Waterfalls - Camping Raccoon. Krasnodar region: Invisible waterfalls and the amazing Inal Melnichnaya Shchel Bay. Ponds, waterfalls, blue clay

Inal Bay

Inal Bay is a small and incredibly cozy place, located right in the middle of a mountain forest. Many compare this resort area with the legendary Blue Lagoon from the film of the same name. All thanks to the deposits of healing clay of a turquoise hue, which give the sea such a dazzling aquamarine color. Thanks to this, the bay is becoming more and more popular every year. The place is located between the resort villages of Dzhubga and Arkhipo-Osipovka, and has the official name Mountain Air. The population of the bay is just over a hundred people, but during the season this figure increases significantly due to the large influx of vacationers.

What places to visit?

Those who want to fully relax from the exhausting hustle and bustle of the world and enjoy solitude and tranquility go to this resort area. However, you shouldn’t spend all your time lying on the beach, because the bay has interesting places and attractions that deserve attention:

  • Natural baths with blue clay. Right on the territory of the resort, anyone can plunge into a small lake created by nature itself. This bowl is filled with healing blue clay mixed with spring water. It is believed that swimming in the lake has a powerful rejuvenating effect, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, and also perfectly cleanses the skin.
  • Bzhid waterfalls. Right behind the village of Bzhid (which includes Inal Bay) there is a picturesque natural attraction. The waterfalls consist of several water cascades, accessed by a wooden staircase. There are many cafes and eateries nearby where you can taste delicious local dishes. The hallmark of this place is the “Wish Trees”. According to popular beliefs, if you stand under one of them and make a wish, it will certainly come true.
  • Mill gap. This is an excellent place for walks and family holidays. There is everything here: catering points, stocked ponds, natural bowls with medicinal clay, a spring with the purest water, clearings for picnics in the forest, and so on. For lovers of active pastime, walks deep into the gap are offered, where you can see the most beautiful cascade of waterfalls. And if you continue up, the route will lead to the top of Mount Gebeus, where there are excellent viewing platforms.

The bay cannot boast of developed services, but there are all the conditions for a comfortable stay: many affordable housing options, picturesque nature and an incredibly beautiful sea.

Beaches of Inal Bay

The entire coastline of the bay is one large pebble beach with shady areas. It is here that the largest man-made small-pebble beach in Europe was created - its length is about five kilometers. In addition to swimming in clear sea waters, vacationers are offered a wide range of entertainment: boat trips, sea fishing, jet skis and catamarans. Here is the Iceberg water attraction, which is incredibly popular among children and adults. The banks near the central part of the village are usually better equipped and quite crowded during the season. Those who want to enjoy wild nature and solitude should go a little further from the bay.

Nature and climate

Inal Bay is an environmentally friendly resort area where there are no busy highways or industrial enterprises. All this, coupled with a favorable Mediterranean climate, gradually turning into a humid subtropical one, makes the resort an ideal place for relaxation and recovery. The swimming season here opens in mid-May and lasts until the end of September. The average temperature in summer is +24ºС. Natural forests contain various types of shrubs and conifers, including fir, pine and juniper, which create a healing microclimate.

A country Russia, Krasnodar region.

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Not far from Dzhubga there is the picturesque Inal Bay, popular among lovers of a quiet holiday by the sea.

We visited there at the end of September. We liked the place.

Inal Bay – a little history

The sea water of Inal Bay is a beautiful blue color. There are thick layers of blue limestone here. The bottom of the bay and even the mountains are formed from it. This text was stolen from the Roads of the World website (site)!

In Inal Bay there is a beautiful azure sea

Where to stay in Inal Bay

The entire coastal zone of Inal Bay is divided into 6 sections. There are many recreation centers on them. There are so many of them here that up to 10 thousand people can relax in the bay at the same time. Prices for holidays in Inal Bay are affordable and it is not necessary to book a room in advance.

Finding housing in Inal Bay is not a problem - there are advertisements at every turn

However, it is important to consider the location. There are areas closer to the sea and further from the sea. Sections 1 and 2 are closest to the beach.

Scheme map of Inal Bay. According to Yandex maps

Please note that there are no luxury five-star hotels here. But there is an abundance of recreation centers and campsites operating from May to September-October.

Recreation centers of Inal Bay:

"Lukomorye", section 1. Tel. 8-918-454-54-56.

"Victoria", section 2. Tel.: 8-918-114-10-00. Website: http://inalbay.ru. Email: [email protected].

Recreation center "Victoria"

"Neftyanik", section 2. Tel.: 8-918-216-69-69.

"Olympus", section 4. Tel.: 8-928-442-61-21, 8-928-282-54-54.

"Dubrava", section 5. Tel. 8-906-434-22-27. Email: [email protected]

Car camping in Inal Bay:

“On the First”, section 1. Tel.: 8-989-120-30-00, 8-918-114-20-00. Website: http://avtocamping-inalbay.ru.

Autocamping “On the First”

Autocamping “On the First”

Autocamping “On the First”

"Inal Bay". The entrance to the campsite is on the left on the road to the village.

Autocamping "Inal Bay"

How to get to Inal Bay

Inal Bay is located between Dzhubga and Arkhipo-Osipovka, on the section of the Dzhubga - Gelendzhik road, but far away from the highway, near the sea.

How to get to Inal Bay from Dzhubga. According to Yandex maps

The road distance from Dzhubga (from the bus station) to Inal Bay is 14 kilometers (25 minutes by car, but if there are traffic jams, much longer), from Arkhipo-Osipovka 17 km (19 minutes drive, getting there is much easier and faster than to Dzhubga ). From Gelendzhik 70 kilometers (by car 1 hour 10 minutes), from Krasnodar 140 km (2 hours travel). From the Dzhubga – Gelendzhik interchange 8.4 km.

We enter Bzhid

By car to Inal Bay: from the M4-Don highway 4 km. Turning left in Bzhida following the sign “Blue Bay, Inal Bay”, go straight along the street. Democratic.

In Bzhida we turn left from the highway following the sign

If you drive from Dzhubga, the turn is quite sharp

By public transport: bus No. 12 from the Dzhubga bus station (Novorossiysk highway, 1b, tel. Dzhubga bus station: 8-861-679-43-30) to the village. Bzhid. Further on foot (4.5 kilometers), hitch a ride or taxi.

The road to Inal Bay is paved, among the mountains

In summer, buses run daily from Krasnodar to Inal. Sign up by phone: 8-918-915-09-11, 8-918-39-777-49, 8-918-490-45-75.

Ticket office in Krasnodar

You can also get there by regular bus Krasnodar - Gelendzhik (ask to stop in Bzhida).

Serene beauty

Taxi from Krasnodar airport, tel.: 8-989-828-92-18.

You can also call a taxi in Inal Bay by phone: Sputnik 8-952-848-75-58; Sea taxi 9-918-117-60-17. In summer, the cost of a taxi from Inal Bay to Dzhubga is 300-400 rubles.

The storm brought wood chips ashore

The road from the highway to Inal Bay is beautiful. The asphalt is pretty good.

Interactive map to help:

There are mountains and forests everywhere. Just a heavenly place. And there are few people, compared to other resorts in the Krasnodar region.

P.S. Don’t be confused by the photos with algae and garbage on the beaches of Inal Bay. The shore here is sometimes cleaned. We were just after the storm. And the slightly dirty color of the water near the shore is also due to the storm the day before.

I hope you were interested in my review of Inal Bay.

Have you been here? Or maybe you would like to relax?

All materials on the “Roads of the World” website are copyrighted. We kindly ask you not to take articles and photographs without permission from the author and the site administration.

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On the border of the Tuapse region with Gelendzhik, not far from the village of Bzhid, there is a wonderful place where you can have a good rest in nature - the Mill Gap, which is a beautiful forest gorge formed by the river of the same name. It originates on the eastern slope of Mount Gebius, from a height of seven hundred thirty-five meters and descends as a restless mountain stream, flowing into the Bzhid River.

There are two ponds where you can organize excellent fishing, which, according to local residents, can be completely unpredictable.

Nearby there is a spring with the purest, very tasty spring water, as well as a mountain stream, near which there are deposits of healing blue clay. It is popular in various countries and is widely used to treat many ailments. It’s all the more pleasant that here, in Melnichnaya Shlit, you can try its healing power for yourself, without specifically traveling to other resorts for this. For picnic lovers, there are special places in the cool, shady forest where you can relax, have a smoky barbecue and admire the surrounding natural landscapes. At first glance, it may seem that the Mill Gap is a place for lazy relaxation in nature. In fact, people with different temperaments can relax here. Upon arrival, some will be happy to have a cafe and other amenities of civilization right in nature, while others, those who love active recreation, hiking and new experiences, will be able to take a fascinating forty-minute walk to the Bzhid waterfalls.

The mill gap is a good place for outdoor recreation.

The walk begins deep into the gorge along the bed of the stream with cascades and small drains. The water runs over the stones, jumping over boulders, flows off the ledges in a stream, bubbles, but does not stop its rapid movement for a moment. The first waterfall along the route is small, just over a meter high, the second is about three meters high with a bowl at the bottom, the depth of which is one meter. Here, if you wish, you can take a dip in the crystal clear, cool water. The places along the route are quite narrow, the wooden steps along which you have to climb along the water stream are quite slippery. Therefore, to ensure safety while hiking, you must have good, comfortable, reliable shoes with a rigid fit on the foot and non-slip soles. No sandals or flip-flops - these can be dangerous. The third waterfall is even higher - four meters. It, like everyone else, is very beautiful - water falls along steep stone walls, overgrown with emerald moss and entwined with ivy.

In general, in May, when the sun begins to warm up like summer, and in June, the Melnichnaya Glit waterfalls are still filled with water, so you can swim here to your heart’s content. At the end of the hike, after a small turn, travelers are presented with another impressive natural picture - a large two-cascade waterfall. Each of the waterfalls is beautiful in its own way, and after rounding the last waterfall, you can climb a rather steep slope to a mountain range located next to Mount Gebius, which has excellent viewing platforms from which magnificent views open up. Those who do not want to stop there and want to continue the hike can go down the mountain directly into the bed of the Teshebs River and, as a bonus for perseverance, admire the famous Gebius Falls.

There are a lot of beautiful and interesting places around the village of Lermontovo that you should visit. The Caucasian ridge runs here, from which many mountain rivers originate. There are many unique and picturesque natural attractions - gorges, waterfalls, mountain valleys covered with relict forests.

In the village itself, numerous travel agencies will offer you excursions to various parts of the coast, including a trip to Abkhazia.

We want to offer you the most interesting, nearby routes that you can visit while vacationing with us.

Tenginsky waterfalls.

Waterfalls are one of the most common attractions of the Krasnodar region, they are all diverse and each is fascinating in its own way. The closest of them are Tenginsky waterfalls. Just 5 km from the center of the village of Lermontovo is the village of Tenginka, after which the waterfalls are named. From the village to the waterfalls it is another 2.5 km, following the signs in the village you need to turn onto the gravel road, which will lead you to your destination. You won’t be able to get to the waterfalls themselves; a barrier will prevent you from doing so. But it doesn’t matter, from the barrier you only have to walk half a kilometer along a marked wide road, admiring the forest landscapes.

Entrance to the waterfalls is paid (about 150 rubles)

The first waterfall is double, about 15 meters high. With a small bowl at the foot, in which you can cool off in hot weather.

You can get to the second waterfall only by pedal-powered cable car (the trip is paid, the price is about 50 rubles). The cable car runs through the beautiful gorge of the Shapsukho River.

The second waterfall is single and about 8 meters high. All this is located in a very picturesque place. The fabulous forest and mountain air will leave you with an indelible impression.

Mill gap. Ponds, waterfalls, blue clay.

Approximately 20 km from the village of Lermontovo, between the villages of Bzhid and Teshebs, there is a beautiful forest gorge called Melnichnaya Shchel. You won’t miss the entrance to Melnichnaya Shchel; there is a large banner on the M4 federal highway.

This place is equipped for tourist recreation; here you will find cafes, fishing ponds, and picnic areas.

A mountain stream flows nearby. In the bed of this stream there are deposits of blue clay; in some places you can swim in crystal clear water.

But, undoubtedly, the most interesting decoration of this corner are the Bzhid waterfalls, which you will encounter if you walk along the bed of the stream. Along the way you will come across small waterfalls, and after a 30-40 minute walk through the forest you will come to impressively sized waterfalls.

Your adventures may not end there, you can climb higher into the mountains, to do this you need to go around the last waterfall and climb a rather steep mountain path to the top. These trails lead to a ridge near Mount Gebeus and great views.

If you go down from Gebeus into the bed of the Teshebs River, you can also see the famous Gebius waterfalls.

The Krasnodar region is rich in waterfalls. They can always help out a tourist on the weekend!
Due to the fact that I love them very much, I have visited all the surrounding areas more than once. Now it’s the turn of the waterfalls in the Melnichnaya Gap.

On the federal highway M4, after the village of Teshebs (there are Tesheb waterfalls), before reaching the village of Bzhid, there is a banner. You won't miss it. That's what the Internet said. We sat down and let's go. There is no banner, we stopped in Bzhid, which means we missed it.
We returned, the navigation roughly showed the desired point, left Aliska under the “Fishing” sign and set off along the dry river.

The sun began to get hot and from 23 degrees, the temperature rose to 29. The road was always up, after a while conversations began on the topic: “Where have you taken us, Susanin the hero?” “How much longer to go?” "Let's turn on the navigator." And we walked only two kilometers. I looked at the map beforehand and was sure that we were going the right way, especially since the jeepers confirmed this. I just kept silent about the fact that the walk was 5-7 kilometers, otherwise I had no chance at all of getting into the Mill Gap. We would have had a great time here in a UAZ.

Besides, I wanted to eat! Let's stop and have a snack! And I see, by all indications, we won’t see waterfalls today!

But if you don’t see waterfalls, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Simply, they are invisible! And the photographs were beautiful and it was also possible to swim in the bowl, but it seems to me not after the dry summer.

Here! There are even such waterfalls in our region! For a detailed selection of different natural beauties, see here!

We’ll leave the mill gap for later, for example, on Tourist Day!

Amazing Inal Bay.

Such a beautiful name of the bay attracted us to see it for a long time. But this is quite far from Novorossiysk and somehow it didn’t work out. And we promised you to expand the selection of Black Sea beaches.

And in September, we finally decided to resume our forays into nature and add Inal Bay to the waterfalls in Melnichnaya Shlit.
We wanted to inspect it for the purpose of spending the night somewhere in nature by the sea. For free. It turned out that this was not an option at all.

There is little space, narrow streets, completely built up with sanatoriums and recreation centers at the level of 200 rubles. per person. The beach was quite deserted in September. The main street is narrow, what's going on here in the summer?

But this is not the place of our dreams. As my husband said: “Sovdepiya!”, but you can also say that this is a place for a budget vacation. This bay struck us with its commonness, cramped conditions and garbage on the way to the village.

All the infrastructure is there. Convenient with children. But we didn't like it. We are unlikely to come here on vacation. It looks like our Durso, but the village is much larger. The beach is small pebbles. On the road to the village, there are heaps of picturesque garbage lying everywhere.