The main reasons for plane crashes. How often do planes crash? Air crash statistics. These are stories about real events

Do not worry. If you have a trip ahead, don’t hesitate to choose it. Airplane crashes are extremely rare, mainly due to a fatal combination of circumstances. What reasons can lead to a plane crash?

Many people are afraid to fly because they supposedly have no chance of surviving a plane crash. This is nothing more than a myth. The probability of surviving is approximately 95%. Thus, even if, by incredible chance, your plane gets into an accident, you will have a good chance of survival. Now that we have calmed down a little, we can move on to the causes of plane crashes.

Most of the plane crashes occur in a fairly short time interval. These are the first 3 minutes of flight and the last 8. In aviation parlance, this concept is known as “Plus Three/Minus Eight”. 80% of all aviation accidents occur in these 11 minutes. The cause may be any of the following factors, or a combination of them.

Causes 22% of plane crashes. Despite the most thorough technical inspections before each flight, there is always a minimal probability of failure of any of the components of the most complex unit. To understand how minuscule this probability is, imagine the work of flight attendants. They have been flying every day for many years, but their profession is not even close to being among the most dangerous.

A technical malfunction may result from a bird strike. But, again, such a probability is extremely small. It is not for nothing that the classic example of such an accident is still considered to be the 1962 incident where a swan hit the engine of a United Airlines plane.

2. Pilot error

Humans tend to make mistakes. That is why the pilot’s participation in the control of modern aircraft, thanks to technology, is reduced to a minimum. Despite this, the notorious “human factor” causes 50% of aircraft accidents. This could be either overconfidence or a sudden heart attack.

3. Weather conditions

Heavy winds, fog, and snow are the cause of 12% of plane crashes. Despite the most accurate algorithms, weather forecasters' forecasts sometimes turn out to be wrong. In most cases, the maximum that threatens passengers is of varying degrees, however, in rare cases, the consequences can be more severe.

4. Deliberate actions

In 9% of cases, planes crash, like in detective thrillers. This includes terrorist attacks, hijacking attempts, planted explosive devices.

5. Other reasons

7% of plane crashes occur due to other factors. These are air traffic control errors, aircraft collisions, navigation errors, insufficient calculation of fuel reserves...

Now you know why planes crash, as well as the fact that it happens quite rarely. So, fly to your health.

Article from the Lifexpert archive 2007-2009

On July 31, 2007, I am returning to my homeland from neighboring countries. After 2 weeks of hard work, even an old TU-154, served instead of the promised Boeing 737, looks like a pleasant symbol of the upcoming vacation. Very few people fly, so with greater care, out of habit left after working in a remote technical diagnostics group in the early 90s years of the last Century, I test passengers, the condition of the airliner, the crew using special energy-information methods...

The full moon has just passed, the holiday season is in full swing, which means that the flow of people is low, the plane is in good condition, the crew is sober (sorry, we have to fly a lot...). And only I sat comfortably in the seats “for hippopotamuses” (at emergency exit), how the flight attendants provided us with the latest press. From the second page of “KP” dated July 30, the wreckage of the AN-12 that crashed the day before yesterday in Domodedovo was very timely “looked”. And that’s exactly where we’re heading!!!

Optimistic thoughts immediately flashed through:

  1. Hello, Motherland - a country of illiterate managers!
  2. The sacrifice has been made, everyone can calm down, at least for a while.
  3. The school year is approaching, there is still time left to write the promised articles, plus one more!
  4. No rest, no more work...

Thanks (really!) to the group of authors who presented the information so completely that I, as a management technology specialist, was left with no choice: “To write or not to write?” It’s hard to imagine a more “educational and demonstrative” example of the need to universally improve energy information literacy of managers and chief specialists!

So, want to know what really happened that fateful morning? - No problem!

Let's look at the plane's departure time - around 4 o'clock in the morning. On ships, the watch that begins at this time is called “dog” by sailors - it is so difficult at this time even for young and healthy people to be “on duty” in a sober mind and sound memory!

Now about the features of the crew. Of the seven, FIVE are at critical ages!!! (Thanks to the journalists for pointing this out!) 35, 35, 36, 49, 56 – this is almost the ENTIRE (with the exception of 42 and 45) “line”! And besides, one of the 35-year-olds was about to have a child, and this carrier of the “child-nator” honestly tried to distance himself from the rest of the “explosive mixture.” Failed…

(more information about the critical ages of a person can be found in the free video lecture on our website at this link and in the article “Do everything on time”)

And were they specially, as in the famous joke, collected on board an aircraft that had already been written off in the thoughts and intentions of both the pilots and the technical staff?!

By the way, the plane itself is 43 years old, and the crisis age for “living” objects is 42 years old. It passed not with the joyful prospect of modernization and further grateful operation, but with a completely realistic program of rapid and ruthless disposal. “Airplanes live only in flight...” Yuri Antonov once sang. And since they live, the laws for living objects are in force for them.

There is a common opinion among pilots that a plane crash is 99% a consequence of equipment failure, and only 1% is a human factor that “failed” to compensate for the “emergency situation” that arose.

As for 1% - you can and should argue! I will cite those “arguments and facts” that are either publicly available and well-known, or that owners, managers, and officials turn a blind eye to, willingly or unwillingly.

The plane crashed due to ignorance!

For example (everyone should know this), around a person’s birthday, the “energy-information portrait” of a person changes by 20% during the week. And in the region of “crisis ages”: 21, 27, 28, 35, 36, 42, 45, 49, 54, 55, 56, 63, energy “beats” continue for up to HALF A YEAR (!!!), and the person changes by 80% (!!!)

At this time, such a “mutant” is emotionally unstable, prone to depression and very suggestible! During these periods the human brain suddenly and by reasons beyond his control may lose contact with the records of his memory and INSTANTLY LOSE PROFESSIONAL SUITABILITY!!! Only specialists or interested people who are familiar with this NATURAL pattern can notice the signs of an upcoming or already occurring force majeure and apply the appropriate psychotechniques to restore performance and professional skills.

Let me show you the “little jokes” that equally lie at the foundation of both scientific and creative breakthroughs and catastrophic situations.

So, for living systems there is an effect of multiplying the energy result from joint activity if like-minded people participate in this activity. This effect is used when organizing a “brainstorming” or a revolutionary increase in the efficiency of a team. This effect is called “ synergetic explosion”, and in mathematical form is written as follows:

1 + 1 + 1 = 3 3 = 27

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 4 = 256

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 5 = 3125 !!!

When creating a “five”, the effect of joint brain activity increases a thousandfold!
With the advent of each new like-minded person, there is an increase in the efficiency of joint brain activity by an ORDER OF TIME (!!!). What if it is negatively colored? - Yes Yes! People gathered into a single team in an unstable or destructive state can form not even “Voltron - the defender of the Universe”, but a Hadron Collider in miniature and a zone with an anomalous flow of energy processes and changing physico-chemical properties of liquids and crystalline materials.

And if Domodedovo already had a Natural anomalous zone? But she WAS THERE!!!

In the lower right corner of the same page of the newspaper there is a note that on the eve of the phenomenon in question, the WINDSCREEN of a Boeing 757 taking off from the same airfield was CRACKED!!! The plane is modern, but it cracked at an altitude of 10,600 meters, where there are no stones or birds.

What happens? - Yes, the brains of the pilots and crew!

By the way, cracking of stones in jewelry that has not been subjected to mechanical stress has been observed for many centuries and indicates recycling on this crystal destructive energy-informational “message”. Protection by an amulet or talisman of human life is called! That is why broken dishes are considered “lucky”. More precisely, to the cessation and release of accumulated destructive tension.

The same reasons cause the deformation of wedding or ordinary rings without applying mechanical forces to them.

“Illusionists” David Copperfield and Uri Geller demonstrate these same “tricks” in front of spectators and members of special commissions.

Once again I emphasize: DEFORMATION!!!

What about the AN-12? – The five “brave” ones at a critical age are obvious. One of them is in a stressful state - guaranteed: a child is about to be born; he was sent on the flight by force.

We started at 4 am, and at this time the human brain is most susceptible to external energy-informational influences.

They loaded into the “wrecked” vehicle, which was dying. Doubts about the safe flow of the route, to put it mildly... And the rotating parts in the plane - “up to... and more.” So much for the influence of man on technology! Well, “I’d like to say a word about the importance of the cargo...”

And the author of these lines knows from the nature of his professional activity how the brains of people who have not released their energy-information connections with those who remained at home behave: I had to investigate the nature of “panic attacks” in passengers during takeoff and flight. And based on the results of the research, psychotechnologies such as “Medusa Gorgon” were developed, which successfully normalized the psyche of more than a dozen “personalities” “significant” for business and politics.

Moreover, the probability of an airplane flying through the “disaster zone” is high. And these zones are successfully calculated according to special orders by the laboratory under the leadership of retired captain of the first rank A.S. Buzinova (special laboratory of space forecasts of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, retired from there in 1999, now heads the Center for Support of Scientific Research). Do you remember the Kursk accident and the fire at the Ostankino TV tower? – Confirmed by his calculations!

Well, here’s more confirmation of age-related crisis cataclysms from the same newspaper.

Already on page six there is a story about an FSB lieutenant general who crashed his Toyota into a Niva. Sisters were injured: a 32-year-old was maimed and a 36-year-old was killed on the spot.

The age of the lieutenant general, who, by the way, committed suicide at the scene of the accident, is not given, but it is mentioned that he served faithfully for 20 years, was not interested in anything other than service, and a year before the accident he was dismissed. That is, from the usual environment of external stabilization by statutory relations, he was released to “freedom.” And this is stress! After all, you have to “get out of the fight”, learn to navigate the environment with your BODY senses, and not with the logic of an order. He seemed to be somewhere around 45. And 5 x 9 = 45. This is a crisis of Spiritual sociality; there must be a change in ideological guidelines.

Was the dead woman successful? - No! A single mother (of course, not only on this single basis!), that is, burdened with worries about raising and feeding a child. And where could her center of consciousness be a few seconds before the accident? - Anywhere!

How many such cases had to be investigated... And when a driver or pedestrian is “out of his mind,” his body becomes “invisible” to other participants traffic! It's called a psychoenergetic phenomenon. The body is there, but it is noticed only at the moment of mechanical contact. Based on this Natural phenomenon even developed special technology“Invisibility cap”, which has proven itself in special operations.

How old was the deceased? – 36. So it was the 37th. And from energy-informational practice it is known that if a person incorrectly passes through a critical age, especially a multiple of 9 (), then his life becomes meaningless, since there has been no change in his worldview. And here there is a very high probability of joining the ranks of those about whom V.S. wrote with their history. Vysotsky in the song “About fatal dates and numbers”:

“Whoever ends his life tragically is a true poet, And if at the exact time, then to the fullest extent: At number 37, one stepped under the gun, The other climbed into a noose in Angleterre.” ….. At the number 37, the hops immediately fly away from me, - And now - like a cold blast: Pushkin guessed a duel for himself under this number And Mayakovsky lay down with his temple on the barrel.
Let's stay at number 37! God is cunning - He posed the question bluntly: either - or! Both Byron and Rimbaud fell at this point, but the current ones somehow slipped through.”

How old was the lieutenant general who was “released” from his life’s work? - Yes, slightly more than “45”! So like is attracted to like!

But it is not only age and time of day that transform a person’s psychoenergetic portrait into an “altered” state. The “dances” of the two most important planets for all life on Earth make their worthy contribution.

You need to consciously brush aside the facts that stick out in your eyes so as not to see stable patterns: on the days of the new and full moon (by the way - about the AN-12!) the number of road accidents sharply increases.

And what can we say about the influence of Solar and Lunar eclipses?! A solar eclipse has the greatest impact on people's health and psyche. “An amazing thing”: at 4 a.m. Moscow time on the night of July 21-22, 2009, there were an unusually high number of deaths.

And the chronicle of plane crashes?!

The day before solar eclipse The Tu-154 of the Iranian-Armenian “communication line” crashed. 168 people have sunk into oblivion!

24th at Saratov region At 7:15 am, a Yak-52 sports training aircraft with two crew members crashed.

On July 24, an Il-62 plane hit its nose while landing in the Iranian city of Mashhad. 17 people died: cabin and crew - like never before...

Did something turn out too lumpy?!

Unfortunately, no information is provided on the ages and dates of birth of the persons involved in the above-mentioned accidents. But…

And the second uncle for a long time was the head of a flight school in one of the cities of Soviet Ukraine. And before that, he was the personal pilot of Ho Chi Minh (the leader of the Vietnamese Resistance to American aggressors), as eloquently evidenced by photographs of that period from the family archive.

And the navigator of this school was “once a “real colonel””, familiar to many “adult” uncles and aunts from a song from the Vietnam War, which contained the following words:

“...My Phantom doesn’t listen to the steering wheel! The ground is quickly approaching... A catapult is salvation And on slings to the trees I smoothly descended from the sky.
During the interrogation, I only asked: “Who is the pilot who shot me down?” And the slanted one who commanded the interrogation answered: “Colonel Li-Si-Tsing shot you down!”

40 (!) years have passed since the “gatherings” of these “bisons”. So, since then, the author of these modern lines remembers stories about some mysterious specialists who drew mysterious circles (cosmograms) and calculated tables for each of the pilots of the “sponsored” regiment. And based on this activity, some pilots were sometimes told a “mysterious phrase”: “Today is not your day!” And this “instructor” did not take to the air on alert that day...

And the “bisons” also said that the effectiveness of their regiment was significantly higher, and the losses were significantly lower than those of their “neighbors” who flew the same type of machines on the same missions.

This is not a question about full moons and new moons, as well as all sorts of eclipses that fall on the “newborn” week. The conversation is about the urgent need to seriously improve the cosmorhythmological and energy-informational culture of both the organizers of any activity and the specialists themselves working in dangerous and complex areas. “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself!” And a competent radio operator would not have boarded the AN-12. And there would be no “critical mass” capable of with your brains deform the rotating elements of the aircraft body and engines. And this catastrophe would not have happened.

And, by the way, another example of energy-information illiteracy. Remember how lucky the married couple was who were late for the notorious A-330 that crashed into the Atlantic in early June 2009? And not a month has passed since their miraculous salvation how did they get there in a head-on accident on a mountain road near Munich.

The woman died on the spot, and her husband was hospitalized in extremely serious condition.

And all you had to do was REALLY pray for 42 days with gratitude for your salvation, and not go into the mountains, where the force lines of Hartmann’s geomagnetic grid stand vertically, enhancing, to the delight of climbers, the metabolic processes of the body as a serious doping or stimulant!

For them, due to the “multipolar” attention to them, fueled by the media, there was no separation from the collective energy-information field of the victims of that A-330 disaster, for which they were “miraculously” late. Same program “to leave” for another world! And with this program in the active phase, they did not use the services of a professional driver or group transfer. In these cases, due to resonances between them and the brains of a professional or a large number of people, their individual programs would be slowed down, and a short-term loss of orientation or even consciousness would not lead to tragic consequences!

But this can only be done by a person who is literate and cultured in matters of bioenergy informatics. After all, there are technologies that have long been developed and have proven themselves to be effective in distancing themselves from circumstances leading to failures, illnesses, injuries, accidents and death! Almost every day we have to be convinced that on the eve of 2012, on the eve of a quantum leap in information processes throughout society and in Nature, it is simply deadly to remain ignorant!

After all, the most advanced technology in the hands of a “savage” is just a pile of rubble, if it during do not remove! (A blatant example is the ratio of losses of equivalent armed armies: 2000 Iraqis per ONE American!!! ...)

In conclusion, I will give an example from my own practice. The location is Pulkovo Airport. Check-in for the flight St. Petersburg - Istanbul is underway. There are “shuttles” in the queue. One, a new girl, worries out loud: “Did you hear that a month ago, during takeoff, our plane’s landing gear did not retract, and they circled and circled until they ran out of fuel?!”

A young woman standing in front reassures her: “There was nothing terrible there. The flight attendants reassured the passengers, the ship's captain informed them about everything via broadcast. I know for sure, my brother was flying there.”

And the “volnushka” is back to his own: “But a week ago, here in Pulkovo, the Istanbul flight had just taken off when one of its engines failed, and the plane immediately turned around and landed!”

And the “experienced” one answered her: “Yes, and everything happened there without panic. The crew worked together. I know for sure, my brother flew to Istanbul on this plane!” (And it must be said that the level of energy deficiency of this brother before this flight was simply fantastic, and he got a place at the very tail, near that same “sour” engine).

The reaction of the “volnushka” to the second “consolation” was good! She concentrated for a second and directly asked her “neighbor”: “Is your brother not flying on this flight today?!”

Summary: “A miracle is a phenomenon whose nature you do not know!” And it’s not only God who protects the one who is protected! Cosmorhythmology, as a very effective management science, allows a person to choose for himself the most favorable and safe periods of travel and business activity. After all, it is best to breathe air when your head is above water, not under the waves! Well, in cases where there is not enough data for calculation, you need to learn to trust your intuition and recognize its information messages.

After all, the 21st Century is a time of high-quality fakes and shameless “scammers”!

Truly, a person who wants to do something is looking for opportunities, and someone who wants to do something is looking for excuses.

At least among “civilized carriers,” it has long been the practice to identify the car from the caravan that will receive increased attention from border guards or thieves of the transported property...

But, as you know, rats do not know how to count and write, but they prudently leave the ship that “for some reason” is marked with the mark of misfortune! In fact, rats simply become uncomfortable on a ship that has an energy-insufficient crew or set of passengers, or whose cargo “slows down” metabolic processes in the body. So they run from sin.

A person, by his sensations in the body, by dreams and by the sequence of events that occur, can determine in advance that his actions lead to something unkind and dangerous. And you need to allow yourself the luxury, having sensed something is wrong, to quickly overcome the inertia of “decency” and “predictability” and succumb to the inner call not to sit on this airplane, don't stand under this balcony, don't drink from this puddles... And all this - without chemical tests and a long collection of opinions from certified specialists!

It is necessary to become an expert in your life and through your activities to again and again confirm the validity of the formula of personal responsibility for the events occurring in your life: “Save yourself and many around you will be saved!”

You need to learn what will save resources and life, and practice success!

Love and respect Nature - your mother! – And she will reciprocate your feelings!

Rector of the “International Institute of Social Ecology”
V.V. Gubanov

Why does Russia, which until recently was the world leader in aircraft manufacturing, buy second-hand aircraft all over the world? Who should be held responsible for the deaths of people transported on imported rubbish? Why is KAI graduate, certified aviation engineer Andrei Petrov forced to work as a realtor and how can this be related to the plane crash in Kazan? Why, if we are so poor, did the Universiade in Kazan become the most expensive in the world?

November 18 was declared a day of mourning in Tatarstan by presidential decree. On Sunday evening while landing at international airport Kazan A Boeing 737-500 plane of Tatarstan Airlines, operating flight 363 Moscow-Domodedovo - Kazan, exploded. 50 people were killed, including the head of the FSB department for Tatarstan, Alexander Antonov, son of the President of Tatarstan, Irek Minnikhanov. Both flight recorders have already been found, everyone is waiting for the causes of this plane crash to be made public. Malfunction of worn-out used equipment? Weather? Human factor? A fatal confluence of circumstances?

Who knows... A fatal confluence of circumstances happened earlier, much earlier, namely, when Judas Gorbachev betrayed and sold the USSR, including the entire population living in it. My relative Andrei Petrov was then studying at the Kazan Aviation Institute at the faculty aircraft. Since childhood, he dreamed of building airplanes. At first, he, like all the other naive, good citizens of the Soviet Union, was even glad that now he would finally live “like people.” That is, in accordance with the picture that was so diligently sold to the people for several years in a row under the sweet sauce of liberalism, democracy and an abundance of foreign rags and Snickers...

In general, when adults, many of whom received money from the state higher education(note, excellent quality by international standards), they realized that they, like children, had been fooled, it was already too late. As is customary in such cases of murder for organs, the country was dismembered, thoroughly gutted, then... What happened then - we all know very well, as they say, we have the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of sensations from what was happening.

But all patience, of course, has its limits. It’s one thing to be a citizen of a great state, another thing is to realize that your Motherland is no longer as powerful as it was before, but still wow, the third thing is to understand that you no longer even live in a second world country. Even impoverished Africa and gypsy Romania refused this plane, and we select everything that even third world countries do not need. Stubborn facts state that Russia has fallen below African countries.

For the first 5 years (1990-1995), as expected, the Boeing that crashed in Kazan was flown by Europeans, after which it went into the hands of third world countries. First, the aircraft was sold to Uganda, where it was flown for another 5 years. In 2000, Uganda sold the plane to Brazil, where it had already started to break down.

Moreover, already during the Brazilian operation, a tragedy almost occurred with this aircraft. On December 17, 2001, while landing at the airport in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, a plane with 102 passengers and six crew members on board touched the ground before the start of the runway. After this, the Boeing jumped and hit the runway with force, as a result of which its left landing gear broke. The plane stopped after 1800 meters, moving along the runway relying on the left engine. Then, as a result of the rescue operation, it was possible to evacuate all passengers and crew members. Thus, there were no casualties in the serious accident, but the aircraft received significant damage and required significant repairs to return it to service.

After this, Brazil sold the aircraft to Romania, where the aircraft operated economy class flights for another 3 years. In the 18th year of operation, the aircraft was sold to Bulgaria, and, apparently, was already in such a condition that Bulgaria sold it six months later... that's right, to Russia. Where in 2012 it already made an emergency landing, but continued to be used. And it crashed in the 23rd (!) year of use, taking with it the lives of fifty Russians.

the deceased Boeing, on which I also had the opportunity to fly to Moscow several times

Two years ago, there were three emergency situations on Boeing aircraft and an emergency on an Airbus A-320 in Novosibirsk due to a failure of the navigation system. All of Russia waited with bated breath for President Medvedev's menacing decree banning the operation of aircraft of these brands. However, no decree was issued. Medvedev’s bans when he was president affected only air and river boats Russian-made aircraft, foreign aircraft were untouchable in this regard. He turned out to be a worthy successor of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin anti-people traditions.

What is worth just one Medvedev statement made at the meeting operational headquarters to eliminate the consequences of the Yak-42 plane crash (RA-42434, date of issue October 1, 1993) near Yaroslavl in 2011 before the completion of the official investigation: “Of course, you need to think about your own, but if they are not able to “spin up,” you need to buy equipment abroad". What does it mean to “unwind”? And what kind of “promotion” can we talk about here when there is total destruction? By the way, as a result of the investigation, it turned out that the cause of the plane crash was a crew error. Moreover, while destroying our aircraft industry, Medvedev cynically stated: “that the value of human life should be higher than special considerations, including support for domestic manufacturers.”

Meanwhile, Medvedev could not help but know (this is where the cynicism lies) what exactly Russian planes provide the greatest passenger safety in the world and, by refusing to support the domestic manufacturer, they deliberately endanger people's lives.

Our country has created the safest aircraft in the world, such as the Il-96 and Tu-204/214, which have not claimed a single human life. Moreover, the Tu-204/214 is the only aircraft of this class that can be landed without engines at all. Thus, the RA-64011 board is known for the fact that on January 14, 2002 it made a successful landing at the Omsk airport after turning off the engines in flight due to complete exhaustion of fuel. This famous incident occurred during the flight Frankfurt - Novosibirsk. During the approach to Novosibirsk airport according to the procedure, the crew received information about going to a reserve due to weather conditions. They chose Barnaul. However, at Barnaul airport the weather conditions also did not meet the minimum, and it was decided to land in Omsk. As a result, at a distance of 17 km from the airfield, the fuel ran out. The crew was able to perform a successful landing. And even subsequently, when on March 22, 2010, the same aircraft, performing a technical flight (without passengers on board) from Hurghada to Moscow, when approaching runway 14R of Domodedovo Airport in difficult weather conditions (heavy fog, limited visibility) collided with the ground at approximately 1 km from the end of the strip and collapsed in a collision with trees; there was no fire at the scene. The main thing is that none of the crew members (although they received injuries of varying severity) none (!) died. The cause of this plane crash was again the error of the crew, who decided to land instead of leaving for an alternate airfield, which does not indicate the technical imperfection of our aircraft, but the poor training of the pilots.

But 174 Boeing 737 planes crashed, killing almost 4 thousand people. The largest disaster in Russia with a Boeing 737-500 aircraft occurred in 2008 in Perm. 88 people died then. Now also Kazan... Yes, I must add that Boeing 737-900 are already flying somewhere, but for some reason these modern aircraft do not belong to Russian airlines...

Medvedev did everything to finish off the Russian aviation industry

For some reason, Medvedev’s presidential zeal that “the value of human life is higher than all other considerations, including support for the national manufacturer...” began to manifest itself in the following: do not support the national manufacturer, but buy Boeings for “other considerations”, regardless of their technical imperfection. Back in the mid-90s, the Boeing 737 model was officially recognized as the most dangerous in the world. In addition, this model is 4 years older than our TU-154. And all the myths about the old age of our aircraft remain myths. In terms of their design features, our aircraft still remain the most reliable in the world, and a ban on their production is just lobbying for the interests of foreign companies. Isn’t that why, having declared the development of the domestic aviation industry a national priority, the Russian Government increased the production of civil aircraft to 7 units per year, and the purchase of Boeings to 50 units? Abroad, they do not hide the fact that they have found a large sales market in Russia. Airbus management reported that in the next 20 years Russian airlines will acquire 1006 passenger aircraft worth about $95 billion, half of which will be Boeing. When priorities at the government level are given to foreign technology, then, naturally, the domestic aviation industry will not rise. There is no money allocated for science and development. Government support is being denied. Is this called a priority national project?

President Medvedev hammered the final nail into the coffin of the Russian aviation industry by speaking out not only against the operation of domestic aircraft, but also against their production. And this is called a priority national project for the development of the aviation industry! Which one? American?

These and many other questions can be answered if you understand the orientation of the activities of Russia's top leadership. Stalin wanted the USSR to have the best aviation in the world, and it did.

V.V. During his previous presidency, Putin actively fought for the restoration of the domestic aviation industry (agreements with Russian airlines on the purchase of 145 Tu-204/214 and Tu-334 aircraft, plus the supply of 130 aircraft to Iran) and, in particular, engine building (production of PS-90 and NK-93 engines), which, by the way, he continues to do now.

Medvedev terminated all contracts concluded by Putin and set a personal example in his disdain for Russian aircraft - instead of the presidential Il-96, he decided to fly the French Dassault Falcon X7 business class aircraft. In order to fly this plane, Medvedev sacrificed international status Russia, because the choice of an aircraft by the first person of the state means a concrete sign of whose aviation industry he supports. Medvedev showed everyone that he will support non-Russian industry. And he proved this in action by concluding a contract with the United States for the supply of Boeings, which is really killing the Russian aircraft industry. In continuation of his chosen line, the ex-president agreed with the United States to purchase 50 narrow-body Boeing aircraft and signed an option for another 15 wide-body Boeing aircraft with an estimated cost of $4.2 billion. In his response, Obama thanked the Russian president for the fact that the contract “will provide America with 44 thousand jobs.” For Russia, this is a direct loss of benefits in the form of 400 regional aircraft of its own production: deprivation of the workload of enterprises, jobs, and, in general, an end to the restoration of the domestic aviation industry.

In his response, Obama thanked the Russian president for contracts for the purchase of American aircraft, for which the latter had to break his constitutional oath, betraying the interests of the people of Russia

So, Medvedev did everything so that the Russian civil aviation there was none at all. But the problem is somewhat deeper than it might seem at first glance. The fact is that aircraft manufacturing is only a derivative of engine building. My relative Andrei Petrov, who since childhood dreamed of building airplanes, told me about this. You can design and create beautiful aircraft, but if there are no engines for them, then aircraft without engines will be nothing more than metal boxes. As long as Russia has its own engine industry, Russia can have its own aircraft. Best in the world. Because our aircraft engines are the best, and some of them, such as the NK-93, have no analogues in the world. Experts say that in ten years everyone will be flying on engines of this type: the Germans, the Americans, and the French.

The NK-93 engine, invented by Russian designer Nikolai Kuznetsov, is the aircraft engine of the future

NK-93 is the first Russian fifth-generation engine with outstanding performance characteristics, outperforming all engines of comparable power in the world, including promising ones. The NK-93 is intended for a whole line of existing and future mid- and long-range passenger airliners - Tu-204, Tu-214, Il-96-400, military transport aircraft - Il-76, Tu-330.

Meanwhile, this engine, which has not been launched into the sky for more than 15 years, neither in Samara nor in Moscow, although Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is among its ardent supporters. Apparently, the current anti-crisis managers from Rosoboronprom have put an end to the domestic aircraft engine industry: the company that developed the NK-93, OJSC Samara Scientific and Technical Complex named after Nikolai Kuznetsov, is essentially already bankrupt. But what about the engine, without which independent Russia is doomed to aviation slavery to the American and English Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce? Without which you can give up on the domestic aircraft industry: no engine, no plane.

There is also the issue of liability. At the instigation of Yeltsin’s son-in-law Okulov, the aviation business in Russia was handed over to private owners. Used planes crash, people die. Who is responsible in case of equipment malfunction? For some reason, for us, everything somehow comes down exclusively to the material side of the matter. For example, representatives of the manufacturer Boeing have already rushed to Kazan to find out the causes of the disaster. Can we really count on an objective assessment of what happened from the position of such an interested party? Of course, the manufacturer will try to conduct such an “investigation”, as a result of which the weather, human factor, improper maintenance and operation of the aircraft will be to blame (with possibly fair claims regarding the replacement of spare parts with, again, cheaper used or counterfeit ones). Airline owners, on the contrary, are more profitable when the manufacturer is to blame. Air carriers, of course. In addition, no matter how seditious this idea may sound, the crash of planes is beneficial for air carriers from an economic point of view - after all, the planes are insured, and insurance payments are many times higher than the cost of the planes...

One of my friends received a message from her friend - he turned out to be a passenger on the previous flight of this ill-fated plane: “And I flew on this particular plane. 4 hours ago. To Moscow... So happy birthday to me. And let these bitches not even open their mouths about the weather or the pilot’s mistake: the plane was already faulty upon landing in Moscow, we almost crashed during landing...” To confirm his words, Grigory attaches a photo of the boarding pass...

Screenshot of a phone screen with a message from a passenger of the crashed plane, Grigory Busarev, who was on the previous flight 4 hours before the tragedy

A separate thread in the general outline of the issues under study is the current process of training and preparing flight crews. What education - so are the pilots. As, in general, are doctors and builders. What did you think? So, cautious people do not advise either getting sick or living in new buildings. And maybe it’s better not to show up at new large stadiums, or at other grandiose venues, you never know...

But last summer The World Student Universiade took place in Kazan... Yes, sport is good, it is necessary, you cannot argue with it. We need to invest in sports facilities, we need to develop the city. This is in general. What if you take a closer look? Well, why should we, one might ask, in cold Kazan, a city with a climate middle zone Russia, in which, even in the summer of the year, there is an open stadium with 45,000 seats, and even for 15.5 billion rubles? But we won’t be able to fill this stadium in our life after the Universiade (unless it’s for the World Cup). In addition, they say that something was built incorrectly there, and our brand new, rather large and expensive stadium will be remodeled! Again, using budget funds, of course. What can I say, the stadium is just pennies general budget Universiade. In total, 7.5 billion dollars (230 billion rubles) were spent on it, which is four times (!) more than the previous Universiade in China. Just give free rein to the managers of our people's money - they are always eager to show off. And it’s not so easy to calculate later how much money was actually burned in all these fireworks...

Why do we need a stadium in cold Kazan? open air for 45 thousand spectators?

We dance and sing, arrange a feast for the whole world - there are funds for this. Holidays and mass celebrations are held everywhere, with or without reason. There are endless concerts and comedy shows on TV - you'll laugh out loud. What are we happy about? Who and, most importantly, why gave us such a fun life? To make it more fun to slide into the abyss? Before slaughtering a pig, a smart owner also pleases it, scratching its belly to lull the pig’s vigilance. And then, when she starts grunting with pleasure - a knife in the heart. Here we have - continuous entertainment. For example, in Samara on the site of a former aircraft factory shopping mall building...

In the light of all these bright fireworks for Tatarstan, how inappropriate it is to buy fairly used American coffins with armrests tied with tape. In the photographs of the crashed plane published today by the Kazan Internet portal “BUSINESS Online”, taken by photographer Andrei Steklov three years before the tragedy, all this shame is in full view. As Steklov said, then he received an order to photograph for a magazine that was distributed on domestic flights. Even then, the aircraft was not “new”: “I photographed the Boeing both from the outside and from the inside. Look at the photo, everything is not quite new: the armrests are tied with tape, stains on the carpet. Then the customer wanted to show the full scale of the action - ownership of Boeing... The photographs, by the way, were never included in the order,” Steklov said.

Armrests tied with tape are too much!

It’s especially offensive that this happens when we have Kazan KAPO named after. Gorbunov, an aircraft manufacturing enterprise that was the flagship of Soviet aviation. Now the enterprise produces from 1 to 3 Tu-214 aircraft per year, and when my relative Petrov, a graduate of KAI, came to this plant in 1992, 30 aircraft were produced there per year.

Then devastation began at the plant (as well as at other plants throughout the country), the certified aircraft engineer became of no use to anyone... Now he is forced to work as a realtor. He doesn’t like the job, so Andrey happily takes on any job, and during the Kazan Universiade he worked as a driver transporting athletes. From him I learned that for this purpose, as many as 1,000 brand new (unlike the vintage airplanes we purchase) cars, again not of the domestic Hyundai brand, were purchased. But at the Universiade in China, its participants calmly moved around the city on public transport, tea is not disabled people, but athletes. Where did this entire fleet of vehicles go after the Universiade? No one notified Petrov about this when he handed over his board after the end of the competition in order to return to the boring everyday life of a realtor. Now, in order to pay off the mortgage for another half of his life, he will again look and show other people’s apartments, bargain, persuade...

What can he do? He doesn’t want to go overseas, as many of his friends from the aviation institute did. Because he loves his homeland, unlike, unfortunately, high-ranking corrupt officials who destroyed his dream of building airplanes. And now this cherished dream of his has turned into a pile of fragments. Similar to the wreckage of an imported plane that crashed near his native Kazan...

However, today air travel is considered the most in a safe way travel. However, as we know from official reports, plane crashes still happen in our 21st century. As scientific and technological progress has reached unprecedented heights, planes with people on board continue to fall.

Airplane crash statistics

In terms of the number of plane crashes that occurred worldwide from 1945 to March 2012, the top three were the United States (784 cases), Russia (326 cases) and Canada. There, over the specified period of time, 177 plane crashes were recorded.

The least number of air transport accidents occurred in Argentina and Nigeria. In these countries during the same time there were 40 and 38 plane crashes. These facts speak only about those plane crashes in which there are casualties. Aircraft crashes where there were no casualties among passengers are not taken into account by these statistics.

Events preceding the occurrence of an emergency during flight

The design of a modern airliner and its on-board multi-stage control system minimize possible emergency situations on board the aircraft. But unfavorable conditions can lead to a catastrophe in the air and a plane crash. weather or improper operation of ground services regulating traffic air transport, as well as mistakes made by technicians when servicing aircraft on the ground.

Incorrect actions by the crew or errors during piloting can also lead to an inevitable plane crash. All this together is called the human factor. It is he who often becomes the invisible companion of plane crashes or fatal accidents.

Violations of regulations during preventive inspection of the main components and assemblies of the aircraft or the installation of low-quality components during the maintenance of air transport are the main reasons for the failure of various systems. This entails the occurrence of an emergency during the flight, which may result in a plane crash.

In order to reduce the impact human factor, as a result of which structural elements of the aircraft body, engines and control system mechanisms may be damaged, the Ministry of Transport in 2014 tightened the procedure for certifying pilots and their admission to work in civil aviation. Control over the actions of technical personnel servicing aviation equipment was also strengthened.

As practice shows, most air accidents occur during takeoff or landing of an aircraft. During the flight, when the aircraft has already reached the required altitude and is on a given course, collisions are possible aircraft or foreign objects entering the engines. Both of these phenomena, although rare, have nevertheless already taken place. And they are also included in the list of common causes of plane crashes.

The most notorious plane crashes and their causes

A striking example of how the notorious human factor became the cause of a plane crash is the crash of the Yak-42 plane, which occurred on September 7, 2011 at the Tunoshna airport in the city of Yaroslavl. It is worth recalling that the Yaroslavl hockey team “Lokomotiv” and its coaching staff died in that plane crash. After an investigation and analysis of the crew’s conversations, it was determined that the plane crash occurred due to uncoordinated actions of the crew during takeoff.

The plane crash that happened on the night of July 2, 2002 over Germany also caused a great resonance. Then over Lake Constance near German city Uberlingen collided in the air with a Russian passenger plane "TU-154" airline " Bashkir Airlines"and cargo Boeing 757, providing international cargo transportation. In that disaster, 71 people died, including 52 children whose parents had sent them on vacation to Spain.

The investigation and study of materials on this plane crash took a lot of time and the conclusions were very controversial. Swiss air traffic control officials tried to shift responsibility onto the Russian pilots, who, in their opinion, did not understand their commands to English language. As a result, the Swiss air traffic controllers, who were absent from work at that moment, were themselves found guilty of this plane crash and loss of life.

As a rule, a plane crash is not caused by one single factor, but by a whole series of events that cause irreversible processes in flight safety. And such a chain of tragic accidents remains the main cause of accidents that occur with airplanes.

Almost every two months, passenger airliners crash on our planet, resulting in the death of people, hundreds of passengers who trusted the airlines and simply wanted to fly from one corner of the globe to another. Of course, from a statistical point of view major plane crashes occur extremely rarely, because thousands of flights take place around the world every day, but despite this, it is necessary to minimize the threat to passengers, and for this it is important to take into account various circumstances that periodically remind themselves...

Germanwings plane crash. 150 innocent victims.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the last major plane crash that took the lives of 150 people. According to experts, the main reason for the plane crash was the human factor, in particular, this means the unintentional killing of passengers and crew members. As experts note, the fault was the actions of the co-pilot, who, according to some sources, locked himself in the cockpit, turned off the automatic piloting system and purposefully waited for the plane to crash.

They were quick to accuse the pilot of insanity, deliberate murder of one and a half hundred people, and other sins, however, no one paid attention to the fact that the pilot had been undergoing treatment from a psychiatrist for about a year and a half. It remains unclear for what exact reasons a person convicted of insanity was allowed to fly an aircraft, and now they are trying in every possible way to place the blame on him. In addition, there is no real evidence that the co-pilot locked himself in the cockpit, since there is no evidence that he was the one who turned off the automatic pilot system.

Previously, information also appeared that the plane was in poor technical condition, but the air carrier's management denies this in every possible way, citing the fact that they are very competent in this issue. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that immediately after the plane crash, several Germanwings crews refused to fly for the same reasons, and the air carrier’s management did not interfere with them, apparently fearing publicity.

Be that as it may, the official conclusion will be given by experts in the near future, but it is unlikely that the final report will take into account the actions of the air carrier in the tragedy that occurred. All the incompetence and recklessness demonstrated by the German airline is unlikely to bring back the lives of the 150 people lost due to simple negligence, which is present in every case reviewed.

TransAsia plane crash. 43 lives lost.

A crash involving a TransAsia airliner occurred on February 4, 2015, while attempting to fly from Taipei to the Kinmen archipelago. There were 53 passengers and 5 crew members on board the aircraft, however, some time after takeoff, one of the plane’s engines failed, and when trying to turn the plane around to return to the airport of its departure, the second engine unexpectedly failed, depriving most people have a chance to be saved.

The reasons for the failure of two aircraft engines at once remain unknown, however, it was found out that literally a week before the plane crash, the plane underwent maintenance, which could be a key point in clarifying all the circumstances. Of course, the reason for everything could also be an accident, but given the fact that the real chance of an airplane getting into a plane crash is 1 in 100,000, the TransAsia plane completely exhausted them.

In this case, it is important to pay attention to the fact that, again, the predominant factor is human intervention, regardless of whether it was done by the pilot or the technicians servicing the aircraft. We often blame everything on airplanes that are designed by the best specialists, but we do not operate them properly, which is unacceptable and leads to avoidable human deaths.

43 people died in the fatal plane crash, 13 survived, however, despite the fact that about 2 months have passed since it happened, the true reasons have not been established.

Air Asia plane crash. 162 victims of bad weather.

As you know, the end of last year was marked by another very terrible plane crash. An Air Asia plane with 162 people on board was flying from Surabaya to Singapore, however, while flying over the Java Sea, it unexpectedly disappeared from air traffic controllers' radars.

Two days later, the fuselage of the plane was discovered by a search team at the bottom of the Java Sea and all the people on board were killed. It subsequently turned out that the aircraft commander, a few moments before the disappearance, notified the air traffic controller of his intention to change course and flight level due to thunderclouds approaching from the front. For an unknown reason, the air traffic controller refused to allow the flight to climb, and after another four minutes, the plane disappeared from the radar without sending a distress signal.

According to some information, the plane could have encountered severe turbulence or even been struck by lightning, as a result of which all its systems were turned off. From that moment on, all sorts of versions began to appear that the cause could have been unqualified actions of the crew or even a technical malfunction of the aircraft, however, very little attention was paid to the air traffic controller’s refusal to allow the aircraft to gain altitude. It is likely that if the plane had risen above the thunderclouds, the effects of bad weather could have been eliminated, and this applies to two reasons: lightning strike and turbulence.

If we analyze this disaster from the point of view of a special aircraft crash analyzer, we can see that when trying to pass the plane through thunderclouds, the probability of an incident was 0.000922%, however, in the case of a climb, it could have decreased to 0.000375%, which is 2.5 times less, and quite possibly this could have saved people’s lives.

Again, very characteristic of all this are the actions of the human factor, and in the person of the air traffic controller. Of course, he could use the prescribed instructions, but this does not mean that he was aware of the situation much better than the pilot.

From all of the above, we can conclude that if much attention is currently being paid to improving aircraft, then it is also necessary to improve the safety of air transportation among people. It is likely that in total this will help, if not completely eliminate plane crashes, then minimize them as much as possible.