Interesting topics about animals. In fact, pit bull terriers are not aggressive. Mosquitoes are nature's deadliest killers

It turns out that the squirrel is an excellent builder! How cleverly she arranges her nest, which, by the way, is called gayno!

The animal weaves a nest from thin twigs, deftly working with its front paws. She does this very carefully. First he folds the twig to the twig, and then presses them tightly against each other. After this, the busybody bends the ends of the twigs and weaves them into a large ball with side holes for entry. The guy, as a rule, has two such holes for safety. On frosty days, the housewife closes them tightly with moss. By winter, the squirrel insulates the nest with soft wool, down, leaves and bird feathers. It’s warm in such a nest even in the cold.

For professional and holiday bees, keeping a dog is often difficult because one is not always easy to find or pay for, and not all employers allow four-legged animals in the office. Cats are already more suitable. If you can't do anything about Siam, Burma and Perserkatze or allergies, of course you can buy a hamster. But be careful: rodents are nocturnal, so do not choose to put them in your bedroom if your own beauty sleep is expensive. Small pets are also often accepted in rented apartments without problems, with a cat, a dog, etc.

A squirrel usually has several such houses: for cubs, for sleeping, and for hiding from bad weather. The animal likes to spend frosty days in its nest. She covers herself with her fluffy tail like a blanket and sleeps sweetly.

About what forest animal do they say: “It will fool anyone”?

Something Else: Unusual Pets

This can get complicated. Exotic animals such as ferrets, parrots, squirrels, rats or snakes have long found many followers. But be careful: for the right attitude, there are certain rules and regulations depending on the type. Exclusively also a synonym, you can buy it like this, but no. In any case, the following conditions apply: Living conditions must be appropriate to the species and be safe so that the animals can feel good and cannot be exhausted.

There are 25 different species of bats available in Germany. The international party offers the opportunity to experience the amazing beauty of the night up close. In the events you can find interesting facts about our domestic bats. In particular, animal welfare is at the forefront.

Well, of course, about the fox! By nature, she has rather short, thin, even graceful legs, not adapted for long running. Therefore, the fox is forced to take prey thanks to its cunning and special tricks. The cheat easily deceives gullible birds, animals and even people. In winter, the fox most often hunts voles. How interesting she does it! If a red-haired cunning creature smells a mouse in some place, it very quietly creeps up to it, and then jumps up and hits the ground with its paws. Hearing loud sounds and not understanding what’s going on, the frightened mice jump out of the hole with great horror . And that’s all the cheat needs! It is very difficult for mice to escape from the dexterous fox and its sharp teeth. There is another trick - a fox can lie in front of its victim's hole for hours, cleverly pretending to be dead. The mice, believing that the fox is dead, lose their vigilance and easily fall for this trick.

With the introduction of bat living space, Dr. At the same time, concerns about bats may be passed on to children. The large model taught primary school children that bats belong to mammals. In the evening we went to Remmild to visit the summer quarters of the bats. The "keeper" of the bats, Mr. Warlicek, told interesting things about the daily life of the Great Mice. How many mice ears are still in the attic? Unfortunately, there were only three people out of about 40 animals that were "dependent" on the previous day.

How do parents take care of little wolf cubs?

I can’t even believe that wolves are caring parents! The number of wolf cubs born can be from 5 to 8, but sometimes there are 12. Therefore, it is difficult for one mother to cope with such a litter. The wolf always helps the she-wolf raise her babies. He goes hunting and brings prey for the whole family. The she-wolf vigilantly monitors the children, and at the slightest sign of danger, she transfers them to another place, more reliable and calm. Sometimes young wolves help raise and feed wolf cubs. A wolf pack may have a nursery where one-year-old wolves “work” as nannies. They play with the kids and teach them to hunt.

But animals are not aimed at people. People helping animals is a saying that many people travel during the Christmas season to collect donations. We have members who help, over and over again throughout the year, wild animals that have injured themselves in the wild and alone could no longer help. So Schnaffel continued. With only one eye and spine damaged, which would prevent normal use of the forelimbs, he would be an easy prey wildlife. Now he has found new house in Christina right up to her life.

What and how does a bear eat?

Yes, practically everyone. Her favorite plants are: nuts, acorns, mushrooms, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, rowan berries and viburnum. He will not refuse chicks, small animals, ants and, of course, fish. And, if he is very hungry, he can even attack an elk. Interestingly, the bear hunts for ants. He sticks his tongue into the anthill and waits for the ants to stick around him. It swallows everyone en masse. Toptygin is an avid fisherman and can sit for hours on the bank of a river. The paw is raised in anticipation of the fish. As soon as the bear notices the fish, he deftly and accurately hits it with his strong paw, pulls it out of the water and feasts.

She has been caring for injured or even malnourished hedgehogs for over 30 years. If so, listeners will learn a lot about this dawn and nocturnal animal. When your mother says to you: Good night! Sleep well!, Hedgehog says: Good morning! It is located here, in the western part of Central Europe. But it's in gardens that aren't too neat. They also find deciduous forests. They avoid coniferous forests, agricultural and shrub lands, and wet places habitats such as swamps. Bushes and hedges, as well as hollow tree trunks and cracks, provide resting areas, and sometimes they also leave abandoned buildings for other mammals.

What about honey? A colony of bees will find a sweet tooth in a hollow tree, put their paw into it, pull out the sweet honeycombs and eat all the honey. The bear doesn't care at all about bee stings. A thick fur coat protects the bear from the sharp stings of angry insects.

Why do wild pigs need dirt?

Where do they find everything? A natural garden can replace the hedgehog's loss of its natural habitat. Then we ensure adequate nutrition. It was very nice when the Bieber family living room was finally found. In the end, 38 participants made their way to the state primary school "In Gleichbergen". In the multi-purpose room, everyone could tell Beebo the beaver what he already knew about him, or what he would like to know about the life of beavers. Then, finally, it all started. Through the village to spring and the spleen there are two rivers.

Through the rain they were well stocked and Marcus could explain very clearly what living conditions beavers needed. The children were also allowed to experience how they felt they were able to perceive their environment only through their sense of touch: blindfolded and being led to a tree by a partner. There, the "blind child" felt the bark, smelled the smell on the tree and guessed the starting point - without eyebrows - what kind of tree it felt. Several adults also took part and gave insight into how a beaver must find its way in its world.

Interesting but difficult to watch marten

The fact is that the animal does not build a permanent home, but moves through the forest, hiding, each time in a new shelter. There during the day she rests in one of them, and at night she goes hunting. The marten has everything that a good hunter should have: tenacious legs with membranes of skin in order to more conveniently grasp tree branches. The animal can climb up even an absolutely vertical and smooth trunk. The large tail serves as a rudder and parachute when jumping. With the help of such a tail assistant, the marten can jump to a distant tree or boldly rush from a great height straight to the ground. In addition, she has excellent vision, hearing and smell. The marten is a dangerous enemy for hares, squirrels, rodents, as well as hazel grouse and black grouse.

Beaver tracks were soon seen on the banks of the spleen. Nigty, a fallen tree, and then loud branches, delicately placed on the shore. Marcus explained that the family's beavers created the earthworks here. Under the branches is the “living room”, and the branches are the ceiling. Now everyone knows: if such a pile lies on the river bank, no one will run over it. With the feeling of a beaver's skin I went on the beautiful excursion to the end. Thank you, Marcus, for your help in finding Beaver's house!

Children encounter wolves for the first time without prejudice. Kindergartens and teachers in our area also have to deal with a wild thief. We offer various seminars on this issue. Animals are at the top of many children's wish lists. A pet is a balm for a nanny!

The woodpecker knocks and knocks on the tree, but when does he have time to eat?

In summer, the bird feeds mainly on insects. At the same time, the beak and tongue become the main tools for obtaining food. The woodpecker's beak is a real tool for chiseling hard wood. By the way, when a bird hammers a tree, the wood dust does not interfere with its breathing at all, since its nostrils are protected by special bristles. Having hollowed out a small hole in the bark, the woodpecker sticks its tongue into it, which is also unusual. It is flexible, long, covered with sticky saliva and like a grater. set with small teeth directed backwards. The tongue can protrude 12 cm from the mouth. With this tongue it is convenient to get insects from under the bark and narrow holes. And he will have lunch and treat the tree.

At the same time, numerous international studies have shown the positive impact of companion animals on children's development. Many facts speak about this. Children who grow up with a pet have a more stable immune system, are less susceptible to allergies and are less likely to get sick. They live healthier and sit less often and for longer periods in front of the computer.

Animals give you self-confidence - they don’t push you, they don’t criticize, they don’t make any demands and they don’t give any advice. They encourage self-confidence and give children the feeling of loving without reservation. Even shy and reserved children are reborn upon contact with an animal.

Despite the large number documentaries about wildlife, we still know very few details about the habits and characteristics of the animal world of our planet. Interesting Facts about wild animals, sometimes can completely change our understanding of this or that representative of the wild fauna. It is often very difficult to believe that such amazing and diverse animals could arise as a result of a natural evolutionary process. Interesting ones reveal not only the unique characteristics of little-studied organisms, but also shed light on new aspects of the life of animals known from childhood. Interesting facts about wild animals collected in this collection will tell you a lot of new and interesting things:

Animals help increase stamina and concentration. You can't just put an animal in a corner like a toy. The animal has exactly what we need - it wants to be noticed every day, nurtured and fed. Highly productive and unfocused children are especially favorable in this regard.

Children who grow up with animals are much more obedient

Animals help in everyday school life. Children who grow up with an animal are perceived by teachers as more obedient, more orderly and more mentally stable. Stress levels in your home are also reduced - heart rate and blood pressure are reduced when you have a pet. It is no coincidence that “therapy animals” are increasingly used in schools and in the treatment of children with increased stress.

— There are about 6,000 species of reptiles, but every year scientists discover new species.

— There are about 70,000 species of spiders and 3,000 species of lice in the world.

— The fastest bird in the world is the ostrich. He runs at speeds of up to 70 km/h.

— Hippopotamus sweat contains red and orange pigments that absorb ultraviolet light and acts on its skin like sunscreen.

Which animal is right for your family and your living situation? Detailed information this can be found in the brochure “Children and Animals”, which was created together with the editorial group “Parents”. How much do we know about this noble stem vegetable, which is currently on everyone's lips: it is low in calories, at least if one of the left makes powerful sauces or oils that are transferred to it. It has nothing to do with toxins. And that the harvest, like every year, is called “And as a suitable peasant rule”?

What cherries are related to asparagus

Or that asparagus is a poisonous plant? The site has collected the most interesting facts about asparagus, some of which you didn’t know yet. Asparagus season is notoriously short: June is a decree after which asparagus fans have to wait almost a year. The plant still needs restoration. Asparagus is not replanted every year, but at best it bears fruit for several years. Franconian peasant rule at the end of the day reduces it to such a degree: “the cherries are red, the asparagus is dead.”

“Camels only spit if you make them angry.”

— Crabs are the size of a pea—that’s what they’re called, Pea crabs.

— The lifespan of 75% of wild birds is no more than six months.

— On our planet there are more than a million species of wild and.

— Tigers, well known to everyone, have interesting feature pigmentation - not only their hairline, but also the skin itself has a striped color. In addition, tabby cats have five toes on the front limbs and four on the hind limbs.

Asparagus: not only the hand, but also the footwork

The fact that asparagus does not lick but is hard physical work should be known. But so often it is not clear what this means in specific terms: each individual bar must be removed from the ground manually. First, they cover the foil, harvest the asparagus, and reapply the foil. Therefore, please be careful shopping, do not waste anything. Well, one time he asks how certain names come about. Asparagus are long, narrow men and boys, rather pale and less offensive. 'Rambo' is a robust plant with very thick sticks and a strong flavour.

— Tiger claws reach a length of approximately 10 cm.

— Giraffes have the biggest heart among land animals.

— In giraffes, the length of the tongue can reach 45 cm.

— The heart of a whale beats 9 times per minute.

— A zebra is white with black stripes, not the other way around.

Or asparagus chicken, which sounds like a delicious recipe but is actually a bug too. And the asparagus flies, this time there is no beetle, but actually a fly. The names are somewhat misleading because these creatures are all pests that attack young asparagus shoots or cause damage to the entire plant. Freshness is a decisive quality for asparagus. The best thing to do is to freshly cut into the pot, but this is the least allowed. A few tips will help you evaluate the offer in a supermarket or market: the cut surface should be smooth and moist.

The bats They are the only mammals capable of flight.

— Dolphins have names. And each baby dolphin gets his name at birth. Scientists proved this fact by recording a whistle signal meaning a name, to which the same dolphin responded.

Also, the sticks squeak when they shake each other and they break easily. Asparagus season is short - too short for some. Fortunately, he was frozen. Towards the end of the season, vegetables are often offered at a better price. You can then access and freeze it to extend the season a bit. Important: The rods should freeze in the digester, not thaw. Therefore, before peeling, but do not boil or blanch, as is often recommended. At the same time, tastes and losses. Additionally, when ice crystals form with ice, the bars become soft and cloudy.

— There are more muscles in the body of any caterpillar than in the human body.

— The wild animals that can go the longest without drinking are not camels. These are rats. Keep this in mind if you want to starve the thirsty rats in your basement.

— Porcupine cubs are already able to climb a tree an hour after birth.

— A tit feeds its chicks at least a thousand times in 48 hours.

Frozen asparagus lasts about six months. Most people cook asparagus, especially white ones. But you can also fry it, poach it, or simply enjoy the cheese marinated in a salad. But it tastes completely different. The typical flavor of asparagus only develops during cooking. Please, however, clean the white asparagus thoroughly.

This, but never asparagus

Even if it sounds strange: in the German-speaking world they use asparagus various articles. Generally, asparagus is used in Germany and Austria. In Switzerland, as well as in Southern Germany, the feminine form is sometimes used: singular asparagus. In the plural it is called asparagus in the male form, asparagus in the female. No asparagus is used.

“Koala” means “don’t drink” in the Australian Aboriginal language. Eating eucalyptus, the koala receives all the necessary moisture from its leaves, and drinks water only occasionally - during periods of drought or during illness.

— When attacking a prey, sharks close their eyes so that the prey does not injure them when resisting.

— Snakes can sleep for 3 years in a row without eating anything.

— Birth control pills work on gorillas.

— Crocodiles swallow stones to dive deeper into the water.

— Sharks are immune to cancer.