The richest people of Tuva. The best people of the Republic of Tuva Religion and culture of Tuvans

Release dates for BME in 2019. The last day for accepting edits is December 25, 2018. Delivery of the book to the printing house - February 25, 2019. Distribution of books - from March 31, 2019. Presentation of awards to Heroes - monthly based on the results of the meeting of the expert council. Publication on the project website - immediately after approval of the articles

The International Encyclopedia "The Best People", "The Best in Education" 2017 has been printed and sent to the readers and heroes of the book

Success Secrets of the Best People


It's hard to imagine that the six-time and undefeated world champion in professional middleweight karate, the creator of a unique style of martial art, a cult action hero of the 1970s and the main character of one of the most popular American TV series of the 1990s, “Cool Walker: Justice” in Texas" Chuck Norris did not demonstrate a fighting character either in childhood or adolescence


About how Bernard Baruch ─ the son of a doctor who emigrated from Germany to the USA six years before the northerners decided to teach the southerners wisdom, and the daughter of a wealthy slave owner who lost almost his entire fortune during the Civil War, ─ entered the galaxy of the richest and influential people of the world, quite a lot are known, but his personality is also shrouded in many legends. Baruch began his ascent to the financial Olympus in 1890 as an office messenger in a small company; ten years later his fortune was already estimated at a million dollars, and by the early 1940s he owned billions. After the end of World War II, he proposed a plan for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons and introduced the term “Cold War” into official political discourse. Baruch has been called an economic dictator, the lone wolf of Wall Street, the eminence grise of the White House, J.P. Morgan actually “baptized” him as a card sharper. However, he really never disdained games, and these games were not only card games and stock exchange games.


It is likely that if one of the modern scientists conducted a study among the inhabitants of our planet to identify the most frequently spoken phrase, it would turn out to be the phrase “Ok Google”. Just like the magic spell “Sim-Sim, open”, which allows the heroes of the fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” to enter a cave with treasures, “Ok Google” also opens the way to treasures: for Internet users - to the countless information riches of the global network, and for the founder of Google Inc. Sergei Brin to the top of the financial Olympus. However, his ambitions are connected not only with material well-being. “Obviously,” he said in an interview with ABC News. ─ that everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be remembered as an innovator who was very reliable and ethical and ultimately made a big difference in the world.”

Mongolian elements are represented. This pattern is reflected in proper names. They have long been important for Tuvans.

History of the origin of names

Modern Tuvan names were borrowed from the Mongols, Russians, and Turkic peoples.

Until recently, a child was not named immediately, but months and sometimes years after his birth. Back in the 19th century, a boy received his “masculine” name at the age of approximately 10 years or more. Before that, he was simply called “son”, “little boy”, “baby” and so on.

This tradition originates from the legends and epic tales of the Tuvans, where it is explained that naming occurs only when a young man receives a horse and becomes a man. So, for example, one of the heroes of the epic tales, Khan-Buddai, received his name when he began to go hunting and was able to tame his horse, and the hero of the epic tales, Mege Sagaan-Toolai, only before going for his bride.

Many Tuvan names are associated with the child's appearance, temperament or character. For example, Biche-ool is translated as “little boy,” Kara-kys is “black girl,” Uzun-ool is “long boy,” and so on.

Often the naming method reflects the strong desire of the parents to see this or that trait in the baby, for example Maadyr is translated as “hero”, Mergen - “wise”.

Among the people there are names that were given by the name of a certain object: Despizek - “trough”.

Girls were often named after beautiful birds, plants, animals, for example Sailykmaa - “titmouse”, Choduraa - “bird cherry”. The most common Tuvan female name is Chechek - “flower”.

Sometimes children were named after the name of the area where the family lived, for example, Khemchik-ool (a river flowing into the Yenisei).

Back at the beginning of the 20th century, if children died in a family, the child was given some “scary” or “bad” name to scare away the evil spirit. Along with the bad nickname, he was also given a worldly “real” nickname, but it was not pronounced until the child grew up and became stronger. Currently, this custom has disappeared, but among people of the older generation you can often find people with such names and surnames that arose on their basis.

Method of education

All Tuvan names are divided into three groups by origin:

  • The first group is the original national names: Mergen - “wise”, Anay “little goat”, Chechen - “graceful”, Belek - “gift”, Chechek - “flower”, Maadyr - “hero”.

Many names are two-syllable and consist of several components, for example, Belek-Bayyr - “gift and holiday”, Aldyn-Kherel - “golden ray”.

The most common component of Tuvan names for boys is the word “ool”, which translates as “boy”, “guy”. For example, Aldyn-ool is a “golden boy”.

  • The second group includes those associated with Buddhism; they were modified according to phonetic laws. Tuvans often named their children in honor of Buddhist deities, Dolchan, Dolgar, Shogzhal.

Children were also named after sacred Buddhist books, for example Manzyrykchy.

  • The third group includes Russian or borrowed from other European languages.

It should be noted that Tuvans use given names more often than surnames. A person is known by his personal nickname, in addition, until 1947, surnames were the old names of the tribes.

Formation of surnames and patronymics

In 1947, Tuvans were allowed to take Russian names and surnames, since the tribal names that served as surnames were quantitatively limited.

As a result of this process, national Tuvan names became surnames, and Russian borrowed ones became given names. For example, Tamara Kuskeldey, Alexander Davaa. This is especially true for the younger and middle generations.

Tuvan surnames do not have certain endings that are typical for Russians.

Middle names are formed in the following ways:

  • Suffixes are added to the father's name: -evich, -ovich for men; -evna, -aries for women. For example, Kyzyl-oolovna, Kyzyl-oolo-vich.
  • The father's name is placed in third place without a suffix. For example, Tanova Sofia Sedip, Mongush Alexander Kyzyl-ool.

Unusual men's

According to the established folk tradition, parents called the child strange in order to protect him from danger. They chose an unusual or ugly nickname for him. For example, Kodur-ool means “lichen”. Often a boy was called by a female name, and a girl by a male name. Sometimes children were even given a nickname. It was believed that such naming methods drove away evil spirits from the child.

List of beautiful Tuvan names:

  • Aylan - "nightingale"
  • Aykhaan - “lunar khan”,
  • Aldinkherel - “golden ray”,
  • Baazan - “born on Friday”
  • Baylak - “wealth”,
  • Belek - “educated”,
  • Burbu - “born on Thursday”
  • Maadir - “hero”,
  • Mengiot - “mountain glacier”,
  • Mergen - “sharp shooter”
  • Chechen - “graceful”,
  • Chimit - “immortal”.

For women

Among Tuvans, male names are easily converted into female ones by replacing the element “ool” with “kys”, which means “girl”, “girl”, or “urug” - “daughter”, “child”. For example, Aldyn-kys “golden girl”, Ak-urug “white child”.

One of the characteristic indicators of Tuvan names for girls is the component “maa”, this is a Tibetan word that means “mother”. For example, Saylykmaa means “titmouse”, Chechekmaa means “flower”.

List of popular Tuvan female names:

  • Azunda - meaning unknown,
  • Aisuu - “moon water”
  • Anai - “little goat”
  • Karakys - “black girl”
  • Olcha - “luck”
  • Saar - "milkmaid"
  • Saylykmaa - “titmouse”
  • Syldysmaa - “star”,
  • Heralmaa - “ray”
  • Kherel - “ray”
  • Chechekmaa - “flower”,
  • Schenne - "peony"
  • Shuru - “beautiful”.

Instead of a conclusion

Recently, Tuvans, along with national names for naming children, have been using borrowed names from the Russian language.

Modern male names are predominantly Tuvan (of Turkic origin), as well as Mongolian, Russian, European, and Tibetan.

Men's are easily recognized by the ending - ool, women's - kys, - maa, - urug.

For Tuvans, naming has always been of great importance, as they believed in the mystical, magical and spiritual connection between an object and a word. Therefore, children were named with words meaning positive character traits. Also popular are names derived from the name of the area in which the baby was born.

After the spread of Lamaism (16th century), Tuvans actively began to use Tibetan and Mongolian words and concepts to name children. Buddhist names appeared - in honor of deities, philosophical terms, sacred books.

Often the lama would choose a name for the child and whisper it into the right ear of the male child.

The Republic of Tuva, (Tuva, tuv. Tyva Republic) is a subject of the Russian Federation. It is part of the Siberian Federal District.

The area of ​​the republic is 168,604 km², population is 315,532 people. (2016).

The capital is the city of Kyzyl.

The Republic of Tuva is located in Southern Siberia, in the geographic center of Asia. It borders with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the Altai Republic, the Republic of Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, and the Republic of Buryatia.

The longest south-eastern and southern border of the Republic of Tuva with Mongolia is the state border of the Russian Federation.”

Tuva is located in the Western Sayan, adjacent to Khakassia, but essentially on the outskirts of the planet, surrounded by mountains, nearby uninhabited areas... A vast territory with a fairly small population, the main attractions of the region are natural.

The peculiarities of the region (a mixture of religions, unique natural beauty, interesting culture, creativity, people, history) clearly distinguish it from other Russian regions.

“Tuvinians, by their origin, go back to the Turkic-speaking population of Central Asia. In the 13th century their territory became part of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan. In this regard, the Tuvinians acquired Mongoloid features in appearance and culture, but retained their Turkic language.”

Tuvans are Mongoloid peoples.

Religion and culture of Tuvans

The uniqueness of the religion and beliefs of the local population leaves an imprint on the nature of the republic and on the entire perception of Tuva. Forests shrouded in the mystery of spirits... There are Orthodox believers, Old Believers, and Protestants here, but there are few of them.

“The local beliefs of the Tuvans - an interesting mix of Buddhism and pagan shamanism - baffle religious scholars.”

Tuva has a very rich historical and religious past; only the fact that in 1758 - 1911 Tuva was a province of China deserves great attention. The emergence of Buddhism is quite natural; it began to settle here in the 13th century. But shamanism is the first, blood-borne, so to speak, religion of the Tuvans. Tuva and Kyzyl can safely be called one of the centers of shamanism.

“Shamanism (also shamanism) is an early form of religion, which is based on the belief in the shaman’s communication with spirits in a state of trance (“kamlanie”). Shamanism is associated with magic, animism, fetishism and totemism. Its elements may be contained in various religious systems.

The shaman is the chosen one of the spirits. This means that one becomes a shaman not of his own free will, not as a result of training, but by the will of the spirit that inhabits the shaman.”

People come to Tuvan shamans not only from all over Russia, but sometimes even from abroad... Although shamanism is not approved by Christianity; moreover, it is considered a demonic teaching (however, one should not forget about such popular tolerance) - one must pay tribute to the “professionalism” of local confessors.

Real shamans are people who penetrate into the essence of things and phenomena without witchcraft, they enter into a trance, a special wave, a dimension; for rituals, all sorts of natural psychotropic drugs are often used, such as a decoction of various mushrooms, herbs, and powders. In general, this is extrasensory perception, based on animal instincts, without quackery and pathos. True, all the same, such rituals are rightly alien to Russian people.

Dances and rituals here accompany all processes of life: birth, wedding, illness, death, funerals, holidays, etc. Also, the invocation of natural phenomena, healing, and the repose of the soul of the deceased often occur under the guidance of a shaman.

What dominates in Tuva - Buddhism or shamanism - is difficult to understand; it is truly a symbiosis of religions..

According to the main version:

“The traditional religion of the Tuvans is Tibetan Buddhism, which is combined with elements of ancient shamanism. In September 1992, the XIV Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Buddhists, made a three-day visit to the republic.”

Documentary film “Tuva. Free people":

Despite the “healthy” lifestyle of male breadwinners shown in the film:

“According to the session of the joint general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for 2004, published in the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, only the Republic of Tyva was among the territories with a low level of health, while all regions of Russia were placed in groups with high and average levels of public health "

Among the cultural achievements of the Tuvans, the following stand out: Tuvan stone-cutting art, Tuvan throat singing:

“Tuvan throat singing has gained worldwide fame, becoming an unofficial symbol of the republic. In particular, this type of singing is performed by the national orchestra.

Other symbols include Tuvan stone-cutting art.”

There are many Buddhist organizations, temples and monasteries in Tuva. Some temples and monasteries (for example, Ustuu-Khuree) are major attractions and cultural objects of Tuva.

There are also several cultural institutions in Tuva: theaters, museums, and a philharmonic society.

One of the significant archaeological attractions of Tuva is: Por-Bazhyn (the ruins of a fortress on an island in the middle of Lake Tere-Khol in the Tere-Kholsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva).

“Imagine a lake in the steppe, smooth as a mirror. In its center are several islands, where on the largest of them stands an ancient fortress. This is Por-Bazhyn, translated from Tuvan – “clay house.”

“The traditional culture of Tuvans, the main population of the republic, is the culture of nomads. Due to its relatively isolated position - the absence of railways, mountains surrounding the territory on all sides - self-sufficient nomadic economies have been preserved in Tuva to this day.

Traditional for Tuvans is the breeding of sheep and horses; in the Todzha kozhuun, reindeer herding and hunting are preserved as the main occupations of the population.”

“The archeology of Tuva has become very popular. The symbol of ancient Tuva was a coiled bronze panther from the 8th century BC. e., discovered during excavations of the Arzhan-1 mound. In 2001, during excavations of the Arzhan-2 mound, a rich burial was discovered, called the first archaeological sensation of the 21st century.”

“The republic has a rich historical and cultural heritage, a preserved ethnic culture: the traditional dwelling of Tuvan nomads (yurt), national cuisine, folk arts and crafts (figurines from agalmatolite), national arts (throat singing khoomei), national sports (wrestling “ khuresh", horse racing), a unique combination of the traditions of shamanism and Buddhism, the life of Russian Old Believers.

The annual holiday of livestock breeders Naadym, the Ustuu-Khuree festival and the celebration of the national New Year Shagaa are colorful and popular events that attract tourists.”

The life of the Tuvans is also created around the foundations of the folk worldview: shamanism-Buddhism. There are articles of belief in almost every home; a shaman at holidays or at a party is a self-evident fact.

Tuvans can live in yurts, roam, the main way of feeding the family is similar to primitive patterns of behavior: hunting, fishing, breeding domestic animals (deer).

Nature of Tuva

83% of the republic is forests, and there are mountains around. Tuva is often spoken of as a storehouse of natural beauty, monuments, unexplored places, and pristine nature, but in reality there are few tourists who want to admire the sights of Tuva and tourists who come to the republic.

“Tuva has significant tourism potential, which is determined by the wide variety of natural and climatic zones (mountain tundra, taiga, steppes and semi-deserts), the presence of picturesque landscapes, the richness of fauna and flora, the preservation of national traditions and unique historical monuments.

According to the results of the National Tourist Rating (No. 1), published by the National Rating project in December 2015, the Republic of Tyva took the last, 85th place.”

There are 16 nature reserves, 14 natural monuments and two nature reserves in Tuva.

The natural biosphere reserve “Ubsunur Basin” is a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site.

“It is located in the northernmost large closed water basin of Central Asia, which is part of Mongolia (Lake Uvs-Nur region) and Russia (Uvs-Nur Basin Nature Reserve) and is a conservation area in both countries. The total area of ​​nature conservation facilities in the Ubsunur Basin is 1,068,853 hectares.”

In the nearby areas, pine and spruce trees grow in abundance, there are alpine meadows, glaciers, tundra, taiga, deserts - there are completely different natural and climatic zones here and it is truly beautiful here.

This is perhaps one of the most beautiful places in Tuva, for some the most beautiful. Thanks to such stormy climatic contrasts, there are many animals and birds here, completely “mixed-colored”.

However, the territory is not entirely Russian: most of the reserve is located in Mongolia, and not in Russia... This is a monument not only to natural beauty, but also to the eternal kinship of Mongolia and Tuva.

Ubsunur Basin, Republic of Tyva:

« 359 bird species have been recorded in the reserve. In the fauna of the reserve there are about 80 species of mammals. The main species are inhabitants of the mountains, taiga and tundra, such as snow leopard, Altai snowcock, deer, lynx and wolverine.

Steppe species - Mongolian lark, demoiselle crane, ground squirrels, bustards and gerbils. The reserve is a protected area, and many species that have disappeared in other places can be found here.

The geographical position of Tuva at the junction of the East Siberian taiga and Central Asian semi-desert landscapes determines the richness of its flora and fauna. More than 90% of the territory is hunting grounds.

Sable, Sayan squirrel, lynx, wolverine, ermine, bear, wolf, deer, mountain goat, and musk deer live here. The snow leopard, listed in the Red Book of Russia, also lives here.

Since 2011, archaeological and geographical expeditions “Kyzyl - Kuragino” have been held every summer.”

The snow leopard (or gentle leopard) is the pearl of this reserve, this rare species of animal, listed in the Red Book, is on the verge of extinction; there are several dozen individuals (20-30) on the territory of the snow leopard reserve.

Irbis- legendsnowymountains:

The mining industry is thriving in Tuva; the republic is rich in timber reserves, thermal carbonate springs, and mineral waters.

A region shrouded in uncertainty- Why do Russians perceive Tuva this way? Some people really know very little about the republic, and those who know something know nothing more than fragmentary. Only a few have been to Tuva and know a lot about it.

Journalists who come here are amazed by the beauty of nature, the originality and mystery of this region: “the land of Scythian burial mounds, Chinese palaces, shamans and ancient customs has managed to preserve its unique identity.”

Tyva is an earthquake-prone region: Earthquakes often occur here, everyone is already accustomed to tremors of 3-4 points; in December 2011 there was one of the largest earthquakes in recent years with a force of 9.5 points and a magnitude of 6.7. A repeat earthquake was recorded on February 27, 2012. In addition, there were minor tremors.

But Tuva, in addition to its natural beauty, mystery, shamanism, and unusualness, has a number of bad features, we do not count frequent earthquakes: Tuva is one of the most criminal regions in Russia, in first place in terms of the number of murders in Russia.

Murders occur mainly on domestic grounds, against the backdrop of feasts; about half of the population drinks, only a fifth officially do not work, but in reality much more, or have unsatisfactory earnings. Many Tuvans carry knives with them, they have a violent disposition (they say that this is in their ancestors: Genghis Khan’s wars were merciless), and when provoked they give up with interest...

Everything is complicated by the isolation from the “mainland”: it is not so easy to get to Tuva, there is no railway transport, but the main form of communication with the rest of the world is the road. There are buses from the Siberian regions, it is possible to get there by plane, helicopter, or in the summer by boat.

So, given the crime rate of the region and frequent earthquakes, you should look at the beauty of Tuva with caution... but still worth it, because in the mountains, away from the bustle, in nature reserves, this is a very beautiful region.

Event scenario

"Famous people of Tuva"

Group Master:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests! Good afternoon, students! Theme of our event"Famous people of Tuva."

Each nation has its own special sons, whom they are proud of, whom they set as an example to others. Their deeds and actions inspire, and their fame warms the hearts of their fellow countrymen. The small but beautiful republic of Tyva, part of Russia, also has its own heroes. They are known not only in the republic, but also abroad. And now we will learn more about some of our famous contemporaries.

(Video from the film “A Year as Minister of Defense”).

Presenter – 1

Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich - born on May 21, 1955 in the city of Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a family of employees. Sergei graduated from school with average academic performance. Having completed 10 classes in 1972, he entered the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute to major in civil engineering. Already in his first year at the University, he met his future wife, Irina Antipina. Five years later they got married, and subsequently two daughters were born into the family.


The professional path of Sergei Shoigu can be outlined as follows:

in 1991 he headed the Russian Rescue Corps, becoming chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations,

in 1991-1994 was Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

Afrom January 1994 to May 2012 Sergei Shoigu served as Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief. In total, the journey is 21 years long.


Spring 2012 Sergei Shoigu took office as governor of the Moscow region, andNovember 6 of the same year President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin appointed Sergei KuzhugetovichMinister of Defense of the Russian Federation. After Shoigu took office as Defense Minister, the intensity of , repeated surprise checks of combat readiness were undertaken, , many unfairly dismissed officers were returned to service.


Before Sergei Shoigu took over as the Ministry of Defense, the moral climate in the Armed Forces left much to be desired, but“Shoigu, an army general, a man who went through many hot spots and emergency situations, managed to turn the situation around and become one of his own in the army”; over the year, enrollment in military schools and academies increased 7.5 times, and in universities where there are no military departments, on the initiative of the new minister, , (which allows students of these universities to serve in the army without interrupting their studies), the number of And .


On Shoigu’s initiative, Arctic troops are being created to ensure the security of the Arctic region of Russia, the International Army Games, tank biathlon are held annually, and army sports are being developed.

By 2015, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation became the second most powerful army in the world. It is clear that the Tuvan people are proud of their fellow countryman.

Every time Sergei Kuzhugetovich comes to his homeland in Tyva, his fellow countrymen greet him as a very dear and honored guest.

This is what the President of the Republic of Tyva, Sholbann Kara-ool, says about Sergei Kuzhugetovich.(video of the president’s words).


The Hero of Russia is Sergei Shoigu, a real man who long ago answered the question of who he is and what he wants. He has an inner core, self-confidence, he is full of strength and energy. Let us wish him to glorify Tyva and Russia with his deeds for a long time to come.


In August, Tuvans celebrate their annual national holidayNaadim. The festival competition program includes:Khuresh wrestling, horse racing, archery and much more.
Khuresh fight - an indispensable attribute of all celebrations.

The rules of the fight are very simple: the one who touches the ground with anything other than his feet will lose. The fight is one on one, only men participate. Before the fight, the participants in the fight put on wrestling suits.sodak-shudak , and after the victory they perform a small mime-dance skit, depicting an Eagle. People create legends about their favorite wrestlers, attributing to them superhuman qualities.


Sayin-Belek - one of the favorite wrestlers in the Republic of Tyva, the idol of the boys whom he trains at the Teskhem sports school, a repeated winner of Nadyym (livestock breeders' festival).

The wrestler has a high rankArzylan-Moge (Leo). Wrestler Sayyn-Belek Tyulush was born on September 28, 1982 in the Republic of Tyva, Teskhemsky district, village of Oo-Shynaa.On September 25, during the republican tournament for the Cup of the Head of Tuva, he was awarded the title"ChaanMoge" - Elephant wrestler. Later, in an interview with Sayyn-Belek, Tyulush admitted that his main victory today was completely different.


“I sincerely thank the Head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, for the decision to award me the title of “Chaanmoge.” This is a very exciting moment in my life. At competitions, the strong support of my spectators always helps me. Thank you, fellow countrymen! Sayin-Belek deserved this honorary title. The people supported this fair decision of the government.


There is a corner in Russia - My Father's Home, Tyva!

We serve our Fatherland faithfully,

You are one of the sons

Grow so that you are needed

Dear to your Motherland!


One of the distinctive features of the national wrestling “Khuresh” is the special ritual of the wrestler"Devig" - Eagle dance. When performing it, the wrestler improvises the flight of the Eagle - a symbol of heavenly power, fire and immortality.(video of eagle dance)


Tuvan throat singing. We've probably all heard about it, but believe me, it's a completely different thing to listen to it performed by famouskhoomeizhi (masters of throat singing ), in the Tuvan steppe under the stars, when from all the surrounding camps, having heard about their arrival, they come riding on squat steppe horsesarats with families.

How they know how to listen to this eternal, bewitching song of the steppe! It seems that an inhuman throat makes these amazing sounds, and this steppe itself, this wind, is filled with the aroma of bitter herbs.


Ondar Kongar-ool Borisovich one of the world's most recognized masters of Tuvan throat singing; People's Khoomeizhi of the Republic of Tyva, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Education of Tyva, excellent student in physical education and sports of the Republic of Tyva.

Awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor”, included in the book “Honored People of Tuva of the 20th Century”, winner of the prestigious international music award “Grammy”, nominated for the Oscar Award of the American Film Academy.


Was born Kongar-ool Borisovich March 29, 1962 in the village of Iime-Dzun, Khemchinsky district, Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. His mother soon got married and took Kongar-ool to Chadan, where he graduated from school. Due to his stepfather's bad attitude towards Kongar-ool, his childhood was difficult. However, he did not become embittered. On the contrary, he smiled widely all his life. The most charming smile, the sygyt that penetrates the soul - made Kongar-ool Ondar an ambassador of Tuvan culture throughout the world.


He performed in the most prestigious halls on the planet. Participated in talk shows of legendary American presenters Chevy Chase and David Letterman. He literally traveled all over the globe, repeatedly visiting America, Japan, almost all of Europe and other countries, glorifying Tuvan khoomei and his beloved Tyva.

His concerts always attracted full houses. He knew how to create a festive atmosphere where everyone felt welcome. Kongar-ool was the center of attraction for many musicians and musicologists in Tuva. He had a special artistic flair for the audience and knew how to “get listeners.” Kongar-ool's performances were always accompanied by thunderous applause.(video of Kongaar-ool singing)


Fate decreed that he performed khoomei in front of all three presidents of Russia: Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

I was surprised by the artist’s ability to perform everywhere: to perform solo in concerts; during sports competitions, especially in the national wrestling khuresh, to sound the wrestling competitions with your magnificent khoomei; during horse racing - commentate; when conducting charity marathons - to be a director and presenter.


Another character trait of the people's favorite is natural generosity, desire and readiness to help others if he had such an opportunity.

For many years, Ondar Kongar-ool was a constant member of the jury of the International Festival of Ethnic Music and Crafts"Sayan Ring" in the village of Shushenskoye, now the festival is called “World of Siberia”.

His musical group “Alash” annually took first place in the “Throat Singing” nomination. In the last years of his life, Kongar-ool did a great job of reconstructing the dilapidated building of the former museum and creating the Center for Tuvan Culture, of which he was appointed director in the city of Kyzyl.


In 2012 The artist celebrated his50th anniversary, which brought together real starsworldmusic(WORLD MUSIC) in Kyzyl. One of the popular US beat-boxers Schodeke came to the celebration.

In March 2013, four months before his death, Kongar-ool was recognized"Star of culture" of Tuva, having received the appropriate sign from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tyva.


The sudden death of Kongar-ool Borisovich was a blow to the entire modern Tuvan culture. He was a fanatic, in the good sense of the word, of his Motherland. And he wanted everyone to love her the way he loved Tyva. The media all over the world responded vividly to the death of the Tuvan khoomeizhi. The sad news was reported by Russian news agencies, and it was picked up and published by Western news agencies, including the largest American newspapers.

In December 2013 The masters of Tuvan throat singing at their forum decided to erect a monument to their comrade. Khoomeizhi - in full height, in national costume, withchanzy - a three-string musical instrument. And, of course, with his signature Kongar-ool smile. The planned height of the sculpture is two meters.


August 9, 2014 At the international competition “Khoomei”, all laureates received a prize-figurine, a prototype of the future monument to the famous khoomeizhi.

The fond memory of Kongar-ool Borisovich Ondar lives on in his students. Kongar-ool is a famous artist, legend, star of the Tuvan people, who has traveled all over the world, and a performer of the traditional art of throat singing - khoomei.


What did you hear in my ancient song -

The color of the spring taiga, the hot wind of the steppes.

Burning heat, sparkle of clear lakes

The beauty of the majestic snow-capped mountains.

Foamy roar of water on river rapids,

The sound of autumn foliage of golden poplars,

The hum of endless flocks, the rhythmic knock of herds.

The smell of tea and smoke from home!

Presenter-1 The creativity of Kangaar-ool-Borisovich is associated with the rapid flourishing of khoomei in Tyva, with Tuvan folk music, its originality, and beauty. Thanks to his concerts, performances by his students, and the ensembles he created “Ertine”, “Alash”, “Chirgilchin”, the whole world learned about Tuva, from America to Japan. Modern youth of the Tuvan Republic continue to honor these traditions, taking into account modern musical tastes.(video by Kuulara)

Group Master

The generous Tyvinian land raised many famous and talented people. Today we met only three of them. I think that we will not limit ourselves to one meeting; we will definitely talk about the glorious Tuvan people and their heroes.

Students from Tyva who have talents study in our branch. They will perform several amateur performances.

The song will be performed by the trio Chingis, Aydin, Belek.

Dance performed by the group: Elementrix.

A poem about Tyva performed by Monge-Bayir.

Thank you all for your attention!

National character


In all regions of Tuva, with the exception of the taiga, a collapsible and portable yurt with a light wooden frame, covered with felt, is common. The roof is domed, made of thin long sticks, tied at one end to a lattice, and the other inserted into a wooden circle, which also serves as a smoke hole. The yurt is usually oriented in the ancient Turkic way - with the entrance to the east, but in the southern regions, according to Mongolian custom, - to the south. The yurt is covered with seven pieces of felt of a certain size and tied with ropes on top. The earthen floor used to be covered with felt, skins, and now with boards. In the center of the yurt there is a hearth with an iron tagan on three legs for cooking; the fire of the hearth warms and illuminates the yurt. There are no partitions in the yurt; the right side at the entrance is considered female - here, almost at the door, there is a kitchen; the left side is the men's side, saddles and harnesses are located at the door, and young cattle are kept here during the cold season. Directly opposite the entrance, behind the hearth, is a corner of honor (torus), where guests are received and the owner sits. Wooden furniture and household utensils are adapted to migration.

Throat singing

Nature has endowed the nomads of the center of Asia with an exceptional gift - the ability to simultaneously reproduce the melody of two tones: the main one (speech or singing) and a second, melodic tone (low or high) superimposed on it, which gives the effect of special “throat” singing. It exists here in five main genre forms: khoomei, sygyt, kargyraa, borbannadyr, ezengileer, with numerous subtypes with a variety of individual performance styles. If the artistic culture of the Tuvan people is figuratively compared with the national hat “ovaadai”, then throat singing is seen as its red coral top “chinze”: beautiful in appearance, high in position, expensive in content.

Khoomei became one of the cores of the national culture of the Tuvan people. They say that every fifth Tuvan knows throat singing. 15 people have the highest title - people's khoomeizhi of the Republic of Tuva.

Among the modern performers, the most popular are the folk khoomeizhi Ondar Kongar-ool and the ensemble “Hun-khurtu”. The International Scientific Center “Khoomei” operates in Kyzyl (Schetinkina-Kravchenko St., 46, tel. 334 24).


Tuvans, like most nomadic peoples of Central Asia, rely on livestock products as the basis of their diet. The food, as a rule, is bland and poor in flavor - Tuvans use almost no spices.

The most revered product has always been milk (day). Since ancient times, all dishes made from milk were called “ak chem” (“white food”).

In addition to milk, meat occupies an important place in Tuvan cuisine. The idea of ​​prosperity in a family is associated with the ability to eat meat every day until one is completely satisfied. The meat of domestic and wild animals is dried, dried, salted, frozen, in a word, they come up with all sorts of ways to store it for a long time. At any time of the year, Tuvans prefer boiled meat to fried meat. Lamb is the most common type of meat in Tuva. In this case, literally everything goes into food, including entrails and blood. Once the lamb carcass is cut and the entrails are taken apart, the meat is boiled in a cauldron. During this event, the whole family, closest neighbors and relatives living nearby are present.

Tuvans do not like fish. If they eat it, it is boiled.

Wild herbs and medicinal plants collected by Tuvans are also used in national cuisine. Tinctures are made from chaga, nettle, golden root, saran, rose hips, sea buckthorn, licorice, and currants, which serve as a life-saving source of vitamins in winter.


The Tuvan language belongs to the Turkic group of languages ​​of the Altai family. The writing was created in 1930 on the basis of the Latin alphabet, and since 1941 it was transferred to the Cyrillic base. The Constitution of Tuva of 2001 defined Tuvan and Russian as equal state languages. Office work is conducted in Russian. In most Tuvan villages and shepherd camps, young people do not speak Russian.

Tuvan dishes and drinks

Hoitpack– fermented milk (Turkic name “ayran”). Milk vodka (arak) is distilled from it; sour, sun-dried cottage cheese (aarzhy) is made from the curdled residues, as well as unleavened sweetish cheese (byshtak). To obtain a hoytpack you need a starter. The best starter is considered to be the hoytpak itself, and when it is not available, wheat sprouted in a linen bag is used. Sometimes the starter is prepared in advance: they take a piece of clean felt, soak it in hoitpack and store it. During the winter, the felt dries out, but the leaven does not lose its properties. In the spring, this felt is dipped into fresh milk, and it quickly ferments. Hoytpak is stored in wooden tubs (doskaar), which is why there is a specific smell in the yurt. Hoytpak is consumed as a thirst-quenching nutritious drink: you drink two bowls and you can graze cattle all day.

Araka(Araga) – milk vodka. To prepare it, they use a moonshine still - a unique invention of Tuvan minds, the so-called shuuruun: a poplar trunk with the core removed, fixed with stones directly in the vessel, on top is a vessel with cold water, which serves as an alcohol condenser, the cracks in the pipe are wrapped with felt. During boiling, a drink called “shimi aragazi” flows out of the shuuruun through a special chute. There is not much alcohol there - about 20%. To obtain stronger vodka, it is distilled a second time and brought to 70–80 Љ. This vodka is called “dan” (“dawn”). Pervach vodka is not a very pleasant cloudy color, the smell matches the color. The taste is such that it is better to drink araku quickly. Tuvans always offer this drink to guests.

God- a type of cottage cheese. Thrifty Tuvans put everything into use. The liquid curd mass remaining after distillation in the boiler is poured into a linen bag, cooled, filtered and dried. The result is a type of dried cottage cheese called “ol aarzhy”. In addition to the god, a curdled sediment forms on the walls of the distillation apparatus, which is scraped off with a spoon and eaten - “shuurun itpee”. It is used to make edible khom balls, which are dried in the sun.

Byshtak– pressed cheese. It is prepared from boiled milk with the addition of yogurt. The bag with the “blank” is placed between two boards, which gives the cheese the desired shape. The cheese can be prepared within one day.

Kurtug– cottage cheese is cut into squares and dried, like mushrooms, on a string, hanging from the frame of the yurt. The curd hardens quickly. They take it with them on long trips or to pasture. It's difficult to eat if you're not used to it, but it's worth a try. Kurtug can be brought as a souvenir.

Sogozha– the favorite dish of Tuvans. The tender part of the liver is fried over coals, cut and wrapped in a thin seal, threaded onto skewers, salted and finished cooking. Can only be eaten hot.


Naadim. An annual national holiday of the Tuvan people, celebrated in August. The competition program includes khuresh wrestling, horse racing, archery, etc.

Khuresh- an indispensable attribute of all festivities, along with horse racing and archery. The rules of the fight are very simple - the one who touches the ground with anything other than his feet will lose. The fight is one on one, only men participate. Before the fight, they put on wrestling costumes sodak-shudak, and after the victory they perform a small mime-dance skit, depicting an eagle. People create legends about their favorite wrestlers, attributing to them superhuman qualities.

Shagaa. Celebrating the New Year according to the lunar calendar is one of the main rituals of the Tuvan people. Since it depends on the phase of the moon, it is celebrated at different times - from early January to late February. The date of the holiday is determined by the lamas using astrological tables, and then annually established by the Supreme Khural.

Shagaa is a complex of rituals, games and entertainment. The time of the New Year is perceived as special, sacred, when a gap occurs between the past and the future, accompanied by the struggle between good and evil in their cosmic meaning. A few days before the onset of Shagaa, homes inside and outside are cleared of snow, dirt and dust. Felt carpets, leather pack bags, bedding, clothes, shoes are taken out and cleaned in the snow, everything old is thrown away or burned.

In homes and temples, special attention is paid to the altar or place where offerings to Buddha and figurines of Buddhist burhans are placed. Before Shagaa they are cleaned, washed, and rubbed until shiny. Be sure to light the lamp.

The New Year is celebrated not at midnight, but with the appearance of the first rays of the sun on the first New Year's day. In order not to miss this important moment, adults do not go to bed. There is a belief that on New Year's Eve, Buddha travels around the earth in his chariot and, if he comes across sleeping people, he takes them for dead and does not bless them.

The first day of Shagaa is spent visiting, visiting relatives and exchanging gifts. Spiritual cleansing occurs when all grievances are forgiven, sorrows and sorrows remain in the past year. During the New Year celebrations, the color white is revered (which many Turkic-Mongolian peoples associate with the idea of ​​happiness). Food plays a special, ritual role in the New Year holiday. It is prepared in large quantities. The New Year's meal is dominated by boiled lamb, various types of dairy products, and baked goods.

Famous people

Munzuk Maxim Monguzhukovich(1910–1999) – People’s Artist of Russia and the Republic of Tuva. Born in the village. Mezhegey of Tandinsky kozhuun in the family of a farm laborer. His role as the Udege hunter Dersu Uzala in the film of the same name by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa brought him truly worldwide fame.

Oskal-ool Vladimir Bazyr-oolovich(1920–1999) – People's Artist of the USSR. Born in the town of Khondergei, Dzun-Khemchik Kozhuun. The first circus artist in Tuva, the founder of an entire dynasty. He created a wonderful fairy tale about Tuva, with elements of national games, rituals, and customs.

Cherzi Mongush Holla-Salovic(1899–1969) – sculptor, founder of Tuvan stone-cutting art. At the age of 8, he made a toy from poplar bark and since then he has been carving wooden toys, making and painting chests (aptara). Since 1942, he began to seriously engage in wood and stone carving. Cherzi created about 1000 sculptural works made of wood and stone, and many types of Tuvan chess.

Kenin-Lopsan Mongush Borakhovich(b. 1925) – scientist, ethnographer, full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, researcher of shamanism, president of the Republican Society of Shamans “Dungur”. Born in the town of Chash-Tal, Sumon Khondergei, Dzun-Khemchik Kozhuun. Classic of Tuvan literature. The American Foundation for Shamanic Research has named him a Living Treasure of Shamanism.

Mongush Ayas Semis-oolovich(b. 1973) – wrestler. Born in the village. Bayan-Tala of Dzun-Khemchik kozhuun. Absolute champion of Russia, European champion, world champion in sumo wrestling. For 14 years, he has been a continuous winner of the largest Tuvan competitions at the Naadym holidays. His performances invariably attract full stadiums. The idol of all the boys of Tuva.

Rusheva Nadezhda Nikolaevna(1952–1969) – an artist of rare talent, whose name has gone down in the history of Russian art. Her mother N.D. Azhykmaa is one of the first Tuvan ballerinas. Nadya was born in Ulaanbaatar, where her parents were on a business trip. After the birth of their daughter, the Rushevs moved to Moscow. The girl showed an extraordinary talent as an artist very early. The popularity of the “all-Union” scale overtook the girl thanks to her illustrations for the works of A.S. Pushkin and M.A. Bulgakov. Nadya died at the age of 17 as a result of complications from the flu. She left behind a huge creative legacy - about 12 thousand drawings.

Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich(b. 1955) – Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief. Born in Chadan. One of the most prominent figures in the Russian government. Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. One of the leaders of the United Russia party. Colonel General. Hero of Russia (1999). Candidate of Economic Sciences, President of the International Rescue Association.

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