Excursion business. Recommendations for organizing excursion business. Techniques for using custom text

Today it is difficult to surprise people with familiar sights; ocean shores and palm trees are already a thing of the past. Now tourists are interested in all sorts of delights, which include industrial or social tourism.

What is the secret of popularity? Many office workers have no idea how factories work, and some are eager to see production. Moreover, this is a fashionable destination with virtually no competition, which is one of the few types of tourism activities for industrial zones or post-industrial centers.

Industrial excursions gained particular popularity in the early 2000s, when many “stopped” industrial facilities and disbanded military units appeared. Today everything has begun to change dramatically: people again feel the desire to develop and travel. Moreover, the start came from where many did not expect, the industry was “warmed up” by games. “Metro 2033”, the cult series “Fallout 4” and the newly discovered “Stalker” did the main thing, showing the audience the dark beauty of the post-industrial world.
If you are from Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk or any industrial city, you can start working on your client base.

Make it interesting, and most importantly, unusual route for an industrial excursion, it’s not difficult. Any city, especially a large one, has industrial zones in addition to historical attractions, museums and architectural monuments. Particularly exciting are old, abandoned sites, oil and coal mines, or fully operational enterprises.

Objects for industrial tours

Take a closer look at your city and you will see many places that will pique the interest of visitors. Moreover, it could be the capital or distant and almost forgotten towns.

Examples for conducting industrial excursions in Russia:

  • Khavrinsky unfinished building (Moscow): the facility is located in Moscow and attracts the attention of extreme sports enthusiasts with its legends and myths. Today the ruins are surrounded by a fence and are guarded. You can enter the abandoned hospital building only with special permission.
  • Blue Crystal (Moscow): a high-rise building that was built as an educational and business center. The object may be interesting for excursions.
  • Old Nevyansky plant ( Sverdlovsk region): object of the metallurgical industry. Currently, it is one of the attractions for guests of the region.
  • “Fallen factories” (Baikalsk, Chapaevsk, Asbest): excursions are conducted to the sites of enterprises that have ceased to exist.
  • Metallurgy (Magnitogorsk): a region of heavy engineering, has many objects that are of interest throughout the world.

How to organize an excursion tour to an industrial zone, where to start

To organize such an excursion, it is necessary to develop a route. Knowing the city well, this is quite easy to do. You just need to highlight several starting points for a self-driving tour and a walking tour. After execution road map with a list of routes, you must place it on the website.

Website creation. An important point for any tourism activity. Important point– the site should offer several tours with different routes.

Tours to the territory of factories and non-operating industrial “attractions” differ significantly in organizational issues. This is due to the convenience of access, the opportunity to spend some time directly on site and the safety of tourists. It is better not to linger in the emergency buildings of old workshops and follow the route.

How to organize a tour of an existing enterprise

It is necessary to request permission from the plant management for possible visits to the enterprise by a group of tourists. This is due to the need to obtain a pass. The probability of success in this case will not be 100%, and the time of the excursion is chosen by the enterprise, as well as by the responsible person from its staff.

When planning an excursion, it is imperative to study the history of the development of the plant, which is an excursion object. The group leader must understand the equipment and know what each object is, have accurate information and clearly answer questions.

An important point is the form of ownership of the object; if it is a state company, it is quite possible to obtain permission to conduct tours.

Excursions to inactive objects

Excursions can be scheduled for a specific date or conducted on an individual basis, so you need to set a collection date for tourists.

Development of an event plan. It is necessary to lead the group harmoniously. Attention should also be paid to the placement of people and the movement of the group. It is important that all visitors can hear the guide’s story and see everything interesting places and features of the object.

Types of excursions, details about the main things

There are three types of excursions to the industrial zone:

  • External: the tour takes place in the city and near an industrial site. This type classified as introductory, since it does not allow you to see the work of an industrial company from the inside. Such excursions are of interest to city guests who want to see all the sights of the region in a short period of time.
  • Internal: a group of tourists has the opportunity not only to inspect objects from afar, but also to plunge into the atmosphere of the company. It is worth noting that you can visit the industrial zone only after a preliminary agreement with the company management. It is also necessary to take into account the possible presence of a access system at the enterprise.
  • Stalker: the group is invited to visit abandoned enterprises, plants, factories, military bases. In Russia, stalker excursions are also conducted in old “extinct” villages.

Excursions to an industrial zone are the best marketing tool for a certain territory. That is why it is worth considering this direction not only for private entrepreneurs, but also for local authorities in order to attract investors to a certain facility.

How much money do you need to start?

To organize activities you will need to invest 10 thousand rubles. The experience of “experienced” entrepreneurs shows that industrial tourism does not require significant costs. The exception is for self-driving tours; you need a car with all-wheel drive and an average level of comfort in the cabin. The costs in this case will be from 700 thousand rubles, which also includes the price vehicle. The most difficult thing is to plan a route along “abandoned” roads. This word should mean not only enterprises, but also empty villages. This perfect place and for organizing on the ground. You will need a full-fledged campsite or camping, if you are planning a tour for several days. In this case, the costs will exceed 1 million rubles.

The simplest version of city excursions will require no more than 5 thousand at the start of the activity. Low investments must be compensated by the organizational talent of the entrepreneur, since absolutely all the work will be done by him.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

So what do you need for this?

Let's assume you already have a desire - first, it would be nice to decide what exactly you will sell - in other words, develop interesting excursion tours.

You shouldn’t focus on attractions that everyone already knows about - choose a route to places that will be a discovery even for the indigenous residents.

As Mr. Finberg's experience shows, a significant proportion of clients (oddly enough) will be local residents who want to discover something new.

As a rule, true fans of their favorite city have no problems selecting such little-known attractions - unusual beautiful building(not necessarily old), a picturesque corner in the park - anything can be included in your route if it shows the familiar city from an unexpected side.

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For example, my friend told me how she discovered three sakura trees somewhere on the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don in a private garden (!) - and with her light hand, at least ten friends went to that memorable house to admire the blossoming of this beautiful iconic Japanese tree. tree.

And each of your friends has several mini-discoveries of their own that they will be happy to share with you.

In general, if you have enough desire, you shouldn’t have any problems creating a variety of routes for both city guests and its residents.

To attract young people, you can combine excursions with thematic quests, which are now at the peak of popularity. Group excursionists into groups and let them complete tasks and look for specific places. Such excursions are of course walking.

Ready ideas for your business

So we have formed our tours. However, before selling them, it would be a good idea to decide who to sell to - in other words - where to look for clients.

In our age of information technology, the main source of your clients will be the Internet, or rather social networks.

Other ways to get customers are cooperation with local travel agencies, schools and even branches of Western companies, which sometimes may need your services as entertainment program for guests.

Advertising in traditional media is less effective (and more expensive). But you may well offer an interesting idea for a report or article. The media is constantly looking interesting topics for a report or article and, although they prefer to make them paid, realizing that they will not be able to get money from you, they will be happy to use you as an expert and source interesting information about the city.

An excursion, as we have already found out, is both a way of relaxation and a method of learning new information. In connection with this two-sidedness, special methodological techniques are being developed for conducting the excursion. The main emphasis of the excursion is on the show, on introducing tourists to objects that are new to them, and on brief comments on the show.

When conducting an excursion, the following general methodological techniques are used: the main display technique, the preliminary inspection technique, the mental reconstruction technique of the excursion object, the mental reconstruction technique of the historical background, the comparison technique, the abstraction technique, the discussion technique, the report technique, the complicity technique, the personification technique, the problem situation technique , method of retreat, method of activating attention, use of visual aids from the “tour guide’s portfolio”, display and description of an object as the bus moves, panoramic display, brief description of the object shown, brief information about a unique historical or natural site, detailed description features of the object, explanations and comments during the excursion, inclusion of vivid quotes in the story, taking pauses, answering questions from tourists.

When developing an excursion, the guide must take into account that:

o the maximum number of objects that adult tourists can perceive is 30, children - no more than 15; o the maximum time for a continuous excursion story is 15 minutes for adults and 10 minutes for children;

o the maximum display time of one excursion object is 4 minutes;

o For every hour of the guide's story, a 10-minute pause is possible.

Methodological techniques, their use and features depend on: the form of the excursion, the content and theme of the excursion, the composition of the group, the venue, and the method of transportation.

1. The choice of methodological techniques depending on the form of the excursion. The form of the excursion (educational excursion, excursion-conversation, excursion-game, excursion-walk, excursion-performance, etc.) significantly influences the possibility and need to use certain methodological techniques.

On the most common educational excursion (previously they were called educational excursions), almost all techniques are used; their use and alternation depend on other decisive factors.

In an excursion-conversation (most often this form is used to conduct individual excursion) the optimal methods will be the main display, comparisons, abstraction, brief comments, and receiving answers to questions from tourists.

In an excursion-game, most often carried out for primary schoolchildren, vivid comparisons, activation of imagination, panoramic display, and inclusion of additional display objects (films, computer videos, archaeological finds) will help keep children’s attention.

During an excursion-walk, to keep children’s attention, the guide tries to influence not only visual and auditory sensations, but also tactile ones. For example, excursionists are given the task of collecting a small herbarium, finding a fossil on their own, etc.

2. The choice of methodological techniques depending on the composition of the group. As you know, the most inquisitive groups are middle-aged schoolchildren and adults. Student participants have low attention span.

In children's groups, it is advisable to use the techniques of the main display, brief comments, techniques of comparison and mental reconstruction; At the same time, it is undesirable to pause frequently and for a long time, which weakens concentration.

In adult groups, in addition to the main show and more detailed story techniques of abstraction, historical reconstruction, participation, reporting, and personification are used. In individual adult groups, it is optimal to use the technique of conversation and comments during the show.

An experienced guide always “feels” his group and, depending on its mood, intellectual preparation and other factors, applies certain methodological techniques.

3. The choice of methodological techniques depending on the location of the excursion. An excursion in the city does not require any special methodological techniques, while a country excursion is carried out according to its own laws. In this case, it is best to use the techniques of comparison, reporting, problem situations, and panoramic display.

In museum excursions using exhibits, the best methods are a combination of showing and telling techniques, the technique of mentally creating a historical background, the technique of personification and the technique of explanation.

When conducting thematic excursion in the museum under open air the optimal methods will be the main display, comments on objects, brief explanations, methods of abstraction, reporting, methods of providing brief information about the uniqueness of a particular exhibit.

4. The choice of methodological techniques depending on the method of movement. It is clear that a bus tour without getting off the bus will be very different from a regular walking tour or museum excursion.

Regarding the bus tour with stops in certain places, clear rules have been developed regulating boarding the bus, showing and telling along the way, and getting off the bus. The best techniques when driving on a bus: the technique of showing with comments, the technique of comparisons, the technique of abstraction, the technique of using visual aids from the “guide’s portfolio”, the technique of comments and techniques of activating attention.

When walking, the guide should not speak while moving from one object to another. IN walking tours the methods of preliminary examination, detailed display and comments, the method of comparison, the method of abstraction, the method of complicity, the method of personification are used.

5. The choice of methodological techniques depending on the content of the excursion and its topic. During city sightseeing tours, it is possible to use all existing methodological techniques. Some features are inherent in the techniques used in thematic excursions. Thus, in a historical excursion you can use almost all techniques, but the best techniques will be the mental reconstruction of the historical background, the technique of the main display and the technique of comparison. During a botanical excursion, for example in a natural park, it is advisable to use the technique of the main display, the technique of comments, and the technique of comparison. When conducting an ecological excursion, the technique of a problem situation, the technique of the main display, the technique of complicity, and the technique of reporting will bring success. A religious excursion will be more effective using the techniques of the main display and brief comments on it; it is possible to use the technique of complicity and mental reconstruction of the historical background. It should be borne in mind that it is not very ethical to tell the story directly in the temple, but it is better to limit yourself to small explanations and provide most of the information to the excursionists on the bus in advance or after visiting the temple.

A production tour is, first of all, a method of reporting, a method of participation, a method of main display, a method of problem situation, a method of discussion. In a literary excursion, it is worth using the technique of the main display and comments, the technique of personification, the technique of quotations, and the technique of digression. When conducting a theatrical excursion, one cannot do without the method of mental reconstruction of the historical background, the method of abstraction, the method of reporting, the method of complicity.

Features of displaying objects along the bus route without stopping or exiting the bus. Such a display is typical for an excursion group departing from their place of residence (for example, from a hotel outside the city) to the old part of the city to visit the local museum. Excursion route does not involve stops, and the guide’s story is told directly while driving. The display of objects along the route must be prepared in advance. The guide may first give brief description object, and then show it (the story either precedes the show or smoothly “flows around” it). The guide's comments should be structured in such a way as to orient tourists in advance to the appearance of the object of interest and its location.

  • 1. “Peter I stayed in our city during one of the Azov campaigns. Now, on the right as the bus moves, you can see the temple that the Russian Tsar visited during his short stay in our city.”
  • 2. “The Volga is the pride of our country, and we are especially proud that the sources of this great river are in our region. Ahead as the bus moves, you can see the main bed of the Volga, and the bridge we are passing over is one of 5 bridges in our city. It was built according to the design of a famous St. Petersburg architect.”
  • 3. “In a few minutes we will approach the landing site of the world’s first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin. At the moment we are driving along an alley of poplars planted for the 10th anniversary of the first space flight.”

Panoramic display. The opportunity to show the city, the beauty of the surrounding nature or any architectural complex with high point is the highlight of the excursion. A panoramic display can serve as a bright start to an excursion, be its culmination or finishing touch. In any case, a panoramic view allows you to create a more complete impression of everything you saw and heard. It is advisable to provide excursionists with the opportunity to ask questions after the panoramic display (no more than 5 minutes).

The most beautiful panoramas open from a viewing platform in the mountains to the picturesque foothills; city panoramas also have a strong emotional impact. On excursions around Moscow, excursion groups are often brought to the Sparrow Hills, from which a beautiful panorama of the capital opens; perfectly visible most of Moscow and observation deck Ostankino Tower. In those cities where there are no elevated natural places, bell towers, preserved fortresses, high-rise buildings, etc. can be used for a panoramic display. Thus, in St. Petersburg, guests of the city are often shown a panorama of the city from the height of the observation deck of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

  • 1. Panoramic display before the start of the excursion (the panoramic platform is located on one of the low mountains surrounding the city): “Before you is the Volga city, surrounded on three sides by mountains. You can see the old part of the city on the Volga coast, where ancient buildings and temples have been preserved. The largest temple with a high bell tower is Cathedral of our city, it was built 100 years ago by a local architect. From here you can see several small city parks and green alleys along many streets. The city was developed in such a way that all central streets intersect with each other exclusively at right angles. The central part of the city resembles a chessboard viewed from above. To the right of the cathedral you can see the old bridge over the Volga. It is 3.5 km long and is one of the largest bridges in Europe. In the plains between the mountains there are new residential areas, but our goal is the old part of the city and the Volga embankment. Let's get on the bus and continue our journey."
  • 2. Panoramic display as the culminating moment: “You and I got acquainted with the history of the city, its main architectural and historical attractions. And now you have the opportunity to see the city from a bird's eye view. Do you see the temple on the left? This is the cathedral that you visited. To the right of it is a bridge across the Volga, along which we took a sightseeing trip. If all our guests have admired the panorama of the city, we can move on. We are going to visit an open-air ethnographic museum.”
  • 3. Panoramic display as the final stage of the excursion: “In front of you is a city through which we have already completed our journey. Now from above you can see everything again memorable places, about which we learned a lot of new things. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them."

In any of the three described cases, the panoramic display will remain in the memory of the excursionists for a long time and will leave the best memories of the excursion.

Museum excursion. When conducting a museum excursion, most basic methodological techniques are used, but taking into account limited space.

The guide meets the group that comes to the museum at a place specially designated for this, in each museum. The guide immediately introduces himself, loudly announces the topic of the excursion and leads the group to the beginning of the story. If there is already another excursion in the hall where the group has entered, the guide should either speak more quietly or go to the next hall, if the topic of the excursion allows.

In the introductory part of any museum excursion, you should provide the group with brief (no more than 2-3 minutes) information about the history of the creation of the museum, and remind you of the rules of conduct in rooms where there are many glass display cases and fragile objects. After this, the guide begins the main part of the tour, standing half-turned towards the display case or the first exhibit. You should not focus the attention of a large group on small exhibits, since most tourists will not see anything, but there will be a risk of breaking the display case. Transitions from one display case to another or from one hall to another should be accompanied by logical transitions in the story. In the final part of the excursion, the results are summed up and information is provided about the remaining halls of the museum where tourists can visit. After this, the guide answers questions from the excursion participants and says goodbye to them.

An important condition for a well-conducted excursion in the museum is strict adherence to time.

Additional methodological techniques. Every experienced guide always has in stock several proprietary methodological techniques that help turn the excursion into both a quality learning process and a pleasant time spent.

  • 1. Including a short meeting in the excursion with a specialist, nair and mer during an archaeological excursion - with an archaeologist, during a paleontological excursion - with a paleontologist, during an art excursion - with an artist or musician, etc. Communication with specialists activates and deepens the interest aroused by the topic of the excursion, helps to better understand the issues under consideration and, of course, has a strong emotional impact on excursionists.
  • 2. Watching movies or computer clips on the topic of the excursion. Innovative moments add a special flavor to the excursion and enhance the visual impact on the excursion participants. Such additions are suitable during long trip on a bus equipped with the necessary equipment.
  • 3. Introduction of the search and research part on the topic of the excursion. Active actions help excursionists improve the process of learning new information and feel like real researchers. During archaeological, paleontological, geological, botanical, environmental excursions, you can provide excursionists with the opportunity to find any artifacts or objects of research on the surface of the earth:

o lifting material at archaeological sites (fragments of dishes, fragments of iron objects washed from the soil by rainwater);

about fossils at paleontological outcrops (mollusk shells, ancient sponges);

o minerals at the sites of geological monuments (precious stones, gems);

o herbarium objects (leaves, flowers).

Material collected on the surface of the earth can be taken with you if it does not harm the monument.

4. Including mini-quizzes in the excursion process. Conducting a mini-quiz is positively perceived even in adult groups. For example, a guide may invite group members to remember the length of the Volga, paintings by a famous artist, in addition to those seen in the museum, name writers whose books are dedicated to events on the Don, etc. You can invite tourists to determine what architectural style the building belongs to, what is the approximate height of the memorial stele, the length of the bridge, etc.

Questions may be presented along with answer options, for example:

“What do you think is the principle by which the name of a Russian city was most often given:

about the name of its founder;

o by the name of the ancient tribes that lived in this place earlier;

oh by the name of the river on which the city is founded?”

Of course, the guide must not only convincingly prove the correctness of the answer, but also give examples. In this case, the correct answer is third, and examples include cities such as Moscow, Samara, Tsaritsyn, Tomsk, Tver, etc.

  • 5. Incorporating conversational elements into the tour. The guide, who has become acquainted with the group, during the excursion can include elements of conversation that activate the group’s attention and make the psychological environment comfortable. For example, knowing that the group arrived in northern city from Krasnodar region, you can ask whether the guests are freezing while walking along the snow-covered embankment, or ask the guests what particularly surprised them among the objects they examined, whether there are similar ones in their city, etc. The guide's reciprocal interest in the guests will cause greater satisfaction with the excursion and will leave a good impression about the city and its inhabitants.
  • 6. Inclusion of theatrical elements into the excursion- participation in a folk festival, carnival, historical reconstruction festival. Elements of theatricalization have been included in tourism for quite a long time and, as it were, transform participants educational excursions into direct participants in the events. Theatricalization has a beneficial effect both on the perception of the information provided on the excursion and on the formation of the overall impression of the trip. For example, during some archaeological excursions, guests attend a theatrical show organized by a historical fencing club. The excursion scenario includes the “kidnapping” of one or more excursion participants, releasing them from captivity with the help of Russian soldiers, watching a stunt fight, taking photographs with show participants in colorful costumes, archery, tasting pilaf prepared according to medieval recipes, etc. d. Such theatrical performances are successfully held in Saratov region; in Yaroslavl, guests are invited to put on simple robes and try their hand at being barge haulers on the Volga; at the Yekaterinburg Museum of Local History, guests are certainly greeted by a beauty dressed as the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Such theatrical elements (even in a shortened version) cannot leave tourists indifferent and are a wonderful addition to a thematic excursion around ancient history the edges.

Travel can be called one of the most popular and vibrant hobbies of a person. Many people love to travel to new places, filling their lives unforgettable impressions from travel. Not every resident of Russia can afford a holiday abroad, but excursions to interesting places in their country are available to them. Recently, the number of people wishing to discover amazing corners of the Russian Federation has increased greatly, and this circumstance has served as an impetus for business people to start the excursion business.

Every entrepreneur has questions: how to open a tour agency, how much money should be invested in the business at the start, whether the business will bring profit and where to start this process. It turns out that organizing tourism activities is not difficult, and a person interested in it can easily build such a business and achieve success in it.

Starting a business - planning activities

Before you start organizing any business, you need to make a plan. It will consist of the following points:

  1. Studying market demand and competitors' activities.
  2. Choosing an office for a future bureau.
  3. Selection of necessary documents for business.
  4. Development of excursion routes.
  5. Solving transport issues.
  6. Recruitment.
  7. Advertising campaign.

After collecting, studying and analyzing all the necessary information, the businessman must draw up a business plan for his future enterprise and calculate the approximate costs of opening it.

And now about all this in more detail.

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Studying tourism legislation, preparing documents for business

Having decided to organize a business in the field of tourism, a businessman must study tourism legislation and then prepare the documents necessary to open his own business. The main law that defines the principles of state policy in the field of tourism and regulates the rights and obligations of the owners of excursion bureaus and their clients is the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1996, N 132-FZ.

To better imagine their future activities, experienced businessmen advise beginners to attend special thematic courses, for example, “Organizing a travel agency from A to Z.” Firms and consulting groups conduct such courses on a monthly basis and even provide their students with ready-made sets of all the documents necessary for the excursion business.

To open a tour desk business person in the Russian Federation you do not need to purchase a license or other special permit. All that is required of him is registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. As the main documents, in addition to the registration certificate, you will need to have independently developed contracts for the provision of services, contracts with transport companies, museums, public catering establishments, job descriptions for staff, and leaflets for tourists.

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Market demand, study of competition and development of excursion routes

Any novice entrepreneur understands that his business will be profitable if there is a demand for his services. Therefore, to organize a tour desk in hometown, you need to see whether this city, its surroundings or settlements located at a short distance from it, a large number of attractions and beautiful places. After all, before you start developing routes to Moscow or Suzdal, or other distant cities, you must first try to conduct excursions closer to “home”. There are many amazing places in Russia with rich history and beautiful nature.

If there is already a tour desk in the city, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the offers and routes of competitors. When setting the cost of excursions, you need to focus on the average salary of city residents and think about how much money they can pay for the trip. The main criterion is the availability of the excursion for everyone, and although the price should be made more attractive than that of competitors, it should not be too low.

When developing a route plan, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, you must definitely study the history of your native land, its customs, and get acquainted with the biographies of famous fellow countrymen. To do this, you will need to visit the local local history museum, talk with its employees, look through books about your region and chat with old-timers who will be happy to tell you about interesting legends and events of the past.

Secondly, routes should be developed taking into account the age audience. If these are excursions for children, you should definitely introduce elements of entertainment into them, organize playful moments, for example, dress up the guide as a fairy-tale character, come up with a thematic competition, etc. Children's excursions should not be drawn out in time, since children quickly lose interest in one thing or another. the same activity.

Thirdly, you need to carefully consider the time spent on each route (from 45 minutes to the whole day), provide stops along the way, and recommend a cafe for lunch. If the excursion takes several days, this requires tourists to spend the night in a hotel and provide them with food.

Fourthly, the plan for visiting city attractions should differ from the plan of competitors; for this purpose, it is advisable to select other monuments for a city tour or, in addition to the main program, include “unpromoted” but interesting places, visits to which can be organized for an additional fee. The more interesting and more unusual excursion, the more people will want to visit it, since “the earth is full of rumors.”

An important circumstance is the implementation of an advertising campaign. In addition to announcements in the media, handouts, booklets in stores, advertising in in social networks You definitely need to create a website on the Internet, thanks to which large quantity people will learn about the agency, see the excursion plan, and get acquainted with their program and prices in detail.

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Office for the tour desk and its staff

Business at the initial stage involves minimal expenses Money. Therefore, the organizer of the bureau is at first almost its only employee. IN own apartment he can receive calls from those who want to go on an excursion or conduct it himself. But over time, having an office becomes a necessity, as does increasing the number of employees. It is better to find office space in a busy place so that it catches the eye of many. A bright sign and a beautiful display window are required. The interior decoration of the office should not be too expensive or extremely “soviet”, but cozy and bright so that the client feels comfortable in it.

The main employee of the bureau is the tour guide. He must be a competent specialist, have a well-trained, pleasant voice, and be attractive. He needs to constantly learn something new about the sights and famous people, adding Interesting Facts in the excursion texts. In addition to tour guides, the company will need an accountant, manager and drivers. The head of the bureau can agree with the transport company to provide a bus for routes on certain days; a larger company has its own transport and drivers.