Where should a girl go on vacation? Why won't they pay under comprehensive insurance? Where is the best place to relax for one woman at sea?

A modern woman is a self-sufficient person who can easily afford a vacation and a trip to another country without the accompaniment of relatives, friends or a boyfriend.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Solo travel as a type of tourism is gaining popularity, especially among girls. After all, sometimes you just want to be alone with yourself and your thoughts, make an important decision or not think about anything at all, just change the situation, or it happens that there is simply no one to go on vacation with. When traveling “solo”, you can only follow your desires: if you wanted, you went for a walk, if you wanted, you went shopping, if you wanted, you stayed in your room. There is no need to wait for anyone or take others into account; you can do whatever your heart desires. Traveling alone is a great opportunity to try something new, relax and unwind for yourself.

For girls, traveling alone is a little more difficult. The first and most important issue is, of course, safety. Not all countries are worth traveling to alone, as some are considered unsafe in general and for single girls in particular. In addition to safety, there are other important factors for have a nice rest, for example, nature, quality of services provided, price level, hospitality of local residents. But fortunately, our planet is large and amazing, and there are quite a lot of places where a girl can safely go on a trip alone.


Visa: required.

Prices: above average.

Official language: English.

The country is not a popular destination, but it is a place worth visiting. Everyone will like the country: here you can enjoy the amazing, simply fabulous nature, swim in warm springs, look at geysers and glaciers. An ideal place to clear your thoughts and enjoy solitude and peace. If nature isn't your thing, then head to the developed city of Reykjavik. nightlife and friendly people. Local residents, and especially young people, will be happy to welcome you into their company, introduce you to friends and family, show you the city and offer you an overnight stay. Iceland ranks first in the Global Peace Index.

The Global Peace Index shows the level of security of countries based on various factors, both external (foreign policy relations) and internal (crime levels in the country).

So you don’t have to worry about safety in Iceland, it is the safest and most peaceful country in the world. If a girl is planning a trip alone for the first time, then we confidently recommend Iceland.


Visa: required.

Prices: above average.

Official language: English and French.

Canada is the second largest country in the world. Unfortunately, little is written about this country in guidebooks, but in vain. Nature and friendly people with a great sense of humor are what make it worth visiting Canada at least once. I would recommend this country to girls who love nature and delicious wine. Everybody is here gigantic size: national parks, endless valleys, high mountains, glaciers. It's best to take a tour to see all the most Beautiful places. Vancouver is a city with magnificent mountain views, various bodies of water, unique cuisine and excellent wine. Toronto is a melting pot of different cultures, it's impossible to be alone in this city, with over 100 languages ​​spoken here, it's a city where you can feel right at home. And if you want French charm, then you should visit the city of Montreal.

Advice! Canada is not a warm country, so take plenty of warm clothes.


Visa: required.

Prices: above average.

Official language: Japanese, but almost everyone speaks and understands English.

Japan is ranked 9th in the Global Peace Index, so girls traveling alone will feel safe here. The country is quite expensive, so be prepared for the fact that everything from flights, hotels, and food will cost a lot of money. Japan is a rather unusual country for Russian citizens; the culture and people here are completely different.

Tokyo is a city full of life, a metropolis like something out of a movie about the future. And if there is a need for solitude, then the best solution would be to go to Kyoto. The contrast will be crazy. This is a real paradise for yoga lovers and everyone who wants to meditate. Incredible Buddhist temples amaze with their beauty and scale. In Japan, you simply need to try the local cuisine and maybe even take a sushi-making master class. In any case, a girl traveling alone will feel comfortable and safe in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Scandinavian countries

Visa: required.

Prices: above average.

Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Girls who want to travel alone can easily choose one of three countries or go on a trip to all three countries. Denmark ranks second on the list of safest countries, Sweden is 14th and Norway is 17th. In these countries you can visit various museums and watch staged scenes of Viking life. The most interesting and unusual way to find out Scandinavian countries- this will take you on a boat trip through the fjords, their beauty is mesmerizing. You may see it, it's something that gives you goosebumps, but it remains in your memory forever.

Stockholm is a must-visit, because it was this city that gave us IKEA with names of items that are funny to us. Copenhagen is a city with a moderate life, there are mostly old colorful houses and practically no skyscrapers. There is no crazy traffic in this city because people mostly get around on bicycles or on foot. Oslo is a city of unusual museums, galleries and delicious cuisine. Flåm is a city that almost everyone on the planet has seen, yes, that’s right, because the nature of this city is the setting of many films about Vikings. Girls who dream of seeing the northern lights, fjords and those who are interested in Vikings can safely go to the Scandinavian countries.


Visa: required (can be issued upon arrival).

Prices: average/below average.

Official language: English.

Ghana is a country on the continent of Africa. This is the safest country in Africa. Therefore, single girls who dream of visiting the African continent can pack their bags and fly to Ghana. The most expensive part of the trip will be the flight, but the cost of accommodation and food prices are more than affordable. But I still wouldn’t recommend relaxing completely. Because official language— English, it will be quite easy to communicate with local residents. People go to Africa to look at wild animals in their natural habitat, and this is exactly what you can fully enjoy in Ghana. For girls interested in history, it will be interesting to see the ruins of Cape Post and Elmina castles, which are listed world heritage UNESCO. And for beach lovers, this is a paradise, many uncrowded, incredible beauty beaches delight tourists.

New Zealand

Visa: required.

Prices: above average.

Official language: English.

The country is one of the five most peaceful countries in the world. Lord of the Rings fans are flocking to Wellington to see the film's locations in person. Queenstown is a city for real thrill-seekers: rafting, rope jumping, jeeping, challenging ski slopes and others extreme species sports in one place. Every year in New Zealand Thousands of single travelers come and leave with friends from all over the world, because common interests firmly unite people.



Prices: average.

Official language: Spanish.

Chile is a Latin American country, one of the safest for single girls. If you decide to go on a trip to Latin America, then for safety reasons it would be best to choose Chile. The locals are very friendly and will tell you a lot of interesting things, provided you speak Spanish. Unfortunately, few locals speak English. But if you do find a common language, then you will definitely be invited to dinner, fed with delicious homemade food and taught the basic steps of Latin American dances. Mountains, the islands of Patagonia and Chiloe, the Atacama Desert - this country has everything for a good holiday, and you are unlikely to feel lonely, because the Chileans simply charge everyone with their positive energy.


Visa: not needed (provided you stay in the country for up to 30 days).

Prices: below the average.

Official language: Indonesian.

Country in South-East Asia is one of the most favorite places for tourists traveling alone, including girls. No one here will be surprised by a lonely girl walking with a backpack. People come to Indonesia mainly to find themselves, escape from everyday affairs and just relax. Here you can go surfing and find fun company. Or be left alone with yourself in some Buddhist temple. The locals are very friendly, and despite the possible language barrier, they will try to help. Low prices for accommodation, an abundance of seafood and fresh vegetables and fruits is another reason to come to Indonesia. Of course, it is not the safest country, but if you choose among the southeastern countries, then Indonesia will be the right choice.


Visa: required.

Prices: average.

In Europe there are many pickpockets, thieves on motorcycles, and the crime rate has been increasing in recent years, but there are still countries and cities in which girls traveling on their own will find it safe and interesting.

Switzerland. The country of delicious chocolate, good watches and reliable banks, Switzerland is also in seventh place in the global peace index. Isn't this a reason to visit the country alone? You can eat a lot of chocolate and no one will judge you. It’s worth starting your trip from Zurich; this city is one of the safest for pedestrians, lovers hiking I'll definitely like it here. And nature lovers will be delighted by the beauty of Lake Geneva. By the way, any city or place of interest in Switzerland is easy to get to; the transport system is well developed in the country. Girls who want to have fun can head to the city of Montreux, where you can admire the paintings in museums during the day and have fun at night in bars and nightclubs.

Austria. Austria ranks honorably third among the safest countries in the world. A small country that is very convenient to travel around; in a week you can visit the most popular cities: Insburg, Künzbehl, Salzburg. Or you can stay in Vienna, in this small town a girl traveling alone will easily find something to do. The Vienna State Opera is a must see, great amount museums. You simply must try a real Viennese waffle and Viennese coffee.

Germany. You can find everything in this country. From museums of modern art, informal youth, the creative elite in Berlin to delicious sausages and incomparable beer in Munich. I advise lovers of beauty to go to the Dresden Library. For lovers of beer and fun, it is best to go to Germany in October for Oktoberfest. Another advantage is that there are many people from the post-Soviet space living in the country, so you are unlikely to have a language barrier. Germany is in 15th place in the ranking of safe countries.

In any case, dear girls, a lot depends on you, on your behavior, on your attitude towards others. Therefore, do not forget that you are visiting another country, and you should respect traditions and local residents. My personal opinion is that you can travel alone to almost any country, the main thing is to understand where and why you are going. And if you relax and forget about basic safety rules, you may end up in unpleasant situation and in the safe country peace.

Travel and get unforgettable emotions!

It is believed that resting alone is a bad idea. Like, it’s dangerous and boring. But the main character of the film “Eat, Pray, Love” did not think so, and for good reason. In her travels, she made interesting acquaintances, received a lot of new emotions, completely “rebooted” her life and, ultimately, found true happiness. Perhaps this will work for you too? In any case, a break from the drabness of everyday life can be guaranteed.

Where should one girl go on vacation?

When you vacation on your own, you are not tied to the vacation schedules of your husband, boyfriend or girlfriend. You are free to manage your time, choose places, without coordinating with anyone else. And in a place of rest you can do what really interests you, without having to adapt to anyone. You can go abroad, but you can travel without going far.

Where to go on holiday for one girl abroad:

Where to go on vacation for one girl in Russia:

  1. Karelia– this is the place where you can go on vacation with the whole family, or a girl alone. The most beautiful part of Russia, with a lot of picturesque places and a large selection of activities: viewing nature, active recreation, kayaking, rafting. Or maybe you are a fan of fishing - this is simply a paradise for fishermen.
  2. Golden ring a tourist route, covering mainly the religious sites of Russia. The route includes 8 cities, which contain everything that Russia is proud of: white stone churches, laurels, cathedrals, monasteries, three Kremlins, unique belfries.

This situation can arise for anyone: it seems that the vacation has been signed, and the money has been set aside, and plans have been made. But the only thing missing is a fellow traveler: the crush wasn’t released from work, the friend was caught up in family matters, and the relative simply doesn’t want to go... So he came...

Going on vacation alone: ​​pros and cons

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This situation can arise for anyone: it seems that the vacation has been signed, and the money has been set aside, and plans have been made. But there’s not enough travel companion: your crush wasn’t released from work, your friend was caught up in family matters, and your relative just doesn’t want to go... So you have to decide: to go on vacation in splendid isolation or to postpone the trip until better times?

In this case, some resort to the help of the Internet: in the open spaces social networks and travel forums, it’s not so difficult to find a travel companion for a week or two of vacation. It turns out to be a convenient option for discounted hotel vouchers or for finding new friends. However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that a travel companion found via the Internet will remain a pig in a poke until your vacation, who will be able to show himself in the most unexpected ways.

Hemingway's saying, “Travel only with those you love,” can be understood in two ways.

Either you shouldn’t go on the road at all if you can’t take your loved one with you, or you still should – but in this case, completely alone.

There are even travelers who, on principle, do without travel companions - they have so experienced the taste of absolute freedom that overtakes when a person finds himself far from home, without anyone familiar nearby. They are opposed as eternal opponents by sociable people who cannot see a vacation without a crowd of family and friends, or without a life partner. Moreover, in the discussions of both, there are arguments for and against solo travel.

Pros: Freedom of choice and movement.

This point undoubtedly tops the list of advantages of solo travel. Instead of endless debates and discussions, you can simply expand the world map and select a point on it where you have long wanted to go. You can prescribe your route down to the smallest points, knowing that no one will challenge or disrupt it; On the contrary, you can not make any plan and, having arrived at the initial point, play “tumbleweeds”: do what your mood dictates. You can gather materials for an entire novel while wandering around Asia with just a backpack; you can lazily lie on the beach without any reproaches from your more active friends. Just you and the road - and no orders!

Opinion: Andrey, 29 years old:"Already throughout recent years I travel only alone for seven years. I love a rich adventure program that allows for improvisation; At the same time, coordinating plans with anyone is a problematic task. When two or more people go on vacation, everyone tries to pull the blanket over themselves. The exception is a truly beloved person with whom I would think in the same direction. But there is no such woman yet, so I enjoy absolute freedom. All other options seem unacceptable to me.”

Cons: Costs cannot be divided between two people.

A room in a restaurant, a taxi and a portion of pizza - all this costs much less money when two people pay. A single person will have to come to terms with the fact that a place in a single room will cost on average one and a half times more money than for a double room, last-minute travel offers rarely apply to single tourists, and all sorts of household expenses significantly chew up the budget when there is no money for them. someone to chip in with.

Pros: Lots of new acquaintances

Paradoxically, solo travelers often enjoy more social interaction during their holidays than those traveling with friends or a couple. Of course, it all depends on the openness of each individual person: some may not meet anyone in two weeks at a youth hotel, and some make new friends while walking around quiet national parks. However, in general, the trend is this: anyone who dares to travel to another country without company has every chance of making new friends.

The fact is that singles do not confine themselves to the company of their fellow travelers, and the relaxed atmosphere of a vacation, as a rule, contributes to making new acquaintances. And a simple solution to organizational and everyday issues requires more contacts with others - hence there are more reasons to start communication. In the end, it is much easier for single tourists who are not in a relationship to diversify their love life on vacation - however, you should come to terms with the fact that the new romance will most likely end where it began, leaving behind only pleasant memories.

Opinion - Veronica, 22 years old:“On my first solo trip, I suddenly broke down - and immediately for a month. I traveled to a bunch of places along the Adriatic coast, lived in hostels and the private sector. It’s scary to count how many people I’ve met! I probably communicated with a hundred people from all over the world. All of them, of course, have not sunk into my memory, but I still keep in touch with some of the guys (mostly from Serbia). In the summer I plan to host guests from the Balkans.”

Cons: Longing for loved ones

Opinion - Sergey, 24 years old:“I traveled a lot, mainly around Western Europe. Mostly with family or friends, but a couple of times I had the opportunity to go to long trips alone. It wasn’t boring, but after some time after returning, it became sad that there was no one who would share the memories. It’s probably because I can’t slap my friend on the shoulder and say, “Do you remember how you and I were in Paris...”, I forget Paris faster than, say, Amsterdam, from which my friends and I brought oh what fun memories."

Pros: Opportunity to try on a new look

This plus perfectly complements the opportunity to make new friends and start an affair. Just as many people like to show off their plumage in front of random fellow travelers on a train or plane, so single travelers can show off new looks for their trip. After all, in a distant land, isolated from everyone who knows your character traits and weaknesses, it is much easier to instill in yourself unusual (but desirable!) qualities and appear before people in a completely different light. The main thing is not to get too carried away and not to exaggerate - and you will get an excellent training!

Opinion - Anna, 25 years old:“Last summer I was on holiday alone in Ibiza - a lucrative trip turned up. But there are youth parties, going to bars, dancing until the morning. “The very thing” for a girl raised in a warm home environment. Of course, I didn’t get carried away with drinking there, but, with a little effort of will, I turned myself from a home girl into a good soul of the party, making friends with my hotel neighbors (mostly English). It really helped me to relax - I returned home completely refreshed!

First of all, it is worth mentioning the standard exceptions. They are regulated not only by the insurance conditions of a particular company, but also insurance legislation. No auto insurer will compensate for damage resulting from the following events.

  1. Exposure to radiation.
  2. Popular unrest.
  3. Military events.
  4. Nuclear explosion.

In addition, you should not expect payment when the car was requisitioned or confiscated by a decision of one of the government agencies. If the state representative had sufficient authority and his actions do not contradict the law, the insurer will refuse to compensate for damage resulting from such actions.

In addition, no insurance company will compensate for moral damage.

This also includes cases of lost profits and commercial losses of the car owner, for example, due to the downtime of a damaged car.

Along with the events described, it is worth mentioning cases of damage to technically faulty vehicles. If the client violated the rules for operating the car or did not pass the mandatory technical inspection, he will be refused compensation for damage.

The same result will happen if the car is rented or rented without the knowledge of the insurance company. In addition, the car owner will not be compensated for damage when using the vehicle in competitions or tests, if such a possibility is not provided for by the terms of the contract.

What does CASCO cover and does not cover?

All risks under CASCO are divided into two categories: basic and additional. The main risks are specified in the guidelines for motor insurance of land transport. These are fire, spontaneous combustion, collision of two or more vehicles, collision with standing objects, objects falling on the car (including snow, ice), illegal actions of third parties and vandalism, natural disasters(lightning, storm, tornado, tsunami, hail, rain, flood, earthquake, landslide), etc. Having a CASCO policy and the occurrence of at least one of the above risks is an insured event under CASCO.

Additional risks are included in the terms and conditions of insurance individually according to the provided program and may differ from additional types of other insurance companies. For example, an insurance company may determine that under a certain type of program it will not cover damage such as scratches on the paintwork or theft from an unguarded parking lot.

Each insurance company individually can revise additional risks, accordingly including them in the terms of the policy or excluding them from the terms. Also, these changes affect the tariff rate and can ultimately change the cost of the CASCO policy. Conclusion - the cheaper the CASCO insurance, the fewer additional risks are included in the insurance conditions.

Therefore, in order to find out what CASCO covers directly under your policy, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms of the insurance program offered to you and read the methodological recommendations on CASCO. You can also ask a number of questions to the insurance manager of your chosen insurance company and receive satisfactory answers.

You can directly ask the office manager about which risks are covered by this policy and which are not. Pay special attention to risks not foreseen. They will clearly show what you cannot count on. Since each insurance company must separately obtain a license to insure ground transport, having rules for CASCO and changing them is a labor-intensive matter. And accordingly, these rules are established and cannot be changed.

For example, your friend insured his car under a program that includes paint damage. You, in turn, may think that all insurance companies cover this damage and take out a CASCO policy with another company for more cheap price without asking questions about the terms of the contract. However, it may happen that your policy does not include this type risk and you do not receive payment for paint restoration.

Going on a trip to the sea for a girl or guy is an interesting and rewarding experience. You can buy a last-minute tour or plan a trip yourself, based on your financial capabilities and desires. The most important choice that a single tourist has to make is to choose a place to go to the sea. Rating of the most popular countries and seaside resorts for those traveling alone will help you make the right decision.

There are plenty of seaside resorts in both Europe and Asia. If you're poisoning yourself, there are three key factors to consider when choosing a location. It should be interesting, inexpensive and safe.

The choice of resort also depends on the gender of the traveler. Those entertainments that attract women will be of little interest to men. Although exceptions are allowed! In the article we will describe the most attractive and suitable places for a holiday at sea for both a single girl and a man.

What is important to realize before the trip is that no matter which route you prefer, the fate of Robinson Crusoe is not your destiny! In any small town or remote campsite there will be people, so there is a good chance you will find your company. Unless, of course, a trip to the sea is organized for the purpose of relaxing alone from the routine.

To make your trip a success, you need to plan it. For this, the following points are taken into account:

  • budget – you don’t have to have a million dollars in your bank account to good rest. There are many inexpensive offers, and if you search, you can find a last-minute tour at a very interesting place. Having calculated the price of a hotel, tickets and living expenses, it is important not to forget about the strategic reserve. You may not spend it, but you won’t be nervous and count your expenses;
  • direction, a trip to the sea alone is a great chance not only to make new acquaintances, but also to lie in a hammock, sunbathe, or stay in your room while reading books avidly. Its beauty is that you will see the world without the influence of the tastes or prejudices of your companion.

More and more women are deciding to go to the sea alone for various reasons: their vacation schedule did not coincide or their friends have urgent matters. Even children or family are not an obstacle! Unmarried men are more free and free of prejudices in this matter.

Regardless of the circumstances that prompted you to go to sea alone, there are ideal places for each!

Where to go to the sea for a girl alone

Tour operators have noticed that women of all ages are traveling alone more often, so they offer individual “Girls Only” packages that include air tickets and accommodation. Among the most popular are the following areas:

The island of Cyprus, on which, according to Greek mythology the goddess of love Aphrodite was born, ideal for relaxation. Thanks to the developed infrastructure, any girl will find suitable housing at a price and comfort. Hotels or apartments are located at different distances from the sea, so before leaving you should look at the map and book the desired option in advance.

The peak tourist season in Cyprus is July. It is at this time of year that travelers from Europe and the CIS countries come here. But in the off-season, prices drop significantly, as does the number of vacationers, so you shouldn’t discount a trip to Cyprus, for example, in November.

The beaches of the island are considered one of the best. They are cleaned every day, so the risk of stepping on a bottle is minimal. If you bring a mat with you, you can sunbathe for free.

Holidays in Cyprus do not have to be exclusively passive. There is a lot of entertainment for tourists here - excursions, exploration depths of the sea on an underwater scooter.


  • you can come at any time of the year;
  • friendliness of the local population;
  • exciting shopping;
  • delicious cuisine.


  • Left side traffic;
  • expensive excursions.

Beautiful video about Cyprus:

The resorts of Abkhazia have been well known since Soviet times. People come here from the beginning of summer until October. The warm climate of the coast makes for pleasant walks. By inhaling the aroma of exotic plants, taking sun or sea baths, you can gain strength for the rest of the year.

The absence of a language barrier and a visa-free regime are the bonuses of a holiday in Abkhazia. Besides the beaches, there is something to see here - local guides organize mountain hikes and sightseeing karst caves. So you won’t be bored in Abkhazia!


  • optimal climate;
  • lots of entertainment;
  • affordable prices.


  • sometimes water and electricity are cut off;
  • cases of theft are common, so it is better not to carry valuables with you;
  • risk of contracting an intestinal infection.

Video about Lake Ritsa:

Hawaii, Maui

This is not the most typical destination when it comes to a solo trip. If finances allow, then you should think about visiting the island of Maui. Guests can enjoy a wide range of activities, from surfing to walks along the stunning coastline. Accommodation can be a comfortable hotel or a quaint little campsite.

Hawaii has beaches of amazing colors, such as red, black and even green. Maui is interesting because the island perfectly combines secluded holidays with active ones. water activities. Nightclub life is also in full swing.

The only negative is the impressive amount announced by the tour operator, which includes air travel, meals, some excursions and accommodation fees. If you organize the trip yourself, you will be able to reduce costs. When visiting Maui (Hawaii), you should remember the climatic features of the place. If you are planning an excursion to the volcano crater, you should bring not only swimwear and sunscreen, but also warm jackets and sombrero-type hats. Otherwise, strong wind and cold will ruin the excursion.


  • magnificent beaches;
  • comfortable hotels;
  • lots of entertainment.


  • significant financial costs will be required;
  • US visa required.

Video about Maui:

This country has always attracted tourists, so it is not surprising to see a woman among them, exploring the local attractions or sunbathing on the soft sand alone. In Greece there are pebbles and sandy beaches, combined. You can live in luxury complexes or rent private apartments. The local population is friendly and hospitable. Many of them speak Russian quite well, so there will be no problems with mutual understanding. In large hotels, the staff also speaks English.

Greek food is considered one of the healthiest, so you can treat yourself to some goodies during your vacation. Exciting excursions with an experienced guide will significantly expand your horizons. Walking on soft golden sand, swimming in azure waters Mediterranean Sea promote peace and relaxation. So you will return home refreshed and ready to do great things!


  • comfortable climate;
  • ecological resort areas;
  • large selection of entertainment;
  • affordable prices;
  • profitable shopping.


  • it takes time to obtain a visa;
  • sometimes it gets too hot.

Video about Greek resort Santorini:

Where to go to the sea for a man

Any journey opens up a new, unknown world! Therefore, if you haven’t found a company for your trip, don’t despair, because there will always be places suitable for a “lone wolf.”

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

While the fair half of humanity enjoys watching Brazilian TV series, its better half should visit the famous carnival and Copacabana beach. For five whole days you will be able to admire the colorful procession and fiery samba movements.

As for Copacabana Beach, it is a place of bohemians and celebrities. He was simply created so that according to him white sand millions of feet trampled. In addition to sunbathing and swimming in the ocean, you will be able to listen to musicians perform at the largest concert venue in Rio de Janeiro.


  • warm climate;
  • many attractions;
  • beautiful nature.

Video about Rio de Janeiro:


  • expensive;
  • cases of theft are known.

Costa Rica, Herradura

If you need a place where you definitely won’t meet a familiar face, come to Costa Rica. You can rent accommodation in the city like the locals or book a hotel room through a special online service for tourists. Here you can just lie on the beach and do nothing, or you can go fishing or play outdoor sports.

Those who travel alone have every chance of meeting a beautiful surfer girl. In the evening, tourists will find clubs and other entertainment venues. You can also learn to play golf in Herradura.


  • stunning nature;
  • good roads;
  • mild climate;
  • variety of fruits;
  • warm water in the ocean.


  • long flight;
  • difference in time;
  • high cost of air tickets and accommodation.

Beautiful about Herradura:

Puerto Rico, San Juan

If you need to let off steam or forget about troubles, then San Juan (Puerto Rico) will help with this 100%. The capital has beautiful beaches, hosts various parties and organizes city tours. An abundance of delicious food, cheap soft drinks and picturesque surroundings will make your holiday memorable.

Local hotels and restaurants offer high level service, which, together with unique nature and history, literally attracts tourists from all over the world. Pick up the best option Accommodation will not be difficult, because the island has many hotels and apartments of different price categories.


  • interesting sights;
  • amazing nature;
  • good climate.


  • slight difficulties in obtaining a visa, since the territory belongs to the United States.

Every self-respecting traveler must visit Thailand at least once in their life. In Bangkok and at the resorts you can find everything you need for a good holiday. Night passions are replaced by trips to temple complexes, swimming in the gentle sea waves.

The most famous and well-maintained beaches Thailand, this is Pattaya, Hua Hin(Safest) If you want an authentic place, go to Bang Saen. It is a small university town with a great beach. Mostly Thais like to relax here. It should be noted that the intense entertainment that is typical of Pattaya cannot be found in Bang Saen.

An accessible place to relax is Khao Takib Beach, which is distinguished by the fact that the sand here is not white, but gray. The coastal restaurants serve delicious Thai food, and the beach itself will provide a calm and serene holiday.

About the nature of Thailand - in the video:


  • colorful and varied entertainment;
  • warm climate;
  • Thai massage.


  • a lot of transport and people.

How to go to the sea alone

If you have the desire and opportunity to go on a trip alone, you shouldn’t put it off until later. Sometimes a holiday at sea is exactly what you need to recuperate, gain motivation and generate new ideas.

The thought that your appearance on the beach will cause puzzled looks and wonder why you are alone is disturbing. In fact, no one cares, because everyone is immersed in their own vacation. What should not be forgotten is the safety and security of your belongings. Leaving an expensive smartphone, camera on a towel or carrying documents with you is not the best idea.

Women traveling alone may experience increased attention from men. To explain the inappropriateness of behavior or to reassure the gentleman - the choice depends solely on the lady herself.

How successful your vacation will be is determined by proper planning. The choice of location and hotel contributes to your vacation! Modern beaches and seaside resorts offer a variety of leisure options. If you like crowds and fun, then nightclubs and discos are waiting for you. For those who, on the contrary, need privacy, a walk along the embankment or the shore is the best option. To make the right choice, use online services where other travelers post reviews and information about hotels and entertainment.

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