Volga river from satellite. Satellite map of the Saratov region

Volgograd is a million-plus city in the southeast of Russia. The city is the center Volgograd region. The satellite map of Volgograd clearly shows that most of The city is located on the right bank of the Volga River. The length of the city along the river is 60 km.

Today the city is one of the centers of heavy industry in Russia. There are 161 large and medium-sized enterprises in the city: mechanical engineering, chemical, metallurgical, fuel, construction, etc. Due to the high share of industrial enterprises, the environment in the city is very poor: work is currently underway to plant green areas.

Today, on the territory of Volgograd there are large shopping centers, universities, schools, kindergartens, research institutes, hospitals and clinics, theaters, stadiums, cinemas and much more.

Volgograd is home to Russia's only underground light rail system.

Historical reference

From July 1942 to the end of January 1943, the city was constantly attacked by German troops. This long period was called the Battle of Stalingrad. During the battle, the height of Mamayev Kurgan was recaptured by Russian troops 8 times. In 1961, the city was renamed Volgograd due to the destruction of the “cult of Stalin.”

Must Visit

Most of the sights of Volgograd are connected with the events of the Battle of Stalingrad: the Battle of Stalingrad Museum-Reserve, the Memorial Historical Museum, the Motherland Calls Monument, Gerhardt Mill. It is also recommended to visit the local history museum, the building of the Tsaritsyn fire brigade, the embankment of the 62nd Army, Train Station, business center "Volgograd City", planetarium and houses of the German colony in Old Sarepta.

Satellite map Saratov region

Map of the Saratov region from satellite. You can view the satellite map of the Saratov region in the following modes: map of the Saratov region with names of objects, satellite map of the Saratov region, geographic map Saratov region.

Saratov region Russia is located in the southeastern part of the European region of the state. Across the entire country
The Volga River flows, which conditionally divides the region into two parts - Left and Right. Administrative city- Saratov. Besides
there are also the following big cities: Balashov, Engels, Volsk, Balakovo.

The temperate continental climate of the region is characterized by particularly hot summers. There are quite a lot of days in the left part of the country
with an average summer temperature of +30 C and above. Winter in the region is long - it begins in November and ends only in
end of March. The coldest month is January with average temperatures of -8...-11 C.

Saratov region is especially rich in natural attractions; there are currently 124 of them. One of
The most famous natural attractions are the Khvalynsky National Park. In addition to natural monuments in the Saratov region there are more than 300 cultural monuments and about 3000 architectural ones. Today, in the Saratov region you can see about 18 old estates. www.site

Due to the fact that the Volga flows through the Saratov region, the region has every opportunity to develop water
tourism. This is especially true for rowing, sailing and canoeing and kayaking. One of the best water channels -
Lake Sazanka in the city of Engels. Hunting tourism is also developed in the region. 40 thousand hectares - territory allocated for hunting
land. With the aim of have a relaxing holiday it’s better to go to the Khvalynsky National Park with rest houses and a lot of
sanatoriums on its territory.

Photo from spacecraft"Resurs.F2", camera MK 4. Scale about 1:380,000.

The delta of the great Russian Volga river is located in the Caspian lowland, in the territory Astrakhan region. The Caspian lowland is a desert plain. It lies below ocean level and belongs to the area of ​​internal drainage. The picture shows the Volga with two main branches - the Volga itself and the Akhtuba. The Volga-Akhtuba floodplain stands out as a wide dark stripe on the satellite image. The floodplain is characterized by numerous channels and islands, moisture-loving vegetation, crops of melons and vegetables, and gardens. Downstream, the Volga and Akhtuba are split into many large and small channels (eriks). The main ones are Buzan, Bakhtemir, Bolda. The Volga Delta stands out in the photograph with a dark structural pattern. The delta islands are occupied mainly by flooded marshy meadows, mostly used for the cultivation of melons and vegetables. Closer to the land, the moisture content of the land increases significantly, shallow-water vegetation appears - reeds, reeds, lotuses, etc. Areas of the Astrakhan Biosphere Reserve are located here.

The right bank of the Volga is occupied by flat or undulating lowland plains composed of saline marine Quaternary clays and loams, less often sands. In the vegetation cover, biyurgun-wormwood and wormwood groups are distinguished on brown desert-steppe solonetzic soils, black wormwood and biyurguny groups on solonetzes, and solyanka groups on solonchaks.

The left bank of the Volga occupies sandy desert. In the photo it stands out as brown with yellow spots of loose sand. Forms of aeolian relief are represented by ridges, hummocks, cellular and other sandy massifs. In some places they are fixed. In the basins there are groves of poplar and aspen, reed thickets, salt marshes and meadows. To the west and east of the Volga delta there is a peculiar landscape of the Baer hillocks - narrow long (up to 8 km) ridges, 10–15 m high, 200–500 m wide, with tyrsovo-white wormwood vegetation. The hollows between the hillocks are occupied by shallow lakes, channels, salt marshes, thickets of reeds, cattails, and meadows. There are small areas of cultivated land, some of which are shown in the image as green circles (traces of polycircular installations of the “Fregat” type).

The delta itself is mainly developed economically. The city of Astrakhan is visible in the central part of the image. To regulate the water supply on the Volga, a water divider dam was built. On the left bank of the Akhtuba (northern part of the image) objects of the Astrakhan gas complex are visible - gas production installations, a gas processing plant, and roads connecting them.

Map of Volgograd from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Volgograd online in real time. Detailed map Volgograd was created on the basis satellite images high resolution. As close as possible, the satellite map of Volgograd allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Volgograd. The map of Volgograd from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Volgograd- one of Russian cities, which is the administrative center. Volgograd is also known for having received the title of Hero City. It is Volgograd that is the site of the battle for Stalingrad during the Great Patriotic War. Volgograd is located on the banks of the Volga River, and the length of the city is one of the most significant of all Russian cities - 60 km.

The city is dominated by a temperate continental climate. Winter is cold, but without significant, extreme frosts. The coldest month is February, the average temperature of which is -6...-7 C. Summer is quite hot and the warmest month is July and its average temperature is +23...+24 C. Summer time is also characterized by intense heat - the air temperature can sometimes reach +40 C.

Because Volgograd is a hero city, it has many attractions and monuments related to the Great Patriotic War. Main historical place city ​​- Mamayev Kurgan, where the most fierce battle of the Great Patriotic War took place. Mamayev Kurgan is also often called the main height of Russia. There is a sculpture “The Motherland Calls” on it, which is already listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest sculpture in the world. Its height is 52 meters.

Other places of this type are the Gergart mill, Alley of Heroes, Lyudnikov Island and many others. In addition to the sights associated with the military operations of the last century, the city has many other architectural monuments: the building of the Tsaritsyn fire brigade, the building of the Noble Assembly of the city of Tsaritsyn, houses of the German colony, the railway station, planetarium, etc.