Decoding the status of international postal items. Statuses of international postal items Received at the carrier's warehouse in Latvia

In order not to make a mistake in the approximate delivery time of the parcel, you should know what this or that status means. On this page we will consider in detail all possible statuses so that you do not have difficulty determining the location of the parcel.

Postal statuses when tracking shipments from abroad


This status means that the sender has completed all the necessary forms, including Form CN22 or CN23 (customs declaration), and the package has been accepted by the postal or courier service employee. Simultaneously with receipt, the shipment is assigned an identification number, which is subsequently used for tracking.

Arrival at MMPO.

MMPO is a place of international postal exchange. At this stage, the parcel undergoes customs control and registration. After this, service employees prepare a grouped international shipment.


One of the longest periods in the delivery of postal items. This is due to the fact that sending a partially loaded plane is unprofitable, so you have to wait until there is a sufficient number of parcels heading to one country.

In addition, to optimize logistics processes, shipments can be delivered in transit through other countries, and this also delays delivery time.

It is impossible to name the exact duration of the parcel's stay in export. But on average it ranges from two weeks to one and a half months. Moreover, on the eve of the holidays, this period may further increase. But if more than two months have passed since receiving the “Export” status, and there are no changes, you should contact the postal service performing the delivery with a request to search for the shipment.


This status is assigned to the shipment at the Russian AOPP (aviation mail department), where it arrives from an airplane. Here, according to the service regulations, the parcels are weighed, the integrity of the packaging is checked, the barcode is scanned to find out the place of departure, the flight number is recorded, and it is determined to which MMPO the parcel should be sent. The length of time an international shipment stays at AOPC depends on the workload of the department and its employees, but on average it is 1-2 days.

Handed over to customs.

After sorting, the parcels are sent for customs inspection, where they go through an X-ray scanner. If customs officers suspect the illegal transportation of prohibited substances or items, the shipment is opened and inspected in the presence of an inspector and the responsible operator. After this (if the fact of transportation of prohibited goods has not been confirmed), the parcel is packed again, an inspection report is attached and sent along the route.

Detained by customs.

This status is optional. It is assigned to a shipment only in cases where customs officers identify a weight that exceeds the permissible limit, a cost of more than 1,000 euros, and other violations. In this case, the recipient will have to pay additional fees. If there are no violations of customs legislation, the parcel will bypass this status.

Customs clearance has been completed.

After receiving this status, the parcel is again transferred to the place of international postal exchange, where it is processed by the department staff. In some cases, this status may be replaced by “left MMPO”.

Arrived at the sorting center.

From MMPO the shipment arrives for sorting. There are postal sorting centers in all major cities. As a rule, the parcel is sent to the center closest to the MMPO, where logistics service employees develop the optimal delivery route to the point of issue.

Left the sorting center.

This status means that the parcel has been sent along the delivery route. The time it takes for it to arrive at the recipient depends on several factors, including traffic congestion, remoteness of the region, etc.

There are Russian Post sorting centers in all major cities.

Arrived at the sorting center of the city N.

Upon arrival in the recipient's city, the parcel is delivered to the local sorting center. From here, the goods are distributed to post offices or other order delivery points. Delivery speed is affected by: traffic congestion, weather conditions, distance. For example, delivery within the city takes no more than 1-2 days, but within the region it can take about a week.

Came to the place of delivery.

After the shipment arrives at the nearest post office, it is assigned this status. Next, postal employees are required to issue a notice and deliver it to the addressee within 1-2 days. In fact, this period may be slightly delayed, so it is better to use the “My Parcel” tracking service. As soon as you see the status “arrived at the place of delivery”, you can go to the post office. It is not necessary to wait for notification, since postal employees are required to issue the item using the identification code (tracking number). Upon receipt, you must have your passport with you.

Delivery to the addressee.

This status is assigned to the parcel after it is received by the addressee and means the end of the journey.

Domestic Russian shipments are assigned the same statuses, with the exception of those related to the customs stage and MMPO. Therefore, the information will also be useful to those who make purchases in Russian online stores or are expecting a package from loved ones living in another city or region.

Now you know the interpretation of each status and can not only determine the actual location of the parcel, but also approximately calculate the delivery time.

"VAT: problems and solutions", 2012, N 12

At present, the question remains unresolved about the legality of the buyer applying a tax deduction when the purchased goods are shipped in one tax period, but are actually credited to the buyer’s warehouse in the next tax period<1>.

<1>See article by O.P. Grishina "We bought the goods, but did not receive them: what to do with the VAT deduction?"

Another situation is no less controversial - when the goods are not received at all - for example, they are lost by the carrier during transportation, and the damage is subsequently compensated in full by a court decision. Does the VAT payer have the right to a deduction in such a situation? FAS UO took a non-trivial approach to resolving this situation. Details are in this article.

The seller does not always have his own vehicles to deliver the sold material assets to the buyer, and not every buyer can transport the purchased property on his own. In such situations, a third party appears in the relationship between the seller and the buyer - a specialized transport company (or carrier), which, as a rule, is responsible for the safety of the cargo during transportation<2>. But anything can happen during the journey - for example, the carrier, due to certain circumstances, may lose (damage) the transported cargo (in whole or in part). A reasonable question arises: how will troubles with cargo during transportation affect the buyer’s accounting?

<2>In addition to the carrier, another person may be involved in such operations - the insurance company. It appears if the owner of the cargo, wanting to minimize his risks during transportation of the cargo, enters into an insurance agreement for the duration of the cargo’s journey from the seller’s warehouse to his warehouse. We will not consider these issues within the scope of this article.

About legal consequences

The relationship between the carrier and the owner of the cargo - the buyer is regulated by the Civil Code, in particular Ch. 40 "Transportation". In accordance with Art. 796 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the carrier is responsible for the safety of cargo during transportation. It is he who is responsible for both loss and damage to the cargo during transportation. However, if the carrier provides evidence that the damage or loss of the goods occurred due to circumstances that he could not prevent or foresee, he can avoid liability. This is stated in the same article. 796 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The essence of the carrier's liability is as follows:

  • at loss(including partial) cargo, the carrier is obliged to compensate the cost of the lost cargo;
  • at damage the carrier of the cargo is obliged to reimburse the owner of the cargo for the amount by which the value of the cargo has decreased, and if it is impossible to restore the damaged cargo or luggage, to reimburse its full value;
  • at loss cargo delivered for transportation from declaring its value, the carrier is obliged to reimburse the declared value (clause 2 of Article 796 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

To receive the appropriate amount of compensation from the carrier, the cargo owner must take certain steps.

Step one. Record the fact of cargo shortage (in whole or in part). For these purposes, special forms are provided - form TORG-2 and form TORG-3 (if the goods are imported)<3>.

<3>Both forms were approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 N 132.

note! From January 1, 2013, Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting” will be in force. According to this Law (in particular, paragraph 4 of Article 9), the organization must develop all forms of primary accounting documentation itself and consolidate them in its accounting policies. We believe that for these purposes, unified forms can be taken as the basis for the forms being developed.

Step two. Compile and submit a written claim to the carrier. The claim must include a calculation of the amount of compensation that the buyer expects. This amount must include the cost of the lost cargo and freight charges, since the carrier (in addition to the listed responsibilities) Art. 796 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation additionally imposes the obligation to reimburse transportation fees in the part that falls on the transportation of lost cargo.

If the carrier does not satisfy the claim of the owner of the cargo within the allotted period (30 days - clause 2 of Article 797 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the buyer has the right to go to court to recover the amount of compensation. It should also be noted that the pre-trial claim procedure for resolving this issue required. This requirement is established by paragraph 1 of Art. 797 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Tax consequences

In this situation, two questions usually arise. First, is the carrier obliged to reimburse the cost of lost (damaged) cargo, including VAT or without? Secondly, does the buyer have the right to take advantage of a VAT deduction on the cost of goods lost during transportation?

Regarding the first question, we consider it necessary to note the following. If the buyer's claim is satisfied, the cost of the lost cargo is subject to reimbursement by the carrier, including VAT. For the shortage due to the fault of the carrier is compensated in the amount real damage(Article 15, paragraph 2 of Article 796 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), therefore the carrier is obliged to return the cost of the damaged cargo, including VAT. Let us add that this conclusion is also confirmed by law enforcement practice (see, for example, Resolutions of the SZO dated February 22, 2011 N A21-8004/2009, FAS UO dated November 3, 2010 N F09-8115/10-S5).

Now let's move on to the question of what happens to the VAT deduction if the carrier loses the cargo (in whole or in part). And let's start, perhaps, with an essential point. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 39 Tax Code of the Russian Federation implementation(sale) is transfer of goods by the seller into ownership of the buyer. In this case, the transfer of ownership of the acquired material assets, in accordance with current legislation, to the buyer can occur both at the time of transfer (shipment) of the values ​​by the seller to the carrier at the seller’s warehouse, and at the time of transfer of the values ​​by the carrier to the buyer. In the latter case, the buyer should not have any difficulties with deducting the “input” tax, since he takes into account actually received goods. Accordingly, in such a situation the buyer is not obliged to pay the seller the entire amount established by the contract (including the cost of damaged or lost goods). Under such conditions of the transaction for the supply of goods, the issue of its loss (documentation of the shortage and filing a claim) must be resolved between the seller and the carrier.

Difficulties await the buyer, as a rule, if the ownership of the purchased property passes to him at the time the seller transfers the goods to the carrier, that is, before the valuables are actually received at the buyer's warehouse. Indeed, in this case, despite the fact that part of the acquired assets was lost or damaged during transportation, the buyer at the time of shipment of the valuables must record the transfer of ownership of the entire product (for example, on account 41, subaccount “Goods in transit”), and, therefore, take into account in the appropriate account the amount of “input” VAT from the cost of the purchased VAT.

The official position on the issue under consideration is as follows. If it is impossible to use lost (damaged) goods in activities subject to VAT, tax amounts are not accepted for deduction (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.08.2011 N 03-07-11/207). That is, the input tax on the received goods is accepted for deduction only in that part that is actually recorded in the buyer’s warehouse, since one of the criteria for applying a tax deduction is not met for the lost cargo - acceptance of goods for registration(paragraph 2, clause 1, article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Taking into account the official position, it is possible that freight charges in connection with the loss of cargo are also subject to recognition as expenses in a smaller amount than was paid under the agreement with the transport company. Therefore, when receiving the amount of compensation, VAT deduction from the cost of transportation services can also be used only in the part attributable to the cost of the actual cargo received.

In Letters dated 07/04/2011 N 03-03-06/1/387, dated 05/19/2010 N 03-07-11/186, the Ministry of Finance argues somewhat differently: in cases where property is disposed of for reasons not related to sale or gratuitous transfer , that is, is not subject to VAT, the amounts of VAT previously legally accepted for deduction are subject to restoration. But it must be admitted that this does not change the essence of the explanations - financiers do not see any grounds for the buyer to apply a VAT tax deduction in respect of goods lost (or damaged) during transportation.

We will illustrate with an example what entries should be made in accounting (taking into account the official position).

Example 1. Berezka LLC (buyer) entered into a purchase and sale agreement with Klen LLC (supplier) for 25 devices at a price of 4,720 rubles. (including VAT 18% - 720 rubles) for a total amount of 118,000 rubles. (including VAT - 18,000 rubles) on the terms of 50% prepayment. According to the terms of the agreement, ownership of the purchased valuables passes to the buyer at the time of shipment of the devices to the transport company from the supplier’s warehouse. Berezka LLC also entered into an agreement with the transport company Voyage LLC for the transportation of instruments. The cost of the transportation service was 12,000 rubles. (without VAT). According to the accounting policy, Berezka LLC keeps records of transportation expenses on account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets.”

During transportation, five devices were damaged, about which Berezka LLC drew up a corresponding report and filed a claim against Voyage LLC for damages in the amount of the full cost of the damaged cargo - 23,600 rubles. (including VAT - 3600 rubles) and part of the remuneration in the form of freight charges - 2400 rubles. (RUB 12,000 / RUB 118,000 x RUB 23,600).

The transport company Voyage LLC, having satisfied the demand of the cargo owner, transferred funds in the amount of 26,000 rubles to his current account. (RUB 23,600 + RUB 2,400).

The following entries were made in the accounting of Berezka LLC.

Contents of operationDebitCreditSum,

51 59 000
"Advance" VAT accepted for deduction<*> 68 "Calculations
according to VAT"
76 "Advances" 9 000
Prepayment for
cargo transportation
51 12 000
Devices are reflected at the moment of their
transfer by the seller transport
company (at the time of transfer of rights
41 "Products
on my way"
100 000
VAT reflected on purchased
19 60-1
18 000

devices to the warehouse
(20 x 4000 rub.)
41 "Products
in stock"
41 "Products
on my way"
80 000
Transport costs included 15 60-1
12 000
Advance payment for transport has been credited
12 000

purchase and sale
59 000
76 "Advances"68 "Calculations
according to VAT"
9 000
Cost of damaged devices
assigned to settlements with transport
claim company
"Calculations according to
41 "Products
on my way"
20 000
VAT charged on damaged devices
"Calculations according to
19 3 600
Part of the freight charge is attributed to
settlements with the transport company for
"Calculations according to
15 2 400
The final payment has been made
51 59 000
Input VAT accepted for deduction
(18 000 - 3600)
68 "Calculations
according to VAT"
19 14 400
Owner's requirements satisfied
cargo according to claim
51 76-2
"Calculations according to
<*>Deductions of “advance” VAT amounts are made on the basis of invoices issued by sellers upon receipt of payment, in the presence of an agreement providing for the transfer of these amounts (clause 9 of Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

However, there is another point of view on this issue, which is presented in judicial acts.

When considering disputes regarding the restoration of VAT in cases of theft, damage, loss, write-off of goods that have become unusable, the courts, making a decision in favor of taxpayers, point out that the law does not provide for the taxpayer’s obligation to restore and pay to the budget amounts of tax previously legally charged to deduction for goods purchased for use in operations recognized as objects of taxation, but subsequently not used in these operations due to destruction (damage), since this is not provided for in paragraph 3 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (see Decision of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 2006 N 10652/06, Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service NWO dated October 15, 2012 N A56-165/2012, FAS PO dated December 9, 2009 N A12-8952/2009, FAS UO dated January 22. 2009 N Ф09-10369/08-С2).

In other words, the disposal of inventory items (goods purchased for further resale) as a result of loss (damage) during transportation, in the opinion of the judges, does not change the original purpose of their acquisition, therefore, the grounds for restoring the previously accepted VAT deduction amounts upon loss There are no valuables.

However, in a series of judicial acts there is a decision that, in our opinion, deserves special attention - this is the Resolution of the FAS UO dated 10/12/2012 N F09-9912/12. In it, the judges also came to the conclusion that the fact of loss of goods does not affect the taxpayer’s right to claim the corresponding amounts of “input” VAT for deduction, while expressing a non-standard approach to resolving a similar controversial situation.

Non-standard solution

The essence of the dispute is this. During the audited period, the entrepreneur carried out activities in the wholesale sale of frozen seafood and was a VAT payer. The disputed amount (RUB 3,278,000, including VAT) represents the cost of the purchased product (frozen fish), which was lost by the carrier. It is taken into account by the entrepreneur as part of the professional deduction for personal income tax and includes VAT claimed for reimbursement. At the same time, damages in the amount of the actual value of the lost cargo were recovered by the court from the transport company by the individual entrepreneur.

Based on the results of an on-site tax audit of an entrepreneur regarding the correctness of calculation and timely transfer of taxes and fees to the budget, the inspectorate made a decision to bring him to tax liability. In particular, additional VAT was charged to the individual entrepreneur. The inspectorate refused to provide a deduction for this tax due to the fact that the goods were lost by the carrier during transportation.

Tax officials reasoned like this. For the purpose of calculating this tax, the main thing is that the goods were purchased for transactions subject to VAT, and the primary documentation was in order. Since the further sale of this product is impossible in principle (that is, there is no transaction subject to VAT), this means that there can be no talk of deducting VAT.

In the process of considering this dispute, the FAS UO established the following. Expenses for the purchase of goods (frozen fish) are directly related to the implementation of individual entrepreneurial activities, aimed at making a profit, that is, they are related to sales. The primary documents confirming the expenses incurred by the applicant for their acquisition do not raise any complaints from the tax authority. This means that the entrepreneur has every right to reduce the total amount of tax calculated in accordance with Art. 166 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as established by Art. 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax deductions.

At first glance, the conclusions of the cassation instance, if we take into account the following nuance of this dispute - the carrier, by court decision (which at the time of the decision on the tax audit (09/19/2011) was made (05/24/2011) and entered into legal force) compensated the owner of the cargo for damages in in their entirety are strange. It turns out that, as a result of legal proceedings, the individual entrepreneur not only returned in full the funds spent on the purchase of subsequently lost cargo, but also did not lose the right to deduct VAT from the cost of this product. Is that possible?

As it turns out, it is possible. The reasoning part of the decision made in this case by the appellate instance dots all the i’s (Resolution of the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 03.08.2012 N 17AP-3086/2012-AK). Let us add that the cassation instance recognized as correct the conclusions of the appellate instance, and not the first, whose decision was made in favor of the tax inspectorate.

Firstly, the appellate instance, recognizing as legitimate the recognition of the controversial expenses for the purchase for resale of frozen seafood as part of the professional deduction for personal income tax, the amount compensation damage received by the owner of the cargo from the carrier on the basis of a court decision (reflected in accounting for tax purposes on the basis of clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), in fact, equated to sales income. (For obvious reasons, we will not dwell on this in detail, but we believe that this point will be of interest to taxpayers.)

Secondly, regarding the right to a tax deduction for VAT, which arises, among other things, when goods are posted (accepted for accounting), the appellate court reasoned as follows. The inspection's conclusions that in the situation under consideration the goods were purchased by the entrepreneur was not capitalized(that is, the entrepreneur did not receive control over the goods) do not correspond to the actual circumstances of the case. (For our part, we would like to add: the tax authority did not provide any other grounds for refusing a VAT deduction in the dispute over this episode.) According to the judges, in fact, control over the goods by the entrepreneur after all was received. Because the entrepreneur ordered with your goods, passing on it for transportation, and it was in favor of the entrepreneur as the owner of the goods that the court recovered the damage caused by the transport company. In addition, the judges noted that the operation was indicated in the book of income and expenses, which was confirmed by the inspection.

The presented arguments allowed the judges of the appellate instance (and subsequently the cassation instance) to make a decision that was positive for the entrepreneur. As a result, the arbitrators came to the conclusion that the requirement of paragraph 1 of Art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on the acceptance of purchased goods for accounting by the entrepreneur is fully complied with.

For our part, we believe that taxpayers should take note of the arguments used by the court when considering this dispute in order to use them in the event of claims from regulatory authorities.

A special case

When considering the legality of applying a VAT deduction from the cost of purchased property lost (or damaged) during transportation to the buyer’s warehouse, one cannot fail to mention a special case. We are talking about a situation where the carrier delivers cargo to the buyer’s warehouse in a smaller quantity than was transferred to him by the seller under the invoice, but the identified shortage (difference) is within the limits of natural loss during transportation. What will happen to taxes in this situation? Let’s say right away that it is quite simple, since in this case the buyer has the right to deduct the entire “input” tax from the cost of the purchased goods, including that part of it that accounts for losses within the limits of natural loss <4>approved by the authorized federal executive body. This follows from paragraph. 2 clause 7 art. 171 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. At the moment, regulatory authorities are also paying attention, as evidenced by the explanations given in Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08/09/2012 N 03-07-08/244, dated 01/11/2008 N 03-07-11/02, dated 08/15/2006 N 03-03-04/1/628.

<4>Natural loss is a decrease in the mass of goods and materials due to natural changes in biological or physico-chemical properties while maintaining quality, that is, natural loss occurs, in particular, due to shrinkage, shrinkage, evaporation, etc. (Methodological recommendations for the development of norms of natural loss, approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated March 31, 2003 N 95).

Let's look at a similar situation using a specific example.

Example 2. The Orange company is engaged in the wholesale trade of fresh vegetables and fruits. A batch of fresh lemons arrived at the company's warehouse and was delivered by rail. Duration of transportation is three days. According to the invoice, the seller shipped (net cargo) 4500 kg of lemons at a price of 40 rubles. per kg (excluding VAT). The cost of the entire batch was 212,400 rubles. (including VAT 18% - RUB 32,400). In accordance with the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, a consignment of goods was purchased on the basis of 100% prepayment. Ownership of the goods under the sales contract passes to the buyer at the time the batch of lemons is shipped to the carrier from the supplier’s warehouse.

During the acceptance of the incoming batch of goods at the warehouse of the Orange company, a shortage of 15 kg was identified, that is, in fact, the buyer received 4485 kg of lemons. However, this shortage is within the limits of natural loss - in accordance with the Standards, which are approved in Appendix 3 to the Decree of the USSR State Supply Committee dated 05/04/1982 N 39, the rate of natural loss of lemons during rail transportation within three days is 0.43% of the total mass net cargo (that is, without packaging).

The following entries were made in the accounting of the Orange company:

Contents of operationDebitCreditSum,
The advance payment under the purchase agreement was transferred
51 212 400
"Advance" VAT accepted for deduction68 Calculations
according to VAT"
76 "Advances" 32 400
A batch of lemons is reflected at the time of their
transfer by the seller to the carrier
41 "Products
on my way"
180 000
"Input" VAT reflected 19 60-1
32 400
Actual receipt reflected
lemons to the warehouse
41 "Products
in stock"
41 "Products
on my way"
179 400
Prepayment under the contract has been credited
purchase and sale
212 400
"Advance" VAT restored76 "Advances"68 Calculations
according to VAT"
32 400
Shortage taken into account
(15 kg x 40 rub.)
94 41 "Products
on my way"
Input VAT accepted for deduction68 Calculations
according to VAT"
19 32 400
The shortage is included in other
91-2 94 600


Journal expert

"VAT: problems and solutions"

Delivery to the addressee

Delivery to the recipient

Means the actual receipt of the postal item by the recipient specified in the postal item.

Flew to destination country

The postal item will be handed over to the post office of the destination country for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import/export operations.

Departed from the airport

The following status will not be displayed immediately upon arrival at the airport of the destination country, but after the mail item arrives and is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service.
This may take from 3 to 10 days.

The postal item has departed from the airport of the sender's country and is heading to the destination country.

After the parcel leaves the territory of the sender's country and arrives at the destination country, such shipments are re-marked with untraceable track codes and are no longer tracked.

When the parcel arrives at your post office, you will receive a paper notification with which you need to come to the post office and receive the parcel.

Issued by customs

The customs clearance procedure has been completed, and in the near future the postal item will be handed over to the post office of the destination country for further delivery to the recipient.

Ready for shipment

Ready to ship

Means that the postal item is packaged, marked and will be sent shortly.

Detained by customs

This operation means that the postal item is detained by FCS employees to carry out measures to determine the purpose of the postal item. When receiving goods by international mail during a calendar month, the customs value of which exceeds 1000 euros, and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, in part of such excess, it is necessary to pay customs duties and taxes using a flat rate of 30% of the customs value of the goods , but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight. If information about the goods sent to the MPO is missing or does not correspond to the actual information, this significantly increases the time spent on processing shipments, since there is a need to conduct a customs inspection and document its results.


The parcel was sent to the wrong zip code or address, an error was discovered and the parcel was redirected to the correct address.

Import international mail

The operation of receiving the item in the recipient's country.

All mail arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation from air flights begins its journey at the aviation postal department (AOPP) - a special postal warehouse at the airport. Within 4–6 hours, shipments from the aircraft arrive at the AOPP, the containers are registered, and their integrity and weight are checked. Mail is registered in an electronic database. During registration, the barcode is scanned, data is entered about where the container is addressed (for example, MMPO Moscow), from which flight it arrived, about the country and date of formation of the container, etc. The time of these operations can be increased from 1 to 7x days due to the limited capacity of the AOPP.

The next operation after export from the country of origin, which is reflected on the website when tracking the shipment, is import into the destination country. Import information appears after the shipment is transferred by the carrier to the postal operator of the destination country. Operation “Import” means that the shipment arrived on the territory of Russia and was registered. International shipments arrive in Russia through the international postal exchange place (IMPO). There are several MMPOs in Russia: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Samara, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk. The choice of city where exactly the international shipment will arrive depends on the sender’s country. The choice depends on the availability of regular flights and free carrying capacity in a particular direction.

Unsuccessful attempt of delivery

Assigned if the postal operator reported that an attempt was made to deliver the item to the recipient, but for some reason delivery did not take place. This status does not reflect the specific reason for non-service.

Options for further action:

  • New delivery attempt
  • The parcel will be transferred for storage until demand or until the circumstances are clarified.
  • Return to sender
What to do if you receive this status:
  • It is necessary to contact the post office delivering the item and find out the reason for non-delivery.
  • You must contact the post office yourself to receive the shipment without waiting for notification.


Processing at an intermediate point

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further dispatch to the recipient.

Processing at the sorting center

Status Processing at the sorting center - assigned in the process of delivering the item through intermediate sorting centers of the postal service. In sorting centers, mail is distributed along main routes. Parcels are reloaded from one transport to another, for further dispatch to the recipient.

Processing completed

Generalized status, meaning the completion of processing of a mail item before sending it to the recipient.

Awaiting delivery to the post office

Means that the postal item is packaged, marked and will be sent shortly.

Awaiting shipment

Means that the postal item is packaged, marked and will be sent shortly.

Awaiting quality check

Means that the parcel is not yet complete and is in the seller's warehouse awaiting verification of the contents before shipping.

Upload operation completed

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel has left the warehouse / intermediate sorting center and is heading to the next sorting center towards the recipient.

Export operation completed

The customs clearance procedure has been completed, the postal item has been handed over to the post office of the destination country for further dispatch to the recipient.

Shipment from the seller's warehouse

The parcel has left the seller's warehouse and is moving towards a logistics company or post office.

Cancel shipment

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel (order) for some reason cannot be sent (continue further movement).

Sending to terminal

The parcel is sent to the postal terminal at the airport to be loaded onto a plane and sent to the destination country.

Item is ready for dispatch

Means that the postal item is packaged, marked and will be sent shortly.


Generalized status, meaning the sending of a postal item from an intermediate point towards the recipient.

Sent to Russia

The postal item will be transferred to Russian Post for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import/export operations.

Sent to destination country

A postal item in the process of being transferred to the mail of the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

The following status will not be displayed immediately as soon as the parcel arrives in the country, but after the postal item is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service.

This may take from 3 to 14 days, depending on the workload of the international postal exchange location.

Sent from warehouse to sorting center

As a rule, this status means that the foreign sender (seller) brought your parcel to the local post office.

Transferred for storage

Means the arrival of the item at the recipient's post office (OPS) and transfer to storage until it is delivered to the recipient.

As soon as the item arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the item is in the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the item arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the item arrived at the department in the evening).

This status indicates that the recipient can independently contact the post office to receive the shipment without waiting for a notification.

Transferred to customs

In the sender's country

In the recipient's country

Loading onto the plane

Loading onto the plane before departure to the destination country.

Loading into transport

Preparations for shipment are completed

Means that the postal item is packaged, marked and will be sent shortly.

Preparing for shipment

Means that the postal item is packaged and marked for further dispatch.

Preparation for export

Packaging, labeling, loading into a container and other procedures necessary for shipment to the destination country.

Left the airport

In the sender's country
The postal item has departed from the airport of the sender's country and is heading to the destination country.
The following status will not be displayed immediately upon arrival at the airport of the destination country, but after the mail item arrives and is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service. This may take from 3 to 14 days.

In the recipient's country
The postal item is delivered to one of the places of international postal exchange for subsequent import operations.

Left the international sorting center

The postal item is sent to the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import/export operations.

Left the international exchange site

The shipment has left the place of international postal exchange and is then sent to the sorting center. From the moment the shipment leaves the MMPO, delivery times within Russia begin to apply.

According to information received from Russian Post, the status “Left the place of international exchange” can last no more than 10 days. If after 10 days the status has not changed, this is a violation of delivery deadlines, which can be reported to the Russian Post Office by calling 8 800 2005 888 (toll-free call), and they begin to respond to this application.

Left the mail terminal

The postal item has left the intermediate point of its route and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the warehouse

The parcel has left the warehouse and is moving towards the post office or sorting center.

Left the sorting center

The postal item has left the postal sorting center and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the ShenZhen Yanwen sorting center

The mail has left the sorting center of the logistics company Yanwen Logistics and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the country of transit

The postal item has left the transit country and is directed towards the destination country, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import/export operations.

Left the transit country

The postal item left the sorting center in a transit (intermediate) country, was sent to the destination country, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Information about the postal item has been received

Received information about the postal item in electronic form

It means that the seller has registered the postal item (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the postal item has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration until the actual delivery of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After the parcel is transferred, the status will change to “Reception” or similar.

Received for further processing

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further dispatch to the recipient.

Postal item is registered

It means that the seller has registered the postal item (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the postal item has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration until the actual delivery of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After the parcel is transferred, the status will change to “Reception” or similar.


Generalized status, meaning arrival at one of the intermediate points, such as sorting centers, postal terminals, airports, ports, etc.

Arrived at the airport

The parcel arrived at the airport for unloading, loading, processing and further shipment to its destination.

Arrived at the international sorting center

Came to the place of delivery

Indicates the arrival of the item at the recipient's post office (OPS), which must deliver the item to the recipient. As soon as the item arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the item is in the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the item arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the item arrived at the department in the evening).

This status indicates that the recipient can independently contact the post office to receive the shipment without waiting for a notification.

Arrived at the international exchange location

Indicates the arrival of a postal item at an intermediate postal node for sorting, selecting a route and sending it to the recipient.

Arrived at the post office

Indicates the arrival of a postal item at the recipient's post office, which must deliver the item to the recipient. This status indicates that the recipient needs to contact the post office to receive the shipment.

Arrived in Russia

Arrived at the sorting center

Indicates the arrival of a postal item at an intermediate postal node for sorting, selecting a route and sending it to the recipient.

Arrived at ShenZhen Yanwen sorting center

Indicates the arrival of a postal item at the intermediate sorting center of the logistics company Yanwen Logistics, for sorting, selecting a route and sending it to the recipient.

Arrived at the sorting center of the destination country

The postal item has arrived at the sorting center of the destination country for subsequent import/export operations.

Arrived at destination country

The postal item has arrived in the country of destination at the place of international postal exchange for subsequent import/export operations.

Arrived in transit country

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers of the transit (intermediate) country for processing (sorting) and further dispatch to the recipient.

Arrived at the small package processing center

Indicates the arrival of a parcel at the postal distribution center for sorting, selecting a route and sending it to the recipient.

Arrived at warehouse

Arrived at the carrier's warehouse

The parcel arrived at the warehouse for unloading, labeling, processing, loading and further dispatch to its destination.

Arrived at the terminal

Means arrival at an intermediate terminal for unloading, loading, processing and further dispatch to the destination.

Arrived in the territory of the Russian Federation

The postal item arrived on the territory of Russia, for further import and dispatch to the recipient.



This means that the overseas sender (seller) has brought your parcel to the local post office. At the same time, he filled out all the necessary documents, including the customs declaration (forms CN 22 or CN 23). At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique postal identifier - a special bar code (Track number, Track code). It is located on the check (or receipt) issued upon acceptance of the postal item. The “Reception” operation shows the place, date and country of receipt of the item. After acceptance, the parcel moves on its way to the place of international exchange.

Reception by the customs service of the country of destination

The status means that the shipment has been transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. They are then sorted by type and transferred to various areas. Shipments with product contents undergo X-ray inspection. By decision of the customs officer, the postal item may be opened for personal control; the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial consignment, targeting a consignment that may contain substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the item.

Reception at customs

In the sender's country
The postal item was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the destination country.

In the recipient's country
The status means that the shipment has been transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. They are then sorted by type and transferred to various areas. Shipments with product contents undergo X-ray inspection. By decision of the customs officer, the postal item may be opened for personal control; the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial consignment, targeting a consignment that may contain substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the item.

Reception at customs

In the sender's country
The postal item was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the destination country.

In the recipient's country
The status means that the shipment has been transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. They are then sorted by type and transferred to various areas. Shipments with product contents undergo X-ray inspection. By decision of the customs officer, the postal item may be opened for personal control; the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial consignment, targeting a consignment that may contain substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the item.

The parcel has arrived at one of the sorting centers and is being processed. After some time, the parcel will leave the sorting center for further dispatch to the recipient.

Customs clearance

In the sender's country
The postal item was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the destination country.

In the recipient's country
The status means that the shipment has been transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. They are then sorted by type and transferred to various areas. Shipments with product contents undergo X-ray inspection. By decision of the customs officer, the postal item may be opened for personal control; the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial consignment, targeting a consignment that may contain substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the item.

Transportation of mail from one sorting center to another, towards the recipient. On average, an export operation takes from 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

Export (content check)

The postal item was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the destination country.

On average, an export operation takes from 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the “Export” status, then it is impossible to track it (find out what exactly is happening to it); only at the import stage will you be able to see your package and monitor its further movement. The use of transit transportation and certain restrictions often delay shipments. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but has not received the “Import” status, then the sender needs to contact the post office and apply for a search.

Export, processing

Indicates the actual dispatch of the postal item to the destination country.

The “Export” status includes the transfer of the parcel to a foreign carrier, which, by land or air transportation, transports it to the MMPO of the destination country. As a rule, this status is the longest and the transition to “Import” may take some time. This happens due to the characteristics of flight routes and the formation of the optimal weight for transporting it by plane. For example, shipments from China may be delayed due to the fact that cargo planes can carry at least 50 - 100 tons.
On average, an export operation takes from 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the “Export” status, then it is impossible to track it (find out what exactly is happening to it); only at the import stage will you be able to see your package and monitor its further movement. The use of transit transportation and certain restrictions often delay shipments. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but has not received the “Import” status, then the sender needs to contact the post office and apply for a search.

Electronic registration of mail

It means that the seller has registered the postal item (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the postal item has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration until the actual delivery of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After the parcel is transferred, the status will change to “Reception” or similar.