funds allow, you can travel to the UK, Belgium or the Netherlands.

Close exotic

Popular “exotic” destinations include Tunisia and Morocco. Retirement tours to the UAE are also offered. Among them there are many “budget” emirates: Umm al-Quwain, Ras al-Khaimah, Fujairah. These tours are attractive due to their affordable prices, many accommodation options and beautiful quiet beaches. Tours to Vietnam are quickly gaining popularity. True, the flight there is quite long. You will have to spend nine hours on a plane; not every pensioner will decide to do this. But the prices are more than reasonable, there are a large number of excursions and there are a wide variety of treatment options.

Pensioners are offered to travel to “distant lands” - to India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Cuba and even Australia. Despite their “exotic” nature, these countries are absolutely safe. Tourist group Always accompanied by a qualified guide.

What kind of travel is possible for retirees in Russia?

You can have a great rest, get a lot of new impressions and a boost of energy without leaving our country. There are many wonderful places in Russia that can captivate even a sophisticated, seasoned traveler with their beauty. Let's talk about some of them.

Travel for pensioners along the Golden Ring of Russia

A tourist trip to ancient Russian cities is an excellent travel option for retirees. Kostroma, Rostov Veliky, Ivanovo, Suzdal, Vladimir, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky and Yaroslavl - these cities make up Golden ring Russia. A voyage along them will allow you to admire the unique monuments of history and culture of our country, and feel the atmosphere of the past.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

Caucasian Mineral water- a group of resorts in the Caucasus. Much here remains the same as it was in Soviet times, only the level of service has increased significantly. This resort region is perfect for retirees.

The purest mountain air, springs, healing mineral springs, chic nature will have a rejuvenating effect on the body of older people. Recommendations from experienced, qualified specialists at the sanatorium will help you gain strength.

For those who like excursions to historical sights, it is best to take a trip to Pyatigorsk. Here you can see old estates and mansions built in the 19th century, visit places that inspired the great Russian poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, see a bronze monument to the inimitable Ostap Bender.

Caucasus - perfect place recreation for lovers of physical education. Its mountain roads and cleanest air Ideal for Nordic walking. This sport is gaining popularity very quickly. From all that has been said, we can conclude: a trip to the Caucasus is an excellent travel option for retirees.

Resorts of the Kaliningrad region

Elderly people who want to relax by the sea, but not suffer from the stifling heat, can go to boarding houses in the Kaliningrad region. With its climate and endless sandy beaches this corner of our country is very similar to Northern Europe, but to travel here you don’t need a visa and a tight wallet. This is an ideal travel option for retirees.

A tour to the resorts of the Kaliningrad region is full of various entertainment and interesting excursions. During the trip, pensioners will visit the dunes of the Curonian Spit and try to solve the riddle of the Dancing Forest. They will visit the capital of the region - ancient Koenigsberg, whose architecture is very similar to wealthy German cities. They will see the monumental Cathedral with the grave of Immanuel Kant, the Fishing Village, the defensive tower of the Don with a magnificent collection of amber. Will not leave you indifferent Maritime Museum, one of the branches of which is a real submarine.

Cruises in Russia

An exciting travel option for retirees are river cruises to ancient Russian cities and holy places. Tours along the Volga are extremely popular. They cover the Golden Ring of Russia, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. If desired, you can get to Astrakhan and Volgograd. Excellent reviews and great demand for tours to Onega and Lake Ladoga. Elderly people are happy to travel to these regions to admire the amazing nature and masterpieces of architecture, and visit the shrines of Valaam and Kizhi.

Such cruises are sold in an all-inclusive format. This completely frees you from the hassle of organizing your holiday. The daily routine of vacationers is planned literally minute by minute. Three full meals a day, daytime excursions with experienced guides, evening entertainment. Some tours also include therapeutic massage and physical exercise, drinking oxygen cocktails and various types of herbal tea. The duration of the trip is from several days to three weeks. The price range is also very wide: from expensive to budget options. It all depends on the wishes of the travelers.

You can view all options for cruises in Russia on the websites of the Vodokhod and Infoflot companies.

6 tips on how to make travel and vacations for retirees unforgettable

    Buy a travel SIM card to save money while traveling.

    Don't forget to take out insurance (for those who have health problems, it is recommended to take the extended version).

    You need to take a complete first aid kit with you; not all countries allow you to buy medications without a prescription. Place the required minimum of medications in your hand luggage.

    It's a good idea to purchase an e-reader where you can download travel guides and favorite books. This will reduce the weight of your luggage.

    When traveling, you should always have emergency phone numbers, embassy and consulate numbers with you.

Can travel for retirees be inexpensive?

Nowadays, many travel agencies offer various tours designed specifically for retirees. Their prices are affordable even for older people with little income. For example, a tour of the Golden Ring of Russia or river cruise on the Volga it costs from two to six thousand rubles. Bus and train trips for retirees to St. Petersburg for three to five days cost about nine thousand rubles are very popular. Moreover, tickets to domestic museums are sold at a discount. And older people really like it.

In summer, tourist trips to Krasnodar region and on the coast of Crimea. Vacations in Anapa, Gelendzhik, Novomikhailovka, Vityazevo, etc. are very popular. Such tours are organized by almost all travel agencies. Some hotels offer good discounts for pensioners. Sometimes for the purpose of saving Money older people travel as “savages.” They live in the private sector and cook their own food. But it must be borne in mind that this type of vacation is not suitable for everyone.

What difficulties make traveling impossible for a pensioner?

In Europe, when people retire, they have a real opportunity to go on any kind of travel. For them, retirement is not a punishment, but a time to live for themselves, for their own pleasure. This is why people in France are now protesting against increasing the retirement age.

How are things going in our country with the ability of pensioners to travel? Many Russian citizens, when retiring, are faced with the following: difficulties:

Lack of funds for travel

Sociologists have calculated that only five percent of our pensioners have the opportunity to travel. They belong to the middle class, making up only 13% of the total number of people of retirement age.

But the “middle class” in Russia is not the same as in America or Europe. Therefore, many of our pensioners cannot travel or even just sometimes leave the country. And the correctness of the statement that life is just beginning in retirement becomes very doubtful.

Health problems

The physical condition of our pensioners is also not always satisfactory. The reason for this is often the lack of funds for timely diagnosis and treatment. In addition to “age-related” conditions, older people may have occupational diseases and the consequences of work-related injuries. All these ailments make it difficult to live a full life in retirement.

Features of mentality

Most pensioners in our country have not had time to acquire the habit of traveling in their entire lives. And they are simply “not drawn” to any cruises or tourist trips. This happened for various reasons. Many could not obtain a visa to leave the country, some were simply afraid to travel. Therefore, when they retire, they don’t even think about traveling on vacation.

Availability of company

As people age, it becomes more and more difficult for them to meet and communicate with strangers. Therefore, when going on a trip, most older people look for “company” from among relatives or friends. But sometimes finding such a “fellow traveler” can be very difficult.

But despite all these obstacles, last years the number of traveling Russian pensioners increased by 20%. Elderly people are no longer afraid of language barriers and easily carry out monetary transactions with currency.

A further increase in the number of retired travelers from Russia is predicted, because their ranks will be replenished by pensioners of a new generation who easily and often go on various trips without experiencing difficulties in crossing borders between states.

The Russian authorities have begun work on a program to encourage pensioners to travel within the country. According to the head Federal agency on tourism Oleg Safonov, we will talk about preferential vouchers, including health resorts. Pensioners will be able to travel around Russia in the “low” season, when the congestion of infrastructure and hotels is significantly reduced.

Currently, a tourism product that is accessible to the average retiree is being developed, and tourism support programs for retirees are being created at the federal and regional levels.

1 day Departure from Moscow regular flight airlines Air Malta.
Arrival in Malta. Meeting with a Russian-speaking guide. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, free time.
Day 2 Breakfast in the hotel.
Sightseeing tour in Malta Hop on Hop off (with audio guide)
Free time.
Day 3 Breakfast in the hotel.
Excursion - Grand Harbor Cruise. Free time.
4 day Breakfast in the hotel.
5 day Breakfast in the hotel.
Free time. Opportunity to attend additional excursions.
Day 6 Breakfast in the hotel. Free time. Opportunity to attend additional excursions.
Day 7 Breakfast in the hotel. Free time.
Check out from the hotel, transfer to the airport.
Departure to Moscow on a regular Air Malta flight.

Included in the tour price

  • Air flight Moscow – Malta – Moscow on an Air Malta flight (economy class, minimum fare, availability of fare must be checked),
  • Accommodation at a hotel with specified meals,
  • Transfer airport - hotel - airport (group transfer),
  • 2 excursions:
    Sightseeing tour of Malta Hop on Hop off,
    Grand Harbor Cruise
  • Medical insurance (up to 65 years);
    65 years and older - surcharge 2 euros/day;
    80 and older - surcharge 4 euros/day.

Additional charge

  • The cost of visa services is 75 euros per passport, children under 12 years old – 35 euros;
  • Excursions, personal expenses, etc.;
  • Additional excursions or excursion packages:
    Package 3 excursions (Valetta, Mdina, Three Cities) - 90 euros
    Package of 5 excursions (Valletta, Mdina, Three Cities, Gozo, Blue Grotto) - 170 euros
  • Travel cancellation insurance - recommended

Additional Information

Check-in at the hotel is from 14:00, rooms are vacated until 12:00 noon!

There is a tax for all tourists arriving in Malta.

The tax is 0.50 Euro per person. per day, but not more than 5 Euros for the entire period of stay.
Tourists pay this tax directly to the hotel where they will stay.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored electronically in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Sunny paradise for people "golden age" »


Portugal is one of the most colorful countries in Europe with all the advantages of a European holiday. There are excellent famous wines with centuries-old production traditions, Mediterranean cuisine, but from freshly caught inhabitants of the Atlantic. The hotel base offers comfortable accommodation, where the quality of hotels meets the highest European requirements. A direct flight takes about 5 hours, and if you need to follow doctors’ recommendations and spend no more than 2-3 hours in flight, you can fly to Portugal with stops in Europe. The result will be a combined tour filled with pleasant emotions and impressions, for example, Potugal in combination with Austria or Switzerland or Germany. And of course, one of the most popular destinations holidays - tours for retirees abroad. History and architecture, wonderful landscapes and an unusually warm atmosphere. Any educated person should visit the country where the most important geographical discoveries, in the once powerful power of Portugal. She will not leave anyone indifferent.

Portugal is the southernmost and sunniest country in Europe. The beneficial effect of sunbathing in combination with the salty air of the ocean on the body requires no comment. In addition, we offer recovery trips for retirees abroad. There are many balneological resorts offering SPA complexes and Thalasso treatments and springs.

Tour operator "Insight Travel" provides 3% discount on tours for pensioners to Portugal! Economy tours for pensioners are profitable to purchase from developers. We not only try to create a program of varying degrees of intensity, to suit every taste, but also additionally provide social discounts for tours for retirees and students abroad.

A lot of good words have been said about Portugal, and those who have visited here at least once fall in love at first sight with its beauty, regularity and peace. Even those who are skeptical about Portugal cannot find any truly compelling reasons to say anything bad about Portugal. Sometimes you hear: “Why are you going to Portugal? After all, this is a country for retirees! Go to Goa or Ibiza! Such people do not understand that “a country for retirees” is the highest praise one can think of.
Hundreds of retirees from all over the world choose Portugal for holidays or permanent residence. There are many reasons for this. For example, excellent ecology, clean and healthy air. In the northern part of the country, pine forests predominate; their air contains a lot of elements necessary for the health of the body. Atlantic coast invaluable for healthy walks: the air here is saturated with iodine, which puts Portuguese coastal cities on a par with the best resorts peace.

It's always sunny in Portugal. Even if it rains in the morning in winter, after a couple of hours the clouds can disperse and the sun will appear again. Portugal has very clear and high blue skies, a lot of sunshine - just what a person needs.
Portugal has a very mild winter: there is no snow here at all, only high in the mountains. Winter is a period of rain, but the average temperature in winter remains at +15 degrees during the day and +5 at night (on Maadeira Island the figures are higher in winter, +25 during the day and +18 at night). Thanks to the proximity of the ocean, in summer there is no such deafening heat as in usual resorts: on average in summer in Portugal it is +30-34 degrees (on the islands of Madeira and Azores +27-29 degrees). Such temperature regime very beneficial for the human body.

Products in Portugal are inexpensive and of excellent quality. Vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry - everything is very tasty, fresh from the farm. The famous Mediterranean diet, which is so often praised by doctors, is the norm for the Portuguese. An abundance of olive oil, delicious white bread, freshly caught fish and seafood - this is what ordinary Portuguese, young and old, eat. That's why when people search tours for pensioners , the first thing they remember is Portugal.

Portugal - perfect place for retirement tours: walks and contemplation. In continental Portugal, people spend hours walking along the coast, admiring the waves and sunsets. There are also levadas for walking - man-made streams flowing in stunningly picturesque places.

Portugal is one of the most safe countries Europe. There is no unnecessary noise and fuss here. Everything here is arranged for man and for the sake of man, this is an ideal place holidays for retirees abroad. Portugal is not only about walks in nature, but also centuries-old history. Palaces, castles, museums - every place here is full of history, from the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries to the events of the twentieth century. That is why retirement tours to Portugal - one of best views recreation.

One of the European statistical resources has published statistics on life expectancy in different countries peace. It turned out that the average Portuguese lives 12.2 years longer than a Russian. One can argue for a long time about the reasons for such longevity, citing good ecology, excellent nutrition, peace of mind of the nation, the beauty that surrounds the Portuguese every minute of life. But the main reason is one: the fact that they live in Portugal - best country for life and recreation.

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