The Yenisei is the confluence of the substone Tunguska. The "Tunguska meteorite" was a pillar of fire. Russian newspapers wrote about this phenomenon like this:

Day 1. Thursday. 26 July

Group gathering at Yemelyanovo airport in Krasnoyarsk at 13:30. Flight to Podkamennaya Tunguska. Upon arrival, transfer to the village of Bor in the Turukhansky District Krasnoyarsk Territory. Excursion to the estate of the Central Siberian Natural Biosphere Reserve. Preserving more than 1 million hectares of land, the reserve is one of the largest forest reserves in the world. It preserves 120 km² of the Yenisei water area, 12 km² of the Podkamennaya Tunguska water area, swimming pools cleanest rivers: Stolbovaya and Varlamovka. Visit to the Museum of Nature.

After this, you will be given a safety briefing. Boarding motor boats. Departure up the Podkamennaya Tunguska River (the right tributary of the Yenisei). This river originates from the Angara Ridge and flows along the Central Siberian Plateau. Stop at the Sulomai Pillars. This canyon is a monument of regional significance. Egor vertical slopes reach 150 m. Picnic in nature at the foot of the cliffs, photo and video shooting.

Continuation of the route up the river. Podkamennaya Tunguska to the mouth of the Stolbovaya River. In the Stolbovaya River basin, in the very “heart” of the reserve, Paleozoic marine deposits can be observed. Fragments of sediments are washed out annually by small rivers of the Stolbovaya basin and form large spits composed entirely of fossilized bryozoans, corals, sponges, brachiopods and other representatives of ancient fauna. Arrival at the Stolbovaya cordon, 6-bed accommodation at the Stolbovaya cordon in a guest house. Dinner, rest, bath.

Day 2. Friday. July 27

Breakfast. Departure to the hovercraft "Khivus-6" up the Stolbovaya River. Arrival at the source of the river. Stolbovaya is the right tributary of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, the total length of the river is 61 km, the drainage basin area is 350 km², a parking and rest area, 6-bed accommodation at the Birakchan cordon. Dinner. Excursion along the rocky spit of the river. Birakchan, inspection of fossilized marine sediments of the Paleozoic era, whose age is 400-500 million years. Photo and video shooting. Excursion to the rock canyon to the Krutenky waterfall. Easy climb to observation decks canyon, photo and video filming. We will admire the picturesque nature of these places, rock canyon, waterfalls, frozen landscapes, “red cliffs”, observation rare species birds and animals. Over 500 vascular plants are found on the territory of the reserve. The fauna of the reserve includes 36 species of freshwater fish. The Red Book includes: 22 species of plants and animals of the reserve, including: 1 species of mammals, 3 species of plants (orchids), 12 species of birds, 3 species of bumblebees, 3 species of butterflies. Return to the “Birakchan” cordon, dinner, rest by the fire, sauna.

Day 3. Saturday. July 28th

Breakfast. Departure on an excursion to perennial larches. Relict larches (600 years old), walking tour through the taiga. Return to the Birakchan cordon, lunch, dinner.

Day 4. Sunday. July 29

Breakfast. Fees. Departure down the Stolbovaya River to the mouth of the river. Kulingna. Relaxation on the Japanese Garden Peninsula. Picnic lunch. Descent to the mouth of the river. Stolbovaya. Photography at the Stolbovsky Guards. Arrival at the Stolbovaya cordon. Rest, bath. Dinner.

Day 5. Monday. July 30

Breakfast. Departure on motor boats to the village of Kochumdek - the place of residence of the Old Believers. Acquaintance with the life and way of life of the Old Believers, meeting with the elders in the community. You can try freshly baked bread from a Russian oven and the famous Kerzhatsky “hay-making kvass”, and buy souvenirs from local craftsmen. Thematic excursion. Return to the Stolbovaya cordon, dinner.

Day 6. Tuesday. July 31

Breakfast. Departure on motor boats down the river. Podkamennaya Tunguska from the Stolbovaya cordon to the village. Bor. Stop at the Sulomai Pillars, easy rock climbing, photo and video shooting, picnic. Arrival in the village Bor. Transfer to the hotel, 3- and 4-bed accommodation. Dinner.

Day 7. Wednesday. August 1

05:30 breakfast. Transfer to the pier, 07:00 departure by high-speed boat to Yeniseisk. Stops in ancient villages of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (during the stop, going ashore is not allowed). Lunch on the ship. Arrival in Yeniseisk 17:40. Transfer to the Yeniseiskaya Hotel. Accommodation at the Yeniseiskaya Hotel - 2, 3 beds. The hotel is located in the city center, has unique 18th century architecture and an ancient interior. Facilities are located on the floor, washbasins with hot and cold water, modern showers. The rooms are equipped with handmade pine furniture (beds, bedside tables, wardrobes), the halls are covered with carpets. The hotel has a dining room, which is located on the ground floor. Free time. Dinner.

Day 8. Thursday. August 2

Breakfast. Sightseeing tour in the city of Yeniseisk. Excursion to the Yenisei Museum of Local Lore. Yeniseisk - located on the Yenisei Plain, on the left bank of the Yenisei, below the confluence of the Angara, 330 km north of Krasnoyarsk. The city of Yeniseisk is called “a museum under open air", the urban development includes 94 architectural monuments. The complex of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and four churches are unique examples of Siberian baroque, built in the middle and second half of the 18th century; they are close to Russian churches of the previous century in terms of their spatial structure and picturesque decor. The stone civil buildings of Yeniseisk are mainly two-story houses along the main street, on the embankment and central squares. Excursion to the private museum "Photo Hut". Dinner. Excursion to the private Plane Museum. The only collection of planes that is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Excursion to Monastery Lake, located 30 km west of Yeniseisk. Here, on a holy piece of Yenisei land, prayer services and the sacraments of baptism are performed. Beautiful place for relaxing and swimming. Return to the hotel, dinner. Excursion to the coachman's farmstead.

Day 9. Friday. August 3rd

Breakfast. Release of rooms. Departure to the pier. Boarding the passenger cruise ship "A. Matrosov". Accommodation in first class cabins (in the cabin there are 2 soft sofas, a wardrobe, a washbasin). Departure from Yeniseisk to Krasnoyarsk. Dinner. Excursion on the ship, travel information. Dinner.

Day 10. Saturday. August 4

Breakfast. Passing the Kazachinsky rapids - the most difficult section on the Yenisei near the village of Kazachinsky (233-240 km from Krasnoyarsk). Its length is 4 km. It is formed by rocky ledges, rocky ridges of the Yenisei Ridge, crossing the channel along its entire width. Piloting vessels against the current is carried out by the only special motor ship in Russia, the Yenisei, which moves by pulling a cable laid along the river bottom. The bed of the Yenisei at the threshold narrows to 350m, and the shipping channel - to 70m. But how beautiful is the Kazachinsky threshold with all its severity! Many artists have repeatedly painted its views. The rapid originates at Kamenny Cape. The water in the Yenisei makes noise and foams near the stones. The high hills of the river banks fascinate with their beauty, visible beautiful rocks, breaking off near the water, for example, the Eagle rock on the left bank. Amazing on the right bank beautiful island with the name Ostrovki, and behind it the picturesque Zaostrovskaya channel. The ship passes by a large transshipment pier and the village of Strelka, located at the confluence of two large Siberian rivers, the Yenisei and the Angara. Dinner. Travel information. 20:00 arrival in Krasnoyarsk at the river station.

Tour booking conditions

If you have decided on the choice of tour or you have questions, you can leave us a request on the website, write by email or call the office convenient for you.

To book a tour, you must conclude an agreement and make an advance payment in the amount of 20-50% of the cost of the ordered services, the remaining amount must be paid no later than 30 days before the start of the tour, except in other cases announced by the manager.

Payment is made in cash at the company's office in Moscow or Irkutsk, or by bank transfer to the company's bank account. All documents necessary for payment will be promptly provided by the company manager.

Ending. Started in the previous three posts.

So, another third of the total distance has been covered, only one of the three remains. And as it turned out, and as expected, this is the most photogenic part of the river. Now we know our capabilities, we know that the remaining distance is not so great and will not require too much time. Therefore, you can change your tactics a little and allow yourself to linger longer in certain, most interesting places. And this part of the river is famous precisely for its pillars, that is, remnants. And if your task is simply to film beautiful scenery certainly on Podkamennaya Tunguska, and do not strain yourself with a long route, then for this you need to fly to on a local plane from Krasnoyarsk to Baykit and start your rafting from here.

The first complexes of outliers, or so-called pillars, worthy of serious attention, begin already 20 kilometers below the village and stretch for about five kilometers. Unlike those that were found at the very top, on Katanga, these remnants are composed of basalts and therefore have a slightly different appearance. They were still monolithic and with smooth shapes. These ones seem to be made of bricks, even slightly reminiscent of the structures in the children's game "Lego". They stand along the banks as guards, as if they were guarding a river. Or suddenly fortress walls will appear, otherwise something wonderful will be guessed. Small canyon-like gorges formed by short side streams are especially rich in remnants; they spent days there in search of favorable angles. But the weather didn’t really allow us to explore all the possibilities. At one such site, where we spent a couple of days, we were lucky enough to get to know the local inhabitants relatively closely. As soon as we landed on the shore, it immediately became clear that a bear family lived here. Everything is trampled around, heaps are piled up, eloquently telling about the diet of the owners of this gorge. Apparently, a mother with two cubs is registered here. On the second day, the weather decided to provide unlimited opportunities for work, and we scattered from the camp, each in search of his own, the best angle. Or rather, Kirill remained somewhere closer to the entrance to the gorge, but it still seemed to me that there was something better somewhere further away, and therefore gradually, with work, he began to move up the gorge. And the higher I went, the more signs of the presence of local inhabitants I found. So I almost reached the very end of the gorge, it will be no more than two kilometers. This is where they made themselves known. It seems that they saw the intruder a long time ago, but did not reveal themselves. And here, one might say, my back was against the wall. The bear family, of course, could climb the hill and calmly leave. But this arrangement probably did not seem fair to them. At some point, about a hundred meters from me, the roar of falling stones was heard across the stream, then the bear growled menacingly, and the cubs began barking displeasedly. It was not possible to see the dissatisfied people; the dense forest thickets that hid them prevented them from being seen. He did not dare to go further, after standing a little for order, he retreated. So the sovereignty of the residents was respected, but they also calmly allowed us to work in the lower part of the gorge.

Podkamennaya Tunguska below Baykit.

As a matter of fact, the mouth of almost any tributary, both small and large, turned out to be interesting here. A long working stop turned out to be at the mouth of the Great Nirungda, a beautiful right tributary. We arrived at the site wet and frozen. The weather doesn't allow me to relax, so again today I had fun with cold rain with a headwind to boot. And the harbinger of this disgrace turned out to be an unusual silky cloudiness, which they were not even too lazy to capture. The discovered object, that is, the mouth of the Great Nirungda, left no doubt about the need to pay attention to it. Along the Tunguska itself, with a long and high wall near the very shore, right up to the mouth of the tributary, remnants are built, and along Nirungda they exist. And this entire row of sculptures is headed by one bizarre stone structure, resembling either the head of a rooster or a man in a hat. It’s amazing how this figure, made up of separate blocks and seemingly completely unstable, still holds up. It is doubtful that it will last long in this form. But a suitable parking place was not immediately found. As it turned out later, there was a hut just below the mouth, but they didn’t know about it then, and they wanted to stay higher, because this is where all the beauty is. In search of an acceptable place, we went slightly deeper into the forest and came across a path that led to a well-hidden but good-quality hut. If anything brightens up the harsh life of such travel, it is precisely surprises like these, presented at just the right time. The catamaran, along with all its belongings, was dragged up the Nirungda, closer to the hut. Now you can light the stove, calmly dry yourself, cook dinner, have dinner at the table and go to bed on the spacious bunks. In every journey there is some moment, some point on the route, the memories of which then warm the soul for a long time. On Podkamennaya Tunguska this place turned out to be here, in a wonderful hut at the mouth of the beautiful Big Nirungda. And this despite the fact that we came here on the thirteenth on Friday.

The right bank of the Podkamennaya Tunguska at the mouth of the Bolshaya Nirungda. Here, in addition to landscape delights, you can observe an interesting geological section. The remains themselves are composed of basalts. And at the base there is a noticeable strip of white rocks. These are limestones. As you know, it is a product of marine sediments. Further, the area rose and became dry land, where volcanic eruptions subsequently occurred. As a result, basalt covers were formed.

Big Nirungda before its confluence with the Podkamennaya Tunguska.

Stone idol at the mouth of the Great Nirungda.

Silky sky is a harbinger of bad weather.

Then we walked down the river for several days without stopping, but we weren’t in a hurry, we paid attention interesting objects. Immediately after Nirungda there are two easy rapids with funny names- Grandmother and grandfather. Here on the banks, pieces of jet are scattered here and there. Further on is a village with an unusual name - Polygus. There they tried to get in touch with Moscow, but it turned out that there was no such opportunity, either temporarily, or always like this. Immediately after the rather fast rapids of Muchnaya, we observed a large river transport, a towing barge, thrown ashore. People were fussing around it, they say they settled here in the spring, and they still haven’t been able to drag it into the water, but this needs to be done before the freeze-up. That’s why this rapid is called that way, because at one time many barges with flour lost their cargo here and were sent to feed fish. Very low big island Kochenyatsky spent the night in a small company at the mouth of the left tributary of the Dyagdagli. This couple from Sverdlovsk, rafting from Baykit on a rubber boat, was met a long time ago. Periodically they caught up, then fell behind again, busy with work. And Kochenyatsky Island, from the word numb, was so named apparently because someone here was frozen to death, not having, for some reason, the opportunity to get to the shore.

The village of Polygus. Skyscraper - administration building. A friendly woman is the deputy head of the administration.

Disaster before the threshold of Muchnaya.

Kochenyatsky Island.

Morning somewhere beyond Kochenyatsky.

Right there.


Then came the time of the Great Threshold. The severity of this obstacle was difficult to assess from the scant descriptions from old tourist reports. But the locals were a little intimidated. Indeed, the rapids turned out to be the most significant on the entire river; we had to strain a little. But in fact, this obstacle is not dangerous for rafting on a catamaran. It just turned out that there was a two-stage threshold, which they didn’t know about. The second, no less powerful stage, received us when we had already relaxed and looked ahead victoriously, but then we had to duplicate everything. However, the obstacle remained behind without causing any damage, except for a little water that washed over my right leg. The imminent end of the route became more conscious from that moment. Only a series of Velma rapids loomed ahead, and then flat water all the way to the Yenisei.

Once we spent the night, not reaching three kilometers from the mouth of a large left tributary called Velmo. We spotted a comfortable hut on the right bank. Nizhny Baikitik, a small river, flows nearby. They occupied the house like a master, and a little later the real owners arrived, a man with a big beard and a boy, his son. We sailed to motor boat They were probably going to spend the night here, but they didn’t kick out the guests. Not only were they left with us what kind of food they had, they also shared the grayling they caught right there. Here, at the mouth of Nizhny Baikitik, there is a grid of them. In general, these are residents of Burnoy. Up the Velmo River, seven kilometers from the mouth, there is a village with that name. The river of the same name flows into Velmo there. And real Old Believers live there, not bad, they say, they live. Now it’s not even bad to be Old Believers; young people are not drafted into the army.

Velmo introduced a fresh stream into the waters of the Podkamennaya Tunguska. For several kilometers they seem to flow side by side without mixing - the clear and greenish Velma water and the brown water of the Podkamennaya Tunguska. The series of Velma rapids did not surprise us at all; they passed calmly.

Old Believers from Burnoe.

Checking networks.

Haystacks at the mouth of Velmo

Behind the rapids I liked the mouth of the right tributary, under the unpronounceable name - Maigungna. The fast and rapid river flows beautifully and noisily into the Podkamennaya Tunguska. We just caught the flood, and there were heavy rains. We can say that before our eyes Maigungna was swollen with yellow water and in a frenzied stream tried to quickly dump the excess load into big river. On Tunguska itself, this flood did not have much effect; the water level almost did not rise. Not far from the mouth, of course, we found a hut for our comfortable stay. It’s so small that you literally have to crawl into the doorway. It should be noted that in this part of the river, where the Old Believers live, for some reason all the huts are so small. Is it really true that asceticism is inherent in them? The two of us somehow accommodated ourselves in the hut, but here we also had to make room; the guests arrived on a boat, carrying some cargo down the river. They left two men to go fishing, and then they went on and would pick them up on the way back. Well, in cramped conditions, but no offense. We shared with each other what we could. We spent three days on Maigungna, but the weather still did not allow us to reveal the creative potential of this place. And the wind was so strong that the standing tripod easily fell to the ground. But we still caught a few interesting moments and waited for meager glimpses of the sun.

Maigungna is the right tributary of the Podkamennaya Tunguska.

Flood at Maigungna.


At the mouth of Maigungna.

And then, in working order, they began to slowly move towards the exit from the river. Just above the village of Sulomai, above the Black Island, the mountains, as if saying goodbye, finally squeeze the Podkamennaya Tunguska in their arms, only to then let them go for good all the way to the Yenisei. This place is called Cheeks here. The banks at last delight the eye with their stone sculptures, the river meanders beautifully in a narrow and deep passage. In Shcheki we also spent the night in a small hut. It stands on a steep bank, high from the water, about twenty to thirty meters vertically, but, apparently, in the spring the water rises right under this hut. This stone neck is so narrow, serving as a kind of gate on the way to the Yenisei.

Podstone Tunguska in "Cheeks".

In "Cheeks" the stone sculptures also indulged in their own subjects. This one is clearly an Indian in profile.

Group self-portrait. Kirill is in the foreground. Somewhere already before the exit to the Yenisei. Someone, looking at this picture, said: “Well, you’re like brothers here.” Well, yes, two months together, in taiga conditions. Slightly overgrown.

We reached the Yenisei on August 28, safely crossed this huge river from the right to the left bank and stopped at the pier in the village of Bor. Here we had to wait a couple of days for a passing ship to Krasnoyarsk and here our long journey along the Podkamennaya Tunguska, a river worthy of dreaming about, worthy of making dreams come true.

Well, for a snack - berries, mushrooms.

Stone berry.

Currant - sorrel.

Karpukhin Sergey.

Heavenly stones, comets and Nikola Tesla are not involved in the monstrous disaster that happened on June 30, 1908 in Siberia

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This riddle is over a hundred years old. On June 30 (June 17, old style), 1908, in Siberia, in the basin of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, north of the village of Vanavara, an event of global scale occurred. There were flights of fireballs, powerful air explosions, shaking of the earth, etc. Judging by newspaper publications, three versions of the phenomenon initially arose: a meteorite, ball lightning (or a whole series of them) and an earthquake. The deaths were not recorded and therefore the details of the event soon began to be forgotten, which was facilitated by the subsequent world and civil wars.

In the 1920s, interest in the Tunguska phenomenon arose. The initiator and leader of the first serious expeditions to Tunguska, the devotee of science Leonid Alekseevich Kulik, conducted a large amount of research. He found a huge radial forest fall with trees standing without bark and branches in the center of the fall. Many of them were burned. It seemed that only a space alien could have the energy necessary for this. Therefore, at that time the meteorite version of the phenomenon prevailed.

Leonid Kulik, the first researcher of the Tunguska meteorite. Please note that on the calendar - June 30, the date of the event

In the center of the forest fall there was a swamp. Kulik suggested that this was a meteorite crater. But neither Kulik nor his followers succeeded in finding even a small piece of meteorite matter. The war and the death of Kulik suspended field research.

The results of pre-war research were summarized by Kulik’s student and participant in his expeditions, Evgeniy Leonidovich Krinov, who published the book “The Tunguska Meteorite” in 1949, which was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1952. True, many circumstances did not fit into the official picture of events, but here they acted simply - such circumstances were explained by the illiteracy of witnesses and were excluded from consideration, and instead invented ones were added, for example, only one was flying heavenly body and it had a smoky tail.

The meteorite hypothesis of the Tunguska explosion acquired the status of the ultimate truth in the USSR. Millions of Soviet people were introduced to this truth through encyclopedias and school textbooks.

In the 50s, it was possible to begin expeditionary work at a new stage. K. Florensky, N. Vasiliev, G. Plekhanov and other famous scientists made enormous efforts to study the Tunguska problem. A lot of factual material was collected, and it was also established that the explosion was airborne and it was unlikely that anything reached the earth’s surface. It followed from this that the term “meteorite” has nothing to do with this phenomenon (a meteorite is a cosmic body that fell on earth's surface). Then it was suggested that it was not a meteorite, but the nucleus of an icy comet, evaporated by aerodynamic heating in the atmosphere. But even in this direction, decisive success was not achieved.

Hundreds of other hypotheses also appeared, but none of them corresponded to the entire complex of circumstances.

So what happens? All versions of the Tunguska phenomenon contradict one or another of its characteristics. Maybe it’s worth returning to the original state, when, in addition to a meteorite, ball lightning (or a whole series of them) and an earthquake were considered possible causes of the phenomenon? On this path, the idea of ​​the Moscow physicist Andrei Olkhovatov turned out to be fruitful. He substantiated that the root cause of the Tunguska event was indeed an earthquake.


The circumstances of this event in modern publications are described distortedly due to the influence of the Tunguska meteorite hypothesis. Therefore, these circumstances will have to be presented anew and as objectively as possible.

So, not far from the village of Vanavara, in the area where ancient volcanic pipes are located, a disaster occurred. Within a radius of more than 600 km from the center of the event, the earth shook and trembled. Seismic waves of this phenomenon were recorded by seismographs in Tashkent, Tbilisi, Jena (Germany).

The seismograph of the Irkutsk Meteorological Observatory at 7:17 a.m. local time recorded the beginning of the earthquake, which was assigned the number 1536. There were several main underground impacts. The earthquake was accompanied by air explosions of such power that the sound was heard within a radius of up to 1200 km, and instruments recorded that air wave circled the globe twice.

A few minutes after the series of explosions, a disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field was recorded, which lasted about four hours. Anomalous celestial phenomena began even before June 30. On June 17-19, the northern lights were observed on the middle Volga. Since June 21, in many places in Europe and Western Siberia the sky has been full of bright colored dawns. On the night of June 30 to July 1 from Siberia to Western Europe Night practically did not fall, silvery clouds glowed brightly in the sky. By July 4th, the celestial anomalies had largely ended.

Numerous frightened witnesses on the morning of June 30 in the southern part of Central Siberia observed the flight of fireballs. Each observer saw one ball, but its direction of movement was different in different areas - mainly towards the epicenter of the phenomenon.

Many saw wide multi-colored moving stripes or pillars and circles of fire in the sky, after which explosions began to disappear. Others heard a lot of noise and booming in the absence of wind.

In the taiga, trees were felled in a circle with a radius of 30 km and the vegetation was burned. The energy of the air explosion, estimated from this radial fall of trees, is estimated at 10-40 megatons of TNT (1000 Hiroshima bombs).

Russian newspapers This is how they wrote about this phenomenon:

“On the morning of June 17, at the beginning of 9 am, we observed some unusual natural phenomenon. In the village of N-Karelinsky ... the peasants saw in the northwest, quite high above the horizon, some extremely strong (it was impossible watch) a body shining with a white bluish light, moving for 10 minutes from top to bottom. The body was presented in the form of a “pipe”, i.e. cylindrical. The sky was cloudless, only not high above the horizon, in the same direction in which the luminous body was observed, a small dark cloud was noticeable. It was hot, dry. Approaching the ground (forest), the shiny body seemed to blur, in its place a huge cloud of black smoke formed and an extremely strong knock (not thunder) was heard, as if from large falling stones or cannon fire. All the buildings were shaking. All the residents of the village ran in panic on the street, the women were crying, everyone thought that the end of the world was coming... At this time in Kirensk, some observed in the north-west a fiery red ball, moving, according to indications some, horizontally, and according to others, very obliquely... The phenomenon has aroused a lot of speculation. Some say that it is a huge meteorite, others that it is ball lightning (or a whole series of them).” (Newspaper "Siberia" / Irkutsk / July 2, Old Style / 1908).

“In Kansk, Yenisei province, on June 17 at 9 o’clock in the morning there was an earthquake. An underground shock followed. Doors, windows, icon lamps - everything shook. A roar was heard, like a distant cannon shot. After 5-7 minutes, a second blow followed, stronger than the first, accompanied by the same roar. A minute later there is another blow, but weaker than the first two.” (Newspaper "Voice of Tomsk" dated July 15, 1908).

At the same time, the residents of Vanavara (65 km from the epicenter) saw a dazzling ball in the northern part of the sky, which seemed brighter than the sun. He turned into a pillar of fire. The ground shook underfoot, and a roar was heard, repeated many times, like thunder. The buildings shook, causing panic among the population.

Local resident Semyon Semenov said: “Suddenly in the north the sky split in two (that is, a stripe appeared in the sky), and a fire appeared in it, wide and high above the forest, which engulfed the entire northern part of the sky. At that moment I felt so hot, as if my shirt was on fire. I wanted to rip and throw off my shirt, but the sky slammed shut (that is, the strip disappeared), and there was a strong blow. I was thrown three fathoms off the porch. After the blow there was such a knock, as if stones were falling from the sky or guns were firing, the ground shook, and when I was lying on the ground, I pressed my head, fearing that the stones would break my head. At that moment, when the sky opened, a hot wind rushed from the north, like from a cannon, which left traces in the form of paths on the ground. Then it turned out that many of the windows were broken, and the iron bar for the door lock was broken.”

But what happened near the epicenter. When the tremors occurred, the brothers Chuchancha and Chekaren were sleeping in their tent. Suddenly there was a whistle and the sound of falling trees. Immediately a strong clap of thunder struck and the wind struck, knocking down the plague. From under the fallen chum, one of the brothers saw lightning over the mountain and immediately heard strong thunder. When the brothers got out, a third lightning struck in a different place in the sky. Again thunder and wind knocked them off their feet. Everything around was burning and trees were falling. A fourth lightning flashed overhead. There was also a fifth, but already somewhere to the side. Ulkigo, who lived in those parts, had other impressions. He woke up in the plague from dogs suddenly howling and children crying. After some time, the earth began to shake, the tent began to sway, and the sounds of shooting were heard. When Ulkigo jumped out of the chum, he saw a flash and thunder sound in the cloudless sky. Trees fell, forests and grass burned. There was a lot of smoke and it got hot. Other old-timers noted that water was gushing from under the ground like a fountain (this lasted for several days), the water in the lake was moving around, the smell of sulfur was felt, a swamp formed at the site of the explosion, peat was torn out of the ground in places and lay upside down nearby.

Let us note the characteristic features of this phenomenon:

1) luminous objects (balls, pillars, cylinders), as well as multi-colored stripes and circles were observed in the sky moving in different directions; 2) the onset of the earthquake preceded the onset of air explosions;

3) there was a powerful heat flow, burning people and trees;

4) repeated air explosions were associated with lightning;

5) the main phase of the phenomenon lasted more than 10 minutes;

6) the phenomenon was preceded and followed by celestial anomalies over Eurasia.


American researchers from Denver discovered in laboratory conditions that a granite cube under high pressure begins to create electromagnetic radiation and electrical potentials arise on its edges. From here it is clear that a flow of electromagnetic radiation must emanate from the depths, the constant component of which is determined by enormous static pressure, and the variable component by tectonic dynamic non-stationary processes (crack formation, faults, shifts). This flow reaches the surface of the planet and permeates the entire atmosphere, right up to the ionosphere. Back in 1979, it was established that when flying over the source of strong earthquakes, the instruments of the Intercosmos-19 satellite recorded flashes of electromagnetic noise. Moreover, ionospheric disturbances began several hours before the earthquake. At all unusual phenomena before and during an earthquake are recorded at all levels of the atmosphere and on the surface of the Earth.

During the 1976 China earthquake (a record for the number of deaths), 5 hours before the first impacts, the night sky became as bright as day for 20 minutes. And within half an hour, a powerful flash of intermittent light (first red, then silver-blue and, finally, dazzling white) gave the impression of an atomic explosion. Many white and red lights were visible from hundreds of kilometers away. After the earthquake, in some areas the leaves of trees and garden plants were burned.

In 1999, during an earthquake in Turkey, lights of round and triangular shapes, white, yellow, red and blue, were lit in the sky for 5 to 20 minutes. Just before the earthquake, the sea water heated up and began to glow red, although there are no underwater volcanoes in this place.

American and Indian scientists, based on the results of analyzing space images, discovered that above the source of the future earthquake in Indian Ocean 2004, bright green spots appeared in the water column, which disappeared after the detente earth's crust. This phytoplankton, thanks to the heating of the water, multiplied intensively in those areas of the ocean where tension was growing.


When the flow of electromagnetic radiation overcomes local inhomogeneities in the rock mass or when the active point of cracking moves, vortices can arise in this flow. The diversity of the structure of the lithosphere and the processes of rupture of constituent rocks during tectonic activity gives rise to a huge variety of forms of electromagnetic flows and vortices released into the atmosphere during underground storms.

A powerful vortex can cause ionization of air and the formation of a plasmoid in the form of a body of revolution, the shape of which is completely determined by the structure of the vortex. Most often it is a ball, but the shape of a disk, cylinder, or toroid (donut) is possible. Thus, a fiery toroid was observed in October 2009 over the Volokolamsk highway.

The formation of a plasma body by a vortex creates nonlinearity and dispersion of the medium, which is a condition for the existence of a vortex in the form of a volumetric soliton, which significantly extends its lifetime. That's exactly what they are ball lightning, whose life can end if the conditions for the existence of a soliton are violated by a smooth disappearance or explosion.

The vortices born in the depths and forming a plasmoid in the atmosphere are, in principle, no different from ball lightning generated by thunderstorm activity and received scientific recognition only a century and a half ago. English professor B. Goodlet once observed how ball lightning the size of an orange flew into a 16-liter barrel of water and brought the water to a boil. This made it possible to determine that the energy density contained in lightning is approximately equal to 5 million joules per liter of its volume. In other cases, small ball lightning explosions destroyed furnaces and killed people.

Now we need to calculate how big the fire cylinder observed during the Tunguska disaster was. The village of Nizhnekarelinskoye is located 460 km from the epicenter. To observe a cylinder glowing in the sky on the horizon from such a distance, it must be at an altitude of about 15 km under normal atmospheric refraction. The peasants saw this object at the beginning of the phenomenon "high above the horizon." If we estimate this “high” angle to be 6 degrees (12 apparent diameters of the Sun), then the initial position of the object is at an altitude of about 60 km.

Within 10 minutes, the object descended to the horizon (i.e., to a height of 15 km), where the explosions began. What was the size of the luminous object? The peasants saw it in the form of a vertically oriented cylinder. The resolution of the human eye is about one arc minute, which makes it possible to observe a 100-meter object with one point at a distance of 460 km. But the Lower Karelin people saw it not in the form of a dot or stroke, but in the shape of a cylinder. To do this, you need to observe several dozen resolution elements.

Scientists believe that the source of radiation mistaken for the “Tunguska meteorite” could be located in the depths of

Let’s assume that there were 2 resolution elements along the diameter of the cylinder, and 10 along the height. Then the diameter of the cylinder had to be at least 200 m, and the height – 1000 m. The volume of such a cylinder would be 30 million cubic meters. Taking into account the known energy density in ball lightning, the total energy of the Tunguska cylinder will be more than 10 to the 17th power of joules, which corresponds to the TNT equivalent of 20 megatons. This is exactly the amount of energy needed to fell a forest within a radius of 30 km.

Let us note by the way that the total energy of electromagnetic radiation during an earthquake is most likely of the same order as the energy of the seismic processes of this earthquake. Therefore, it can be argued that the Tunguska earthquake had a magnitude of about 8.


In 1996, a publication appeared in the United States that the Tunguska meteorite was a man-made phenomenon, and its author could be Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the founder of modern electric power. Near New York, he built a laboratory with a 300 kW power plant and a 60 m high Wardenclyffe tower, culminating in a twenty-meter sphere. A barrel was pierced under the tower, in which high-frequency vibrators were installed.

On the night of June 15, 1903, the sky lit up not only over Long Island, where the Tesla Tower stood, but also over part of the Atlantic Ocean. From the top of the structure, cords of electrical discharges rushed into the sky, and a mysterious glow emanated from the people. Thanks to resonance, Tesla was able to excite powerful natural sources of energy contained in the ionosphere and lithosphere of the planet.

But in 1905, Tesla suddenly left the laboratory without even taking the paper. As his biographers write, he never returned here. It is very likely that he understood the likelihood of the planet being taken out of a stationary state with catastrophic consequences for it. Perhaps he remembered how, several years ago, in his New York laboratory he left a vibrator connected to the frame of a building unattended. The frequency of the vibrator coincided with the resonant frequency of the building. After some time, the building began to sway, involving neighboring buildings in this process. Tesla had to smash the vibrator with a hammer. If he had not done this, the building would have collapsed. He told the policemen and firefighters who showed up that it was a natural earthquake. They believed the lies of the authoritative scientist.

Maybe the biographers are wrong and Tesla secretly returned to the laboratory on Long Island after 3 years? But in order to participate in the Tunguska phenomenon, he would have to launch his own power plant, requiring a hundredweight of coal per hour, and use the tower to excite the earth’s ionosphere and lithosphere. It's hard to imagine that he threw coal into the firebox and at the same time switched electrical circuits. This means he needed assistants who were fired three years ago. Therefore, it was hardly possible to keep the boss’s return secret.

The work of the tower, as is known, was accompanied by the glow of the sky and cords of lightning. The glow of the sky at 8 o'clock in the evening New York time could not be noticed, but the lightning certainly could not go unnoticed.

And finally, the most important thing. If Tesla had been told that he was being blamed for the Tunguska disaster, he would have been very surprised. After all, in order to purposefully send enormous energy somewhere, one Wardenclyffe tower is not enough. To do this, he was going to build five similar towers in different places Earth (Amsterdam, China and close to the poles) but this project was not implemented due to lack of funding and loss of interest of the developer.

Thus, neither cosmic bodies, nor Tesla personally are involved in the phenomenon. As a result, it turns out that the Tunguska miracle is an earthly natural phenomenon.

Each powerful earthquake unique and Tunguska is unique in its own way. Earthquake No. 1536 with a magnitude of about 8 was accompanied by the release of electromagnetic radiation from the bowels into the atmosphere, which formed ball lightning with a total energy of 20 megatons, which ended in explosions. The formation of such record-breaking lightning is explained by the presence of pipes of an ancient volcano at the source of the earthquake, which focused the electromagnetic radiation of the subsoil properly. First there was an earthquake, and then there were explosions of ball lightning. The glow of the sky before the earthquake was caused by a large-scale increase in stress in the lithosphere and the corresponding release of electromagnetic radiation flows that excited the ionosphere. After the earthquake it quickly began to decline. What kind of balls were flying in the sky? This is how they usually fly during many earthquakes. On Tunguska there were several balls of different colors and they flew in several directions, not arbitrarily, but over local activated tectonic faults.


The given explanation, unlike all other known hypotheses, corresponds to absolutely ALL objective circumstances of the phenomenon and does not contradict any of them. This confirms the truth of the explanation. Thus, the mystery of the Tunguska phenomenon is completely revealed. But this does not mean that it should not be studied further. On the contrary, revealing the secret allows us to focus the efforts of many researchers towards studying the processes occurring on our planet called Earth.

In the middle reaches, the third largest tributary, the Podkamennaya Tunguska, flows into the Yenisei. The rapids river is distinguished by its unique wild beauty.

Along the right bank of the Podkamennaya Tunguska stretch the high wooded cliffs of the Yenisei Ridge. The most beautiful and majestic of them, the Sulomai Pillars, approached the river itself. They got their name from the nearby village of Sulomai, where representatives of one of the smallest peoples on Earth - Keto - live compactly.

The Sulomaiskie Pillars natural park is located in the Evenki municipal district (north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory). It is a mountain canyon with huge slopes, the height of which reaches 120 - 150 meters. Vertical pillars of various shapes, with a diameter from 6 to 10 meters, the height of which ranges from 30 to 80 meters. It occupies an area of ​​one thousand hectares. A unique ecosystem and the shape of the pillars, which consist of basalt rocks. Their outlines resemble human figures and have their own names “Grandmother”, “Mother”, “Granddaughter”, etc.

Traveling along the Podkamennaya Tunguska and Yenisei, you can get acquainted not only with nature, but also with the ethnic world, life and traditions local residents.

ACTIVE TOUR PROGRAM around Podkamennaya Tunguska and Yenisei:
The first day
We will begin our journey in Krasnoyarsk - a large cultural-historical center of Siberia. Let's take some time for a tour of Krasnoyarsk. Let's admire the main symbols of the city - the Chapel of Paraskevna Pyatnitsa on Karaulnaya Hill with a beautiful view of the city. In addition to the architectural monuments of the 18th-19th centuries, we will take the chairlift up, which offers an even more magnificent view of the city, the surrounding area and, most importantly, the Stolby Nature Reserve. Let's do it walking. Next we will have an excursion to the Museum of Local Lore, rightfully considered one of the best museums of history and ethnography in Siberia.
Did you know that you see Krasnoyars every day?!

Second day
After an early breakfast, we will say goodbye to hospitable Krasnoyarsk and proceed to international Airport"Emelyanovo", from which we will fly to the Evenki village of Baykit. In just one hour and forty minutes of flight we will find ourselves on the shore of the taiga beauty, Podkamennaya Tunguska. From here we have to make a 545-kilometer journey along the marvelous river to the very mouth on a motor raft. (route II difficulty category)
Preparation. Departure, and now we are slowly cutting through the watery expanses of Podkamennaya, admiring the untouched panorama wildlife, stone placers, bizarre rocky outcroppings. Overnight in a tent.

Day three
We continue our journey along the winding and rocky river. Rocky massifs stretch either along the left or along the right bank. Solid mountains alternate with “feathers”. Stop. Climb one of them. The panorama of the Tunguska floodplain opens up to be truly reserved. Overnight in a tent.

Day four
We overcome a two-stage rapid without any special swells, but with a powerful flow along almost the entire river. The mountains around become overgrown with forest. After one of the turns, following along a fairly powerful rift, we arrive at the first village along our route, Polygus, located on the slope of a mountain. Meeting the indigenous inhabitants of the village. Overnight.

Day five
We overcome the one and a half kilometer "Flour Threshold". The river here makes a wide turn, limited on the right side by a high rocky “circus”. Across the entire width there are a large number of low but sharp multidirectional shafts with a very powerful pressure. After the Flour Threshold, the mountains part again. Overnight in a tent.

Day six
We follow the “wide” branch along the large island. In the distance you can see high misty mountains - a real Siberian landscape. Tunguska continues to meander between the mountains, whirlpools appear. Overnight in a tent.

Day seven
We overcome the seven-kilometer Great Rapids. It consists of two stages. The shafts are up to one and a half meters high, sharp and irregular. The river gradually calms down and becomes wide. We get to a forest hayfield that stretches along the right bank. We are located in the winter hut. Let's take a day. Let's heat the bathhouse! Let's rest.

Day eight

We arrive at the mouth of the left tributary of the Velmo River. We climb it for eight kilometers and visit the village of Burny. Place of residence of the Siberian Old Believers (“Kerzhaks”) Let’s get acquainted with the history, life and way of life of the Old Believers. Overnight.

Day nine
After the confluence of the Velmo River, Tunguska becomes like Mountain Lake. A calm, kilometer-wide mirror surface. Overnight in a tent.

Day ten
We arrive in the Old Believer village of Kuzmovka. Acquaintance with the inhabitants, the history of the settlement of Siberian lands by ethnic Russians. Let's find out why fellow believers support the “old way of life”, based on reverence for elders, hard work and respect for nature. Why do they not accept modern church and secular laws? How faith helps you survive in harsh conditions climatic conditions. Eight kilometers away is the Old Believer settlement of the “other branch” of Kochumdek. Getting to know the residents, history and way of life. Complete immersion in the 17th century setting. Only some details of our century bring us back to reality. Overnight.

Day eleven
We arrive at the borders of the Yenisei Stolbovoy State Nature Reserve. Exit to the right bank is prohibited. We follow to the mouth of the Stolbovaya River. Walking tour along the river bank to the waterfall. Overnight.

Day twelve
We are approaching the culmination point of our journey - the Sulomai Pillars. Tunguska is shrinking, and along the banks there are many stone pillars terraces leading to them from the water itself. Six mountain ranges successively approach Tunguska from different banks. Climbing the poles. Only from here can you truly feel the grandeur of the mountains surrounding you, between which the Siberian river flows quickly and powerfully. Day. Overnight.

Day thirteen
We pass a wide pebble beach, still framed by tall, beautiful stone “feathers”. A few more sharp turns between the rocks and Tunguska again spreads to one and a half kilometers wide and continues its path to the Yenisei among the low mountains. We arrive in the village of Sulomai. Acquaintance with representatives of the indigenous small people of Keto, history and crafts. Let's taste Evenki dishes national cuisine. Whitefish, Chir, Muksun in lightly salted, dried and dried form. Chuken cooked over a fire. Tea made from healing herbal infusions. Overnight

Day fourteen
Completion of the active part of the trip. No matter how sad it will be, this evening is farewell. Farewell to the Understone Beauty. After two weeks of solitary stay in nature, we have already connected with the rhythms of sunrises and sunsets. Already fascinated by the beauty. The memories are still so fresh from the stories of the residents we met on the river and its banks. The adrenaline that stood out on the rapids had not yet completely dissipated, but the gray-haired Yenisei was already hospitably opening its arms. Overnight.

Day fifteen
The journey continues. Entry into the Yenisei. Crossing a three-kilometer river bed to the village of Bor. Late in the evening, loading onto the ship heading to the polar port city of Dudinka.

Next we travel along the lower Yenisei, in the first class cabin of the three-deck motor ship "Alexander Matrosov". How nice it is after “living in nature” to feel the first benefits of civilization. Accept warm shower, visit a restaurant or bar on the second or third deck, enjoy the passing landscapes of the Yenisei taiga, slowly turning into the forest-tundra.

Day sixteen
The motor ship smoothly plows the expanses of the Yenisei. A few villages are left behind. Stop near the village of Bakhta, which gained worldwide popularity after its release documentary film"Happy people". Strong-willed fishermen and masters of ancient Siberian crafts live in Bakhta. If you are lucky, you will be able to meet some of them.

In the evening, arrival in the village of Turukhansk, which is at the confluence of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska. Visit to the Holy Trinity Monastery with its almost four hundred year history. On this day, an acquaintance with another religion rooted in Siberia will take place - Orthodoxy. Now the worldview of the Siberian man is the most complete. This is how pagans (Samoyeds), Old Believers (Kerzhaks) and Orthodox Christians (baptized) coexist in the distant taiga wilderness.

Day seventeen
In the dead of night (at the height of the polar day) we cross the Arctic Circle. The sun, high above the horizon, reflects on the waves with its reflections. The river and the village of the same name Kureika. Where did the “father of all nations” I.V. serve his exile? Stalin
In the afternoon we arrive in the port city of Igarka. Visit to the unique, only permafrost museum in the world. We go down to a depth of 12 meters and look at the block of ice, relict trees frozen into the soil, whose age is quite a bit 65 million years.

Late in the evening we arrive in Dudinka. Sea gate of the Taimyr Peninsula. Huge icebreakers and nimble tugboats, as well as bright, colorful houses on permafrost and the original national culture of indigenous peoples Far North. Farewell to the Yenisei. Overnight at the hotel.

Day eighteen
Visit to the Local History Museum, Folk Art Center. Transfer to the city of Norilsk, the pearl of the Arctic. Most northern city on the ground. The world's northernmost factories and mines. Those who have not seen this city want to visit it, those who have visited will never remain indifferent.
Transfer to Alykel airport. Direct flights to Moscow and St. Petersburg.
This is where our journey through Siberia ends. Behind us are thousands of kilometers already traveled along Podkamennaya Tunguska and the majestic Yenisei.

The impressions from the landscapes you saw and the stories you heard will warm you for many years to come with the warmth of Siberian hospitality. All the best, dear travelers. Welcome to Siberia!!!

We arrive at the beginning of the program on June 8 in Krasnoyarsk, fly home on June 29 from Norilsk,
We're catching tickets!

Budget active tour in Siberia: 53,700 rubles.
Included in the price:
Accommodation in a hotel in Krasnoyarsk – 2500 rubles
Flight Krasnoyarsk - Baykit village (7800 rubles)
Motor rafting along the Podkamennaya Tunguska, three meals a day, accommodation in prepared camping conditions – 29,300 rubles
Travel by boat in a first class cabin from Bor - Dudinka (9900 rubles)
(Meals on board the ship are paid separately at your own discretion)
Accommodation in a hotel in Dudinka – 2500 rubles
Transfer to Norilsk – 1700 rubles

Additional costs during our active walking tour:
Meals on board and in the mountains
Flight from home to Krasnoyarsk
Flight from Norilsk to home
Personal expenses

Tours with Sergei Kuznetsov:

Megaliths of Podkamennaya Tunguska. Podkamennaya Tunguska is one of three large rivers flowing into the Yenisei. It is known thanks to the so-called Tunguska phenomenon of 1908, when a monstrous explosion occurred in the basin of this river northwest of the Evenki village of Vanavara, which had catastrophic consequences for all living things. The fact that there are megalithic remains in the bed of the Podkamennaya Tunguska is known only to local residents and workers of the Central Siberian Nature Reserve, around whom it was created. This is not surprising, since Big Earth Not many people get here; Some are looking for unique photo and video material, others are simply rafting across the whole of Evenkia in order to at least temporarily throw off the shackles of civilization; there are also isolated researchers of this region. In this article we will look at two sections of Podkamennaya Tunguska, with unique energy and a peculiar physical structure of stone outcrops. Sulomai pillars. Eighty kilometers above the village of Sulomai on Podkamennaya Tunguska there is the first megalithic site.This is a narrow half-kilometer canyon with steep slopes, which are vertical pillars of various intricate shapes up to 80 meters high. Among the locals, these rocks are called “Podkamensky cheeks.” This natural monument is a special pride of the Central Siberian Nature Reserve on the territory of which it is located. It is often compared to the more famous Lena Pillars due to their similarity. According to official geology, the nature of these structures is weathering and erosion processes of “rocks of the Lower Triassic trap formation.” The legends of the local residents are also not very original - all of these are members of the same family who once lived here, turned to stone. The names of the rocks also indicate such a relationship: Grandmother, Mother, Grandfather, Granddaughter. Podkamennaya Tunguska is located beyond the border of civilization even by Siberian standards, and access to these regions is possible only by water - the main transport routes in northern Siberia. Although Sulomai is located only 70 kilometers from the mouth of the Pokamennaya Tunguska River, which flows into the Yenisei, the attendance of these attractions is very small.Of course, the administration of the reserve located in the village of Bor on the Yenisei can organize an introductory excursion to the megalithic complex, but you still need to swim to the mouth of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, and there are no other roads here. In this regard, I remembered Georgy Sidorov’s expeditions to ancient temples on the Tym River. To those distant objects the author I also traveled by boat along the river system to explore some of the mounds in detail. It so happened that the same story happened to the Sulomai pillars. In 2016 this rock complex drew the attention of a well-known researcher of megalithic buildings of antiquity in Krasnoyarsk Andrey Khudonogov. I have already written about this man in two topics: Krasnoyarsk Pillars and the Ergaki complex. At the end of June 2017, he, together with polar traveler Igor Chapalov, rafted to the megaliths of Podkamennaya Tunguska on the motor catamaran "Russian North". At the moment, this reconnaissance expedition is the only one of its kind among the few tourist travel, describing the sights of Podkamennaya Tunguska. Upon returning from the expedition, Andrei wrote to Facebook a short note where he shared his opinion regarding the man-made nature of these rocky remains: - As I already wrote, before visiting the Sulomaisky Pillars, I was absolutely sure that, by analogy with the Lensky Pillars, this nature education. But even as a result of a very superficial study, we were able to discover many oddities and fragments that are difficult to explain by natural factors. In this post I will try to list them, but not draw any categorical conclusions, and arrange the main discussion at a special seminar dedicated only to this complex. 1. Unlike the limestone Lenskie, the Sulomaiskie consist of a rock that is much more durable. On the Internet it is called basalt, but at the same time it has a fine-crystalline structure. It's hard to believe that water washed through more than 100-meter "passages" in such rock. 2. These “passages” are located not only perpendicular to the river flow, but also along it, i.e. the towers seem to be arranged in a certain order, in several rows. 3. The most destroyed pillars have a conical shape or something close to it, while the surface texture of the destroyed and preserved areas is noticeably different. 4. Some pillars are very well preserved and have strictly vertical side surfaces, while their texture resembles a rough-plastered wall without joints or seams. 5. Almost all towers at the base have a round or oval cross-section. 6. Several rows of towers previously stood closer to the water, but were destroyed by ice drifts; the remains of their round or elliptical bases are visible.
7. In the destroyed sections of the towers you can see that they consist of several layers of blocks of various shapes, with the corner blocks having a rounded surface (last photos).
Unfortunately, most of photographs with anomalous fragments and details were confiscated from the author of the post by the Spirits of the Area along with the camera, which, on the one hand, may mean a reluctance to share secrets, and on the other, an invitation to a new, more prepared and equipped expedition to conduct full-fledged research. Khudonogov Megaliths of Baykit. In addition to the Sulomai pillars, on Podkamennaya Tunguska there is another very long section with spire-shaped rocky outcrops. They begin two kilometers from the village of Baykit down the river and stretch to another remote village of Polygus. Here is the most picturesque site on Podkamennaya Tunguska.The first complexes of rocks, or so-called pillars, worthy of serious attention, begin 20 kilometers below Baykit and stretch for about five kilometers. - Unlike those that were found at the very top, on Katanga, these remains are composed of basalts and therefore have a slightly different appearance. They were still monolithic and with smooth shapes. These ones seem to be made of bricks, even slightly reminiscent of the structures in the children's game "Lego". Karpukhin S. - An amazingly beautiful workshop stretches for 250-300 km. Openwork stone compositions on the right and left, with a certain amount of fantasy and imagination, changes in illumination and angle of view, take on different shapes. Now a sitting eagle, now a grandmother with her granddaughter, a tent, a rearing bear - and next to him a hunter with a palm tree (Evenki hunting knife on a stick) is ready to repel the attack. Magnificent lace fascinates and evokes genuine admiration. We can safely say that here is one of the most attractive places on Podkamennaya Tunguska. I was lucky enough to see a lot in the vastness of our Motherland, and the Pillars on Podkamennaya Tunguska, in my opinion, deserve the right to be included in the list of “Wonders of Russia”. Kuznetsov N. The rocky remains of this section of Podkamennaya Tunguska can easily compete with the Lena Pillars in size and beauty. There are especially many of them at the mouths of almost any small tributary of the river. - Along the Tunguska itself, with a long and high wall near the very shore, right up to the mouth of the tributary, there are remnants built, and along Nirungda they exist. And this entire row of sculptures is headed by one bizarre stone structure, resembling either the head of a rooster or a man in a hat. It’s amazing how this figure, made up of separate blocks and seemingly completely unstable, still holds up. Karpukhin S. A special feature of this site is a large number of free-standing vertical remains of a highly elongated shape. Some of them have a block structure, others are crowned with seids - stones standing in an unnatural position or on thin legs. Author's opinion:

Those travelers who visited the megaliths of Podkamennaya Tunguska note a large number of different images embodied in stone. This is nothing more than a kind of creativity of stone entities, which, by concentrating energy at certain points, achieve an increase in the “muscle mass” of the stone and thereby form the desired bas-relief. The images of such sculptures are the thought forms of the past captured in space and revived. This is how the Supreme Intelligence commented on the theory of stone growth, which we called budding: - D a, resembles budding. In addition, there is an increase, an overlay of layers. As a result of internal growth, the stone rises, and then this swelling zone is separated from the main stone. If you want, you can consider this budding, but basically reproduction occurs through the layer structure. This method is the most preferred and fastest for stone. So with from an esoteric point of view, various images appear on the stones and, accordingly, the names of the stones. I am very cautious about the possible man-made nature of these rocky remains, but the fact is that the energy intensity of the stone castles of Podkamennaya Tunguska is clearly felt by me, especially in the Baikit area. This concentration is partly achieved due to the shape of menhirs - elongated energy emitters. In some places, the remains are generally a continuous palisade. It is known that ancient people actively used energy-active zones, in particular to create religious objects. And based on the scale and degree of preservation of the stone forms, one can draw conclusions about their very ancient origin. According to E.P. Blavatsky, who wrote the “Secret Doctrine” through the mediation of the Mahatmas, several million years ago the landmass of the Earth was represented by the huge Lemurian continent, which had the shape of a horseshoe. He also captured the territory of what is now Siberia, where there was a civilization of multi-meter giants, led by the divine messengers of Manu, who gave them various useful technologies. - They built huge cities. They built from rare soils and metals, from fireserupted, from the white stone of the mountains and the black stone, they carved their own images, in size and likeness, and worshiped them. Book of Dzyan - The Lemurians, in their sixth subrace, build their first rock-like cities from lava and stone.E. Blavatsky Therefore, it is quite possible that the ancient Lemurians, at the dawn of humankind, several million years ago, used the natural features of this place and created megalithic structures, which after such a long time turned into spire-shaped stone remains. There are even images from the relatively recent past of one of the representatives of the people who once lived here. Here he is in the photo on the right - the spitting image of an Indian, that is, a representative of Atlantis. According to the legends of the East recorded by N.K. Roerich. this empire, the main continent of which was located in Atlantic Ocean, had colonies on the territory of modern Russia on the border with their rivals, the Arcts, who lived on the four islands of Hyperborea. It is noteworthy that menhirs were actively used by the heirs of the Atlantean magical traditions in Ancient Egypt. There they were called Cleopatra's mists. As can be seen from the many photographs on Podkamennaya Tunguska, there are many similar emitters, only now very dilapidated. It is understandable how many tens of thousands of years have passed since those times. 05.12.2017 Rostovtsev Sergey Rubicon website Materials