Eisenstadt - to the enchanting music of Haydn. Eisenstadt – feeling the spirit of Austria Transport in the city

Cities of Austria -

Eisenstadt is the capital of the federal state of Burgenland in eastern Austria. The city lies on the Wulka River on the southern slope of the Leithagebirges mountain and is surrounded by vineyards and the Esterhazy Nature Park. The city is divided into three parts: Freistadt, Eisenstadt-Oberberg, Eisenstadt-Unterberg. Eisenstadt has been the capital of Burgenland since 1925. Vienna Airport “Schwechat” is located not far from the city - the main air gate Austria.

The city was first mentioned under the name Castrum Ferreum in 1118. Yours modern name received in 1373, when it became the property of the Kanishchai nobles. In the fifteenth century, Eisenstadt was acquired by Duke Albrecht VI, and in 1647 the city became the possession of the Hungarian princes Esterházy. They made large investments not only in the economy, but also in the cultural development of Eisenstadt.

In 1670, about three thousand Jews expelled from Vienna were allowed to settle in Eisenstadt and six nearby towns. In the 1760s, Joseph Haydn was hired as the prince's court conductor, which contributed to the flourishing cultural life cities. In 1897 Railway connected Eisenstadt with other cities of the country.

After the First World War, according to the Saint-Germain Peace Treaty in 1921, Burgenland, respectively, and Eisenstadt, went to Austria.

Today, about 13 thousand residents live in Eisenstadt, which makes the city feel like home. Due to the short distances, the main mode of transport is a bicycle; there is a convenient rental network.

The most common place for shopping is Hauptstrasse, where all kinds of shops and boutiques are located for every taste. You can have a great meal and enjoy the quality of Austrian cuisine in the Leopoldinen tempel area, where there are good cafes, restaurants and bars.

Eisenstadt enjoys the reputation of one of the warmest cities in Austria. Even in winter, the average ambient temperature here is positive, and in summer the thermometer shows above 26.

Sights of Eisenstadt

The historical city center is located around the Domplatz square with the Domkirche church (XV century) and the Hauptstrasse with its many old buildings, beautiful mansions and the town hall. But the main attraction and business card the city is wonderful palace and park complex Esterhazy, rising above Esterhazy-Platz at the western end of Hauptstrasse.

It was originally a powerful fortress built in the fourteenth century. Then, becoming the property of the Esterhazy family, the castle received a rebirth and was largely rebuilt. The reconstruction was completed in 1672 and the castle became the center of court life in Eisenstadt. Esterhazy Castle has about 200 rooms and six halls, each of which has its own special style. A large number of rooms are given over to the offices of Eisenstadt officials, but some (including the Haydnsaal with its wonderful frescoes and a portrait gallery of Hungarian heroes), the orangery (now an exhibition complex) and the good green area of ​​the Schlosspark around the castle are available to visitors as part of an hour-long organized tour.

There is a beautiful park around the palace.

One hundred meters west of Esterhazy Castle begins, surrounded by the remains of a wall old quarter Unterberg. Built in the late 17th century, it remained the home of a large Jewish community for many years. And although in 1938 almost all Jews were expelled from the city, five notable streets and two cemeteries in the north of Esterhazystrasse are still in good condition. And on the main street of the Unterbergstrasse quarter you can still see one of the two stone buttresses, to which a chain was attached that once blocked the entrance to the area during Shabbat.

A little further along Unterbergstrasse is the house of the chief adviser to the three Habsburg emperors of the 17th-18th centuries, the first rabbi of Eisenstadt and the chief rabbi of all Hungarian Jews, Samson Wertheimer. Now this building houses the Austrian Jewish Museum, on the ground floor of which there is a private synagogue. It was built at the beginning of the 17th century and is one of the few surviving in the territories occupied by the Third Reich.

And the mansion of another rich Jewish local resident on the corner of Unterbergstrasse and Museumgasse was given over Historical Museum. Among the most outstanding exhibits are Roman mosaics and the Blauer Salon, donated to the museum by Franz Liszt.

On Josef-Haydn-Gasse street there is Haydn's house-museum, in which the great composer lived for 22 years. But Haydn-Krautergarten looks more romantic - a small garden with a gazebo, located east of the old city walls, on Burgerspittalgasse and also belonged to Haydn

Not far away stands the city's most impressive church, the Bergkirche with Haydn's mausoleum, built at the beginning of the 18th century. From the outside of the temple, a staircase leads to a small church and turnstile, beyond which begins a labyrinth of grottoes and miniature chapels built in 1705-1744.

Also of interest is the Franciscan church (1625) with the crypt of the Esterházy family; city ​​hall and the Kalvarinbergkirche and St. Martin's churches.

In addition to those already mentioned, there are several more in Eisenstadt interesting museums, including the Fire Brigade Museum.


20 km southwest of Eisenstadt is the village of Forchtenstein, the main asset of which is the castle of the same name, standing on a rocky massif. It is the only one in former western Hungary that was not captured by the Turks in the 1680s. Subsequently, the Esterházy princes used it as an arsenal, and since 1815 the castle has become a museum. Now it houses one of the best collections of weapons in the country.

15 kilometers from the city there is lake Neusiedler See, around which lies national park. The park area is 20,000 hectares, eight thousand of which are located in Burgenland. On the road from Eisenstadt to the south of the country, you have the opportunity to admire numerous castles, which, perhaps, gave the name to the land of Burgenland (translated from German as “land of castles”).

In the Leitsky area mountain range, in a green picturesque valley is located the city of Eisenstadt, the capital of the federal state of Burgenland. It is a very small capital, but beautiful, and many tourists come to see its architecture. Composers Haydn and Liszt lived here.

Near Leith mountain range, in a green picturesque valley the city is located A Eisenstadt, capital of the federal state of Burgenland. This is a very small capital, but it is beautiful and many tourists come to see its architecture.

Archaeologists have found that even before the Celts came to these places, there were the first settlements here. And in 800 AD the emperor Charlemagne began Bavarian settlement in these areas. The city has had its name since 1373; it belonged to Hungary for a long time, and since the 15th century it has been part of the Habsburg Empire. During the Second World War, the city was bombed only once, killing several dozen people. Composers lived here Haydn And Sheet and many others famous people, writers and artists. Nowadays, the city is recognized as a national treasure of Austria and guests come here from all over the country.

The main attraction of Eisenstadt and its symbol is the Esterházy Castle (Schloss Esterházy), built in the 13th century and passed into the family ownership of the family Esterhazy in the 17th century. At the same time, the castle was rebuilt in the Baroque style. The composer lived and worked there for a long time Joseph Haydn. He wrote his works, performing them for the princely family.

Nowadays, the castle hosts banquets and receptions hosted by richest people Austria. Central Hall The palace is named after the composer. This is one of the best concert halls with excellent modern acoustics and rich interior decoration. In addition to this hall, it is worth visiting the hall Empire style for ceremonial meals and Garden Hall– reception room for distinguished guests. In front of the palace there are green lawns with flower beds, and on the sides the building is covered with thick tall trees. Esterhazy Manor is the most important historical and cultural monument Burgenland.

The basis of the urban landscape of Eisenstadt is the very center of the old town, the Domplatz square. Here is the Domkirche, a 15th-century church. Several streets and alleys branch off from the square. Hauptstrasse has many old houses, giving the area a medieval atmosphere. A little to the side is the old Unterberg quarter. Near Unterbergstrasse are the mansions of the financial advisor of the Habsburg era and the chief rabbi of the Jews of Hungary, Samson Wertheimer. This house is now a museum of Austrian Jews, and on the ground floor there is a synagogue from the 17th century.

There is also something to see in the outskirts of the city. 20 km from the city there is the majestic and colorful Forchtenstein Castle (Burg Forchtenstein), rising on a rocky massif, from where very beautiful views. At the time when these lands belonged to western Hungary, this fortress remained the only one that did not yield to Turkish attacks. Princes of Esterhazy weapons were subsequently stored here, and now the castle is a museum with a magnificent weapons collection representing a variety of eras.

The city of Eisenstadt is small. Only 13 thousand people live in it. The atmosphere in the city is somehow homely, welcoming and friendly. They travel around the city mostly on bicycles. Distances are short, roads are good and cycling is best for tourists too, although renting a car is not a problem. Yes and public transport There is. You have to go outside for shopping Hauptsträve– There are many shops and stores here. And if you need to eat deliciously, this is the area Leopoldinentempel, where the main cafes and restaurants are located, where you can get acquainted with the quality of Austrian cuisine.

Eisenstadt is known as the warmest city in the country. In winter the average temperature is +4 degrees, in summer - +26, and sunny days more than 300 per year. This town is popular both among Austrians and among foreign tourists, who increasingly visit it. And there is a reason for this - comfortable weather, a cozy atmosphere, rich nature and medieval heritage - what else does a tourist need?

Photo from panoramio.com

(German) Eisenstadt, bav. Eisnståd, Hung. Kismarton, Croatia Željezno, lat. Castrum Ferrum) - a city of state subordination in, the center of the federal state of Burgenland.

Eisenstadt lies on the Vulka River, which slopes down to the valley. terrace of the southern foothills of the Leith Mountains.


The findings confirm that the Eisenstadt region was already inhabited during the Hallstatt culture. Somewhat later, the Celts and Romans settled here. During the Great Migration, various Germanic peoples and Huns settled the Eisenstadt region. Around 800 AD e. Charlemagne initiated the settlement of the Bavarians. The first mention of the city dates back to 1118, then it was called the Iron Fortress (lat. Castrum Ferreum). From 1264 it became known as Maly Mortin (in Hungarian "Kishmarton"). The city has had its current name since 1373.

In 1373, the city came into the possession of the Hungarian noble family of Kanizsai. This made it possible to strengthen the walls and build a fortress with moats. The name "Eysenstat" (iron city) also comes from that time. Eisenstadt received freedom of trade in 1388. Duke Albrecht VI acquired the city in 1445; For the next 150 years, Eisenstadt remained under Habsburg control. In the 15th century, Croat settlers appeared in Burgenland, who called Eisenstadt Zhelezno, and Burgenland Gradische; Subsequently, their dialect (Gradiščan-Croatian language) was formed, and currently they have cultural autonomy.

During the Turkish wars of 1529 and 1532, Eisenstadt was captured by the Turks as they advanced towards Vienna.

In 1647 the city came under the rule of the Hungarian princely house of Esterházy (Esterházy). The princely family changed the face of the city with continuous, lively construction work. On October 26, 1648, by decree of the Holy Roman Emperor (Ferdinand III), Eisenstadt was included in free cities. The city paid for this 16,000 guilders and 3,000 barrels of wine worth 9,000 guilders. In 1670, Paul I Esterhazy allowed to settle in Eisenstadt and 6 nearby populated areas, known as the 7 communities, approximately 3,000 Jews who were expelled from Vienna. Samson Wertheimer (1658-1742), who acted as a major merchant in Vienna, played the role of rabbi in Eisenstadt. The golden age of artistic life here began with the appointment of Joseph Haydn as the prince's court conductor in the 1760s. In 1809, Eisenstadt was occupied by French units during the War of the Fifth Coalition. In 1897 the city joined the railway network.

After the First World War and the collapse of the Habsburg multinational state, there was a three-year struggle over the future statehood of Burgenland, and thus Eisenstadt. According to the Treaty of Saint-Germain, Burgenland passed to Austria in 1921. However, originally intended as the capital of the state of Edenburg (German. Odenburg, modern Sopron), was transferred to Hungary on the basis of a referendum. Instead of Edenburg, it was Eisenstadt that became the seat of the government of Burgenland on April 30, 1925 and, at the same time, the capital of the state.

During World War II, Eisenstadt was bombed once, with 40 casualties. In 1945, the Red Army occupied Eisenstadt, and the city, like all of Eastern Austria, remained under Soviet occupation until 1955. In 1960, Eisenstadt became the seat of the Diocese of Eisenstadt.

Urban division

Urban areas
  • Kleinhöflein,
  • St. Georgen
Cadastral communities
  • Eisenstadt-Oberberg,
  • Eisenstadt-Unterberg,
  • Kleinhöflein,
  • St. Georgen



  • Haydn Festival
  • Eisenstadt Festival, in the pedestrian area historical center
  • Festival of 1000 Wines - Burgenland Wine Week in front of the Castle Park Orangery



  • Haydn Museum
  • Land (local history) museum
  • Parishioners' Museum
  • Fire Brigade Museum
  • Historical Museum (Landmuseum)
  • Jewish Museum (Österreichisches Jüdisches Museum)

Religious buildings

  • Haydn Church/Mountain Church
  • Cathedral, Late Gothic Bergkirche
  • Synagogue
  • Collegiate Church of St. Martin (Dom-Kirche Hl. Martin)
  • Franciscan Church (Franziskanerkirche)

Esterhazy Castle


  • Esterhazy Castle with Castle Park
  • Baroque pavilion, former hunting castle of Prince Esterházy

Other buildings

  • Haydn Mausoleum
  • Town Hall
  • Powder Tower

Famous people

  • Gustinus Ambrosi, sculptor
  • Paul I, Prince of Esterhazy, Imperial Field Marshal
  • Paul II Anton Fürst Esterhazy, Imperial Field Marshal
  • Andreas Ivanschitz, Austrian footballer
  • Franz Soronix, Austrian politician

Honorary Citizens

  • Esterhazy, b.
  • Joseph Haydn, composer
  • Michael Haydn, composer
  • Johann Nepomuk Hummel, composer and musician
  • Joseph Hirtl (1810-1894) - physician and anatomist, also an honorary citizen of Vienna.
  • Adam and Franz Liszt, musicians and composers
  • Mordecai Mokiak, preacher
  • Robert Musil, writer
  • Maria Pershi, actress
  • Josef Weigl, composer and conductor
  • Emanuel Schreiber, rabbi
  • Samson Wertheimer, rabbi
  • Hildesheimer, Azriel, rabbi

Austria... A country of cozy pastry shops, wonderful classical music and majestic balls. A country where you seem to be transported to another century, forgetting about the bustle and transience of time. A country where you seem to be transported to another century, forgetting about the bustle and transience of time. But for the most part, all tourists think that in this country only a few cities are worthy of their attention, including Vienna, Linz and Salzburg. In fact, there are a lot of cities in Austria worthy of attention. One of these is Eisenstadt

Eisenstadt is the capital of the administrative-territorial unit of Burgenland. This city is one of the important cultural and political centers of Austria. But it is so important not only because it has such an official status.

Eisenstadt is an important part of tours to Austria from http://www.piligrim.ua/, the history of this country was written on the streets of this city. Its history begins in the 11th – 12th centuries, the exact date of the city’s founding is not known, but the first mention of Eisenstadt is usually dated back to 1118 (then it was called Castrum Ferreum). It acquired its modern name in 1373. After 1373, the city began to belong to the Kanishchai nobles. In the 15th century, Eisenstadt was purchased by Duke Albrecht VI, and in 1647 the city became the possession of the Hungarian princes Esterhazy. They made quite large investments not only in the economy, but also in the cultural development of Eisenstadt.

After the First World War, in accordance with the Treaty of Saint-Germain, the city became a territorial unit of the independent state of Austria. During the Second World War, it was only once bombed by enemy troops, which allowed it to maintain most architectural landmarks almost in their original form

The palace of the Hungarian nobles Esterházy is rightfully considered the most famous architectural landmark. The palace was first built in 1364. At that time, it was not the residence of the noble family to which Eisenstadt belonged. But during the reign of Esterhazy, the castle received a rebirth and was rebuilt. The reconstruction was completed in 1672 and since then the castle has become the center of court life in Eisenstadt. The architecture of the castle clearly has a Baroque style, as well as some neoclassical elements that were added to the overall ensemble much later. The façade of the castle is made in a very interesting style; it depicts busts of the kings of Hungary, as well as busts of representatives of the Esterhazy family. The castle has about 200 rooms and 6 halls, each of which has its own unsurpassed atmosphere. Many rooms were given over to offices for Eisenstadt officials. In general, Esterhazy Castle is an unsurpassed architectural complex that amazes guests of the city with its majesty and beauty.

Another attraction of Eisenstadt is considered to be the Joseph Gaidan Museum. It is worth noting that for more than 40 years this famous composer was the conductor at the Esterházy Palace and streets, parks and other buildings of citywide importance are named after him throughout the city. The house in which the museum is located is located on Gaidan Street. The composer lived here for 12 years (from 1766 to 1678). The museum itself displays exhibits that tell not only the life story of the great maestro, but also the history of the Esterhazy family. Under the roof of this house, Josef Hajdan composed several of his most famous works.

I also recommend visiting the Bergkirche church. It was built at the beginning of the 18th century in the Baroque style. The church is decorated with more than 100 elegant wooden figures. The remains of Joseph Gaidan rest in the mausoleum at the Bergkriehe Church. Cobbled streets with “gingerbread” houses in the Old Part of the city will give your walk a light romantic mood, and small cozy pastry shops will delight you with hot aromatic coffee after a long walk. For lovers active rest The Palace Park is worth a visit. Around 1800 it acquired its current appearance in the style of an English landscape park.

Walking along the narrow alleys, you can see many plants rare species, which combine with each other in perfect simplicity and elegance. In one of the city's districts called St. Georgen there are many heuriger-style restaurants. Here city guests can also have a pleasant time.

It is worth noting that the residents are very friendly and hospitable people. Even if someone gets lost in the numerous streets, he can safely ask for help from passers-by, who will be happy to show the way. Eisenstadt is indeed very beautiful and welcoming. This is one of those places where you can feel the spirit of tours to Austria.