Interesting statistics on plane crashes. The biggest plane crashes in the world The most common plane crashes

Today a tragedy occurred: a Saratov Airlines passenger plane crashed in the Moscow region. An-148 was flying from the capital to Orsk. 71 people were on board: 65 passengers and 6 crew members. There are no survivors.

The President expressed his condolences to the families of the victims. In connection with this tragedy, Vladimir Putin changed his schedule: his working trip to Sochi was postponed. As the Kremlin press service reported, in order for the president to have the opportunity to directly coordinate the work of a special commission to determine the causes of the tragedy. The commission was created on behalf of the head of state.

These images were taken by eyewitnesses a few minutes after the disaster. The wreckage of the plane is scattered in a snow-covered field; around, at least at first glance, there are no signs of fire or explosion. It was as if he had simply fallen to the ground from a height. At the same time, the picture at the crash site - the wreckage is scattered over a radius of an entire kilometer - allows us to make the assumption that the airliner collapsed while still in the air. And eyewitnesses say that before the fall the plane seemed to be engulfed in flames.

Data on how long the plane remained in the air still vary. At first it was reported that the flight lasted about seven minutes. Later, information was received that it crashed just two minutes after takeoff. One way or another, the crash site is the vicinity of the village of Argunovo in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region - located just over 30 kilometers from Domodedovo airport.

“After a very strong bang, we went to look for the place where this cotton was found. The entire field is roughly the size, I can give it offhand - it’s two football fields"- said an eyewitness.

The Moscow-Orsk flight took off from Domodedovo airport at 14:21. And soon disappeared from the radar screens. Online publications publish the words of an air traffic controller, allegedly the same one who monitored the air situation in the area of ​​the crash - the plane took off as normal, then began to descend, but no longer made contact and did not respond to requests. Even an audio recording of the negotiations has appeared on the Internet, although it is not yet possible to guarantee its authenticity.

One thing is certain: the crew did not report any malfunctions on board, although the breakdown of the aircraft, along with piloting error and unfavorable weather conditions, are now the three main versions of the disaster.

According to the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko, operational documentation from the Saratov Airlines company is being confiscated, and its employees are being interrogated. In addition, investigators began interrogating workers at Domodedovo airport who were preparing the aircraft for flight.

So far, too little is known about the last flight of the crashed plane, but experts have already noticed its strange trajectory. According to the Flytradar service, after takeoff from Domodedovo it began to rise to a level of 1800 meters, then dropped to one and a half thousand, then rose again, and after that the plane sharply descended. Because of these contradictory data, at first there was even a version that the An-148 could collide with a helicopter in the air. But later these rumors were denied.

Aviation experts now suggest that the cause could be icing of the airliner - in the event that a piece of ice got into the engine.

“Sometimes, because of the weather, because of icing, something can happen. The plane was poorly treated or fell into sudden, severe icing. The weather here could only play a negative role if there was an engine failure and the crew did not see the site and could not pick up and land,” says Honored Russian Pilot Yuri Sytnik.

The crashed An-148 belonged to Saratov Airlines. Until that day, its fleet had four aircraft of this type. A short-haul aircraft designed to carry 80 passengers. The plane that crashed was produced less than eight years ago. At first it belonged to Rossiya Airlines and flew, among other things, on foreign routes. Later it was sold to Saratov. And the airline assures that they have no doubts about the serviceability of the aircraft or the qualifications of the crew.

“There was an experienced crew on board. The aircraft commander is Valery Ivanovich Gubanov, who has more than 5 thousand flight hours, and on this type Valery Ivanovich had 2147 flight hours,” said Elena Voronova, head of the press service of Saratov Airlines.

“8 years is, of course, not a long time for an airplane. Moreover, Antonovskaya is a reliable company. Our airworthiness standards are the most stringent in the world. Not only for new production aircraft, but for aircraft that are being submitted for testing,” said Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Vitaly Zhiltsov.

Meanwhile, the authorities are already publishing a list of those killed in the disaster. There were 71 people on board the plane - 65 passengers and six crew members. No one had a chance to survive.

The head of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Maxim Sokolov, said that “in accordance with federal legislation, all relatives of the victims are paid insurance in the amount of more than 2 million rubles, and the necessary additional decisions in this direction will be made through the subject.”

To identify the bodies in the An-148 crash, DNA samples from relatives of the victims will be delivered to Moscow from Orsk by a special plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The bodies will be identified at the Moscow Bureau of Expertise.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has opened a hotline. Phone: 8-800-775-17-17.

The hotline also operates in the Orenburg region: 8-3532-308-999.

At the crash site passenger plane An-148 in the Moscow region there are almost 600 rescuers. The wreckage is scattered across large area, the search operation will be carried out around the clock, one of the black boxes has already been discovered.

“We have formed operational groups that work here and in Orsk, in the Orenburg region. The operational group works in Domodedovo and, where necessary, in the Moscow region. I will ask to provide support for all relatives and friends, taking into account vital signs, to organize the duty of medical teams of social workers and all specialists who are needed for vital reasons,” instructed the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov.

At the Orsk airport, the relatives of the victims are provided with all the necessary assistance. Airport director Sergei Sukharev said that psychologists and doctors work at the first-aid post.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' performed a prayer service for those killed in this crash. Condolences were offered to Russian citizens in connection with the crash of the An-148 plane by the Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy, the foreign ministers of Turkey, France and Belgium and other countries.

In connection with this tragedy, Channel One is changing its broadcast schedule. Immediately after our program, instead of the club game “What? Where? When?" - broadcast from the Olympic Pyeongchang

There is no doubt that man's conquest of the heavens is one of the most significant achievements of progress. But there is no success without defeats, hence the many plane crashes, resulting in thousands of victims. What are the biggest plane crashes in the history of mankind?

USA, September 11, 2001

This terrible, bloody disaster is the result of a terrorist attack committed in New York; it became the most discussed event that has ever happened. 16 years ago, three planes controlled by terrorists deliberately crashed into two skyscrapers, causing them to collapse, and into the Pentagon building.

Almost 3,000 citizens died as a result of the terrible accident different countries located in the World mall.

According to official statements, an ultra-radical organization called Al-Qaeda, consisting of Wahhabi Muslims, was responsible for the attack. The version was subsequently confirmed by facts, but not everyone was convinced. Conducted great amount independent investigations, the results of which produced documentaries. For example, there is a theory that the Twin Towers acted only as a diversionary maneuver, and that it was not Muslims who ordered the terrorist attack, but the American government.

16,000 people managed to escape from the skyscrapers and subsequently gave interviews and shared their memories. Many of them wrote books and articles about the event.

There is a memorial at the site of the tragedy; Every day flowers are brought to him in memory of the terrible disaster

In all disasters, there is some duality: it is often difficult to understand whether there are those responsible for this event, or whether everything happened due to circumstances beyond human control. The tragedy in Tenerife was no exception. It seems like it's just an incredible confluence of many different factors. At Los Rodeos airport, a collision occurred between two Boeing 747s, the largest passenger airliners of that time. There are 583 people killed, including children.

Airplane passengers were looking forward to a sunny holiday Canary Islands

It all started with a terrorist attack in a flower shop on neighboring island Gran Canaria, where one person died. And then - a whole chain of terrible events. Soon, an anonymous person called the police, reporting explosives planted in the airport terminal. All passengers and staff were evacuated as quickly as possible, scheduled airport flights were canceled and redirected to the airport of Tenerife. Among the diverted planes were two overcrowded charter flights from the United States and the Netherlands.

In addition to the two giant Boeing 747s, there were other flights planning to land at this airport. The small main road was completely occupied. In addition, the weather had turned bad, and the experienced pilots were in a hurry and tired. The last straw was mixed up radio messages, which led the Dutch pilot to believe he had been cleared to take off. All this accumulation of unpleasant moments led to the fact that in dense fog at exactly 17 hours 6 minutes there was a terrifying collision of two giants, one of which opened the other like a tin can. No one had a chance to survive; all the passengers and crew of one plane were burned alive.

61 people survived the plane crash

The world's worst plane crashes most often occur due to technical problems or human error. In August 1985, a Boeing 747 airbus suffered a terrible crash near Tokyo. He lost control, causing him to collide with a mountain peak. 520 people died, and Japan could not recover from the shock for a long time. The press persistently demanded that the airline's owners conduct a thorough investigation and punish those responsible.

A letter was found with one of the victims, describing in detail everything that happened on the plane before the tragedy. The man said goodbye to his family and friends, carefully set the time, then put the letter in his driver's license, which he put in his back pocket.

The cause of the accident was that twelve minutes after taking off, the vertical stabilizer on the plane fell off. The crew managed to keep the uncontrollable airbus in the air for another half hour, but tragedy could not be avoided.

Only 4 people survived the plane crash

On this day, one of the largest air disasters in the world occurred at the Shymkent airport. An IL-76TD transport aircraft operated by Air Kazakhstan took off into the sky. He was going to commit chartered flight in Delhi, India. There were 26 adults, one child and ten airline employees on board. Two hours later the plane requested to land at the airfield. Within fifteen minutes he should have been on solid ground.

Everything was going well, but at 18:47 a Boeing 747 departing from the airport began to take off from the airport. Saudi Arabia. Most of its passengers are Indians heading for seasonal work in oil production. Having risen to a height of 3 km, the pilot requested permission for further ascent. The dispatcher refused, but there was no response from the Boeing pilot, and it is still unclear why. However, according to records from the black boxes, it was found that the pilot was warned about an airbus flying towards him.

349 people died instantly

On the screen, the dispatcher saw how the points of the two airliners met. This often happens when one flies under the other. And just a split second later they should have dispersed again, but this did not happen; instead, the dots completely disappeared from the screen. The frightened dispatcher requested both aircraft, but received no response.

As it turned out, the Boeing collided with the IL, ripping the fuselage in the center. More than five hundred tons of twisted iron fell down, narrowly missing the nearest villages.

After the disaster, the wreckage burned for 4 hours

A terrible plane crash occurred on this day. The DC-10 airliner landed at Orly airfield in Paris. It was the day after a significant rugby match and hundreds of fans were now rushing to get home. Fortunately, not all tickets were sold out; there were almost two hundred empty seats. There were 345 people on board including crew members. The landing process took a little longer, so the departure took place 10 minutes later than planned.

At an altitude of 7 km, the rear cargo compartment door opened - the lock was not securely closed. The door was blown away by the wind along with part of the paneling. Due to decompression, a whirlwind rushed into the plane, carrying away two rows of seats along with people. The pilots did not immediately realize what was happening. All three engine control knobs were switched to idle mode. The autopilot has disconnected. After this, the liner was sharply thrown to the left side, simultaneously turning its nose towards the ground.

There were no survivors of the plane crash

The pilots could not control the controls because the mechanisms failed. Just 10 seconds after the start of the accident, the airliner rushed to the ground at a speed of 580 km/h, completely out of control, and after 77 seconds it collided with a mountainside overgrown with trees. The accident was so severe that there was absolutely nothing left of the plane and its passengers, there was nothing even to burn. In an attempt to find the largest parts, one of the landing gear legs was discovered in the forest.

This is the most famous plane crash to occur over the surface of water. No one could escape in it. The Boeing 474 airliner was flying from Montreal to Bombay. When the plane was flying over the neutral waters of the Atlantic, a terrible explosion occurred on board. Everything happened so quickly that the crew was not even able to send a distress signal to the dispatcher. The plane quickly fell apart in the sky.

From the data obtained from the black box recordings, it turned out that terrorists were responsible for the explosion

During hostilities in the Donetsk region, a Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner was shot down, returning from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. The plane crashed to the ground near the village of Grabovo, instantly killing absolutely everyone inside, almost 300 people. This is the worst plane crash since the 2001 terrorist attack in the United States. The Ukrainian side completely denies its involvement in the event, while blaming Russia.

The plane flew over Ukraine at an altitude of 9.5 km, later 10 km. At 14:15 the plane stopped responding to dispatcher requests, this was 50 km before the Russian-Ukrainian border. According to the plan, he was supposed to cross the border at 17:25. No distress signals were issued before the disaster.

Burning wreckage of the plane was found on the territory of Ukraine, scattered within a radius of 15 km

The An-32B aircraft was flying from the airport of the capital of Congo, Kinshasa, in difficult weather conditions. On board were consumer goods, as well as two passengers and, of course, the crew. Takeoff began at 11:40; after 44 seconds, when the front landing gear should have lifted off the runway, this did not happen. Three seconds later, the pilot attempted to interrupt the takeoff process by removing the lever, and then remove the propellers from the stop.

The airfield had no barriers at the end of the runway, and beyond it there is a drainage ditch, behind which there is a city market. Colliding with the parapet of the ditch, the plane drove straight into the market, drove along shopping arcades, and as a result of collisions with them, an unexpected fire occurred. The plane's flight mechanic was killed, and the rest of the people on board were seriously injured. But almost 300 people at the market died on the ground.

The plane was overloaded and therefore could not take off

Shortly after the L-1011 passenger plane took off from the airport in Riyadh and was about to head to the city of Jeddah, a fire broke out on board. The pilots managed to make an emergency landing, but as soon as the plane touched the ground and its doors opened, it was completely engulfed in flames. The door to the passenger compartment was opened only after 20 minutes. According to data received later, the passengers had already died from severe carbon monoxide poisoning at that time.

Five minutes later the fire was extinguished. The plane burned almost entirely, leaving only the wings and the vertical stabilizer on the tail. 301 people died - everyone on board.

The rescuers took a long time to understand the instructions for English language, which led to the delay rescue operation

Just minutes after taking off from Bandar Abbas airport, the A300 airliner was shot down by a US attack missile fired from the ground. Everyone who was inside died, that's 290 people. The cruiser that launched the missile was in Iranian waters at the time. The US government said the cruiser mistook the A300 for an Iranian plane taking off for military purposes. This version caused a lot of criticism. Be that as it may, the official report justified the incident by citing the stressful state of the cruiser’s crew, as well as the external similarity of the A300 to military aircraft.

According to the Iranians, the attack was completely deliberate, designed to put pressure on the country's government to conclude a truce with Iran. This would be beneficial to the United States.

The disaster is considered the most tragic of those that did not occur due to a fall, collision or terrorist attack

Today, airliners are the most comfortable and fastest mode of transport, allowing you to cross the entire globe in a matter of hours. On terra firma, an airplane seems large and reliable, but it turns out that in the sky it can be almost defenseless. Nevertheless, you should not expose yourself to fears, because according to statistics, plane crashes kill the least number of people out of all types of transport accidents.

About a year ago I wrote a post on my Facebook on this topic (, I will copy it here:

When discussing the topic of plane crashes or accidents, I periodically hear the opinion that in Soviet times, passenger air transportation was extremely safe, and then the USSR collapsed, chaos began in aviation, and flight safety fell sharply. Since I am very interested in aviation, I have long wanted to test this hypothesis and compare the safety of air transportation in the USSR/Russia in different years, and take the USA as a starting point. Now I finally got around to this activity.

For this exercise we will need: datasets (two); time (120 min.); Stata (1 pc.); Excel (1 pc.); and most importantly, manual dexterity (dexterity - 1 pc., hands - preferably 2 pcs.) and no fraud. So, we do the following:

    We take here ( data on the number of passengers in the USA in 1971 - 2014 and Russia in 1991 - 2014. We add from here ( data for the USSR for 1976 and from here ( 2013/10/21/history-of-Aeroflot-part-5-1983-1993/) - for 1990; Using two points, we construct a linear interpolation for the USSR starting in 1971 (not an ideal assumption, of course, but I haven’t found better data for the USSR).

    We take here ( data on all aircraft accidents for Russia/USSR and the USA since 1971.

Note: Unfortunately, it sorts by country based on where the plane crash occurred, not based on what country the plane belongs to. So, for example, there is no Tu-154 crash over Donetsk in 2006. But, again, I have no other data, and manually sorting crashes is too long and boring.

Note 2 (taken from the comments): data on plane crashes in Russia/USSR from this site includes only crashes on the territory of modern Russia. At first I didn’t take this into account, and then I didn’t have time to redo all the data, but I took into account the largest (about 20 fatalities) plane crashes on the territory of the Union republics manually. The remaining crashes with relatively few casualties are unlikely to change the overall picture; in addition, underestimation of disasters leads to an overestimation, and not an underestimation, of the level of safety in the USSR.

    Cleaning the data. It will only take into account those killed on board the plane, but not on the ground (everyone can be taken into account; I don’t think this will change anything much); we remove all missing and zero values ​​of victims; we remove “criminal” categories (H1 and H2, C1 and C2 - terrorist attacks, hijackings, hijackings, etc., since they have nothing directly to do with flight safety); if possible, we remove private and military (for the USSR/Russia: Soviet AF, Polish AF, Russian AF, Soviet Navy; for the USA: USMC, US Army, US Coast Guard, USAF, US Navy, Mexican AF, Mali AF ) operators. For the USSR, for the purity of the picture, I also removed the Japanese JAL plane crash; I didn’t clean it further for the USA, since there are a lot of airlines.

    Since there are still a lot of light aircraft crashes (just not private ones, but some OgOgO “Horns and Hooves”), we delete all plane crashes with the number of victims less than 5 (again, not ideal, but at least that way).

    We group the data by five-year periods: 1971 - 1975, 1976 - 1980, ..., 2006 - 2010, 2011 - 2014 (for 2015 there is no data on the number of passengers).

    Divide the number of deaths in plane crashes by the number of passengers (in millions). We draw this whole thing on a graph (at the same time we add separate graphs with the number of passengers and the number of deaths).

Now some observations:

a) While the airline industry grew in the United States and around the world, in Russia it collapsed after the collapse of the USSR and never recovered to Soviet levels (and this decline cannot be explained simply by a decrease in territory or population caused by the collapse of the USSR).

b) Soviet aviation was not distinguished by any exceptional safety: on average, it was almost four times less safe than American aviation.

c) There has been tremendous progress in air travel safety in the United States. Modern aviation in developed countries ah phenomenally safe.

d) If we look at the absolute number of deaths, then in general the trend for Russia/USSR looks even better than for the USA, but the situation changes dramatically as soon as we take into account changes in the number of passengers.

And finally, to the answer to main question: what is happening with transportation safety in Russia? In my opinion, the answer to this question depends on the angle from which you look at the situation. I will rely on relative, rather than absolute, death tolls as I believe they better reflect flight safety.

Note: Changes in passenger numbers do not account for changes in aircraft passenger capacity. Modern airplanes are much larger than their counterparts of 40 years ago, so today fewer flights must be flown to carry the same number of passengers on the same route. And the fewer flights, the fewer incidents, all other things being equal. At the same time, a single plane crash today causes more casualties than in the past. In theory, these two effects more or less compensate each other. But anyway, since route network is constantly changing, I can’t estimate the number of flights performed from my data, and I don’t have exact data on the number of flights, so I work with what I have.

On the one hand, there really was a failure in transportation safety in Russia in 1991 - 2010 (1996 - 2000 were a pleasant exception); the country rolled back to the level of security characteristic of the USSR in the late 1970s and early 1980s. At the same time, it is not entirely clear what exactly caused this failure: a sharp deterioration in the situation after the collapse of the USSR or an unexpected positive leap in security in 1986 - 1990 (most likely, both).

Moreover, the situation with air transportation safety in Russia today, although inferior to the USSR of the 1986-1990 period, looks significantly better than in any other Soviet period.

But we must still admit that with regard to the United States, everything looks very bad: in Soviet times, the gap between the USSR and the USA was much smaller than it is now; While air travel has become much safer in the US, nothing similar has happened here.

In other words, post-Soviet Russia did not have the same progress in the field aviation security, which is typical for developed countries and there was even a significant deterioration in the situation compared to the late USSR, but at the same time even the worst Russian times comparable to individual Soviet segments. That is, it cannot be said that in the USSR aviation was very safe, but after the collapse of the USSR something unprecedented began to happen.

Bottom line: in my opinion, the question should be raised not about how to return to the times of the USSR (because then they flew a lot and crashed a lot), but about how to get closer to the modern USA (because there are very, very many people flying there and almost completely safe).

P.S. It would be very interesting to look at this data in the context of individual airlines, but, unfortunately, there is no such detailed data on the number of passengers. For example, Aeroflot has not had any fatal accidents on passenger flights since 1994; Transaero has had no such accidents at all in its 24 years of existence; "Sibir"/S7 had only one such case (if you don't count the terrorist attack and the plane, apparently shot down by a Ukrainian missile). There is a feeling that leading Russian companies are now not much inferior to Western ones in terms of security, but in small companies it is unclear what is happening. But you shouldn’t take this as a call to nationalize and unite everything: it’s more likely not about the size in itself, and certainly not about who the owner is, but about the level of training (and salaries) of the pilots, what is the safety culture in the company etc.

The main reasons that can lead to a plane crash:

  • Pilot error - 50%
  • Technical problems - 22%
  • Weather conditions - 12%
  • Sabotage - 9%
  • Error of other crew members - 7%
  • Other reasons - 1%

Interestingly, disasters due to terrorist attacks occur in less than 1% of cases. But due to fires, disasters occur in approximately 2.9% of cases.

The table was compiled based on 1,300 fatal commercial airliner crashes worldwide from 1950 to 2008. Air crashes involving aircraft with fewer than 10 passengers on board, military aircraft, private aircraft and helicopters were not included.

Air crash statistics by flight phase

Flight phase Number of plane crashes, % Number of plane crashes with victims, % % of total time flight*
5 0 0
Takeoff 17 22 2
Climb 8 25 14
Flight 6 12 57
Decline 3 8 11
Approach 7 13 12
Landing 51 18 4

* - for a flight lasting 1.5 hours

As you noticed, the greatest chance of getting into a plane crash is during the landing of the plane. But during the loading of people on board, the chances are so small that there are no statistics on the dead.

Air crash statistics by airline

Airline Number of flights, million Number of plane crashes with victims Date of last plane crash Rating
Delta Airlines 16.50 1 1996 -4.42
Southwest Airlines 15.78 0 -4.25
Northwest Airlines 10.91 1 1993 -2.76
Continental Airlines/Cont. Exp. 12.06 1 1991 -2.24
Air Canada 3.99 0 1983 -1.07
American Airlines 17.00 5 2001 -0.53
Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air 5.20 1 2000 -0.40
US Airways 13.40 5 1994 -0.35
Hawaiian Airlines 1.27 0 -0.34
American Eagle 11.20 3 1994 -0.29
United Airlines 13.66 6 2001 -0.26
JetBlue Airlines 0.92 0 -0.25
WestJet 0.87 0 -0.23
USAir Shuttle 0.85 0 -0.23
Midwest Airlines 0.75 0 1985 -0.20
ATA Airlines 0.57 0 -0.15
United Express 8.79 3 1996 0.30
AirTran Airways 1.84 1 1996 0.50
Comair 5.03 2 2006 0.65
Lufthansa 7.88 1 1993 -2.10
British Airways 5.49 0 1985 -1.48
Iberia Airlines 3.73 0 1985 -1.00
KLM /KLM Cityhopper 2.81 1 1994 -0.67
SAS Scandinavian AL/SAS Norway 5.83 1 2001 -0.57
Finnair 1.98 0 1963 -0.53
RyanAir 1.96 0 -0.53
EasyJet 1.63 0 None -0.44
Aer Lingus 1.25 0 1968 -0.34
Tap Air Portugal 1.09 0 1977 -0.29
Austrian Airlines 1.00 0 1960 -0.27
Air Europe 0.71 0 -0.19
Malev-Hungarian Airlines 0.64 0 1977 -0.17
Icelandair 0.55 0 1951 -0.15
JAT Yugslovian Airways 0.38 0 1973 -0.10
Virgin Atlantic Airways 0.24 0 -0.06
British Midland 1.71 1 1989 -0.06
Transaero Airlines 0.15 0 -0.04
Ukraine International Airlines 0.12 0 -0.03
Alitalia 3.78 1 1990 -0.02
Air France 6.15 3 2000 0.31
Olympic Airways 1.71 1 1989 0.54
THY Turkish Airlines 1.86 2 2003 1.20
Aeroflot Russian Airlines 2.06 2 2008 1.45
All Nippon Airways 3.88 0 1971 -1.04
Japan Air Lines 2.63 0 1985 -0.71
Qantas Airways 2.40 0 1951 -0.65
Hanin Airlines 1.22 0 -0.33
Air New Zealand 1.15 0 1979 -0.31
Cathy Pacific Airways 1.02 0 1972 -0.27
Malaysia Airlines 3.19 1 1995 -0.21
Virgin Blue 0.73 0 -0.20
Philippine Air Lines 0.92 2 1994 -0.18
Air India 0.48 0 1985 — 0.13
Dragon Air 0.32 0 -0.09
Air China 2.49 1 2002 0.10
Asian Airlines 1.52 1 1993 0.21
China Southern Airlines 3.51 2 1997 0.57
Korean Air 2.41 3 1997 0.65
Garuda Indonesian 1.52 3 2007 0.75
Thai Airways International 1.78 2 1998 0.97
Singapore Airlines/SilkAir 1.34 2 2000 1.14
China Eastern Airlines 2.52 3 2004 1.18
Indian Air Lines 1.70 4 1999 1.64
Pakistan International Airlines 1.18 3 2006 2.68
China Airlines 0.76 5 2002 4.52
Aeromexico 2.08 0 1986 -0.56
Mexican Airlines 1.97 0 1986 — 0.53
Aerolineas Argentinas 0.99 0 1970 -0.27
Air Jamacia 0.38 0 -0.10
Varig 2.35 1 1989 0.12
TACA International Airlines 0.44 2 2008 0.15
Lan Chile Airlines 0.54 2 1991 0.16
GOL Transportes Aereo 0.94 1 2006 0.75
Avianca Colombian Airline 1.20 2 1990 1.11
TAM 2.04 4 2007 1.51
Cubana 0.24 7 1999 4.16
South African Airways 1.11 0 1987 -0.30
Emirates Airline 0.76 0 -0.20
El Al 0.35 0 1955 -0.09
Kuwait Airways 0.31 0 1988 -0.08
Royal Jordanian Airline 0.29 0 1979 -0.08
Air Zimbabwe 0.18 0 1979 -0.05
Oman Aviation 0.18 0 -0.05
Saudi Arabian Airlines 1.96 1 1996 0.47
Royal Air Maroc 0.62 1 1994 0.83
EgyptAir 0.85 2 2002 0.97
Kenya Air 0.37 2 2000 1.84
Iran Air 0.76 3 2002 2.00
Nature Air 0.37 1 2017 1.80

Aeroflot accident statistics show that this is one of the most safe airlines. And this is achieved primarily by skill, they do not skimp on pilots, and also by the fact that Aeroflot has one of the most modern fleets among all European airlines. First, I suggest you watch the video of the crazy emergency landing of a Boeing 767 of the Polish airline LOT at Warsaw airport. Fortunately, due to the skill of the pilots, there were no injuries in this accident.

These statistics should not be used to evaluate the reliability of aircraft or airlines. Indicators are calculated based on past incidents and cannot be used to prevent or reduce expected risks. When assessing safety/reliability, many other parameters are used that were not taken into account when compiling the table.

Based on materials from the site