The main city in England. English cities - the calm of antiquity and the frantic rhythm of modernity. From I to M

Cities of Great Britain: Contents 1 Maps ... Wikipedia

City status has been officially assigned to 66 cities in the UK: in ... Wikipedia

GARDEN CITIES- CITY GARDENS, a special type of city planning with big amount green spaces. The harmful aspects of life in capitalist cities are overcrowding, lack of clean air, lack of light, greenery and therefore high... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Cities in Europe with a population of more than 500 thousand people. As of mid-2012, there are 91 such cities in Europe, among which 33 cities have a population of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants. The list contains official data on the number... ... Wikipedia

For cities throughout the United Kingdom, see Cities of Great Britain. This article contains an unfinished translation from foreign language. You can help the project by translating it to completion. EU... Wikipedia

Socio-economic changes in England in the 16th century.- England XVI century. differed from other countries of feudal Europe in that the decomposition of feudal relations and the development of capitalist production occurred more intensively in it, and moreover, both in the city and in the countryside. This was the beginning of... ...

Social and political consequences of the Norman conquest of England and the further development of feudal relations in it (XI-XIII centuries)- Feudal relations in England developed at a somewhat slower pace than in France. In England by the middle of the 11th century. Basically, feudal orders already dominated, but the process of feudalization was far from over, and... ... The World History. Encyclopedia

This term has other meanings, see Civil War in England. The English Civil War of 1135-1154 was a long feudal conflict in the Anglo-Norman state of the mid-12th century, caused by the struggle for the throne after... ... Wikipedia

The English Civil War of 1135-1154 was a long feudal conflict in the Anglo-Norman state of the mid-12th century, caused by the struggle for the throne after the death of King Henry I. The election of Stephen of Blois as the English king in 1135... ... Wikipedia


  • , C. Petit-Dutailly, Book by the major French historian C.-E. Petit-Dutailly (1868-1947) is dedicated to the development of royal power in two medieval states, France and England, in the era when Western... Category: Library Science Publisher: Book on Demand, Manufacturer: Book on Demand,
  • Feudal monarchy in France and England in the 10th-13th centuries, C. Petit-Dutailly, Book by the major French historian C.-E. Petit-Dutailly (1868-1947) is dedicated to the development of royal power in two medieval states, France and England, in the era when Western... Category: Humanities Series: Publisher:

Great Britain (Great Britain), which is often colloquially referred to simply as England, a state whose largest and most significant part is located in Europe. Officially, Great Britain has a significantly longer name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and is located not only on British Isles.

Basic information

Total area of ​​the kingdom: 244,820 km2
Population: about 62 million inhabitants
Capital: London city (about 10 million inhabitants)
Official languages: English and Welsh.
National currency: pound sterling (GBP)
Country dialing code: +44
Local time: 3 hours behind Moscow

  • Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the King or Queen of Great Britain. Executive branch carried out by the cabinet of ministers headed by the prime minister, the head of the party that won the parliamentary elections.
  • Legislative power is in the hands of parliament. Consisting of the House of Commons (650 members), re-elected every 5 years, and the House of Lords (the number of members is not strictly established, currently 788 people). There are three main parties in the country. Two traditional ones: Conservative (Tory) and Labor (Whig), as well as Liberal Democratic.

The United Kingdom includes:

  • four historical metropolitan areas located in the British Isles, plus the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands (separate administrative units) in the English Channel. And this in turn:
  • England is the largest administrative part, including 39 counties, 6 metropolitan counties (special urban areas: Greater Manchester, West Midlands, West Yorkshire, Merseyside, Time and Wear, South Yorkshire) and Greater London. It occupies 2/3 of the island of Great Britain. The area of ​​England is 130,395 km2;
  • Wales, which includes: 9 counties, 3 cities, 10 city-counties. Occupied area: 20,779 km2;
  • Scotland - occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain and the adjacent islands: the Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland. Occupied area: 78,772 km2;
  • Northern Ireland is divided into 6 counties and 26 districts. Area: 13,843 km2;
  • as well as 14 territories in different ends world under British control and called overseas (overseas).
  • In Europe it is . In America: British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands (all Caribbean), Montserrat Island, Falkland Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, South Sandwich Islands. In Africa - the island of Saint Helena. IN Pacific Ocean- Pitcairn Island. IN Indian Ocean— British Indian Ocean Territory

Major UK cities

  • — the most, apparently, Big city V Western Europe;
  • (more than 1 million people) - located in Central England, the second most populous city (after London) in the UK;
  • (about 1 million people) - the largest city in Scotland and the third most populous in the United Kingdom;
  • (about 600 thousand people) - the capital and second largest city of Scotland;
  • Manchester (about 500 thousand people) - located in the north-west of England, a large industrial, cultural, financial, and transport center of the country. Home to the most famous of English football clubs, Manchester United;
  • (about 500 thousand people) - a port on the north-west coast of England and the homeland of another famous soccer club, Liverpool

The main ones are concentrated in London and its surroundings. This is the huge British Museum, the main residence of the queen, the ancient Tower Castle, where parliament sits and where members of the royal family are married, St. Paul's Cathedral, the country palace of Windsor west of London and the ancient Hampton Court Palace on the Thames, as well as much more.

  • The country's university centers, Oxford and Cambridge, are considered to be among the most prestigious educational institutions Old World
  • It would be worth visiting the prehistoric one, in the county of Wiltshire in the west and nearby - built, as they say, in just 40 years and in the same Gothic style. The vast Dartmoor moors in Devon, which became the setting for the most famous of the Sherlock Holmes novels, The Hound of the Baskervilles, south Cornwall and its wonderful
  • Drive along the entire south-east coast, from Dover to Torquay, famous for its chalk cliffs and cozy coastal towns with surprisingly sunny weather for England. The counties of Kent and Norfolk are exceptionally beautiful, on the coast of which you can also enjoy a seaside holiday to the fullest.

Don't forget about traveling to Scotland, famous for its lakes and castles. It is suspected that Nessie the dinosaur still lives in Loch Ness, but the number of ancient castles (or ruins from them) in this northern country numbers in the thousands.

You should definitely visit, climb the rock “Arthur’s Seat”, from which the famous king, the owner of the “Round Table”, surveyed the surrounding area, and also get to the romantic castle on the island near west coast Scotland.

Today we will introduce you to ten UK cities that are the most interesting and attractive from a tourist point of view. In my opinion, the list below can be a good guide for travelers visiting the UK for the first time. Of course, everyone has different interests and preferences, but here are cities, places and entertainment for every taste. So, without delay, let's move on to the tenth point of our Top 10.

10th place: Liverpool

Liverpool is one of the most big cities Great Britain. It played an important role in the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. More than 200 years ago, the largest shipyard, and the main financial flows of Britain passed through the port of Liverpool. Today, Liverpool is a cult place for fans of the legendary group The Beatles, which was formed in this city. Once in Liverpool, be sure to visit Liverpool Cathedral and the ensemble of buildings of the Port of Liverpool.

9th place: St. Andrews

This old City Scotland is famous for its stunning golf courses and university, which was founded in the early 15th century. IN last years The University of St. Andrews became even more popular thanks to its titled student, Prince William, who met his future beloved Catherine here. Another attraction of the city is the impressive ruins of the once largest St. Andrews Cathedral

8th place: Inverness

You can enjoy the stunning Scottish flavor in the port city of Inverness, which is located in the highlands of the country. Tireless bagpipers, mysterious stories about ghosts, cozy pubs with delicious whiskey and local ale... all this can be found here at every turn. The legendary Loch Ness with its mythical monster is the most popular attraction, located a few kilometers from the city.

7th place: York

A two-hour drive from the capital of Great Britain is a city with a two-thousand-year history. York was founded back in 71 AD. by the Romans, and in 866 passed to the Vikings. By visiting the city museum, you will learn a lot interesting facts about the history of the country. Medieval streets are perfect for romantic leisurely walks.

6th place: Stratford-upon-Avon

This small town is located in Warwickshire. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of the outstanding and greatest playwright and poet William Shakespeare. The history of the genius is closely connected with this pretty city: here he was born, grew up, married, worked and was buried. In addition, this is where the largest butterfly farm in all of Europe is located. Every year the city is visited by more than three million tourists, many of whom are our compatriots.

5th place: Oxford

Oxford is a stunning city with a rich cultural and historical heritage. Of course, first of all, it is famous for the oldest university in Europe, which ranks first in the ranking of educational institutions in England - Oxford University. The city amazes tourists with its elegant architecture and indescribable student atmosphere.

4th place: Cambridge

Cambridge is another stunning university city in the UK. Educational institutions appeared here in the 13th century, and the first students were exiles from Oxford. Since then, the prestige of the University of Cambridge has grown significantly: today it is a world-class university. Famous Cambridge graduates include Isaac Newton, Prince Charles and even George Darwin. Many theaters, exhibitions and other events to suit every taste will provide excellent entertainment for lovers of cultural recreation.

3rd place: Bath

This is one of the most beautiful cities in Britain. It is famous for its healing springs, thanks to which the city is included in the UNESCO list. Bath arose as an ancient Roman settlement near thermal springs, and even then it could be called resort town. Today, Bath attracts not only those wishing to improve their health, but also lovers of cultural recreation.

2nd place: Edinburgh

This city is famous for its stunning hill castle, royal palace and other impressive buildings from different eras. Don't forget to visit the whiskey museum - Whiskey Heritage Centre. At the end of summer, the famous Edinburgh Festival takes place here, striking in its scope and colorfulness. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo is another spectacular annual event that attracts a ton of tourists.

1st place: London

Many have already guessed that the leader of our ranking will be the capital of Great Britain - London. The history of this city began several thousand years ago, when it was founded by the Romans and named Londinium. Today London is the generally recognized center of cultural, financial and political life in Europe. Pubs, night life, fashionable boutiques and vibrant cultural events create an indescribable atmosphere of this city. When going on a trip to Foggy Albion, start from London, and then Great Britain will definitely not disappoint you!

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What other UK cities besides London do you know? Surely, thanks to football, Manchester and Liverpool are well-known, many have also heard about Birmingham. And this is not surprising, because all of the cities named are among the largest in population in the United Kingdom. Although it is worth noting that in the entire country only 66 settlements have received the honor of being called a city, while in Russia there are more than a thousand of them. There are only 2 cities in the country with a population of over a million, and only 55 cities on the list with a population of over 100 thousand people.


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1. London (8,173,900 people)

The capital of Great Britain, London, ranks first in terms of population. It is the largest city in the European Union and the second largest in Europe.

The first mention of London dates back to 43 AD. e., and it still occupies a leading position in many indicators. London is located on 1700 sq. km of area, it holds the record for the number of palaces, bridges, suburbs and monuments per square meter. Squares and parks occupy a huge part of the city, and the largest are Bushy Park and Richmond Park.

London's climate is moderate and natural disasters rarely occur here. Well, the London fogs and rains are known all over the world.

London is home to more than 40 prestigious universities, and the city is one of the largest business and commercial centers. There are also 6 international airports with a passenger traffic of 150 million people.
In addition to the already large resident population, millions of tourists come to London every year, attracted by its many attractions. We know all these monuments from school - Westminster Abbey and Palace of Westminster, Trafalgar Square, Tower, Elizabeth Tower and much more.

2. Birmingham (1,028,700 people)

Birmingham, a million-plus city, is also in second place. It can be called a center of technical education. During the Industrial Revolution, after the invention of the steam engine, the city became a powerful center of industry, and has managed to maintain this status to this day.

The architecture of the city surprisingly connects the buildings that were erected after the Second World War with the quarters of jewelers and gunsmiths that have remained in the city since the Middle Ages. Among the most notable landmarks are the Birmingham Anglican and catholic cathedrals, Birmingham City Museum, Duddeston Railway Viaduct, which thanks to the participation local residents was not destroyed, but turned into a place to relax.

There are 3 universities in Birmingham, and many technical institutions whose graduates become specialists in heavy industry. The city can also boast that many famous personalities were born or lived there, such as musicians Ozzy Osbourne and Nick Mason, actors Tony Hancock and Oliver Phelps, etc.

3. Leeds (751,485 people)

Leeds takes third place. It is not as famous as the previous ones, but also attracts a lot of tourists, and all because in 1996 the collection of the Royal Armory was moved here from the Tower of London. Among the attractions worth coming to Leeds for are Kirkstall Abbey, Tuckeray Museum, Tropical World Orangery, Sculpture Museum and Harewood Palace. Leeds has 2 universities, and the oldest school in the city is over 450 years old.
There are two dog breeds associated with Leeds and the surrounding area that were bred here. The first Yorkshire Terrier was originally bred by miners to hunt rats. The second is the Airedale Terrier, which was named after the valley of the Aire River.
An interesting fact is that Linds is the city where the Marks & Spence trading empire was born. It was here at the city market in 1884 that Mikhail Marks opened his first stall.

4. Sheffield (551,800 people)

The fourth most populous city in the UK is Sheffield - the greenest in the country due to the abundance of green spaces. It is also called the “steel city”, and all because it is the center of metallurgy and steel production. Several discoveries in this area were made in this city. In the 14th century, Sheffield was famous for its knife making, and by the 17th century it had become the center of cutlery production throughout England.
Despite its large population, residents of the city call it the largest village in Great Britain, because there are so many trees that Sheffield can really be confused with some kind of village.

Sheffield is the perfect city to combine leisure with a calm one. Historical festivals are regularly held here, there are many cafes and bars, beautiful local architecture, and about 80 parks throughout the city. In addition, this is where the oldest football club, Sheffield United, is located.

The city also has many attractions, for example, the ruins of Sheffield Castle, where Mary Stuart was imprisoned. Also interesting is the Walk of Fame in the city center, which is designed like the Hollywood Walk of Fame, only here it honors famous Sheffield residents.

5. Manchester (502,900 people)

The fifth most populous city in the United Kingdom, Manchester is a large financial, transport, commercial and industrial city, the center of a group of "textile" cities in south-east Lancashire. However, it is known to many as a leisure center; young people especially love it. Once upon a time, Manchester had more theaters than London, and today the city is attracting new art. Those who come to Manchester City are looking for inspiration, energy, talent and skill.

The Pennines are located to the west of Manchester, so the upper floors of each high-rise building offer breathtaking views of snow-capped mountain peaks.

The city is incredibly proud of the University of Manchester, which has an impressive scientific heritage. This is confirmed by the fact that of all the students who studied or are studying there, 25 are Nobel Prize laureates. There is no need to introduce the famous Manchester United football team to anyone - this is a separate pride of the city that has made it famous throughout the world.

Among the attractions that attract tourists are the town hall building, the main street King Street, beautiful building courts in Crown Square, the Central Library, the Manchester Art Gallery, the modern beautiful Urbis exhibition center, the Lowry theater and concert complex and many more interesting places both ancient and built in the modern world.

Do you know what the UK's largest cities are? How many could you name? The most interesting thing is that the official authorities assigned city status to only 66 settlements throughout the United Kingdom (for comparison, there are more than 1000 of them in the Russian Federation). Moreover, the only city with a population of more than a million people that Great Britain can boast of is London. We can't help but mention Birmingham. Let's look at the UK's largest cities.


It is quite natural that we begin the story from the capital of not only England, but the whole of Great Britain. More than 7 million people live here. Only a few cities in the world have higher populations. The city became famous at the dawn of the Roman Empire, but it still holds a leading position in many respects. London is the largest populated area not only in area, but also in the number of palaces, suburbs, bridges, monuments per 1 km2. A huge part of the city's territory is occupied by public gardens and parks. The largest are Bushy Park and Richmond Park. The climate here is moderate, and weather disasters are quite rare. If we talk about ethnic groups, Indians, Jamaicans, and Nigerians live here. It is one of the world's largest commercial and business centers. The city has more than 40 universities that Great Britain is proud of. London also has 6 international airports, whose annual passenger traffic is about 150 million people. Every year the metropolis attracts millions of tourists who, as we see, have something to see here. What other major UK cities deserve special attention?


The population of this city is about 1,100,000 people. When we teach at school or university English language, then we will certainly learn at least something about such a wonderful state as England. Birmingham became one of the most powerful industrial centers during the Industrial Revolution, when the steam engine was invented. It remains so to this day. The architecture of the city is characterized by a harmonious combination of buildings erected after World War II with the quarters of gunsmiths and jewelers preserved from the Middle Ages. This is such an amazing England. Birmingham is a center for technical education. There are 3 universities here, a lot of technical educational institutions that train specialists in heavy industry. The history of this city is associated with the names of many outstanding personalities. Actors Tony Hancock, Oliver Phelps, musician Ozzy Osbourne, drummer Nick Mason and many others were born here. The largest cities in Great Britain boast collections of Pre-Raphaelite masterpieces and a collection of famous paintings.


This large city is located in the delta of a river called the Mersey. Its population is about 500,000 people. Back in the 13th century it was largest center slave trade, and is now an active trading base with the West Indies. The well-known group “The Beatles” also adds to the fame of this city. In count historical monuments, which are under the protection of UNESCO, Liverpool is second only to the capital of Great Britain. Like Britain's other major cities, it contains major trade routes, bringing many new subcultures and beliefs.


The population of this city is about 950,000 people. It is located just 250 km from London. To the west of Manchester stretch the Pennines, crossing Scotland and England. If you go up to the top floor of any high-rise building, you will see a beautiful view of snow-capped peaks from the window. Manchester is a major cultural, financial, industrial, transport and commercial center of the country. The pride of the city is the University of Manchester, which has an impressive scientific heritage. There are 25 Nobel laureates among former and current students and staff. Architectural monuments surprise and amaze with their beauty - this is the Art Gallery, and Cathedral 15th century. About this football club, like Manchester United, and there is no need to say - everything is clear.


It is a city in England with a population of approximately 760,000 people. What is remarkable about this place? For example, in 1996 to Leeds from Tower of London The collection of the Royal Armory was transported. The Thackeray Museum, Harewood Palace, Kirkstall Abbey, and the Sculpture Museum are the pearls of Leeds that attract many tourists. By the way, the breeding of such a breed as the Yorkshire Terrier is associated with the outskirts of this city.


The main cities of Great Britain are not only in England, but also in Scotland. Glasgow's population is approximately 590,000. The city was founded back in the 6th century; in the Middle Ages it was considered an important educational and religious center of Scotland. In the 18th century, the industrial revolution also affected this settlement, and raised its economy to crazy proportions. At the beginning of the 20th century, other cities (Partick, Govan) were annexed to Glasgow, which led to rapid population growth. The traditional industries here are heavy engineering and shipbuilding, but the economic well-being of the locality largely depends on the service sector, which is developing at a tremendous pace (communications, retail trade, healthcare, etc.). Bridges give the city a special charm and charm, and there are more than twenty of them here - cable-stayed, suspended, arched and others. In 1990, Glasgow was declared the Cultural Center of Europe. The Royal Theater presents numerous productions, ballets, and musicals to the audience. The Kelvingrove Gallery houses paintings by Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Picasso, and Rubens. The city has not just 37 libraries, but also the largest book depository in Europe - the Mitchell Library.


And we will complete our story with a description of another large city in Scotland, whose population is about 470,000 people. Economically, this region is the most prosperous in the UK. The most developed sectors are tourism, services, banking, brewing, education, etc. There are also many museums, galleries, temples, and universities.

The largest cities in the UK deserve to be visited and see all the beauty with your own eyes.